My Daughter's First Haircut *Emotional*

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today my daughter is getting a haircut for the first time look we're at Sharkies lady do you want to get your haircut no but we talked about you getting bangs no uh you know what we'll be right back our daughter zie is afraid of getting her haircut because when Rapunzel did she lost her PO which is why her dad is going to dye his hair I'm going to do what Matt don't you want to show her that you can be confident s can you just cut your hair no okay fine I'll do it what princess do you want your dad to be come on Ariel it is okay Matt come on down d a mermaid okay this princess is so confident aren't you Ariel so confident mommy's dying his hair we're just doing a small spot of my hair zie not the whole head well we have to do the whole head prove that you still have confidence be so confident I can't believe this is happening s this is proving to you that if you do anything to your hair you're still the same person right why you laughing at me is it done okay Matt I mean Ariel I think your hair dye job is done oh my goodness it looks amazing right are you kidding me and you're the same person what kind of product did you use what I don't I used this looks a lot different than the last one this looks like look it's just like a brighter it's supposed to give more it says permanent H that's fine wa hold on zie will you get your haircut now please no I think ztie just needs to see her mom get her haircut too what no no I'm going to have zadee watch her favorite princess video that we did and it will show how confident princesses are okay well if this doesn't work you have to get your haircut it's going to work okay zie watch this this must be Arendale now all I have to do is find Elsa true love and get her white gloves what's going on here Elsa is getting married do you like peanut butter sandwiches not right now I'll pass you better sit down the wedding is going to start any second okay Elsa's getting married this is going to be so much easier than I thought if Elsa already found love you need to find the gloves and get out of there thanks for the Insight Ariel quit reminding [Music] me welcome citizens of Arendelle we're gathered here to unite the soon to be king and queen of Arendelle please be seated now the vows we would like to make our love public but quick mostly quick we do by the way we do okay well in that case I Now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss your queen this is going quick [Music] oh my God what's happening no my true love he doesn't have a pull no so sorry come on Elsa how could you lock him in prison immediately oh no Sam fam he's dead what are you going to do now you can't bring her true love back to life [Music] I'm so sorry Elsa I guess she'll never know the truth what did you say I'm just so sad he's gone thanks Ana why is Anna acting so strange because she is boy crazy and loves every single boy without exception I have a box of his belongings for you to go through whenever you're [Music] ready the love of my life's jacket and his boots I'm sorry Rebecca I can't go through this Elsa it's going to be okay I'm going to go check on her oh no Sam famam I feel terrible I have no idea how I'm going to get Elsa to find true love again all of his supplies his jacket his phone there's a video I know you don't really love Elsa you just want to be king I don't want to be king I will be king I'll make sure that never happens you won't make anything fool get off oh no Elsa true love didn't really love her he just wanted to be king and the guy who's in jail knew that I have to show Elsa you have proof that he actually didn't love her Elsa what is it Rebecca if it's about the love of my life I don't want to hear it it's a video of him but you have to to see this I said no Elsa my heart's been broken I can't no the phone is broken now I can never show her this video no the evidence is gone there's no way I'm going to pass this level now the guy in jail he was defending her he must know if I can break him out I can prove to her once and for all that she needs to find true love and he wasn't it okay zamfam there's no way the guard is going to let that guy out of jail so I'm going to have to figure out a way to break him out hey what are you doing you must be very thirsty yeah well it's hard work guarding this guy I brought you some water oh really yeah oh thank you enjoy should be any second before he has to use the bathroom it worked what are you doing I know that you only killed that guy to protect Elsa I need your help to prove to Elsa that he was not her true love what did you have in mind this guy was trying to protect her what if he's her true love no not every boy is true love zie Elsa what I have someone that has some very important things they need to share with you Elsa I'm sorry that what I did hurt you you have to know he isn't who you thought he was he know no Elsa he was trying to tell you that the guy you thought was the love of your life only wanted to be king he didn't really love you you have no proof oh no Sam fam what am I going to do she doesn't believe me and the video is gone there is no way that I can actually give her proof Rebecca I think I have something that might help Anna you see we started hanging out before I knew he was dating Elsa and I was taking pictures and I wanted to take a cute video but then he said I have an important phone call to make so I just kind of rushed out but I didn't realize my phone was still recording why didn't you show this to Elsa sooner because I would never want Elsa to think that I would do something like that to hurt her but this is the proof we need we have to show Elsa right now you won't be showing her anything hey no give it back I got it Elsa you need to watch this please Elsa fine oh yes no I have the scissor wrapped completely around my finger this is going to be a piece of yes I can get Elsa too and then I will become king I love you too why wouldn't you tell me this Anna because this is before you told me you were dating him he tricked both of us you know I would never hurt you and the person who truly loves you you froze he protected you so nothing would happen to you Elsa Elsa I'm so sorry you have to know I was just trying to protect you I know the truth now would you want to build a snowman I'd love that and Rebecca thank you so much for finding me my real true love you two deserve it a great time in Aaron tale and Anna you thank you for being brave good luck you guys Elsa finally found her true love okay so all I have to do right now is save Rapunzel and get the golden hairbrush help what was that somebody please help me I'm stuck up here help me it's coming from outside Rapunzel is that you somebody please help me I recognize that voice that's Rapunzel oh help me please Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your golden hair so I can save you I can't why not because what's the matter with Rapunzel's head she's Bor don't worry Z that's not going to happen to you how did that happen myel stepmom cut off all my hair and trapped me up here you have to find the key and help me escape okay well if I find the key to help you escape can I have your golden hairbrush yes of course but you have to find my evil stepmother she's the only one who knows where it is is okay I can do that but if she's evil why would your dad marry her well it's kind of a long story it all started never mind I don't have time I'll be back okay Zam fam so I have to get the evil stepmother to tell me where the key is but if she is evil there's no way she's going to get me the key so I need to come up with a plan to trick her oh no oh no think think what do I do who are you I am here to clean all of the rooms in the house you're not the usual made no no no she's sick but she told me specifically that I was to clean all the rooms and to start with the master bedroom which is why I need you to tell me where that key is I'll not give you the key you simple wave but try to get it out of my son good luck trying good luck Rapunzel was right her stepmother is definitely evil but she has a son I mean he can't be that bad right it should be easy hey your mom said you'd tell me where that key is so uh what's your name again I'm hungry that's okay he's just shy I can work with that he said he's hungry I can just make him whatever he wants I mean I'm a great cook oh no hey hungry just kidding I know that's not your name but I know you are hungry what would you like to eat I can make it for you ego waffles with eggs and ketchup on the side great just hang tight thank God the breakfast that he wants is not that hard to make it is already ready I almost forgot ketchup ketchup on the side okay Zam fam I am confident that after this he is definitely going to tell me where the key is here you go a go with scrambled eggs and ketchup on the side enjoy maybe after this you can tell me where that key is oh you're going to love these hot hot I didn't put any pepper on it be hot it's just pepper and oh no ketchup here's a I am so sorry ke why is there water on me I'm going to go play mini golf so sorry about that how did I mix this up I'm supposed to be getting his trust he's playing mini golf I just need to stay positive maybe I can convince him there that he can trust me then he'll tell me where the key is I mean he said key right so maybe he was thinking about it why did he say key I don't know I'm not a scientist let's just keep on watching hey playing golf I happen to be an expert at mini golf if you want to play me and I win you have to tell me where the key is okay but that will never happen I'm really good ladies first all right let this expert princess hit a ball hole in two so close bet two out of three fine cool in case you guys did not know I am not good at mini golf I lied about that there's no way I can wi but I have to if I want to find out where that key is this is exhausting oh no no sorry about that so sorry it is yes it is a mistake why is there water on me I'm so sorry I'm going to go inside is this not working I'm supposed to be gaining this trust and instead I keep messing up more and more this is a huge mistake I feel like there's a reason he keeps saying these random words okay you were overthinking this you just have to find something he loves to do what's something that a kid loves I know slime every kid loves slime and I make the best slime so if I can show him this slime and get him to play with it he will probably be so excited that he will tell me where that key is it's a little sticky but it's fine there he is he's on the stairs I'm going to bring this over to him by the end of this I'm going to find out where that key is so I can save Rapunzel and get that brush look what I have do you know what this is no oh my gosh you are in for a treat this is called slime it feels so good I mean look at this look how stretchy it is do you want to try it sure listen if you like it you have to tell me where that key is dig your hands in it's really good yeah isn't it nice it's so sticky don't worry it'll come off I need to go wash my hands I'm not having any luck getting them to tell me where the key is this is so stressful it's not that sticky it stuck to his hands did I not add enough activator it's not sticky at all you don't need to wash your hands it's not sticky in in in what what does that mean he just said in while he was washing his hands in water earlier he was s saying weird things when water hit him samam what if he's hypnotized what if the water is what will break the curse when I spilled the water on him he said key and then the sprinklers he said is then he was washing his hands and he said in key is in so if I want to dehypnotize him and find out where the key is I just have to get them in water I have an idea it was the water I have a huge surprise for you in the backyard but you're going to have to wear this okay are you ready for the big surprise three two [Music] I hope this works clock clock key is in the clock what's going on I think you might have been hypnotized what's the last thing you remember a lady with blonde hair and a red dress made me drink a potion you mean your stepmother that lady is not my mom we need to get the key and save Rapunzel come on so the queen hypnotized him I feel like it was something to do with all those words he was saying oh he is in the clock it was in front of me this whole time time the key now I can save Rapunzel I just have to figure out a way to get her hair back the only way to get her hair back is by taking the potion around the evil lady's neck hi I have an idea there you are why are you all wet I was playing outside what do you think his plan is we have to get that necklace so we can save Rapunzel can I have a hug you're acting strange no what if the queen finds out he's not hypnotized please mother that's right I'm your mother and if you must talk me go ahead [Music] let's go to the kitchen and get some tea good luck Rapunzel I'm GL you did it you saved me I'm weak without my hair we're going to fix that here I hope this works rub this on your head I really hope this [Music] works your hair is back oh thank you I didn't feel like myself without my hair what's that Rapunzel I don't know the queen what did you do oh my gosh what happened to her she's dead my hair was the only thing keeping her young you saved me from her as promised here's the golden hair brush thank you Rapunzel this means so much bye I did it s I saved Rapunzel and got the golden hairbrush okay so I have to find Ariel and I need to get the shell necklace there she is she's out at the pool Ariel hey oh my oh my gosh you have legs yeah I've always wanted legs but my dad never lets me have them they're not that cool actually they're pretty cool I'm sure a fin is really nice too anyways I was looking for a pearl necklace with a shell have you seen it yeah oh my gosh my dad has that he does where is he over there in the Deep Waters call out his name thank you Ariel I'll be right back that's Everly from coev King Triton King Triton so I hear you want legs who is that she looks like an octopus yeah what what if I told you in exchange for your mermaid fin I could give you legs do you think that's one of Ariel's friends okay really is that a deal that's a deal I don't know what's going on but I need to find that necklace King tridon all right all I need you to do is sit on the land see of the waters this mermaid begs I get her fin in exchange I give her leg perfect wo Ariel has legs this might actually make things easier I have a bad feeling about Ursula why she just gave her legs she seems super super nice really now you have legs and I have your mermaid tail and remember the spell cannot be undone Ariel oh my gosh I have legs be careful wo wo I'm going to go inside okay I'll be right there what's [Music] that King Triton hello there I sense danger where's my daughter she was talking to this octopus lady who had gray hair and any they did some type of trade she has legs now so she went inside Ursula the sea witch she was a witch you need to go inside and get my daughter she's not safe okay oh she mentioned something about a pearl necklace with a shell oh yes I have it right here I always have it on me if you bring me back my daughter safely I will give it to you of course I'll do that right away I'm going to find Ursula Ariel where is she there she is Ariel there you are look at this thing my bobber it's better than corals I need to show you something what uh okay this is actually a fork look I'm dancing yes you are it's the cool thing leg wo you're going to have to get used to these things yep just take it easy okay stairs I've always wanted to go up and downstairs that's not what I meant when I said take it easy you're going to fall careful Ariel hold on you're going too fast yeah what are you doing here I told you it's not safe for you to have legs but I've always wanted legs and besides you have them I did it to bring you back wait where's your Trident it's right here you treated your Trident for legs don't worry she cannot control the waters without my necklace we'll see about that Dad oh no [Music] dad now that I can control the waters I will flood the entire world oh no dad this is all my fault don't worry Ariel we're going to save him but we have to stop Ursula first okay okay come on I love tricking mermaids they only make me stronger and now that I have control of all the water I shall flood the world oh no she's going to flood everything what if I give Ursula my legs in exchange with my dad you would do that yeah it's worth a shot let's try hello Ursula Ariel has a proposition for you I give you my legs in exchange for my dad would you do that no you'll be dead soon when I flood the Earth that didn't work get inside before she gets us no okay she didn't want your legs but I don't have a powerful dad so maybe I can exchange mine and I can become a mermaid yeah that should work okay stay here Ursula I realize that you don't want her legs but these legs are human legs and they are very good turn me into a mermaid and then we can call it a day for that necklace I already said no that didn't work get back here Rebecca ow nothing's worked and I need to save my dad okay we just need to think we need to come up with a way to beat Ursula she said that she loves mermaids yeah what if we trick her her into thinking she's getting a mermaid yeah I have a plan what are we going to do I don't know but if this doesn't work Rebecca you're not passing this level thanks a lot Matt the princesses will be fine zie oh If I Only Had legs what a beautiful mermaid you are yes I'm a mermaid but I wish I could walk on land well what if I told you in exchange for your fin I could give you legs you have a deal he of the water this mer May B I get her fin in exchange I give her legs I give her legs why is it not working you got it Ariel yeah let's go get it to your dad come on no you two tricked me you'll pay for this no I've got nothing curs me gone King Tron Ariel you saved me and you got my necklace Dad we have to get you back to water come on come on I'm sorry Dad I should have listened to to you I'm ready to come back into the water I don't know why but I've never related to Ariel so hard Ariel you have proven to me that you're strong enough and responsible enough to have legs I will grant you a wish you can have legs and for you Rebecca I promise you that if you bring my daughter back I will give you this the necklace thank you King Triton you're welcome I will miss you dearly my daughter now go enjoy your life they grow up so fast thank you Ariel no thank you you'll always be part of this world you mean part of your okay going thank you I did it I got the necklace I'm in the warehouse okay I just need to save Belle and get the rose that's Belle Belle where is she she's up there now that Gaston is taking care of Belle it's time for Gaston to train that's Gaston what did he do to Belle need to get up there somebody home don't do this to me let me go B what happened yes St locked me up because he was jealous that I chose the Beast over him how can I save you you have to get the key around his neck and then you can set me free and then I can unlock the rose for you I can do that I'll be back to save you Gaston I said Gaston a woman's voice in my facility what do you want from me I want to challenge you for that key all I have here are men's challenges I don't challenge women actually there is something I've been feeling mighty insecure is this the righted outfit what yes the red looks great now about that key I want to challenge you for that key the only key you can challenge me for is the one to my closet now leave through that yellow door fine I must do push-ups go he's not going to challenge her she's a girl what's wrong with being a girl one if he won't challenge a girl he'll challenge a boy I hope this works 50001 50002 Gest on yes I am a man here to challenge you in a man's challenge oh how easy what do you want my castle my inheritance you'll win none of it I want that key best two out of three let the challenges begin wait who even are you my name is faston I do everything that Gaston does but faster I'm Gaston hey wait this challenge is last to say no wins oh mystery balloon pop now's your chance to say no never fast on you're one step behind [Music] oh guess on his pink he feels like a fake woman wearing a wig and sparkly shoes how traumatic now it's baston's turn oh wax leg time to wax these gorillas they're practically bald less hair makes me faster three oh I am fast on I can handle anything what happened to the two won that's something Gaston would do I'm Gaston go before you lose your turn I'm going mouse trap me exactly as it was written wait this won't hurt me not only am I a man but I'm wearing shoes good luck are you ready to say no geston not quite I'm coming I'm coming just let me know when you're ready to say no Gaston never eat l five cockroach cockroach say no whenever you please I ate too much protein today I I have to say no yes geston has won challenge number one off The Challenge number two what do I do samf I could not eat that cockroach but I have to win these challenges he's definitely stronger than me I'm just going to have to figure out another way to win this is the balloon pop Challenge and since Gaston won the last challenge Gaston will go first the blue balloon reminds me of you so I will pop it first [Music] ah gold coins what can I do with more of these I already have unlimited throw your Dart I will do the color of your face after I punch you oh my goodness it's crickets crickets we can get these out of here right we have a broom men don't need a broom they can just use their hands right right right right all right now here you go what fast on they call me that for a reason all right well watch this [Music] be I'm pretty sure flower is not the winner guest on yeah well feels close I'm already ready to go I am not a girl so I would never want pink I am going to go with this one read it extreme Punishment No I am the winner what I knew it said that well anyways it all comes down to this one last final challenge where we will see who faston why did you say it was extreme punishment when it said winner Sam famam I think I figured out Gaston's weakness he can't read so I just need to figure out a way in this last challenge to use his weakness against him so I can get that key and save Bell if he can't read what are you going to do to win I'm fast on this is don't choose the wrong cup since I won challenge two faston gets to go first I'm going to go get this one don't mess up oh $100 worth of gold coins pay up geston it means nothing to me Gaston will do one ahead of you faston pluck nose ha easy don't cry gas star I won't I'm not going to cry a real man never cries that's right he never does I see tears coming down since we seem to be going in order I'll go with this one onion sandwich bone Appetit when the onion is more than the bread M oh my goodness are you crying I'm the one that ate the onion I cannot believe I ate that onion sandwich but no matter what he gets next I have a plan three dark and three tan faston may be fast but Gaston's a man I've made my decision oh my gosh you got that I did I can't believe it you're so lucky tell me what it is the mystery prize in the bathroom of course that's what it said your you're the loser I'm the winner oh no that's not fair I wonder what's inside only one way to find out the only time I'm not faster Finders Keepers looks like I'm first where's the prize time for a stink B what that why did you close to go go what is that smell it worked oh horrendous G son if you want me to let you out of the bathroom then you have to give me the key by sliding it under the door oh my do you want to die of bad smell or not do you promise to let me out if I give you the key of course a man always keeps his promise oh thank goodness here D A man keeps his promise but a woman doesn't bye what does that mean I'm coming Belle B get away I'm not marrying you either no I'm Rebecca why are you dressed as a man I'm in Disguise it's a long story but right now we need to get you out of here thank you thank you very much you're very welcome Belle now I have something for you too The Rose thank you again for all of your help Rebecca thank you for this rose bell I'm glad I could save you but I got to go get your Beast oh please don't let me out sorry not sorry geston so I'm in Alice in Wonderland and I have to get Alice out of Wonderland and get the pocket watch oh there you are Rebecca come join us Tweedle D and drum she was going to say that and Tweedle Dum Matt Hatter and Alice we've been expecting you ches or cat I was wondering if you you guys had seen a pocket watch similar to that but much smaller oh the White Rabbit he's always late no he's not yes he is he's not always late Tweedle de tweetle dum cea jabbering Rebecca come sit with us have tea sit down treasure her cat you were right here how did you do that so we're having a tea party is it someone's birthday more like an unbirthday anyways uh what's it like here in Wonderland time doesn't exist although Alice you seem to be aging a bit more rapidly than usual speaking of Alice Wonderland is great and all but have you thought about coming back to the real world Alice can't leave Wonderland the Queen of Hearts won't let her the beautiful queen rules all of Wonderland more like the ugly Queen tell me about it the queen is so boring and old how does he keep doing that and her skin dry like a snake I hate her so do I finally we agree on something who's that you're the real Alice and this is the watch where'd she go where did she go oh that's Alice that's Alice yes if she was the real Alice because she had the pocket watch then who Are You Queen of Hearts yes I am the queen of hearts and I've trapped the real Alice and if you want to get her back you'll have to win all three challenges here in Wonderland otherwise with your head I know Z what do I do if I don't win these challenges not only is it off with my head but I can't get Alice back back how am I going to do this off with your head off with your head I'm sorry Rebecca we can't go easy on you the queen won't let us that's okay Madhatter I can do this I'm going to go with this blue one oh oh I've never drank this I know that tastes though that is ranch it's Ranch I got it right quite electable pickle juice with a dash of human sweat ew let's see what it is Mad Hatter that is tea oh how boring okay it's sour it's in a green cup I'm going to have to go with lime juice lift the cup to see it's lemon juice oh it's wrong my turn looks like you might not win this Rebecca this is the most worstest most disgusting delicious taste I've ever tasted what ketchup ketchup yes you got it right course I got it red no how you going to save Alice and get out of here only two cups left we both have to go at the same time what some kind of root beer mine might be coke coke I won oh I lost how fun how fun good job Rebecca she should have lost no she shouldn't have be quiet two more left I have to win both of those if I want to save Alice and get her out of Wonderland first knock over the cups loses how'd you do that I'll go first can you stop disappearing please okay this isn't that hard we're just getting started they say I have reflexes like a cat you are a cat you're [Music] up voila CHF Shire cat looks like you've got some competition this looks pretty hard do you know cats are excellent jumpers where'd he go TR count where'd you go you're the the first to Knocked Down the cup I did it I won the Second Challenge excellent job Rebecca to challenge one more person technically two guess the item of what you dip your food in I was going to say that well you're too slow okay we dle D let's just do this each have bananas and we just have to dip it in can't be that hard not hard at all well not with there we go M gross I love this this is good what do you have that's definitely soy sauce no it's hot sauce soy sauce hot sauuce okay okay I am going to say mine is chocolate sauce Final Answer hot sauce let's see what it is yes chocolate sauce I got it right toy sauce told you shut up I thought having two people would be an advantage I guess not round number two I know why you such a know at all I'm just staying the facts TR wait wait are you saying I'm a know it all okay there we go this is something white I know white is I hate it I love it this is definitely sour Mayo okay on the count of three 1 2 3 ketchup ketchup okay now you need to see what it is is it is definite no mine's Tarter SAU I knew it good job you too oh no we're tied which means if I don't win this next one then I don't save Alice and get the pocket watch no pressure Rebecca all of the pressure actually don't be nervous you guys are making me more nervous I'm not nervous I'm a little nervous shut up okay this is it I think mine might be barbecue sauce I know what it is I think we should let her win but I want to win no we should do the nice thing I don't want to be nice do it fish oil now we need to find out if it's right it was barbecue sauce balsamic vinegar I knew it you let it win good job you let me I won well it looks like you've won all three challenges now Alice is free Alice she's back well we'll miss you Rebecca no really don't say that to her face just saying the truth t okay oh no way take care of yourself Alex you're safe can I have that pocket watch thank you Alice what's this press this button to get me out of Wonderland goodbye Alice is gone I did it I helped Alice Escape Wonderland and I got the pocket watch you weren't supposed to win off with your off with okay Z you watch these princesses be confident and strong are you ready to get your haircut no looks like you're getting yours we're cutting your hair just a little bit though right I'll get the scissors no okay who am i r Rapunzel and I'm going to show you that getting a haircut doesn't mean I'm going to lose my power mom's going to cut just a little bit of her hair and hold on Mommy's hair I think you need to cut a little bit more I got no no no no no yeah that's a lot more my hair it's on the bottom side you don't really even notice see mom's totally fine even though her hair was just cut just like her dad has red hair are you kidding me cut a lot ofir I have a lot of red hair it's yes so stie this is the big question are you ready to get your haircut no you know what stie that's okay because I have another princess movie where they save every villain Zade just watch this one you'll love it and after this Zam fam she is going to be transforming her hair here watch this Cara give me back my dog no no no no no no give me back my dog no I'm lonely and I have enough Dalmations so I've moved on to Chihuahua can you just get a boyfriend I only date villains and all villains are liars wait wait what if I can find you a villain that isn't I'm listening there are six villains over there and all of them claim to have a crush on Cruella however all of them are lying they're all after my fortune except for one one is telling the truth and I about to find out who that is or else you lose your dog it's not going to happen Blackjack I got you hello villains I know all of you have a little evil in you but that's not why I'm here I'm here to find out if you actually like Cris so I will be asking all of you the same question and you have to give your most honest answer what do you look for in a girl Gaston like smart honest and funny wonder who that is can I remind you to not say your name Gaston will not say his name next someone who comes from royalty thank you someone powerful I need a last who's not afraid to sail the seven seas a lady with a sense of humor that is terrifying and last but not least number six a hot bot okay step back that did not narrow anything down what is Cruella's top quality gon definitely doesn't like her money or her finances or the wealth that she carries so then what do you like about her not the finances you really couldn't go that long without saying her name number two her fashion sense number three her intelligence number four her booty what by which I mean her treasure I'd be afraid of nothing what is that crocodile her personality okay okay step back you're kind of scaring me right now she's materialistic why do you keep on looking at that snake no no okay step back thank you all right villains you've all answered my questions and now it is time for me to eliminate two of you I think that all of you could be lying about something but there are two people here that are definitely only here for cruel's money gas Don and Captain Hook you two are eliminated all right gu don't even change the way he spoke number one and number four have officially been eliminated there are only four left and I know that one of those is your true love do you know which one it is didn't think so not yet but I'm about to find out and I have the perfect challenge to figure it out H you would make an excellent scar this is the balloon pop challenge all of you villains have a balloon in front of you and you know what's inside and I'm going to decide if I pop it or not based on if I think you're telling the truth let's start with you number six what's inside your balloon there's honey inside okay honestly I'm not sure so I'm not going to pop it number three what's inside your balloon fart spray fart spray ew you think it's going to smell bad for sure well you know what I'm not so sure that you are telling the truth [Music] so glitter you were ly and I'm actually happy you were but you are eliminated get out here number two what's inside your balloon just water it's not going to hurt you but it will get your hair sounds like a liar to me I'm not sure if you're lying or not but if you are telling the truth I do not want water on my hair right now especially with the glitter inside so I'm not going to pop it number five what is inside your balloon flower honestly I don't open it open it I think this villain is definitely ly so here we [Music] go oh my God it's Cricket oh get out of here Joker oh I just came out of my dress number three and number five five are definitely Liars there's only two guys left which means you have a 50/50 chance but if you get it wrong I'm taking your dog that's not going to happen Blackjack I'm going to come back for you get ready Corella cuz I'm about to find you true love we'll see about that Corella gave me this briefcase and it has one of two things inside but I don't know which one it is this is my last shot to find her true love so I really hope it works congratulations villains on being the final two but this final round will determine carella's true love inside this briefcase is $10,000 a small fraction of carella's Fortune or dalmati poop I will let one of you guys look inside and the other one will get to decide if they keep it or take it contestant number two I'm going to let you look inside sh briefcase and now number six you get to decide if you want to keep the briefcase or leave it what's inside I wasn't sure at first but it's definitely money but you made a face first if you're lying to me you're not getting any of her Fortune I swear I was just afraid of the smell I don't know what's inside the briefcase but I really hope the liar is eliminated so I can get back my dog number six have you made your decision I don't think he's lying to me so I'll decide to keep it you think he's telling the truth yes I do let's open it [Music] up he was telling the truth which means you get cor's Fortune this is all I was here for hey Jafar you don't get actually keep it it was just for the challenge girl is going to kill me congratulations Hans you might be a villain but you have been telling the truth and now it is time for you to officially get to meet your true love CA hello my lady I found you true love now can I have my dog yes he's all yours clap Jack I did it I got you back oh spce this next level is guest on and I have to get the rose brooch hello my future bride you're bright no no no you don't want to marry me Gaston and Belle didn't work K found out that Gaston only wanted her money and now Gaston is prepared for convenience uh I don't think this is the right fit I mean there are plenty of girls that like you there may be so many girls that like Gaston but Gaston doesn't like so many girls what are you looking for in a girl Gaston likes a girl that's smart honest and laughs at his jokes I'm definitely not all of those which is why I'm Maring for convenience okay listen before we get married what if I can find you true love then you can marry your true love and maybe I can get that Rose brooch okay you can have the brooch but if not until that do his part she has to marry him he doesn't even have a six-pack neither do you well that's not going to happen because I'm going to find you true love geston leaves before we start with the challenges to find true love for gueston I want to ask each of you why are you guys here today for or you're the only sister who hasn't been married and your mother sent you here poor guest on this is now challenge number one last left wins each of you guys will put water in your mouth if you spit it out you are eliminated Rebecca Gaston would like a word what Gaston wants a girl that likes his jokes exactly which is why they don't know but the last person here will be eliminated they clearly didn't laugh at your jokes smart all right ladies the challenge is about to begin please drink your water before guest on tells his jokes what do you call a pig that chops down trees a pork chop really I know he's just so funny you don't have to tell gason okay okay you're eliminated it's going to be harder than I thought Gaston joke number two Gaston would tell you a joke about bad breath but it kind of stinks that wasn't even funny you two eliminated guest on why did the cookie cry because he was feeling crummy [Music] really that was hilarious okay okay you know what you can take a quick break swallow the water we'll start again for another round and hopefully we have better luck in the next one yeah why are none of these jokes funny maybe you should try a library and get some better jokes Gaston Gaston knows that libraries are for books and not for jokes okay okay you know what Gaston just cool off here be right back it's down to two girls and one of the girls is so much different than the others and even even though she might not like Gaston I think I need to keep her in so she's not laughing at his jokes so I'm going to make her laugh regardless all right Gaston I'm waiting to hear your next joke what did the finger say to the nose stop picking on [Music] me what was that that's called a joke I didn't even think that was funny that was a dumb joke she said while laughing oh yeah okay but it looks like I was the winner so do I get a first kiss uh actually uh you're eliminated what sorry what sorry Gon Do you see why Gaston doesn't like all girls this is truth or DK Gaston loves a girl that's honest so I'm going to ask you a question and if you don't answer it you get DED why did your last relationship not work out because he cheated on me and he wasn't loyal like geston Gaston also cheats dunker what no that's not the your safe thank you for your cander and being honest stay focused when is the last time you saw your ex answer the question spit it out looks I get the go okay okay you didn't answer the question next what do you look for in a guy oh someone that protects me like a stun kind of hurt but I'm fine okay you answered this is harder than I thought all the girls are obsessed with him have you ever kissed a man with long hair no but I'd like to guest song will fix that okay okay okay not sa no Focus who we been here for do you like Gaston what do you think I think that you should answer the question for everybody Gaston doesn't like this answer what I answered the question no you didn't you were be to go around the bush it could have been better okay maybe you don't always get the answer you like Gaston that one girl does not like Gaston relatable here I don't need a tell him not what not for you for her she just got dunked I'm supposed to find true love but he doesn't seem interested in any of them what am I going to do I don't want to get married and I need to get that brooch if I want to move to the next level thanks wait is that the Little Dipper the Big Dipper even better I [Music] agree it is now time to eliminate one more girl and the person I CH gon will be doing the elimination you leave who toodle Doo purple dress good Stone okay everyone else head inside for the next challenge you as well guessed on zamfam I was not expecting that I thought he was going to eliminate the last girl I have no idea what happened but all I know is there are four girls left and hopefully one of them is his true love do you think she's there congratulations on moving on to Tea Time ladies please grab a cupcake or a pastry that you'd like now for this next challenge geston likes a woman that is smart so I'm going to have him come in and ask you some questions geston would like to know what is the last book that you've read Romeo and Juliet it's an epic Love Story just like mine and Gaston didn't they both end up dead next I read so many books but the latest on my shelf is Three Little Pigs I've heard of that one yes it's said children's book children read it no it's for all ages yes okay next I've read A Tale of Two Cities but I only think of the best of times with my geston she sounds like the rest of them next I read Little Women I like to read literature that shows women breaking societal Norms it's a lot of words for you did you get that yeah it's something about women okay next question Gaston would like to know what you would cook him on our first date pancakes ooh ask if there's going to be syrup and like powdered sugar will there be syrup and powdered sugar sure okay I'm thinking a delicious cheese sulle never had that me neither but I'm ready next I would love to make you beef Ragu with pasta oh that feels a little heavy I don't know what Ragu is last I'd actually prefer if you cooked for me Gaston does not cook neither do I then it looks like we'll be starving for our first date great okay I think you have another question and lastly what is your favorite thing about Gaston this one might take a while his muscles of course I can tell he goes to the gym all the time well what was that I couldn't hear you over the gun show um I would probably say is volumous hair what shampoo do you use poor shampoo it's the only thing that can tame this man that's disgusting I love his smile it's so blinding I didn't even realize I was smiling I really hope I don't have to marry him last and possibly least well I don't like that he's entirely self-absorbed and I think it's really weird he talks in the third person Gaston does not do that okay but what do you like about him I guess he's oh Gaston didn't catch that I said you're smart oh Gaston's hair must have been in the way please say it one more time you are smart and interesting she thinks Gaston is smart and interesting which Gaston already knew that is what I'm talking about stop saying Gaston you can't even take a compliment Gaston is repeating what you just told me exactly just say thank you g okay okay now it's time for the challenge girls I'm tying you all up what let's see how smart you guys are now left to escape is eliminated you guys can start I'm out how' you get out so fast don't you always pack a pocket knife I'm out there's only two left one of you guys is going to be eliminated on guest on come help come help No guest on it's up to them to get out you have to see if they're smart on their own in distress oh I'm free I'm free no no guess on I'm sorry but you are the last to escape which means you are eliminated but first a kiss what no guess son you need to trust the process okay I'll get you out thanks there it's not that hard this is the speed dating round each of you will have one minute with gueston where gueston will be asking you questions you'll be able to show him why he should pick you gason wants to know what you like doing well whatever you like doing of course let's move on so gason wants to know what what do you love oh my there's so much to love there's the air the sky you you can trust me I will do whatever you want just marry me take me to the altar I will give you so babies no please Gaston is so confused why geston thought he knew what he wanted in a girl but maybe he doesn't maybe you need to be open to trying something different something convenient no next girl I really hope this last girl works out I know that she's not like anything he's had before but maybe that's the change he needs guon wants to know why you came here well my mother sent me here because I'm the only one out of my three sisters who hasn't been married and why aren't you married I've met so many men who want to control me I don't want to be controlled I want a guy who listens to me who treats me as an equal and supports me well guest on I want to know why you haven't left yet I'm not sure well looks like time is up Gaston I hope you're ready to make your decision Gaston it all comes down to this I have narrowed it down to three girls now you get to decide if you'd like to marry me for convenience or take a shot at true love I [Music] Choose You Rebecca no no you can't do that no I'm not going to beat the level I have way worse problems right now he's going to try to marry my wife I was just kidding I wanted to see how you would react I actually choose if she wants to her it's up to you you can always say no just follow your heart yes I'd like that very much thank God in the best way possible this is true love right here since you did find true love do you think I could get that Rose yeah but my hands are kind of busy no problem I did it I got the rose brooch this villain is Maleficent and I need to grab the green orb to move on there you are Rebecca I need your help sure what do you need Maleficent I need you to get Aurora downstairs she's mad at me for not letting her go outside why can't she go outside because someone's after this I didn't give it to them so they poisoned something out there and until I figure out what it is it's not safe for her okay if she did get poisoned what would happen she would die the only way to reverse it is if someone sacrifices themselves why don't you just tell her that I'm sure if she knew that she'd understand why she can't go outside no promise me you will not talk to her about that just tell her I have her favorite ice cream sunde down here get her down and this is yours it can't be that hard Aurora hey who are you my name is Rebecca and Maleficent sent me up here because she has your favorite ice cream sunday downstairs and she wants you to come down so you can eat it I'm not going downstairs until she lets me outside okay well maybe you can just eat the ice cream and talk to her then I'm not talking to her she just wants to punish me for not being like her she's a villain I'm not she likes black I like pink we're nothing alike that is true you guys are very different but I'm sure she has a reasons for not wanting you to go outside so maybe you can just talk to her about it listen I'm not going downstairs can you just leave I'm trying to write in my diary that's what you want why don't you just tell her what Maleficent said because I made a promise wish I could just tell her why Maleficent won't let her go outside but I promised I wouldn't so I need to come up with something that kids love that would bring her downstairs I know something that every kid loves I got these ingredients from downstairs and I know that when she sees this she's going to want to come downstairs and make some of her own you guys comment below if you know what I am making she loves pink so we're going to make this pink Aurora look what I have I love slime I had a feeling you did now look at this slime look how pretty it is you can make slime too if you come downstairs because that's where all the ingredients are I'm not going downstairs and I don't want to make slime anymore it'll ruin my gloves but there's so many ingredients I mean I even have stuff for glitter slime Cloud slime butter slime I want to write in my diary fine I cannot believe this slime did not work nothing she likes is working so maybe I need to do something that she wouldn't like what are you doing what are you doing I'm writing in my diary I'm writing in my diary stop copying me stop copying me this is annoying this is annoying why don't you just leave why don't you just leave you know what I'm going to break a rule then you know what I'm going to break a rule then you're going to break the bed you're going to break the bed you're being annoying you're being annoying why are you copying me why are you copying me you know what two can play at this game I'm sleeping beauty and I'm going to sleep you know what two can play at this game I'm sleeping beauty and I can go to [Applause] sleep you're so stubborn copying her did not work and now she's asleep what am I supposed to do now I can't get into her brain but I could get into her diary then I can see what she's thinking and maybe that will help me get her downstairs if she's still asleep this might work dear diary Maleficent is so strict all my friends get to do things except for me I'm the only girl in school who can't go to a sleepover it's not fair I don't understand why she does it maybe she hates me Aurora thinks Maleficent hates her hey why are you reading my diary I'm I'm sorry I didn't mean to okay I did mean to Aurora I was just trying to understand why you're staying up here and I think I understand my mom was really strict growing up and it was really hard especially when other girls could do things that I couldn't do but what I learned is you can either be sad about it and sit in a room all day or you can make the best of it and that would mean eating that ice cream sunday downstairs you know what maybe I do want ice cream let's get some ice cream ARA come on here you go Aurora ice cream sunday worth coming out of your room I'd say thanks for caring about me it means a lot well I'm just glad you got your ice cream sunde Rebecca I see you got Aurora downstairs which means this is yours uh you did it for Maleficent not you don't care about me no I I do I do I mean I it's complicated okay I promise I meant every everything I said I'm done I'm going outside what no no Aurora get no hey oh no she went outside if something happens to her I will never forgive myself nothing's going to happen we're going to get her come on Aurora Aurora Aurora where are you Aurora Aurora there's no pulse Maleficent something happened to her the flower it must have been poisoned and she smelled it what do we do how do we save her I need you to get four white roses okay where are they that way okay I'll be back white roses I need the green or but I cannot let anything happen to Aurora 3 4 I bought more than four roses just in case Aurora you're okay what did you do how did you get rid of the spell I did what I had to do Maleficent are you okay what's wrong wait to bring someone back you had to sacrifice someone else you sacrificed yourself I'm sorry I always thought you were punishing me for not being like you you saved me I don't want to lose you I'm sorry Maleficent sacrificed herself for aora she really does care about her are you crying your ha looks really short on one side don't worry we're going to figure something out okay someone's going to be here soon to take this you must take it with you I'll take this but first I want to make sure you're okay Maleficent Rebecca you need to go someone's coming give me the orb run hey Z this villain is Sid from Toy Story and I have to get the heart necklace I'm I'm so sorry Jesse have you by any chance seen a heart necklace nope I haven't haven't seen it I haven't no Barbie what's that around your neck my heart necklace oh Barbie do you think I could have that heart necklace of course B peep shit's coming everyone down Z is s oh no Sid took Barbie we have to save her to infinity and beyond no she's in the kitchen let's mosy over there way oh no Sid has Barbie what's she doing maybe she's playing with her don't be silly she hasn't played with that Barbie for 6 months this could be worse than I thought she's taking her away where's she taking her oh no toy jail what's toy jail it's where toys go to die then we have to save her come on you guys oh no Barbie is in toy jail and she's walking her up Sid's leaving how's a chance to infinity and to jail Barbie don't worry we're going to get you out of here but it's locked we need to find the key it's around Sid's neck Sid's neck so once we get the key we can save Barbie let's come up with a plan where we all work together toys there's only one sheriff in town Woody reporting for Duty what I'll be right back what's he going to do I have a bad [Music] feeling oh no Sid has Woody now too you guys get back get back oh no now Woody and Barbie are both stuck into a jail that's what he gets for doing it all on his own you're never going to beat this level s keeps on taking all the toys the toy jail we should just give up we're all going to end up in toy jail we just need to come up with a plan I think I have one come on all right Bo people what's the plan I need you guys to be taken by Sid what then we're definitely going to toy jail well peep you lost your sheep and your brains okay listen I need her to pick you guys up so she's distracted and then I'm going to use my staff to get the key off her neck well what if she puts this inventory to then at least I'll have the key and I'll be able to get all of you guys out are you sure it'll work well I'm Sid's coming oh no we have no choice you guys Sid's coming down she's grabbing Jesse and buzs now is my chance to get the key oh come on come on almost there I got it you got the key now I just need to not get caught by Sid she put Jesse and Buzz in jail hopefully this key works and I can save all of my friends and get the necklace come on Rebecca I am right here I got it come out I told you guys I would not let you stay in toy jail thank you V of course and Barbie do you think I could get that heart necklace now what heart necklace the one on your neck the neck of course thank you guys I'll never forget you coming go go now Lady it's the wicked witch and I need to get the witch's hat there you are Dorothy what scarecrow lion Tin Man I'm In The Wizard of Oz Rebecca Rebecca if you ever want to leave Oz you have to complete all three of my challenges on the yellow big road and get my hat in the Emerald City [Music] what's wrong Dorothy the witch just told me how I can get out of o oh The Witch she's so scary yeah well I have to beat her if I want to get out of here we can help you but I don't have a heart I don't have a brain I'm a little bit afraid but we can help I think we have to follow the yellow brick road Follow The Yellow Brick Road Follow The Yellow Brick Road Follow The Yellow Brick Road Follow The Yellow Brick Road stop that lion is handsome a scaredy cat I this is our first challenge it says don't choose the wrong door everyone must choose the door to open there's no way I'm going first I'll go first but then you have to go second okay thanks scarecrow be careful what are we doing choosing a door to open come on [Music] red scarecrow are you okay yeah that was a lot of what was that wind wind it was like a tornado don't worry lion I'm pretty sure that every door is different and up next Dorothy let's do this but it's not my turn lion it's yours going to go with the spotted door one two come on turn oh my God it's a fake spider thank goodness it's not real I knew it I knew it I think he's getting better I guess I'll go next if I would have had a heart I would have been scared scar but I don't feel anything the GRE door is the only one left and if I do this then we complete the first challenge so here we go get off me get off my the Clown's gone that was my biggest fear what just happened the lion protected me from the clown how courageous thank you so much lion you saved me curses she may have gotten through the clown but there's no way she'll get through the next two of my challenges we completed the first challenge let's Follow the yellow brick road to the next one Follow The Yellow Brick Road the next challenge don't pop the water balloon challenge take turns sitting under the water balloon until it pops I'll go first what no tin man you can't if you get water on you you'll rust and you won't be able to move but I want to help in some way you can hold the balloon and the three of us will do the challenge right yeah yes ooh That was supposed to get rid of tin man oh well he still doesn't have a heart anyway guess I'll do this that was terrifying you're up Scarecrow lying I got this ain't nothing to be scared of I'm from the rainforest that never hurt me I think there's something on you no no no it was just water sorry about that it looks like think we completed another challenge which means we're one step closer to getting to the Emerald City and defeating the wicked Wick we can do this together Follow the yellow come on you guys we have to hurry lollipop dipping challenge it's the next one it says pick a side and dip your lollipop one side is good and one side is bad something bad I'll go first I have my lollipop and now I need to pick a side I'm going to do this side cuz it's the right side right side oh I hope it's not something gross scarecrow time to find out what is this wh cream if that was the good item then what was the bad item lion do you want to go next not really lion everyone has to go you'll be good pick a side I'm want to go this side just remember it could be a good item ketchup my favorite let's get a big bite of this one oh no no you got a bad atem are you okay I guess it's my turn it's strawberry sauce but I don't know if that's good or bad cuz I don't have a heart Tim man don't worry you'll get your feelings and that is a good flavor you picked the right side I'm the only one left I have to choose a side but I don't know which one to choose you should choose the side I chose why because that has always had the good items scarecrow you're right every flavor that's been bad was on one side and the good ones I think I'm going to go with what you said scarecrow and dip mine into this oh oh it's very squishy okay you know what I'm not even going to look cuz if it's bad I don't want to know oh my gosh wh cream and carel sauce I did it you did it we did it you guys we completed the third and final challenge now let's get Emerald City curses they got through that challenge they got through all of my challenges I curse the pedals that in Oz Run Deep and I'll put them into a very long sleep to the Emeral City the Emerald City what was going getting tired oh no it must be sleep Cloud sorry everyone I had to oil on my knees oh no are they dead they protected me during the water challenge they've been such great friends now I wish there was something that I could do to [Music] help what's going on how did that happen Tin Man you saved us what did you do all I did was cry that must have reversed the Sleep Cloud spell CES how was that possible he had tears he doesn't even have a heart you think you can get my hat but you'll be surprised I always win now now we can defeat the wicked witch once and for all I don't think we can I'm not courageous enough and I don't have a brain and I still don't have a heart scarecrow you are the first one to figure out the pattern in the lollipop challenge you wouldn't have been able to figure that out if you didn't have a brain and T man when you saw us on the ground you got upset and started crying you wouldn't have cried if you didn't have a heart and cared about us and finally lying clowns are my biggest fear and you're afraid of everything yet you still attack that clown so they wouldn't hurt me and that showed a great amount of courage and now that you know you have a brain bra scarecrow you're courageous lion and you have a heart tin man it's time for us to defeat the wicked witch once and for all we just have to figure out how to do it water water kills the wicked witch yes but we don't have any tin man you cried once do you think you could cry again I can sure try just think of something sad you're doing a great job Tin Man wow Tin Man you did it that's a lot of water what did you think about I thought about losing you guys well that's not going to happen it's time to take on the wicked witch and the emerald wicked witch wicked witch where is she she said she's in the Emerald City Rebeca Rebeca you thought you could one up me but you will never get my hat you will never win this round I always win you're wrong wicked witch it's your time to die she's melting she's gone her hat this is what I needed you guys have been great friends but I have to go we understand you have to go home say it three times there's no place like home there's no place like home there's no place like home she's gone I didn't think it would actually happen tell me where I can find Peter Pan or you walk the plank I don't know where he is this villain is Captain Hook and I need to get the spy glass I know know where he is okay I'm listening if I tell you where Peter is will you give me your spy glass the only way you'll get this is if I leave Neverland which we all know will never happen so tell me where is Peter Pan or ye will walk the plank well he's uh I am right here follow me Wendy I'm not Wendy Peter P Peter Wendy I'm not Wendy of course you are okay yeah sure I'm Wendy who are you guys I'm tole I'm NS I'm darling I'm curly and I'm the one and only Peter Pan and this is Neverland this place looks amazing and fun but I actually have to get a spy glass and I'm running out of time there's no Time in Neverland maybe we found the spy glass come over here are any of these the spy glass we found them all today no hook actually had the spy glass I'm looking for what you can't de feed him on your own he'll make you walk the plank again what is going on here uh hello okay we'll help you but first you need to train train if you're going to defeat Captain Hook you have to learn how to use a bow and arrow I don't think I can do that just look at the Target and let go oh no it fell over don't worry I'm just glad we're helping you V Captain Hook you need know how to sore fight a I'm not good at this not good enough you got to think fast if you're going to defeat hook what how did you get there it's easy you just got to think before they hey where did you go hello okay man you have reflexes like a kid I was going to say cat I'm going to teach you how to trap someone walk over there I don't know why I need to walk over here you kidding me keep your eyes open any think to be a tra did a kid just outsmart me Captain Hook hates water balloon so just keep throwing till it falls down oh god oh [Music] yeah Wendy your training is over okay so do you guys think I'm ready no but it's time to the feet hooked and get that spy glass y we got this I don't think you're ready to take on hook I have no choice I have to get the spy glass okay Sam fam those kids have way more skills than me I just don't know if it's going to be enough there is one thing we have and that's Peter Pan you guys there's hook let's knock him out with these water balloons ready go go oh no it didn't work I got this wait Peter forgot his sword we meet again Captain Hook Peter Pan without his sword you're mine no tell me help oh no hook took Peter no they got Peter Pan there's no way I'm getting the spy glass now who's going to be our leader now what uhuh let's get back to The Hideout come on what are we going to do we need to save Peter Pan and get the spy glass since I am the leader I think we need to just figure out Captain Hook's strengths and weaknesses what are his strengths he's super strong and he has a sword okay and his weaknesses um something he has a hook but there must be something else that like scares him or something wait a sec in the dating game with Corella dating game anyways he said that he was scared of a crocodile oh the crocodile he hasn't been here in months though over here you guys you guys have this inflatable crocodile and you found a pocket watch it makes a tick all right you guys I need you to take the crocodile and put it in the water and I will take care of everything else okay lost kids on three 1 2 3 lost K don't get that crocodile is Left End hook go I hope I can do this looks like you're walking the plank Peter Pan wait what's that sound what is that it looks like it's the crocodile Captain Hook no no no and I'm here now Captain Hook and if you do not give me back Peter Pan and the spy glass then I will push you in there with the crocodile and you're going to lose your other hand no no take it take it but I'll be back I'll be back good job Wendy oh yeah I outsmarted hook and save Peter Pan we did it you guys we defeated Captain H please stay with us Wendy I wish I could but have somewhere I have to be don't worry it's not goodbye it's I'll see you later Queen Is Dead what a travesty the White Queen who is she this villain is the queen of hearts and I need to get the last white robe just like The Bachelorette not really you didn't you killed my sister off with a head no I didn't kill anyone I just got here if you didn't then someone else did you have 20 minutes to find out who can my sister or it's off with your head and if I figure it out can I have the last white rose fine let's do some challenges oh no time for challenges no time for challenges who killed the White Queen I told the White Queen she was running out of time she should have listened to me interesting sound stop doing that test hour CAT isn't it interesting the White Queen was wearing white just like you look at your face Mad Hatter I guess we should both be scared she's still alive no she's dead you did it no you did no you didn't I know you did no you didn't no you didn't I did it no I didn't all right all right welcome to challenge number one the envelope challenge here in Wonderland each of you will have 5 Seconds to grab an envelope and you must do whatever's inside except you're not just grabbing an envelope you're going to have to do it with this rubber band Bad Hatter you seem to be kind of sus why don't you go first all right bad [Applause] Hatter shame head are you sure you want to do this Mad Hatter want to I get to doing it my God if you would do this why wouldn't you kill the white so how does it look uh not great oh thank you so much I'm going to go look at my new hairstyle Chester cat why don't you go get set go 1 2 3 that was way too easy EAS for you reflexes of a cat empty Pockets there's a note here I don't like the White Queen what about you I didn't write that someone gave it to me who gave it to you it wasn't me it was you gave it to him you probably gave it to didn't you I know you you TR cat we're trying to figure out who killed the White Queen who gave you this note Alice that doesn't mean that I would kill the White Queen I think you need to go next okay we definitely only need one of you holding this yeah she wants me she wanted me to do it Alice just go what come on oh it's counting time my turn I did it you barely did it chug water at least you'll be hydrated ch ch ch ch sorry I have to use the bathroom what you barely drink anything I guess I'll go next 5 Seconds 2 1 that was harder than I thought please be some something good money those are Wonderland bucks I can't really use this Wonderland bucks move what it's mine it's mine mine mine no you rued it you Ru it you okay okay you know what it's fine it's fine you guys are time starts now I want this one that one two go that side go that side four five fine you guys can do two now you both have to do what's inside both of the envelopes go first mystery drink here is your mystery drink enjoy I go first fine you go at the same time okay ew that's tasty you don't like it that's the grossest thing I've ever you're so annoying it's delicious so annoying you're annoying okay you know what we have another envelope they're exhausting impostor challenge actually that means all of us are doing this challenge this is the impostor challenge all of these spoons have frosting on them but one has mayo we have to try to figure out which person ate the Mayo everyone grab a spoon we're eating at the same time and all right everyone eat it's mayonnaise and I love it he could be lying he's mad in fact there's a spoon here oh that's the male one spoon wasn't eaten who didn't eat theirs we shared this doesn't make sense Alice isn't here Alice where is Alice I don't know but she's late she went to the bathroom Alice Alice yes someone here did this I saw white rabbit standing by the bathroom when Alice was in there I was only keeping track of the time mad also went to the bathroom that means that the Killer is still here Alice is dead and we need to figure out who did it everyone to the backyard I think it was the Mad Hatter he was the only one that went to the bathroom no it was the White Rabbit he was standing right next to the bathroom samam did I miss something someone here killed Alice and the White Queen I need to figure out who it is and I am running out of time this is the teacup balancing challenge each of us will draw a body part from this bowl and we will have to balance the teacup on that body part for 10 seconds otherwise you are eliminated we play until there is a winner everyone dig in shoulder back foot head arm all right balance on the body part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Tweedle D and dum you are eliminated have either of you two fought with the White Queen no no we haven't no we haven't are you guys hiding something no we no we haven't no we round two we have two teacups everyone draw body part back foot stomach nose on your marks get set go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 chest dryer cat and White Rabbit you two are eliminated so chest dryer cat who is your best friend in Wonderland she's not here anymore it was the White Queen how' you do that White Rabbit who do you trust the least here matad Hatter he's no concern for time do you think he could have killed the White Queen he could have done anything I'm bored let's do another challenge okay yes let's head inside we must pick these up we no time this is don't s the cup challenge whoever loses this challenge will pick last in the next challenge I will go first it's always time for tea okay that was close okay who's next my turn Tweedle D and Tweedle dumb I'm sorry you two lost which means you have last pick in the next challenge this is the will it cotton candy challenge we each get to pick a candy and see if it will cotton candy butn Tweedle D and Tweedle Dum you get to pick last guess I'm going with Jolly Ranchers handy cane I'm such a Skittle all right you two I don't want that one well I want this one I don't well you grab it so that's the one you get I feel like their mom I'm going first with Jolly Ranchers let's see if it will cotton candy oh I think mine's cotton candy oh my gosh look at this not a lot but it did cotton candy M it's really good all right Mad Hatter o it is cotton candy do you think that peppermint candy canes will actually cotton candy it is cotton candy wao minty Tweedle D and Tweedle dump dump your Kool-Aid in be careful don't touch the top oh it is cotton candy it looks good give me some give me some I want a pece no it's mine oh no Tweedle D Tweedle Dum you Ked them I didn't do it to do this it's could have been either one of you guys time's up head to the green wall to make your accus I have to make a decision I hope I can do this so who is it make your accusation well the Mad Hatter is a little bit crazy but he wasn't around Alice when she died he was the first to go inside after the challenge when the White Rabbit was killed so he couldn't have done that either and the trees cat the White Queen is the Chesire Cat's best friend best friends don't kill each other so oh hurry up I'm getting bored so I think that the person who killed your sister is neither of them it's you you did it Queen of Hearts congratulations Rebecca I did kill my stupid sister in fact I killed everyone at this tea party I waited for poor little Alice in the bathroom and then I caught that silly little rabbit out in the yard after everyone left and then I poisoned stupid tweetle D and tweetle dum why did you kill your own sister there can only be one Queen the last white rose which is interesting because whoever has the last white Rose has all the power guard get her what get what take her away I did it okay zie you've watched all of these princesses overcome obstacles are you finally ready to get your haircut yes she said yes come on Z while you're getting your haircut you're going to watch princesses survive every emotion including being afraid okay D are you Brave yeah you got this [Music] Zam comment below what haircut you think zade's getting I'm in Frozen now I need to figure out which emotion to fix Elsa please marry us you're the only one who can and one of us has to get married in order for Arendelle to survive I've already told you you're forbidden for marrying Kristoff honest Matt Elsa won't marry them but he's my true love that's what you said about Han it's different this time I'm sure it is Anna the emotion must be anger I need to tell to Elsa so I can figure out how to help Elsa what are you doing playing darts so Elsa your sister seems pretty upset that you won't marry them yeah well I have my reasons and what are those he's marrying her for the money what Kristoff once this wedding is over I'll finally be royalty then I can dump Anna she's a nice girl but not my type does Anna know about this no do you think you could tell her yes of course then she won't be angry with you anymore Anna what are you okay no I'm angry I found the love of my life I have this beautiful dress and I get my family's heirloom but none of that can happen if I don't get married listen I know you're angry but there's a good reason why Elsa doesn't want you to marry Kristoff and what's that she found this letter he wrote Kristoff would never write this I I'm sorry but he uh can I see this for a second zamfam do you see the frown face on this paper I must have missed it before but it's the same frown face that was on the dartboard that Elsa Drew which means Elsa must have written this note to frame Kristoff so maybe the emotion isn't anger it's jealousy Elsa's jealous of Anna for marrying the love of her life I knew that angry face had something to do with it Anna you're right Kristoff did not write this note I think your sister did what I think she's jealous of you so we just need to come up with a plan so we can fix it oh no how can you do this to me I know that you PR Kristoff with his note I did what I had to do you can't marry Kristoff Elsa why are you so jealous with me I want to spend the rest of my life with him he left Elsa you just froze your sister looks like I'll have to marry Kristoff but you don't even love him that doesn't matter well even if you want to he's never going to agree to it well let me worry about that and you can go set up her first date otherwise you'll be Frozen like her Elsa up samfam what am I going to do she just froze her sister and now she's going to marry Kristoff I need to fix this chalous the emotion otherwise she's going to ruin everything there is no way that I will marry you well you have to otherwise Anna will be frozen forever else is blackmailing Kristoff to marry her he has no choice he has to say yes fine go get ready for our first date go shower first oh no they are going on a date oh no samam fam Elsa's only marrying Kristoff because she's jealous maybe it's because is handsome all you have to do is make him ugly and then I'll fix her jealousy better do that before the first date Elsa thinks that Kristoff is good-looking and I need to make him not goodl looking which means I need to do a little bit of a shampoo prank and turn him a little bit blue I need to hurry before he comes Zam fam he's in the shower right now which means he is turning totally blue and has no idea reindeers are better [Music] will'll beat you and curse you and cheat you everyone is B no I'm blue he just saw himself in the mirror which means he's probably washing off all the paint on his body but that blue hair will not come out and when Elsa sees it she is definitely not going to be jealous [Music] anymore honor and I used to eat on Sundays that's when we also used to eat baguett anyone ah honor and I love baguettes that's because I created that recipe and Tau her as a kid you know what Kristoff maybe you need to just take off the hat and shirt I'm good why don't you leave us alone or else fine San what am I going to do I need to show off that hair so she's not jealous anymore to think of something I don't want to get Frozen this can use this to take off the hat hopefully this works Sam fam so I can get rid of her jealousy and save Anna once and for all you're hideous she hates the hair this is perfect does that mean we not getting married oh we are I'll see you at the wedding she still wants to go through with the wedding that means she wasn't jealous of his looks maybe it's the dress she must be jealous of honest dress all I have to do is get Elsa to wear honest dress and she won't be jealous anymore I just need to figure out a way to get her to change clothes I have an idea hey Elsa [Music] why did you do that what am I supposed to wear out of my wedding well actually I thought you could wear this beautiful dress of Anna that is very expensive and perfect ew that's not my style wait so you're not jealous of her dress no I'm not jealous and you better clean this or I'm going to freeze you like I did Anna Zam what am I supposed to do if I don't fix this jealousy then I can't be this level and I'm not going to be able to see Z ever again doesn't make sense she wasn't jealous of his looks she wasn't jealous of the dress there must be something she was jealous of but what is it wait the family heirloom that must be what she's jealous of I got to get this dress washed you're lucky this washed out now I'm ready to get married wait before you get married there's something I want to give you and normally you have to be married to have it but I think this is so important that you can have it now okay Elsa your family heirloom I don't want the family heirloom I'm more of a necklace girl what but isn't that why you were jealous of Anna I'm not jealous of Anna now get out before I freeze you fine samam what am I going to do I can't fix Elsa's jealousy and now Anna's going to stay frozen forever wait a second the darts aren't on Anna they're on Kristoff the conversation's on the date Anna and I you say it on Sundays that's when we also used to eat Anna and I love to get that's because I created that recipe and pot her as a kid Elsa's not jealous of Anna she's jealous of Kristoff I have to stop the wedding wait Elsa's jealous of Kristoff let's get this over with well wait Elsa you were never jealous of your sister Anna you're jealous of Kristoff what are you talking about I thought about everything you did the darts on his face all of the conversations you had you're afraid that if Anna marries Kristoff you'll lose her forever how did you know because I had the same thing happened to me with my sister but the truth is even if she loves someone else that doesn't change her love for you you're her sister you can never be replaced but she does everything with Kristoff and I don't want her to forget about me she's not going to forget about you but if that's that's her true love you want her to be happy [Music] right Elsa I'm sorry Anna I was jealous of Kristoff and I didn't want to be replaced Elsa you could never be replaced we're sisters forever I love you love you I got you something it's a necklace of us together forever it's perfect here let me help you put it on and there you go so does that mean I don't have to marry you anymore well you do have to get married I Now pronounce you husband and wife I didn't Sam famam I fixed her jealousy zamfam Z's haircut is looking so good I cannot wait for you to see the transformation now I'm in Beauty and the Beast and I need to figure out which emotion I need to fix look Belle and the Beast are on a first date I wonder how their date's going it's going terrible lumier what do you mean she's disgusted by him disgusted that must be the emotion I need to fix good luck the girl that I was on a date with last night pass out every time she saw me because of how beautiful I am why is he bragging about all the girls he's been with now go ahead and joy your salad it only cost me $734,000 for each tomato he's bragging about his money oh I can smell that from here now if you're lucky that air can be in your mouth tonight I mean as a kiss I see why she's disgusted I feel air coming out the other end if you know what I mean time to see the big beast room this is going to be harder than I thought Zade I hope you're taking notes cuz you are never dating a beast like that hey Belle are you here to save me I'm on the worst date ever well I thought you like the Beast well I did I thought he was humble and it seemed like we had a lot in common and he used to compliment me but now he's disgusting okay yes he did burp in your face but I think he might have been nervous you guys have a lot in common what do you guys like to do we both like to read read read your books why don't you take your books out to the Garden I'll have him meet you there and I promise you he is not disgusting he is the person you thought he was I hope you're right of course I'll be right I hope I told the beasts to meet Belle out here and if I can prove to her that they have a ton in common she won't be disgusted by him anymore I love it here it's it's so peaceful and quiet I prefer a loud city bus if Beast doesn't like the garden why does he live here that's nice yes and what do you like doing for fun well I like ballroom dancing and your house is great for us only dumb people twiddle around on their tiptoes to music you're calling her dumb actually I have this new book and I think you would really like it they're talking about books this is something they both have in common why is it about me well no but well then I would hate it why this is a disaster why would you do that that's my favorite book I just said I would hate it I can't even look at you right now I need to use the restroom again you were wrong he's still disgusting something seems off I'm going to go check on him there's something off with Beast and I need to talk to him to figure out what it is wait what is it's not working trust me it will Beast is talking to someone but I can't see who it is I know women you need to insult her make fun of her otherwise you'll come off is too desperate the Beast is taking advice from him but it's terrible advice well I'll do anything to get Belle here take this you'll be able to hear me say exactly what I'm going to say it's an earpiece he's going to be told what to say the only words that will come out of my mouth are your words good okay oh no he's coming that was close now I need to figure out who he was talking to testing one two do you hear me Beast good now tell her that she's talentless ugly and that she looks really pale in that yellow dress wow did you like it you really are talentless oh and you're quite ugly what else Beast keep going I want to hear more you are disgustingly horrendous and the odor coming from your pits is mighty and I can tell that you don't tweeze your eyebrows either you like them to grow together as one big bush and the booger in your left nostril is glaring this is not going to end well guess Don's going to ruin everything I knew it was you you were sabotaging the Beast so you could be with Belle why yes I was you need to stop and what are you going to do about it you're just a girl just a girl no not the hair not the hair oh and I almost forgot one thing what is that the yellow on your dress makes your skin look very pale okay samf now that gas St is taking care of the Beast will not be getting any bad advice it is not working oh no the Beast is talking to him it is not working I'm coming back to the bathroom oh no he's coming to the bathroom if I don't get rid of this Gus then I can't pass this okay I need to think think I need to come up with a [Music] solution just get the things you told me on working guest on are about to lose Bell that's because you need to apologize for everything you've done apologize and then you need to be yourself be myself you said if I did these things you would hate me you need to trust me tell her how you really feel and speak from the heart speak from the heart yes and you need to do it fast because she's leaving B wait what now Beast I wanted to say I'm sorry for everything really and I wanted to tell you how I feel from the heart go on whenever I see you it's like there's a tsunami but inside of me and there's a big storm and it's happening in an earthquake and it's like oh no he's not good at this tell her you love her I love you and if you would allow me to spend the rest of my life making up all the mistakes that I made in our first two dates I would love nothing more so are you asking me to dance I believe so it's working zum she's not disgusted by him anymore then okay it actually worked she [Music] changed now I'm in Aladdin and I have to help Jasmine fix her emotion there she is Jasmine would you like help with that cake oh no thank you I got [Music] do I'm so embarass hey alad you want a slice oh that is so embarrassing oh no Z embarrassment must be the emotion that I have to fix I need to do something what's happening dennie I'm ready to do my first wish okay what do you wish for I want you to redo what just happened so I don't get in better well if you redo it and use that as your wish you need to make sure to tie your shoes so you don't fall into the cake okay got it okay and okay Zam I have to fix her embarrassment and three wishes so as long as she ties her shoe she should be good to [Music] go samam this is perfect she's tying her shoe which means she won't get embarrassed the cake didn't fall now she gets to talk to her Crush Aladdin welcome everybody to my party would anybody like some Flor derves he's such a gentleman I wonder what they're going to talk about maybe they're going to have a first kiss I don't do carbs more for me it's so nice to see you oh my god teeth why is he making that face why are they laughing look at her teeth I can't she's fot in her teeth oh no this is not good definitely embarrassing oh my God e poor Jasmine she must be so embarrassed because Aladdin is her crush and she wants a first kiss oh no everyone's laughing at her Jasmine yes I think she's going to need another wish jnie I'm ready to make my next wish I want to go back before I ate the food just remember when I grant this wish you know what not to do and I can only Grant three wishes so you have to make this one count okay okay okay no more embarrassment let's do this okay zamfam she's not going to fall in the cake she's not going to eat the food fixing her embarrassment is going to be easy she has one wish left but she's not even going to need it welcome everyone to my party for deres anyone I have one don't take it don't take it no thank you God she passed on the or derves I don't do carbs more for me it's really good to see you Jasmine our crush is talking to her this is the perfect moment I'm so excited to see you too Tarson Tarzan no she called him the wrong name I mean Tarzan's your exboyfriend it's just that I pictured you without the vest this is so awkward oh my you look different but in a good way feel really uncomfortable now no oh my God this is so embarrassing Aladdin I'm so sorry buddy really awkward oh no she's already used two wishes which means she only has one wish left I hope I can fix this I can't believe you called him by the wrong name I just got so nervous I'm so embarrassed I'm ready to make my next wish okay Jasmine I just want you to know though this is the last wish I can grant you so before you make it I want you to touch the top of the the lamp and I want you to close your eyes I want you to see all of the people that are at your party right now anyone want a cupcake [Music] [Applause] no looks like you got something on your shirt what is that what your dress is tucked in and you have toilet paper hanging out oh my God oh my God don't tell anyone please it's so good to see you oh did you just try to kiss me uh it's you're just like not my type they're all doing embarrassing things they were all embarrassed exactly nobody's perfect everyone gets embarrassed it's how you handle it sometimes you just have to laugh it off and then the embarrassment goes away I'm ready for my last wish what is it I want you to take me back right before I say the wrong name your wish is granted it's really good to see you Jasmine it's good to see you too Aladdin yes she called him by the right name I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go talk somewhere in private he wants to go somewhere private this is where she's going to get her first kiss I love to this is it Sam [Music] fam no not the Aladdin underwear I'm not going to pass this level now yes I want this because I like you Aladdin she's embracing it I like you a lot and I'm not embarrassed well I like you too Jasmine really a that's so cute I wish I was her she got her first kiss and her look changed we didn't Zam fan we fixed her emotions and now Zam fam presenting zie the the princess with a new [Music] hairstyle zie you look so cute you are big this is the certificate of your first haircut zie I am so proud of you zamfam comment below how cute do you think zadee looks with B subscribe subscribe
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 3,343,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: my, daughter, my daughter, hair, cut, hair cut, first time, first, time, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, royalty family, lankybox, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie
Id: LbVMUeiBp_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 20sec (5960 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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