IT IS DONE! - Hermitcraft 7: #48

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[Music] after what seems like months living underground today we will finally see a wild tango poke his head above ground now according to tradition if the tango sees his shadow he will be scared and be forced to work on decked out for another six weeks however if he sees no shadow this means decked out is complete and he is ready to leave his hole let's spy in on our little friend and see what happens [Music] hello hello oh hi turtle [Music] pancakes pancakes [Music] well there you have it folks our little friend tango has no shadow this means decked out is complete not really but i can promise you that before this episode ends it will be i mean at this point my to-do list is so so short i got like i got like i think i have to place one more torch or something i don't know it's very short what we have to do here so we will definitely be finishing today and i still i still am clinging to hopes that i might be able to get b-dubs to come in here and help me out with one or two of the rooms remaining but before we do anything today the first project we're gonna do is not even related to decked out i know ladies and gentlemen we're gonna do something that has nothing to do with decked out now some of you that are new to the channel might be thinking yourself wait a minute he does there's other projects other projects exist believe it or not there was a time when i used to work on other things like a massive gold farm and piglen bartering system which we're going to visit today because it is 1.16.2 something and and the piglens they be trading and they trade and they're changing all the things they're trading so i gotta rework all this to get all the new yummy yummies in here including the blackstone well this is gonna be simpler than i thought i just checked the bartering thing on the wiki and it basically looks like glowstone and magma cream are out i've removed them all there and uh bottled them all up here in my shulker box that's the sad thing is i forgot you can't convert glowstone back to glowstone dust so i no longer have any glowstone dust hope i don't need it for brewing or anything which i definitely will uh so what i need to do is go change the filters in the back to do blackstone and spectral arrows so easy enough here we're just going to go ahead and pull the magma cream out and skadoodle in some spectral arrows and pull out the glowstone dust and shroop in some black stone and i believe that's good to go that's pretty much the only change i need to make and one a short afk session later goodbye thank you very much and the special arrows i like this i mean we lost glowstone magma cream right which is like i mean if you want to do some brewing i guess but the black stone i love building with this and i'm actually pretty excited about spectral girls i think i want to switch to them full time but the thing i don't know i mean i'm pretty sure i don't think special arrows are going to work with infinity there's my spectral yeah so it takes an arrow so i think this might be the point where i switch from infinity to a mending bow [Music] and we're back over here at the tune towers and check it out a little a little birdie dropped off a gift for me impulse i asked him like hey man you got like a villager trading action going on so he just dropped off all these emeralds and these are going to be the official decked out coins so i'm gonna have to rename all of these and you'll notice there's actually a bottle a stack of bottle of enchanting in there too which i think which one is it i think it i think it's this one this is one of the pieces yeah this is one of the pieces i was needing for the enchanting set so i need to rename this guy enchanting a set rare can't i bam put that back in the box and now we have we have five here and i got six there so we have 11 full sets of artifacts ready to put into decked out so let's take a look let's take a look and i'll show you what is new inside decked out now the most important thing is is some stuff you can't see i have gone through and created all of the actual cards in the game and i verified that all the redstone systems are working and i've balanced them and everything so that was a ton of time but it's all off camera uh but this we added we added some railings up here to the to the lava room here we did this last episode and i think this room turned out absolutely great uh but these railings here with the with the chisel blocks on the end and the horizontal chains going sideways we had to wait until 116.2 for this and i think these are really cool um they they don't obstruct the view really all that much and they guarantee that the ravagers can't fall down and they also guarantee that the players can't cheat and just drop down there which i really didn't want them to do and speaking of the redstone i did a live stream with zf and one of the fun things we did was we updated the tunes some of the tunes down here for the stealth related events so this is the sound effect here for when clank is increasing the dungeon and it's like oh that's bad right and then this is the sound over here for when your stealth cards in your deck are actively preventing clanks so the first one is when stealth or when clank is increased i love that one that's the uh that's the didgeridoo those are on top of uh pumpkins i think yeah pumpkins on top of there so when you hear and again there these noteblocks are scattered and synchronized throughout the entire dungeon so no matter where you are you'll hear this you'll know that the badness is increasing and then if you have a uh some stealth cards in your deck they will kind of block the clank value for a while so you'll hear this like a little tiptoe sound that's so perfect that was like on top of on top of bone blocks and i absolutely love that one so you'll hear this in the beginning when the stealth cards are blocking clank but then afterwards you're just going to start hearing a lot more clank happening badness i also finally finished off the warped forest it's extra warpy and full of foresty warpiness it's a little bit smaller than the than its neighbor next door the crimson forest but this is going to be an ideal place for me to hide uh lodestones and things like that a lot of loot to be found inside the warped forest and of course we've added more hermit to the dungeon we've swapped out b-dubs from the happy funtime chair we put we put beef in his place there so he's looking all happy here we got iskall down in his diorite pit there of unhappiness and and now we have we got mumbo mumbo on the rack being stretched over a bit of lava i could just hear the screams now and we added someone else to the graveyard who else of course but cleo zombie cleo coming up out of the graveyard [Music] and just a short jaunt away over in the blacksmith we've added tfc he's uh he's our blacksmith here and check it out look at it he's hitting or gross all right he's grinding the axe on the uh on the grindstone there look a little spark flying out there this one's great i love the little uh little spark shooting out there and in the crimson forest we've added run diggity dog but not but not normal ren we added we added sithren who is lightsabering a tree down i love a little log they're just flying out the action shots are great and last but not least behind the crypt behind the graveyard through the forest over by the sleeping bags this is where we've moved b-dubs to he's sleeping doing all the sleeping that the sleeping needs that's what b dubs does you know but i gotta say i'm not we're not done with this one because i don't like how his bits are kind of hanging out here and stuff like that this one's hard getting a character to actually like lie down is very challenging this is two separate armor stands you can't do it with one because you can't the rotations are just very limiting on these armor stands so i will still be working on this and we'll get we'll get it looking a little bit better but either way b dubs on the sleeping bag okay impulse like uh tango can you meet me outside color complete uh sure be right there i don't know what this is about all right there you are i like how it starts raining right as you fly in gloomy gloomy gloomy i know super ominous dude super ominous so hey what the heck yeah exactly so i i was coming to the shopping district to check out my stock and all my different shops and see if i needed to do anything or collect diamonds and these are all over the place road access pass required look around days three days to comply oh look look around they're almost everywhere oh like like every wait a minute the whole okay is this dude i've been on i've been living in my cave for like 100 years i don't even know what's happening is there still a shopping district what's what's changed their car has been crazy yeah i don't know okay so what i can gather from this and i went into the town hall to see if i could get more information it looks like scar our you know appointed mayor here that we voted for to remind you uh is now requiring us to pay to allow people to make their way up into our shops so all my shops got hit i have like three other shops outside of this one together oh i don't know so hold on now he doesn't realize that no one actually uses the roads right right in fact i think you can just you know quickly just say problem solved yep right yeah they probably could but so hold on there's an eyesore this is i mean is he basic is this is like some kind of extortionist thing here is he kind of like i mean it's this car's like you know be ashamed if something were to happen to your plot maybe maybe you pay me yeah right like this is like taxing the land or something hold on so it's on oh he's got my rocket shop too oh he hit that too oh yeah look at this look at this guy yeah i see it over there all right all right yeah so he's like it's aware it'd be a shame if this shop were to burn to the ground perhaps you should comply yeah oh see what the guy's up to here he wants every shop to put a diamond oh there's a whole wall over here too yeah there's a lot of shops like so you don't notice when you're just flying around the shopping district that there's actually this many there are so many rocket shop it can't even be bothered with the real name iron chop how embarrassing come on oh my goodness oh in the concrete shop you don't even know the names of these shops he's a mayor that's down am i doing this are we doing this i think we have to what happens i can only hope uh i think those barriers stay up or maybe he'll get more aggressive and tear down our shop i don't know i don't know that i want to find out actually so i might i'm thinking we just paid all right does this money go to a good cause is he like saving puppies with this money or something i hope okay i i am a bit of an optimist i'm going to assume this is going towards puppies puppies puppies we're just going to assume that it's going to be fine if it's going towards it's not totally worth it then uh yeah all right let me let me get my money out of here you know you're rich but you stack up on diamond blocks dude exactly [Laughter] or did you pay the concrete shot what a guy whatever i did i did i appreciate it feeling feeling generous hey what about what about uh boomers there it is boomers is up there not technically a shot i can't tell anyone i know i know i know like jeez all right well hey wait a minute you see that over there no what what you just played boomers right i did yeah come over here you wanna see some shenanigans no look at this action right here boomers again what the what what cause there's three of us he figured we have to pay twice oh he better not be thinking that that's not right i'm not i think that's no he ain't paying that that's not that's jerky all right we're all paid up i think i paid for five different shops i don't know what kind of racket this is all i know is there better be puppies bounding gleefully through the shopping district by next week for all this money he's making i don't know where it goes from here like are we allowed to remove our own barriers we better get a road put up to our business for for the fee i hope that's what's going on we'll see yeah better have like escalators and free soft drinks music should play when they enter my shop yeah for a price like that i would expect nothing right right all right well we'll see what he does okay i think the time has come all right since decked out is so close to completion i think i'm ready to finally make the entrance and i'm excited about this because i've been holding off on this for like a while here we've had we've had like this little thing here and a little secret way in here but i've been kind of hush-hush about this i want to build well we're going to build an entrance here that is fit for decks out [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah that could that could have potentially killed me again sure enough you made it uh so hi how are you hi hi i saw some stuff happening over here yup and this is looking um there's a giant ravager head now yes and by the way i can't i can't really take you serious with that face right now why not just like i'm so excited too much sugar a little bit yes yes uh hey i have favors to ask of you you do yes i love favorites i've had i have this project this hole in the ground i've been working on for about 400 years and it requires a certain set of skills that one such as yourself possesses ah yes redstone yeah yeah you could teach me how to do the redstone i would love to yeah a hopper clock yeah oh yeah all the clocks with the hoppers yeah uh no i have a dungeon a massive dungeon that uh still has a few rooms that are empty and all sparse and i figured you could maybe sprinkle your little b-dubs fairy dust and make some stuff oh yeah yeah i would like to do that that's downstairs it's downstairs yes follow me are you getting used to the new sound the new bricks sounds i love everything about the 116 sounds yes it's amazing oh my [Laughter] oh it's so alive you see the friend up there yeah yes oh this is fantastic fantastic okay it worked now you ready yes okay go wow okay okay why is it foggy it feels foggy in here foggy what's the lighting there's a is there a lighting effect what maybe it's just a jar from being in a dark room to go into a light room there's a you did a cool thing unbeknownst to you okay okay it's happening so we're in the dungeon there's different sections to it i mean would you like a little tour i guess cure of course okay okay so this is the jungle themed area there's nothing to do in here okay but it's basically your your flooded aztec jungle kind of thing with corridors and vines and everything okay yes yes and this is all under the shopping district yes this is all in the shopping who knew this was all happening oh yeah there's no it's nuts man oh my goodness this is this is kind of like the hub here okay and it leads to four sections of the dungeon you have a nether themed section right here you have a kind of a blackstone bastion dark keep section over there okay and then down over there you have a forest section under the tree it seems peaceful and yeah right and then a a castley keep kind of section over there so okay yeah uh which one do you want to see castle okay that's what i figure let's go back this way do i hear my heartbeat you absolutely do hear your heartbeat as you as you travel through this dungeon and you get you make noise that heartbeat gets faster and faster intensifies no way yes yes okay so there's some decorations in here but we definitely need something like this room right here [Music] it needs some love right this is like okay it could be whatever it could be a wine cellar it could be like an apothecary it could be anything i don't care yeah okay okay oh yeah i love this there's things happening there's things happening yeah so this is the blacksmith uh over here we've got the library basically oh yeah that's done yeah that's done i love it we have a throne room up here oh that's a beauty yes yep yeah we have in your rightful place yes this is uh this is a bedroom i literally just got done building today this is a beautiful canopy bed style it works this is the king's private chambers you know he does he does his magic back here right yeah yeah oh it's nice and then we have the treasure room are you ready for this yes this is a spoiler yeah look at scar oh no oh i have seen this yes yes this is good look in the okay so that's generally the castle keep area we kind of fast forward to that this leads into the uh this is the forest area over here okay okay we got cleo coming out of the graves oh so this is the cemetery kind of area here right yes yes and we go back over here a little windy through a forest okay and we go to a a little campfire foresty area sure sure someone's on the yeah someone said yeah i was hoping as soon as i saw the beds on the ground yeah i knew yeah i got a little work to do with the armors and stuff but yeah it's it's your rightful place those are nether stars yes with an enchantment glint well they already have the enchantment yeah it's another stars on invisible item frames and it's a that's a huge concrete black concrete dome over the whole area you killed this many withers to make stars to make stars oh my goodness is that dedication or what wait there's a cracked there's cracked nether brick oh yeah there's all kinds of varieties of another rick yeah i didn't know that it was cracked well there you go oh this is interesting okay i'm learning thank you no thank you on this do it oh you're holding a totem this whole time there's nothing to kill you yet yet okay watch me watch go ahead do it you can do it okay nope right down okay i'm gonna fly out watch it and fly empty you got it i'll do this watch this and fly and fly that is a literal maze and you maneuvered your way through that like well it is the back of my hand i've been through i've been down here for like six weeks holy cow so you're not allowed to play this no i'm right i am running the game yeah it requires some kind of administration is there and there's hidden redstone behind some of these things right some of these areas to build yeah yeah come here i'm assuming i'm assuming there's just just from all the sounds and they're clanking there's something oh sure it's a tiny bit of redstone tower oh sure there is a little bit of hidden just a dab a little dab of redstone you know my goodness all labeled all color coordinated it's insane dude yeah this is a beautiful mind moment if i've ever seen it holy cow this is amazing i'm i'm very honored to be a part of this oh i am honored you're like the number one person to do to work on this stuff down here so i'm also honored to charge you for this as well i happily would pay i would happily pay you name your price no no no i'm i'm really in the market now i'm kind of uh freelancing business i'm kind of freelancing and you know freelancing has the word free in it right but uh more so i'm working for coal ore these days coal ore yeah yeah i have stacks on stacks how many you want do you really yeah oh dude i think i have to get me i've been on the top of my head 10 or 15 stacks at my base seriously yeah yeah yeah for all yours if you make my dungeon pretty oh my goodness oh wow okay yes it's a guaranteed deal yeah yes i'm all a part of this oh all right let's get in line for you then okay well all room i'll do a lot of room all right yeah i'll take it i'll take hallways i'm so excited i'll pretty up the hallways i'll take castle rooms i'll do all of it oh i'm so happy b-dubs coming through in the clutch let me tell you that he is gonna finish pretty much the whole dungeon it sounds like we got our entrance here we got our ravager ahead ready to go the entrance to decked out is complete i still haven't decided like i don't know if i want to like leave this open or hang some lights from the ceiling or what if you guys have any ideas what i should do up there or maybe i should just close it off you know put like a a cold ceiling like right around there i don't know if you have ideas but anyways we have uh this is all you know coming soon no peaking this is it guys this is it i mean we are done done with decked out okay we're not really done but we're close enough i'm not making any more videos on the development of decked out the next video i put out on my channel will probably be the how to play decked out one uh and i got a little you know little odds and ends like i gotta i gotta fill the compass timer here with stuff i gotta stock the shop and get prices and everything i think i have to you know finish up this artifactory little things you know close up holes and walls and stuff like that i got to make the coins so i have like probably a few more hours of work but it's good enough it's good enough it's working the uh by the way the uh the evokers they're in they vote is the store gonna work no cause i didn't pay the voters are in there are eight evokers sprinkled throughout the dungeon let's see if i can find one somewhere yeah there's uh there's one right up in there they're all in mine cards you can kind of see the minecart right there so i hope p dubs doesn't uh spring one of them while he's decorating and of course i do not have the ravagers in yet i don't think btos would enjoy trying to finish decorating the halls and some of the rooms with ravagers chasing him around so that'll have to wait i'll probably do that in a live stream early next week and i'm hoping by next weekend the game is live the game is live so i hope i hope you all enjoyed the 427 consecutive episodes of me building decked out it's time to play this game and uh i cannot wait to see the hermits and the reactions and the videos and all the squealing as ravages chase them it's gonna be so so good
Channel: Tango Tek
Views: 570,233
Rating: 4.9816279 out of 5
Keywords: hermitcraft decked out, hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 7, tangotek, tango tek, hermitcraft shopping district, hermitcraft games, bdoubleo100 hermitcraft 7, impulsesv hermitcraft 7
Id: oPCkf4Vl5Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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