Adobe 3D tools WORKSHOP - Lighting, rendering and staging the 3D pottery scene

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[Music] hey what's up guys paulo munoz here welcome back to this mini workshop on the adobe 3 tools in action so in the previous video we went through the process of blending materials in substance 3d painter using some of the base materials that we created in 3d sampler so in this final video of this workshop we're going to take everything that we've been creating and all the textures and materials and everything that we applied to the to the meshes and we're going to create a 3d scene for rendering inside substance 3d stager so let's go ahead and jump straight into it alright so here we are in substance 3d painter and we are ready to move on into 3d stager to create a nice render and a nice composition for our objects now before i move into that rendering stage i just want to show you that you can actually render from within substance 3d painter all you have to do is click on this icon and then you will be able to do an eye render so let's just do that very quickly all right so that is rendering already and you have a pretty decent result straight away all within substance 3d painter so what i'm going to do is change the background so let me go ahead and pause the eye rendering i'm going to click on the display properties and i'm going to go to this dome and i'm going to click on clear color and i'm going to leave it as it is right now and let's go ahead and on pause the eye rendering and now we have a pretty decent result so now we can hold the shift key and right click to rotate the the lighting around and the only thing is that these objects have the the pivot point somewhere else so they're not kind of like touching the ground uh but other than that you have a pretty decent result just by enabling ira in substance 3d painters so you don't have to use stager um however it gives you a much better quality so i'm going to go ahead and click on this icon again just wanted to show you you can do that from painter so we go back to the kind of like painting texturing mode by the way you can also go to the display properties in case you're not familiar with 3d painter as much you can turn on the shadows in here and right click and sorry holding shift and right click and moving the rotating the environment around so you can move and rotate the shadows and see how they're reacting with the materials you're creating which is pretty cool i'm going to turn that off and now the point is that we created all the materials in 3d sampler and we brought him with just a simple click into 3d painter and now what i'm going to do is one single click operation and send everything to 3d stager so i'm going to go to file and i'm going to click on send to and i'm going to click on send to substance 3d stage so as soon as i do that substance 3d painter is going to start exporting every single asset that i have in here with all the texture set applies to it and it's just going to display exactly what we see here but in 3d stator all right so here is 3d stager loading up there we go it just takes a few seconds let me go into full screen here and we have all the assets so the first thing i want to do is just take this um this arrow this manipulator and push things up and one of my favorite things about you know this 3d stager is that you can snap things to different things so by default it's snapping to the ground so if i click and drag you'll see it will snap at some point if i keep going down there it just sort of snaps to the ground so i know this is touching the ground now great and you can move and rotate things exactly in in the way that you do in 3d substance 3d painter but that's pretty much it right like we have done a full circle we started with 3d sampler from simple photos and and images creating materials then we applied them in 3d painter and now we're going to use 3d stager to um to do a nice render now 3d stager is fantastic it's a pretty simple and powerful tool to render and the the learning curve is is non-existent really so all i have to do now that i brought everything from one single click from painter i'm going to click on ray trace and that's it we now have a super nice looking render and i can hold the shift key and right click the same way that i've done with the other applications to rotate the lighting source and of course we can make this a lot better which is exactly what we're gonna be doing but i just wanted to show you that with a single click you can send all your assets to 3d stager and turn on ray tracing and boom you have you have a nice render all right so i'm going to turn that off just to work a little bit faster and let's go ahead and set up the scene which is just a matter of moving those assets so i'm going to click on this one on the on the ball and you see we have a folder which has that has the four texture sets of the four meshes so i'm just going to push this one closer here maybe select the jog and rotate it using these manipulators nothing too complicated select the glass and move it around um actually if you select the little icon or the little dot right in the middle this is kind of like the way that you can snap things to other things so if i do that it's just gonna always snap to like you know either other surfaces like this which is you know it's quite cool you can make sure that it matches or this is sticking to a specific normal or you can just drag it into the into the floor so that's that's one thing and i think i'm just going to push this one back i can spend a lot of time just finding finding the the right placement and the right framing for this but again we're going to try to keep it simple all right so i'm going to take this bowl and i can duplicate it so i'm going to take that bowl and i can duplicate it so ctrl d to duplicate and i can push that up right and i can also maybe rotate it rotate it a little bit like so and that's it and we can use this dot like i said and maybe feed it somewhere in here and push that up as well i just want to create something a bit more interesting in terms of the of the placement of this all right um if you find it hard to sort of like match this i don't know i don't know i was wasting time with this but you can select this and if you go to the transform you can change from the pivot from bottom to let's say center right and now this is going to be in the center of the volume and you can scale things as well so so you can check the the constraint proportions and set it to point nine slightly maybe point so 4.95 just so that it's a little bit easier and we don't waste time just on this setup it's kind of like a small ball into like a smaller ball into a larger bowl and we can duplicate that one more time and do the same thing so i'm gonna go for 0.8 maybe that's too much 0.9 and again rotate around let's try to get a more interesting read of these shapes all right so that's that's looking a lot better so you can spend as much time as you want just setting it up but it's just a matter of moving things around um the the cool thing about this whole setup is just that dot that i just mentioned that icon that allows you to um to move things around the normal of different objects uh so it's pretty cool just play around with that all right so in terms of the background you can use a photograph if you want something a bit more interesting i'm just going to keep it simple so in 3d stage if you go to the asset library you can select the objects right here and we can go ahead and select something like this cloth blanket so i can drag and drop this in there and there we go we can sort of place this and scale it so that it matches what we want so let's go for 0.2 we can rotate things around and of course we can adjust the you know the placement of this of these assets so there's no intersection and that sort of thing but i just wanted to show you you can use anything you want i want to hide this that's not the one i want to use i want to use something more interesting maybe like a table so i'm going to drop the table in there and it's a little bit it's a little bit big so i'm going to take the entire folder with all my assets i'm going to drop that or push that up oops push that up and let's go ahead and scale everything to maybe three times four times and remember i'm just selecting the entire folder and i'm scaling the whole thing and again using that sort of keyboard i can just make sure that whatever i move is kind of like part of this table all right so that's gonna be my my setup and i'm going to take the table maybe rotate it 90 degrees and of course the table doesn't we haven't textured the table or anything so we can use some of the materials that come with 3d stager so let's go for something very very simple like i think this one would be fine let's just drag and drop that in there nope that's actually not what i wanted let's just type wood all right so we have two types of wood we have pine wood and oak thing oak let's drop that in there cool that's pretty much it and it's looking pretty decent actually all right so now we can go ahead and turn on ray tracing to have a snippet or a preview of this whole scene rotate the lighting around and that's pretty awesome right that's pretty convincing and there are a bunch of other things that we can do to keep improving this but we have the you know all the details from the texture and the materials that we've created the you know the roughness variation everything is coming through really nicely uh so let's turn this off again i'm gonna select the jog i think when i just rotate it around i prefer to see more of that that area there yeah i think something like that and now the next thing once we have set up the the placement of these objects and added any other additional object that you might want um again there's a bunch of things i'm going to keep it simple but you can you know play around with you know adding a i don't know like a like a palm tree or something so you can do anything that you want in that now the next thing i'm going to do is set up the camera and set up the lighting and then set up the render so i'm going to click on new camera and that immediately sends me to the camera the new camera and it just sort of frames the whole thing so i think i'm gonna go for a wide shot anyway so that's fine and because i'm within the camera or inside the camera i can keep moving and that's the way that i can frame and place the camera so i'm gonna go for something like this um and we can play as well with the the depth of field and the focal length so if i want a flatter perspective i can push this focal length because i have the camera selected to 100 millimeters so i think i think that kind of kind of works um and if i wanted to have like a variation of that camera all i have to do is click on new camera and that sends me to a new camera as well and we can do maybe like a shot from the top i don't know how good that would look anyway but like an angle shot change the focal length a bit just a different one right and you can click on these dots to switch between this camera or this camera or if you click on the on the one that you have selected you just go out into the into the view viewport camera right which is pretty cool so whenever you want to go into a camera you can select it and click on this dot and it sends you to the camera all right so now from this camera that i kind of like i'm going to enable ray tracing and and you can forget about the background as in you won't see that in the final render anyway but i can rotate the light around see if i can find something interesting with nice reflections especially to bring back some of the you know all the work that we did in the the roughness and the custom roughness of the of the joke but i think this one looks quite nice but this is just one type of lighting so if we go to the lighting setup here in the assets of 3d 3d stager we can drag and drop different lights to customize the lighting or entire environment stages or just lights right so right now if i go to environment if i select the environment and i click on lights this is the one that we'll be using but i can go ahead and make something a bit more interesting let's let's click on maybe this warm key or worm key light and cool feel so i'm going to click on that one and drag and drop it and that obviously changes things immediately and i can rotate things around and try to find something that that i like right so i'm going to try a few of these ones this is a process that kind of like at least for me takes time just finding the right lighting and the right position of the light because this is a process that can make or break your entire uh all the work that you've done um so let's bring in this wood studio so that could be a nice product presentation and depending on which one you select it will have like sharper shadows um you know more conscious shadows if you put something like in the studio let's go for let's do this one this one is a couple of soft lights um you know the shadows are a little bit softer than than the one before all right i think overall the one that i liked is the tomoko studio anyway um that's kind of like my my safe place i like this you know the balance of the of the key light and the and the fill lights but you can add as many lights as you want so i can start with something like this let's get out of the camera by clicking on the dot and i can just turn over a tracing as well um let's go to the top and select a spotlight and drag and drop that in there and we can increase the exposure just so we can see what we're doing and this is just a normal spotlight that we can use to emphasize the subject of this render all right and let's turn on right tracing and let's go back to the camera right so that's um this is the shadow that the soft light or the the spotlight is producing of course we can select that spotlight and change let's say the color make it like green for whatever reason but i want to keep it simple and do like a warm yellowish maybe something like that and also change this exposure you can change all of that and change the follow-up and the angle and the radius so if you want to change how sharp this shadow is you want something that's um you know a bit more diffuse all we have to do is change the radius of that emitter so if you think about it in a cloudy day where you cannot see the sun the light is being diffused by the clouds that's kind of like having a light box you know like a very big broad light source so that would be the equivalent to just pushing this radius to something let's go for something extreme so you can see like 20 right so all that that shadow gets a bit more diffuse so you can play around with that i'm gonna go for maybe 15 and the follow-up that has to do with the with the actual cone of the of the spotlight maybe let's go out of the camera so that you can see what i'm doing so the angle if i move this out in and out it's kind of like changing obviously the or the focal angle here the the size of that um of that spotlight and the follow-up is basically it's hard to see here so i'm just gonna i'm gonna go to streams so let's go for 50 right so you can see extract exactly what's happening the follow-up is gonna change how sharp that edge towards the towards the spotlight is so 100 versus zero percent again it's hard to see but that's kind of like what it does um i'm going to keep it simple again let's go back to 15 that's that's working just fine so it's just a little light a little extra light that helps to put emphasis on the subject but the quality of render is fantastic as you can see you know i haven't gone through all this all the features and anything like that but it's just it just works you just bring it in turn on ray tracing and you can adjust your um your cameras and all of that so let's go into the final camera let's call this one render one and i'm just double clicking those cameras to rename them render two um and we can do one more camera just to just for fun let's call this one render three and with this one we're just gonna find maybe a different angle maybe focusing on a i don't know like a close-up shot to these glasses that are pretty cool and it's just trying to find that that framing that kind of works all right something like that right now for each one of these cameras we can do something else we can enable depth of field and that's going to bring in the realism and that sort of photographic effect for this type of setup so with this render 3 i'm going to go down to the bottom click on depth of field enable that and we can set the the focal point so i'm going to click on set focus point i'm going to click on the edge of this glass so that's going to be my focal point everything else is going to be out of focus and we can change the blur amount which is yeah changing the angle the the aperture of the camera in a way so i'm gonna add a bit of a bit of blur right so that's pretty cool let's go back to camera two again we can set the focal point if we enable that to be around there and let's do the same thing for camera one select camera one enable depth of field all right so in this case it's not as obvious because we have a pretty flat perspective anyway but yeah i think it just works so i'm gonna focus on maybe this one all right so now we have all the cameras we have the we have the arrangement of the scene everything is working fine all we have to do all we have left to do really is the actual rendering so let's go ahead and go out of this camera turn off right tracing because this ray tracing here these these switches just so that you can preview a more realistic version of what you're going to be rendering but the final render is done from this tabby so everything is working fine let's click on render and in here you can enable the render with gpu which in my case i prefer to do i have a an nvidia rtx a 2080 so it's a lot faster than using the cpu um you can also use the interactive ray tracing but you know that's up to you the presets i'm going to change this from medium to high so that all the noise and all of that from the from the preview that you saw before that's going to be gone um with a you know a preset of high quality but you can go for custom or ultra as soon as you change the amount of samples and maximum time that's kind of like customizing it but i would recommend just to try the high and the medium and you'll see it's pretty decent and that's about it really we can set the resolution to full because that's the final render and here on the on the right hand side we can enable what are the renders that we're doing so i'm going to render everything so i'm going to render all the cameras really but not the viewport camera but the rest of the cameras um are fine we can override the camera size so if you want to double the size on on this render you can enable this and and set it up here but i think you know hd for these renders are pretty good and i'm going to go ahead and name this pottery pottery render right and the format you can choose png but i'm gonna go for psd and if you select psd it actually gonna create a color as a background layer and you can change that in photoshop quite easily and that's it let's go ahead and render i'm gonna leave them in my desktop anyway so i'm going to click on render and just want to show you the process that is very very quick and you can use the middle mouse button to move things around while you render but that's that's pretty much it so i'm going to wait until the render is over and then i'm going to come back and show you the final result all right and stager just finished rendering the three images you can see the status of three renders completed and as you can see at a high quality preset with an hd render it was about two minutes or two minutes and a half for each one of these images so it's a pretty decent pretty decent result and the quality is amazing so let's go ahead and open those up in photoshop and this is what you get as soon as you render and like i said if you render with psd you will get the actual image on its own and then you have this background color so we can go ahead and double click that and you know change it to a different you know lighter color or something like that right so it's going to go for a darker a darker tone just to add more contrast to it um this is the second one that we rendered and in this case the background is pointless because there's no transparency and here's the other one with the nice kind of like depth of field very very shallow dopp to fill so um this is the the one that i created before um as i was testing this this workshop but you see it's it's a very very simple process once you get the hang of it um and if you want to just go from you know from scratch to build your own materials using 3d sampler it's just a matter of like finding the right references uh to try to recreate the material that you want in substance painter you can go ahead and and tweak it and you know further add you know details like i did with them you know with the chips of like the scratches of this material as well as the variation in the roughness all that good stuff that can be done within substance 3d painter and once you're ready you can just send all your assets to a stager and literally stage that stage your your scene which is what i did uh for this for these renders all right so that's it for this video and with this we also wrap up the mini workshop on the adobe 3d tools in action so hopefully the tools and different tips and tricks that i share with you throughout these videos have been of help and if you have any comments or questions about a specific step of this workflow feel free to put them in the comments of each video and i'll do my best to try to answer it i look forward to seeing your own version of this scene with your own custom materials and i'll see you in the next series
Channel: Pablo Muñoz Gómez
Views: 664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8-V4XyE0Nxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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