Mastering Your Audio in Under 5 Minutes | Adobe Audition Tutorial - Get the best sound quality

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what's up guys welcome to quick tip Tuesday today I'm gonna show you how to take your audio and make it sound extra delicious the best part about this is you don't need to have an expensive microphone to make it possible stick around [Music] alright guys let's make this quick for the quick tip Tuesday if we're gonna do this fast I know a lot of you guys out there using different editing programs but I do know that a lot of you use Adobe that's what I use so I'm gonna show you how I do it alright here's the raw audio straight from the camera this is what it sounds like when I record my YouTube video there are no effects or anything on the audio I haven't done anything to it this is what it sounds like this is what it's like with the audio effects applied to it it sounds amazingly deep and rich and clean as compared to our example without any of the effects so you guys just saw two examples one without any audio effects applied and then one with audio effects applied and it sounds a million times better so I'm gonna show you guys how to do this in just a few clicks this is the raw clip we're gonna right click that edit clip in Adobe Audition what you want to do it is hit Apple a select your entire wavelength right there and the first thing I do is go to effects amplitude and compression and I hit amplify and I make any adjustments here that I want to make as far as like amplification to make it a little bit louder we're gonna go ahead and hit apply and you can see our waveforms get larger because we made it louder the next step in this is to go into effects go down to special go into mastering and in here I usually use the preset make room for vocals I'm gonna turn this on and I'm gonna turn it off so you guys can hear what this effect is doing to our example without any of the effects here we go and this is what it's like with the audio effects applied to it that's off it sounds amazingly deep and rich that's all clean as so let's go ahead we're gonna hit apply now there's only one more thing that I would really want to do with this and this is what I do with every YouTube video I shoot this is the same process I go through to master my audio so it sounds the best it can possibly sound in these gaps right here you can hear a lot of noise background noise it kind of sounds like static let me find a good example for you so what we're gonna do here is take that noise and we're gonna sample it we're gonna right-click we're gonna go down to capture noise print we're gonna hit Apple a to get that all selected we're gonna go back up into effects we're gonna go to noise reduction and go to the noise reduction process in here you can see all of this background noise that we've gone ahead and taken out and I'm gonna let you guys listen to it again I'm gonna on/off the effect so you guys can hear it with and without and this is what it's like with the audio effects applied to it it sounds amazingly deep and rich and that hum comes back when I turn down here to our example without any of the effects so there we go we've gone ahead and within just a few minutes we've already done some serious upgrading to our audio so we're gonna go ahead we're gonna hit command S or Apple s I keep calling it to save that go right back to premiere and if you see our wavelength has just updated and here's what it sounds like and this is what it's like with the audio effects applied to it it sounds amazingly deep and rich and clean as compared to our example without any of the effects so that's how you do it it's super easy and you've heard people say it a million times the video could be incredible to watch amazing camera movements and transitions and slow motion and all of that stuff but if the audio sucks I'm checking out you've heard a million people said so you want to make your audio sound the absolute best that it possibly can this was today's quick tip Tuesday I hope you guys enjoyed it I hope you learn something and I'll talk to you guys later [Music]
Channel: Jordan Hauser
Views: 465,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to master your audio in adobe audition audio production tutorial, how to master your audio in adobe audition audio production, how to master your audio in adobe audition audio, how to master your audio in adobe audition tutorial, master your audio in adobe audition audio production tutorial, master your audio in adobe audition tutorial, how to master audio in adobe audition tutorial, how to master audio in audition tutorial, adobe audition noise reduction, audition, sound tutorial
Id: gn0q7BuPML8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 26sec (266 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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