Cash TURNED TO STONE In Minecraft!

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this game is just too easy look at how many oars we have around us oh my gosh it's so hard to mine with this pick s up Nico have you ever considered the fact that you're just weak maybe what I can't even write dimes with this thing my favorite blocker so why are you mining it with a stone pickaxe look I can mine it super quick just like this give me all these diamonds hey hey those are mine I saw those first stuff no you didn't well you don't even have a good enough pickaxe look at me oh my gosh oh and look there's even more diamonds over here I'm gonna take all of them are you kidding me Nico look at this when I break the stone right here it instantly breaks this is so good it's like I have God powers and oh more redstone please give me a pickaxe like that please no I want all these ores myself pretty please give me no Nico just leave me alone while I get all these diamonds okay let me just get this Stone oh gosh Nico what are you doing uh oh my gosh get some water are you okay yeah I'm okay oh my gosh Nico are you really having that much trouble mining yeah this pickaxe is giving me a bad day uh you know what fine I'll give you my extra pickaxe there you go what yeah use that oh my gosh oh my Nico be careful with it make sure not to break it oh my gosh now that I have this pickaxe you want to do a mining competition yeah sure and I'll bet all this Redstone that I have and the Diamonds oh my gosh sounds good to me good luck all right here we go I'm gonna find more diamonds oh I think I might like all of them in here oh no one minute Starts Now what no fair I've already mined all the diamonds Nico well I just found some more over here oh man okay maybe I can win by just getting some iron here we go let's grab some of this ten nine wait what already no fair six five forty two one no Nico there's no way that was a minute yup that was a minute oh my gosh well all I got was four gold and ten iron well I got more for right 15 Redstone it ain't diamonds what oh it's only because I gave you that pickaxe Nico well yeah it's super overpowered you could just keep all that stuff let's go back up to surface okay got it this pickaxe is so awesome it breaks so quickly gosh there's mud up here Nico ew yeah this is disgusting yeah uh get me out of here ah I agree let's go who are you hey what are you doing in my territory uh what do you mean we just came out of that cave right there like that's what Nico come back finally I believe her now what no I'm not scared of you witch wait what what does a witch mean uh the disrespect what disrespect um we came out of here fair and square and this looks like a nice place maybe I'll live here you're not living here what do you mean I'll show you disrespectful kid lady I'm not scared of you sorry uh did you just hit me yeah get out of here just cause you hit me I'm gonna start breaking all your leaves hey this is what you get oh you really don't want to go there kid what why not I'll show you show me what what is that in your hand take this ow oh what was that uh oh oh what was in that thing oh get me out of here that'll show you oh oh what happened am I at the playground how does that even end up here am I alone Nico Zoe Shady hello hey I don't remember having a stone pickaxe either oh my gosh Nico must have traded it uh I'll give him a piece of my mind JD Nico Zoe where are you guys maybe they're back at the house hello knock knock guys are you in here oh my gosh everyone's asleep everyone wake up what are you what are you get away from me Shady you're facing the wall oh why is everyone running away from me what are you guys talking about but I am cash what do you mean hello guys is something wrong with wait a second I'm stoned wait what happened to me oh my gosh wait and that's why I have a stone pickaxe did my netherite turn to that oh oh gosh get this all out of here since when did I turn into this guys wait come back what are we gonna do oh it's coming towards us listen wait Zoe listen I'm cached you have to believe me cash yeah look it's me do you see how do I know your cash well my favorite color is red um what's your favorite block um Redstone obviously cash what happened to you I don't know I got splashed by this potion and I think it turned me into stone oh no how are we gonna fix you I don't know but first we have to get Nico and Shady to believe me too okay let's go find them oh did you see where they went um I think they went this way okay I'll just follow you Nico Shady oh my gosh where are they hiding guys it's okay to come out I have an idea what is it okay this has to work Marco Nico oh my gosh Nico it's cash Nico yeah it's me and I'm pretty sure I just saw Shady on top of that roof oh gosh the stone man is coming for me how'd you even get up there Shady come down trust me it's cash why are you guys teamed with the stone man now Sadie it's cat cat okay then what's your favorite color red I already said that oh that's definitely cash uh no one likes to accept cash but Everyone likes red are you kidding me okay whatever that's just not important what's important is that I'm stoned what happened to me hmm well what happened when you guys went mining well we exited the cave it was muddy and then we saw this witch then it went home and then I went to sleep no that's not what happened Nico ran away like a baby and then the witch splashed me with some Potion No I took the witch head on I was Brave and no I'm just joking I ran away oh my gosh Nico stop trying to impress us listen we have to figure out a way to get this off me this is starting to hurt let's see I may have an idea oh gosh what is it follow me okay Zoe are you sure about this definitely this has to work oh gosh but this is only meant for the roofers I don't think we're supposed to go up here don't worry you'll be okay oh no this is really high up I don't like this yeah so this could be dangerous yeah what if when the stone breaks he just dies I'm sure that won't happen you're sure oh my gosh what is this even supposed to do well all you had to do was jump on these slime blocks oh my gosh what is that gonna do surely the stone will crack once you hit the ground uh I'm not sure come on cash cash you know what fine to get rid of this Stone I guess I'll go let's go uh oh wait that wasn't so bad did that fix me uh you don't look any different what that didn't do anything maybe I should try again yeah go for it here we go try number two I don't think anything's working guys how about try it one more time what why it already failed the first two times uh just trust me okay I don't see why I have to go a third time but I guess I'll try it out all right here I go oh ow what Zoe did it work what did you do that for so wait what if it cracked and he's broken up that's the whole point Nico we're trying to crack the stone oh gosh okay this slime block trick definitely didn't work I can't believe you broke it Zoe Oh I thought it was gonna work I do have an idea though maybe the fall damage will work but we just have to do it on a higher platform what I think you'll probably die if you do that cash trust me I have an idea just you know what follow me you guys probably don't know about this but I keep something hidden in the kitchen from you guys uh like what um it's in this furnace I just have to put the passcode in and look look what I have what it's a totem of undying it saves you from any sort of death so how are we gonna use that to turn you back to normal yeah just watch okay I don't think this is gonna work yet you gotta be careful guys don't worry about me just watch uh yeah cash I don't know about this this is a bad idea bro uh they don't trust me at all oh my gosh you know what I'll show them oh this is kind of high though but I trust in my totem are you guys ready no don't do it uh whatever I'm going anyways oh oh my gosh did that work you are indeed still Stone gosh how strong is this Stone does this mean you're gonna be stoned forever uh no we have to find a way to get rid of it have you tried talking to that Witch uh no she kind of disappeared I don't know where she went where did you guys even meet this lady at here I'll show you follow me it was right over here somewhere oh yeah look this is the cave we exited and you said you got confronted by a green lady oh gosh I don't want to see her stay here stay here she's not gonna come back I don't know where she went uh are you sure we have to confront her I'm tired of cash being stoned well I don't know where she is she kind of disappeared from here oh this ground is so yucky yeah it's mud Shady oh my gosh I see my spell work oh no no bye Nico where are you going oh my gosh what did you do to me lady little do you know that the spell will be permanent at midnight what midnight wait so that means I only have like a little bit of time to get rid of this sure do or you'll be stoned forever tell me how to get rid of it no way that's for you to find out what hey come back you know what I'm following her get back here where did you go Shady do you know where she went get over here screen lady ugh there's no use she left uh who are you guys chasing the witch you didn't see her I heard her but I didn't see her oh my gosh where's Nico he ran away when he saw her let's go back to him he ran this way probably back to the town Nico where'd you go have you guys seen him yet no but I smell him oh my gosh is he in the house yeah but what are you doing which will never get me hey snap out of it why are you so scared of that Witch uh because I don't want to get turned to stone oh yeah me too whatever guys all right well we have to act fast because she said we have until midnight yeah so this might hurt but Shady stop what the heck uh cut it out cut it out come here cash we gotta mine it off of you no that's not gonna work Shady that's not even doing any damage to me you know yeah cause you're Made of Stone you gotta just crack it off of you this isn't gonna help listen Shady listen okay what you know that place where you go to dig up those Boulders uh yeah near the beach yeah maybe we could go there and figure out something okay let's go oh look my favorite Boulder is here I was literally planning on mining this today Shady can that just wait can we focus on me right now uh no I actually want to mine this first before we mine you what what do you mean can can this not wait this is gonna take all day Shady come on look at how fast I'm going oh my gosh okay you promise after you're done mining this we'll finally try and fix me uh yes fine let's just get to work I'll mind this whole thing with you look how quick I'm doing with my stone pickaxe too I feel super strong me too oh come on get that last block up there oh my gosh I'm gonna have to build up to get it here we go yes my pickaxe broke but we got the whole thing look let's go are you happy now Shady yeah that was awesome so can we get to my part now fixing me uh I guess so I don't think the pickaxe is gonna work you got anything else well I do have something in mind a bow I don't think that's gonna work either Shady oh my gosh you're just sticking me with a bunch of arrows yeah it'll seep through the cracks and eventually break I highly doubt that oh my gosh just watch I'm a master Bowman okay this is getting annoying can we just stop it's obviously not working oh you want to play target practice now try to run Shady stop no cut it out ah you know what I'm getting out of here I'm just gonna go ask Nico for help come back Nico are you in here hello uh cash what you're so sorry yes but can you help me listen I already tried getting help from shady and he kept trying to shoot me with arrows and Zoe's trick from falling from high places didn't work either well maybe we could make a potion oh uh yeah I guess maybe that could work and we need to reverse your Stones so let me get some recipes just did here okay I wonder what he's gonna get I really hope this works too what a stone some dirt a fermented spider eye ew what what is he getting in there right salmon Diamond since when did we keep all that stuff in the kitchen you know what I'm just gonna watch TV for now and it should be good Nico you're already done yep but I need to make a big cauldron for this okay cash come out here okay oh gosh no Nico it's starting to get dark outside okay I need to make this potion quick quick it's gonna hit midnight and I'm gonna be stuck like this forever if we don't fix this it's okay I got this place it like this what are you doing don't worry about it I'm about that cauldron I mean everybody called him before no who's ever you know what whatever like this oh my gosh we need to hurry I'm trying what is this even gonna help with this should be good let me get some stairs for you okay cash climb up these stairs there's nothing in here though why don't you put some lava wait what lava yeah that they're supposed to brew the potion what do you mean that's crazy but I'm still in there some dirt the spider eyes the raw salmon and the diamond oh sneaker what is this supposed to help with and I just go in and it should reverse your stone are you sure Nico where did you learn this um online so this should work you just trust everything you see online yeah but this should work okay fine you know what I guess I'll try it I've got nothing left to lose oh gosh I did it work oh it's hurting me oh my gosh get me off fire already come on get me some water Nico hurry oh God okay okay okay oh my gosh Nico I don't think that helped at all it did it no I just wait a second I'm cracked now is that good or bad well it's kind of good but your spell didn't fully work wasn't that supposed to turn me back into a human yeah but I didn't work at all you guys are fools what do you mean how are we fools using lava hilarious what I mean look it cracked the stone so obviously it worked no you'll be stoned forever oh my gosh you obviously don't know that you need lightning lightning wait I didn't say anything I heard you uh I don't care anyways it's gonna be midnight soon not if I have something to say about it guys come back uh is that what God yes she's gone and I just heard from her that we need lightning to fix this quick lightning how are we gonna get lightning I don't know but we have to hurry up before the moon goes right above us foreign listen we need to strike me with lightning that's the only way to fix this oh boy um what are we gonna do someone gets shady I have an idea all right I got Shady okay guys I'll be right back Shady I'm sorry but I need to go do something real quick all right hey where are you going cash I'm going into Shady secret stash you have a bunch of gold in there right what uh yeah but not for your use listen gold conducts electricity uh okay what about it I'll give it back to you where do you keep it again you should know oh yeah I know it's down here isn't it no the other one silly oh my gosh yeah I forgot okay there we go got it yes gold now I need a rush it's gonna be midnight soon here here right here I need to go as high as possible oh come on come on let's go okay I think this is perfect I just need to build up with all this gold now I feel like we're gonna get struck by lightning we're so high that's the whole point oh my goodness yeah the witch said the only way to get rid of this was to get struck by lightning so I'm building a huge gold Tower I don't know about this oh come on this has gotta work this is perfect come on strike me already is anybody's hair floating on top of their head oh gosh Shady oh my gosh no come on it needs to strike me yeah yeah oh oh my gosh wait I think it worked guys that's your normal he looks red again oh my gosh let's go finally all of that stone is off me I feel free again and it looks like the weather's clearing up oh my gosh finally ah let's go look at the beautiful sunrise cash but we didn't get any sleep so I think I'm gonna go back to bed now same I think I'm about bathing my cauldron what Nico no what do you mean if you want to watch more videos from us then click on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys
Channel: Cash
Views: 2,994,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, Cash TURNED TO STONE In Minecraft!
Id: 9yAz3X8P9Zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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