Remove a logo in After Effects for beginners |

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don't you just hate it when there is something in your camera shot that shouldn't be there like a logo of some distracting brand let's see how we can easily remove that by using basic techniques and after effects here's a shot at a woman walking out of a store and that shows a jack and Jones logo on top unfortunately we weren't allowed to use that so I had to remove it this is a fairly easy process but sometimes we get in a situation like this in the background there's a runner look at the runner and his reflection in the water are distracting so again we remove the runner in the background but this is also a lot more complex yet it isn't in both videos I applied the same technique only with the runner it was a lot more time-consuming to get the details right but let's keep it short in this tutorial for beginners and have a look at the Jack & Jones clip I'm inside After Effects and in my project panel I've got a clip right here I'm going to drag that into my composition to create a new composition and so that it's edits to a timeline so right here we're going to focus on this logo over here we would like to remove that so the first thing that we have to do is track the camera movement because like in Photoshop it's fairly easy we just select that logo and replaced with something else but in here we have a moving video that means we also have to calculate everything what the camera does so to do that I'm going to bring up my tracker and we can do that from the menu select window and select tracker and that will open up a new window from where you can select track motion click on that from that menu and that will give you this tracking point now the first thing I always do is make that tracking point a lot bigger like so so that we can see what we're doing and then we can bring that tracking point to eight points that we would like to track likes name says and in this case it's the logo because we would like to remove this logo up here so we're going to bring that tracking points to there and you will see as you're moving that tracking point it automatically zooms in somehow so that it's easier for us to focus on a certain point and I'm just going to lay it right in the middle here of this red square like so now as you can see we've got two squares the inner one is the one that's going to select the point that we would like to track so make that a bit smaller so that it covers somehow that red dot between Jack and Jones like so and then we have the outer section and in this section the tracker is going to search for information it's going to use the information around it to make its tracking happen now the bigger you put this usually the better your tracking will be but it's also going to be a lot harder for your computer to render all of that information it's going to take a lot more time so that's something you have to see what your computer can handle or not in this case we can just place it beautifully around that logo like so and now we can start tracking and I'm just going to put this a little bit bigger like so so you can see all the options in here from here we then down below half the analyze buttons we've got the play button and we've got the step forward button if we click on that step forward button it's only going to analyze the next frame and if we click on the play button it will just analyze while playing the video and let me just do that hopefully it will do its thing right if you see if your tracker is going wild at some point then reset your tracker and do it again and just make your outer rectangle a lot bigger all right the tracking is done and you can also see the path of the tracking right here melty tracking is done we have to assign this information so all these tracking points to a certain object and we're going to take a null object for that a null object is actually an object that doesn't do anything it's a null a nothing object but we can assign information to it so it's perfect for tracking information and we can make one of those laters if we go up in the menu select layer new and then select the null object and it will add to your timeline as you can see and then from it's tracker menu again we're going to say edit target so just click on that to which object would we like the information to add to and from here we're going to select that layer no.1 which is the null object press ok and then just press apply and from here make sure that you select the X&Y 40 dimensions and then just press ok and now the null object has that information and you can also see that when I'm going to play or scrub through my video set this to Foo for a moment here so they can see the full quality you will see that at no object sticks to that object and that's exactly what we want always when you're going to remove something your image you always have to track the camera that's your first step we always talk about removing a logo but in reality we are actually hiding it so that's exactly what we're going to do and in this case we just like to have some wall up here and there's plenty of wall wood right here so we can just take a piece from here and paste it on top of that and to do that the first thing you want to do is select your clip and just duplicate it and the easiest way to do that is just on your keyboard select ctrl D or for the Mac users command D and that will duplicate the layer and now I'll just cut out a piece from it and again the easiest way to do that is with the masking tool and we've got two masking tools up here we've got the pen tool which allows us to freely create a mask or a path or we can also use one of the presets here like you rectangle to the rounded rectangle tulips tool etc if you click and hold your mouse by the way you can bring up this menu I'm going to select this T rectangle tool and I'm going to grab a piece out of this wall right here there we go and now just take your arrow tool again and take that piece of wall and just drag that on top of the Jack and Jones logo and already you can see that the effect is working great and what I'm going to play this right now you will see that something is going wrong at a certain point and that's because we haven't used these tracking information yet so go back to the beginning of your clip where everything looks good and what you want to do now is actually parent clip number one to the null object which holds the camera movement already tracking information and we can do that very easy with this small icon right here from the parent column so you stake that and drag the line to that knowledge and now it will use the tracking information from the null object and when I'm going to play it right now it will actually stick on that same place but there's something else going on the piece that we've cut out from here is also moving we're still talking in video here so we cannot forget to also freeze that frame go back to the beginning or to a certain point where it looks good then right click on your clip go to time and select freeze frame and now everything is done and when I'm now going to play this clip you will see that the logo is gone now sometimes you want to play with the masked object when I'm going to zoom in right here you might see a little line around this rectangle and that's because we actually have very hard edges and to fix that you just open up the mask from your clip so in here you can find masks mask wine ants right here you can just feather the add bit so bring this to you around five pixels ten pixels depending on your needs and then it will not be so visible anymore also sometimes due to lighting or shadows you will see that the colors won't really match if you take a piece of wall from a different place and to fix that I think these Eastway is just by using the curves so go to your effects & presets folder and from here just look for the curse drag that to your clip and then you can change the lining of it so as you can see I can make a darker of course now it's pretty visible that there is something removed but sometimes you do need to bring up this line or bring it down to make it a bit darker that was it for this video tutorial don't forget that you can download this project file as well you can find a link to it from the description below thanks for watching and stay creative Oh
Views: 315,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adobe After Effects (Software), adobe, after effects, logo, mask, tracking, remove, retouch, fix, blend, beginner, basic, tutorial, howto
Id: nrWv1XXk9i0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2015
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