Typography fundamentals in Affinity Publisher with Emily Goater

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[Music] hi everyone my name is emily and i'm the product expert for affinity publisher so today i'm going to take you through some really interesting stuff about typography there's going to be stuff in there for everyone so whether you've used typography for a long time or you're just starting out with typography or affinity publisher i'm going to be taking you through how to also design a restaurant menu and this is a really great example when you need to use typography at its absolute best what i'm going to take you through is other things as well like color palettes guides manager textiles manager i'm also going to talk to you a lot about how i choose my fonts and how i research them in advance before a design so this hopefully will be really interesting so first of all i'm just going to show you and what i've been working on so far and where i've got to so this is a restaurant menu for a restaurant called cleveland and it's fascinating because they basically change their menu every quarter which is a massive task and their menu design is completely different so the restaurant was originally established in the 1960s so this is why we've got this playful really bright vibrant color coming out in this particular menu um is based on seafood and as you can see they've they really want to put out there that they've been basing things on a lot of like playful flavors so we're going to be using a lot of color in this design so what i'm gonna do now is just take you through the actual layout so um this is what we call a great hierarchy so we've got the main titles here in a bold text and if you think of something like um a magazine or a newspaper for example a lot of you'll know obviously the the big heading at the top the subheading and the body text is where most of the article text is it's not too similar for this actually so you've got your main heading here subheading your your name of your article if you like and the description so we've got them the food course the food name description wine as you can see it follows that a really great hierarchy so that's what we want to do now so i'm gonna take you through the stages of actually creating a main menu so this is just a chef's menu here so like um the first first second main and dessert which is chosen by the chef and then you've got your wine menu here again following the same similar hierarchy so let's go ahead and start up a new document and this one is going to be pretty big so we're going to want to go for 160 by 340. keep it at 300 dpi so uh high resolution for print keep it portrayed as well sticking millimeters um i'm not going to be adding any imagery into this um design it's purely just graphics that i've made in affinity designer so i'll show you how to import them a little bit later only one page with a master attached no facing pages uh we'll keep it actually we'll change it to rgb and i'll explain why in a moment and we want to do something with the margins so make sure it's not linked here let me change this to 15 and 15 for the right and the top we'll have us 40 and the bottom left is 25 and we'll change the bleed to 5 mil create perfect so this is our basic layout here and i'm just going to go in and put in a baseline grid so we'll pop this this is great so this has been kept from setup when i created these are the menus later so we want to start it on the actual where the margin starts here but we want to offset it to three and the reason i want to offset it to three points is so we have basically a line running across to help me with the hierarchy and that'll just snap which is great um a really interesting tip for you guys as well um i don't know whether a lot of you in the past have had like your baseline grids like really bright um so a little bit like this but um if you are seeing like lines on the walls after you've been designing for a couple of hours without break which i don't condone um i suggest probably what you need to do is turn the opacity down and actually make it a little bit off color and so more black than kind of like blue or pink and that'll stop you seeing lines across all your wall or your wallpaper afterwards um so we want to set the display threshold is 70 and that's that setup so the next thing to set up as well is margins uh sorry mark guides guides manager we want to add in four here so keep this as filled because we're going to be using this as a as a guide for setting up our tables and we'll go ahead and actually make add some rulers as a in as well to help us there we go just adding those in love it okay so um one of the main reasons i've used rgb for this is um to get the actual color of the background um i'm gonna pop in at the moment you can't i couldn't get that exact color in a cymk so i need to use an rgb swatch um this afterwards will will transfer this to a transparent background because the paper that we're going to be printing it on is going to be really bright so what what i need to do basically is marry up the color of the typography we're going to be putting in to the exact color swatch of the paper that i've been able to pin pick it to so that's why we're going to be using rgb for now so i've preset that um palette up actually which is what you can see here in this uh old document so i'm going to be just importing this now so if we head to panel preferences import that as just a document template so this particular palette that we're importing will only live within this document so when we open it it will be there let's just go and grab that um palettes i made earlier great and then here we go so we'll make sure we're in our master page and we'll just add a box in make sure we're on the bleed line and we'll drag it down just like so so we'll change the color to the background swatch here we'll go to the layers i'm just going to name that as bg for background and then we'll head back into our pages so as you can see if people aren't familiar with working with masters masters are basically objects that you put on a page that are secure and but you can also apply masters to loads of different pages so it's really handy especially when if you're using like if you design like a book or a magazine it's really quite handy with that and so the next thing i'm going to do um is actually transfer my marquee tool um because with this marquee tool it comes as default as a scrubby scrubby marquee tool and i i don't prefer that so um this will be good if anybody just prefer the same preference so we'll just search that so it's fined there we go so we'll just turn off scrubby zoom here and now you can see that when we zoom in it just appears like that so that's how i would prefer that um which is great so now we're just gonna bring in all of the elements that we've got at the top of our design here so if we go in and find our branding i used earlier so as you can see in affinity publisher you can actually bring in designer and you can also bring in and the photo app files as well um so it's really great as it's a shared file format you can transfer between the two so i can just click and drag this straight from the affinity designer document and straight into my new design and copy and paste it here which is brilliant so i'll just move this up here um and we'll move this in just like so brilliant so the next thing i want to do is just create a complementary color and for the background now here's a little bit um advice when picking color for typography so with this i've already considered my target audience so the target audience specifically for this restaurant is like younger adults to a slightly older population and and we need to just be wary obviously of people that might be wearing glasses the environment and so now we're talking about medium so it's always good to consider target audience the medium and the medium in this case it's good it's going to be printed um it's not going to be a glossy print paper and it's just going to be um normal on card so it's a throwaway menu as it's only um going to be here for a quarter so we want to save some expense there it's also not going to be laminated either as it's going to be in a book cover and so what we need to do is think about where the lights are in the restaurant and if it's daylight it's quite bright and there could be light coming in reflected from the window hence not using a glossy print or laminate and even if we're in the evening there could be an over light heads where you get a reflection of gloss so again that's why we're not using anything glossy um but we also want to make sure when using this ridiculously bright color paper background for now you want to make sure people and with slight um reading disabilities can read the text the last thing you want to do is to get customers coming into a restaurant and asking for a bigger print menu and when the desi the original design isn't right so what we've got here is if you're designing on a on a bright background pick a good contrasting color something quite strong so um wider text with a heavier weight or a bigger text and the minimum text size i'm going to go for is eight points so if i show you what eight points looks like on this design and we'll zoom out and i'll show you what it looks like so if i just put a text here that's ten we'll change it to eight there we go and we'll command and zero this is gonna be look this is what it's going to look like without construction mode on so that's really easily read and another thing to do as well is obviously make sure you always get your um your design printed off roughly first even though if you've got like a cheap printer at home or in an office or a studio make sure you print it proof everything and make sure you give it to someone and check that they can read it and again you don't want to be uh seeing people like zooming in and out or having to put glasses on with a magnifying glass that isn't going to be great so we know that eight point size is going to be our absolute minimum so that's brilliant that's set um so the next thing to talk about is uh let's have a look what font i'm actually gonna choose for this design so as i said the the restaurant was established in the 1960s so how i went about researching that is using a website which i really love to use um called fonts in use so this is our color palette and that i created earlier and we'll just go to fonts in use here so this website absolutely brilliant and i wish i i knew about it when i was at university unfortunately somebody told me about it five years ago and it absolutely changed the way that i work rather than going to the library and getting books out and that sort of thing this website is a great resource for anything typography anything um like old resources and that sort of thing so if i type in 1960 here um 1960s for anybody that doesn't know was the main part of the pop art movement uh hence why i'm using lots of bright colors and that sort of things to go and complement the playful flavors they're going to be using so as you can see you've got a lot of historical references um and if anybody doesn't know me that well um let you into a little secret and this is my favorite typeface of absolute all time and futura is brilliant it comes in numerous amount of weights and and this is the actual design that got me loving futura funnily enough and there's always a question actually that a lot of people ask for advice on how many um typefaces or fonts do you use in a in a design before it starts looking weird um i would say three or less don't use any more than three unless you need something for a quote or a disclaimer something like that but try and uh challenge yourself to use three or less and it just looks a lot less clustered and that sort of thing and and these sort of designs especially the one from the volkswagen is it's only using one typeface but it's using different weights so it's using a bold it's using a light and so just think about that because it's um it's a gr it's a great great challenge to set and a great habit to get into really makes your work look really professional so you've got other things like the dr zeus books john f kennedy campaign that has used futura and franklin so all of these sorts of things so um go on this website have a little look and it's a really great really great tool to use so let's go and find our tag here brilliant so i went on here the other day and made my absolute choices for typography i'm only going to use two typefaces so i set myself as a challenge so i'm going to use this one here that i can't pronounce if i click on that it will give me some information so slightly before the 1960s but this definitely would have influenced things so let's use that as like the description and it's kind of a halfway in between serif and san serif so if anybody doesn't know the difference um serif fonts are the ones of the little serifs on the end here and sans series fonts are like futura where they don't have any accents on the on the typefaces so we'll use this one now add a little bit of class to the design as you can see future is quite big during that time and i'm gonna use americana as well for our main typeface the one that's gonna set our design up and also tell us loads of other things that the uh this typeface was famous in so stevie wonder album uh all these sorts of things and it's smack bang in the middle of the uh the time that we've been trying to reference so let's use that i might um edit the font as well like i did in the previous design and this font is quite stretched out so we might want to use something like a horizontal scale to uh adjust the typeface so if we go and drag a box here i'm just gonna grab some copy um from my my list here and uh we'll paste that in there and we'll find americans so if we go to our recent nothing in there used and so let's find that instead as you can see i've got quite a lot of uh typography and i won't take you through all of it because there's a lot um but if anybody wants any um any help with picking stuff let me know um but while i'm going through this tutorial and you guys can have a chat as well and tell each other what type type faces that you really like and really passionate about and there's going to be some time later when i'm going to be filling in tables and and that might get a little bit tedious they'll be great for you to you guys to get to know each other in the chat and so if i go to our character panel here and i'm just going to play around with the horizontal scale here so you can see this is naturally how the typeface is supposed to sit but i want to just make this a little bit slimmer so we'll adjust that to 90 and we'll just double check it with 80 i think that's slightly too uh kind of squished looking use it for 90 percent we'll also put in tracking here so for anybody who doesn't know what tracking is um it's a great place for me to demonstrate what this says so tracking is the space between each letters if i put five in there and i'll exaggerate it just for now so you can see the space between each character adjusts so i to just have a bit more space in here and the reason i want to have a little bit more space again is so people can read it clearly and always think that the closer things are together the more difficult it is for people to read and so play around with that if you're doing things that are going to be um useful like menus and instruction manuals always have a little bit more tracking in and it makes things easier to read and it really slows down the reading as well and then we also have the kerning and the kerning is basically space between two characters so if i uh drop down here as you can see as you as you go down the menu in affinity publisher it will actually stretch it out for you and so that's minus 50 and if we put up to 50 you can see that it's adjusted the space here this is really great if you get any type faces um naturally that don't have correct spacing so you can go in and adjust the kerning and it will sort that out for you and you also have the leading as well which is in your paragraph panel so that's just here and if you had two lines of text that would adjust the space between the the two lines of text there and but i'm not going to be using that for now because i've used my baseline grid instead so that's a little bit about that um another thing actually i'll mention is if you get any type faces that don't come with like an italic weight for example you can go and use this um button here so if we put in like 10 you'll see that it will make it italic and shift it from the baseline and but i don't want to do that because i've got an italic option but that is just um a great tip to be able to use so what we'll do now um i'm just going to just show you how to create a color chord now um earlier when i was talking about making sure we had a color that complemented the background so um like these designs here the color complements um almost like a two-tone effect but it actually works and so if we right-click on here and go create color chord well there's loads of different options to do here um and i go i haven't got time to go through all of them um but you're more than welcome to ask questions at the end of the chat and i'll stay around and i can uh type it all up for you and go through it um tints are basically uh going from this color lighter so to white um shades is to go to black so getting darker to black and tones are going to gray so everything to get to gray basically and so i want to create a darker darker colors and you'll see i'll lay out those swatches in our palette just here so we'll click on this one that's a little bit too dark for me so i'm just going to double click and i'm just going to adjust this so if i make it a little bit lighter i keep checking the swatch here we'll try about there see how that looks that doesn't look too bad actually just check that out again so probably want a little bit more red i would probably say so let's bring it here yeah and i like that it looks looking good okay so if we just right align this move it here and you can see that snapping to the baseline grid keeping it nice and spaced out and we need to put our graphic here as well so if we go and grab that designer document um where's my graphics ah there we go right in front of me we don't want to convert it to spreads and here it is so we highlight this copy it bring it back in what i'm going to do is i'm just going to use my layers panel now and just deselect the text group it so i'll just call this 182 dots brilliant and then we'll just um adjust the color so we'll use our darker color for this and then we'll select our dots make this a little bit lighter oh maybe in the middle yeah that works okay if i group those together now so this number is significant to the design and as it's the amount of quarterly menu changes they've done so this is number 82 um which is quite quite a lot of different menus to for people to design and redesign the food and that sort of thing so it's uh it's a challenge but you know what it's great for for people like me who want to experiment and stuff like this so best of both worlds i suppose so that's great so if i put under the text box in here and we'll go and put our copy in again there we go so if we go and add this as a text style now so we go to text style i'm just going to get rid of all of the defaults these are all the defaults you'll have in your textile panel um and you can do that just here there we go add this as a paragraph style so the main difference between a paragraph style and a character style is for things like this where you've got a big group of text where you need to adjust all sorts of things like the tracking the paragraph options whether you want it left or right aligned or center aligned whether you want to attach it to the baseline grid justification all those extra options get attached to the paragraph style if you're going to use a character style i suggest you just use those for things like numbers and or like alternative styles let's say we want to add just food in italic for example that would be um an individual character style if you like so um experiment around with that see how you get on um so if we call this title there we go it's just there so if we just highlight this select our title and i'm just going to make an alternate so i'm going to call this title left so i'm going to change this to a left alignment but you can see is um because we've updated the character style sorry the paragraph style it's got a little plus here so we can actually just update this and it will set just like that in the preview of the text styles panel it will sit on the left and that is the same if you change color every time you get that little plus at the top it'll be it'll mean it's been adjusted and it'll ask for confirmation whether you want to update it just hit that button or the character style button you can do that there or you can do it on the panel there as well brilliant so we'll just uh so if we go and change our capitalization we change this to title case here there we go we'll just double check how this is laid out in the design before so if we move this in perfect check how that looks great come on zero to zoom out again it's looking great but i think what we need to do is update the weight so it's a heavier weight again like i said titles and things like that always have it heavier than the body text not the other way around and it would look a little bit peculiar if it was the other way around for sure okay so look we'll uh do this one as well brilliant okay and we'll change our graphic of our branding to this color so i'm going to change this to a global colour swatch now so what global means basically is say you have one swatch and if you're having a lot of different typography or lines in a particular color it's great to change it global because if you want to change that color slightly when you update the color and if i show you this by just adjusting these if i adjust this color let's say to something completely different to gray you'll see it'll update all of those straight away um so it's a really great uh tool to be able to use that so if we just back up and change it back there we go so as you can see it's um it's a great tool to be able to use and it really speeds things up especially if you wanted to change the color throughout the whole design and so the shortcut to go from construction mode to preview mode is just um control w it's the same on windows and mac if anybody's wondering so that's looking quite great and i'm happy with the spacing as well so if we just go and add in a line here and you can see it's popped up with our dotted line that we had in our previous design but i'll show you how to create this so if you're after dotted lines like this i'll pop one in so you can see it's just adjusting to our rulers with that green and red line down the side and there we go so if i wanted to just change this back to a solid line for example you can change the weight of the line here so we want to change it to three and then we can also choose whether we want it to be round at the end squared or just a solid line you can also choose whether you want the join to be rounded or straight or with a little indent inside and you can also choose where you want the node to sit on the actual line whether you want it to be further in exactly flush to the the stroke or just in the middle so that's a really great handy tool but if we change this to dashed and as you can see it's filled in all of my bit more information but um if i have this a straight line as you can see i'd just zoom in a little bit more it's putting a straight dash line but what i really want to do is have like almost dots so that's why i've picked the rounder tool so i hope that helps if anybody's trying to do that sort of thing and it's really handy tool that um stroke styles panel awesome okay so that's looking great so let's add in our first title so we'll add this in here this is going to be our appetizers there we go and if we just go and put this on a style here there we go you can see if we have that uh just on the baseline grid it'll disappear so just drag down your text style so if we go and adjust this to have it as extra bold just like that and i'm just going to update the character style and add in a new one called course oh sorry there we go that's all sorted let's just update that perfect okay so that's great now then what i'm gonna do is i'm just going to um give you a really good tip which i wish somebody had told me so tables aren't just for maths basically um so if you're putting tables into publisher and don't worry they're not just for like dates and adding in like um like annual putting them in annual reports and things like that use them to lay out your text as well because it's a really great tool and i'm actually going to use it to actually help me create the hierarchy um in this restaurant menu and so please just go and have a play around with it it's a really great um really great design feature and so if we just pop that on the bottom line and we'll push put two in for now and you'll see that that'll just stretch it out and it'll tell you the the width and the height as well we can easily get rid of the columns i want to keep one just as like a makeshift gutter if you like so we'll just move this along just here so this is that like our spacing block if you like so i'm just going to keep that like that and also for now um i'm going to keep these black lines on the actual um sorry table and because i want to be able to see the difference between the baseline grid and the table so if i go and get my table panel here there we go and i also want to go and grab our format okay so if we make a format here of it all in between great perfect we'll change the stroke as well on the inserts perfect we don't want to ignore the baseline grid you want to keep that the same brilliance that's all set up the table table formats is almost like they're the textiles if you like if you add in a new a new text style or a table format you can create loads of different formats and keep that within your affinity publisher um application and then it's uh just really quick to be able to click on them and change the whole entire look um of the table um so let's go and grab um i'm just gonna get rid of this actually create a text box what i prefer to do is actually drag the copy in and publisher section by section instead of having to flip between um the text in different programs every now and again it just makes things a lot lot quicker so that's great okay so if we change this to eight just so it's on the minimum and we can see everything in one go great so we want to add the name in here so if we use command and x that'll cut and we're just going to create some text styles now while we're going through it and then later i'm going to show you how you can change um textiles in a big bulk of text by selecting them in the in this table so if we go back to our recent column here and move this to bold and then we'll go and set our um horizontal scale and our tracking and our color to the global swatch here so we'll just get rid of the outline okay we'll add in our textile so we'll call this food great and then we'll add in our description oh my apologies i'm just going to put in another another column in here just by dragging them down there we go that's a bit better so now we can just we know where our baseline grid and where everything sits the reason why we want to have them on different rows is so i can help you change the uh the textiles later a little bit quicker and so if we go and find the typeface i can't pronounce here we go but i can spell it i want a regular here i'm gonna change this i'll leave that yet and leave that eight i'm also going to set this to 10. yep so you can see the hierarchy now so this is 12 this is 10 points and this is 8 points so we'll set that as our description cool perfect and then we want our price just near the description so if we set this as a paragraph style because we want to make sure that we've got our alignment options in there as well so it's called this food price and we want to base this on the description but what i want to do is change the alignment to the right hand side simply update that and change this to eight brilliant okay so that's all laid out so don't worry all these uh all these black lines i'll change from here later get rid of this now this is where um i want you guys actually just to have a little discussion um and i'll have a little look for the final design um what way you would prefer the course to be on do you want it on extra bold or do you want it on bold um what looks better to you i know what i would pick um but i want to see what see what you guys come up with and so if we change that back to construction mode add um space name description wine there we go okay so we'll start adding this in now so bear with me if this uh it feels like it's a little bit tedious but this is a part of the process so i'm hoping most of you wanted to watch this there's a not a greater feeling when you really get into the groove of it and everything starts coming together quite quickly and the thing i'm most looking forward to showing you guys actually is how uh i insert the graphics room designer it's a really it's a really great easy tool and i'll be showing you how to use the palettes and that sort of thing later as well um gonna be really really handy oh that's what happens when you don't don't move around objects there we go okay so that's 13 pounds so if i highlight all of this here and just put on my textile automatically change all to that and just so i don't have to do that a little bit later but i'll show you the different how to add in uh our wine description in a little bit someone have this as five someone nearly there now space title description wine i don't normally talk like this out loud when i'm designing i'm normally in my head so if you if you guys are finding it annoying when i'm counting i'm just doing it fair with your benefit i'm definitely not doing it for mine this is 24 4. some great wine selection here we should make sure that we delete in the box right now that's ready to go let's create quickly just a text style um for this wine menu so if we go and choose italic it's on eight already make sure the color's set [Music] awesome i'm just going to move this round for one second perfect so if we add in our kerning again just so it's a little bit small spaced out and then we go and add in our paragraph style we'll call that wine description perfect and then we want to have an alternate so that's going to be one price but we want to have this on right alignment sorry there was a pause there i was trying to figure out which was right or left um let's have a look great brilliant okay so let's just change these to the wine wine um paragraph style one two three that's right that's right that's right and that's right okay so if we um just click on our on our cell here and just hit command and it will select the different cells as you can see if we change this to a wine description we can do the same with the description of the food so if we change oh there we go description and then we want the food title let's change that to food so as easy as that there is your first course done and we'll change the uh the strokes off the the table in a little bit but what we need to do now is just add in a key for the wine um because we haven't told um the reader what is different between this italic and what this regular text is here so if i put let's have in look if i put in wines that'll tell them that all the wine is going to be in italic so that's the price and the description and also that it comes in 175 mil and we'll write a line that as well and keep it the sign same as the wine price brilliant okay so what we're going to do now is we're just going to drag sorry select some of the things that we need um a really a really handy tip i've got for you actually which is probably the most significant thing with typography and i know it sounds really simple but read the copy or the text that you get before you start making design design decisions so for example if you're reading if you're creating an article about like um a fun uh type of like interior design chairs for example like bubbles or something like that you want the typography to match that you wouldn't want it quite elegant and you'd want it quite fun bold and elaborate if you get for example like um a copy that's for an annual report obviously that would need to be quite straight and elegant and easy to read so um whatever your copy portrays it will portray a certain mood and it's kind of our job as typographers to get that across to the reader and and the more that you start experimenting with typography you'll realize that actually we have a really big job to play on that sort of thing and if you add in a fun you know when you see restaurants that have got like um like bubbly text for example like comic sans but it's actually like a really nice elegant restaurant where you'd wear a dress or wear a suit to in an evening i know that and just from my experience i'd probably walk straight past it because it seemed a little bit more casual and if you want to go to a nice formal dinner you probably wouldn't go there because of that branding is used incorrectly for the typography and so just think about that and there's quite a lot of different resources a lot of books that you can look up and this information and so yeah it's definitely um something that has helped me over the years so um go and have a little look or ask me some more questions um at the end of this session and i'll uh i'll answer them for you um so if we just duplicate and move this down so we want to have one two and a bit spaces perfect so now we want to move this as main course let's have a look okay so let's go and grab our other copy in oh you accidentally have your trackpad and your keyboard close together that's what happens okay add in text box here move this to eight points okay so if we uh just select all of that and then we'll start copy and pasting in here okay so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna add in another another row here just so we can add in our wine so this is 18 and this is four so i think this one is going to go over our designated space there we go so um another great thing about using tables is that it will just drop down into the next line but it'll keep our baseline grid um so we won't overpass and that's one of the reasons why i put this extra column in here is like a gutter so it wouldn't um basically so it doesn't have enough space so it has enough space to have the difference between the pricing and the food names and descriptions um so i'm glad that's in there so what we'll do is we'll move this move this down and this is going to be seven okay oh so that is going to be 22 and three so um other parts of this menu i'll be creating after this session and will be things like uh dietary um grid and that sort of thing and as they're obviously really important the things i'll also be designing are things like um notepads for the weights and waitresses to take down the orders um which will be good so i need a space title description let's run to the last one now everyone so i think this one might go over as well yep but that's okay you want to have that 18. so i'm just going to adjust these perfect okay so it's going to put our textiles in here so let's grab this panel out and make it bring it a little bit closer actually to work with descriptions wine description oh missed one out my apologies i'm gonna attain this to 10 points just update that you'll see it's updated all of the other um text that's got the text style adjusted to my bad for not updating the character style to the text size food price wine it's pretty much kept there brilliant okay i'm on to the last one so again if we highlight all of this here alt and shift to duplicate and keep in the aspects we want one two and a bit perfect this is going to be our dessert course we'll go and grab in our last bit of copy this sounds very nice make this into white so we can actually see it okay eight points again brilliant okay so that has no wine so we'll just get rid of that row and this is 12 pounds oh it does my apologies let's back that up that's five pounds so that's 16 pounds wine in three pounds that is a steal of a wine price okay so now we can move this okay a few more left guys so that's sixteen and six this one doesn't have a wine option so i'm guessing you just pick whatever you like and that is 19 pounds so if we delete all of these and then we'll go and pop our textiles in so one price perfect good price definitely right name that food description wine there we go so that's all of our input in brilliant so the next thing we need to put is just the disclaimer so if i bring down say i'm heading here i'm going to estimate it's going to take about two or three lines let's just over compensate for now we want we can preset the textile for when we input it here here's the disclaimer which has got a typo in it brilliant sometimes no matter how much you um gets people to proof they always always miss something okay right now to change strokes on the text so if we're going back to and find our panel and we can take off the strokes here and we are left with nothing and then if we just do the same for these awesome nearly there we're nearly on to adding the graphics in now brilliant so we sit back and enjoy that great so you can see it's got a really clear hierarchy everybody knows what is what and where everything's supposed to be so now we can add in our graphics so this is our menu this is main menu here we go great and then we'll copy and paste in here this is where our color chords are going to come into it again so i'm just going to space these out how i want them um the whole idea behind these little bits of graphics actually was um for it to look like the you know what then the chefs do to add like decoration to the plate where they dribble like food around it or you like a wine stain on the table cloth and that's what they're supposed to look like and so it's really i quite like them i think they add again that pop of um playfulness that we need um so we'll flip that round another thing as well that hierarchy gives you obviously is to take your reader on a journey so we know that the the main eye catch and where we first get the the reader will be at the top has the bold text here so we know what menu number it is we know what food what that you're going to be eating and then it takes on a journey but with having these extra graphics in it will um it will help them notice certain things on the menu going through so for example pop this one just down here so people can people know that they'll have the disclaimer at the bottom desserts are probably the most uneaten things at the restaurant and so we want to have a graphic near here as well and we want to obviously um draw attention down from the text to the wine and the price list here so if we go and add some more complementary colors in but this time we'll do it from the background color so let's go and add in some tints some lighter ones i want to show you how to add blend modes and stuff in a moment but for right now we'll move it a little bit further back just so we're not interfering with the text there we go um as a rule of thumb with me um and just what i i tend to prefer and can you see how this is like crossing over text if we were to zoom out it does almost look like it's interfering and it's breaking up the the text even more so we want to try and avoid that as much as possible and i don't tend to like that sort of thing so that that sits there perfectly nearly actually it's changed that brilliant yeah like that i'm gonna make this a bit bigger i'm just gonna adjust it so if i hit a that'll bring our nodes up the great thing about um having the shared format between affinities designer and all the other applications in the suite as well so we have access to our studio link so if you have design or photo downloaded on your mac or your pc you can easily just switch to have other options and you see you've got all more pen options everything like that in designer if you have any photos that you want to edit as well obviously you can jump into photo and edit those um but what we want to do now is we can actually just stay in publisher because we already have a pen tool and as you can see i could just edit them and i don't have to go into designer to do this i can even add more nodes and if i wanted to so it's a really great um tool that we're working with really handy especially when you've got me used like a designer of multi multiple different disciplines um so again if i add in a slightly darker color um add in a blend mode i have something like screen or maybe like that we'll play around with the opacity i'm not liking the shape so we'll just trial an error in at this point i'm gonna make this a little bit smaller actually it's not taking up all of the design keep it away from the text as we can brilliant actually let's move this here nope okay i'm gonna grab that that graphic back in actually seal it from here okay let's make that adjustment again this is why it takes them so long sometimes for people to play stuff and then juice because they've got their own little uh like quirks like me who's trying to avoid everything that uh i want to bring that smaller and oh perfect yep brilliant that works and we'll make this a little bit bigger just like that maybe bring their head down just to avoid the text there i quite like that flourish actually i'll add this a little bit lighter draw more attention to the disclaimer and the dessert and move it back okay and there we go everyone so that is um that is lots and lots of tips of you do you realize and i'm sure quite a few have got loads of questions so i'll stay around for a little while and i'll answer them in the chat um this video also will be uploaded um so put your your questions in the comments and i'll i'll answer them as soon as i can and but thanks for watching um i hope you've learned something new especially around typography and it encourages you to try some new skills out that you may or may not know before um so yeah thank you brilliant bye you
Channel: Affinity
Views: 19,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: designing a restaurant menu, typography, fundamentals of typography, Affinity Publisher tutorial, publishing software, using Affinity Publisher, customising fonts, Text Styles, choosing Colour Palettes, publisher tips, restaurant menu tutorial, restaurant menu layout
Id: 2ppYIlPPBdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 0sec (4320 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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