GUERRILLA WARRIORS - Hollywood English Movie | Chris Hemsworth | Blockbuster Action Movie In English

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so far this quarter eckard's got to make up some ground and try to get in field goal position but with a clock running down and no timeouts left Wolverines are in a tough fix 22 22 out of bound how that one feel get off hey man you got rocked it's hard mat be careful we can still do it 30 seconds left just get us in field goal range come on kid now execute empty [Applause] empty how's he [Applause] [Music] doing your ass is M you hitting on me by three back 53 back 53 come on come [Applause] on heer you got to stop with the cowboy if I did that I'd still be back on the 20 coach get Danny on the quarter tell him to get his ass out of B pick him up pick him up lead your team nine take us to the house [Applause] Hecker you got to stop the clock take it out of bounds it still running field goal Archer come on let me go for it got to be kidding me field goal come on all right let's go special go ker what the hell are you doing let's put the podcast for the school website you out personing in that podcast no sir out of my face no good and that's the game final score Titans 17 Wolverines 14 thanks for coming out tonight Wolverines see you next time hey hey it's my bad my bad hey we're going to the finals you want a ticket awesome God I can [Applause] help [Music] ow why are you hitting me cuz it's more fun than what stress get out of your head have a good time sounds good [Music] is supposed to get [Music] me now you're in the Air Force right Marines actually yeah I got a cousin that join where are you stationed I was in the J down in uh California close Iraq can I have another beer [Applause] please are we Jed eer Tony Tony wsh uh our family our families used to go camping together I remember and you were always the oldest so you end up babysitting I used to think of it more as being like a scout leader or something or babysitting babysitting maybe yeah oh God your mom needs to make us sing the most ridiculous songs um I'm sorry no nothing to be sorry though I I know that was hard on you guys yeah so um how long you here for uh a few weeks then what then it's off to wherever they want to send me next hey Tony we're right here okay hi I'll see you yeah you guys want miss these right no no of course not ni me it's gotten into you that nice game H wasn't it [Applause] amazing yeah man I'm out and we are getting reports now that the blackout may run along the entire Northwest Corridor still no information on what may have caused this massive failure so Maddie yo you didn't tell me your brother was back and all grown up why are you so interested because I'm an only child and I'm curious about sibling rivalry wish you had have told us you were coming I still can't find the extra sheets for the fold out I've looked everywhere don't worry about it couch is fine you love you see you hey girls hey got blackout Duty got to go R in the crazies so you saw the game yes sir I saw it all proud of you you played your hardest that's what matters they're lucky to have you later you want a beer hey Maddie what are you doing I'm getting a drink okay you got a drink close the door the power's out I Ain not man hey can we have to scare the perimeter or something rendevu with douche company for what's going [Music] on W Maddy we got to find Dad come on I got no reception try the radio what is this I don't know hang on stay on my ass hang on get to the cabin what no the cabin J you take care of your brother you hear me get out of here while you still can't go now let's go go no jo we got to get Erica where next right hold on oh Erica Erica man get come on come on jump in go go go go go no no it's my son it's my son it's just the boys okay they just Bo what do we do just follow us come on [Music] [Music] [Music] dead come on go yes any want Hur I don't know I don't think [Music] so and Pete if from out of town San Diego or something they just saw their dad get killed okay listen you take these guys and see what you can find in there I'll get the generator going yeah we got to find out what's going on my my parents my mom Robert you're right it's your job find your radio the TV get us reception get it work okay but we can't just say yes robt yeah e there is that it no no go go back no long controlled by the government of the United States don't go outside unless it's an absolute emergency accidents are more likely to happen when people move about unnecessarily if you've become separated from someone and you don't know where they are a hotline has been set up to help you hey what the hell man what does that mean it means we're screwed hey hey you hear that M Kill the Lights let's go what are you doing I'm going to draw them away and hope like hell they take the B I come with you no you're going to be cutting the lights and keeping those quiet what if I cut the just do what I say come on Maddie no stop hold your fire what did I tell you to do it wasn't me you almost took my head off I thought they got past you are you give me the gun I'm not giving you dick who the hell put you in charge anyway yeah let's compromise what more hey Dad said you up here you saw was he okay yeah but it's bad down there man where are our troops Jad I don't know C you hurt no fine fine it's um Erica here I think they took her everybody [Music] inside wake up what's wrong that Pete and his buddy took off with all the food like I need you guys to take anything we can use put it in the truck and hide it in the woods that prick knows where we are so keep your eyes open Maddie come with me let's go get up North Korea it doesn't make any sense oh there is a bigger picture here they had to have had help think it's like this everywhere I don't think they'd come all this way just for Spokan see where do you think Dad is probably down there if anyone else they think is a threat or they can get information from you think Erica is in there your girl's a fighter she'll be okay we got to get him out of there we can't just call 911 Maddie we got to stay put for now and just pray like hell it doesn't get new worse hey hey hey hey they found us there's no one here I swear this is where they were son of a it's Pete do Young dead holy darl that's your dead what quite s Jesus Christ boys it's man Jenkins Captain Cho here is the acting prefect of this District now he says you seriously injured some of his men and he's given me his word if you turn yourselves in no one's going to be hurt okay [Music] boys Daryl son like you to come home [Music] guys you shouldn't we do what he says what do we do we don't move but if my dad trust now shut up everybody stay still [Music] boys you're out there you can hear me listen up tough situation all the way around lot of tough choices I love you [Music] both I hope you know that what I'm going to ask you to do may be very difficult but I want you boys to do what I would do I want you to go to war stop this piece of or die trying [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] yeah they're going to find us guys what are we even doing up here we should just go back Matt I'm sorry my parents are still down there I'm worried something's going to happen to my dad maybe he can help us he can't help us darl he's helping them's that supposed to mean it means he's helping them you saw him he just stood there and watched what else is he supposed to do do our dad made a choice and Daryl's dad's got to make one too we all do we're going home Robert parents aren't down there I saw it I I didn't know how to talk [Music] we can't go home we can't keep running what are we supposed to [Music] do I'm me to fight I'm going to fight now this is easier for me cuz I'm used to it the rest of you are going to have a tougher Choice look I don't want to sell it to you it's too ugly for that that it's ugly and it's hard but when you're fighting in your own backyard you're fighting for your family and all hurts a little less and it makes a little more sense and for them this is just some place but for us this is our home obviously we don't stand a chance against these guys in a straightup fight if you look at the vine or even the men men it's clear even the tinest flea can drive a big dog crazy so the first thing we have to do is learn how to work together become a unit and that's going to take some time it doesn't take much to pull a trigger keeping your together in a firefight is a whole different story so we're going to have to evolve rewire our reflexes learn new skills and adapt old ones it out there's almost half a million faces down there and they can't track them all so we'll find people we can trust friends with their ears to the ground who can help us get the things we need to fight back watch what they do study their tactics their routines the more we know the easier it will be to hurt them but we need to be smart and we need to be patient we'll hit them on our terms when we're good and ready We inherited our freedom now it's up to all of us to fight for it these things are badass not if you know anything we need to get better weapons arec foreign foreign for speech speech for speech foreign speech speech [Applause] 40 seconds weapons and ammo get it [Music] all Rob you're okay let's go [Music] who's [Music] that come on come on now what we need let's [Music] go holy hey Jay isn't this [Music] se4 I can this is stupid yes you can come on just side it up now one shot behind the shoulder just relax breathe out and squeeze you got him what is this drink drink the blood latte or the the deer Spirit or some it's not some Robert it's tradition Robert drink up stop it it's not that bad actually no what did it taste like you know oh hell no we don't we never drank that oh that can't be [Music] safe [Applause] okay you guys ready how you feeling I don't know it's all right man I feel the same way now look I know we're outnumbered and we're outgunned that doesn't mean we can't make a difference so it's up to us to let people know that there is a fight on a fight that we need them to join most of those soldiers down there they don't want to be here so we have to make it too hard and too difficult too bloody for them to stay when I was overseas we were the good guys guys we enforced order well now we're the bad guys and we create [Music] [Music] chaos oh let's [Music] [Music] go let's [Music] go [Music] collaborators had to [Music] happen here we go look the [Music] live me Wolverine it's the [Music] [Music] Wolverine dude dude nobody move Sandwich Artist fill this with breath what kind I don't care there's no flat bread wheat honey oat tuna turkey they see us I don't know just get the food go get the food this is Radio free America broadcasting live the occupied Zone my God that was good I miss this you know what else I miss Pizza toilet's that flush Call of Duty Modern Warfare dude we're living Call of Duty and it sucks guys are hes man I miss girls nah not not like you I mean like like hot sexy volumtious girls nice girls without uh AKs who needs AKs oh mat come on bro what do you what you [Music] miss your is our [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] whatever I say it's just going to piss you off so why don't we just forget it you forget what that you've been putting everyone here at risk ER is still out there Jen and what happens when you get caught cuz if you were me you wouldn't keep looking right no not if it meant putting everyone else's ass on the line I'm not you ched no you're not the team has got to come first get that through your head Erica is my family Chad it's more family than you are yeah you're going to get us all killed that's how you get show the rally is a two at the main Square so decoy like before a little car bomb goes off here the crowd clears security rushes in and that is when Mr big ass must F bomb under the stage is going to blow that bastard to Kingdom Come we are not your enemies because you too are victims victims of an American culture in which greed irresponsibility and fraud were openly encouraged victims of a corrupt government ined from the tyrants of Wall Street it is our sincerest belief that with the right leadership ship and with your support this country will rise again better morally Superior to what was here before but we need your help we have teams of Engineers ready to restore power and utilities but we cannot provide these things until the situation stabilizes we must all AR son of a the guy sitting behind oh he's Russian are you serious the blue Beret means he fets Nots Russian Special Forces what was his specialty counter Insurgency for starters are they here because of us well if they are they're a little late it's up to you to ensure that your friends got get out of so the collective states can rise again and Stand United again we are here to facilitate this for objective okay 90 seconds social and econom now will tonight decide to reserve social D okay yeah but full compliance is mandatory no exceptions the regulatory board has suspended all 15 hours the United so your wellbe in mind we ask for your operation bringing these cowardly Wolverine terrorists to Justice this blow it it's that time yet hold you fire do not [Music] engaged up come on [Music] [Music] [Music] where's the key baby where's the key let's [Music] go stay down [Music] down [Music] [Music] look [Music] go go [Music] go [Applause] [Music] you all right we got to go bab we got to go we got to go [Applause] keep going come on St [Music] get in here get in [Music] here take what you need [Music] thank you be safe don't worry come so Danny bring me the [Applause] scissors I need more light Tony I'm going to need some ice can you bring some from outside oh my God I won't go in there right now what and Jo's freaking out is in me when you decided to run off and do your own thing Greg was killed trying to help you it was a few days ago these Russian soldiers came to the stadium they kept asking me who you guys knew and who might be helping you and they even had a list of names Jad all our contacts in town now we can't look we are not a Rescue Unit we can't save everyone wait so so we're not going to do anything I didn't say that did I you are guilty of giving Aid to the terrrace Wolverines [Music] get [Music] [Music] yeah M's been gone for days I'm worried about him yeah I know fore fore you want need k what are you doing here Maddie tapping everything off making sure the ammo dry it's great man that's really where we need you off when your really going to do this now Jen yeah we are yeah I couldn't just leave her there you left your post what the hell else was I supposed to I need to know I can count on you maybe you can what did you expect you you think you're the first to feel this now to see one of your friends get killed This Is War okay she rub some dirt on and get your ass back in the fight spare me Jed I left for 3 days when mom died you left for 6 years right yeah Maddie you're right I messed up I left you right when you needed me the most and I'm sorry I need you to be stronger than I was I must mom and dad are both gone this it's just us and more than anyone else in the group if if I don't have you okay do what you want do the resistance fighs in Humble the chair is against the wall the chair is against the wall [Music] shn and for the Wolverines of Spokane here's a special candle in the window keep up the pressure Patriots wver ring baby wver ring [Music] I wish I could look at it without being Lor Stewart what Lorie Stewart who camping Memorial Day weekend I have no idea what you're talking about we had that huge barbecue and I ended up getting food poisoning so I was in and out of my tent all night puking and that's when I saw the two of you ducking into Lake together that L yeah that oh man you know she she was a she was a good kisser she smelled like aquanette like what hairspray oh that's right she had that terrible haircut the one that I immediately copied and wore all through Middle School which you never noticed by the way no I noticed it was uh it was awful sh go go let ster inside here Jad she trying to get some sleep I'm okay you know this was this was bound to happen sooner or later yeah I was talking to the crew J starting to question everything nobody's saying want to quit but yeah what do you think B throw some dirt on it what you go what fore spee fore fore fore fore who are you you might want to answer that first let's put down those weapons and then we can lose the masks what kind of show we drop into sergeant major Andrew Tanner Marine Corps we Alpha Company recently unretired out of where Camp Pendleton when there was a Camp Pendleton now we're part of the free American Army three guys that's it we good of three guys hey for brains you're assassin United States Marine all right look we're trying to link up with a group of insurgents work in the area call themselves Wolverines you ever hear of them yeah we've heard of them you're here to help him out no actually we were hoping they could help us out we're camped just below here got clean water and vantages in another Camp about 6 miles west of here we're going to try and push on after we ate where the Wolverines was afraid of that so how' we get here what happened to our defense it went defunct should have F there's a new class of weapon it caused a massive electrical pulse everything went offline and never came back grids fried Subs drowned they mopped up by hitting cities with tactical non- nuke Warheads landed ground troops where they needed strategic pressure what about the Russians they got the whole Eastern seab board we know they supplied hardware and aircraft but North Korea locked down the Pacific Northwest so it's over over what is this a rifle that's right motard marine and his rifle it's the baddest kicking weapon in the world now I'm still breathing so it ain't over far from it see lucky for us they bit off more than n could you a lot of this country's still freeing up for a fight Michigan to Montana Alabama to Arizona that's still free America right now we're only 50 60 miles from the border that's right other places too swinging back our way wide open shooting war in Florida Texas Mexican border has been burning for weeks all because of folks like you you made a difference hell you are the difference so how can we help what we can't figure out is how come they're not crippled by their own weapon you guys ever see him using something like this hey Matt is your phone still [Music] working s five wolver AES what is it it's how the talk to each other uh Clos Network for communication yeah so it can't be hacked but if we had it it'd be the foothold we need to start pushing them out and take our homes back and you want to steal it [Music] rapidly you good yeah fortified the police station with bunkers on all four sides a couple of mobile structures acting as ER it has the off-duty personnel there is at least 20 guys in there at any one time and a ton of Firepower I got a news flash for you there's no way in there there's one what you jump yeah that's a plan that's not a plan that's a sandwich without the bread cover [Music] me I hate these kids hate them son of a hes you're with me Smith you grow roots up here you hear anything that sounds like Americans getting their asses kicked you make damn sure those girls know when it's their turn to dance any guesses where that little green box is we're going to follow the [Music] wire [Music] C down down down welcome to shit's creek [Music] motards all right our wires are splitting in three different directions nothing's easy all right here's the plan you two take the back stairs follow line down to the ground floor Jed Matt you stay up here trace the other two hes you're with me we're going to secure the front door let's find this thing and get back to the hood It's a Good Day to Die gentlemen what did he say don't worry about it grein don't die just go to hell and regroup what did he say [Music] [Music] clear dude they're not going to keep their Uber box on the freaking couch how do you know it's a vital piece of military equipment Not Your Porn Stash look got [Music] [Music] this my wire goes to Joe's office and he's over this is about to get interesting daddy where are you [Music] Smith you're on come on ladies show us your [Music] gun [Music] you got get out of here run he's just [Music] here keep him away from the [Music] box [Music] [Music] it's not going to [Music] happen [Music] you [Music] doing [Music] get [Music] her h [Music] [Music] you that thing out of here I'll cover no I'm not leaving you God damn it Manny get that thing out of here [Music] go [Music] [Music] f [Music] [Music] [Music] f [Music] [Music] [Music] M you with the wrong family get this out of here Robert where's the box it's all right let's get out of here it's pretty deep this it's okay hey hey I'm okay are we right there collateral hey can I talk to you for a second yeah sure what's up nothing I um I was just thinking you know and I'm not I'm not very good at this man um good at what uh giving you uh giving you props when you get it right you know and and letting you know that I'm I'm proud of you yeah yes Jad that's not one of your strengths no no no no so uh how about that beer now wow my first one uh what's yours uh she stole it from me go get it [Music] get up cover [Music] me get Erica out of here without you God damn it do what I say Robert when you hit the deck watch your ass I cat up [Music] go come need you back in the fight come on I know I know J can we get out here make it quick go go go [Music] go go [Music] [Music] a I didn't think no how did they know where we were from they must have followed us no no way they could track US darl lift up your jacket let me see this let me see it oh what is it it's not a knife wound they tagged him with something like like what they do the animals what they're draging him Daryl you no you let him break to us I didn't know you let him break us you k you can cut it out of him right cut it out of there's no way with what mat we got to move let's just get back in the car let's keep going okay we'll find us what else are we supposed to do Robert get me some gear what they can be here any know about your [Music] s [Music] [Applause] [Music] e anyone want to lift back to land of the free got plenty of room sorry for the loss of you man we've all lost something man we've done enough done more than enough I appreciate that fact is we're not doing too bad for a bunch of kids we're GNA fight and we're going to keep fighting because it's easier now and we're used to it the rest of you we're going to have a tougher choice because we're not going to sell it to you it's too ugly for that but when you're fighting in your own backyard when you're fighting for your family it all hurts a little less makes a little more sense because for them this is just a [Music] place for us this is our [Music] [Music] home [Music] yeah
Channel: Only English Movies
Views: 2,246,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollywood movie in english, hollywood movies in english full horror hd, new hollywood movie 2023, Hollywood Movies In english 2023, new hollywood english movies, hollywood english movie, English full movie, Hollywood War Action Movie, Hollywood Action movie In HD, hollywood movie in english 2023, new hollywood action movie, english action movie, Forbidden Ground movie in english, war movies, action movies, Red Dawn movie in english, GUERRILLA WARRIORS Full Movie In English
Id: 9JzrrZtVt84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 54sec (5034 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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