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[Music] and this is probably one of the most popular questions that I'm asked you know month in and month out is if you don't know where you are how do you determine what your location is I'm along with me and we're gonna figure this out because I I honestly I have no idea no idea where we're at right now every year thousands of search and rescue operations are conducted to return the injured wounded or lost I'm bill Stoker and I'm on a mission to teach wilderness navigation and survival techniques so that you don't become a statistic the time is now to master your craft then welcome back to town friends as always it's good to see you so it's a true statement man I really have no idea exactly where I'm at and this is probably one of the most popular questions that I'm asked you know month in and month out is if you don't know where you are how do you determine what your location is so hey if you want to match your craft subscribe to the channel and click that notification bell so you can stay up to date on some future content so you got a couple takeaways you can be able to get from this particular video the first one is that to be able to understand how to get a general understanding of where you are and the second one is how to further define exactly where you're at so that you can pick up a route and get to where you're trying to go right as we get going here you know I can't tell you you know I know I know that I'm in the state of Washington right so it's a big loss I guess you could say it's kind of a relative term I'm in the state of Washington I'm on the west side of the pass right I'm east of i-5 I'm somewhere south of Tacoma a little further east from Joint Base lewis-mcchord somewhere in this area so it kind of narrows a few things down I kind of it's like being I know what part of town I'm on right you drive them through town and man you know you're on this side of town or that side of town and you know it's a matter of stopping and rewarding yourself and it's probably step number one is what's the first thing you got to do right so you need to stop man and that's what we just did I stopped got the camera on a tripod we're stationary and you need you need to think about where you're at in time and space if you need to you know throw a pack down make up a short meal have something to drink so that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna think about here in just a minute I'm gonna walk you through everything that I know about what has led me to right now from where the car is and then we're gonna decide on what we're gonna do how we're gonna get there and you're gonna come along with me and we're gonna figure this out because I I honestly I have no idea no idea where we're at right now but I know that I was driving on on Eastgate Road and I passed the highway and I pulled off on the side of the road on the north side of the road and I kind of walked in and to the south east you know I walked and I hit this stream and I had a go and I had to find the bridge to get me over this little creek and kept moving and I think I was moving in and pretty much of a South southeasterly direction but I I could be anywhere in this huge section of property land and I know that I could just go west and I could find something you know that highway again but I kind of I want to know where I'm at right now and so without using my compass to get to a spot where we can figure something out I'm gonna use the the terrain and what I see around us what we're going to come across and there's going to be kind of step one is we have to I kind of know in my memory what has led us to here step two is getting into a place where we can figure out where we're at and then step three is we're gonna book it back to the car and take it back to the house and have a cold one so it looks like I happen to stop just short of a some kind of a trail or a off beaten path tutorial here you can kind of see it cutting down in in here behind me and then it kind of darts out to back that way I don't know exactly what direction it's going Suns kind of high behind me I have no idea what time it is right now and you know if I stay stood here and waited you know I can make a little shadow stick and figure out direction but I don't want I don't want to wait I want to keep moving keep moving so you know trails kind of an interesting thing here because eight just like when we're moving through a city a off-street road you know when it intersects with a larger Road you know we know that it's a larger Road and all roads lead to another Road and so I know that if I follow this trail one direction or another that eventually I'm going to run into something bigger than this and I know that this path has been used on at some point in time in the past after the last rain because there are some some tracks from people right coming out here riding their horses and but it's not overly used because you know it's not it's not all ground in so tells me a little bit but it doesn't tell me enough to know where I'm at and to be honest with you as you can see on the map man there's not a road out here on the map that I'm using which I just print it off from USGS II I could use one of my topo maps from work but that would've been that would've been cheating so I think you know looking around I'm gonna set this down and then I'm gonna zoom us in because I got a little bit of a day break over here that's a little bit lower than what's back over here behind me let's see if we can get this right so you can just kind of make it out in through here so that little speck right in there of white that that's it looks like it's a cloud and then some that blue up above and I got some more blue up in here and I'm gonna zoom out a little bit get more blue here and yeah I can kind of see where it's a little bit lower in sight now if I turn this around then I can see you know everything is way up higher way up higher and so I don't I don't want to go that way I want to I want to go back this way because I think I might get to a spot that might open up and maybe we can figure out where we're at so let's do this I'm gonna follow this trail I still American away on this trail starting to to get a little bit more open up here we'll see what we can come across it looks like I got another another road junction here mmm so I got a I got a trail that comes out this way and then I got it almost looks like more dead ends there and then it kind of cuts back this way and then I got a trail that shoots this way and it's not too big but this is uh you know it's all kind of part of the debate we'll take it down this way a little bit this looks like this is the direction of our forces you know when when you don't know where you're at are you trying to formulate a plan you know you got to do a lot of things we gotta take into account how much daylight you had left if you need to make a shelter if you just need to stop and stay put exactly where you're at if you need to try to move did somebody else know where you were heading off to before you left that's a big one and that's a big out for a lot of us another trail coming in here looks like we're definitely starting to open up you got to make sure you know when you step out that somebody has a way of knowing where you're at they got a map and they know how to get in touch with somebody who can find you if you get lost like I just did don't try this at home oh yeah definitely starting to open up horseshoes almost like breadcrumbs and it looks like they're all gone this ground looks a little bit drier I still see some evidence good sign oh yeah baby right so I mean this is this is great this is fantastic news this is one of the things I needed so I could identify where I'm at in time and space and so I'm gonna take my pack off and we'll pull out my map and I'm gonna try to see if I can figure out where I'm at because I know I know that Mount Ranier is to my east ish and I know that that is generally East I know that's that's true east right and so that means that this way is north that means that that is south and facing you or west and you're looking east towards me and we'll try to see if we can't figure out where I'm at so I see this tree line unfortunately the road this main road is not here on my map and as I look out he's you know one of the first things you want to do is always orient yourself so that what you're looking at on paper when you look up is that direction so right now the top of my map is north and I am looking north if I wanted to look west and stay oriented I would rotate my map so that West in front of me is West in front of me it's just like having a navigation device in your car and you can imagine if you plugged in a direction hey take me from the house to the Mexican restaurant starting with my favorite tacos if it didn't orient your itself and it said turn left or turn right you'd have no idea which way to go anywhere because you know which way is up or down so you always want to make sure that you orient your map so that where you're looking at when you look up that's what you're gonna see so now I'm looking north I look down and I can see this huge prairie out to my East Mount where here is so far away it's not gonna be on this map and I'm gonna see if there's anything I can see off to the east and of course I think I see something I think I see something on my map and out in front of me that may help and it is this road I can't see the name of the road I'm at because my my Matt print off sucks but let me zoom in and see if we can't catch some of these cars you see I see that vehicle moving right there I got one moving south and then one moving north man that's great news that's great news look at that mountain that's beautiful right so now that I've identified something out in the world around me I can see on my map I'm a little bit I'm not there yet I don't know exactly where I'm at other than I know that I'm somewhere between this road right here and this treeline that's all I know I'm somewhere on this tree line in between here but I want to know a little bit more specifically about where I'm at so I can know where I'm at because that's step one to land navigation know where you are so you can plan a route and stay on the route and then recognize the objective so as I'm looking around again I can kind of see my tree line poking around over here to the right that that looks right as it is on a map I have that road I have this tree line here and I think if I'm looking down at this map correctly I think I can see something out here and we'll take it down to the map and I'll show you what I think I'm seeing off in this direction that may help us and give us a clue to tell us where we are at and so again I know that I'm somewhere you know in this area on this tree line I did see you know we saw it kind of the bending out here towards the south side and we kind of see it stretching out along here going north of us and I can see you know this patch right in here and it looks a little marshy that's probably the creek either this one or this one up here is Accra Ghana member walking across one bridge so I don't know for sure maybe he's a washed-out or there's something it is a is not the best map but it does look like it could be a little swampy in here like the other creeks running through and some marsh recycle over here I can see all this marshy area and you know the interesting thing about using the terrain around us so you can kind of see those hardwood trees right and that strand of trees is going to be close to water all those hardwood trees are gonna be close to water so so down and that marshal is where I suspect these trees to be all right so we're gonna we're going to take it down this way a little bit and stay on the tree line and see if we can't find a spot and to determine exactly where we're at all right here we go you want to be able to move out with some kind of confidence you know as you're moving around and you know you want to have to be looking down at your map all the time you want to have some kind of good idea for where you're at you see this little catchment of water off to my left man if I knew nothing else I wouldn't know that that water's on the north side of those trees [Music] [Music] this is fantastic this is this is exactly what we needed let me get this thing uh down on tripod will turn around alright so directly in front of me we see we have both of these trees here right and then we have this little patch of hardwood that ends right right here there's a clear distinction between everything we see right here in front of us and everything else that's behind it and off to the left which is to the west and then swing over this direction towards the east and then again we can see where this tree line is directly in front of us a so now I kind of have a terrain feature that's kind of long and oblong it's out in the middle of the open and let's look at the map and see if we can see anything that closely resembles this right so I'm thinking as I'm looking out that that patch out in front of me maybe this little speck right in here because it's a smaller spread it does a little marshy and so I'm going to expect some hardwood trees to be in this area and that's exactly what we see so now let's go ahead and shoot some Asmus and I'm going to show you how we're gonna do this to figure out exactly where we're at and so I'm gonna go ahead and take my pack off and I'm gonna take my map and I got a compass and a pen and ink stick and I'm gonna do a couple things I'm gonna shoot an azimuth for myself over to the edge of this tree line off to my well I mean that's the eastern side now I'm going to use a compass to cheat method because I want a precise asmath or bearing about 48 degrees an isomer I'm gonna write this down and I'm gonna do the same thing off to this other side so again I'm gonna use a cup of cheek method I look off to the edge of that tree line I'm gonna look down and it is 345 and again I'll write that down now we're gonna take you to the map right so our first bearing was 48 degrees and that was to this spot right here so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to take my protractor I'm only sure that North is on the top and East is over to the right and I'm gonna put it off here right on the edge of that tree line and at 48 degrees right there now I can draw a line that's going to intersect that 48 and that section right there and I need to keep drawing this out this way and out my next measurement was 345 degrees so again I'm going to take my protractor ensuring that North is on the top and yeast is on the right and I'm going to put the center of my protractor right on the edge that little tree line right there and I'm gonna measure 345 degrees take my protractor line it up from 345 to the edge of that tree line draw a line BAM now I know exactly where I'm at so I know I'm exactly right here where X Man x marks the spot right so there it is man that's how you do resection I hope when you have to do this you're gonna have some more major terrain features around it could be man-made feature right like a big water tower or a large hospital or something that's out there or a big large peak like if Mount Ranier was on my map I could shoot in azmuth to rainier and then work my way back so the more of these you can do the better your minimum that you need is to so that you can get an X but if you get 1/3 it's gonna dissect in there and it's really gonna help hone you down and make sure that everything is right because you don't want to make a mistake now that we know where we're at I can figure out the quickest and easiest way to get back up to east range road-book it back to the west to the car and we can get out of here [Music] [Music] [Music] all right let's get out of here
Views: 11,909
Rating: 4.9056602 out of 5
Keywords: stoker, fieldcraft, bushcraft, camping, hiking, survival, woodsman, adventure, coalcracker, wranglerstars, joerobinet, runemalte, stoic, bushcraft navigation, survival navigation, advanced land navigation, landnav, resection, triangulation, military land nav, SFAS land nav, never get lost, determine location if lost, PNW, #military tactics, #patrolling
Id: Op3l-aGuX10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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