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oh my gosh score city's been taken over by these guys from Triangle Town I have to be very careful they don't spot me gotta find it I still got stuff in my house oh my friends I'm just gonna rain in this way Soldier I hear people oh gosh what soldiers are roaming on scary sweetie like crazy did you hear something any residence in sight don't see any you guys are over here huh how's it going Soldier it's great I'm sensing some movement around these bushes but I can't seem to find who's in them oh my gosh I gotta be careful there he is wait what oh gosh what I did not know that there was probably this fast I might as well just make a run for it in my house come on you can run but you can't hide buddy oh my gosh I can't run very far food has been scared in square City for months shoot him Triangle Town will take over no time I have to go Square City boys Triangle Town forever Triangle Town forever why are these guys keep taking Triangle Town Square City for the win I know no no no no I could still run I can still run we'll find you no matter where you go buddy oh I'm leaving bye you'll never see the light of day ever again I'll be back trust me send in an airstrike Soldier I got your soldier they didn't air like what does that mean oh my gosh I need to go quick I can hide in shelter I think I got him Soldier where is he at oh my gosh so we just get out of here bye-bye scratch I'm glad you see the fight safety let's go oh my gosh I've been walking for Miles now and I haven't found anything just as I started talking about that what is this what is this supposed to be is there people eating over there I haven't eaten in like a week I'm so hungry is this some sort of building I don't know this could be part of Triangle Town I don't know who I could trust honestly is anyone hungry they're eating over there I've eaten so long worth it it's called Refugee Center oh my gosh um excuse me hello sir are you all right yeah but I'm pretty hungry ah don't worry I've got plenty of food I do hope you like potato soup though potato soup okay let me try some what this is the best meal I've ever had in my life I'm glad you like it it's the only thing we have at the moment what is this place ma'am oh this is the refugee center it's where all of the people from Square City have gone these are all square City citizens sure is wait does that mean I could see my friends here maybe hopefully they're here okay oh my gosh Triangle Town took over squares today excuse me hello Google oh the babysitter hello that doesn't sound like a baby though I don't know what you're talking about this is just a normal baby uh okay well whatever um I'm gonna eat some more of this potato soup upstairs sounds like a plan and there's not really anyone up here wait Josh yo what are you doing here Josh dude the town like exploded bro yeah man it's been exploded for months what was that explosion oh gosh I think they might have found us oh no uh are you sure what the heck is this I think that's just some random explosion Josh I don't know what happened whatever but yeah man they the soldiers they took my mom and they took everything man yeah I've been in square City for a while now I just escaped like a few hours ago Hey Man Randy was that you that blew up this hole who caused this hole in the wall I'll fix it okay well Josh yeah what's up have you seen any of my friends like cash City or Zoe or Beyond cashes should be here he was walking around the other day he was no way yeah uh I think uh shady and Zoe are like the spies now or something I don't know they're trying to take down triangle towns so they're doing something okay to find my friends thank you Josh I think cash went on like some food supply run or something he was tired of the potato soup or whatever he likes it he was looking for some steak or something what that sounds like cash I'm so glad he's alive well thank you Josh when did you become so nice well I mean the town got destroyed so I gotta be nice now oh well I guess that makes sense well let me put this other stuff over here and let me find my best friend he has to be out here somewhere yeah wait Who's Calling My Name What's Nico oh my gosh you're here me too come over here because I thought you were dead I think it's been a year it's been a year yeah when did you find this place I've been living here for a couple months I don't know I've been in square City this whole time are you serious with all those soldiers I've been hiding from their soldiers they're just scraping around for food I haven't eaten in weeks but this potato soup is so good ew get that out of your hands I just ate it listen the food they serve you here is slop I always go out and get this steak from the village nearby whoa this looks so good I can eat like a whole cow right now there's more where that came from Nico and just don't show it to anyone else or else they'll start asking for handouts okay but uh are you sure this place is safe from Triangle Town yeah I've been living here for a few months then they haven't found it not yet but it was pretty easy for me to get here so wouldn't it be easy for them to find all the refugees here ah they're not that smart they will never find us wait what what is that uh what is that alarm whoa whoa whoa oh my gosh what's going on oh my gosh it was the Triangle Town people pictures as we were talking about that I think so that was like the worst timing ever but we gotta get out of here now who are you um wait you look familiar no time we have to leave now what are you doing here what man I just got bombed oh but I thought this was a seafood not the refugee said it was supposed to be safe we'll follow me come on bro how are you jacked up how do you still get protein out here I've been hunting down chickens I guess that's just bull activities I've been getting cow meat ma'am where are you taking us I'm taking you to my secret bunker now come on okay secret bunker catch you so we could trust this lady I don't know but what other toys do we have I feel like she's kind of familiar you know yeah something about the hair what bull what is that put that trident down I'm hungry oh gosh oh yeah we'll just leave you okay take us to this bugger all right let's go don't worry this place has top security top security whoa Josh you see this I could probably break in super easily no way no come on hurry up wait what's up can you enter the code for us sure can the code is one two three four wait that's not very secure what do you mean No One's Gonna guess that uh okay I only know three other people that use one two three four for their codes yeah Shady Zoe and Mia are you fine I'm Zoey oh thank you I miss you guys too but I had to stay secret why if they know that it's me I'm gonna instantly get ratted out oh gosh Kashi hearing us yeah that sounds terrible so wait does that mean you're some sort of like secret spy that is so cool that is pretty awesome all right follow me we've got a meeting to attend a meeting uh it's okay is that who I think it is I recognized by his face sure is sure who's that shady it's Nico JD come on ah you must have told them sure did bruh all right well yes I'm Shady what are you guys doing here what do you mean what do you guys want to be spies now too or something we're here to help you and also this is your friend JD I miss you I missed you too come here whoa okay well you guys are probably gonna need some suits to look like spies so let's go get that for you to become like spies cash you hearing this Nico I think we're about to get dripped out I think so too but okay Shady I'm following you all right it should just be down here yeah how about you give me a tour of this place too anyways okay this is the generator room where all the power comes from the generator room whoa did you guys like build all of this yourself we sure did it took quite a long time we had some help from the miners though that's our huge generator whoa it looks kind of dangerous yeah don't jump down yeah that would be bad I would never On to the Next Room guys okay I'm just gonna keep following you okay good idea and this place is called the cafeteria you guys have a whole Cafe itself yeah we serve a lot of potato salad here a potato salad oh gosh so would you have any Russian well sadly no we haven't been able to get raw salmon in quite some time but we have potato soup and leek soup yeah actually I haven't tried link soup that's disgusting I think I'm gonna just stick to my steak you have steak no no I don't give me some about what I'm just eating my leek soup Yum Yum Yum so good oh man uh okay cash I think you have the best food in the house yeah I know oh I don't have anything hey I saw my man anyway Shady Show us around all right there's more downstairs okay this is called the training course are you guys ready to be spies or what are we doing this now yeah come on now jump over the lasers how are we gonna get our spy outfits at the end of this course you'll earn it oh gosh uh cash you should be ready for this I think I am I want my spy outfit okay I'll be Cowboy come on let's go then guys okay obviously this is a maze with lasers in it so you have to be very careful okay I'll be super careful good luck on your journey and let me know when you're finished okay uh come on let's go oh gosh I feel like I touched that Nico you definitely did it made the alarm okay come on let's go and uh I just see dead end so how do we complete this thing I have no idea well this is called a spy training course so it can't be easy yeah let's keep going gosh another dead end gosh Nico why do I let you be the leader okay fine you later I bet you can't find it how much you want to bet wait what oh my God Sasha well we didn't bet anything so I don't have to give you anything hey sorry ah let's just go come on okay let's get these spy outfits and let's finish this thing yeah wait what is this uh I think this is the start are you sure cash didn't see us crappies yeah um guys oh hi cash are you serious well but anyways where do we get these suits just upstairs okay so why'd we do that entire you know what whatever in the generator room uh I'll open this myself but cash it I need to go first why not because I don't want you to look at me while I'm changing fine and it's kind of hot in the generator room I think I could just change it to my clothes right here and I am equipped I don't even know what I look like all right ah finally I'm changed whoa hello have you seen my friend cash I have no idea who cash is hey uh Nico do you see all this water dripping yeah yeah I know the water's dripping because I'm drippy look at this outfit uh let me see what I look like wow wow it looks so cool you do look pretty awesome oh perfect you guys are done yeah do I look like a stupid spy you sure do I could barely recognize you what about me it works I look awesome yeah but I look better than memory Zoe yeah you sure do all right guys it's time for our meeting and this one will discuss the plans and this war and the war with Triangle Town versus Square City you sure will come on gosh Triangle Town took over the whole city what are we supposed to do oh you'll see let's just wait for shady all right everybody I have some items for you you do yeah okay um what is that it's a crossbow don't I need arrows for this thing yeah I'll get those to you in a second bro it's okay thank you Shady okay pick your type of Arrow would you rather have nausea arrows poison arrows or instant damage arrows instant damage Heroes here you go I wanna demolish my enemies instantly right cash yeah I want the poison arrows all right everybody first step we must arrive at the bank where the soldiers are located oh yeah all the soldiers were coming out of the bank I think that's their HQ yep it is their HQ second step we must infiltrate the bank and then break inside secretly okay so but what do we do when we get to that what's the point of all this we must take out the Triangle Town General the Triangle Town General in doing so will defeat Triangle Town sure will yeah then they'll run back scared they'll oh my gosh that's genius and Shady what is that in your hand oh it's some smoke bombs here you go are they easy to use you just throw it and it happens gosh stick to the plan sorry that was a mistake but now I know that those work stay focused don't let them see your emotions okay we got this remember the last step Escape safely it's okay Escape safely got it so are we just supposed to go back to square City and just infiltrate it by ourselves guys pretty much okay I'll Follow You shitty all right we're on the way back stick to the notion and stay in motion let's go okay shitty over here yep we're here now we have to move safely to the bank okay this place is roaming at soldiers are you sure we're ready for this we're ready okay I guess so and we just use smoke bomb if we want to escape right yep let's tiptoe there okay okay is this really doing anything though we're kind of outside I don't know we're just moving slow and steady oh gosh get behind the car what this other gosh what is he looking at I'm just gonna take a little peek he's got a spyglass watch out oh gosh why is he looking at the sky not seeing any Square City residents here gentlemen oh my gosh it looks like he's walking away let's go Captain I think the school is clear oh my gosh should I throw a smoke bomb at him to distract him or what no that'll give away our spot don't feel okay well I'm not a tweet spy so I don't know all right let's move okay let's go have you guys tried this yet it's a spy ability well what watch watch wow oh gosh he's coming around again where's this guy he might be walking to the bank but I hope not okay well are there any scarcity residents still here I don't know I think Clyde still is trying to hold up at the movie theater so maybe we can go talk to him yeah he'll probably know if there's any refugees here all right let's move go go go go go go go oh there he is what he is here man I haven't seen y'all in a minute what's up Clyde you just stopped the movie theater still yeah you're out in the open though yeah these Triangle Town boys come up in here I'm gonna beat some butt are you for real I don't play around go keep quiet I'm never messing with you but um we're trying to find if there's any other score City Refugee still here well they put them all in the prison what they did they locked them up yeah under the police station man oh my gosh this isn't good Zoe what should we do uh you know what I think shady and I had to go get those people they've helped us out a lot you guys continue with the plan me and cash is supposed to infiltrate the bank and assassinate the Triangle Town leader ourselves are you serious yeah you guys got this we trained you properly Zoey why don't you do it you have no idea how intense this police station's gonna be and plus we need to save the people but we could do that right uh we got this uh as long as we stick to the notion and stay in motion yep we gotta stick together and why are you saying that quote so many times because it works so well okay but let's go me go out all right good luck guys okay cash just blend in all right uh it's kind of hard to blend in with these suits like this uh wait uh that's probably not one again right uh definitely not here uh I got it like that uh what'd you just do I did a roll boom did you see that boom wow I know I'm pretty awesome I guess okay wait let's just go in the bank is right there I'm pretty sure that thing is crawling with soldiers let's be careful we can't let them see us okay oh oh gosh there's one in here yeah you're right you're right you're right right I'm just gonna sit down right here you don't need to warm crawl Nico you don't not really all right clear I don't see anyone oh my gosh these guys are crawling all over I'm glad that shitty gave us these Crossroads then now we can infiltrate them no kidding okay whoa whoa whoa do you see them oh gosh they're gonna see me Nico you're gonna reveal our location I think we should make a move for the tech shop do you agree let's move do what you want go oh gosh did we get detected I don't think so oh my gosh and soldiers are running over here I think just two soldiers just left the bank which means that it's gonna be less empty right we need to single them out let's just wait for this guy to come over here and then you want to get him yes bring him into the tech shop so we can ask him questions oh man I could use a donut hey you oh oh Intruders Intruders Intruders my gosh we got it we got him there's so to work we just gotta get him okay you stay right here put your hands up right now okay okay okay okay they're up they're up I don't think they're up they're still down all right you got me there okay then now they're up well but anyways what are you doing what do you think we're doing taking over Square City tell me about yourself why are you doing it yeah uh I felt like it I need my questions answered well too bad you're never gonna get these answers from me oh my God all right you know I can still see you right then come over here oh I have to warn everybody soldier boy get them wait Soldier Bots oh my God my God what the heck smoke pops out we gotta get smoke run Nicole Soldier bottle gosh we gotta get out of here maybe we can info trip in the back air strike activated airstrike activated what oh my God okay I think oh we're gonna split up I'll make my way over to you I think we just got to get into this bank and just go in ahead first right yeah is there no one on duty oh my gosh go go go go go guys I'll be waiting for you inside okay I'm here so yeah what we gotta kill that guy if we want to continue cash I know I don't know how we're gonna do it I think we're just gonna have to hide out in here wait for him to come towards us okay yeah I'm trying to shoot shots but they're missing and then let's just shoot him but he comes aside should I put your poison arrowser goodbye get over here what you will be defeated keep hitting him shut up oops oh my gosh uh wait what did we get him I think that was super easy wait are you serious yeah but there's still more remember oh my gosh well we just gotta find the team leader and that's it but he wasn't here do you think there's a secret bunker probably we should go down the Vault area so yeah they might be hiding their base down here stay close to me and get your smoke bombs ready if we need them got it okay I'm going in oh gosh Soldier what are you doing is he eating in there what do they do this is the food from the presidents I thought that was okay no that's my food hand me that are you doing this right now all right all right all right oh take the crabs I didn't want them anyway where's this one I have one more what are you guys doing here take over what do you think well we're Square City spies hey watch out pal yeah you get out of here oh gosh uh I'm getting ready to go back I picked him up Niko abusing him as a meat Shield wait why are you serious oh stop shooting our guards oh gosh get this guy come on target the guy in the middle yes oh no uh you just shot your teammate aha friendly fire that was an accident yeah it's uh it's gonna be two against one now Soldier get over here come on oh oh you just killed all my men I didn't hear him out they'll respawn anyways don't worry about it Georgia share I got him Nico ah they don't do any damage yeah they're super weak General stop trying to escape yeah oh oh what what I'm not escaping to me now we're gonna listen to exactly what I say and you're gonna do it okay uh we'll see what do you mean we'll see if you don't listen to me you're gonna force me to bring out the scary head yep and we got this place surrounded we actually have a hundred men with us all your soldiers have been disarmed there's no soldiers left you're the only one left oh no you guys have defeated me you're gonna tell all of your current soldiers that are still remaining to stand down and that you're going to leave this place forever okay okay okay no whoa oh we kind of needed that person well wait but what happened to all the soldiers up there I massacred all of them wait I was bluffing that all of them are gone but uh I guess we just did a hired bull the whole time I guess we didn't really need that manager okay well I guess there's no soldiers left right I think so bull saved the world well at least the blood's not on my hands go help your friends at the prison okay thank you okay let's hope Zoe City are down here Zoe will you see the citizens oh thank goodness you guys are okay no please let me out Zoe oh my I guess I have to hooray can I have a hug now no get out of here oh my gosh oh my gosh I feel like foreign bye guys subscribe bye
Channel: Nico
Views: 1,961,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nico, Cash, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft
Id: gmP8bZElM2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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