【特種兵電影】被捆綁住的3名特種兵絕地反殺日軍,炸毀敵人飛機場 ⚔️ 抗日 MMA | Kung Fu

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Protecting Shangguan, the Japanese army did not fall into the target. The Japanese army received the rear route on the second floor and outflanked Lao Luo, Lao Luo, Lao Luo. Xiaobai, boss, Lao Luo, here, Xiaobai, I 'm fine. Sean, noticed the location of the Japanese ammunition depot in front of him. Check the weapons. Ready to fire . Edward, are you okay? Sean, we have to return. We can't end up in enemy territory. Absolutely not. Sir, Boss Shangguan has entered the hole. Boss Luo has entered the hole. The five-minute timer is not allowed to start. It's three o'clock to grab a living. Direction . I said if you want to go out, you have to pass me. Five minutes after I enter the cave, no matter life or death, I must evacuate. Understand, evacuate, evacuate, evacuate. Che Shangguan, the Chinese special forces team originally looked like this. The Japanese army is sending bullets to me. Hurry up, or you let go. Let 's have a good fight. The Japanese army comes here. Come on grandpa. Come on. Do you dare? You are very calm. It seems that you are their commander. How did I hear that there are four people in your Chinese special forces team? Where is the other one? Are you dead? There's so much nonsense. Don't you have enough bullets in your guns to kill the three of us? Don't worry, I won't kill you now. Your Chinese special forces have repeatedly harassed our military defense area. Your Excellency, our commander, really wants to know you. Take them away and round them up separately. Stupid things, this is your final fate. It’s best to report to Commander Fukai and Mr. Hattori immediately. It’s good to know that the members of the Chinese special forces, Mr. General, have been successfully killed by Mr. Okazaki’s search team. Finally, there is no need to worry about these flies anymore. The huge search manpower can be fully devoted to the advancement of the Skynet plan. The general, His Excellency Akira Fukai, reported that the airport construction is about to be completed. Please give instructions for the next step. As expected, Mr. Hattori sent a message to the headquarters to report to the Sino-US and British coalition forces, especially the Chongqing pre-emptive force that was conducting a frontal assault. The Japanese fighter planes of the Second Division that carry out bombing can enter Laohupo Airport at any time. Also, Mr. Hattori, please take the people to assist Gangzaki and bring back the bodies of the Chinese special forces. Brother Qi Qi, are you a human or a ghost? We just separated for a day. You don’t recognize me anymore. Fortunately, the parachute opened in the end. How lucky are you, Qi? Were you the one who killed those Japanese soldiers just now? Why was there no movement at all? Brother Qi, this Yankee, this bulletproof vest is really not good for me. This chest hurts like a punch from a blind bear. You can just have fun with it. If we didn’t have this outfit, we would shut up when we met the Lord of Hell, put on our equipment, find a safe place to rest, and retreat to the headquarters. The order is that the aircraft of the Fifth Flying Group will be stationed at the airport tomorrow and require us to complete the construction of the main project. I understand, no problem, no problem. Since the last time the prisoners of war escaped, only less than half of the laborers captured from the nearby indigenous tribes' villages were captured. They are not women enough. As long as the children are human, they will all be captured. If everyone runs away, they will definitely be captured by the Japanese army as laborers. We will spend the night here tonight and rush to the Japanese army at dawn. Captain, is this place safe? The most dangerous place is the safest. That's right. The Japanese troops have been here before and will definitely not come again. Your Excellency, the Chinese Special Forces must be fleeing in that direction. Gonda-kun ordered your task force to find them and strangle them. I have no bullets. I'm out of bullets. I'm out of bullets. If you give me a bazooka, I'll kill them all in one fell swoop. Old Luo, you crow mouth, stop talking nonsense and run away. The Chinese are out of ammunition. The supplies that fell down should be here. Split up nearby to look for the boss. Thing found the boss. Thing found the boss. Thing found the boss. Come and die. Please don’t kill us. Don’t kill us. Don’t kill us. Don’t be afraid. We are Chinese soldiers. Chinese soldiers, what are you doing here? We are here to fight Japan. Why are you here ? Japanese, yes, they are the Japanese. They have captured all our men. Please help us. The Japanese are also arresting us and our children. We cannot run away even if we want to, so we can only hide in Please help us here. We can't help you. Look at these children. Look at these children. If you don't help us, they will be killed. They will be killed. These children are so pitiful. Captain, we are There are more important tasks that we cannot take you with us. It will be more dangerous to take you with us. Search every residential house. Shen Jingjun requires us to capture the laborers and go back. No matter men, women, old or young, search, search, and bury the Japanese corpses. Do n't give them to the stockade. Boss who is looking for trouble, there is still a Changgu, please spare your life. I am Chinese, and you don’t look like a good Chinese. You don’t look like a good Chinese. Don’t kill me. I was forced to do it. I can say a few words about Japanese Emperor. No emperor, no Japan | I forced you to come from where did you come from? How many checkpoints were there along the way from the airport? Two road cards, two patrol cards. Mr. Fukai, the airport construction went smoothly. The headquarters specially sent you a commendation. I guess you will be promoted soon. And what I want to be transferred from here is not a reward . It's a fight to the death with the Chinese special forces. That's the most important thing. I'm afraid there's no chance. The war here will be over soon. The flying team will launch a surprise attack on China's forward positions tomorrow. By then the Chinese army will be defeated and unable to escape, Mr. Ida . I will personally be responsible for the security mission at the airport tonight . I seem to have smelled the scent of the Chinese special forces approaching. This is the last checkpoint. I have passed this. We will reach the airport after more than ten miles from the checkpoint. How many people are there in the checkpoint? Seven sentries and one leader. Please show me your ID. Please follow me to change your ID. Please follow me to change your ID. Chief, he asked me to go to the watchtower to change the pass to the airport. Take me there. Are you there? It must be easy to be on duty at the airport, right? Judging from your appearance, you must be from Hokkaido. Yes, I am also from Hokkaido. I really miss my hometown. You don’t smoke. Yes, Xiaolin-kun likes to chat with strangers wherever he goes. That’s how I am from Hokkaido. I guess that guy and Xiao Lin are from the same hometown, Xiao Qi. What should I do if I evacuate the boss? The situation is not good. Please evacuate Mr. Xiao Lin and return to your post . If I see you stubbornly working for the Japanese again, I will not let you go. Don't worry, I will never follow the Japanese again. Remember, you are Chinese. Yes, thank you, boss. You can't kill this man. You can't keep him. What if he is tipped off ? No, we have to listen to Xiao Qi's bomb in the car for ten minutes. In the future, be careful about the explosion. Hong Zijie and the others still have no news. Go to Robin immediately and ask for support from the Flying Tigers. Send a call to Master Gu. Hong Zijie's action fails. Even if Hong Zijie's action fails, I, Zhang Jiangong, will never take a step back. But, captain, don't talk nonsense. Man, the Japanese army wanted to launch an air raid with me. He made a mistake. Everyone, cheer up. If the Japanese plane dares to come over, just use cannons to blast me down. Don’t feel bad about the shells. Do you hear me? It’s Hong Zijie. It’s all up to you. Get on the plane, boss, hurry up and be careful. Boss, don't move. You are just making trouble if you go down. I believe you, boss, help me look at the runway in front of you. I didn't expect it. I miss you so much. I miss you so much. Captain, get on the plane. Boss, let's climb the plane quickly. Let's go home. I'm going to the prisoner of war camp. General. The Laohupo Airport was destroyed and the Chinese special forces robbed the fighter plane and escaped. Your son Akira Fukai fled. What happened to him? He has been broken into pieces for His Majesty the Emperor. Your Excellency, Your Excellency, please express your condolences. I immediately ordered all air defense bases to use all their strength to shoot down the Chinese special forces. Akira Fukai took revenge and told them to pick up Akira Fukai. I want to see if he is Xiao Qi who is preparing to parachute. Sir, please express my condolences. You are okay. Boss, come the Japanese. We have been flying in the sky for such a long time and they are chasing us in such a short time. Please keep your voice down, captain, should we fight or retreat? Before we set off, Mr. Gu said that we could evacuate to the local indigenous tribes. Not far ahead of this mountain road is the tribe's village. Is there any other way to go? No, I've looked around and there's only one road under your feet. I'm worried, boss, the Japanese army is catching up. We can't enter the stockade. Why will it cause trouble for the stockade? Then stop the Japanese army on the spot and eliminate the Japanese army here. This battle cannot be fought. We must find a way to lure the Japanese army elsewhere. Lao Luo, take out the dry food you have on you and ask Hattori. Your Majesty, please report on the process. We have confirmed that the escape trajectory of the Chinese special forces is to pursue. Don’t shoot. Who are you? This brother, we are Chinese soldiers. Your senior elders know me. We have no intention of offending today. We are just passing by. Young master, you are here to trick me. You almost don’t recognize us. The elder came back with us only to find out that we have an important mission and we can't go back with you now. If you think I've offended you, can I come and apologize to the elder some other time ? If you don't dare to go back to the village with us, you must have bad intentions. Captain You must not have been well. If this delay is continued, there is no way to defeat them quickly. After all, they are civilians. We can't do it. Moreover, if we do it, it will alert the Japanese army. What are you muttering about? I tell you that we are all around here. You can't run away, I know, I know, you lead the way, I'll go with you, then please, we meet the Great Elder Hong Zijie again, why is it you again, what is your intention in coming this time, no intention, we are in the process of executing the mission. I bumped into one of your men by accident. I told him that I knew you, but he didn’t believe me and insisted on confronting me. So, Abba Xina, this jade was found on his body. Hong Zijie, you know Xina and she is our division. Very good nurse. If you have nothing else to do, we have to continue the mission. There is no hurry. Let's have a banquet. Stop the Chinese special forces. They are indeed a formidable opponent. Ida-kun. Is this the wrong direction? We were fooled. They did not flee forward at all. Instead, we quickly returned to the jungle and chased back . There is a Chinese saying that Zou Zijie is born once, and we should be considered acquaintances after the second time. My dear God, I took over. We still have a mission. We should Now that we have arrived at my village, I should be the first to greet you and say the first words. Please sit down. I will toast you three glasses of wine and say two things. Please also ask Brother Hong to comply with my proposal. I am your junior. You call me Hong Zijie. As for your proposal, as long as it is reasonable, I will accept it. The first thing is that I will apologize to you on behalf of my little daughter Xina. She is not Xina, she is your daughter. How do I understand your sentence? The confusion is of course between you and my sister Xina, Xina and I. Xina is the apple of my eye. She has been pampered since she was a child. There are some things she doesn’t know how to do according to the rules. Although, she has a soft spot for you and will give you a token of love. But the tribe has strict regulations that our women cannot marry outsiders, so please don't mind. I think it was the impulsive and reckless behavior of my little girl Xina. This jade was given to my sister Xina by my grandma and will be given to my sweetheart in the future. But you are not qualified to own it. Great Elder, there is a misunderstanding here. When Xina gave me this piece of jade, she told me that this jade was for safety. I didn’t know what special meaning it had. Besides, Xina and I were just comrades in arms. I kept using her. Treat her as my sister and be a real soldier. Don't tell lies. Since you are not married yet, you spend all day with my sister. How do we know if Mi is fooling us? We are still with Xina all day. Yes, we are all directly under the division headquarters. It's normal to not see it when you look up and look down every day. It's not right. There is only one piece of jade. Why did I only give it to you? If I knew the origin and meaning of this piece of jade, I would never accept it. Besides, I already have someone I like. I believe it. As a human being, I will take back this jade on behalf of Xina and treat it as if this never happened. Ida-kun has searched everywhere and found no Chinese special forces. They may be hiding in the villages of these indigenous tribes. Let me go in and search. The matter has been explained, the misunderstanding has been explained, we should go. No, no, no, I mean. After this second glass of wine, I hope you will never step into the territory of our tribe again. [ Great Elder, what is the truth in what you say? Then we It's not allowed to pass by here. The mountain belongs to your family. If you say no, you can't. You kid, you want to fight, right? I'm afraid that you fought last time. Did you win? The superiors all sat down. Everyone sat down. Zijie, our tribe belongs to the mountain god. Blessed to be able to settle down and live here for generations. We have never fought against the world. But now you have been fighting the Japanese. We don’t want to get involved in your disputes. The Japanese have ulterior motives and do evil. We will never get together with the Japanese. But Brother Hong, I don’t want to get involved. I don’t want to offend the Japanese by being close to you. Our tribe is very weak and it is not easy to survive between you and the Japanese. So please understand our difficulties. Great Elder, what you said is very clear. I also understand you. What you are doing is wrong. You are between Qi and Chu. Don't offend. Be a good guy and want to protect yourself. Your wishful thinking is wrong. Sooner or later, the Japanese will come here. When the time comes, they will level your village and kill them. Only your tribe I advise you to take up arms, unite everyone and drive away the Japanese army. That is the best way to protect yourself. What qualifications do you have to speak to my father like this? I am not based on qualifications. It is the truth. Oman Oman, little brother, Chinese. I have read a lot of books, and I don’t necessarily know less than you do. I can tell you that at least for now, this is our best choice. Great Elder, I understand what you mean. Please rest assured that from now on, we will not take the initiative to disturb the peace of the tribe. But please believe in us. If one day the Japanese army invades the tribe, the ones who can fight side by side with you must be us Japanese. You should report to the great elder quickly and I will stop them. Then let us drink this last cup together. From now on The road faces the sky and each side goes to one side. If our tribe is really in trouble and needs your help one day, I will thank you on behalf of the tribe, Great Elder. Great Elder, the Japanese have rushed in. Abba, it must be Hong Zijie and the others who provoked the Japanese. We can't If you leave the village now, you will be harmed. If you come out of the village now, you will be harmed. Aman, take Zijie and the others to my living room. Abba, if the Japanese find out, we will be in trouble. Great Elder, we cannot go to your living room. This is my tribe. Our territory, you have to listen to me, Oman, take them quickly, come with me, no movement , no movement, sir, it's so late, what are you doing here? We are all good and law-abiding citizens. You are in charge here. If you have anything to say to me, Chinese soldiers are here. Sir, this is our territory. This is not China. Soldiers are soldiers. Yes, yes. I know you are a soldier. What are you going to do? [ __ ], come in and search. Get out of the way. Someone has been here. I understand. Come on, sir. What I asked about the wine is that there are outsiders eating here. No, no, you are not counted as an outsider. You can eat as you like. Report that Ida-kun was not found in the residence. Report that Ida-kun was not found on the hillside and in the vegetation. Is there anything else that the Chinese special forces team did not find? There is also the indigenous leader. The room was not found. Go quickly. No one can go out. Report Ida-kun. No Chinese special forces were found in the room of the indigenous leader. Immediately report to Mr. Hattori, please send more manpower. I confirm that the Chinese special forces are hiding here. Search carefully. It 's you. I've known Dr. Hu for a long time, right? It's more than just acquaintance. What does this have to do with you? I just want to know. I'm on a mission now. Since you don't want to tell me, then I'll just pretend that I don't know anything. Boss, we can't hide like this. The Japanese army will not leave until they find us. I think your idea just now was a good one. Shangguan and I went out to lead the Japanese army to a distance. Captain, I agreed. Just a dozen small Japanese soldiers were not enough to fill our teeth. When we entered the village just now, I After observing the terrain, the terrain in the south is suitable for an ambush. Don't worry, we will handle it ourselves and won't leave you with any trouble. Although my father does not agree with your attack, if you really want to attack, I can secretly help you, Ida-kun, to find China. What is the Special Forces? Ida-kun found the Chinese Special Forces. They are Huang'er. Please walk slowly. Father will soon place the heads of the Chinese Special Forces in front of your coffin to pay homage to you. Quickly tell me where they are. Ida-kun reports that the Special Forces are here. In the local indigenous village, Your Excellency General Hattori, please advise whether reinforcements need to be dispatched. Rush there immediately. Do you still need instructions? Immediately order all armed special service teams to rush to the indigenous tribes. Even if they dig three feet into the ground, they will dig up the Chinese special forces. Father, I'm sorry for you. Don't blame your father, General. Please rest assured that the special service team will definitely be able to assist Ida-kun. Order Ida-kun to immediately evacuate the indigenous tribe's village. General, why did you let them retreat? Otherwise, our strategic intentions will be exposed. If you are dishonest and find the Chinese soldiers, I will kill you. How is it possible that we only have Orions and no soldiers here to report? Mr. Ida, Mr. Hattori, want to talk to you in person. Mr. Hattori, why have I confirmed that the Chinese special forces are hiding here? Are you withdrawing?
Channel: Gun King - 无敌枪王
Views: 8,392,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gun King - 无敌枪王, masterSamurai, 特种兵, 狙击手, 武术, martial arts, martial arts fight, martial arts movie, kung fu, 少林功夫, kickboxing, New Chinese Action Film 2023, Chinese drama, 中国电视剧, action, action movies, kung fu movie, Second Sino-Japanese War, 武侠打斗片, 功夫片, 武侠神剧, new action movies, fight scene, best fight scene, war fight scene, battle scenes, kungfu movie, action movie, 空手道, best action movie, 監獄, 擂台, 比武, 功夫大師, MMA Fighter Kung Fu, 最佳打斗场面, Kung Fu, 仙侠片, 武打电视剧, Chinese Kongfu, 囚犯, 神枪, gun king
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 5sec (4385 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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