Adobe Audition Basics for Voice Over

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hydration helps if you have your mic close by hey guys welcome back to my channel today's video comes from another question that i received from christina she and her daughter are just starting their voiceover journey so they wanted to know what just the basic what's the basic things that i need to know about adobe audition to be able to use it for voice over so that's what we're going to talk about in today's video so let's get to it all right so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to pull up adobe audition make this full screen here okay for a lot of you who just have just gotten adobe audition you probably don't have this metadata box over here i had someone ask me that question just this morning so that might not be there but what you want to do let's actually take this off so i can show you what i'm talking about this is probably what you're going to see is the default format for adobe audition if you notice up here in the corner you've got edit audio to video if you click that you'll be able to see a few more different panels show up this would be for if you have like a video that you're syncing voice over to which would be helpful i really don't use this panel i mainly use this radio production one over here just because it has more of the panels that i need but you can really customize this to however you want it to look but this is basically what i need but back to the metadata if you go into this window tab and you have all these other panels here that you can choose to have appear on your screen depending on what you're using audition for but for this video we're talking about voiceover so we're just going to use i'm just going to show you the panels that i use on a day-to-day basis so what we're going to do because we need metadata i'm going to click this and then that panel pops up over here so what the all of these are are just for different ways to add information to a track but for audiobooks you're going to use id3 and then you have all of your spaces to put in the chapter name the title of the book and i'm thinking that's pretty much what you're going to all that you're going to use in this section unless you're editing a podcast then you can even add in the genre which would be podcast and then the track number would be maybe the episode number if you wanted to do that so to get started with adobe audition the way to start a new track would be to go over to file and then you want to oops go file and then new then you can either open a new audio file or a multi-track session nine times out of ten you're gonna be using the audio file and then you're going to name it we're gonna name ours test and that'll open up a new audio file for you to begin recording voiceover so let's say that we wanted to maybe record a meditation as i record a lot of those let's just start recording now as you can see i'm recording some voice over right now just adding a little bit of something here to this track and then we'll stop it okay great now we have our audio file now this section over here um mainly the effects rack is probably what you're going to be using the most i got to remember where i was because the dang air conditioner was on and the darn thing makes too much noise so i think we were talking about the effects rack the effects rack is where you can add different types of compression you can add a hard limiter you can tweak the eq um you can add some echo and some delay noise reduction is uh another one that uh voice over artists use a lot if you have you know you have a computer fan in your office that's making a little bit of noise or you might have you know just this ambient noise that's just um not really getting your noise flow or down as low as you'd like or there's just too much noise um you could use a denoise there is a uh adobe is constantly adding new um effects into their their standard basic system and it's really nice because you know even a couple years ago we had to buy a bunch of different plug-ins to do a bunch of different things like you know a great aq or a great eq or you know a noise remover stuff like that but adobe's been constantly adding new things i think they even have uh yeah an automatic click remover which is nice because you know as you speak you have those little flicky saliva noise mouth that i personally cannot stand but there's plug-ins to remove those as well izotope makes a good one in their rx-7 or rx rx-8 um offering but adobe has their own automatic click remover which is nice i haven't used it a whole lot i think i used it once or twice just to check it out and it's good but i i prefer the isotope version um there's also a d reverb which is good i also edit a lot of podcasts for clients and that's one of the things that i use the most is the d reverb because a lot of people don't use a treated space to record and if you don't when you record and you have a little bit of room echo a d reverb would be good to use to remove a little bit of that um that echo you know that the microphone picks up when you're talking in an untreated room um d hummer would be if you've got something you're just kind of like buzzing in the background that might help to reduce it a little bit and keep in mind none of these noise removers are going to completely remove everything if you crank them up way high to remove a lot of noise you run the risk of it distorting the sound of your voice so you want to be very gentle on these to start if you use any of these but there's a lot of different effects that you can use that are available to you right out the gate and again if you decide to go and download and purchase some plug-ins of your own through waves or through isotope you can upload them directly into adobe audition and use them i have a few through waves i have the cla vocals i have a deep breath and then of course with for my restoration i have the entire advanced rx7 suite and then i also have some waves plug-ins as well the ns1 mono is one that is absolutely the best noise remover anywhere i mean that i have seen maybe it's because i don't know how to fully use the all the isotope plug-ins to their full potential maybe that's my own fault but personally i think the ns1 is a great noise removing plug-in i highly recommend it also the x crackle through waves is a good one also i was using that for a while for um you know crackling noises um especially in podcasts not so much for my mouth noise i use rx7 for that but the x crackle i would use and some of the podcasts i get where the clients have like a crunchy microphone or the internet um is not that great so it's kind of giving you like a like a crackly noise this is great to remove that those are some of the plugins that i have but again adobe starts you off with some really great effects just right out of the gate so that is how you would open a file to record an audio track to record just like you saw me do earlier just hit record and then you can stop using your spacebar you can also start and stop a playback and um i don't think you could do it for recording maybe i shouldn't say that i've never tried maybe you can but i know that adobe has also integrated the ability to do what they call a punch and roll so you can actually record and if you make a mistake you can go back to where you were where the mistake was made and then just re-record again that is one way people edit as they go along while they're recording again i use a a dog clicker that creates a spike a visible spike in the recording so you can see where your mistakes are and then go back and remove them out here let me show you that really quick let's just go to the end of this track here and hit record so here i am talking and i'm making a boo boo so you can see it leaves a nice little in indication there of where the booboo was so if i stop this then i can go back highlight the area that i may be messed up and then i can delete it so that is how i edit that and i'm sorry if i'm going too fast i'm trying to to explain this before the air conditioner comes back on because we in arizona and it's still hot i don't know okay so that is a single audio file now you might find yourself in a place where you want to mix this audio file or this vocals track into some music so if you want to do that you want to go up to file and then new then go to multi-track session and then we can name this one test and this will bring up this panel so what we want to do here um well actually backtrack a little bit as you can see there's a ton of different track slots here um really if you're just mixing with music you're just going to use two of these each one of these tracks is going to be a separate audio file so for example if we took this test track we just grab it and drag it over here this is the one that we just played with a little bit um let's play it really quick i don't know if you can hear that but that was just me you know blabbing into the mic a couple minutes ago but if we wanted to add some music let's pull in an audio let's pull in a music track okay so i opened up a audio track from audioblocks let's pull that in you just grab it and drag it in and then that will pull in our music and from here um i should probably tell you i'm not sure exactly where to start here but if you can see my cursor it looks like a little razor blade now you can change this to the cursor up here should be in move it says move tool that way you can move this around freely without you know messing anything up but if you wanted to let's say trim this vocal track down you could come up here to this razor blade and click it and then the cursor turns into a little razor blade so you could go to where you want to cut it and then just click it and it'll cut it uh right where you clicked it but if you move up to the top here of the track you can notice the cursor changes back into like a move option so with that selected i'm going to click it and just move it over with my mouse and kind of move it out of the way if i wanted to add some space here or i can just right click it and cut that out completely now while you're here i'm going to move this back to move so i don't accidentally cut something but um as you can see you can freely move these around to wherever you want them to be in multi-track you have a few different ways of changing the volume of each additional track so for example if i wanted to let's see crease increase the volume of my vocal tract i could either do it here see how my cursor turns into like little arrows with the finger in between if i move it to the right that increases the volume but move it to the left it decreases the volume that's one way to change the volume on just this one track or you can grab this little yellow bar this yellow bar as you can see it says volume you can either move the volume up and down this way and also if you wanted to get particular and just increase the volume in at just one little section of this vocal track you can select the bar and you make a little little keyframe or um yeah it's a keyframe and then if i make another one say i wanted to increase the volume of just this little piece of the vocal track i would make it another keyframe here at the end of this and then make another one where i wanted to increase the volume and then just drag it up now that will keep the entire track consistent in volume aside from the part that we just selected and increase the volume on and you can get as intricate as you want with this this is really nice because sometimes when you're speaking sometimes you might not speak at the exact same volume as you're going through especially long form narration it's kind of hard to keep you know the volume up on every single piece of every single sentence so you might need to adjust that if you're you know you wanted to you can come back in here and adjust the volume of just one little piece increase or decrease it's really really cool another way to mess with the volume on just this one track is to go over to this volume knob you can just drag it down to go quieter drag it over to the right to go you know louder and you can do this with any any of these tracks so even with music let's say that this section here was quieter or maybe it has you know like a symbol or something that's a little bit too a little bit too harsh for what we're doing and i wanted to turn down that bit of the song i could do the same thing as i did before i can just highlight a keyframe on either side of the section i want to reduce the volume on and then just make another one and just pull it down to make this just this section of this song quieter which is kind of cool another thing that you can do is you can grab if you move your cursor over to this little square here and see how it turns into kind of like a cross with arrows on it and it tells you what you can do with this so if i click on that little square and drag it this will fade the track in and i can maneuver this any which way i want to get the exact kind of fade in that i want and then moving this bar up here i can go down to the end of the track and do the exact same thing at the end of the track i can fade it out a little bit or you can make yourself a keyframe and then just grab the other end of the volume and just drag it down so then this music track will slowly fade out towards the end which is nice there's a lot of different things that you can do here in multi in the multi-track section and i'm really just scratching the surface with adobe audition there's so much you can do with it that i haven't even touched on um as i mentioned before you can pull in a video and you can actually have the video shown see how this video down here the video will play down here with a nice time stamp and then you could pull in your voiceover up here and time it to the video there's a lot of stuff that you can do in here and i absolutely love adobe audition that's worth every penny i pay every month for it so there you go that is the basics of adobe audition i am sorry if i went a little bit fast but i'm trying to speak to you while the air conditioner is off because the darn thing is so loud but once again if you have any other questions for me please feel free to leave them in the comments below or send me an email i love hearing from you guys but until then drop me a like hit that subscribe button i really appreciate it and we'll see you in the next video thanks bye
Channel: VoiceOverAngela
Views: 6,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe audition, voice over
Id: kjYvjKlbHCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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