EPIC Movie Trailer Voice Effect with Audition CC!

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well hey everybody welcome into this Adobe Audition tutorial where today we're gonna take a look at using your own voice to get sort of a dramatic movie trailer voiceover style effect kind of that Don LaFontaine style of overly ultra dramatic movie trailer voiceover effect a little a couple little hacky things that you can do there just have some fun with it I'm not saying it's gonna make you a million dollar voice because that requires legitimate vocal skills of which I personally don't I don't possess those kind of skills and I think most of us don't it's a very very very select few that do but using audition we can kind of cheat the system a little bit and have a little bit of fun with it as well so if you enjoyed this tutorial make sure you subscribe to my channel but for now let's jump in to audition and take a look at how to have some fun with us in a world where the weakest ones can change the faith of their nation where the gods themselves are being mocked by their people only one man can restore balance to his nation I stands alone as the final hope of this people all right so here we are in Adobe Audition and like I mentioned just a second ago we're gonna be shooting for this very sort of super dramatic Don LaFontaine style dramatic movie trailer voiceover effect you can check him out on YouTube you'll recognize this voice instantaneously he was a legend but with a little bit of tweaking of your own voice you got a decent microphone and then this post-processing here in audition we can sort of cheat our own voice and make kind of a cool dramatic voiceover effect for ourself so this all really begins before we even get into audition in terms of trying to hack your own voice you really obviously want a deep voice and the deeper you can make your voice heading into the microphone the better and the better it's gonna be and the less sort of processing and pitch shifting you're gonna have to do in adobe audition so some of the voice exercises that I generally like to do very for very brief period of time I worked with a voice coach because I had a very very high pitch noise you can go back to some of my early tutorials and hear the difference and I'm still not as deep as I would like to be but I'm much deeper than I used to be and I have the ability to go a bit deeper one of the sort of general voice exercises that can be nice to do is trying to build that sort of ng sound deep in your throat sore tongue kind of sound and it helps you achieve that sort of deep dry sound in your voice that gravelly sound that can really make your voice sound deeper than it is you know when you first wake up in the morning that kind of thing now the exercise that I've done for years to sort of dry out my voice is to say the terms and it's just I'm aware it sounds really stupid but I usually do it when nobody's around or in the car something like that you say ding dong Bing bong King Kong but you're really trying to accentuate that ng sound on each word so it's kind of like ding dong Bing bong King Kong and you're really trying to pull that ng Santa sound out and you go through that and then you would say it a second time but any with a very voice kind of as deep as you can go to the point where you're kind of tearing your throat up a little bit and this is an exercise that I'll do you know kind of alone in the car like I said pretty much anywhere we're won't bug people around me give it a try it it's again it's not going to turn you into a million dollar voice but it can be a bit of fun and it can sort of deepen your voice little bit and I'm aware yes it sounds stupid it looks dumb but you know what hey if you're willing to do it and other people aren't you can reap the benefits now in addition to that before we record in audition I'm aware there's this massive sort of pre lewd here to to this whole tutorial I went over on to Reddit and there there was some script somebody made a subreddit or I don't even if it's a full subreddit but a thread about writing sort of in a world style voice trailer statements so I kind of stole some different statements that I saw there and I wrote this little script and I've already recorded to take that I like but I'll just show you how I go about recording it so we can hear it here in Adobe Audition and as I'm reading this specifically how I'm trying to read it as I'm recording in to audition the exact thing I'm trying to do with my voice is literally push the sound out of the front side of my throat like right through my neck and into the microphone now I position the microphone obviously just a couple inches from my mouth but I'm trying to just reach deep within my neck and drag out the absolute deepest bits of my voice while still being able to actually say the words and not sound like a total you know idiot so let's now go ahead I'm going to create a new audio file you could just create a new waveform but I already have this waveform editor open so I'm gonna go new I'm gonna say new audio file it's gonna create this and I'll just say voice over like I said I already have a voice over I know I like but just so you can see kind of what I'm gonna do here I'm just gonna go ahead and record so it hit the record button here and I'm holding my script here in my hand and I'm gonna go ahead and read through my recording and as I record I'm gonna try to remember that each of these sentences that I'm recording kind of should lead into the next so I'm never gonna try to read a sentence like it's a full complete thought and finish it and with any kind of dramatic flair I'm just gonna sort of read right through it and let my voice and the microphone do as much of the work as it can do and will boost everything in audition later so go ahead here and hit the record button in a world where the weakest ones can change the faith of their nation where the gods themselves are being mocked by their people only one man can restore balance to his nation he stands alone as the final hope of his people so you can see we created this new audio according here it's just a rough take there's no need for it to be perfect you don't have to sound great when you do it it's just a matter of laying something down in fact if you don't sound like yourself it might really sell the effect even more and your friends or colleagues or whoever you're sharing it with will really have no idea that it was you who did this voice over so you could save this I am actually going to bring in another take that I already know I like right here this voiceover raw audio I'm just gonna drag it in and I'll double click to open it up and it's the same exact script in a world so on and so forth and here's generally what I will do to my audio to get it cleaned up for this type of movie voice over effect so I'm gonna go up here to effects and first thing we'll do is go amplitude and compression and I'm gonna choose to normalize this audio and I'm going to normalize it to a DB a decibel and I'm gonna normalize to the negative 3 decibel which is gonna push the highest peaks all the way up here to the negative 3 mark you can see we're very low right now I'm gonna hit apply you're gonna see it's gonna stretch everything out in fact the absolute highest peak this guy right here it's right up there to that negative 3 line so that's great we've boosted our decibels and next we're going to use a single band compressor so I'm gonna go effects once more amplitude and compression and I'm gonna go a single band compressor and I'm just gonna look to kind of boost the lows a little bit and chill out the highs just a touch I'm gonna set the threshold here we'll probably target yeah the negative 18 and the ratio we're gonna set to 3 by 1 and attack and release can remain at 10 and 100 milliseconds respectively and the output gain we're not going to touch that we're not gonna mess with that at all and then I will apply this and you're gonna see it's gonna sort of level things out a little bit and then now that we've done that we're gonna sort of renormalize here so an amplitude compression normalize we're gonna renormalize to negative 3 and while it looks like we just repeated the process essentially what's happened is a lot of these low and lower mid-tones we've just helped boost some of that here within our audio now next comes the point where we kind of add the salt and pepper to our audio recording and this is gonna be where this is just gonna be different for you depending on your voice how deep your voice is or how deep you want your voice to be so I'm gonna come up here to effects we're gonna choose time and pitch and I'm gonna choose pitch shifter and I'll drag this up here and right off the bat we can begin playing this and our our pitch shift is going to be applied to our audio I'm gonna reset this to zero and I'm gonna set the sense here to zero as well or right zero and we'll just play through I've got it set to loop and this means that the effect is turned on I'm also going with a high precision and I've got here four pitch settings use appropriate default settings I'm just checking that on so don't think about it all right I'm gonna hit the spacebar to play my audio in a world not much has changed let's go ahead and dump down two semitones and see how this changes things you can see how it makes my voice sound a lot deep or we could even try going to like negative three this might be a little bit much I think it is I think we'll push it back up to negative two and then I want to drop since we're gonna drop this down to about negative fifty or so and let's listen to see what this sounds like here and I think right there that'll work for us so we'll go ahead and apply this you're gonna see it's gonna change our waveform a little bit and by the way notice these little like areas where I take a breath we're gonna clean that stuff up here we'll clear that stuff out and push these together so it's sort of like one solid statement this is you know my voice just isn't strong enough to continue through the way it should for a full statement but we're also gonna go ahead here and apply a multiband compressor to this so we'll go effects amplitude compression and we're gonna choose the multiband compressor right here and I have my settings kind of how I want them to be for this particular audio file for the multiband compressor basically the important thing here is I'm targeting these are your really low sounds in your voice this is kind of a little bit higher a little bit higher and then the highest over here so I'm targeting stuff beneath the negative 18 threshold and I'm boosting it with a gain of about 7 DB isn't applying it using a ratio of basically two to one and A two to one here we can just go two to one and two to one we have not really much of anything going on over here in terms of our mids we're not really adjusting that too much but then the absolute lows I am boosting them quite a bit so we're targeting a threshold of negative 12 DBS and a gain of five decibels and then a ratio of two and a half to one we can go three two one I just thought this one sounded nice and then overall I'm giving it an output gain of three additional decibels so let's see what this sounds like and we came to a quick before and after world where the weakest ones so that's with the multiband compressor I'm gonna keep playing and I'm just gonna shut the multiband compressor off and we can listen to the difference so the multiband compressor is just helping boost those deep tones a little bit more crisp up the higher end and it's I don't know it's just making the audio sound a little bit less baffled if you will like we're not speaking through a pillow or something like that so it's just kind of a nice little effect that it's going to apply so we're gonna go ahead and apply this again it's good to know what the multiband compressor does and this is a really complex dialog box but just to start off you could just copy my settings straight up but I would definitely recommend looking into the multiband compressor maybe I'll do a video just dedicated to multiband compressor in the future and what it does it's a super powerful function here in Adobe Audition we're gonna go ahead and apply this and it's gonna change your waveform here once again and the last thing we'll do is we'll apply a hard limiter so we'll probably hard to limit this to like negative six or something just so we don't have all these big spikes going up above that so we'll go effects amplitude and compression just choose our hard limiter and this basically just Clips everything off above the negative 6 DB mark and you can see that we have it set to negative 6 dB we'll apply that you'll see everything is trimmed back to negative 6 dB you could go lower or higher whatever you like and we could even normalize this bump this up maybe we should maybe we should normalize us to like negative 3 as well so we'll go back to normalize and once more will normalize it back up to negative 3 it's gonna pull our tallest peaks right up to negative 3 and now that we've done that let's just trim away the breath marks and we'll be able to export our file and use it in whatever video editor you prefer and create your little movie trailer so we're gonna go ahead and create a multitrack session here and I'll name this whatever I'll just name it temp or something I'll save it to my desktop fine I'm gonna hit OK and I will drag well I'm gonna save that raw audio wave file so I'll double click to open that back up we'll save this audio file I just went file save as there so I could save and not overwrite my original audio so we'll go up to our session file here I'll drag that edited audio file in place and mainly just to show you here I'm gonna come up here to this this area and I'm gonna get rid of the breath marks or the breath sounds in here and you know you could go through your own audio filing cleaning up however you wish so I'm gonna hit the + icon to just zoom in here zoom way in way in way in and I'm gonna listen through this just real quick and see what it sounds like and just note where the breaths are so right there I had a breath mark and we're gonna cut that little breath mark out so I'm just gonna select right there we can go up to clip we can choose split right there we can move over to like right here select our audio clip move it back in place and once more clip split by the way the hotkey command K make this that kind of stuff makes this stuff so much easier and then we can just select this we could ripple delete it as well by holding down shift and hitting the Delete key whoop I missed the shift button shift to delete and it's gonna ripple delete right back in place I might even drag an overlap just a tiny bit to make sure it just is really smooth there's that kind of automatic crossfade that's applied there let's just zoom out a little bit I'm tapping the minus key let's just listen to see what this sounds like make sure it's not too sort of pressed together and on top of each other so here we go already it sounds a little tight but I don't know if that's just because I've been listening to it all stretch now let's try that one more time I think that's alright and here we have another breath mark of course if it's not we could just tweak and adjust it but we're not gonna take the time here in this video I believe there's another breath mark here a breath sound yep right there so the breath ends here and just learning from we did before maybe what we'll do we'll select this commander ctrl K to cut and we'll save just a little bit of time just a little bit of extra sort of quiet time there to make this sound a little bit more natural coming together select the clip in the middle shift deletes ripple delete and then we'll just overlap this just a little bit so we have a nice clean fade and let's listen through this now and of course you could go through we could reduce the little popping P sound at all if the greatest pop filter on my microphone and get rid of the additional breath mark you're gonna have a bunch of breath marks at least I know I do throughout this audio clip but again we're not gonna take the time to cut them all out that's basically how I will go and cut them out and then you can just select this whole thing right click on it and just choose to export the mix down selected clips save it out as an mp3 or whatever you like bring it over to Premiere Final Cut Pro or whatever you're using to create your little movie trailer and that is it so once more before we get out of here let's check out the final finished version that I ended up with in a world where the weakest ones can change the faith of their nation where the gods themselves are being mocked by their people only one man can restore balance to his nation so there you go that's how it works a little bit of how I get the voice out of the microphone first and then the processing in Adobe Audition you may need to tweak a couple things here and there to make it perfect for your own voice but the point is you can probably get just about any voice there by using these techniques in Adobe Audition I hope you enjoyed it I hope you guys loved this tutorial for all of these different effects from the multiband compressed or the normalization to the hard limiter and the pitch shifter of course how could I forget in Adobe Audition that's it yeah got it good Nathaniel Dodson Chuck vidcom I'll get you in the next one and before you go make sure you subscribe to my channel for more great tutorials every day also by my course it helps us do what we do and this channel is supported by viewers just like you you can also just click the thumbnail and watch another video from this channel see you next time guys [Music]
Channel: tutvid
Views: 608,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: voiceover, voiceover effect, audio effect Audition, Audition tutorial, Audition tutorials, how to, deeper voice, how to get a deeper voice, movie trailer voice, movie trailer voice effect, Audition movie trailer voiceover, voice over effects, voice over effects adobe audition, voice over sound effects, tutvid, nathaniel dodson, AUD, PUBG trailer, PUBG video edit, PUBG effect, pubg gameplay, pubg funny moments, pubg
Id: mWBksoPzgIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2018
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