Adobe Substance 3D Sampler for Beginners

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if you've ever wanted to make a 3d material but you thought substance painter and designer were kind of confusing i'd recommend you check out 3d sampler because the whole idea with the software is that it uses ai to take images and just churn out a material so there's low input on your end so hence you kind of got low control over what you're making but it's super easy and it's really quick to just make a material or in my case an atlas so i have a couple images i want to throw in and so the idea is that that this is a multi-material multi-angle to material and so i have this chart and a light at the top that's angled down and the light rotates around the chart and then the the software recognizes the change in light in like the shadows and whatnot and actually computes a material from that so it'll recognize the shadows at this angle versus this one so if i rotate you'll see how those are cast and so what i'll do is take these eight images because it's every 45 degrees and then there's this final ninth one that doesn't have a light but instead has a light at the back it was taken on a light pad and so the idea is that it shines light through the material and you can tell how much actually pokes through and get a translucency map out of that and so what i'll do is go ahead and make a new scene and drag and drop all of those images in and so this is what i was talking about multi-angle to material and it should recognize all the images here in order sometimes it's out of order but i'll show you how to fix that but you could also just use one image if you just had a single picture of a leaf you could just use that and it could work well but it's kind of hit or miss it depends but for best results multi-angle is a solid way to go but i'll go ahead and click ok and this should only take a second but once it loads you'll see that we can go to the image import and then check all of our images to make sure they're at the right number because sometimes it gets a little jumbled i'll actually turn on my 2d view and scroll over to the side where you can see one through nine and so yeah that looks right one two three yeah so those are good but if i scroll down image nine is not scan nine that is the translucency so i'll scroll down and assign it to translucency and so there's already a little change but you can kind of see the maps already working because they'd already computed them all so i have a bit of a normal and a roughness going on if i actually just go to the normal map you can see how it works so it recognizes that the leaf isn't touching the the plane underneath it and that these there's different height going on you kind of see the creases in the leaf too and so the way that the software works is that it's just reading from the bottom up so it starts with the base material then imports images and then multi-angle and so if you want to add something new you just go to add a layer and in my case right now i want to get rid of the graph because it's already computed so i can i can get rid of it so i'll type crop and go ahead and start cropping it what i'll actually do is change from normal to base color just so i can see a little better but it it does a weird thing where sometimes it will crop correctly like see how i'm like at the corner right now with my crop mark it's not there in reality so what i have to do is i have to keep going until i find that point where it feels like i'm driving from the backseat but uh there it is so like right here i was like moving in the 2d view but actually looking at the 3d view and so that meets it at the corner then i'll do the other side and sometimes it does this sometimes it doesn't i really don't know why but i will do the same thing and try to move it roughly where it goes and it doesn't have to be exact because it's a leaf so it doesn't matter if it's squished one way or another but that looks fine to me and so what the whole point of this is that it's similar to a material but it's got a few extra steps it's got like an actual opacity to it and so to get that that's what makes it an atlas rather than just a material so i have an example of an atlas that i want to show so the idea is that it will bleed like this is the base color so it'll bleed the edges out and in case the because it's using an opacity map so this is your opacity and in case this line doesn't quite line up with your normal your base color the idea is that you bleed outward and so that's how atlases are supposed to be made so i want to get that effect so what i'll do is just add another layer and call it atlas creator and so it does exactly that and so what i'll actually do now is dial in the crop so it is if i go to my different maps it already went ahead and made an opacity and is making all the changes to the different maps knowing that it's it's meant to be an atlas it's got a like a cut mark to it and so i will go to the opacity and try to dial in the edge and i'm not concerned right now with this internal part i'm just more so looking at the outside because i can fix this inside part a lot easier than i could the outside so i will just get it roughly where i want that's looking fine and so what i'll do is normally i would like to paint the opacity out but it just doesn't work oh there it is popped in so yeah i guess you got to wait for it because sometimes it just doesn't work for some reason but i was able to paint it out on the 2d view and you'll notice on the 3d view it went away so that is looking good and just shaped like it's supposed to be so that it's kind of a finicky tool but eventually it'll work for you i guess but once that is done that is pretty much all you need for the base of it you can edit more things after this so like i wasn't quite crazy about the normal map it's a little light i think so what i'll do is add a forgot the name of it exactly but all these are just different filters you can play with i'd recommend you just go through and check it out and each one does different things there's some pretty cool stuff in here but if i scroll down to the normal section i can adjust the normal so i can if i just drag that all out dragged it out all the way you can see that like it's really making it extreme but i don't want quite that uh probably something like .02 i want it to be a little more pronounced but nothing extreme but yeah that looks fine to me also kind of side note if you wanted to check it in the 3d view what you could do is hold shift and right mouse button and that'll rotate your environment and so you can kind of just get a better idea of like how light is bouncing around um and same thing you can actually in the displacement tab you can edit that and like get an actual high quality displacement like in my case it's a leaf it doesn't really have much as much displacement but that's how you would get that oh also one thing i didn't mention was that the way to change your mesh is in viewer settings you can scroll down and then change the object you have so i think by default it's set to a sphere but in my case it obviously doesn't make sense to use a sphere as the image because it's like meant on a on a plane so i was just using a plane but you can use whatever you want you can have leaf shirt for all i care but once you're happy with that yeah everything else is looking pretty good i'm happy with this so what i'll do is go ahead and export it if i just click share and export as i'll give it a name i'll just call it tutorial and i'll set it in a folder on the desktop i'll call this tutorial and select that folder the format i'll take a png and i actually do you can edit the size if you want but it's fine for me especially because it's a leaf it'll literally be small but most of these are fine except i also want to make sure that the oh the translucency is checked so that's good to go and so i'll just go ahead and export that and it'll only take a second so now i can open that folder and you'll see all your maps so you have your material good to go and like if you knew what you're doing you could do that in two seconds but all these maps are already made i'm not sure why the opacity is a little smaller but works the same and all that is good to go all it's worth noting that the translucency is a grayscale you wouldn't notice that in the original software like when you're messing around with it but it's a grayscale image so don't worry about that but yeah that is how you would make a atlas slash material in substance 3d sampler
Channel: Jason Ferry
Views: 21,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tut, Tutorial, Tip, Quick Tip, How To, How-To, Design, 2D, 2D Design, 3D, 3D Design, Atlas, Atlasses, Foliage, Material, 3D Scan, Scan, Adobe, Substance, Allegorithmic, Sampler, 3D Sampler, Adobe Substance 3D Sampler, Alpha, Normal, Opacity, Map, 3D Plant, 3D Materiall, Megascan, Megascans, Photoscan, Photogrammetry, Substance 3D, Adobe Substance
Id: YxbzVg32RvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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