Starting my New Minecraft World...with 300 MODS! 💜

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so I've played vanilla Minecraft a lot this is my current vanilla world and my previous vanilla world and after that I kind of want to try the opposite so here we are with better Minecraft this is a pack of about 300 mods that aims to add a lot of exciting features to the game and here we are despite all of that we seem to have spawned in a regular old jungle oh maybe I spoke to soon oh what is this yeah this is different um we need to get down from this tree luckily there are Vines they are thing a fox oh hello there's a sign post what is 600 BL this must be a sign okay well it comes with an advancement and I don't know what it means is this thing safe it looks pretty safe there's nobody around H okay I don't think there's anything for us here it looks like some kind of weird altar let's just punch a tree though this tree is kind of cool it's Birch but with orange leaves I like it and is that fastly de see oh kind of I think it was but a lot of the leaves are still there oh there we go okay but let's do crafting table and some sticks and tools the thingy I always use the recipe book do we not have that that's kind of a shame oh well I'm enough of a Minecrafter to know how to make a pick and an ax let's try to get out of this I was going to say let's try get out of this jungle though but I think we're already out of it although before we go we should grab a quick little bamboo dropped bamboo leaves as well interesting now we do have a mini map in the top right but I had to use a mod to preload chunks because it was a little heavy on my computer just trying to load in all the chunks for the first time so I'm not going to use the full view of the map for the first couple of episodes because that would feel a little cheaty since it has some chunks loaded that we are not in oh my gosh that's a witch oh my gosh there's a Pillager why well we got monster hunter from a Pillager I think that's the first time I've ever got that from a Pillager there's literally a Pillager on my tail oh my gosh look at the biome in front of us it's all autumo how pretty and we next door a swamp oh fish good food going to just eat that no what are you doing here okay I'm out oh I found another structure but first let's just get some Stone it might be one to avoid I want to run away from the mobs not towards [Music] them oh you have a baby I'm so sorry then we will make a stone pickaxe and maybe we'll replace our ax too and do we dare go anywhere near here I'm going to say no right now we can go back later o coal do we have F Miner if we don't F Miner I don't know how it works cuz it is not doing anything oh it dropped something else it's a experienced nugget I don't know what to do with that I'm so excited to play this small pack though I've never played a bit Minecraft before in fact I've never played a super modded world before only with a couple of mods at a time so this should be really fun oh look that weird floating iron island has iron and we got an advancement this world just has so much going on I'm kind of over stimulated but in a good way the Sun is setting we are still bedless this is is not ideal I think what we'll do is Camp on this little Peak and hope nothing comes for us in the meantime I'm just going to make a furnace and cook some [Music] food look at that the sun is rising on day two also did you guys notice all of these cute little leaves falling I love these so much but I also see a sheep down there so we definitely going to get a bed today if it is the last thing I do he sheepy don't worry I won't hurt you just kidding I can see a couple more on the map they're either in this hole or right above us right above us it is too well and you are not the right color unless we can redy wool not that we have any white dye but we'll give this a go this is B of Minecraft so you never know can we make things red you can okay so then we want two more red dye and we'll turn all three of our W red and then they'll be the same color to make a bit I am a genius yay now we don't have to worry about night I wonder if Mangrove is easier to get in this mod pack this tree is too big and can't be broken in one hit no that is so sad what am I looking at is that hores it's zebras oh my gosh the zebras zebras zebras I think zebra is American hello Oh no you're scared of me no don't be scared how do I approach you I will find out how to get you you're just like a scared horse oh my gosh it's giraffes I think they're completely neutral oh you're coming for me hello hello I'm scared I think they're just chilling hi you're so big a big friend the Savannah is way cooler with the these guys though there's so much more life I feel like it's way harder to get lots of food partly because there don't seem to be as many villagers because of the custom biomes and then the other issue is that we don't have as many cows and sheep and chickens spawning because there's all these other animals spawning and no I'm not going to kill a giraffe for its meat if that's even a thing you know this is a really cute biome it's kind of like where we were before except it's more flat instead across a river which is really cute o we've got a little broken bridge we could maybe restore the bridge that could be cool I think we will definitely live somewhere along here here some fish are a bit different do you give me fish raw B they do this area is so pretty okay I think we're going to se up right around here we can kind of live between this autal biome and this this biome is a little bit ainal as well it's very Cottage core but I'm going to put down some stuff so that I can cook my B maybe we'll make some sh as well and then we can cheer those sheep nearby without actually killing them sleeping bag oh they come in different colors automatically attempts to sleep to place use while crouching it's just three wool and we can change its color after we're done Crouch and use uh okay I don't get the difference between this and a bed you guys are going to have to help me out in the comments cuz I have no idea what's happening here like in this world in general let's get some seeds though so that we can maybe plant some wheat and then we'll be able to get those sheep next I started Gathering supplies around the area to build a starter house with and it is so much easier Gathering wood with this [Music] mod I also planted these tomato seeds I found and started making some iron armor we're making progress I'm feeling good okay but a couple of things to show you guys first of all I figured out that there's experience nuggets you get them from all kinds of things but you can just use them and they contribute to your experience it does kind of make sense also I got this squid and I was wondering what we do with it it's very cute but I wonder if we cook it and eat it oh it looks like we can do something with it should we give it a try I mean yeah that's food Al we have wanted these growing so the other thing I wanted to show you was how op is this oh my gosh so needless to say we are building with Spruce as well as these pretty Maple logs in the area because they look completely different stripped they're like a nice pink color but we've started clearing this little spot out so I just want to keep up with that terraform it a little bit and then we can build our [Music] house oh fist tomatoes [Music] okay we've got that mapped out and I think we'll start by using a bunch of di right that I just went and got I noticed in the stone cut it comes in all these different types which is really cool but I think we're just going to go for a mixture of Polish diorite and then I know that chipped mod has even more types we just need to make a Carpenters table which should be very easy why don't we repurpose our original wooden X oh it's not going to let me use it it requires a brand new new wood an a that is kind of sad now we've got it wait actually I think that's the one for wood textures which is cool but I think we might need this okay here we go then we get all of these different types of Di and I think I want some of these rounder Bricks now we can start building the [Music] base now we have the base for the house let's start building these into walls and they're going to be kind of es this is going to be so good for a starter house it's super spacious I'm thinking front door here window here potential other window but honestly a lot of the space is going to be walls because we need a lot of storage and modded there are more items in and vanilla so things get messy fast but I don't want these to be completely open so let's deal with that and we can stir up it oh and I might have to go a mro tree to finish this off that's okay you get the idea uh where do we go with this they make such a mess maybe it can go over here and now for the second floor we get to use our maper wood which is all of these native trees here and it looks like this a nice little desaturated pink we'll have the top floor come out by one to add some Dimension and then we will predict how this wall might fit together with the roof [Music] shape so we've got a little shape going I eded in a little window and we've done the same at the back we might do the same with the sides as well but we'll see first of all I want to figure out the roof we'll do a little brick trim with a spruce [Music] roof okay now we just need to detail so I have made two more of these workbenches this one is the Bist workbench and you can do all different kinds of leaves in it as well as different kinds of vines so I think we will make a few of these flowery Vines and then to make the roof more interesting we'll do some flowering leaves then this table is for different types of glass so with regular glass we have so many options so let's start with a couple of these Diamond leaded glass but also if we make the glass colored I know there's more options there too but we'll pop this in then for these big windows up here I kind of want them to be orange to match this biome yellow and red that looks good and then this piece of dirt this isn't actually going to remain just dirt but the idea was to make it into a planter box so we can add a rose a lilac and one of these also a couple of vines I'm going to add a bunch more details to the front and the sides of the house and then we should be done and after detailing here is the end product the only thing I would really like to do in future I think is make all of these edges brick kind of like these ones are but brick is a pretty awkward early game resource so we are not doing that for today but let's go have a look at the inside so we walk into the main room and we also have a little Loft floor on the top I thought we could use Vines to get all the way up except the vines do kind of seem to be going everywhere if it looks too messy we might have to take them down but also we could just embrace it and do it here as well I don't know see how it looks on see or gr but I was thinking we'll do chests along here and here so we can start with that so we've got heaps of storage here and a little bit here cuz I thought we could put some of the workbenches underneath but also I don't know if you guys can hear the sound we have oh my gosh we have that guy outside our house and I think he throws his ax I'm very scared but let's just take our chance oh my gosh oh my gosh he does we did it look at this he's been throwing his axes around oh we still got to get you as well okay I was hoping the raid Captain would drop his cool X but it doesn't look like he has they do drop emeralds though and whatever Platinum chunkers but anyway we're going to ignore the fact that that we're bad Omen and moving some of these things then I thought I'd try exploring a few modded decorations so I tried to make these silt pots it was a bit of a process and then I decided I wanted a different color and I broke it so we had to do it all again I also discovered that there's way more paintings and you can pick which one you want okay so everything from outside is now inside which is nice and we've semi decorated it we've got a little table and chairs over here and we've got these this is actually a red dyed pot from the Twigs mod I think it is and then we have all about workbenches over here and I haven't really done much with this yet but we will I just need to get more stuff but also there's diagonal fences if you place a fence post here and one here they connect I love that feature also ignore the torch spam we will replace it with lanterns we just need more iron honestly I've been running out of food and resources this whole time so we are very poor right now this crop field is not quite enough oh R and tomato I will throw it at my house I don't want to help her food problem out though by saying if we can get some pens of animals going so I've been collecting plenty of wheat so we can lower over some sheep and also some cows if there are any nearby but I do know there's some sheep and I also have wait we should use the diagonal feature like this this is so cute and we also have a moss carpet now let's find the animals to low back oh also we've had this sugar cane opposite our house this whole time and honestly we should probably start growing it okay two sheep so far and I swear yes there is a third one around here just up here you able to get down let me help you oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't realize the drop was quite so big it's going to become night so if you guys could just hurry up a little and we did it then let's make another little pin here and see if we can find either cows or chickens or we could even get a modded mob wait I think I heard a quck a duck hello oh my gosh this is so cute do you eat seeds oh you do okay I really don't want to kill Ducks but this is about getting a food source as well so I wonder if they do give us meat I kind of hate saying that maybe we'll just live off of our sheep there's more Ducks over here though hello will you follow me okay our other pen is definitely going to be a duck pin although I do see some cows over there too I think we'll get the Ducks and then we'll come back for the cows and they can go in with the sheep for now oh my gosh this is the best I love these guys and you get and we will breed the ducklings no oh my gosh they're so cute I'm dead I then went and got the cows we'll see if they're ready to breed again looks like they are so we've got our two cute animal pens and we can use some of this sheep wo to finish off our bedroom design oh I also made a little campfire I thought this could be cute where should we put it maybe we'll move this and then we've got a log to sit on here so we can also have one over here yeah that's like a cute little area in front of our house oh my gosh those Vines are growing way too long unfortunately we don't have the mod I don't think that can stop Vines from growing it but we could add it in but then up here we can also have a little rug and a couple of paintings could be nice there may be a little one in the the corner that looks much better and I think that's a great start for our better Minecraft world so that will be all for today and we've got a lot to get up to next time we might find some diamonds we might start enchanting and of course just do a lot more exploring so I hope you enjoyed our first Adventure in this world and I will see you in the next one [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Brookella
Views: 184,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, better mc, better minecraft, modpack, 1.20.1, new world, let's play, starter house, hard, episode 1, episode one, ep 1, cute, girly, cottagecore, showcase
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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