Adopted By The GODDESS IRENE In Minecraft!

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this little Minecraft player is about to meet her end when she's saved by the goddess of Minecraft and she decides to adopt this little Minecraft player and raise her to be a future goddess wow this is so much fun and then appears then I said that's not my dirt block kid look who it is I need to play with oh you're playing in the muds [Applause] how about a special mud ball those are those Hey Paris what's your aim [Music] there she is hey how you doing there nowhere to go oh that's too bad isn't that fair okay guys the games are over we can stop ready for a good mud ball here they come all right here we go here we go oh what happened well I guess that was a little bit huh I'm so sorry for the one I couldn't help but notice it wasn't a very fair mud ball fight though to be honest using a meteor is uh it's kind of a lot wait oh I control everything and anything oh really prove it maybe it is the mean giant um okay I can prove that I control everything if anything watch first we have lights on lights up lights on why does the sun keep bleaching out that's really cool but um if you want to know more about me join me in my realm is that like oh so pretty [Music] wow this is so cool what is all of this welcome my child uh what it's a figure of speech I watch over you and consider all living beings my children am I excited no not at all I just felt sorry for you and wanted to help oh um you don't have any parents do you no I don't wait how did you know that I happen to know everything as you can see this Hub I watch overall wait did you know about that one time that I picked my nose yes and Ill don't do that well then oh my God this is so cool is this one of your feathers uh yes please please give me that I here you go thank you thank you I Know Who You Are who am I you're Santa [Music] I'm the goddess and I watch over the entire server so why did you bring me here well I'd love to adopt a little one if you have me as your mother that is so then you accept however now unfortunately you can't stay uh in this realm with me why not uh you'll explode if you stay here for too long oh that's not really good but not to worry I'll raise you and take care of you from the heavens my little one I'll be there to help you as needed and train you to become a future goddess then one day you can join me in this realm I can't oh that's gonna be one wonderful oh you're gonna be careful stepping on this stuff but look this wow this is so cool we gotta tell Zane yourself to them none of this is making any sense but you gotta apologize to aphmau right now what look at that go to my house don't worry I'll get you back there right now come on apologize it wasn't our fault it was entirely your fault you chose to say those things aphmau the boys have something to say to you don't you died now was that so hard good job yeah it's very hard let's just leave this big um maybe that was all a dream it's so weird oh okay some some TNT IC over here oh yeah watch us I'm sorry I can't hear you over the side [Laughter] gotcha what what's that thing what did you do you ruined it what did I do I didn't do that either wrong probably wrong all right kid don't worry we're gonna get you and wait what what's happening what's happening you so much it's okay don't worry about them no respawn you know what we should probably get you into some more proper attire and fix up this house but there's no way you can fix it you're all the way up there you forget I am a goddess so let me just take care of this uh house here for you um you might be missing some dirt let me fix that whoa that is so cool cool and you need new uh clothes as well your thought is training soon what was that hey what's going on here what happened what is with this new house yeah did you get this built so quick oh yeah um you see I uh that's that's uh don't worry about it oh I'll worry about it once it's my house I'm going to blow you up and take it all for myself okay you're no longer have to worry little one as my daughter we will always be protected what are you doing oh fishing is that a fishing is of course I know but why would you need to fish when I could just give you fish like this like what what oh whoa whoa you can do that that is so cool it is really nice but um I want to learn how to fish for myself why would you want to learn how to do that because if you're ever gone then I know how to feed myself I suppose that makes sense here I'll fish with you then okay Hey kid yeah you so you got a fancy new house and you got fancy new clothes and a fancy giant plant meteors probably something like that part's a little fuzzy and muddy yeah cheater [Music] well you can't cheat past let's go get back here if I help you then you will learn how to do that okay it's those Hooligans again all right let me let me help you here uh just hold off your hands and you can do the power of storms what that guys look at the tree what are you doing oh it's just a little rain Pierce it's fine I'm not gonna ruin our plans or anything sure what wait really what's going on with this weather Pierce [Music] back to our meteorologist this is weird okay [Music] this is so fun I love spending time with you Minecraft daughter you know so much about the Minecraft player ways yeah fun which reminds me as a future goddess of this world you will need to learn how to help others too on your own but how seek out a player who needs help and then I will come and teach you your next lesson okay what do we talk about this that's my dinner tonight don't worry about it breathe oh don't worry little one you'll find someone oh I was going to give you this by the way [Applause] use them to help anybody I'll be watching uh are you going uh oh okay come on Mr beehouser you want to tell I got a nice fish oh there's someone I can help you screaming about what's all the racket this meows are stuck up in a tree and try to get him to come down and have some dinner but oh my stubborn cat why don't you say so don't worry I'll help you out here let me just uh do a little bit today oh better that there we go oh the tree is gone yes that's not gonna be stuck anymore thank you thank you so much wait a minute what's that over there that's my other problem objects come on how's that kid flying I can't oh thank you so much thank you so much thank you thank you thank you thank you are there any more animals you need help well now that you mentioned it yeah [Music] oh I know if we're gonna get out of here part of me not today we're trapped out here do you need help yeah okay [Music] okay we're really high up why why oh I'm scared of course you did this all for your sheep [Music] thanks how many fingers am I holding up uh blue um man I need to find more people to help but I don't know how uh goddess are you there oh [Music] uh hi what's wrong little one I need a help where people but I'm not sure where to start we'll see that's the tricky part most of the time you need to wait but you can also help people with their feelings too what do you mean here watch come with me I'm invisible oh transparent anyway look down there huh we're watching over Zayn now what you're a title yeah I need to talk I was tell Casey how me feel today but sometimes me very bad with word and also hard to express love the love feeling honest we shouldn't be listening to his private thoughts that's where you're wrong I'm a goddess and I'm here to find out what I need to do to help them not everything is black and white sometimes it's purple I don't know what that means but I like purple you got it so I want to give Casey Diamond but me poor I got iron but I don't know if she like or not will she I need help please respond that he is very distracted Lots the diamond is Way Insane pricey I'm going to give you the power to basically touch anything and turn them into that doesn't even sound right yep you will be able to touch anything into them in silence now quick you're going to need to turn the iron blocks that he got into diamonds just one moment I um just uh okay see uh how is you or how how is you ate dinner I'm doing well are you all right yeah I didn't know there there's uh there's this thing I would like to show you and I'll stop them okay fire fire one moment let me just uh fix this ah sorry sorry it's just it's like a metaphor for the heart to add but no no no no that's not it um you know what you just Follow Me Through the Fire here the fire in the Flames I did something special I was wanting to show you here and it's just a small token of my appreciation and all of this can be yours [Music] thank you now they will be together forever Zane cooties that's what happened that would happen when you kiss hoodies don't do that all these Diamonds oh okay all right I don't know what's going on but at least Michael is still here that's fine fine I'm sure many of you have noticed the strange things going on between flying children and a giant women in the sky my gold disappearing and turning into diamonds popped up in the air that throat for the sky yeah yeah yeah sure anyway listen that little my girl is up to no good yeah show it yeah yeah yeah so so uh what's one thing that I can defeat a witch TNT yes we have to blow out the whole server so um yes uh let's get to it I'm still working on it [Applause] it's over would you calm down that's right you better just give up you're gonna cheat we're gonna cheat even harder uh working on it working on it oh this isn't good oh this is what oh my I don't get a break you see what's happening here in here I don't know you just don't worry about it okay all right watch out okay okay what's your idea I need help okay okay look I need you to make a boat I'm gonna help but I need you to make a boat and get like two of a lot of things on it okay okay I can make a bow I can make a boy it's gonna be really good but I'm gonna start right here put this here and this I'm gonna put this right here and this is like gonna be the helm oh what I'm gonna see my boat because it's already started what's already started just don't make a big bolt make a regular bow okay it's a regular bow but I don't put it how am I gonna fit a lot of two things you'll figure it out okay all right you gotta yell at me make sure you only get the good people so what just let's go guys okay both don't save you from our TNT down foreign [Music] [Music] hold on hold on again your plan sucks I'm going on top of the hospital because we only got each other now buddy I don't want to hear a pierce the roof is on fire it's all thanks to you AFL thanks thanks I have a question uh oh don't mind that giant lady over there excuse me why did you well is chaos happening no except this fire right here then it worked okay it works trust me all right my daughter now you are the Earth Angel you will protect This Server from everything and anything okay all right good now you have to clean up this mess yes yes it's your room you need to clean it up fine Mama clean it up does that sauce that I heard no just don't you heard I love you very much clean up the room bye that my mom was a goddess didn't really connect the Ducks to be honest okay my tree no it's my tree let's see if I can help him out there not if I can help you yeah [Applause] that works [Music]
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 11,404,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 28 2021
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