Free Adobe InDesign Course for Beginners

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[Music] hi there my name is dan and i'm a graphic designer and an adobe certified instructor for indesign now i'm lucky enough to help adobe directly with a lot of their help videos on their website also i get to speak at their annual conference which is adobe max which is a very cool conference in this course we're going to learn how to use indesign to a really good level now indesign is absolutely one of the essential tools for anybody that wants to work in desktop publishing or graphic design now this course is for complete beginners there is no need for any experience in indesign or graphic design or desktop publishing before we'll work through real-world projects starting with a simple and easy flyer to get us started then we'll work through a longer brochure company newsletter we'll make business cards and take control of a longer document like an annual report we'll work with color picking your own colors and then working with corporate colors together we'll explore how to choose and use fonts like a professional working with images will resize adjust and crop throughout the course there are projects that you can complete you can use them just to practice but you can also use them if you want to add them to your portfolio as part of the course as well there's exercise files so you can play along at the end of every video i save my file to see where i'm at that can be really handy for you if you're getting a little bit lost you can compare yours with mine now i'm going to give you every single design tip and trick that i've learned over the years because my goal is for you to get to the end of this video series and have all the skills necessary to make beautiful indesign documents [Music] this is my blue steel pause for a while look otherwise i finished the video and i rushed towards the camera to turn it off and it kind of ruins it like this [Music] all right so exercise files hi everyone i've just paused myself here to add some super important new information that's come out in the latest version of indesign so indesign has changed the initial view you see in indesign we all just need to make one simple change here at the beginning of the course so that it's not confusing when you get started so everyone open up indesign and open up any document so file new document click on print and just click on any of these i'm going to use us later so this is the view that you see now in the latest version but this entire course was filmed in the slightly different workspace it's not going to change anything we do in the course but what you need to do is go up to window go to workspace and go to this one here it says essentials classic click on that and it goes back to how this will look throughout this course one other thing to quickly double check is go to window go to workspace and once you've got this tick next to essentials classic go to reset essentials classic just kind of re-jigs it all to make it look like the rest of this course alright friends that is it do the workspace update and continue on on your merry way let's get this guy started again alright so exercise files as part of this course they're free you can download them from a link just here now as part of this course um in addition to the exercise files i have something called the completed files and it just means at the end of every video what i do is i save where i'm up to okay and upload it to every video so you'll see a link on the page somewhere for that you'll be able to download it and it's helpful for you if you are doing the same video and yours just not coming out the same you're like how did he do that okay or why is mine different you can open up my file compare it with your file and just see what the differences are okay they're called completed files the other thing you can do is there's lots of they're not called homework okay but the kind of things you can do by yourself i set some tasks i'd love to see those projects okay depending on where you're watching this video it might be the comments that you push um put a jpeg in of what you've done okay there are some places that have special places for projects but any which way social media i'd love to see what you are making okay the last thing i like to do it's a bit early i know but a review reviews and likes are things that really help me okay while i'm doing these courses okay help my business and help me grow and make more courses so i review once you're happy with the course okay even if you're not happy with that feedback would be great okay so leave a review at any stage now could be a good time maybe later now what is indesign basically it's a big desktop publishing it's like a big version of microsoft word now microsoft word gets you to a certain level but never gets you to that kind of pro level okay it's quite intuitive you can kind of teach yourself a bit of it i've got a course a full course on word if you want to go check that out that gets into a lot more of the detail okay but indesign is where you kind of where indesign finishes and where uh sorry where word finishes indesign starts now if i'm working in a design agency or a desktop publisher or a marketing or communications place and i need to make a flyer a one-page little flyer indesign if i need to make a series of business cards indesign if i need to make some corporate stationery indesign magazines brochures short ones long ones if i've got a 400 page book that i'm actually producing okay indesign is the place to go it is by far the most essential tool in that kind of desktop publishing world there aren't like there are some like some of the products for adobe there are direct competitors that are just as successful but indesign doesn't have one okay it has this quark and page maker which are kind of that they're just really old versions of indesign um you can still use those things okay and they do a similar sort of job but you'll find in terms of an industry tool getting a job and just yeah indesign's the place to be for that type of work now that my friends hopefully is what indesign is [Music] so what is the difference between indesign and say quark photoshop illustrator page maker frame maker there's all sorts of other programs out there and let's quickly talk about where they all sit so in terms of indesign it has some direct competitors one would be microsoft word okay which is it's more of an amateur program okay you're not going to get a design job with it and it has quite a lot of limitations you can do some nice stuff in word but really that's the kind of entry level program and then you move into indesign now other competitors to indesign would be the main one would be quark okay quarkxpress now when i was learning when i was doing my degree as a graphic designer and we all learned quark okay now um as soon as i kind of left my degree to get my first job uh indesign got launched and i just you know that all those tools that i started actually teaching way back when okay and it just it slowly but surely die to death i'm sure the people at quark right now are you know they're still making versions and there are people still using it but it's a very very small percentage of work okay and pretty much any kind of new work is all done in indesign some legacy files you've stumble across occasionally are done in quark but yeah we don't use quark very much anymore well i don't use it at all i haven't used it for probably about 10 years so it's a long time dead now page maker was it's made by adobe as well and you're probably never going to touch it unless you are it's for really big things say i need to put together a a scientific document about some sort of medical treatment medicine that we're making okay i might open up pagemaker because it allows many people to work on one document and update it and track it okay if i was going to build a nuclear reactor i'd probably document how it's made and how it's being maintained via pagemake it's a big old program okay so not a lot of people using that one okay definitely not for like creative design okay it's all about indesign now the other products that might go in hand in hand okay with indesign is the photoshop and illustrator generally designers will know photoshop illustrator and indesign all together now where they separate out photoshop is a nice clear difference okay indesign is a layout program okay you bring in images bring in text and you can bind them in amazing designs okay photoshop you open up photographs and you manipulate them make them better change them mess with them okay fix them up and when you're finished with them you bring into something like indesign if i was making a flyer okay it's a one-page flyer and i start making it in photoshop i could probably get away with it and it would be fine and you know i could make it work but that would be using something you know using photoshop what it's not meant to be used for you can do basic stuff like that but as soon as you have to have multiple pages photoshop just falls over okay it can't do multiple pages you can't have master pages or headers and footers and it doesn't deal with type very well because it's mainly a photo editing program so that's where photoshop gets used illustrator is the one that is is reasonably close to indesign it can do a lot of the same things illustrator is mainly for people illustrating okay but what i use it for mainly in that kind of design field is more logo work and making icons it's really kind of geared all the tool structure is around doing those things but if i had to do a one-page flyer okay it would look great in illustrator or indesign it wouldn't really matter to me i'd have both programs open and i'd just one's open okay i'm good at both of them so it doesn't really matter where indesign gets used if it's um if i have to start doing things say it's going to be a monthly newsletter or flyer then there's some tools in indesign that may help that flow for doing monthly stuff okay the other thing for indesign is multiple pages illustrator can do it you can have what's called artboards okay but if you get past like if you've got a really image heavy document and you start getting past three four five pages you'll find illustrator starts grinding to a halt okay get uh 10 or 20 pages of images and text and it's it's quite hard to use okay start struggling as a program whereas indesign you can have a 400 page document and fly through it and start working it's engineered to deal with those lots of pages okay same thing with indesign you can do some basic illustrator stuff in it there's a pen tool and you can build shapes and you can make icons and import them so you can do that in indesign there's a bit of a crossover between those two if you're going to separate them out illustrators for doing things like branding okay and logos and illustrations and indesign is all about desktop publishing now i hope that helps with some of the software and which ones you should be learning if you're completely new to this okay you can start with indesign and probably the next step would be photoshop okay unless you want to start making your own infographics and those sorts of things then you look at illustrator i've got courses on all of those so if you are keen go check out those ones as well all right that'll be it for the what and where does indesign sit in the world of design hi everyone in this video before we get started making this lovely flyer we need to adjust our measurements okay by default often indesign comes with a measurement of pikas or pickers okay and it just means that whenever these see this box the top here that's a millimeters yours might be set to pickers okay when i make a rectangle all the measurements are set to that or if you're just switching from imperial to metric okay so let's go and change it on a mac it's under indesign cc okay down here to preferences and then down to units and increments if you're on a pc okay it's similar it's under edit then preferences is down here okay and it'll have units and increments so on a mac so here i am okay and all you need to do here is um we're going to change our horizontal okay and it might be on pickers and and we're going to switch it to millimeters or we're going to do this course in inches okay just because most of the people watching my videos are american-based okay but you can switch it to millimeters i'll show you a cool trick while you're working to interchange between the two okay the other thing we might do here is if you're going from millimeters to inches you might want to change the default dictionary as well so down here it says dictionary and just make sure you're on the most relevant dictionary i'm on english usa you might have to switch yours to the one just up okay which is uk english or okay chinese whatever your dictionary is let's click ok and you can see up here that little box that i showed you earlier is now in inches when i try and draw a rectangle it comes up in inches okay quick easy short video let's go off and start making this flyer from scratch all right in this video we're going to create our flyer document we're going to have the page size this little red line around the outside which is bleed and our margins all set up ready to go let's go and do that okay so create our document your welcome screen might look a little different i've got all these documents that i've previously worked on so i'm going to go up to here and go to new you might be on cc files or something else weird okay i'm going to click on new if you can't see that go up to file new document we all end up in the exact same place which is here okay so what we're going to do is you're probably going to be working in print okay we are in this case and it gives you some presets you can see here view all presets there's a bunch of stuff we can use we'll probably never use you compact disk anymore but anyway it's in there okay business cards some useful sizes in terms of web okay and mobile sizes are done in here as well okay so if you're designing indesign for web it's not primarily used for that but hey ho you can so we're going to use print in our case we're going to use us we're going to do like a flyer size we're going to do a half letter okay if you're following in a country that uses millimeters in the a sizes this would be an a5 okay so we'll use it as half an a4 so we're going to do half our u.s letter okay and we're going to make sure you can see you can override it over here it still thinks i am in europe which i am you can change it over here next thing is the orientation okay i want to put it landscape facing pages we're going to turn off okay and facing pages we'll go into a lot more detail when we start building our like multiple page brochure further on in this course but for a moment if you're just doing like a one page thing turn off facing pages uh primary text frame as well it's a little bit complicated and we'll do that in a later video as well okay but just make sure they're off for the moment number of pages you can add them later if you want we're just going to start with one columns okay we're only going to have one column in this case we'll look at multiple column layout when we get into some more text heavy documents later on margins will leave as the default and yours might be a little bit different so you can see here i can see margins and bleed okay you might just twirl those down if you can't see them okay and i'm going to go to this bleed one here so i've done my margins i left them as the default bleed what i'll do is i'll get the real dan to jump out and show you this because it's better in person take it away dan so apparently i am the real dan and this reel down would like to explain bleed and slug this is my example book okay now what happens when they're printing we all know that like say this image at the front here goes right to the edge okay the black is right to the edge the ad on the back goes right to the edge pretty much all of these pages okay all these ads here go to the edge of the page but we know that when we're printing say at home or at the office we can never print right to the edge of a white bit of paper right because the printer just doesn't go that close to the edge that's the same air for big commercial offset printers as well so it doesn't really matter you can't print right to the edge so what happens is you print on a little bit of paper that's a little bit bigger okay so say it needs to be letter or a4 what they do is they print it on a on a on a sheet called essa a4 which is just a little bit bigger okay and then they print inside of that and then they guillotine it off afterwards down to the original size now that guillotine is never perfect okay they try and line it up perfect but you need a little bit of wiggle room for the guillotine to maybe like slice a little bit higher or a little bit lower you don't want it right on the edge because they might end up with a little white strip okay so they what you do in indesign is you add a little bit of bleed okay three millimeters for a metric or an eighth of an inch for imperial okay or point one two five of an inch if you're using decimal places and what happens is you just make your document that teeny bit bigger okay all the way around so that the guillotine has got something to cut off okay and it ends up in the bin so nothing important there because they'll end up in the bin okay but it gets cut down to this final size happens especially with magazines magazines are printed and bound and often they don't look this nice this has got a really sharp you know kind of crisp edge but that never happens when it gets bound that only happens after it's been guillotined it's quite messy have you ever seen a magazine that's been printed that doesn't yet it hasn't been yet been trimmed up okay it's actually the pages are all kind of like messed up and not lined up nicely it's not until guillotining happens that uh yeah and the bleed is cut off before they look nice and tidy now in terms of slug now the cool thing about slug is you just won't use it okay people doing the design side often don't use slug it's more the printing or production side of things let's say that so the bleed is just like remember just a little bit around the outside the slug is the as a bigger chunk like an inch around the outside and in that you can write notes okay so if you're the printer and you know that this cover is a bit special and it has something that needs to be glued to it on a special spot you could write here's where this gets glued to or maybe this bit gets stapled to this bit and folded over or something special okay or just anything that um maybe help the production later on after it comes off the printer it says maybe this gets put with part a and part b so it's kind of a terrible explanation but it's just notes that the printer adds it'll be trimmed off and chucked in the bin i've never had to put bleed on in my entire career you probably won't do either unless you're working maybe behind the scenes in an offset printer or a big commercial printer you might be adding blood uh blood you might be adding slug afterwards and adding these notes to it so bleed definitely slug pretty much never did that help hope it helped you can go back to the other dan the disembodied voice talking over the screen right so we know we need a bleed okay of two five inches okay or an eighth of an inch okay or if you're a metric you can just type in three millimeters you can see i can type in three millimeters and just click somewhere else and it does the conversion for me i know it's not exactly the same but that's just the way it is okay different people use different size bleeds okay and the slug we don't use you so we're going to leave that as is okay and let's click create stand back we have a document okay so i'm going to zoom out a little bit zooming is command minus on a mac or control minus on your keyboard okay if you're on a pc and what i want to do is show you the different parts here so the edge of the big white box is the edge of our page in our case it's the us half letter okay and we've got these two other colored boxes here i've got this red one and this magenta one here okay so the magenta is the margins they don't do anything they're just a visual guide to keep everything inside and away from the edges of the page because we all know that our printers don't print right to the edge so there's like a consistent box around the edge there okay the other one we're going to look at is this red one here and that is the bleed we discussed so everything that goes over this edge here prepared to get chopped off and put in the bin before we go any further let's go and save this document okay so let's go up to file and let's go to save where we're going to save it i'm going to save mine on my desktop i'm going to make a new folder okay if you're using a mac and it's a new mac you might be looking like this looks a little different okay click this little arrow here find your desktop on the left hand side make a new folder i'm going to call this one indesign class files click create and we'll stick everything we make during this long course into that folder in terms of the naming okay we're going to call this one good at heart because that's the client okay i'm going to put a hyphen in and we're going to put in flyer and this is going to be v1 always give it a version number okay because you're going to make changes people can come back a v1 v2 or abc is just fine okay never call it final final is like the kiss of death if you call it final the universe will send you adjustments and you'll have to call it like final two or final revisited there's some people chuckling because you've probably got files just like that all over your computer okay so we're gonna use the v system let's click save and that's it for this video my friends let's get on to the next one hey there hey i just wanted to check in and see how you're enjoying the video so far what do you think if you are enjoying it can you give me a like that would be great also consider subscribing to the channel i've got lots of other stuff like this now there's plenty more to come but i just wanted to remind you that this particular video is only a small part of my larger indesign essentials course so there's loads more to do in that full course if you're interested i also have an indesign advanced course there as well what you're seeing in front of you now are the things that we go on to make in those courses so check out the link for both of those in the description if you decide to subscribe to those courses you also get access to my photoshop illustrator adobe xd premiere pro after effects and dreamweaver courses all right sales pitch over i'll let you get back to the video enjoy [Music] hi there in this video we're going to look at adding these sexy colors over here to indesign we'll look at color in general it's a little bit long this video but it's the kind of stuff you need to know if you're going to be getting into kind of indesign production all right so let's go and add some pre-made colors okay before we go any further let's just ensure your screen is looking like mine so at the top here go to essentials okay and if you'll say something else i might say advanced or something else click up in this random area at the top here and click essentials i'm pretty sure on a pc it's over here as well remember an earlier version it was all the way over here on the left double check okay but find something that looks like that make sure it's on essentials and where it drops down make sure you click on reset essentials as well that means this kind of gets it back to square one this is handy for when you are say doing something and you accidentally drag this and it ends up in a weird spot down there's a weird spot there it is there and this bit goes there and everything's a bit mixed up okay and you get it lost so come back to this video and go to essentials and go to reset essentials and everything kind of comes back to normal what we'll also do for this course is see these double arrows here i prefer to have this group of tabs um always out rather than like little clickable in and out boxes okay if you've got a really small screen you might have to keep them all pushed in so for the moment let's ignore this little thing over here for the moment that's something i've added for us later on and what we're going to do when we're starting a new job is we've created a new page but one of the first things you should do now is create a new cc library okay so you might do cc libraries per client rather than per job okay so if you're working at one company you might just have one you can see on my library see i've got loads of them okay and all they are is a place to store things like you can see in this case colors fonts images and the cool thing about it is that it's shared across all the adobe products you might be only using indesign but if you start using photoshop or illustrator this library is in there as well so you can share these colors across so what we're going to do is cc libraries we're gonna use this little drop down yours is probably set to my library i've got a couple of my libraries for some reason but you've got one okay i'm going to create a new library for this course okay i'm going to call this one green green at heart okay you do the same and let's click create and it's just a nice empty library at the moment but what it's going to do is when we add our colors we'll add them to the library at the same time and when we bring in images and icons they'll go in there as well so to add colors okay we're going to add corporate colors okay if you are just playing around you want to mix up any color watch this if i highlight this text here and just go and what might happen is in this case you can see here that nice little rainbow thing that was there a second ago now there's black and white you're going to switch it up here okay in this little fly out menu back to rgb and you'll get that color thing back again that happens quite a bit while you're working in indesign but if you've got no design at the moment and you're randomly picking colors for the client or yourself you can just use this little eyedropper down here and just randomly pick colors okay and that might be great but say we're working for a client that has specific color needs so we're going to have to put in their corporate colors so let's go and do that now one of the things we'll look at is swatches are pre-made colors okay now indesign's giving you a couple of pre-made ones there is none so empty box okay there's registration and reasonably complicated but at our level here just never ever use it i never use registration we'll look at it a little bit more in our advanced class we'll look at registration and plates okay but just ignore that one for the moment what you want to do is use black not registration okay so black and then there's white they call it paper because you'd imagine if you're printing if i printed this okay and i was expecting this to be white but i put blue paper in my printer it's not going to actually be white as it's going to be blue of the paper so that's why they're all clever with the word paper there and not white but it means white then they went and mixed in some really awful colors okay these are there by default you can delete them you can select them all and say goodbye with a little trash can okay we'll leave them there for the moment so what we want to do is mix our own colors now you're going to have to find out what your corporate colors are okay so you might be working at a company and they've got a corporate manual okay and it lists out their colors okay you might have to ask the marketing department what they are or the designer that was working there or working with you or um so you're gonna have to figure out what these colors are now to create a swatch go into this little fly out menu here in the swatches panel and there's one that top here it says new color swatch if it doesn't have anything okay sometimes i've been on my type tool and i've got text selected and it's freaking out a little bit so what i can do is just go back to my arrow okay and i've clicked off in the background now i can go through and go new color swatch i'll pretend like i did that on purpose to show you a lesson but really just got lost let's click on this top one here says name with color value if you leave that on you're going to have colors like this which aren't very useful okay they're the actual code for them especially when you're dealing with a client say like me i've worked for hundreds of companies so if i type in green it could be green from any company so i'm going to untick this and i'm looking for the green at heart okay and as i'm just putting the little acronym in there you if you know if you're working for disney put in disney green i'm working with green at heart red okay and what we're going to do is the color mode now we're going to be using rgb in this class okay you might be using you might look at corporate manual and they use cmyk the times will you use each of them rgb is probably the most common okay especially if you're going to be designing something that's going to be viewed on a screen so rgb is red green blue and that's what your screen uses to display colors cmyk is what your printer uses to display colors and you'll notice it's a lot less because if you've ever printed something from your laptop and it looks awesome and then it prints out on the printer just a little bit washed out it's because of cmyk okay rgb luckily has a bigger color field it also has light coming out of it luminance okay because your laptop screen is all bright and it's got lights in it so it can achieve those kind of like that like toxic green or like a madonna pink rgb when you use cmyk is when you're going to a commercial printer or an offset printer they call it okay and that happens depends what you're working if you're doing stuff and it's going to be printed in the office sender rgb office printers love rgb even if they're laser color printers they'll like rgb more it's only if you're getting like 10 000 printed at a large printing house they'll expect cmyk okay they look very similar in terms of the colors but the codes are slightly different we're going to use rgb and here are the rgb colors that i've got so we're going to list all these out so i'm going to put in 255 for the first one and 99 and then 88 okay and you see it's still at pink but if i click out here okay one of the other ones it changes to my swatch okay and what i want to do is i'm going to add it to my library at the same time green at heart you might have a different one okay lots of different ones okay but i'm going to edit my green at heart at the same time if you're confused by libraries and you just hate them and you don't want to use them you can untick this let's click add rather than okay why just means it keeps this open okay so i can add more colors this one's going to be green at heart and this one's going to be the yellow okay and add another one 255. i'm tabbing down i'll click in the next box 145. okay click actually don't click anything because it's pink not yellow i think i left the two of the front of this one okay so ignore that notes over here it should be two five five two five five one four five okay so i'm going to click add you can see there it appears in my libraries it also appears down here in my swatches okay and both places so what i want you to do now is pause okay and go through and add these i'm going to get taylor our wonderful editor to go through and speed this up so i'm going to insert mine okay see the end ratio okay here we are and when you're finished i click add or click ok either way it closes it down now we need to click ok so it's finished now a couple of things you might have clicked okay by accident how do you get back in there okay you just go back into the flat menu and say new color swatch if like me you've spelt one wrong okay i've left the green off it you can just double click it okay and it opens up and put my n in click ok if you forgot to tick the box at the bottom you can select on these guys and see this little cloud kind of icon here this will add it to the swatches over here all right so that's the end of this super duper long color nerd fest i realize we're a bit into this course and we still just have a blank page but it's okay okay so that's it for this video we're going to move on to stealing colors from logos just in case you don't know what the corporate spec is i'm going to show you a sneaky trick to go and do that so let's go do that in the next video [Music] okay in this video is we're going to steal colors from an image rather than knowing what the corporate colors are because we don't know what they are let's say we're going to go and steal them using this handy little eyedropper then we're going to add it to down here okay into our swatches panel but before we get started will it be the exact color from the brand guidelines and be perfect no will it be close enough that nobody will notice yes okay i don't know why i don't like stealing colors i like to use the official numbers okay but let's go and do the steely version okay you rebel renegade outlaw let's go and steal colors from a logo where did you get the logo from you might have got it from your websites or you might have sitting on your system somewhere okay go to file and go to place place is what indesign calls import okay so just file place find the logo if you're playing along in this tutorial um you download the exercise files okay and inside those exercise files there's a folder called one flyer and inside of there it's called bring your own laptop logo or byol logo okay click choose click once on your screen and here's the logo we want to bring the color from so to make this thing work what we need to do is see this top tool here just click on the background so you've got nothing selected just click in the no man's land here we've got nothing selected then down the bottom here of our toolbar see this one looks like an eyedropper click and hold it for a little while by default yours is probably set to the color theme tool i want the eyedropper tool so you click hold hold hold on the mouse and then you should be able to move over here still holding down grab the eyedropper tool now what we can do is click it's the tippy bottom left okay or the tip of the little eyedropper click on that once and nothing really happens right but over here in my colors panel it doesn't really matter whether it's got the stroke or the fill we'll look at that in a second it doesn't really matter all you need to do now is go to this little flat menu and say add to swatches okay and what's happened is it's stolen that color there it is there i'm going to go back to my move tool okay or my selection tool and i can double click it and that is unnamed with color value the bring your own laptop green how close is it it is not going to be absolutely 100 perfect but it's going to be pretty damn close okay so that's a way of stealing uh colors from a logo it's not going to be exact though so you might might okay there's just a big asterisk saying don't come run to me if there's a problem but i've never had a problem okay stealing colors from logos works just fine okay i'm going to click ok you can see down the bottom here is my bring your laptop green okay i haven't added it to my library so with it selected i can click on this and then it goes over here but because i don't want to do this i'm going to delete that selected it with my selection tool over here i've bind it i don't want it in here and i don't want it in this one either so i'm going to right click it okay and go to delete back to happiness okay where we've got official colors and we're not doing any steely stuff i don't know why i have a problem with stealing colors e i think it's design school they beat that sort of stuff into you so you get a bit scared about borrowing appropriating or stealing okay so that's it for this video let's get on to the next one [Music] all right in this video we're going to make a nice big colored background it's going to have no stroke around the outside a little line but a nice big colored fill let's go and do that okay before we get started and put the um big box in the background we need to understand the difference between a fill and a stroke okay it's reasonably easy okay but let's quickly look at it so we're going to use this tool down here the rectangle tool you've got two the frame tool okay if i draw out a frame or draw a rectangle tool they kind of look the same or kind of look the same you can actually fill these guys with colors if you want to i never ever use the frame tool it's totally up to you okay the frame tool generally gets used for like a placeholder this is where an image is going to go okay i never generally have that problem so i just leave a big hole where the image is going to go you might like this little line through the middle okay and i'm going to use the regular old rectangle tool the whole course one thing is you might not be able to see it it's because the last person that used your computer might have clicked and hold down this rectangle tool and use the ellipse tool okay and draw an ellipse okay and it just means it's always set to ellipse now so hold it down you might be able to find the rectangle tool let's draw a rectangle any old size okay and it might have a fill it might not this is where it's going to come up the top here okay we're going to use this option there's a few different ways is this way there's this way there's this way and there's this way they all do the same thing if you're using any other method you're fine okay but this way here i find the easiest to learn and it just means this top one here's the fill the next one is the stroke so the fill is obviously the fill in the inside okay so we're going to pick a fill okay and i'm going to pick the mid-green okay and in terms of the stroke i'm going to click back on that little arrow and there's the stroke at the moment it has a little red line red line means none i've got no stroke around the outside say if i want to put a black stroke around the outside you see i clicked on it it added a stroke and you can kind of see it there okay the stroke is the line around the outside to adjust the size of that stroke you can see just next to it there's a one point it's always done in points not millimeters or inches okay and i can increase it up okay can i make a nice thick stroke around the outside what i actually want from this rectangle is i want to have no stroke okay so i'm going to go back to the stroke one i'm going to click none and at this top one here i don't want the screen i want the light green okay awesome if it's not changing you've got to make sure you've got it selected so grab the selection tool and just got you selected and then make these adjustments what i want to do is i want to stretch it out because remember we're using bleed in this case we looked at bleed earlier on okay so what we're going to do is it's really hard to see the edges here so i'm going to zoom out a little bit zooming is command minus on a mac or control minus on a pc and i'm going to go back to my selection tool the black arrow i'm going to grab this bottom right and i'm going to drag it do i drag it to the edge of the white or all the way out to the red okay the answer is red okay same with this one here i go if i leave it just there remember the bleed might get trimmed okay and it might leave a little white liner on the edge because there's a little we need a little bit of overhang to make sure it can get chopped off nice and clean and crisp and clear and remember anything over this edge here is going to get probably chopped into the bin so that is how to color a background in indesign there's no way of going in and setting like the default bit of this to be anything but white okay i'm going to undo and we do it with a nice big rectangle all right that's it for this video let's go and start looking at importing and scaling and flipping and stuff of images alright see you in the next one [Music] howdy partners in this video we're going to look at bringing in images and logos and rotating them and we'll look at this one where we've cropped it you can see look at this sneaky this one's actually a little bit bigger okay so we've cropped it into a nice little box we'll flip them we'll do all sorts of stuff with images all right let's go and do that now okay to bring in an image icon or any sort of visual graphic it's the same okay first thing we need to do though is we need to get in the habit of if i have my black arrow selected okay and just click off in this dark gray area around the side here okay so there's nothing selected there's a more official way you can go to edit and go to deselect all okay it's a long way so we've got nothing selected then we're going to go to file place okay remember that's import for indesign pick the one flyer folder and there's one there called lunch now your cursor is loaded okay with this little image and you've got two ways of putting it in there okay now when you're bringing in images into the design it can confuse you when you're new the easiest way is over here in the gray area to click once okay that'll bring in my image at full size if it's coming in too big you can go to edit and go to undo place okay that kind of goes back and what i want to do is click hold and drag in this gray area it doesn't really matter how big you can see that's the size of my image if it's coming through really really big just click and drag it out to a more appropriate size okay the reason i do that is i'm going to go to edit undo again okay or control z on a mac or command z on a pc so undone if i click on this green box here the icon changes it's a little bit hard to see taylor will zoom in for us so he can kind of you can kind of see the brackets appear okay all it means is if i click on this it's kind of merged them together my green box is gone forever you might want that that's cool so you can do that but what i do is i find that's always a pain edit undo undo undo okay i'm going to keep going undo until that's back and remember i can just click once out here in the background okay let's look at some of the things we can do with images first of all probably you would want to resize them okay so resizing them seems easy you grab the black arrow you grab the corner and you drag it up and weirdly it does that by default okay lovely indesign okay i'm going to undo so what we need to do is our first shortcut we're not going to learn too many in this course there's going to be a cheat sheet at the end for loads of shortcuts but what we want to do is learn a couple of the more practical ones and in this case it's resizing an image okay and you hold down on a mac it's command and shift if you're on a pc it's control and shift hold those two down on your keyboard you're holding okay grab this corner now and drag it up okay and you see it resizes strange long shortcut i know just the way indesign is we can resize it that way to rotate it there's a manual rotation at the top here so this little indicator if i need it to be 45 degrees i can just type it in and it rotates i'm going to undo okay if you want to do it just more kind of casually or you're just kind of playing with a design okay is with the same black arrow hover you can see on the edge here it does the resizing thing okay but if i hover just a bit further out you can see my icon changes this little double headed arrow i can click hold and drag that now and you can see clicking holding dragging and it's more of a custom rotation i'm going to undo that another thing we might do is flip it okay so up the top here so i've got it selected with my black arrow and there's this options here that flips horizontally sometimes it ends up all the way over here and you've got to click and drag it back across and flipping it vertically does it at the top there as well okay so i'm going to undo undo and do and we haven't got a flipped image the next thing we're going to look at is something called the content grabber okay it's this little target that appears now when you're trying to just move your um image around so i need to move it down the bottom here avoid this thing completely okay so i'm going to click and drag anywhere but there and i can move it around if i drag this what happens is in indesign your image is actually inside a picture frame already okay so the two separate things and you can move them individually which is quite handy sometimes but can be a bit annoying when you're learning okay so if i click and drag this okay content grabber you'll see the frame you see him there that's the edge of him he's still there but the picture within that frame has slid to the side and that can be quite cool when you're trying to crop things okay and i can grab it to drag it back okay but i'm going to undo a couple of times remember edit undo okay i'm going to use my shortcut so what you need to do is if you're physically moving it click anywhere but the target but if you want to move it within the frame you can drag that little content grabber and undo if you really don't like the content grabber secret note i don't like it okay and i turn this off i go to view and i go to extras and i go to hide content grabber okay there are other ways of cropping stuff up to you okay you don't have to turn it off you might love it lots of people do and what we're going to do now is look at some basic cropping because what i want to do is i would like this thing let's click hold and drag it so it's at least in the top right it kind of snaps it's pretty clever at snapping to the edges if yours is not snapping just double check view there's one in here that's called smart guides so grids and guides smart guides that's the thing that kind of helps it like automatically just jump to the edge you don't have to be like perfect pixel perfect it'll jump in there for you so i want it definitely in the top right i'm going to grab this bottom left okay i'm going to hold down my shortcut to resize it who remembers what the shortcut was that's right command shift on a mac and command shifts on a pc so i'm dragging it out i want it to be at least or bigger than our background image okay so when it snapped up in the corner there and what i want to do is remember if i hold those two shortcut keys down it resizes it but if i don't okay remember when i grabbed it before it kind of crops it and that's going to work in our favor now because what i want to do is just grab this side and maybe in the middle okay roughly in the middle okay i want it to be like this and same with the bottom okay i'm going to drag it up so it's just on my bleed okay i'm cropping bits of the image off i know okay but that's the kind of look i'm looking for and what i also might want to do is remember content grabber i hated it but it's kind of handy now look i can drag the center of it and you can see i can drag it within this box little bits okay so let's bring in one more thing let's bring in the logo exact same technique as the image so remember black arrow click in the background so you've got nothing selected go to file let's go to place and pick one of the logos i'm going to use this first one logo 1 full it doesn't have to be a jpeg or a png it can be an illustrator file which is another adobe product let's click open okay and remember in this gray area in the background click once or you can click and drag to get the size that you want okay and black arrow grab anywhere but the content grabber remember if i try and move them using that center bit weirdly the images over here but the frame is still over here so i'm going to undo that click off in the background and i'm going to grab anywhere but the content grabber okay and i'm going to stick it there somewhere that's my lovely logo earlier i said you remember you have nothing selected okay i'll show you the reason why is if i have this green box selected by accident and i want to bring in my logo let's say it's before i brought in this logo okay actually i'll delete it to make it so i've got this green box selected file and i've forgotten to deselect it go to place and i go my logo and i click open it doesn't give me the option of like dragging it out and giving it a size it just kind of like fuses it with this green box which is cool but it's kind of stuck there now okay there are one in the same okay so i'm going to undo until life was easier so remember before you bring it in just deselect in the background and then go to file place all right my friends that is working with images let's go on and start working with type in indesign [Music] hi there in this video we're going to look at bringing in type from word or an email or look at typing it in yourself in indesign okay i'm just going to put in a little bit of text here for our little flyer so you're ready let's go and do it okay to add text by yourself grab the type tools this capital t here and all you need to do is click hold and drag out a box now like we did with the images if i start kind of dragging over the top of boxes that i've already made some weird stuff stuff happening so if i click in here you can see it's kind of fused this box with that box and it's kind of a bit weird it's weird indesign quirk anyway so what i'm going to do is have nothing selected so click on the background grab my type tool and what i'm going to do is click hold and drag a box over here on the side okay if you need more room see these little sliders okay we can just move across down the bottom here and we can start typing okay no if you can spell helps okay but if i start typing over here obviously i can put in anything i like i can grab my black arrow to resize the box to the size it needs to be okay and what i'm going to do is import some text so i'm going to use this text box okay i'm going to use my black arrow just move it over here and what i'm going to do is select all this type okay with my type tool okay which is the capital t just delete it all and i'm going to import some text there's two ways of doing it you could do just caveman style which works perfectly okay i'm going to jump to word actually let's open the word document so it's part of your exercise file so find your exercise files okay here's mine on my desktop i've downloaded it under one flyer there's one in here called flyer text i'm going to double click and open it okay i'm going to copy all this text so i've selected it all go to edit copy if you're on a pc it's slightly different there's a copy button in the corner or control c okay so whatever you do select it copy it and jump back into indesign okay and in here i'm going to paste it okay you can totally do it that way okay and often that's what i do you might be copying from an email or from from anything okay and what you can do though to be a bit more official and to get a few more options in that copy is i'm going to delete it all have my cursor flashing in here and i'm going to go to file i'm going to go to place okay and i've got some text okay so i've found my o1 flyer there's the flyer text so it just kind of goes around using word okay so open and you can see it's dumped it in there now the difference between the two is very little in what we're doing but what you can do and what we'll do later on in my more advanced sections is if we go to file and we go to place there's an option here that says options and it says show import options it means when i bring in my word document i get to keep some of the styles that might be in there maybe there's a table of contents that sort of stuff i'm going to turn that off and hide that for the moment but it doesn't really matter how you bring in text as long as we've got some text now i'm on my black arrow i'm going to drag this box and i'm going to make the box so it's kind of fits in here appropriately okay within my margins kind of under the logo here and what i want to do is i'm going to use my type tool now you'll notice i don't jump to the type tool i just kind of double click inside the box and it automatically jumps to the type tool that's kind of up to you so i'm going to select it all and i'm going to do some basic type stuff now okay so if you're happy with formatting type you might want to skip along we're going to do some of the basics okay so we're going to pick a font we're just going to pick ariel because i know everyone's got ariel got to be able to spell ariel i'll use ariel bold for bits of it okay i'm going to select all again and along the top here you've got these two options okay now you might be happy with bowls and sizes and stuff but you'll notice that these two here have very different kind of settings and we need a lot of them okay so i can see on my i'm on its character and paragraph is the actual names of these so character has my basic character stuff okay and you can see all the way down here there's some paragraphs so it's only because my screen is very large if you've got a smaller laptop you might not be able to see any of these you're going to have to jump to paragraph and you can see there they are okay so you might have to toggle between these two so i want to go to the one that says align center okay i'm going to highlight this top bit and i'm going to make it my colors over here i'm going to select the i'm not going to use dark green at all i'm actually just going to use white so which is paper over here okay selected tapes piper i'm going to go back to character i'm going to make it all caps okay so i'm going to capitalize it all and in terms of the font size i'm going to pick a font size what font size i don't know i'm going to go to about there okay so 22 point okay go back to my black arrow click in the background it's maybe a little bit close to this so my black arrow come down a little bit a couple things i want to do is i'm going to select this make it a little bigger okay and i'm going to use my green okay so i'm going to use the mid green this last kind of url here i'm going to select it all make it i'm going to leave it the same size but i'm going to use the dark green all right black arrow click out and that my friends is the basics of importing text you can either just draw a text box copy and paste it into it or you can go to file place up to you and and we're not going to go through everything like with this font selected here i'm not going to go through what does subscript and tracking we'll look at some of the more advanced ones a little bit later on but there are the basics in here and everyone knows what one right aligners and left line i hope if you're not sure on some of them experiment we will go through more and more as we get through this course but for the moment now we've got our font we've got our text in we've got some images let's get on to our next video hi there in this video we're going to look at grouping this thing together and rotating it and adding some text and making a perfect circle and all sorts of fun stuff so let's go and make him in this video first up we'll bring in the text you could obviously just type it but i'm going to go to the example files there's a folder in there called discount text open that up okay copy it and indesign grab the type box and click hold drag a box then hit paste okay remember i'm doing it on the side so that i don't end up messing up these things so what i want to do is i'm going to use this little slide bar move across a little bit and what i want to do is i'm going to select all of this i'm going to make it paragraph i'm going to make it centered okay i'm going to use my font that i'm using okay i'm using ariel of course you can use anything okay aerial bold and what size is it going to be well i have to double check i've gone for 10 point at the moment black arrow okay so what we want to do is draw our circle and then group them together so drawing a circle is click and hold down the rectangle tool hold hold hold hold hold on that icon until you get to ellipse okay and what i'm going to do is i could click and drag out any old size okay but if i hold down the shift key okay on your keyboard so look at your keyboard it's on the left and the right often okay hold it down click hold and drag out a circle but while you're holding shift it makes the circle perfect that is true of the rectangle tool and make a perfect square okay so how big does it need to be oh first of all we'll give it a color and a stroke and then we'll go and play with it so it needs to be our yellow so at the top here so i've got it selected okay i've got my black arrow i've got it selected at the top here i'm going to use my down the bottom here it's the uh yellow okay granite heart yellow and in terms of the size what i want it to be is i've got a pretty close actually i've got a bang on if i say you want to resize it what was the shortcut you remember of course you remember it's command shift on a mac and it's ctrl shift on a pc grab any of these corners okay and you can click and drag it to an appropriate size okay and i'm going to get it about that size that looks about good in the corner i'm going to move it back off okay now i'm going to use this type here stick it over the top and we're going to run into our first problem of arranging okay so whoever gets made the last is on top our circle was made after the text so it's on top so what i'm going to do is with my black arrow i'm going to click off in the background click on my circle i'm going to right click the circle if you're on a mac like a macbook pro like me you might have to use control okay and click it that gives you the right click and let's use arrange and let's go to send either backwards or back will work okay in our case we want backwards if i send it to the back it'll work it goes behind it but watch what happens when i move it across here it's back behind this image as well okay so what i want to do is i'm going to undo it i'm going to right click it and say i want to move it arrange and i'm going to go back wood which means it's going to go back one step okay and it's going to go behind this one guy you might have to go backward a couple of times to get the balance right and i'm going to grab this does it fit not really so i'm going to grab this edge here i'm going to get it so it's on like four lines i'm grabbing the edge here with my black arrow and does that fit kind of now when you are moving things around it can be a little hard because it tries to want to snap okay i've got my keys on my keyboard just the arrow keys you know the cursor keys i'm going to just tap any tab until i get it right okay and i'm going to drag this up okay if i want to select these two and align them i'm going to grab my black arrow okay and i'm going to select both of these guys and then up the top here you'll often see it if you can't see it okay there's my little tiny little range panel here there's an official panel though if you can't see it it is under window object and layout and you can turn this panel on okay and what i'll let you do is this one here is sent to the both horizontally if yours does what mine just did it's probably not it's aligning to the whole page yours generally by default is aligned to selection so click these guys click this vertical one as well if you want to try and align it that way and i'm going to bring you back out here so what i'd like to do is oh no down a little bit i want to group them so i've selected both of them okay by dragging a box brown both and i'm going to go up to object and go to the one that says group all that means is that i can click off and click back on just one of them and i've got them both selected i can select it and go to object and ungroup it as well if i need them apart okay and what i want to do is rotate it remember remember from an earlier video i want you to grab your black arrow and just outside not here just do a further out we can rotate okay click hold and drag and i'm going to move it down here somewhere that's probably a bit too hard to rotation i'm looking for the cool lean thing like it's a sticker that got stuck on afterwards but clearly it's not all right that is how to group things but we also learned how to make perfect circles and we rotated things again all right let's get on to the next video [Music] hi there in this video we're going to look at creating dotted lines and like dashed lines perforation lines we're gonna do wavy lines and stripy lines and all sorts of lines so let's go and do that now all right so to put the border around the outside we're going to start with the rectangle so the rectangle tool not the rectangle frame tool okay the rectangle tool and what i'd like to do is you saw earlier that i had it kind of like perfectly away from the edge now and what i can do is i can draw it exactly the right size remember and that is actually the edge of the page this bit on the outside here is the bleed remember okay so i'm going to draw the actual size okay my half letter okay so it's a nice big rectangle now we've got a fill of green and a stroke of nothing so what i would like to do actually i'll leave it there for the moment just while we're practicing this because if i grab my selection tool and i try and scale it down proportionately what are the keys that's right command and shift on a mac and control and shift on a pc if i hold them down right and make them proportionately smaller okay you'll notice that if i put it here in the middle it's actually kind of uh it doesn't scale the way we want we want it equal distances around the outside so if i scale it down even more okay you can see it's a lot bigger on the size than it is in the top and the bottom just because it's scaling that way so what i'd like to do is i'm going to undo so it actually fills the outside and what we can do you can see at the top here it's got a width and height it's perfect okay matches my half letter what i can do here is some basic math okay these little boxes any of these little white boxes you can do some little method which is really handy so in here i can go minus and i'm going to turn up half an inch okay so 0.5 you'll see i just sucked it in half um yeah half an inch do the same here minus 0.5 you can do times okay if i did times two okay so it'll be times two uh inches it's that little asterisk okay and it's a whole lot taller than it needs to be i'm gonna undo um so i'm gonna go minus 0.5 minus plus all that sort of stuff works and to get it in the middle you could use your line tools there's mine at the top here or there's a panel that we saw earlier but actually it's just easier grab your black arrow click hold and you'll notice that it just kind of snaps you see those two purple pinky lines just kind of like saying hey there's the middle and you'll see visually it looks like it's in the middle so it's actually 0.5 half an inch from all the sides and it looks nice and perfect so now to make the line dotted okay so we're going to give it no fill so click on my fill i'm going to go to none and this one here the stroker on the outside i'm going to make it white or paper okay and this is the stroke here okay how thick it is at the moment it's one point it's probably what i want but let's make it nice and big just as an example so we can all see what we're doing so bump it up to four points and now we need to find our stroke panel if you can't find it mine's there hello hey if you can't find yours go to window go down to stroke and turn it on now yours might look a little different as well yours might be there's a little flyer menu that says hide options and if yours looks like mine you've got really basic control click on this option and say show options you get the big ugly version with all the details that we need okay the one we need the moment is type okay that's going to allow us to change it from a solid line like we know it to all these other options there's some weird ones okay ones that i've never used thick thin you might like them okay white diamond never used dotted lines and dash lines are the ones we're going to look at at the moment and there's two kinds of dotted okay there's dotted and some reason the japanese like their dots a little bit closer together okay japanese thing not sure but um okay so there's my dots around the outside if you want a dashed okay it's dashed there's a ugly squirrely line you might like the squiggly line right hash there's some weird things in there okay but we're going to go to dotted and we're going to put the size down okay to something i don't know i'm putting two points um dash lines now you might use dash lines as a visual thing like i'm doing here there's nothing this dotted line's just for for pretty sick okay what we're gonna do is maybe it's a snip here you know the scissors like cut this bit off for the redeem you coupon okay what you can do is instead of doing it for this rectangle you can do the exact same tricks with just a straight line okay the straight line here i can draw okay and what i might do actually is draw it straight up and down if you want to draw a line straight up and down it's the similar technique we did when we made a rectang sorry circle remember we held on shift and it was a perfect circle that same technique makes it a perfect line so hold down shift before i start dragging it out you can see it kind of really wants to go up straight up and down so say that's going to be my perforation line where i want people to snip it off it's got a fill a line can't have a fill okay and the line around the outside is gonna be white okay i'm gonna make it two points just so you can see it and then you can see the exact same controls hey somebody's calling okay let's go to dash lines um dashed all right uh i'm gonna pause there go check the phone i'll be right back all right so i'm back and the studded line here okay this dash line sorry i don't need it so i've selected with my black arrow and just hit delete on my keyboard just tap the key on the keyboard and it's gone all right dash lines dotted lines wavy lines curly lines all of that okay let's move on to our next video [Music] okay so while we've been working we've been just ignoring these like blue lines and this little linking icon and there's lots of blue lines around the edges of the boxes and that can be a real pain when you're trying to line things up okay just doesn't look very nice so the quick and easy way to preview and turn all that off is the w key just a w key on your keyboard next to q in between e okay and but for that to work you need to be on the black arrow okay if you're in the type tool you're just going to type a w okay so be on the black arrow hit w on your keyboard ah look at that blue line's gone you get to feel a bit of the space around it you can still work in this view you can see i can click on it drag it around okay and there's nothing stopping you work like this except sometimes it is easy to see all the blue lines the other thing that might throw you off if you try and work in this view okay so i'm gonna hit w to go back out watch this if i start typing something and i go okay remember we type on the outside to not join them up and we start typing and okay and watch this if i go to my black arrow and deselect i've hit w ah it's gone okay it's still there okay just w kind of hides all of that stuff so that can be one of the things to note if anything starts disappearing in this gray area it's probably just because you've got to tap w again and the other thing it does is i'm going to delete that as you see the bleed okay i'll zoom in okay there we go if i hit w can you see the bleed gets trimmed off to give you a more of a view of like say this border because it's going to get trimmed off in the bin remember so it cuts that off um so yeah i tap w all the time the problem with w is i forget when i'm in the type tool and i type a w and i won't notice and somebody will be proof checking my work and they'll be like what's a home wii and i'll pretend like i don't know somebody else did that i know it's because i tapped the w key and i was on the type tool bad damn the other thing we're going to check is the display so mine is set by default or high quality display i think that's a fact of the new bits of software okay the new installers of indesign if you're using an older one okay we're going to look at this so i've got nothing selected go up to view there's one called display performance okay so often especially the earlier versions i'm not sure if it's the new version or not i'm not sure if it's settings that i've got or whether it's remembered from my last install or whether it's actually by default now but let's just double check typical display is what it used to be set as and yours might be that problem is is that things just look a little bit gross you can see the logo here just doesn't look very nice you know it's good quality because you've seen it in a different program but it's not looking good in here the reason it's often the default for typical quality is because trying to run fast indesign is trying to run quickly so it's not producing these beautiful outlined logos okay and it's the same with images so yeah it's typical by default so what we can do nothing selected view and crank yours up to high quality i work in high quality all the time even with an 80 page document why because my machine can handle it if you're i've got a pretty new macbook pro if you're working on a really old credit laptop hand me hand-me-downs you might find actually just can't keep up so you might manually go in and say actually i'm just going to look at everything typical quality because maybe you're doing type amends and it just takes so long to scroll through all the pages okay so you can switch it to typical quality if you're running windows xp on a really old laptop that barely starts up okay what you might do is you might go to view and there's another one on there that says fast display okay what this will do is allow you to text amends super duper fast okay these aren't gone if you produce a pdf now or print it they print fine they're just kind of placeholders to make this system run really fast if you are finding man this is jumpy and slow switch to fast okay and you can toggle between if you're working with the images one last thing about previewing okay is let's say i'm going to present to somebody say a colleague or my boss or a client i'm going to show them my design okay instead of showing them this ugly version with the blue lines and all my swatches around here okay what i want to do is present to them okay so i could make a pdf make a presentation that sort of stuff but it's actually easy to do straight from indesign down the bottom here of your toolbar it's right down the bottom okay this last one if i click and hold normal okay preview is the one we've been toggling between when we hit w which if i this is the long way if i click on preview that is the exact same as hitting w okay so we don't want that one but this one here we never use well we never use bleeding slug will show you like a preview but include the slug uh a bleed and slug there we go i never use these i use this one down the bottom here presentation does this it's quite cool it shows you know gets rid of all the junk and just presents it nicely kind of like a powerpoint presentation and if you've got multiple pages you can use your keyboard i only have one page but you can use your arrow key on your keyboard and work through all your different pages like powerpoint and you can actually add transitions between them all um we'll do that in the more advanced indesign course but yeah anyway so how did i get out of that in it hit escape to get back and we are back to the ugly blue line version w pretty all right that's it for this one let's go make a pdf version in the next video i'll see you there hi there in this video we're going to look at creating a pdf from indesign we're going to make this super complicated one for the printers it's not that hard and this one here just a pretty little version that we can email out or send to our local printer okay and share and do all that awesome pdf stuff all right let's go and do that now all right so first thing to do is save your document file save next thing to do is if it's grayed out okay it just means you've already saved doesn't mean you can't save it means you've already done that don't do it again okay so the next thing we want to do is we want to go down to export okay or command d on a mac or ctrl e on a pc export super easy down the bottom here it should probably default to um to adobe pdf we're going to use this one called print okay you use that one if you're going out to obviously print okay and make sure it's set to that give it a name okay i'm going to call mine a name and put it into our folder on my desktop indesign class files this one's going to be called mine green at hearts flyer and my v1 okay and hit save now the cool thing about this is this can look quite complicated and you can make it complicated if you want okay but let's just do the basics now and we'll go through some more advanced exporting later on in the course okay so check out that video but for the moment go up to here put it on high quality print okay and then just hit export that's it okay this will give you a print uh a pdf that will go to a printer and print perfectly it'll print from your office it'll be downloadable and look good quality it'll do all of those things okay so let's just do a tiny little bit more with a pdf okay so i'm going to jump back mine's automatically opened up in acrobat yours might not so you might have to go and find it mine's on my desktop and that folder we made and there it is there okay you might have to double click it and yours is going to open up in some program okay so what i'd like to do is a couple of other things so let's have a little look and indesign so a little bit more detail so file export again i'm going to give it the same name and override it it won't let me save it over the top because i've got it open in this program so i'm going to close it down in acrobat okay i'm going to give it the same name it's going to say would you like to replace if it says you can't replace because it's open somewhere go and close it okay so i'm going to replace it high quality print set it to that it's fine the other thing you might do is go to smallest file size okay it's going to make it a lot smaller in terms of file size so this might be better if you are it's a really long document say it's say it is an 80 page prospectors okay with lots of images you might go to small file size because you're sending it out to i don't know colleagues to do a check not the final print just some you know so it's not so big and you can email it okay so but let's so that's that's all you need to do for that let's say we want to get a high quality print but we're sending it to our commercial printer okay there's uh there's like two little things we're going to do is this one under marks and blades if you we've added bleed to ours member okay it was three millimeters or um quarter of an inch i can't remember point one two five and in here we're gonna turn on crop marks okay so crop marks is the only thing you'll need and down here where it says so i said two things crop marks and you turn on the bleeds okay it's picked it's remembered our bleed okay you can manually type it in here okay but if i say use the blades from the document you can see it in there very faded out but point one two five okay and i'm gonna click export and the only difference is can you see around the outside here okay these little crop marks here are used by the printer to slice okay so they use they line a guillotine up with that one and that side and they just trim it off and that chunk in this little gap goes in the bin okay so if you're sending it to a commercial printer to print you've got bleed and you want to add the bleed okay so all you do is you turn on the crop marks under export and you turn on your bleed settings if you're just sending it out to be printed internally okay or if you download it from a website you don't have to turn those crop and bleed marks on now before we finish up let's just have a quick look at our export settings is one of the things i just want to show you this one so i'm going to close down this guy okay i'm going to give it the same name replace i'm going to say yes please and we're going to look at these so we're going to turn all of these on there you go turn them all on why would we turn them all on you'd never turn them all on okay we do it to impress people look at that look how impressive and designery we look with all these extra marks these color bars these registration marks it all looks very good the time is actually something you might turn on okay and it has the document name if i was sending this to a commercial printer they would only want the crop marks they would add their own color bars these are just here to help the printer on their side of things they've got a master color chart and they'll put it they'll print yours out they'll put their master chart next to these colors and just to see that they all kind of match okay and that will mean that their printer is working well but they wouldn't expect you to put them on you wouldn't add registration marks either these are used by the printer what they do is that registration color is actually printed and it looks black but it's actually cyan magenta yellow and black altogether and what happens is if it goes through the printer and the paper jiggles a little bit what happens is if they see a yellow target kind of sticking out the side here they'll know that the plates aren't lined up or at least the printing ink is not laying over the top okay and it might be the image might be a little fuzzy because these things aren't printing exactly on top of each other okay but that only happens when you get to offset printing so we turn it on mainly to impress people say you're a designer and you're sending off to the client this kind of stuff i feel like it's like yeah i'm a proper designer with all these things okay but if you're sending it to the printer pull them all off okay so i've got away on a bit of a tangent there so just to recap if you don't have bleed and you don't need it so it's going to be just emailed to somebody or downloaded from website file export click give it a name replace this please and just pick high quality print and then hit export okay if you need the bleed all you need to do extra is turn on the marks go to crop marks and turn on the document bleed and then hit export okay what you'll notice is see modified along the top here just means that if i pick high quality print that's all basic but if i turn this on you see it becomes modified you've changed a little bit okay it doesn't matter if it says modified because you've added these we know what we're doing we are professionals all right that long-winded explanation of pdfs is now over we'll go into some super advanced nerdy stuff in the advanced course of indesign if you ever need to get into there but really what we've got here will work for 99 of the jobs you're going to work on all right see you next video [Music] okay so we need to save a jpeg out ready for some purpose you might be sticking into a powerpoint presentation or a word document or sending it to a website to be used as part of a wordpress cms something okay you need a jpeg or a png same principle works the one thing i'd say is that often a pdf will work as well okay if i'm putting it into word or powerpoint a pdf will go in the nice thing about pdfs is that the quality is always a lot better especially for type okay but if you have to use a jpeg let's do it this way let's go to file export same as a pdf and down the bottom here where it used to say adobe pdf go down to either jpg or png super easy okay and i'm going to give it the same name but i'm going to make a high res version high resolution high quality one you can call it what you like hit save i'm saving it into that folder on my desktop all pages i'm going to do pages we haven't done any spreads yet we'll look at that later and then the quality okay and you've got two things that kind of really control what it looks like quality and the resolution quality will be how pixelated it is okay how like what the is it a bit scrappy and a bit yucky looking and medium will still look fine low will look gross never use low but medium will be fine high will be pretty amazing and maximum you won't see the difference between these two i promise okay so we're going to go for a high-res one maximum okay so it's going to look as good as it can be but the file size is going to be quite big and then resolution here the lowest is 72 and the highest you want to go to is 300 anything a past this this thing is going to be absolutely big like meters wide so we're going to go 300 um color space is rgb okay always going to be rgb for a jpeg and leave this stuff at the bottom let's click export nothing really happens you've got to go and find that folder and there's my high res here's 1.4 megabytes it's pretty big okay but you look at the quality pretty awesome okay beautiful so let's do the version let's say i'm sending it out and it's going to go up into a website and i know that 1.4 megabytes is far too big for our website so we're emailing even it's pretty big so we're going to go to export and we're going to say make something really small okay i'm going to give it a name i'm going to call it lorenz okay and i'm going to go through and say maximum i'm going to put it down to like high let's do medium okay and this is the kind of lowest you ever want to go 72 at medium click export and you'll notice that the high res version i'll make this a little bigger i'll even make a little bigger okay so 1.4 is the high res and see this one here kilobytes so that is 0.04 set of 1.4 so it's tiny compared to it and look at the quality it's smaller the quality is fine it's not going to win the quality awards but this one here is really big but really big file size so probably somewhere in the middle right just find yours go to 150 dpi and go to maximum see what the size is another thing you might find is that if you don't have any images okay say it's just block colors your file size is going to be a lot smaller because it doesn't have to deal with all of these colors if you've got hundreds of images it's going to be even bigger than 1.4 cool so that my friends is how to save a jpeg from indesign let's get on to the next video okay in this video we're going to look at cc libraries i love them you've been probably avoiding them for a long time they're amazing let's get to use them because we're going to add things like this logos and images and colors and it's going to mean we can use them in other indesign documents but also look they appear the same in photoshop in illustrator in after effects and all the other lovely adobe products let's go and learn how to use them okay so first thing we need to do is make sure you can see your cc libraries it's under window cc libraries let's make a new library i'm going to keep this one that i've got but if you've skipped the earlier tutorial we did when we made our colors you'll have to go to this little drop down it's probably going to say my library it's the one you get by default down the bottom here says create new library okay create it give it a name i've called mine graded heart for this client that i'm working for now let's say we've added these colors earlier but let's say you skip that let's say that or maybe there's just a new color that's appeared okay so what you do is i've drawn a rectangle and it's filled with some random color that i now want to include in part as my swatches the way to do it is have it selected with the black arrow okay and what we can do is see this little plus sign at the bottom here okay so i'm in my green at heart library i want to add something to it and you can see here is a graphic and fill color graphics are actually going to add the square itself i don't need that square i just need the fill color okay so click add for just that fill color if i have them both selected let me show you if i had the graphic as well i get a rectangle that's cool means that later on i can drag out that exact same rectangle and use it over and over again that might be useful for you i don't want him so i can click on him hit the little trash can bye bye two of these colors now goodbye it's got an ugly color that i don't want goodbye so that's how to add colors other things you can add okay and probably the most useful is images there's this image here and i'm going to add it so that i can use it in lots of other documents because this library stays there it doesn't matter what document you have open if i go to new document file new new document click create you can see these are still here allowing me to quickly grab out colors and stuff so let's go back to this one now adding images can be interesting if it's just the image by itself you can just click hold and drag it in okay but you can see i've dragged it because i've already cropped it and you can see it's dragged a cropped version of it the image is actually quite big okay so what you can do is double click the image you can kind of start to see it spread out for this red edge here okay and that means i've got the whole image selected and down here actually now can i drag it i can so i have just dragged it by double clicking it and you can see that's the entire image so i'm going to don't want this guy okay this is my food image okay so you can add images that way other things you might add say this logo here i can select it because it's not cropped i can just drag the whole thing in there okay and that's my logo green you can add blocks of type okay so like this one here say this little round all thing i've made i want to use over and over again it's something like it's our i don't know a call to action or our unique selling point okay um i'm gonna click and hold and drag it you can see the whole unit comes with me so if i go to this next document and i go i want to quickly build a thing i can drag out an a4 page i can go up the top here okay and i can click on filling it with the green actually dark green drag the logo out i can add my image and this little round all thing you can see how quickly you can start building extra documents because you've got everything in this library it gets even better okay if you jump out to another adobe product so i jump into say photoshop okay i'm working on this and say i need that color or you can see this is another library that i'm working on but if i switch to this one here where is he green at heart you can see he's in this one as well so i can use them across all these documents here you go i'm not sure why this drawing that i've done needs round tools and stuff but you get the point right you can go between um any adobe product so i use this a lot between say my video work in after effects and premiere all my graphic design work out of photoshop and illustrator they all use the same libraries one last thing to consider is that say you are a freelancer or you're getting a freelancing role or it means that when you sign into another computer and you use your adobe id these libraries will pre-populate so if i go into an office and they say dan i want you to do some work with us and you're going to use our machine so i jump on their machine and even if they don't have a license for it i can download the trial and log in with my username and id okay you can have it installed on more than one computer when it opens up the trial version becomes a full version because i'm a paying customer and all my libraries pre-populate with the stuff that i use okay so that can be really handy when you're switching machines it all syncs up and it also does cool things with some of the adobe apps go check out the app store there are some cool things that libraries work with them too okay so libraries are awesome you've probably seen them in lots of adobe products and ignored them start using them because they are wicked okay wicked's not the word i take that back they are awesome or great not wicked all right terrible ending over next video [Music] please hi there in this video we're going to make a nice little zip file that we can send to people and inside that zip file we have the indesign file plus all the links and fonts and images all ready to go so i can send it off to my colleagues so they can start working on the file or it might be that i'm sending it to myself to my home computer to start working on it or i might just be packaging it all up to archive it and take it off my machine so that i can get on to the next job let's look at this packaging indesign files ready for other people in this video okay so to share our indesign file we need to use the package feature okay so let's go to file and go to package make sure it's saved first okay and leave all of this click package ignore printing instructions okay nobody uses this it's meant to be for notes that you gave to your printer contact me if the print is ready okay but you'll be doing that via email not sure anybody uses that okay create package folder so this is going to be an actual folder that's going to group everything and stick it in so i'm going to put mine on my desktop in my indesign class files the name of it i'm going to give mine a different name i'm going to call mine green at heart flyer i call this one packaged document packaged files that's better okay and we're going to leave all of these ticked and we'll look at them all when we're finished let's click package it says do not share fonts it's illegal okay but we need to share the fonts because we paid for them so we ignore that it's a gray area so let's jump to our desktop and you can see there is my class folder and there's that folder that's been made the package file so let's see what's in here okay let's go inside and there's a bunch the indesign file is the main thing that is the bit where i'm going to send it off to one of my colleagues and they're going to start working on it they're going to double click the indd file the indesign file and that's what's going to open it up and they're going to be able to start working on it okay a pdf there is just for a visual just to kind of give people i like a little quick visual without having to open up the indesign file to see what it is you don't technically need that that's just helpful same with this file here the idml file is just helpful saying you're sending it to jeff and jeff is going to try and open it but he's using a super old version of indesign it means that he might try and open the inddd and it just comes up with lots of errors saying no way jose my version's too old or too new okay he can open up that version okay and will there be any problems probably not if it's a simple document if you're doing some hardcore animated interactiveness then maybe but we're not at the moment so it should all work out fine okay the important things are these font folders and links these are really important the instructions we kind of ignored that so i'm going to delete it we didn't write anything and there's meant to be printer instructions okay tell them what to do how to contact you um so fonts you can see here there was that remember that warning that said hey you sure you can share these fonts be careful check your licenses and you should okay but this is how to get people a document and the fonts that are used in it so it doesn't come up with font errors okay so we'll send those to them and the links okay and the links are just considered you can see here's the logo and this graphic that i've used in there so all of these are super important okay so if i just send them the indesign file it doesn't have it's going to open but it's going to say hey alert i'm missing the fonts hey hello i'm missing all the images so you want to send all of this so what you tend to do is there's that folder that got packaged okay we were just inside there a second ago is you right click it and if you're on a mac you go to compress and if you're on a pc i think there's a send to zip file you might have to look through your options you're looking for a zip or compressed folder okay click this and see this little zip folder that can be emailed okay so you can't email a folder weirdly okay but you can email the zip folder or it might be just backup okay you're working in an agency and you're trying to keep everything you're closing it off and you want it off your computer but you know that the images are all over the place you just want this tidy little package that you can archive and say job done delayed off my computer is you package it up into a folder send this one all right my friends that is how to package a document and send it to people without having lots and lots of problems okay so now it's homework time we're not homework it is class exercise time and i'd love for you to go through and do this now when i'm running my in classroom training okay this i find this is the most valuable part of the whole experience instead of following me step by step you'll run into problems and be able to fix them yourself now like i do in my classroom training i've got a checklist i'd like you to do all of these things please so set aside a little bit of time now okay 15 minutes 20 minutes it might take you an hour depending on how fast you're picking it up but nicely you get to do this at home at your own pace so go through and do every single thing on this list and when you're finished you can use this thing in your portfolio you have permission okay you can use this in your portfolio to say this is something that i've made and it is what i'd also like you to do is send me a copy okay you might follow this verbatim and that's totally fine i just want to see that you've done it send it to me okay depending on where you're watching this videos often there's a comment or a class exercise part so stick it in there either the pdf or the jpeg version or even a screenshot okay and just work you through this list so let me quickly help you with what you need to do it's a new document easy but in that new document it needs to be a us half letter or a5 depending on which part of the wheel you're in needs to be a bleed of three millimeters or an eighth of an inch depending on what part of the world you're from okay facing pages is going to be turned off we're going to make it landscape i want you to create your very own new library for this client here called green gardener call it that add the brand colors you'll see that in your exercise files there they are there okay there is something called so an o1 flyer there's one called class exercise and in here are your colors there's the colors there okay there's the checklist that i'm reading through now as well you can you can read through it on your own time if you don't want to pause this video and and here's some other bits this is the finished file that you can kind of see in the background here so you can use that as an example if you get lost okay and other things you need to do add those brand colors okay and add them to your cc library you need to use the logo that's in there and one of the images there's three to pick from um you can use your own that's totally fine you can use your own logo your own colors i'd love you to do that okay but if you just want to kind of charge on and finish them okay you can just use the example stuff your image needs to be cropped like this one okay it's a lot bigger we've cropped it down using our special tricks i want you to make the heading uppercase i would like you to put a dashboard we used a dotted one earlier on create a round all round was kind of the name of this like this little round thing with some text in it okay so i want you to create this with a perfect circle i want you to group these two together i want you to rotate them around then i'd like you to save and name your file remember using the v1 and i'd like you to create a pdf with crop marks okay and then send me a version of it i'd love to see it now if you get stuck with anything please drop me a comment or go back through the previous videos the previous videos will cover everything we've done in here if you do get lost though and you're not too sure drop me a message and i'll give you a hand now i promise you i've been teaching indesign for about 12 years now and it's the people that actually take the effort and do these like little extra examples of the ones that pick it up the most following me step by step is awesome until you run into problems so go ahead do this one send me a screenshot send me a sample even if you don't just keep it on your side keep it for your portfolio but make sure you do it all right let's go on to the next project exciting [Music] okay so when you are getting started with indesign you might also be getting started in design in general so getting ideas for layouts can be quite tough so inspiration is how you'll grow really quickly is look at the best people around see what they're doing we're not copying here we're getting inspired by and we're appropriating their ideas and using our own content our own fonts our own colors yeah so just inspiration so the places to go pinterest is an easy one the one in here in front of me i put in magazine spread spread is two pages side by side and gives you an idea of you know just kind of ideas and might get started you can once you've signed in you can start pinning them to your own boards and you'll have a kind of a collection of things you like okay i like another version it's very similar pinterest it's called nice okay with two eyes there it is there dot co um i like this one it's just uh i find a better layout so i've done the same thing i've done a search for magazine spread it just removes all the pinterest kind of branding from it i like this site just like pinterest you can have boards here and when you get them all together let's have a look at one of my boards hand drawn type okay you can see here you can start kind of gathering ideas to get your job going another really good one is behance behance has some other perks other than just inspiration i've done magazine spread in here this is the place that we're going to look at later in the tutorial for your portfolio okay this is where people get found as designers more and more another perk in here is often they'll have like see this one here it's not somebody's work so much as it's a photoresist catalog magazine you can download and start using it okay like a little template now one of the problems often is you'll see this and you'll say great here's a really cool cover i really like it but you have a different project somebody's come to you and said hey here's the cover and they haven't said here's like three words to put on it they've said hey i want you to fill the cover with two pages of word documents and you're like you don't get to do lovely negative space in big blank areas because you've got to fill it jam-packed i find the best inspiration for those kind of text heavy annual reports uh brochures kind of really text heavy stuff is to google and your report so i'm in google here i've typed annual report just add the word pdf publicly listed companies have to go and report their annual reports online so you will find lots of stuff and i've just clicked on a few of these and found like i don't even know what crh is i'm just kind of looking at how they're getting around because you see there's a lot of data they have to communicate they've done some really cool infographics okay they've gone for a three column layout one two three okay so i'm just looking for it for inspiration just thinking like i never considered the big type down the side big image okay so getting ideas from this his bmw's one you can see somebody's going to hand you a thing like this you're like how am i going to show this excel graph and actually make it legible you can see here they've done a really nice job of kind of clarifying the year that we're at and yeah you just work through some of these really text heavy documents and get an idea about how you might approach it another thing you can do is use a starter template so indesign especially okay if you go to new or file new you go to print and let's say we're doing some sort of brochure or a magazine you'll see underneath these blank documents now we have these templates okay if you're using an older version of indesign it doesn't work okay but here we've got some templates and let's say we are doing some sort of you can see there's a jacket there's a food magazine let's click on this and let's click on show preview and it just gives you an idea you're like i like this you might start with this and you can totally use this and just switch out the images there's nothing stopping you what you'll find is you'll end up adjusting it to suit your tastes and your content and it will change quite a bit and you'll be able to kind of take ownership of the design and all you can do is click download okay you've got to be connected to the net it takes a little while but eventually the only difference is that these images won't be there when you open it you can see now it's downloaded oh there it is there done click open it's using fonts we don't currently have we're going to look at missing fonts a little bit later on but we're just going to click sync fonts and hit close okay and you've got a magazine layout the only trouble is without the images just doesn't look as pretty does it but hopefully you've got access to some images for your work okay otherwise you're going to have to go to stock library sites and start filling it in it's a nice way to get started now my parting advice for somebody who's a little stressed out for getting design ideas is that it does get easier nobody's born a good designer but now you've got an interest and you've got some tools in this area you'll start keeping an eye out for designs that you like fonts you like colors you start liking and what will happen after a few projects you'll start knowing what clients like and what they don't like and what's worked and what hasn't and as you get more experienced you'll start to be able to pull designs out of thin air but you're not pulling marathony you're pulling out of past experiences successes wins losses so that's going to be it for our inspiration section we're going to go through on to the next section where we start updating somebody else's file very important hi there in this video we're going to work with a file that's been sent to us by somebody else and we're going to have some issues with the images not being loaded and in the next video we'll look at with the fonts not being loaded so first of all let's go and go to file let's go to open and download the exercise files and then there's a file called o2 existing work open that up and there's green at heart prospectus open them up and warning we're missing some images it might say modified okay let's click okay it also might say we're missing fonts and we'll do that in the next video but basically this is what we've got okay we have a document but these images are missing the weird thing is is that i can see them they're right there okay why can't i use those is it that they print really badly they look okay on screen but they print really badly so we need to link them back up now this highlights one of the differences between indesign and word word when you put an image inside of it kind of just packages it into the docx file okay when you send it to somebody it comes along with it with indesign by default it likes to link to the images why do we do that it's because the indesign can run super duper fast when it's only linking to it whereas word if you've worked with a really big word document with lots of images you'll notice it runs really slowly so that's the difference so when somebody sends you a indesign file be expecting the images to be along with it separately often in a zip file okay if you just get the indesign file and no images you're kind of stuck okay so you need to find those images they might send them later or they might just be hiding somewhere on your computer or the network drive at work something like that so we just need to re-link them so let's do that over here okay you can see my links panel if you can't see it go to window and go to links these are the images that are contained in my file now these ones have got the big red question mark that means they are completely missing so we're going to re-link them yours might just say modified it might have a yellow caution symbol here often you can just click on them and hit this one here which says update and often there'll be no difference okay you click on it and the image will reload but nothing will change often that's just uh quirk between mac and pcs sometimes it's to do with the time zones often there's nothing different keep an eye on it just to check but often there's no change my case though missing this completely so i'm going to try and find this green logo one i'm going to select it and down here there's this little chain icon called relink click on him and what i've done in your exercise files is go back to the parent folder okay and in here there's one called missing footage i'm not sure why i call it footage okay he should be missing images and in here okay there it is green logo one i'm going to click open okay and it's gone and replaced it now you can select more than one so selected the first one hold it shift click the second one go to relink and it's looking for this first one here called table top okay so i'm going to call this one tabletop click open and then i'm going to click this one that says black nice okay so they're all re-linked they're ready to go they're not missing anymore what you might find is this word content here is pink it looks kind of strange it's because you're missing the font so let's go in the next video and look at missing fonts and fixing those [Music] hi in this video we're going to look at what happens when you open up somebody else's document and it says dun dun you're missing fonts there's missing images as well but we do that in an earlier video i'm going to close this down okay and you'll also notice that goes this horrible pink color for anything that is missing so let's go and do that in our tutorial okay so in this video we've been sent a file by somebody but the fonts have come up missing fonts so if you're following along with the exercise files open up o2 existing work open up green at heart prospectus and it says missing links which we did in a previous video so go check that one out now we're going to deal with this one missing fonts now this can be a super easy fix or this can be super complicated super easy means it's a font that actually exists on adobe's typekit typekit is the name that adobe calls its font library and what can happen is it can load up and it senses you don't have that font on your machine but it says hey i found robotoslab lite on typekit and because you're a creative cloud member and awesome would you like me to download it and install it for you okay and you can click sync fonts and life is good where life is harder it's when it has no syncing here and it says i cannot find it anywhere so what you need to do is you need to click on this find fonts okay it's going to tell you in our case it's roboto slab light that's missing okay and what we can do i can click sync fonts here because it's on typekit but you might not have that option often it's not so what you need to do is do one of two things you can replace it with something else okay because sometimes if you're working across mac and pc say somebody's used times new roman times new roman is what a pc calls times new roman a mac for some reason calls it times okay same font same attributes so you might have to go and say actually robotoslab i'm going to go into my list okay this is the list that are on my computer and find it it might just have it might be the pro version so you might have you might have roboto pro or something slightly different okay and you can go and replace it and you keep an eye on it and see if the font changes it might be exactly the same or you might have to go through and say i don't have roboto slabs i'm just going to use ariel okay and i'm going to hit change all okay and it's going to go through and switch out every use of roboto for ariel and that's a sad day because roboto slab is nice and aerial is not nice another thing you could do is actually just ignore this hit done don't care about it and it's going to go this big kind of pink color i know where it is there okay so i've got w on off okay and it goes this kind of horrible pink outline color say i'm just doing a text check okay i've sent it to somebody and they're just doing a quick check of the text they're missing the fonts don't worry about it just leave it missing send it back to the person who originally owned it who does have the font and it will come back to life if that's still not fixing your problems you're going to have to install the font you'll get a package document from your designer or whoever made this okay it'll be a zip file and inside of it will be let's have a look at an existing one i've got so look at our desktop indesign class files we made this package file earlier okay so somebody might have sent you this and inside of here is a documents font and you might find hey there he is there and all you need to do is double click it and depending on what program you're on i'm on a mac okay and i can just click install font okay if you're on a pc it's very similar process what i've done for this class is in your exercise files under missing footage there's one called robotoslab and here are all the fonts that we need in this case it's roboto slab lite if i go and install this one now life should be okay go back in here sprung to life if you don't have that font and it hasn't been sent to you you're going to have to probably buy it some fonts are free lots of them aren't if you're going to go and buy it i can recommend this is where i buy my fonts fonts aren't cheap it depends people put a lot of work into these fonts so say that i need a font and i need to buy this uh this vintage one that's been made you can see here this one here is going to cost me 27 euros okay bigger fonts by that i mean it has a whole lot more characters and weights then you're going to pay more okay but this is a good place to go buy it but there are plenty of other places pick whichever one works for you okay so i hope one of those options helps you with finding a missing font let's get on with this tutorial series [Music] right in this image we're going to look at switching out images so we're going to switch this one with this one let's go do that okay so obviously updating somebody's text is super easy grab the type tool select it change it to the date okay selecting images just as easy i'm going to click on this image here it doesn't really matter actually if i click on it it highlights it over here i can have nothing selected and selected here i know that that's the image gardening tools one but let's say i'm replacing it i need a new cover i could delete this and bring in another file and try and stretch it around but what we're going to do is something a little bit easier i'm going to undo that so with it selected i'm going to read link and instead of what we did earlier which was relinking to like a missing file i'm going to go into our exercise files go into existing work and there's replacement image okay i'm going to switch it out now what we're going to do is we're going to grab our content grabber kind of move it around to reposition it how we want okay i might have to zoom out often that is helpful when you are repositioning images in the different sizes so i'm going to hit command minus to zoom out you might hit control minus if you're on a pc okay i'm going to use my black arrow click on it and if i click on the content grabber you can see it's actually quite a big image so what i might do is hold down my command shift to resize it okay up there bring it down a little bit as well okay and shuffle it across it's my new cover all right super easy that's it for this video let's get on to the next one opacity transparency see-throughiness is what the title of this video is going to be okay and it's so that this black box here you can kind of see through it's helping me see the text against this i've done it with this green boxes here you can see through a little bit i'll watermark this logo page two is a big black box that is transparent let's go and do that now okay so first thing we're going to do is grab my rectangle tool okay not the rectangle frame tool i'm going to give it before i start drawing anything i'm going to well you what you might have to do is make sure you've got nothing selected then go to the rectangle tool make sure the stroke is set to none and the fill of this box is going to be set to black not registration registration is bad okay and i'm going to draw a box roughly to go around the outside now it's on top of my type so i'm going to grab my black arrow i'm going to right click it okay and i'm going to go to arrange and i'm going to go to send backwards and by chance i only have to go back once often you'll have to kind of right click it again and go send backwards until eventually you get behind the white type it depends on when this thing was added to the document because it was last added okay it's on the top of the stack so it's easy to get behind so and next i'm going to do i'm just going to adjust this and this lady over to the side here because we're doing the black box covering it but what i'd like to do is lower the opacity and i just have it selected with my black arrow and up the top here there's this one called opacity okay and i'm going to slow it down slower it's not a word but i'll lower it anyway okay and it's just you decide you know how it's going to work with a background image and how low it should go i might do the same for this green box okay so go and do that lower this one down as well it's just for style points okay kind of looks cool having it partly see-through and it's a theme for this book you can see here on page two this big black box here it's just a kind of a cool way of having text on a black background okay and we're kind of showing part of the image and yeah start points now we've done it for black boxes you can do it for anything you can select anything lower the opacity okay and have washed out text might be watermark for the logo so let's add this guy down the bottom here okay i'm gonna shrink it down move him down here but i'm gonna lower the opacity so he's like a little watermarky thing in the bottom there which i don't like but anyway that is opacity let's get on to the next video all right i've just opened a file it's an older file that i've been working on and it come up with this thing that says converted and then i'll try and save it and it says i've got to do a save as it won't let me save it over the top of the thing i just opened why is that it's because indesign is updated between when you created this file and where it is now it might only be six months ago might even be two months ago and there is nothing we can do about it so we just have to live with it we just go file save and just give it the same name okay and it'll say would you like to replace and you say maybe what you might do before you go and replace it over the top i'm pretty confident i always do it and i never had a problem i do not want to get you into that problem i'd like you to go off make a copy of it somewhere stick it somewhere hidden in case this all goes horribly wrong for you at least you can go back to that original for me i always replace it with the same name and i don't have any problems just upgrading it to a newer version of indesign we just have to live with it and that is all let's get on to the next video [Music] okay let's say we can't find the indesign file we only have the pdf can we open up the pdf in indesign and start editing it no okay it's not possible you can place it and it will stick it in like an image but you can't adjust it the way to adjust it is that hopefully you're creative cloud subscriber and you've got something called acrobat pro or acrobat dc if you don't have that installed go and do that on my mac here there's a little icon apps and where is my mine's called acrobat dc okay that's the current version of it and if yours is not installed install it okay on a pc i think the same little icon is in the bottom right okay and what you want to do is find your pdf download it from your email or wherever you've got it and right click it and say open with and make sure it goes into adobe acrobat now because this is the pro version and the paid version mine's called acrobat pro dc videos it says acrobat reader it's not going to do any of this boo okay because you're creative cloud license user and it's going to work and what we're going to do over here on the right is one called edit pdf now don't get your hopes up too much you can do editions but you can't you can add images but you can't start swapping around and using it like indesign it's very very caveman now i'm going to make sure i'm on edit along the top here let's say our dress has changed i can change it to 100. it's really slow and clunky and jumpy okay so i can do that no problem i'm going to scroll down a little bit and you can see here let's say i just need to change this or it's just a typo or a price change jumpy jumpy that's okay okay so you can do basic stuff in here basic formatting you can add images add text okay add text click and drag out a box adding text whoa whoa whoa okay i'm still waiting for this to catch back up mine's a pretty hardcore mac and it is a little bit dead here it is it's back okay so that's kind of last ditch you just want to make some basic amends and you don't have the indesign file you can do it here in acrobat pro now we've done it in acrobat pro this method works in illustrator often as well illustrator has some pros and cons to it it's a little bit harder to use illustrator if you've never used it before but there's a little bit more formatting and layout changes you can do so try either this one this is the easy version or adobe illustrator and opening your pdf in there and make changes all right that's it for this video i hope that's helped let's get into the next tutorial so what did you think did you like it okay if you did please hit the like button and maybe consider subscribing to my channel it really helps my business now this is just a free video from my larger indesign course you can see the full version on on that site there is a free cheat sheet you can download okay print it off stick it next to computer look awesome the other thing is is i have lots of other courses there photoshop illustrator indesign after effects premiere dreamweaver lots of other ones so go check that out on bye you
Channel: Bring Your Own Laptop
Views: 86,387
Rating: 4.9650393 out of 5
Keywords: indesign for beginners, indesign, adobe indesign, learn indesign, indesign tutorial for beginners, how to use adobe indesign, indesign tutorial, indesign beginner course, learn adobe indesign, indesign beginner tips, indesign tips for beginners, how to use indesign, adobe indesign cc, indesign templates, indesign magazine, envato tuts, adobe indesign for beginners, Free Adobe InDesign Course for Beginners, InDesign Course for Beginners, Adobe InDesign Course for Beginners
Id: N9D_0UQrOhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 29sec (6689 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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