3 Ways to Remove Background Audio Noise in Adobe Audition

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yoyoyo Carlotta my name is Arne alert and today I'm gonna show you three ways that you can remove the background noise this annoying noise you know mm-hmm I don't really have to you know play-doh for you I'm going to show you how to remove it in a Tom edition alright so welcome to a dope edition here we have the sound that we are going to use today [Music] correct alright so we start with method number one this one is great if you're outdoors and if you don't if you're not able to capture noise print I'll show you that in method number three okay so first we go to effects here and you basically find that here it is noise reduction and you go to D noise now this is very simple you just apply it and you hear the difference is just in the noise here this is with it this is without it now the only thing you have to do here is to mess with the amount how much do you want to reduce and here is very important information when you are reducing background noise you can do it as much as you like as long as you don't chop into the voice so it's very important that's why I have these on to just listen so how much can you do it and with every method I'm gonna show you that's the most important advice you can do them as much as you like as long as you don't chop into the male voice and let the voice sound not good okay so here we listen and we need the voice too so now I can drag it here and listen to the 100 sounds to me okay but I always want to be safe so I drag it down to 60 60 is great you hear this there is almost no sound here and then you just press apply and bam you have method number one this is how I do it all right so method number two is probably most effective method buri requires you to have a capture noise print that have a little sound flute to work with so this was best in controlled environment like I'm in now where no I'm gonna record this so here you can see that I didn't say anything for the first few seconds because I knew I wanted to reduce the noise so here we have all the noise and you can if you drag here up this is often like this so if you drag it up you see here just drag it up you can see the noise so all this stuff here this is the noise okay so if you listen okay now we're gonna capture the noise printer you need to watch out for things like this which pop up these are often clicks and stuff like that so if you listen to this you here is a little tongue click we don't want it in the sound print we need a clean some sound there print I'm gonna save have to worry oftens over here we can take from here I believe to here ah just background noise that we are gonna remove so what you do now you capture a noise print by pressing shift and P and now we have it and press ok now we need to select this entire thing and this is way just to go control a and then you press control shift and P at the same time and boom you have the noise reduction tool up this is powerful so here we have noise reduction here we have it in percentage how much do you want to reduce by and here you have the the passive decibels and down here and advanced you have special decay rate I'm not sure what it does but I find that the lower it is the nicer the soundest so you should have it from like 5 to 10 and I just listen again you need to listen so now we do the same thing we just listen where will we chop the voice I mean this already sounds sounds great if you want to be safe you can have this at 50 and maybe this here at 15 or 12 yes okay we have little bit sounder I don't know in my ears I can hear that so let's take this up to 60 and this may be 220 it's gone now and voice sounds good now other thing you can also do here is that you can also mess with them here and drag the particles together I don't really often touch that much but it's there and you can play with it and then it can be just listen and see like how much can I do what sounds nice sounds ridiculous that's how you do it so you capture now he just caps have to capture our nice print and then you go into this and now what you're doing it's when you pause the press apply we apply it to the entire thing apply you can see now that the noise the noise that we were capturing is gone you can if you take it away you can see here is all the noise all these particles is noise put it on and basically the print that they took audition takes it unless it that's the analyzing and then it removes it through the entire sound very very very cool alright so are you guys ready for method number three method number three is very simple and the least effective but it's a nice combination to the other methods that I often do it like that now what you do now is you go to effects and then you go to fill station EQ and you go to parametric equalizer and we are gonna apply a high-pass filter and you simply do that but it's pressing here high-pass this is high-pass filter boom and you can see it here now you've applied it now here you can decide how long you would like how how long how how much you wanted to where do you want it to dip off I would say you're pretty safe all the way up to 100 Hertz above that and you will start to chop into most human voices and but you're pretty safe up to there but I personally always go around 90 I don't think I've never encountered the voice that I've you know chopped into or distorted in some way by having nineteen but you can listen you can see now so here we have 90 okay let's try it at 200 so you can just hear you can start to hear that we are reducing the thickness of the voice let's just take it to 800 so you can really hear when so this is what happens eventually when you mess too much with the high-pass filter so we just have it a 90 boom and we've reduced a lot of noise and then you just press apply now this is the least effective method but I like it in combination with the other ones so it's that's it that's the three methods that I used to do noise in Adobe Audition if you have any questions as always feel free to ask in comments down below I'll promise I'll do my very best to answer I hope this wasn't fast enough I try to I try to keep the pace fast but not too fast because then you don't know what I'm saying so if you could smack that like when I've already said that I don't know I appreciate that you're watching I have a hey one more thing yes I have a I have a a goal to reach 5,000 subscribers before the end of 2019 if you could help me with that that would be I would be so happy I catch you guys an ST remote pays
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Keywords: how to remove background noise in audition, remove background fan noise in audition, that Icelandic guy, adobe audition remove background noise, adobe audition remove background noise live, Adobe audition remove noise, adobe audition, remove fan noise, remove fan noise from video, remove fan noise from video adobe audition, remove background audio noise, how to remove background audio noise, remove background noise adobe audition, how to remove background noise from video audition
Id: nr7UblY3TB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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