Adopted by an ELEMENTAL WOLF in Minecraft!

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excuse me nowhere here look fire keep you warm and safe I'm so warm wait you're not a bad wolf no here let me take care of the rain oh how are you doing that the rain cleared up wow what are you well I'm a very rare Elemental wolf in the forest and well I sense that you needed help so I came to rescue you oh I've never seen a wolf like you before that's crazy that's so cool what are you doing out in the cold alone you don't have parents and I got out here you saw that lightning right yeah over here yes those are Hunters are they after you yes they've been constantly trying to find me oh no this isn't good wait what do we do we need to run if they see you with me They're Gonna Wanna Crouch you too come on I'm going to have to adopt you now you're gonna adopt me oh wow yes it's the only way to protect you oh my God oh where are you Mom we are at your new home wow look at this place there's all these elements everywhere this it's great oh careful this looks really cool but how do you not get hurt living here well because I'm an elemental wolf I uh have all the abilities oh that's crazy um so how am I supposed to live here if the cave is gonna hurt me well I guess if you are going to be my daughter I must keep you safe so here have the same abilities as me what are you doing whoa look at me oh my gosh I'm half Elemental wolf you do come on why don't we test out your new powers out here so you don't destroy the house no this is amazing except I'm kind of hungry like like whoop me kind of hungry isn't there a farm right around here there might be something for you to hunt I think I'm gonna go get a snack mom maybe you should control and compose yourself big wow check this out look oh my God you have to be careful we'll stay right there you have to stay in control of your powers or else the hunters will find us okay um [Music] did you kill all my sheep you better get out of here I'm gonna have your Pelt on the water you get out here oh my gosh oops I'm sorry that'll melt after a while uh I'll give you a head start there you go okay all right we gotta get out of your mom it seems we can no longer live in our house anymore so as soon as we need to build a new place to live okay all right this seems like a good spot here oh yeah this should be far enough but uh mom so just us we're gonna build a whole new home I mean I'm a baby that's a lot of work not just us and our abilities huh what do you mean by that sit there and watch oh my gosh you created ice wolves that's crazy mama I know you could do that well you'll be able to do that too but with a little bit more practice wow so they're gonna help us build yeah they'll do anything we command them to do all right so it starts because we're gonna change the Border that's nice all right I'll go ahead and start getting rid of these trees then let's see what do you think will be faster me actually uh knocking all these down or me just catching them on fire that would probably start a forest fire maybe I won't do that then yeah well I mean we could probably contain it with this water oh that's cool all right let's see uh here's mom go ahead you're using your fire all right all the trees are gone we have so much more space now uh except everything's on fire should we get concerned about that don't worry I'll put it out okay and then I'll start placing down these ice blocks there we go let's be a perfect board for us thanks doggies for doing all the digging we appreciate you wow look at this at this ice I love before and then we can make an entryway with Magma blocks let's see where should the front be maybe like right here all right well so we're gonna need you to collect some lava okay go out and collect some buckets of lava thank you is that gonna melt them they're made of ice oh no it shouldn't it shouldn't do anything it I I hope not I've never tried it before oh dear wow this is looking I'm wolfy it's perfect okay let's see um Mom where's my bedroom get to be do I even have my own room or is this like a like an open space concept well if you want to make your own room you can go for it all right let's see what can I do you know okay I'm gonna go ahead let's see entryway right here maybe I'll yeah I gotta break these that really makes you wish you had an ax huh and oh oh um okay okay um okay I'll work on that we're gonna have a hot tub at some point though wow we've made so much progress It's really looking like a wolf home now isn't it oh the roof is almost done we should probably start getting ready on some interior decorations instead and look I got these little lightning bolts aren't these cute so I'm gonna put these on our door oh yes make sure to represent all the elements yes we got somewhere we got well we got a lot of ice and snow we got some here so we got the magma blocks no we got the lightning bolts and let's see I also have these fires right here I think I'll put these right outside our home really give a the wild factor of the presentation wow side is looking nice the roof is complete whoa right all right I'm gonna start putting down some more fires maybe here this could be my bedroom over here I'll put my bed up here whoa that was big I did not expect that to be that big all right let's see just various different places I'm not sure exactly what task you could do next uh Hannah do you have anything that you want them to grab for your room oh actually we're gonna need a lot of food can we gather some food and make a kitchen oh yes yes go grab me go grab wheat and uh maybe find some stoves if you find that in the woods somewhere nature stoves I think that's what a fire would be Mom I'm gonna go ahead and break this over here I wonder if I need to make this deeper because before it it was too shallow I think so I'll go ahead and get rid of those and then hot tub there we go what do you think Mom oh very nice here let me ah does that feel good that might be too deep my bad whoa wait what'd you throw oh you actually found a stove and food and oh it's a ton of wall nice this is great progress all right let's see let's put the stoves right here this will be our kitchen area I don't think we really need the stoves it's crazy that we got that but uh nothing like raw me am I right yeah all right let's see I'm gonna go ahead and put down some furniture or something tells me I'm the only one that's me using this table we also this discounts we need to put what a trampoline yes I thought you would like it as a gift for you being my new daughter oh of course I want you to feel welcome here always oh thanks Mom I'll put my bed right here and then even though I'm part of a wolf family now I love reading still so Myra will be full of but wow this is great what do you think of our home mom I think it's lovely it's definitely better than my first home this turned out great I love our new home mom what are we doing here in what quiet okay we're looking for food to hunt Okay no Okay yeah after what happened with The Farmer in the shape we unfortunately have to look for our own food so I'm going to teach you how to hunt Okay yeah that sounds great okay okay I'm gonna hide what are you doing a one looking for some food see look I'm gonna show you how you can use your abilities to hunt Okay yeah all right there seems to be a few over here so you follow me oh right follow me oh there it is [Music] okay no worries okay let's see let's look for some oh they're right there ready you're gonna be so amazed all right exciting yeah what are you doing look it's the most destructive using a lightning and the hunters are going to see that they're my way they're not gonna find us that fast besides they might just think it's normal lightning I saw this thing over here perfect you're gonna pay for this mom you really got him you dumb Elemental wolves I swear I'm gonna get my revenge on you and you'll Rule the Day oh foreign we should have ran away earlier as long as you're safe that's all that matters come on let's go home okay you're right let's go mom I'm so sorry I didn't realize they'd find us so quickly it's okay but now we're eating even more danger okay we just need to train you faster so you get even more Powers okay you're right next time I'll be able to protect us I promise okay well um maybe I can have you fight against some of my Creations I want Creations what do you mean train your aim go for it hi hi hi they're all chasing me though it makes it a little difficult okay see well I don't feel bad because they just feel right they're just made of snow yes oh thank goodness okay all right let's amp up the difficulties all right no worries mom I can use my elementary powers to take them out it's perfect target practice all right here we go oh it seems kind of easy for you I'll even add some more to the difficulty okay sure these guys are starting to look pretty mad though you got it just keep focusing your energy on your powers okay you're right you're right you did very well I have one more opponent for you if you're up to the test yeah I can totally take it but there's some food first because I kind of got hurt during that here you go oh my goodness all right no worries we have a snack on this real quick what's what you got for me mom well I only take this out when I need to train the adults but I guess I should do this with you what do you mean no is that a snow gun oh it's like breakfast all right this guy means business okay uh let's see you're gonna have to come up with something new then okay let's see [Music] no hurry up to get further away what's over here [Music] careful the giant snow going that's after me [Music] it's barely doing anything okay yeah oh man I guess it's a little bit of an Agility Test reader right away at the same time [Music] [Music] oh thank goodness man that was some tough training Mom okay yes very tough training but we definitely need to get you even further along um listen I'm really sorry about the hunters I feel like this is all my fault that they're following us ah it's okay Hannah it's not really your fault the hunters they've been tracking me down for years wait what why why can't they just leave you alone you haven't done anything wrong well I mean they have their reasons and I use my you know what I can't tell you but I can show you what go ahead look just stay still alive what what is this this Village is on fire oh my gosh what is happening here what is all the screaming it's happened to the Village hello hey you over come here oh please you have to help us there's everything there's lightning and fire and oh my goodness no this crazy weather that's like something mock control but she wouldn't do that right come on let's put these fires out okay is this the weather doing this this is so weird what's going on it seems like the weather's just not easing up I might get this one um there's one over there that's so strange oh my gosh what's causing all this craziness I I don't know it has to be Mom right why would why would you control it elemental powers it's trying to destroy the village it's ruining everything I don't know if we can save them let's get out of here but let's vow to get them back I wonder why they hate her she destroyed all their holes my what no money I was so upset you destroyed their whole home oh my gosh if you just killed the other Hunter too I know it's just I couldn't ah I couldn't control all of my elements and that's why it just happened like that that's why I've been so hard on you you need to master all of them before you go out into the world but maybe we can talk to them maybe it's not too late I don't know after what happened I they have every right to let me down oh Mom I'm so sorry oh no they're here we found you I can protect you this time Mom should watch it get out of the way what are you doing I'm doing you need to stay okay oh no you're gonna pay for the crimes that you committed you stupid wolf she's in danger oh no all right start walking let's move they're taking her with them okay I have to follow them I gotta do something or Mom I'm coming okay this is oh well you know what this place really does look beat up I guess it was never able to fix itself properly after mom actually destroyed it they feel really bad now oh wait a second is that oh my gosh gosh that's 100 that took my mom all right now you listen here you do not let that Elemental wolf out of your sight or out of this prison do you understand me yes sir I'm I'm a man but go oh my gosh okay I said to get in there before anyone notices all right I'm gonna have to sneak past all right let's see um I can't let anyone notice me oh no all right I've got some stuff I need to do you keep a watch all right all right I'll go ahead and distract them let's see by having some lighting over there distracting let's see I just gotta guide them to the other side of the room before they notice me and now over here I think there's something wrong with their crates okay I'm gonna go ahead and run in here let's see yeah not no it is noticed me what was that noise something though all right you went to the other room that's okay I see the female Hunter over there so we have to be quick oh man there's so many prison cells how am I supposed to know where mom is at all right we're gonna have to hurry I don't see where she's at right now all right let's see there she is I don't think the hunter noticed me but it looks like she is busy over there okay let's see the hunters out of here quick oh you're right but Mom no you hear me yeah okay are she still there oh man Mama listen I gotta take you with me I'm trying to free you no I destroyed their home I deserve to be here go live your life what Mom you owe it to me to be my mom and raise me you adopted me you gotta take responsibility for that too I mean you are right yes all right no more arguing okay I'm gonna get you out of here all right before they notice yeah come on let's get here they didn't notice let's go okay we need to be quiet okay come on hurry huh what was that sound the prisoners get them you may not want to come over here yeah okay let's see oh he's doing wolves get out of here okay let's see I'll make sure that they're frozen in their tracks you stay away from us yeah they're frozen good job they won't be able to catch up to us let's go outside let's get out of here okay back to our home okay cool I don't think anyone's full you get over here right now unbelievable she could catch all her powers back then she didn't mean to destroy the town I don't care she needs to pay for her crimes all right mom hurry Maybe you hear something oh my gosh Mom did you totally changed the village The Village it's fixed yes everything to protect the village look I'm sorry but please if you'll allow me let me raise my daughter yeah please fine but if there's any more trouble you're done for yeah yeah hey Mom let's go home
Channel: PrincessHana
Views: 835,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PrincessHana, Princess Hana, minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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