Adobe 3D tools WORKSHOP - Wrapping up the materials in 3D Sampler

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[Music] hey what's up guys paulo nyoshi and welcome back to this mini workshop on the adobe 3d tools in action so in this video we're going to wrap up the material creation before we move into a substance 3d painter let's go ahead and jump straight into it all right so here we are in 3d sampler this is where we left off we built this uh kind of like copper material for let me bring in the reference for this type of thing so this is what we were trying to achieve in the previous video and now we're going to concentrate on the bottle and the bowl well kind of like the it's more like a dish or yeah the bowl and the and the jog these two elements now the materials are pretty simple in fact they're going to be based on a single color probably so the material itself is pretty simple but i left it to the end um because it's more complex the way that we're going to set it up and when i say complex i don't mean it's going to be super different from what we've been doing it's just that i'm going to use a couple more things in substance 3d sampler that i haven't shown you so far that probably require a little bit more of a setup but that's about it it's exactly the same thing so let's go ahead and jump straight into it i'm going to click on project click on new material and let's go ahead and right click and rename this terracotta clay all right so this is going to be for the bowl all right so let's go ahead and create the ceramic first like the base material so i have a bunch of images in here that i've collected so i think we've used this one before so now i'm going to use something like this or even this one might be interesting let's go ahead and use this as a starting point again you can use anything that you like so i'm going to use this drop it in there select image to material perfect and because the one that i selected is quite elongated so the the format the aspect ratio is quite tall i'm going to use the transform straight away just to make this look better so let's click on add layer transform and let's just push that one up and again i'm using like high-res images so i'm not too worried about scaling this too much there we go let's go to base base material let's go to the height set this to 0.2 sorry 0.1 much better displacement point one uh and don't worry about like the intensity of all these it might be a little bit too intense or it might not be but all of that can be tweaked from substance 3d painter very easily as long as the material looks good in here that's all we care about at this stage all right so another thing is let's jump into the ambient occlusion this one is pretty strong as you can see they have like like a pretty noisy or dirty surface so let's go ahead and select the image to material now let's go to the ambient occlusion string and we can reduce this quite a bit there we go so it's a little bit cleaner we can also play around with the micro details and the medium details so something that we did as well in the past so all of that nice porosity in the normal map i want to enhance that a bit more using the micro details but i want to reduce probably the medium and the large detail let's go to the height map to see that when i reduce that a little bit more kind of like equalizing those details a bit more and i'm doing all of this because this is gonna be a relatively flat material the the bumps and the pattern that we're gonna create that's gonna be with a different a different tool or a different um effect here within the layer stack but we're going to get to that so this is kind of like the initial setup you can also play around with the um the geometry equalize so that is not as strong the difference and of course go to the roughness and i'm gonna go for a lower value here so that is a bit more reflective maybe not that much something like this and let's increase the softness and the variation so the variation softness and the variations in the roughness and we can probably do with a bit more of the albedo importance or details of the albedo all right so that's starting to look alright and the next thing we need to do is make a tile right because these ones are pretty obvious the seams in here so let's click on tile or tiling sorry click on tiling that should give us a good starting point i can reduce that box a bit more and you see that there is a pretty bright area here and a pretty dark one that is something that we can arrange or fix with the transform it's trying to find an area that's uh you know more consistent from that image all right i think a little bit better there and with the tiling again we can click on edge and we can play around with the threshold of that edge i want to go for a lower value so that we have like a lot of um kind of like this this um light area sort of creeping through a bit randomly kind of like a warp effect and add a bit of blurriness as well and softness all right so that already gives us a pretty good starting point for that tiling and we can obviously change that box a bit the tiling box alrighty that's pretty good okay and i quite like this like harsh detail although it's gonna be pretty obvious in the tiling so maybe maybe let's move that out of the way all right if you want to keep it or if you want to if you feel like this works better in fact let's just do it if you feel like this works a bit better in this area we can use something that i mentioned in the previous video which is the clone stamp to remove that bit so we can hold the alt key around maybe or just move it actually let's move it here and then just paint that that sort of like fixes that a little bit and now we can bring in the make a tile just to wrap up this effect so i'm going a little bit faster here because i've already mentioned all of those things in previous videos so the make it tile it's almost like it's hard to see it's still here but we can you can play around with the threshold and the smoothness of that threshold uh if you think about it the make a tile is almost like tweaking a triplanar projection so that's what i'm trying to focus on it reduce the contrast as well there we go all right so now this is a pretty nice and tileable material um again this still doesn't look like the ceramic that i'm trying to create but it's a good starting point we have a nice variation of color and brightness in the image so now we can concentrate on making it look more like what we wanted to so let's bring in a colorize again we've used this one in the past as well um just to give us the starting point of the color so this is going to be a terracotta type of orangey tone a bit more desaturated something like that we have something pretty similar as an alternative from that blue ceramic that we did before but this is going to be slightly different you'll see why all right so now we have something a lot closer to the material that we are after for this mesh or for this object right so i have some reference in here these are a lot more polished at what i'm after so i think i want to go for something more like that a bit more rough but all of these details you know we can do without i just want to keep it simple and have like a plain material something like that but with this color right so just want to show you where what i'm aiming for so that's um that's looking good so the next thing i want to do is bring in the height and then the normal and height adjustment so we can play around a little bit more um with the intensity of the normals because it is a bit too too much to my taste so let's see turn on and off yeah a lot better all right now this is or this next step is where uh things get a bit more um interesting not complicated uh i keep using the the word advanced or complicated but it's not really anything with this software is actually pretty simple so i'm going to click on add layer and i'm going to click on pattern so or type pattern so this one right here pattern click on that that's going to give us a very simple pattern that we can edit which is pretty cool so by default is set to square we can click on square and just go for stripe bold dot matrix a lot of different cool effects that you can um that you can create just by switching this and you can also increase the tiling of that pattern you can rotate that pattern around so very very um flexible so what i want to do is actually create my own pattern so um let's set this to squares i think it was the original let's just set it to stripe medium it doesn't really matter once we add our custom pattern it should be it should be fine so the pattern could be anything as long as it's styling and that's the important part so you can do that in photoshop you can create your own material or your own pattern but what i've done is in xerox i created a custom pattern that you can download as well which is this one so i created a hide map or like an alpha map in zbrush to create this sort of like stripy lines to make it feel like this the ceramic is not completely polished or completely finished so i have that alpha that i exported from xerox and it's a tileable alpha so this is what i'm going to use as a pattern but you can use anything that you want as long as it is styling or ideally as long as it's styling or you can use this pattern which is uh provided in the resources for this workshop as well so let's go back into 3d sampler here we go and in the bottom or towards the bottom of pattern we have these custom patterns i'm going to click on custom pattern and everything disappears because we don't have any custom pattern but once you enable this you will see that the custom pattern section is available so in here you can literally just go ahead and paint it if you wanted to but i'm just going to drag and drop let me show you what i'm going to do so here is the custom pattern that is in the resources so i'm going to click and drag and drop that in there and now we have a pattern in there so i'm going to change the the color to something closer to that terracotta that i'm setting up anyway almost like hiding it but adding a tiny bit of variation which is cool right now that's that's done but that's obviously not what we want so we want this pattern to actually affect the height and the normal so if we go to the pattern details scroll that down you see we have the blurriness we have the metallic the normal and and all of that so what i want to do is override the material details a little bit so if i push this all the way to one you'll see that the pattern or the areas the lighter areas of my or my custom pattern are kind of like a bit more polished and they're overreading or it's overriding some of the of the details of the original material that's exactly what we want right but maybe a bit more subtle so again you can just push things all the way to see what they do same thing with the blurriness right and then just knock it down a little bit so i think that's what we want but now we can go ahead and overwrite the pattern normal so we can enable that and now we're starting to get a bit more of that nice you know um brushy i don't know exactly how to describe the pattern but it's like a stripy pattern right and we can override the entire normals so that this is pretty strong or not at all right so this is what i like about being able to control things from different sliders so i think i'm going to go for something pretty obvious override that material as well and sorry the details a bit more and add a bit of blurriness to the to the pattern all right i think that works so this is looking pretty good and we can just go ahead and finalize this material with a couple more things so let's click on add layer and let's go to dust we've used this one in the past as well and we're gonna add some dust in some of those crevices as well uh one more thing that i forgot let's just actually uh remove dust for the timing um right now this effect that you can see here this stripe effect from the pattern that's actually in the normal map right because that's what the pattern is doing so if i go to the normal map this is what we get from the normal but in the height map we don't have any anything like that and this kind of like seam that you see here it's not very obvious anyway so i'm not gonna worry too much about it but if you wanted to you can go back to the make it tile and fix it but anyway this the stripy pattern is not as obvious in the height map whereas in the normal map is is pretty sharp right so one thing we can do as well in order to use that information of the normal but push things like displacing things with the height map is to uh convert the normal to the height so we can click on add layer go normal so normal to hide this one right here and that's just going to take the normal and it's going to push it into the height map now the only problem with this one and this is what i'm going to show you is that if i turn this on and off it's actually pushing everything not just the the pattern right it's pushing those those points and those details so just wanted to show you that you can also do that and play around with this additional effect that converts or takes the normal information and converts it to a height map in this case it's not necessarily what i need so let's go to dust add a bit of dust and in the dos one let's go ahead and increase the intensity again just so we can see more of it and we're gonna remove the cavities or actually increase the cavities play around with the noise transition and remove a bit of the contrast as well all right so this is basically what the dust is doing is trying to target those crevices which is perfectly fine and we can remove the amount of dust so i just want to have a little bit of dust in between kind of like an old piece of ceramic that's the that's the idea here um actually maybe remove the noise and at this point um what i like to do is just go back and forth between let's say density the contrast of the transition and figure out like a good balance between all of these um all of these letters so at the end when i'm finished with those you can go ahead and copy these values but i would suggest to just go through the process of tweaking things like i'm doing here just little by little see what they do come back and you know play around with the roughness of that that dust remove the density and maybe just play with the opacity as well all right so i think this one is looking it's looking alright so that's kind of like what i'm what i'm after one more thing that i want to do just to damage this a bit more is to bring in the scratches right so let's bring in the scratches this is something that we did at the end of the metallic surface as well and it's going to be pretty hard to see in this in this specific material but i'm going to turn off scratches and micro scratches which are the ones that we use in the previous material in the metallic one but i'm going to enable chips and that's going to give me another level of complexity to this material so let's increase the amount so that you can see clearly and the intensity so you can see what i'm what i'm doing there we go so that those are the chips of this material um and that kind of like works really well for this type of like old um you know ceramics with some chipped areas and we can also go to the advanced parameters and we can change the roughness value because right now they like very different if you go to the roughness you can see these are very different so we can change the roughness value so that they are pretty um you know pretty reflective which is not what i want i want the opposite i want something even less right and you can also add a bit of color to it so maybe like the inside of that ceramic is slightly lighter kind of like the same color maybe more desaturated these are the type of things that i can kind of spend you know a lot of time just fine tuning but if you have like real references that that makes it a lot easier because you're just trying to match the the reference i don't exactly have a reference of the material that i'm trying to build um these ones are kind of like the closest thing that i that i found to what i wanted um but as a base this is this is working fine all right so you see those chipped areas in that material that gives it another level of realism and that's with this scratching right we can also increase the intensity of the normal so it's a lot more strong like stronger than that um i think it's fine as it is we can change the flatness of that chip area but i think it's again it's just a matter of playing around with those sliders and see what they give you maybe the intensity of the normal is too much there we go um and also we can play with the the roughness value one more one more time so it's not as as rough all right so now that i can sort of like tweak exactly what they what the chipped areas are or how they look i can go back to the level and the amount or the intensity and the amount of these chips so i can remove that a little bit there we go and the intensity as well if you wanted to and the scale but i think the scale is fine yeah the scale is fine so now i have those chipped areas in the material let me turn that on and off so it does help quite a bit and if you wanted to you can put that below dust so that those areas can also collect dust and we just need to tweak the kind of like the density of that that layer a little bit just because we added a kind of like another level of um of like height and normal so we have to tweak that a little bit but this is more realistic right so that the dust if we have those scratches or those cracks this actually makes sense that the dust is collected in those areas all right so that's pretty much it cool so let's go ahead and go to project actually let's save things first and for the final material which is the one that we're going to use for the for the jog it's going to be pretty similar but we're going to do a couple of things so we're going to right click and duplicate this material and we're going to call it um black ceramic all right so we're gonna use pretty much everything that we've used in this material but we're gonna add a bit more um maybe more damage or more complexity to it uh with you know different things that we can add so the first thing is going to decolorize and i want to make this a dark ceramic so it's saturated almost like almost black click okay and in the pattern we also have to update that pattern color something like that and of course the scratch let's go to the advanced parameters color and let's make this you know what we can actually leave it like this color almost like this um this is like a painted color on top of the on the actual um ceramic underneath or like the clay underneath but what we can do is change the amount of scratches and that sort of thing so of chips sorry so less less intense and maybe increase the scale a little bit i think it's fine all right so it's a bit more subtle right another thing we can do is let's turn off the dust for the time being and let's go ahead and click on add layer so i'm going to type cracks cracks are slightly different than scratches so i'm going to click on cracks and that's going to give me like a cracked version of this ceramic which is roughly what i want we can tweak all of these as well so let's go to the spread and we're going to remove some of the damage details and remove the amounts i don't want that many cracks in the ceramic just a tiny bit that we can play around with later on in substance painter although this is the type of details that you can do directly in substance 3d painter rather than you know do it directly in the material but i just want to show you if you want to do a base material that has that you can totally do it from here so let's do that and let's go to cracks the color of the of the crack will be probably similar to that um base orangey this saturated color there we go um the roughness is gonna make it pretty rough what else let's see the intensity in the on the height map i think maybe we can reduce that a bit more so that is not as strong and we can go to the advanced parameters of this and just play around with the um with the normal so the intensity of the normal so it's not as strong um and the way that you can sort of tell what the difference between the normal and the height map is so the height map is going to push the entire crack right so the entire thing is going to be very very strong so let's just leave it as one for the time being and the normal is going to tweak the the amount of details right so we can play around with those two values again just to try to find some balance in there alrighty so that's just a very simple addition very simple tweak to the material that makes it look you know a bit more damaged and interesting and we can put that below dust again turn that on and we can go ahead and tweak the dust so let's um let's reduce the intensity the density of the dust as well now aside from the cracks and the color of this material it is pretty similar to the previous one right so what i want to do is two things i want to varnish it and then i want to add some smudges like if someone has been handling this um this material so you leave some of the fingerprints in there so i'm going to click on add layer and i'm going to type varnish here we go and that gives it a nice thick layer of varnish on top of on top of everything of course certain things that don't make sense because we have cracks and you know all of these dust and everything below this varnish but all we have to do is just do this just bring it below the cracks and the dust and everything and we have something pretty convincing of course this varnish can be tweaked a lot more so we can change the coating the thickness of the coat sorry let's move that to zero so the the thinner this coating of this varnish is the more of the the smaller details that you would see from the previous material from the previous set of layers right we can also increase the roughness there we go so it's a lot better let's turn off varnish so this is what we had before now we have a layer of varnish that sort of um unify the the details a bit more but we have that below the cracks and and the dust and all of that so that's pretty cool and to finalize it let's go ahead and do the same thing uh between varnish and the rest of these details let's type smudge i think it is yep smudge and stain so this is kind of like you have the the little icon making reference of that sort of you know smudging from the with the fingers so i'm going to click on that and put that below scratch and let's go ahead and turn this off as well just so that it it renders faster what we're trying to do so you see this is mostly targeting kind of like the roughness so let's go ahead and play with the intensity just to make sure that we can see it clearly um maybe let's go ahead and change right now these are fingerprints and hand prints that's what you can see in there but they're like huge so we can go to advanced parameters and finger and hand prints and we can play with the size so you can go for larger larger handprints and i'm not sure if the handprints are going to work actually so let's go ahead and change the intensity continue working on that um i might change the handprint so i don't know if the handprints are actually going to work so i'm going to remove that by changing the intensity or the density sorry of the handprint and just concentrate on the fingerprints intensity so let's add more intensity and i keep saying intensity i mean the density is the amount right so how many of these fingerprints there are the size that could actually be increased a bit more but i don't want to have them all over the place i just want tiny bits and let's reduce the intensity now all right i'm not going to try to make them as perfect as you know like as readable as a fingerprint because ultimately this material and these lines are not going to be as big and if we if we leave these as much as from the material then it's going to be pretty easy to determine the size and the on the scale and if uh if you make this very very small and then you end up with these smudges that are pretty you know tiny or pretty big um it's not going to make sense uh once you put in the material and all of this that i'm saying is going to make more sense when we get to um so since painter but you can totally do the same thing in substance 3d paint so i'm going to turn this on enough to see the difference this is still very you know very subtle you can also add the liquid stain so if i enable this you'll see this this pattern coming through and that changes things quite a bit but it's pretty fun to play around with as well so let's go ahead and collapse this and go to liquid stains and we can play with intensity and because this is the material that i'm going to use for the bottle it kind of like makes sense that you know either water or whatever whatever is in the jug and you have the these stains in here so i'm going to change the drop size and the intensity as well sorry the opacity as well and this is one of the things that i really like about this that everything is you know it's very easy to change it's just you can see in real time what you're doing so even if you don't know exactly what these sliders do which often often i forget about what they do i just need to go back and tweak and change the effect to see what they're doing it's very it's very easy so i kind of like this this effect i'm going to maybe reduce the amount of the drops and maybe reduce the intensity sorry the density of the leaks as well and increase the width a bit more so hopefully you can see the what i'm trying to achieve here and we can go here at the bottom um you know you can make things metallic you know if you want to play around a little bit more with this but i think overall i'm happy with this and we can play with the roughness as well yeah i think i'm happy with this let's go ahead and turn on the scratches the cracks and dust right all right so um now that i turned this on i can i realized like if this was the actual in in real life right the the water will just go through the cracks and this one these these stains won't be as um as perfect or like straight so maybe they don't make a lot of sense so let's go ahead and reduce those and play around with opacity maybe something like a yeah a bit more subtle and the same thing with the drops maybe play around with the size a bit more so we see more of these drops and play around with the opacity and reduce the intensity so again like i've been repeating myself but with materials is all about the subtlety of the details and that's it i'm not entirely like mad happy about the cracks so we can just turn that off yeah i think i'm not gonna keep the cracks but we can do two materials that's the beauty of it right so let's go back to varnish i'm gonna add a bit more roughness to it there we go and let's go to the project this is done and this is finished i'm going to right click and i'm going to duplicate it and i'm going to call it black ceramic and no cracks so that we have the ability to play around with two different materials later on so let's turn cracks off and go to dust and adjust those obviously the dust is going to change this this effect is going to change because we are removing the cracks all right so let's select dust and let's add density to it not too bad okay so we can also go to the varnish and just because this is slightly different than the other material we can enhance that a bit more maybe adding a bit more thickness to that coating to reduce that um the amount of little details from the normal there we go and maybe add a bit more roughness to it just a tiny bit so basically we have like two different materials to play around with um and if anything maybe this could be the the polish material so let's take the um the scratch and go to chips and maybe reduce the amount of chips so it's just less of that damage all right so that concludes this first stage of the workshop which is essentially creating the materials now we're going to move on into substance 3d painter and we're going to put them all together making use of the of the assets that i provided and these custom materials that we've been creating so i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Pablo Muñoz Gómez
Views: 698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iZLfBRpouUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 11sec (1871 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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