Adobe Audition Noise Reduction Tutorial

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[Music] what's up guys nadion sans here for another very exciting episode of our not edit stuff this is a white noise generator and today I'm gonna be showing you how to remove noise from audio in Adobe Audition to make your audio sound a little bit cleaner now if you've ever done an interview outside you have wind noise or traffic noise you know how distracting that sound can be from your interview audio and this is gonna be a really useful tool if you have the whole Adobe Creative Cloud suite and you have access to audition to remove noise from your audio I find that the adaptive noise reduction inside of Premiere doesn't really work that well it sounds robotic and kind of funky but if you have audition I highly recommend using it it's a great program so let's open up Adobe Audition we're gonna do some noise reduction today and I'm excited alright I know I said to open up audition first but you're probably going to be coming from premiere to audition when you do this kind of noise reduction and it's super easy to get your clip in to audition you just right-click on it and go to edit clip in Adobe Audition and it will automatically open the program for you and drop in your waveform now I am wearing headphones I wasn't wearing headphones before it's not I can't do anything I just want to be able to hear what I'm doing and it doesn't bleed into the mic that I have set up here so just bear with me here let's go back to audition here's our clip this is the white noise generator and today I'm going to be showing you how to remove noise from audio in adobe audition to make your audio sound a little bit cleaner so one thing you're gonna want to do in premier's you're actually gonna want to keep a little bit of the noise either at the end or the beginning so that you can capture a noise print and you'll see what we're gonna do right now so right here I know that this is my white noise so I'm actually just gonna drag over this and I'm gonna come up to effects noise reduction and then noise reduction process and that will open up this window here and the first thing you do is you hit this button called capture noise print and what that's gonna do is it's actually going to capture the noise floor that you're trying to get rid of so the next thing you do is you actually pull your little looping region over the area that you're gonna want to do noise reduction on so that you can start affecting everything on your timeline here that needs the noise reduction so immediately when I play this and today I'm gonna be showing you how to remove know like you can kind of hear that it's doing a little bit of a good job but what you're gonna want to do is you're actually going to want to pull these little handles up on either side of the left and right so that the green is matching the yellow as much as humanly possible and now when I play this it's from audio in Adobe Audition to make your audio it actually is starting to sound pretty good already without having to do much work here so what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna just create a couple more points here and I'm just gonna try to match this up as best as I possibly can without touching any of the sliders down here just so that I'm getting the noise floor just lined up with what the noise floor in audition is trying to do so I'm feeling pretty good about that let's listen back and today I'm gonna be showing you how to remove noise from audio in Adobe Audition I mean that sounds pretty clean to me but let's go over what's doing down here so this first slider here in noise reduction if you see if I move the slider down it'll actually start to move my noise floor down towards zero and if I play this today I'm gonna be showing you it's not doing anything so I'm gonna raise this up a little bit higher right around the 5060 range is usually good for me but you can start from way high and then move it lower to get a good result and today I'm gonna be showing you how to remove noise from audio in Adobe Audition to make your audio stuff alright that sounded pretty good to me the next liner down here is your reduced noise by right here it says default 21 but if we start playing with that number and today I'm gonna be showing you how to remove noise from audio in Adobe Audition to make your audio sound a little bit cleaner I think right around 21 is actually sounded pretty good for me so you can reduce the noise if you bring it down lower towards here on the left hand side more noise will be incorporated in your audio and that's obviously not what you want you want less noise but you don't want it to sound so robotic so we just have to play with these parameters a little bit the next one over here that I want to cover under advanced you just click this little down arrow is the spectral decay rate now what I recommend is starting at a hundred and as you play back your audio start moving it down closer to zero until the noise goes away just enough to so it doesn't like degrade the signal you know what I'm saying and today I'm gonna be showing you how to remove noise from audio in Adobe Audition to make your audio sound a little bit cleaner alright that's pretty good and then you have your smoothing right here in your transition with I don't really recommend going any higher than like 3 or 4 on your transition with and you're smoothing you're gonna kind of have to just like play around with it and see if it'll do anything for you today I'm gonna be showing you how to remove noise from audio in Adobe Audition to make your audio sound a little bit cleaner nice I'm actually liking the way that this sounds and I'm actually going to come over here and I'm gonna make this noise reduction happen halfway through the clip so you can hear what I'm actually talking about and today I'm gonna be showing you how to remove noise from audio it's like listen to that difference and today I'm gonna be showing you how to remove noise from audio in Adobe Audition alright so I'm feeling pretty good about that I'm actually gonna click apply here and it's gonna actually render just the part where I have my ins and outs set and then the next thing I'm gonna do is I'm going to come up to effects and I'm going to come up to EQ and I'm gonna go to parametric equalizer and basically what I'm gonna do here is I'm just gonna start EQ it so then I get out any additional bad frequencies for my audio move noise from audio in Adobe Audition to make your audio sound a little bit cleaner so basically what you're doing with this EQ is if you've never used an eq before the left-hand side is gonna be our low frequencies mid-range frequencies and high-end frequencies and you're gonna want to add some frequencies back in that the noise reduction is taking out so you can see I'm kind of boosting my high mid frequencies here I'm dipping out some low end frequencies and I'm just trying to make this sound just a little bit better from the noise reduction but you obviously can just use the noise reduction if you want and your audio is gonna sound tremendously better if there's traffic noise or wind noise or random white noise if you have a white noise generator with you which I don't recommend on any interviews but this is gonna help your audio sound significantly better now I think that sounds really good I'm gonna click apply and then what I'm gonna do is I'm going to come back to the very beginning of my clip and I'm just gonna hit ctrl s on the keyboard and it will save that session and if I pop back over into premiere it should automatically update on my timeline with what I did in Adobe Audition and if you pop over where your audio file is saved there should be a new file in there called audio extracted and that should be your clip so if I play this down here on the timeline this is the white noise generator and today I'm gonna be showing you how to remove noise from audio in Adobe Audition to make your audio sound a little bit cleaner and there you go you've just done some noise reduction in Adobe Audition and you should feel pretty good about that take these off because we're done so let's recap on some things to remember number one you're gonna want to leave either heads or tails on your interview audio clip that has the noise in it so you can capture the noise print you cannot capture the noise print within some audio being spoken or else it's not gonna sound good and you're gonna get some really terrible results number two right clicking in Premiere and opening an audition all you have to do is save that audition session and then come back over to Premiere and it should automatically update on your timeline which saves a lot of time if whatever reason it doesn't auto-update on your timeline here's how you export it out of audition back over an audition now I'm gonna come up to file export file and I'm just gonna name this whatever I want so we'll do noise reduce and you're gonna tell it where it's save there you go and we're gonna save it as a WAV file at forty four one thirty two-bit hit okay and it should export the file let's make sure that it did and it should save the file there we go noise reduced and then you can always just take that back into premiere here and just drag it and drop it into your project and now you have your noise reduction clip down on the timeline if for whatever reason yours doesn't auto update sometimes it gets a little fun number three play with your settings in your sliders because your audio is gonna sound different than mine so you can't plug in the exact same numbers and get the same results you'll have to just kind of mess with it a little bit but the more you mess with it the more you will start to see it taking shape and sounding a little bit better and number four when all a sudden done with your noise reduction drop an EQ on there and just kind of take away or add back in those frequencies that you're losing from the noise reduction to try to even out the audio as best as possible well guys I hope it was a helpful tutorial today I just had to show somebody else how to do this the other day so I figured again I would just share the wealth spread the knowledge and hopefully you guys will get your interview audio sounding just a little bit cleaner if you haven't already make sure you subscribe to the channel and also check out the last video that you missed we're doing here weekly it learn how to edit stuff I'm really excited next week I'm gonna be announcing a really cool partnership for this channel that I think will benefit you and me as well but more about that next week subscribe check out the last video the e missed and I will see you next time
Channel: Learn How To Edit Stuff
Views: 104,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn how to edit stuff, adobe audition tutorial, noise reduction tutorial, remove noise from interview, remove background audio noise, adobe noise reduction, adobe audition noise reduction, how to remove noise from audio, adobe audition noise reduction tutorial, noise removal tutorial, audio noise reduction, notiansans, video editing tutorial, audio editing tutorial, clean noise reduction, background noise removal, background noise
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 25 2018
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