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hello to the pointers thank you for joining me again this is to the point english my name is ben and i have another vocabulary video for you today i think you're going to find this one particularly useful because i'm going to teach you 10 modern words and expressions which you really need to know now i say modern words and not new words because a lot of these words have existed for decades or even centuries but in recent times they've taken on a new meaning or a new significance and some of these words are quite sensitive and political so you really need to know how and when to use them and when not to use them some of the other words are actually new words that have been invented in the last few years and they're a little bit more fun but let's go straight to number one which is woke now i'm sure you're familiar with the word woke as the past simple of wake right yesterday i woke up at 7 00 am for example but in this new usage it's used as an adjective so to be woke and the original meaning was to be aware of racial issues so to be aware of the racism in society basically but in recent years it's become used in a more general sense for any social equality so it could be sexism or gender issues etc so it's good to be woke right you think that's that's all positive that's all good you would want to be woke well yes i think that's right it is good to be woke to have an awareness of these social inequalities but in recent years it has also been used as sort of an insult by those people who believe that society has become overly politically correct so also you can think of woke it does have some connection to the the meaning of wake to be awake to be woke if you're awake you you know what's happening no you're not sleeping you're you're aware of things so in an example sentence you could say i consider myself to be pretty woke as i'm aware of the social inequalities of our times and number two is cancel culture cancel culture so this is when a group of people often a very big group of people stop supporting or reject someone because this person has done something that they consider is offensive and the person they stop supporting is usually a celebrity or some kind of public figure so this is very common again on social media when a celebrity tweets something maybe on twitter um which is perhaps not woke as i said maybe not overtly racist or sexist or homophobic but is perceived by some people to be offensive and that's when they cancel this person basically the per the the celebrity is cancelled it stopped being supported and it can be millions and millions of people a movement it's happened many times to many celebrities they stop being offered films or they they can't get a record contract if they're musicians they stop being invited onto chat shows they're cancelled basically the council culture has canceled this this celebrity so let's look at an example sentence celebrities need to be very careful on social media these days because they risk being victims of cancer culture okay so let's look at number three now so those first two examples were quite serious weren't they quite political so the next three are going to be a little bit more fun and number three is anglo-sphere anglo-sphere this is a very useful word especially for people who are learning english as a second language because we often find it difficult to find a word to refer to all of the english-speaking countries often people say anglo-saxon countries or literally english-speaking countries but the anglo-sphere basically refers to that it's quite a new word it was invented i think just in the last 20 years so it refers to the english-speaking nations um but in particular those which have a cultural and or historical link to the united kingdom so let's look at an example sentence members of the anglosphere are lucky that they don't have to study english so obviously if you if you're born and live in the anglosphere then you just learn english naturally so you don't need to study it let's look at number four now hangry so this is a very new word i think from the last five years it's what we call a portmanteau now portmanteau is a combination of two words that go together to make a new word you've probably guessed which of the two words we put together to make angry yet hungry and angry now this is good news for a lot of non-native english speakers because a lot of people are often confused hungry and angry and they say something in the middle which is hangry but now it's a real word so it's not a mistake when you use this word although you may not be wanting to use it in the context that the real meaning is and so hangry is is that it's literally when you you feel so hungry that you start to get angry i think everybody has been in that situation now when you maybe it's been a long time since your last meal and you're just getting really hungry and you it affects your mood and you start to get angry with people an example sentence is i tend to get angry at about 1pm so it's better not to talk to me then so avoid me when i'm hungry the next one number five is another portmanteau so a combination of two words and it's staycation you may be familiar with this one because been very common in the last 18 months due to the pandemic um so again you've probably guessed that staycation is a combination of stay and vacation so it means when you have a holiday you have some time off work but you stay in your own perhaps city or your own country usually it refers to having a holiday in your own country so you don't travel abroad you don't travel to another country you have a staycation we decided to have a staycation this year because of all the travel restrictions around the world so as i said during the pandemic so many travel restrictions it's very difficult to move between countries so many people have just had staycations they've holidayed in their own countries okay so we're going to get back to some more political vocabulary now which is useful for your english in general but especially for those of you who are studying for english exams because often in the speaking you have to speak about some slightly political issues so number six is virtue signaling virtue signaling and this is when you express your opinion but with the express intention of showing how morally correct you are or even how morally superior you are so it's basically to show what a good person you are so you're not really just saying something because you really feel it or believe it but your main intention is just to demonstrate to everybody how fantastic you are how morally correct you are so usually on social media again i'm sure everyone knows at least one person who virtue signals a lot who does a lot of virtue signaling and it is a negative word because if you virtue signal you are basically being disingenuous or false really so let's look at an example so fred is always tweeting about how much he cares about social inequality but i'm sure he's just virtue signaling okay you get the idea let's move on to number seven now and number seven is eco anxiety now this is probably pretty self-explanatory isn't it eco anxiety and apparently it's becoming more and more common now especially in young people and it refers to the fear and stress regarding the future of the planet basically so people who are really worried seriously worried about climate change and global warming all the issues that face the the planet the environment now so let's look at an example so young people nowadays tend to suffer from eco anxiety due to climate change and other environmental issues okay so let's move on to number eight now and this one's pretty depressing to be honest it's doom scrolling doom scrolling and this is when you're constantly reading bad news on social media and websites so you know what scrolling is i guess when you scroll through your instagram feed or twitter just scrolling up up up and doom means death and destruction just general negativity it's very a very depressing word i think many of us do this unfortunately you kind of get in this habit of just reading news and most news is negative and it can have a negative psychological effect so the example sentence is i couldn't sleep last night after three hours of doom scrolling so imagine you're on your mobile just reading this bad news all the time in the end it will probably affect your sleep let's move on to number nine now gentrification so again not a particularly new word but it's been used a lot more in the last five ten fifteen years um so it's very important that you know what it means and how to use it and it's the process of change in a traditionally poor area or neighborhood when wealthier people move in and displace the original residents okay so that that makes it sound more complicated than it really is and maybe you've witnessed it in your own city it often goes through a process of immigration moving in then it becomes a sort of bohemian area because the the houses and flats are cheap and that makes it quite trendy and fashionable and richer people or wealthier people move in and displace the original residents so an example sentence i was born in a very working class area of london but due to gentrification it's now far too expensive to live there okay so that's the typical situation people can't live in their original neighborhoods because it just becomes too expensive as i said you've probably seen it in your own cities it's happening all around the world but number 10 now echo chamber so again this is not a new word or expression this is very old an echo chamber is a space where sound reverberates that's the literal meaning the original meaning but we have a new use of it related to social media it's a space where a person only hears or reads opinions and beliefs which support their own so you can probably imagine on social media platforms like twitter or facebook often you join groups or you follow people or accounts which you like of course that you agree with so you're just receiving an echo of your own opinions it's just bouncing back everything you read agrees with your own opinion and that can be dangerous because you're not getting alternative ideas so an example is twitter is very good for getting news quickly but it's usually an echo chamber for most users so i think twitter is probably the the platform that is most guilty of this because it's just the way it works as i said you follow accounts that you like you're not going to follow a celebrity or a politician that you don't agree with usually so as always i recommend that you come up with your own examples put them in the comments if you like i always like it when people do that but definitely think of your own example so you make that emotional connection so thank you for joining me again guys and i'll see you very soon for another video take care bye [Music]
Channel: To The Point English with Ben.
Views: 3,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: advanced English vocabulary, c1 vocabulary, c2 vocabulary, advanced vocabulary, c1 advanced vocabulary, advanced English words, c1 advanced Cambridge exam vocabulary, c2 proficiency vocabulary, useful English vocabulary, modern English words, modern English vocabulary, essential English vocabulary, cae vocabulary, cae words, c1 advanced words, essential advanced vocabulary, essential c1 vocabulary, learn english, english lesson, british english, british accent, ben gill
Id: pCY4CuM2tmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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