Sound Smarter with Super Advanced Vocabulary - C1/C2 Level English

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this video is going to teach you six advanced words that make even a native sound incredibly well read so if you're up to the challenge then get ready to sound like you've just eaten a dictionary you're watching English with real teachers real teachers I want to stress though that as the name of our channel suggests we aim for real English meaning language that is used among natives and used fairly regularly these words I'm about to teach you aren't necessarily use day to day in in my experience I personally have a mixture of well educated - not so well educated friends and family and while my auntie's who are quite academic would probably slap me on the wrist for not knowing this language quite a few of my friends would also be in the same boat as me and would need to get the dictionary out if they wanted to continue a conversation with someone who used some of these words not all of them some of them are fairly easy so now I've warned you if you're ready to get into these big words join me and my imagination to uncover these hidden gems in a story alright let's get some story cubes in here I think we need some subjects all right let's see what have we got we've got a cruise ship okay cruise ship a cactus plant a tie a rather large magnet and a thumbs up and a radio signal okay let's see what we can do with these [Music] all right let's let's begin at sunrise when when the Sun began to shine and the Sun began to shine across the desert not desert desert it woke a little cactus up in fact it startled this little cactus as it was enjoying a deep sleep in the shade which which helped distract from his from his unbelievable thirst yes his thirst oh he was he was so thirsty but he certainly wasn't going to sit there and be moan about it all it's just not the kind of plant he'd been raised to be no no so he woke up put on his tie and and got ready for the day it was a big day it was a big day yes it was yes he he had been sent word via radio that he was to expect some people and not just not just any old folk these were some intrepid explorers these travelers had been some places I tell you I tell you they've been to the mouth of a volcano to the peak of a very tall mountain and had arguments with all of their mother-in-laws they were they were brave people so this cactus was ready ready to give them anything and everything he was ready to pander to their every need yes he was this group of intrepid travelers were pulling into the coastline of the desert on board their cruise ship and while this was indeed a controversial decision to dock the ship after having heard of a spate of deaths due to a certain outbreak of a virus that shall not be named they docked they got off with their heavy backpacks on their backs with those little straps around their waist one of them was a little larger than the average intrepid adventurer so she made everyone wait 10 minutes while she you know she was sorting out her straps because they weren't quite fitting anyway I'm getting into the minutiae I of this story let's let's fast forward so they arrived three days later exhausted at where they want to be but hopeful as they can see a field of cacti on the horizon yes the plural of cactus is cacti or cactuses either or they could see these cacti on the horizon they were very excited as they had heard great things about this this green guy named Confucius cactus you know in this chaotic world they were currently in no one knew what the future was going to look like was it going down the toilet was it being totally exaggerated by the greedy news reporting channels well these guys were about to find out that you know what the future had in store for them so they they gathered around this Confucius cactus waiting for enlightenment and then they saw they saw it they actually saw the enlightenment upon them what what the hell was it good question Confucius Cantus was giving them a big thumbs up the message was far from abstruse they left happy and confident that the world they once knew was coming back to them the end and by the way they found the field of cacti using a big fat magnet [Music] alright I used quite a few advanced words in that story so if you are a non-native and and you understood me then pat yourself on the back you you've come a long way with your language learning journey very good so there were six advanced words in that story that I wanted to focus on today which I will go ahead and break down for you after a quick word from our sponsor so today's video is sponsored by Mugabi screen recorder these guys approached us saying that they have a lot of teachers and students using their software and right now it's probably more important than ever to be tech savvy especially if you are working from home so this program allows you to record Full HD screen recordings of webinars or live streams or pretty much anything you want to capture that is is currently showing on your computer so that you can watch it later and even edit it and play around with it and I've had a go on it and the interface is very straightforward or we could say dummy proof in fact meaning even teachers who still find themselves picking up a piece of chalk over a laptop to teach their class will be able to use it comfortably they have some extra features which could be very useful for you you can make gifts and share them on social media you can schedule a recording and use the program offline and you can also select the recording quality of your choice so if you often feel like you wish you were able to rewatch something reuse it or repurpose some of the bits of online content maybe for educational purposes then this is a well-designed program that you might want to use so you can try it for free for seven days and then if you like it you can use our coupon code record 2020 to get a 20% discount hey that's better than a kick in the teeth isn't it alright let's get to the vocabulary shall we number one the verb bemoan to be' moan about something you know in the story I said the cactus wasn't going to start the moaning about how thirsty he was you know he's a tough cactus I respect him yeah so this word beer Mon this verb bin Mon it means to complain or show sadness about something another example could be the viewers were bemoaning the terrible standard of free English education on YouTube I noticed that when you try to collocate this if you can replace it with complain about in the sentence and it and it looks right then you've probably used it in the correct way number two the adjective intrepid did you pick up on that one intrepid this one is a bit easier to use correctly it means extremely brave and showing no fear of dangerous situations you could think of the Lion King Simba Simba when he was a little baby cub and trying to impress the female lion fee lion Nala Nala yes use it the elephant gray fur and he said so this word is often joined at the hip with a noun like adventurer Explorer traveler but I've also seen it with mass nouns like journalism I've seen or I suppose you can have it you can have an intrepid spirit so yeah intrepid done number three to pander to somebody or something a nice phrasal verb that is disapproving in its nature I used it to suggest that the cactus was going to do whatever the people wanted which isn't always a good thing the exact definition is to do or provide exactly what a person or group wants especially when it is not acceptable usually in order to get some personal advantage so that yeah there's a lot there it's it's quite a layered definition but if we go back to the example in the story it means that the cactus had maybe a personal advantage out of giving these people what they wanted anyway another example could be to say that it's bad when a mother pandas to her sons every need or political leaders usually end up pandering to big businesses all right number four the noun spate which is usually used in the singular form police are investigating a spate of burglaries in the area so a spate of something it means a larger than usual number of events happening at the same time and it is also more associated towards unpleasant things not exclusive to unpleasant things you might hear it towards positive things but you know generally speaking unpleasant things how did I use it oh yeah a spate of deaths due to a virus yeah very negative very negative they go a spate of something number four complete number five number five the word that gets the pronunciation award for this video the prutte the plural noun minutiae I minutiae I now I know there are quite a few ways to pronounce this I'm just going to teach you one I think this is the nicest sounding version and from what I can see it is usually considered as the British pronunciation so minutiae I knew she I know so all of the words that I've said so far I've heard and attempted before in my years of you know using the English language but this is actually a genuine new word to me I know many English natives and perhaps not natives will scoff at me for admitting that but this one was not in my lexicon this time last year I admit it I admit it sue me sue me I didn't know it but let's learn it together so it means the small and often not important details so I'll throw some synonyms at you details is good one specifics trivial things or perhaps non essentials I used to often wish that my father wouldn't get into the minutiae of his golf game when he came back to tell me about it now though I can't travel to see my family on the golf course oh I'd say father give me the minutiae eye of your game did you clean your clubs was your wrist okay and has your recent golf lesson helped your swing oh the minutiae I of his golf game oh how I miss it number five done alright the last one of the day number six here we go the formal adjectives abstruse I believe I said the message was far from abstruse you remember the cactus gave a thumbs up which is it's pretty clear and obvious the message it's a positive thing so the opposite of clear and obvious is abstruse it is difficult to understand difficult to understand I hope these definitions are not too abstruse for you and that you feel ready to write your own examples using them in the comments below to you know get active with these new words and practice that correct collocations because as I have personally found there is absolutely nothing worse than using a big fancy word incorrectly you try to look all academic and then a friend says don't think you're using that word right charlie terrible terrible moment so I hope that this video is far from abstruse I should say I've mainly heard this being used when talking about things like maths or spirituality I guess because well they're both fairly hard to understand so yeah hope you found those useful if you did then the best way you can let me know that you you did like these is by sharing the video with your social networks that's a big one you know sharing is caring if not leave a comment below telling me what you liked and if you don't have time to comment then just give me a thumbs up that way I will still know that this kind of 10 is useful and I can make more of it for you advanced guys wanting to keep pushing your limits alright see you in the next video bye bye for now and don't forget to follow us on Instagram to get more day-to-day posts and stories helping you learn English in more dynamic and interactive ways [Music]
Channel: Real English With Real Teachers
Views: 289,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: advanced vocabulary, C1 vocabulary, IELTS 9.0, Band score 9, High IELTS Score, Speak like a native, Academic English, Super Advanced English Vocabulary, How to impress a native speaker, Minutiae, abstruse, spate, intrepid, pander to, bemoan, next level english, sound smarter in english, sound smarter, sound more intelligent, use big words, British english, Real english, real English with real teachers, Charlie baxter, REWRT, Learn English for free, learn english, English lesson
Id: Nx_Paoykg5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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