My Biggest Game EVER! "Decked Out" - Hermitcraft 7: #40

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I feel like to me the game is a little to complicated but im still interested in seeing how it goes

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MysteryGuy19 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

I have no idea how I watched that entire video thinking that was Impulse

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/someoneAT 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] there usually comes a point in every season of hermit craft where I in my in my infinite wisdom decide to take on a project that is bigger than life itself that day is today and for those of you that follow me on Twitter you know I've already kind of hinted at this that the project I'm about to start is I mean I have no reservations in saying this is the biggest project I've ever done in the history of Minecraft this is easily easily going to take me at least a month or so to do but when I'm done the entire home craft server is going to have a game that we can all play that quite honestly I think it might be the highlight of season seven now this video took a little bit longer to come out than Moses a little bit bigger of a gap and that is because I've spent probably the better part of the last three days designing this game to make sure it's gonna have a really solid design it's gonna be fun for everyone but it's in depth and we're gonna spend probably the majority of today describing how this game is played and the reason I'm sitting here in this in the shopping district is because this game is going to be below the shopping district and it's going to take up a large large area so the game is gonna have two main areas which won't get into all that a little bit but I've the main area is gonna be a 100 by 100 area going from like right there to like over there to like there to like here that 100 by 100 blocks or so I think B does is over there I think B dubs building something so first things first here let's cut right to the chase I have a massive hole to dig like a quarter of a million blocks on this one and Cubby's got like an underground waterway path thing that goes off that way so I'm gonna kind of start my thing like right here and it's gonna go that way dig I might recruit some help 100 by 100 by a 25 equals 6 hours of digging and I think I bust the kated like five six pics because I was watching a movie in just Clank oh there goes that one Clank oh there goes another one this is not worst I can't pay attention to that stuff but anyways look massive hole here for the game we are about to make and what game are we going to make in here well it's complicated it's complicated but to start things off we are going to build a 100 by 100 dungeon and this dungeon is going to be handcrafted with custom rooms and themed areas and everything and hey tango it's gonna have like unique corridors and secret passages but I'm getting ahead of myself here because I want you to describe this game in a way that everyone can understand it so we're gonna break it down into little pieces so that it makes sense to everyone here but to summarize this game we are about to make a deck building dungeon crawling treasure hunting collectible trading game wait what a what a deck building dungeon calling treasure hunting collectible trading game of course that's what I thought you said so that's obviously a lot to take in so what I want to do is try and break down all those descriptors one at a time and so you can get an idea what this game is about okay and this is by the way this is where the entrance is right now I'll make a much much more formal entrance much later okay but let's talk about the first one dungeon crawling okay it's not the first one it was the first one I want to talk about now I've made a sample here of and this again this is just a sample I just do this together it's not as you know it's not done to the standards that I would want it to be or it's pretty close though now imagine like this kind of dungeon thing right you're going down it's creepy and everything and you turn the corner it opens up to a room and it's like oh this is like some kind of some kind of altar room or something here right and it's all dark and dingy and everything now there might be different themes to this dungeon too like this could be you know and I can almost guarantee I will make a black stoned themed area within the dungeon maybe like one of the quadrants is black stone and nether brick maybe even I like that I like this style right here it's kind of creepy with the so lanterns and everything but they're you know that's just one quarter of the dungeon right there could be and there will be a traditional stone base section there maybe even more like a potentially some kind of like wood section or a natural section we might bring in some more pieces of the nether even inside here like a warp section and a crimson session and as you've probably noticed we even have a couple of spawner here I lucked out did some looking around underneath the shopping district and there were two spawner here that I just wanted to fit in here just right so that the position of this giant 100 by 100 cube is mostly driven by these two spawners I want to have like an undead theme this is a zombie spawner that is a skeleton spawner so this quadrant of the dungeon will probably be a lot of like that might be like the boneyard over there and now we're gonna get naturally spawning skeletons inside here which is really cool now of course no dungeon would be complete without traps I could add traps all throughout here we could even have like secret passageways like imagine there was like a little button like right there okay obviously there wouldn't be a hole in the floor stuff but imagine there's a little button right there and you like you press that and dududududu little door opens up here or something that takes you to another part of the dungeon I'm all for that stuff so as you can see we have a massive area here to fill with this dungeon here and that's intentional so what I'm gonna do now is pop up on the screen an example dungeon map that I downloaded online and it's kind of got a really close you know proportion to the dungeon that I want this is not what I'm going to do but it will be something very much shaped like this the room shapes the corridor shapes that kind of style so something like that is what I want the hermit's to be crawling through so you're probably asking by now all right that sounds great but why are the hermit's want to go in here what's the whole point what's the game well the hermit's are going to get opportunities to enter the dungeon probably once a day or so and I'll get into all that later but their goal is to enter this dungeon explore it and find the loot and more particularly find an artifact or a set of artifacts because that is what the entire game is about they want you explore the dungeon find artifacts make sets of artifacts and hand them in to gain points and the first hermit to get whatever amount of points I decide wins the game when the players entered this dungeon they're going to be naked nothing on no armor no nothing in their offhand no inventory all they will get is a diamond pickaxe and it will be unenchanted that is all and very importantly you cannot break any blocks and you cannot place any blocks well in the dungeon with the rare exceptions that I will specify in a little bit oh and I almost forgot to mention there's going to be two Ravagers loose in the dungeon hunting you down all right so if we're gonna make the hermit strip into the dungeon be interesting it's got to be it's got to be different every time they go in it can't just be like oh I go to the treasure room and I get the same loot I get every time that's boring right so what we're gonna do and this is this is this idea is really what stemmed the in this entire project came from this so I need to get some of this shiny shiny here probably actually some of that I think this is the first ancient debris I've actually smelled it come on give me some fuel we are going to cook this up to get some another right scraps I think they're called scraps are all cooked up and now we want to make some ingots or one ingot I should say and now we're gonna put it in the center we're gonna go shroo shroo up around the edges and we're gonna make a lodestone this guy is the secret to this whole game so for those of you that don't know how the lodestone work this thing is a magical little happy funtime block I love it okay look at all normal everything you take a compass that is a normal compass you right-click on the lodestone BAM don't you and you get achievements just like that but what's great now is you have an enchanted compass now okay and this compass doesn't point to the origin it points to the lodestone no matter where you go as long as you are in the same dimension as the lodestone it was configured for it will always point to it but if the lodestone breaks at any time the compass reverts back to like crazytown no later you can see it down the corner there it is just like it's like pointing as if it was just completely broken now so every day as the administer of this game I'm going to be randomly hiding lodestones somewhere in the dungeon okay and now Hermits that are lucky enough to get one of the compasses that are configured for these lodestones will then be able to go through the through the dungeon and try to use the compass to figure out where in the dungeon is their loot and eventually when they get to it you can see the compass right now is like no matter where I go it's just turning around we found the spot okay so it's right there at this point you're allowed to dig out that block and you see the lodestone that your compass is pointing at okay you brake the lodestone thus breaking your compass and down there you find the ultimate treasure now this gets us to the second part of the game I want to talk about now the treasure hunting aspect of the game okay so every day after I drop a lodestone in a random section of the dungeon and I configure a compass or I bind a compass to it I'm gonna put that compass in a shulker box and I'm going to hide it somewhere here in the shopping district and this is where the Hermits come in this is their first step what they're going to need to do is search this hopefully on a daily basis and look for these shelters that I am hiding randomly in the shopping district okay and when they find one they open it up and inside they will find the compass that is bound to the game I will probably rename these by the way I'm thinking of calling the game decked out either that's a clever name someone in stream suggested it and it's kind of fun so I think the game will be called decked out and there's also going to be a currency in the game which is gonna be these emeralds that I'm giving a unique name with a little symbol there so hopefully they can't be copied in it as much but this is what you'll get every day you'll get a compass and maybe a little bit of currency for the game so then of course you just take that compass out take the money because you're gonna need that for other things in the game grab the compass and go over to the dungeon and you're ready to go in if you enter the dungeon there will be a fee and that fee will be in this decked out currency and emeralds essentially so you're gonna need to save your emeralds for every run that you want to make in decked out okay so we know how it's going to be a dungeon crawl game and we now know how it's going to be a treasure hunting game up in the shopping district let's talk about how this is gonna be a collectible trading game here because I am going to introduce artifacts and these are artifacts now I will openly admit that this section of the game is inspired by Ren Dogg's season five game hermit crafter hermit trongo I think it was called it was a fantastic games a lot of fun all the hermit's really got into it so I'm hoping they do the same for this so artifacts now are the treasure that you will find underneath your lodestone that the compass directs you to okay and now these come in sets so each color is a set and we have four pieces in each set so we have a common an uncommon a rare and a unique okay and obviously the rarity of them is gonna be you know obviously this is there's only one of these and there's probably gonna be like four of these three of these and two of these in the whole game or something I'm not sure all that stuff I have to work that out we'll see but a color is a set and obviously there are going to be many colors I don't know how many colors or how many different sets there will be that's gonna be determined based on how many permits are going to play but I'm thinking in these six to ten range but the idea is if you collect all the pieces in a Senate hand them into some crazy wammy jammy machine that will detect that and automatically give you points on your board here so every hermit is gonna have their own personal like scoreboard I guess you could call it area like a scoring area okay and it's gonna look something like this it may change I don't know maybe the blocks will change or whatever but the idea is that you have twelve pieces here these are all the pieces you own you cannot hold pieces in your inventory if you if you pick a piece up it has to go on your board and when your board fills up you have to start making hard choices you have to take an item off the board and return it to the system there will be a place in the in the hall over there which I'll talk about a little bit but then you know you basically return the pieces to the game so you can only have 12 so you got to be you got to be choosy about what you want to keep but now when you do turn in a set okay and it's detected like okay you got all four of the green set you will get a point or maybe even two points depending on the set all the way up to ten and I think it's gonna be the first one to ten wins so imagine I think over there I got another huge digging progress project over there imagine another hall filled with like ten of these scoring areas scoring boards whatever one for each hermit and I may I may allow the Hermits to like decorate their own scoring board or something very similar to hermit trongo season five because I think that was a fun thing so that is how he keeps course you be able to walk into this hall and just look down and see everyone's score I'm thinking I might put like the Hermits the Hermits skull-like I'm gonna get two of them because I think Cleo still got all the skills if I quit two of every Hermits skull on the board so you know whose board it is I think that might be pretty cool and I should also point out that trading with other Hermits is heavily encouraged obviously you can trade artifacts Hermits can make their own custom deals you know hey I'll trade you a a red for a green whatever it may be or you can even incorporate these you know these emerald currency points as well too so maybe you know hey I'll give you twenty emeralds for a rare or something I have no idea who knows it's up to them alright we've been talking about the game for quite a while here I want to make a little bit of progress here more than just digging a hole today which all I'm gonna do now is dig a bigger hole but we're still got the best part of the game to go the deck building which I you guys are absolutely gonna love I think but we gotta stop by the new the new shop in town it's lamps plus they sell lamps I got it I gotta go buy a lamp look at this place it's amazing look at this it feels absolutely beautiful look at all those I like I literally feel like I'm in a lamp shop here where's the lamps I need I think these are the lamps I need yes those are shiny lamps expensive lips though I tell you I got my money diamond block for a lamp Oh more digging and more planning and apparently I made a bat farm too there's a lot of bat farmers around here lately so I dug a lot more out all this space out everything okay now this is kind of all before the dungeon I'm gonna show you this is like what I'm calling the main hall here this is where you can see I have a bunch of the player scoreboards just kind of pegged into place here there's a 10 on each side so there's enough for 20 permits to play this game probably more than actually will but I went through the actual list and it's not out of the question if this is if this game is popular 20 Hermits could play so there's room for you know each one of them to claim their own scoring scoring board here all the way down so 4 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 2 I keep pitching here something that's weird alright so that room is basically just the scores you know where they have their that they're 12 pieces and the score will be up there I might have to raise the ceiling a little bit we'll still see I'm not sure how I want to do the scoreboards but down here now okay this is where things start to get interesting this is I guess the system room will call this basically in here you're gonna have your shop on this side yes I said the shop back here is gonna be your your daily auction I guess you could say yes I said daily auction will get will get to both of those in a little bit plus there's gonna be some other like little system areas in here too like where you can return things because I need I need the lodestones back they're kind of expensive you know the shelters that people are picking up in the shopping district all the block basically anything you know the diamond pick I'm gonna give them to play the game all that stuff I'd like them to return it that'd be great if they could so I'll probably have a little dump shoot there whatever and then there's gonna be a sign here this is where you only pass this door if you plan on entering the dungeon right so this will be locked and a light will be here or something telling you whether or not the dungeon is ready because you can only run the dungeon every like 10 minutes or so I'm gonna and you know explicitly have a cool-down on it but anyways if it's available you come in here and now you can see this leads directly into what will be the dungeon okay in here is going to be two things one you can see three holes there and we'll probably have like a hole back here okay one of them I'm not sure you know I have to figure out redstone spacing and stuff one of them will be where you put your shulker box that contains your deck of cards we'll get into that in a second and then right here is going to be your window to choose which upgrade card you want to add to your deck of cards okay so let's talk about this deck building concept now for those who don't know deck building is a game mechanic where you own a deck of cards and as you play the game you add new cards to your deck that make you more powerful or give you new abilities and of course it depends on the game of course but what we're gonna do here is simulate that that that game system idea here with a shulker box that is going to be your deck of cards and as you play this game you will acquire new cards that will drastically change your experience within the dungeon so essentially you can think of this as your way of programming the dungeon to fit your desires and to tweak things to to meet gameplay that you you want really so you would come in here put your cards in there okay and they're all gonna get sucked out of the bottom from a hopper and everything and go into a huge complex system in the back with all this redstone and sorting systems there anything and it's gonna figure out what cards you have in your deck and change the experience within the dungeon based on those cards so the cards in your deck are persistent that means that the second you start playing decked out you will get a deck with some crappy cards in it and every time you run the dungeon if you succeed and make it out alive you have a chance of acquiring some new cards that you will then keep with you in future runs so it's a progressive system so you get more powerful the more dungeon runs you do and they last throughout the lifecycle of the entire game so let's dig into it then and look at the cards that I have designed so far there will be more added almost definitely ok right now I have 5 types of cards every card comes in one of four ranks which I will describe you know basically that a tier 1 rank is like it's not that great and up to tier 4 is like that's the really really good version of that one so I just have sampled ranks next to all of these but what's important isn't the rank here it's what the title of the card is and what it does so each of these books is going to represent a card in your deck of cards and there's gonna be a maximum - how many you have somewhere like 8 or 9 probably I don't know that number doesn't matter right now but there will be a finite limit any cards you put in here afterwards will be ignored now we say cards obviously these are books in game but that actually provides a couple of benefits first is you can put a full I could put a full description in here and talk about all the the ideas in this case the card is called stealth and how it works it thing and the card can't be copied it can't be introduced into the game because you're going to need a copy of this original for it to work in the sorting systems now this first card called stealth is this one's kind of a big deal and I don't have jump boost anymore okay so to understand stealth you have to understand what's going on inside this dungeon now throughout the dungeon you're gonna see here I put a series of pressure place here they're hard because it's black stone on black stone but the idea now is that there are going to be pressure plates all throughout this dungeon not every block but probably like every every eight blocks maybe every ten blocks or something and they're gonna be clustered together such that you just you just can't get past it okay the object is not to avoid the pressure plates just by traversing the dungeon you have to step on the pressure plates now every time you step on these pressure plates there is a small chance that you will generate what I'm calling Clank like noise basically this whole dungeon game is you're supposed to be like a stealthy rogue get in the dungeon get the loot and get out before the beast eats your face that's the idea of the game so this right here sometimes you might make noise and making noise or Clank as we call it is bad it's very bad because as your Clank level raises you are going to you're not gonna make the beasts happy the two Ravagers wandering around here are gonna have a much greater chance of finding you and how that works is gonna be demonstrated by this incredibly crude little hallway I just threw together here so imagine you're walking down this hallway here okay and this is your side wall and it's set back a little bit and yes it's I'm late not important okay you're coming down here and around the corner here maybe there's a room here right you don't know about maybe the beast or the ravager is in this room and you don't know it okay as you're going through the dungeon and generating Clank in your Clank level is increasing eventually some of these side panels are going to get lifted up and as they do they're gonna stay up for the remainder of your run through that dungeon now obviously by lifting these up you are greatly increasing the visibility of the Ravagers throughout the dungeon now for those you don't know Ravagers can agar you up to 32 blocks away which is essentially 1/3 the width of this entire dungeon so as your Clank goes up and these things start breaking visibility and you can like kind see through the dungeon better the Ravagers are gonna they're gonna come over and they're gonna eat your face so now that you understand how clank works and why it's bad and how the ravages are gonna come attack you and everything you understand that a card called stealth is very important so what that does very simply is it will drastically reduce the chance of you generating Clank when you walk over these pressure plates the higher your stealth the more quiet you're going to be as you walk through the dungeon next card up is a fun one this is beast sense and for this one I want to head over to my base so for beast sense we need to grab a bell there it is I was hoping I had one we're gonna head out over here and we're gonna show you a lot of you guys probably know this you see where I'm going with this right the iron golems lookit and they're getting killed by the Ravagers of course all right so now what you can do with the beasts sense card if it's in your deck the higher the rank of beasts sense the more frequently the bell will ring and when the bell rings the beasts will glow automatically for just a few seconds so this is your way of keeping tabs on where the beasts are inside the dungeon and the next card that you may try to acquire in the game of decked out is speed boost okay this one's pretty straightforward this beacon right here is going to be configured for speed boost as it is right now the higher the rank you have of speed boost in your deck the more frequently this beacon will be active so if you don't have speed boost it's gonna be like that it's gonna be closed off all the time if you have speed boost at higher ranks this will become active more and more which obviously will allow you to to get away from a certain somebody in the dungeon much easier next up is a loot finder now this one's kind of important to sprinkle throughout the dungeon in in some of the rooms or in many of the rooms are going to be like little chests like this okay they're generally gonna be empty almost all the time if you have loot finder especially if you have high ranks of loot finder there will be a chance that some items might be periodically distributed to these chests for you to acquire with your roguelike fingers you might find emeralds you might find low level artifacts maybe you'll find a new card for your deck who knows and finally we have soul seeker now I'm not gonna go into the full details of this card but it is very interesting and very important suffice to say though if you make it through the dungeon and collect your artifacts and make it out safely there will be three items presented to you here they will be cards that hopefully will be desirable to you and hopefully will be upgrade so you can take one of them as soon as you take one of them the other three are gonna disappear through hoppers okay but you can take that and add it to your deck if you want the higher rank of soul seeker you have glossing over some of the details just say that a soul seeker is gonna bring much more powerful cards as as options right here for you if you are successful in the dungeon so hopefully that will give you a taste of what its gonna be like to build a deck remember they are persistent they stick with you through the life of the game they're not just from one run it is encouraged for Hermits to try to trade them with each other you know and it's going to take a while before the tier 4 cards and tier even 2 or 3 cards are even remotely available because of that soul seeker property and something I was talking about but it's gonna be a slow build you're gonna start out with some with some ones maybe you'll start getting some twos eventually some threes and so on watching back this episode in editing it makes me realize that this feels like a tutorial oh I hope you guys are okay with that I do apologize I'm just I'm so excited about this game and I want you guys to understand it as we are building it because the more you understand it the more you are gonna be into it I think and really appreciate what we're doing here um the last two things I really want to talk about here because they're so cool I think is the shop and the auction house okay now there are gonna be a little windows here and I am periodically going to update them with cards for sale cards or possibly even low-level artifacts basically you could take those hard-earned emeralds that you have and you can you know just buy them here they'll be like this would be like little vending machines you look in the window you see what it is oh there's a stuff to card for sale boink put your emeralds and the thing press the button and it pops out and it's yours to go over here or somewhere I don't even know who knows I might change this whole thing around but over here there's gonna be an auction a daily auction now this is cool because this is going to be a blind auction I'm gonna put something in there that is fairly fairly powerful given the state of the game and how far along it's developed every hermit in front of their own little like scouring pod here like probably right there is gonna have a barrel or something like that okay I'm not sure basically if you see that item and you want it you can bid on it silently by throwing some emeralds in your barrel and they will immediately get sucked out at the end of the day I'm going to look and see who bid the most on that item and and it's there so they're gonna get it everyone else sorry your emeralds are gone all the bat farm is in full effect Oh Zuma logged on it's time for me to log out it's getting late alright guys I am gonna wrap it up here I really appreciate if you're even still watching I appreciate the patience as I described this admittedly complicated game but I think it's going to be amazing once the helmets understand it and the viewers understand it it is gonna be a ton of fun to play and I want to stress guys that I am going to be live-streaming a lot of the grunt work for this game so if you have questions about the game if you have ideas to make it better stop over as usual at twitch TV slash tango Tech ask me a question I will be there you know I think in fact I'm streaming today and I'm gonna be working here doing something and there you have it the dungeon begins I cannot wait to start building this thing out and I cannot wait for the game to get started thank you guys as always for the support and for watching and all the comments I really appreciate it if you have questions or ideas about this game load it up load it up throw at me in the comments and I will do my best to answer them thank you guys for watching I'll see you next time you
Channel: Tango Tek
Views: 587,531
Rating: 4.9762244 out of 5
Keywords: decked out, minecraft card trading game, hermitcraft deck building game, hermitcraft season 7, tangotek card game, lets play, lets play minecraft, tango tek, tango tek 2
Id: HYY1ixfGEaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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