Quick Start: Adobe Substance 3D Stager

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hello everyone reza here welcome to another video from our substance series this video will focus on adobe's staging tool for scene design and rendering and it's called adobe substance 3d stager we're going to have an in-depth look at all the main tools you need to know to start staging your set and render out your design it's going to be a super fun video so let's get started [Music] all right let's not waste any time and get to work right away you can drag and drop your model right in here bring it into your scene and start applying material so on and so forth but let's create a new scene first and i will show you how to bring the material or your models later when you understand the user interface and layout a little better so i'm going to go to create let's start with how to navigate you can hold down alt left mouse button to orbit around alt middle mouse to pan and alt right mouse button to zoom in and zoom back alternatively we have three buttons in here on the left hand side toolbar you can click on this button to orbit the next button to pan and this button to dolly or to zoom in zoom out shortcuts number one two three on the keyboard and you can see the tool gets highlighted very very straightforward now once you understand how to basically orbit around we have two main pages one page is called a design page where you do the majority of your editing you can just add content arrange it edit properties and set up your composition and then you have the render page and that render page is where you export the final high quality result uh which we will talk about right at the end so i'm just going to stay in the design page and let's talk about the main panels and tools on the left hand side you have the toolbar and that toolbar is in charge of interacting with your content you can select the content you can use magic one very similar to how you use magic wand to select the model or the material you can sample from the material you can create geometry add light or move the cameras in different directions i'm going to skip the drop down menus the top menus all together because there are things that you can do with simple shortcuts without confusing yourself with the drop down menus the only time i'm going to use drop down menus when i'm going to import a geometry into the scene now let's get to the assets menu with assets menu you have four main filters one filter is going to show you just the geometry the other filter is going to show you just the material the third filter is going to show you all the lights and the final filter is going to give you images which can be used for environment lighting can be used for studio lighting can be used for masking adding noise so on and so forth now you can just toggle between the squarish sort of view and a list type of view just to see the names better but again that's up to you and then you have libraries where you can connect to adobe subs and 3d assets for example to get your hands on more models more lights more materials and tutorials magazines so on and so forth now i'm going to switch to the geometry we have three types of geometries inside stager we have shapes well text included as well so you can drag and drop your model in there but the problem with with that is it's not going to place itself at the center you actually need to go to the properties on the right hand side go to its transform and zero out the position so it snaps to the center another alternative is i can just click on this and press delete and i'm going to press v to switch back to my select tool alternatively you can just click and it places the geometry right at the center and you have different shapes to work with and these shapes and basic shapes actually they come with a few attributes to play around with so if i select the shape in order to access its properties i'm just going to look on the right hand side in the property panel and go into objects and there i have a few sliders to work with i can change its radius to make it more you know higher resolution or lower resolution it's a subdivision basically and you get to have a different attributes per geometry so for example in here we all in a sudden have bevel where i can enable the bevel and just change the bottom radius to something like i don't know 10 or 20 and get like a drop looking shape same thing with let's say a cube where you still get also a bevel and then you can just change its radius even turn it to a sphere slightly different topology increase its you know subdivision so on and so forth so it's very very customizable these shapes um within shapes you have text as well while i have you on this little topic so you can basically type in whatever you want to type in i'm gonna zoom in a little by the way if you want to zoom in with the model selected just press f and it's going to frame that for you you can change the type you can change the the size depth so you can actually bevel the font give it a little bit of an angle space it out a little so on and so forth it's really really handy very cool now i'm just going to press delete on this beautiful name right here and get into the second type of the model that you can use in adobe stager that is called a standard model now you may have noticed if i go to the starter assets tab you can see some of these models have a little gizmo on the right hand side even you can change the way that you see it and you still can see that little gizmo in here or a controller or slider icon but some of them actually don't have those for example i can bring the um good old matte from substance and you can see it doesn't have the gizmo we call those objects standard objects very similar to the models you may import two substance from other 3d software packages as a matter of fact we are going to have a tutorial where i'm going to bring a model and we texture it together all inside substance 3d stager but those models are all standard models the thing with standard models is there is no extra attribute to play around with unlike shapes so just be mindful of the fact that if you bring in a model or sometimes some of the ready-to-go models don't have that another type of model is called parametric model and those parametric models are not just typical models many of them actually have been made inside a substance 3d designer and that allows you to actually have high level of customizability when it comes to parameters and their properties so for example if i bring this foliage here i'm just going to drag and drop it in here it's a beautiful looking foliage but you can instantly notice that we have a high degree of control over pretty much everything so very procedural way of working where you can just change the scale change the height min and max for leaves you can even you know change the style uh how much that is going to bend the amount of leaves so on and so forth so every single uh parametric model has that little icon right next to it it's a kind of good indication that all right we have a degree of control over that so if i press delete here for example and just move a little bit down to get to for example wall square window and click on it you can see that we have a beautiful wall with a window where we can adjust its settings we can just change the height bring it up we can change the width you can even change the depth and even offset the window if you want to you can just combine this with standard objects like for example a cube i can go into a transform panel and make sure to scale proportionately by enable constrain to create another wall without a window but this time using a normal window now you're wondering how you move rotate and scale if you don't want to use this window the good old w e and r on your keyboard does exactly the same thing so i can just press r hold down shift so it snaps and just rotate it 90 degrees you can also put 90 in rotate y and then push this back and the good thing about stager is it actually snaps beautifully and it kind of shows you that all right this is snapping now that's very convenient i can alt left mouse button to orient and just basically get an accurate result if i want you can accompany that with um let's say a plane a normal polyplane and then go ahead and increase its size as well to i don't know a random value move that here again snap and snap and get the job done now before i get into action panels you need to be mindful of what you have on your scenes which is like an outliner so every time you model something you can actually see the model inside your scene panel the plane i can double click on it call this floor cube i can call this side underscore wall and the other one i can just call it uh wall underscore window simple as that so i know that's the wall with a window you also get an environment as well which i will talk about in a second but those items can be grouped you can actually improve on your scene organization using actions icon here so let's see what action does well first item is very straightforward you have the object you can actually delete the object and that's it i'm going to press ctrl z the next one duplicates it so if you want to have this wall wall window you can actually duplicate that wall and basically move it to a side i'm just going to go ahead and get rid of this one you can also when that item is very useful if i have those somewhere here and here and you kind of need to kind of eyeball it see how it sits on the ground although we have a lining enabled and you can kind of see the color changes it can be somewhat annoying and it takes time to kind of sit the object perfectly on the ground so this button allows you to move the object to the ground so you can select that and move the object to the ground now to use material it's very simple you just select your basic material if you want or you select your spsar material which is a substance 3d material and drag and drop and you continue with your work so with default material there is not much really to work with i can just select the item drag and drop on either the object itself and you can see now i am switching to from object to material tab inside properties and i have access to few properties or alternatively i can drag and drop substance 3d material in here and if i just improve on my camera angle you can see that now i have a smart material and that gives you somewhat more options to play around with you can kind of customize and get a much better result i can even download the material from adobe assets website and just drag and drop it on to my surface and get the result just like that so again to edit the material you go to the material tab and it's it's all up to you what sort of design you have in mind now a very useful option that i do tend to use obviously it really depends on your graphics card but if you do have a decent graphic graphics card you can enable ray tracing to see things better so if i enable ray tracing which that option is also is a backslash on your keyboard so i can use backslash to turn it on and off and on and off you can see a much better representation of your shadows for example i immediately noticed that all right there's a little bit of gap in here so i'm just going to fill that gap really quick i can kind of push this one really quick so my wall and the ceiling aligns well so you can hold down shift right click and you can rotate the environment light that you have so that's the default environment light that i'm rotating very very very similar to 3d substance sampler you can just change the light very similar to actually adobe substance painter you can change the hdr light that you have which comes from this environment tab to tweak things better as a matter of fact you can click on this environment tab and you can change the opacity of this so i can actually change the opacity you can kind of increase and decrease the look of the background that you have and you can also make the environment blurrier or not blur at all so if i zoom back you can kind of see what you see in the environment so these are the options that is available to you and of course you can use them but if you have a decent graphics card i highly suggest you to use this item as it gives you a much better more accurate representation of what you have in here so as you can see i'm a little bit obsessed with this but that's basically how materials work i can simply drag and drop a matte wall or matte color on the wall and i'm going to start kind of tweaking this wall a vibrant color something like that if i move down further you can change ambient occlusion you can change specular level for example for the floor if i go to the material and scroll all the way down i'm changing the roughness now so these are the options that is available to you now this is very very reflective floor that i have and i can just uh change the roughness however i want to for both colors it gives you a lot of different um options to play around with let's say very quickly you switch to your modeling menu set and you just go in here and you drop in a let's say sofa it's as simple as that you kind of bring it and i can actually change the style as you can see very quickly in no time at all um change the mattress height back ratio move it up and down it's just so cool gives you a lot of different styles to play around with you can just push this back you know scale it a little bit move it here now you may say all right how am i going to apply fabric to it or is that going to be a leather just search for leather in here that's another way of finding what you want and let's say all right i'm just going to go with natural buffalo letter sounds expensive so that's it even i can just change the color if that color is not to my liking um make sure proportionate scale is there with sofa selected and i'm just gonna put in let's say point seven point nine um now i'm making a little bit of a room for let's say a floor lamp so i can just go in here and drop in my floor lamp you can also bring your own model and just have fun with it and get creative however you want to so much you can do with these things and you can see that for some of these objects you can actually use the groups so you've got the cover and that cover can be a separate material so i can search for fabric in here and it brings a type of fabric that you can apply you can even go in here if you really don't like the blue you can bring it into sort of yellowish color for the bolts and the frame you can use something else you select one of the legs and search for wood go to let's say oak wood and you either apply it here or you can just drag and drop it on the model now i'm gonna show you how actually you can sample a material from an object and reapply it to other objects it's actually very very useful so let's have a look at that now let's have a look at how we can sample a material and apply it to other materials i'm just gonna replace this oak wood with this pine wood right here i think it suits better now i can press i on my keyboard and you can see as soon as i do that i go into that eyedropper and the icon is here as well it's called sampler tool and click to sample a material and i can just zoom in and hold down shift to drop a material and apply that material to anything that i touch which is just incredible so now if i go in here you can see i successfully applied that material um beautifully you can go in here and change the orientation of the material as well and and because these are instances all i need to do is to change one material and it changes on all the other materials they are gonna share exactly the same properties how cool is that so that gives you a lot of freedom a lot of room to get artistic and just design things however you want to design now that was a quick look on how to create different material again you can have different types of presets if you're bringing a substance 3d asset you can just go and change the preset you can increase its resolution to just get a much better result i can just pick that so far and increase its resolution you can go to preset and change the preset as well but i just um changed it to my own taste so i'm not going to do that now i'm going to organize my scene a little bit so i've got two walls i'm just going to press ctrl g on them i can just bring this bookshelf right here just to add a little bit of complexity to my scene at any point of time if you feel like that the size is not there you can always go in here change the depth and change the height you can even bring in a vos here move the vos bring it here i can just drag and drop a material on the wasp to just give it a little bit of personality with this wood right here i can again search for wood in the material tab i would like to select the whole thing and just apply that material to the whole piece you can just dress the set and continue with your with your set now in the next chapter i'm going to talk about lights and type of lights that we have that we can benefit from now let's talk about lights we have uh all the usual suspects all the main typical lights area light which is just uh if i bring area light here it's just a plane as you can see and that plane emits light right nothing too complex you've got a spotlight which is more like a torch you can just bring this light so if i select the light bring it over to the side and rotate it and then move it up you can see it's very similar to a torch the way it works very very similar so i can kind of change its intensity and again it would be a good idea for a situation like this to actually enable ray tracing so you can kind of see things better but that's basically how these lights hit this light works you can increase and decrease its fall off so it can be one of those decorative lights on the ceiling that you can have you know study lights even floor lamps uh can use that uh another one to work with would be a point light and it's just a point that emits light from all directions i can actually bring this one over add this light over here and actually move it darken the environment a little bit and now you guys can kind of see the light i can increase the exposure and see the effect of it and you've got usually the radius you've got the intensity and you've got the exposure in all of them now this is a question that i get a lot the difference between exposure and intensity so basically exposure specifies the the amount of light emitted from the light source but the difference is it's an exponential scale whereas the intensity is just a multiplier on the exposure value and it's on a linear scale not exponential scale so the way that you see things is a little bit different by the way if you're wondering if we can change or overwrite this value we certainly can so i can actually increase that to a much higher value which i will this lamp is very close to the wall so i can probably make it a little bit not too close now by the way if you want to select just a component of a group node you can just hold down control and click and now i'm only selecting the cover or the hood of the floor lamp you can scroll all the way down and you have translucency i can go in here and sort of tint that translucency as well i can hold down control click on the wall and the reflection that i getting can be more diffused or can be um kind of a glossy i'm just gonna crank up the [Music] roughness of the wall to a very high value and lower the specularity of it because i don't want the wall to get as much or as many yellow points so but something really that simple you can see how much i'm adding to the look or to the character of the model and you know what the beauty of it is anytime you have doubts about some of these parametric models you can just hold down control click on this wall here go to object i can say you know what i might actually change the location of the windows so i'm just going to go and make it slightly thinner so that level of customizability is what makes this application so so great we've barely scratched the surface obviously you can go to environment lights you can go to some of these presets that is available to you and make use of them for example you can click on this studio 4 get a much different result you can kind of tint your lights by going and selecting on one of these let's say i don't know outdoor lights and all of a sudden you get a lot of different colors and tints to coming into your model there's so many that you can try um for example that's gonna give you a very nice night-ish look you can go to background um change the blur like so or just decrease the blur change the opacity if you want the ground itself you can do a lot of different things with it now i'm going to continue with this process add a few bits and pieces duplicate for example the floor lamp to the other side of the couch you know add bits and pieces here and there bring in a more suitable light to the environment and in the next chapter i'll show you how to deal with collision in substance stager which is pretty cool option all right here i am only a few minutes later i duplicated the floor lamp to the other side i brought one of these ready to go spiral staircase model i use the text tool to kind of add more stuff into the shelf use one of these decorative ready to go abstract spiral thingy in here add a glass put a cap and bottle again using some of these ready to go objects just to occupy the the scene a little bit and if i go to the environment there's nothing too special about it if i go to lights i actually use this hdr image if i scroll up uh oh actually it's in the light uh this studio 8 hdr and cranked up the intensity i didn't want to rotate it much so that's just like five minutes that's what i did so we have more personality in the in the room now let's talk about collision and this is really cool because it allows your object to interact with other objects but in order to do that you basically need to enable the global collision tool first now where can we find it it's actually on the drop down top menu under object and you can see enable disable collision is um is here and the letter c you can toggle it on and off so i can just press c to toggle this now once that's done i mean this setting is shared by all transform tools like select move rotate and scale tool and it's a global toggle it does not affect per object collision setting it's just a global setting that needs to be on before you see any other settings we have collision objects in in the properties as well so if i let's say click on this little guy i can actually turn off ray tracing and press f to see matt if i go in the properties you can see i have collision also available per object which you can turn on and off so if we move this back a little bit you can see i can turn on its collision but now it doesn't collide with the table because we also need to turn on the collision for the table as well and now if i select matte and boom you can see how it collides with the object uh pretty cool actually you can see then you can tilt as a as a result of the collision that you have and create some sort of an interactivity in here so pretty um pretty interesting you can actually go in here and increase the collision quality in here as well i'm just gonna move this back push this down we have concave which collider will follow um cavities and insects in the object whereas with convex if i set that to convex the collider will only follow the outer bound so which again is something that you probably want and you save simulation time on that as well so it's just going to follow the outer and we have surface which is generates a two-sided collider uh when an object is a thin plane uh for geometry it's useful for a polyplain like that but that's basically how collider works and it kind of allows you to kind of sit the object on the table i can do the same thing for the hat bring the hat and make sure the collision for the table is also enabled and you can actually now interact you can see with the with the table and get an interesting result you can kind of simulate falling down as well which is really really cool so um very cool option and totally available to you guys to get a much better uh more accurate representation i'm just going to turn on ray tracing now i think i'm in a position now to go ahead and create my viewport and render out my scene now let's get to how to create a camera first things first you can undo your camera here you can create a new camera so i'm just gonna frame a new camera rather stage the scene just look after the composition just a little bit uh maybe 55 would be a good one if you want to get too artistic you can use 35 kind of intensify the perspective a little bit and that can be your camera if you want to switch to a viewport then you can toggle between the viewport let's say on the viewport i can just work on this uh lamp and change it while i've got the camera in here and i can just toggle mv port to camera like so and get the job done uh what i really like i don't know why this guy is hovering uh what i really like about um this is you can actually apply depth of field and get super artistic with it so i can actually move this matte forward and say all right i just want to select my camera node and i'm going to enable depth of field now it says where you want to focus you can say set focus point and just click on set focus point and you can see the instant result that the background gets blurred you can just specify how much blur you would like to get you know shallow deep depth of field you would like to get and these are the things that you can adjust and um basically switch to render now and yeah that's almost ready to be rendered so let's go into render settings and see what options are available to us on that page now i'm going to go to render and you can see you can render the camera it says what resolution you would like to render what unit would you like to use what name you would like to give this and also give you the path you would like to have it as psd or png and then yeah it's very very straightforward you can overwrite some of these values for example if you want to get 720p you can add that if you want to get 4k you can do that but once you're happy with your render settings you can just set it to render you can render with obviously gpu if you have a decent gpu minus 30 3070 is not the the most high end but it's not really an old gpu either it gets the job done uh we have some presets you can go to high and you can see increasing the samples that way you can get rid of the noise a little bit uh resolution set to full you can go set to half and a quarter um well i don't know why you want to render low resolution if you want to render low resolution just see it in the design with the ray tracing on and yeah with that you can just hit render it starts calculating um and basically you can just see your scene like so and i'll wait for this to be finished in a few seconds and we can have a look at the image all right renders done what it did it created a psd file which i can open inside let's say photoshop and you can just start tweaking your image so for example in here i just wanted to do something really really quick so added an adjustment layer a little bit of vibrance added vignettes but the cool thing about that if you forget about all the post-processing work that you can do uh it actually gives you layers so you have your render and you have your hdr and the environment like along with the background color that you pick so somehow it reminds me of um marmoset tool bag a little bit and maybe key shot a little bit so you can bring your object you can assign materials to it um it's really compatible with other substance 3d apps like substance designer or sampler or painter you can bring in materials back and forth create something in designer bring it into stager again tweak something in painter bring it into stager create a material in sampler bring it into stager and kind of stage your scene together again i will put together a tutorial on how to bring an external model and do some work on it as opposed to what we did here which was really a quick start we barely scratched the surface that's it i hope you find this video useful i hope you use stager in your own workflow or pipeline stay safe talk to you guys soon
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Keywords: Adobe Substance 3D Apps, Substance 3D Stager tutorial, Substance 3D Stager quick start, Substance 3D Stager first step, Adobe SUbstance 3D, Adone Stager, Substance Stager 101, Reza Sarkamari Substance tutorial, Adone substance tutorial
Id: F9Sdbbxydj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 10sec (2350 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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