Adobe 3D tools WORKSHOP - 3D SAMPLER Metallic material

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[Music] hey guys paulo news here welcome back to the third video in this mini series of the adobe 3 tools in action so in this video we're going to create the copper material that we're going to later on in substance 3d painter we're going to mix it with the one that we created in the previous video so let's go ahead and jump straight into it all right so here is where we left off again i'm just going to try to move a little bit faster now that you know the basics of how to set up these materials so let's go ahead and click on project i'm going to click on new material and i'm just going to rename it and i'm going to call it metal copper okay so we have a fresh starting point to create this metal material so what i'll do is bring in my textures to see which one i can use maybe um this one i collected it's kind of like um like a rusty metal texture but it has a nice variation of color and we can turn this into a very polished metal uh but using utilizing some of those um colors from this um this image so one little advice that i can give you when you're collecting your references or even the the images that you're going to use for your materials try not to concentrate on getting the perfect image that is going to create the perfect material sometimes it's better to just focus on the quality of like let's say the the difference in in brightness or the contrasting colors and based on that you can create something pretty powerful so this is exactly what i'm trying to do in this case i'm not going to try to create a rust type of material it's going to be a polish copper metal but i'm going to take advantage of all of these colors and variate all of that so if i bring in my references that we've been using that variation in color and brightness is probably going to give me a lot of different yeah a lot of different variation in color to play around with which i think is uh what i need for this second material uh so we're gonna go for something similar to that maybe a little bit more damage than this to going you know to have more contrast um with the previous material all right so let's go ahead and drop that in there and as we've done before image to material click ok wait until 3d sampler does its thing and here we go so pretty decent so i'm gonna select the base material set up my my base height to point one um yeah point one i think would be fine double check that display is also set to point one so that it matches what we do in here and i'm going to go to the roughness straight away and the base so you could actually start with a base material that is a metallic material but i'm not going to do that just because i'm going to show you a few other features that you might find interesting but if you wanted to you can just check or select this base material the metallic one which is ultimately what we're going to do and like i showed you before you can use the metallic slider to make this metallic as well but this is all i'm going to change from the base material just the height right so let's click on image to material and we're going to go ahead and change the roughness value so i'm going to reduce that so it's a bit more reflective and just by doing that it kind of like looks like it's still a very rough um rusted piece of metal but kind of like a wet one so it has um you know some rain water or something in it so just by changing the the value i'm gonna bring in my 2d view go to the roughness and i'm going to play around with the variations in roughness as well in this case i don't want this to be that you know that different so i'm going to reduce the variation and have more consistent roughness across the across the material and i'm also going to reduce the importance of the albedo i don't want to i don't want to control the the places where the rough beads are with the albedo you know based on the on the brightness or the luminosity of the of the base image so i just want to remove all of that so i think that's it for um for the roughness what i can do now is concentrate on the micro details and the medium details right so if you remember in the previous video i like to use the normal map just as a reference for the micro details and because this is meant to be like a very polished metal i'm going to reduce the micro details quite a bit and that also you know immediately changes things so i'm going to reduce that quite a bit and now we're going to swap to the height map and we're going to change the medium details as well and play around with the large details all right not too bad okay so now the next thing is to make sure that this is stallable and that we can use these regardless of what we place these material and we don't have those um those seams so i'm going to click on transform again this is a texture that wasn't square so this all this is also something that we did in the previous video i'm going to scale that i'm going to try to remove that you know very dark patch there we go and let's go ahead and click on add layer go for tile or tiling and we can play around with the tiling as well and this is something that we did in the previous um video so i'm just going to play with the threshold and the blurriness of that seam maybe just scaling this box down all right so i think that's working fine um and again we we still have the ability to make it or force it um make it tile to change this this very harsh contrast in here so let's click on add layer make a tile all right so pretty decent we can go ahead and play with the threshold and the softness as well and again i'm not trying to create a ros material so just keep that in mind i'm just using this image as a base to have a variation in color and brightness but that's that's about it we're going to change this quite a bit later on now if you want to recover some of the the variation that you had so let's go ahead and turn this off so you see there's there's a nice sort of patch and patterns around it if you want to maintain that but you also want to make a tile um i just want to show you the the tool is there in case you want to use it so i'm going to turn off make a tile click on add layer and i'm just going to go for clone clone stamp okay so this one is kind of like in photoshop it allows you to select a point in the image and then you can stamp pieces or clone pieces of that area so if you press the alt key you see that little a little dot right there you can click and drag it or you can just hold the alt key to add another point or to add that point in there so i'm going let's say click or move this around this area so now this is my new source and then with the brush with this um brush that you can see here i can just go ahead and do this type of thing and it sort of like paints that spot and i can keep moving that so that i have something slightly different so i can do that around the edge just by clicking and sort of filling in that area right and then you can click and move this around and you can change that that pattern so this might be useful um in some cases i i think without it works just fine but if i go ahead and push this below make a tile and enable make a tile um you know like i said in this case might not work but in a lot of the cases this clone this clone stamp works really well and it allows you to tweak that image so you don't have to do that in photoshop or anything you can do everything from 3d sampler so let's just delete that one it doesn't i don't want it i think the tile and the make a tile make it um are working just fine all right so the next thing is using the colorize that we've used in the past as well click on colorize and this is the one that's going to give color to that metal so i'm just going to go for a dark brown or dark orange maybe not that dark something like that and i'm going to play around with intensity again i don't want to override all of the variation that i had in that original image i just want to integrate everything within the same sort of hues so just a tiny bit there we go and now that i think of it maybe we need to play with more variation in the roughness so i'm just going to go back to the image to material let's go to roughness and i'm just going to add a bit more variation and maybe let make it a little bit rougher otherwise what i'm going to show you next is not going to be as easy to to see so now we have something a little bit rougher than what we had before so the next one is what is actually going to convert this material into a metallic material right rather than changing the base or anything like that so we're going to change this and we're going to polish it with a metal polish so we're going to click on add layer go for polish or metal polish actually metal or metal finish sorry click on metal finish and that's just going to basically turn that material that we had and it's going to give it that metallic look so that changes things quite a bit but there's a lot of things that we can do to change this material how this material reads so let's expand the properties of the metal finish and let me just explain this a little bit so right now this uh this layer is basically taking everything into account and it's converting it into a metallic surface so i only want to play around with the metallic values so for that i'm going to click on modify only metallic and switch it on and the reason i do that is because i only want to play around with the metallic values um not with everything else right so we want to maintain the difference in the roughness and the um the color variation that we had all of that is going to be part of the original material right so we we don't override everything so just by doing metallic only sorry modify only metallic we can play with just that finish of that metallic look so just by doing that i think that looks pretty good um but we can change how um how that metal finish is being polished so we click on the metal color mode we can change that to copper which is kind of like what i was trying to create and that just changes things a tiny bit it's kind of like hard to see anyway let's go from actually let me turn it on and off so you can see it's changing color a little bit so the highlights are getting colorized as well so if i change that to natural color yeah it's not going to be very very different so i'm just going to keep it either natural or copper not a big difference but what's going to make a difference is the type of finish so i'm gonna go for polish i think but you have a bunch of different ways to polish that metal so you can go for um hammered and of course you cannot see what you're doing because i basically um i basically change the modify only metallic and those finish type are actually targeting things like the normal and the height map so if i disable this now you can see what this hammered is doing to the material we can do brush and play around with intensity of that brush finish or grinded type of metal so you can create really cool really cool stuff but of course this is not necessarily what we want in in this case we want something that is kind of like in between metal and a ceramic in a way so that's the reason why i keep this modify only to metallic and i think it's working fine and let's just leave it as polish and now we can go ahead and expand the advanced parameters and from here we can play around with you know how this polish uh metal or this polish layer is actually interacting with the rest of the stuff that we've done so the ambient occlusion intensity and we can push this all the way to to one and see um you know a lot of those darker darker areas or reduce it completely i personally like to push it like i said push the sliders to the limit see what they're doing and then you know once i understand what they're doing i can go all right this is maybe too much too intense but i know that it's starting in the occlusion um the radius as well if i bring in the occlusion map um this is basically what it's doing is kind of like spreading that occlusion so i think that the occlusion is working fine as it is right now and yeah you can turn on and off uh different parameters in here but i think for the most part this is what i'm looking for if you look at the at the reference image is is very very similar um the difference is that the highlights are probably too colorized in this one uh so we can change things like that by just going to the colorized one let's put this let's i'm just going to leave the the reference on this side so i can take that base color and maybe just go for something a bit lighter there we go click ok so you see it's very close to what we have in here so i'm happy with this material let's go ahead and leave it as it is and if you want to keep tweaking it you can just go and go to the project and like i mentioned before duplicate that and change this completely or you know create a new material but i think um the metal is done all right so just as a quick recap we pretty much use the tools that um that i've used in the previous materials all the way through colorize the only new thing in this material is the metal finish right which is the one that gives us that metallic finish so it doesn't have to be metallic from the very beginning you can turn any material into you know something that looks metallic just by adding the metal finish all right and just to wrap up this material and to give you one more tool that you can use especially for this type of metallic stuff that looks pretty rough and damaged is the scratches so we can go ahead and type scratch there we go scratches and that's going to create a layer on top of everything that's going to add some scratches which is pretty cool so we'll go closer let's turn this on and off right so this is what this layer is doing and that also gives an extra level of realism especially if you're doing something that is is very very rough um or you know you want to emphasize the aging of the material scratches are pretty good for that so from the scratch properties we can enable chips but in this case i think it doesn't work with the chips but the scratches and the micro scratches are on so we can enable once they're enabled we can expand the the properties of the scratches and the micro scratches and we can increase or decrease the amount of scratches and we can change the intensity and we can change the scale so you can see the difference between the the larger scratches and the micro scratches so let's change the amount of the micro scratches kind of like underneath and they make them a little bit more intense um and obviously this is too much so i just wanted to show you what the scratches are doing but we can reduce the amount and reduce the intensity again it's all about the subtleties and reduce intensity as well as the micro scratches play around with the rotation and i think that works just fine so just a little bit of um you know additional surface noise maybe again i like to play around with this and spend a lot of time just making sure that the the height map is working and the normals are working so these scratches what you can see here they're also being added to your normal map as well so you can enable normal and get closer try to find them if i increase the intensity there we go so you see these are the these are the scratches that you've been adding into the normal so i like to just bring in the 2d uh the 2d view as well just to to make sure that i'm not creating like crazy difference um in the 2d maps but yeah that's pretty much it so let's go ahead and wrap it up here this is our metallic kind of like surface that we're going to use to blend with the other ceramic bead so that's it for now and i'll see you in the next video where we're going to create the rest of the materials for our scene
Channel: Pablo Muñoz Gómez
Views: 580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LCY1jjYGyjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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