Adobe Tutorial | Prepare Form Multiple Text Fields

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greetings greetings greetings so i'm just going to jump straight in i hate watching tutorials and there's a whole bunch of fluff before they get to the actual tutorial so i'm going to actually skip the introduction and just dive straight in so i am trying to put together a pdf and anytime i put together a pdf for my clients or my students i like them fillable i want to make sure they're able to complete the activities straight from their computer or on the go and so i wanted to make sure that this particular workbook was just as interactive and just as accessible to them now what i was actually working on was a calendar that they can type into and it needed to be not just one calendar but 12 different pages and so there's around 30 different text fields and then again 12 separate pages after sitting on the phone for over an hour and 45 minutes with a support specialist who could not help me rectify the issue um they actually was telling me that i was gonna have to manually input this i knew that there was a way because i ran into this issue before i just couldn't remember what to do so i want to show you a few things i'm going to show you three of the pages within the field so you can really kind of see what it is that we're working on this is the end goal and let me show you exactly what i mean by this so here is the um page with every template filled and when you type in what often happens is all the links are empty like that's how you want it to be however when you just copy and paste this is what happens all of the fields are the same anytime some one of your participants or you will go and fill out this form if you enter any information into one of the fields it will have the same information every single field we don't want that we didn't want that for ourselves and we definitely don't want that for you so again our goal is to how do we make sure that we are creating a form that will allow you to have individualized text boxes so i'm going to show you how to go from this to this i'm just going to show you here so let me get out of into the edit film so we have the box here and i like a multi-line just so anybody can fill out the details here and this is the text field it's kind of out of the frame but nonetheless it's the text field in the properties and so i'll just show you how to get there so you're going to right click and you can click properties so that you can see all the details again i like mine multi-line you can change the the font here you can change the size there's general information if you want to label this something specifically um something specific month one month two one three whatever but i'm not concerned so i'll keep mine text 36 just so i know that the numbers aren't changing and then this is actually how you make multiple fields that are individualized you are going to go down to create multiple copies and then this will come up and you can see it kind of already started it for me and so what i want to make sure to do is to close those spaces as much as i can and so i look first at the overall size and then you can't really see um or you can see some spaces so i want to see i want you to see that this is actually a calendar so that's what that looks like so let me scroll back out so that you can see what we're doing all right cool and so then you're going to be able to see so i set it to five and then i know there's also seven across i click okay and voila super simple super straightforward and let me show you the magic tada every single text field is different you don't have to worry about the details replicating in each one and then let me leave that there just so you can see it doesn't overlap into the other fields it is individualized and again this is just a quick way to create a fillable form so that you your clients your students can actually engage in a format like this i hope you enjoy
Channel: A. Margot Blair
Views: 3,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, adobe, adobe acrobat, content creation, design, course creation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 1sec (301 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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