ADLEY plans a BiRTHDAY PARTY!! Delivery Dad has new surprises for YOU! bday merch and tumbling mat

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(snoring) (phone ringing) - Hello? - Hello, I'm awake. How can I help you? - It's my birthday tomorrow! (upbeat pop punk music) It's super late, I'd better get to bed. - Aw. - Ah! (screaming) Stay away! Why are you a zombie? - Are you my dad? - You again? - What did you say? - I said, call me if you need anything else for your birthday. Dad's always here to deliver. - What? - What games are you gonna play at your party? - Games? I forgot to do games. - This guy he's super reliable. He even delivers in the middle of the night. Can you believe that? - Mom, I think that's who I think it is. 1, 2, 3. (bells jingling) - Wow. - I'm allergic! I told you. - What about like a, a, a athlete jump pad. You can do cartwheels on it and gymnastics and like- - Yes, that sounds so good. - That's perfect. - This way? - No, other way. - Oh. Like up? - No! - Adley, are you thinking what I'm thinking? - What? - Dance Party! - Yeah! Dance! - You dropped your side! Right here! (screaming) - Have fun! - Why is there a table right- Ow! My knee! ♪ Happy birthday to me! ♪ ♪ Happy birthday to you! ♪ - Whoop! Boink! Your birthday. Surprise! - Let's go play! I'll race you. - Okay. - On your mark, get set, go! (fast pop punk music) - [Mom] Go! Go! Woohoo! - No, me! - I win! - How's she so fast? - Stinky pirates! (rooster crowing) (singing) Sing an awesome solo. Ta na na na na. Ta na na na na, Teddy bear. (snoring) Teddy bear. (record scratches) Teddy bear! Teddy bear? I don't know why Teddy. Okay, well, it's morning. Better go do my chores. Oh, hi Vlog, welcome to A for Adley. Today, I'd better do my chores, let's go. Shelly? We've talked about this. No eating the flowers. Oh, it's okay to be embarrassed. Let's just put you back in your kennel. (Adley imitating hose spraying) All done. Okay. Time to go do my work. Okay. So what day was it again? Wait, what day was it again? (shouting) Okay, what day was it again? Where's my calendar? Calendar, calendar, calendar, calendar? Calendar? Oh, there its why is my calendar right here? Gotta grab the marker. Oh no, Vloggy, only 3 days 'til my birthday! I'm not even set up, what should I do? (Adley screaming) I better order some A for Adley stuff. So, first I, the so I'll need... I'll order plates, small plates and big plates. Party balloons, one that says "A for Adley Party" and, oh, and look, there's even a big box with it. I'll order that box. Wait, how did I not miss that? I didn't have to order this stuff and now I just want the whole A for Adley party pack. Boop, and send. And check. Okay, now I just need to call the place. 9, 9, 8, 7. Hello? (phone ringing) - Hello? Dad's delivery. How can I help you? - Yes. Can I order the whole A for Adley pack? - An A for Adley party pack? - [Adley] Yes. - Yeah, We've got one in stock right here. - Okay. It should just be on your, I just texted it to you so it should be there. - Yep, I got your address right here. - Okay. Bye. - Alright. That will, oh, be delivered late tonight. Okay. - Now that that's done, I have more chores to do. First. What do I need to do? Oh, yes, I'll do my laundry, Ah! My clothes are thrown everywhere! Uni, did you mess this up? (Uni sparkling) Oh Uni! Okay, so grab all my stuff. Little blanket. Put in my apron. I'd rather wash my A for Adley blanket today. I can't forget this. Okay. How much laundry did I- Whoa! That was a lot! My A for Adley blanket. We'll just put the laundry in here. Okay. And then we'll just wrap it all up. I don't even know if this is gonna fit. (Adley grunting) There we go. It's stuck. Open. I'll just start putting the whole thing inside. Actually, so first I think we spray the clothes and then, oh yes. The powder's in here. We just put that in here. There we go. Time for vacuuming, now. (vacuum sucking) (Adley singing) I'll vacuum the Vloggy. Okay. Now what time is it? Ah! It's super late, I'd better get to bed. (panting) Wait, I don't have my A for Adley blanket! (panting) Okay. Oh, it's all wet! I'll just have to put it in the dryer. And then I'll just sleep with no blanket or something. I'll use this as a blanket. Let's go. Good night Vlog! Unicorn. (lullaby music) (Shaun rummaging) - Adley's house. I feel like I've been here before. (Shaun knocking) - I got your package. Maybe I'll just put it in. Oh, maybe it doesn't fit there. I'll just put it on this window sill. - Oh. - Ah! (record scratching) - Stay away! Zombie. - Hey. - Hello. Why are you a zombie? - Are you my dad? - You again? - Seriously? - Seriously? - Did you order this? - Yes. And why did you wake me up in the middle of the night? Sorry. The delivery was kinda late. I was trying to let you know it would be a late delivery, but you hanged up the phone and it didn't fit in your mailbox, so I had to knock. (box crashing into house) And, oh, okay. That's party stuff. Be careful with- why'd you get party stuff? - It's my birthday in three days! - Oh, congratulations. - Oh oops, I'm tired. Goodnight. - Okay. Call, call us if you need anything for your birthday. - What? I'm always here to deliver. - What did you say? - I said call me if you need anything else for your birthday. Dad's always here to deliver. - What? Dad's always here to deliver. Call me if you need anything for your birthday. Bye. - Okay. - Yep. Delivery done, boss. - I'm sleepy. No, I thought she was a zombie, but it was a normal girl. (lullaby music) (rooster crowing) (record scratching) - Huh? Ah! - Is someone at my door? Wait, what? Why was I saying that? Wait, someone was at my door last night. Was that real? Was that a dream? Oh, let's go find out. (Adley singing) Bunny hops. Hi Vlog, good morning. I'm gonna check if that was a dream or it wasn't. It was real! That means my party surprise came. Party. Oh, it's just what I ordered. The cups, napkins, the balloons, (objects crashing in the background) table cloth, the banner, the plates, - [Shaun] Ow! - the plates, and my A for Adley balloon! the plates and I brow balloon. Oh, I made a mess. Okay. So let's just set everything out on the table. Right here. We'll set up this right here. The plates and napkins. Ah, Vloggy could you get the balloons ready? That right there, this right here, thanks Vlog. And the box. Oh, and I almost forgot the cups. Now, what am I forgetting? I need food for my birthday party! Time to go shopping. - Oh, hi. - Oh hello, deary, welcome to Mom's Sweet Shop. - Okay. I need some food for my birthday party. - Oh, that's perfect. You know what, we just made these cupcakes. They're fresh. How many would you like? - All of them. - Oh, do you need more than that? I could do an order. - Yes. - Okay. How many? We'll need as many as they have. - Oh. Okay. - Anything else you need for your party, dear? I just need to shop for some stuff. What about a pepper or, like, a zucchini? Ew! That's gross. Oh Okay. I need candy. Oh, Candy's always good for a party. Ooh, and I'll need some cake. - [Mom] This sounds like a fun party. - Oh yeah. And I need help. Would you like to help me set up tomorrow? 'Cause my birthday's after tomorrow. - Wait, I can come to your party. - Yeah. - [Mom] Oh, I would love to help. - And I would need some help to set up. - [Mom] Okay. I can help you set up. - Okay. Thanks. Wait! What, what games are you gonna play at your party? - Wait games. I forgot to do games. - (gasping) I can help you. - Okay. - I know just the guy to call. - Whoa. - Can I borrow your phone? - Yes. I'll go grab it. - Whoa! Heavy. Ah Heavy. - Did you get the phone? - Yes. - Okay. Perfect. This guy he's super reliable. He even delivers in the middle of the night. Can you believe that? - I think that's who I think it is. 9, 9, 8, 7. (Phone ringing) - You know his number? - Yes! We're friends. - You must order from him a lot. - Yep. - Okay. (snoring) (phone ringing) - Hello? - Hello, I'm awake. How can I help you? - It's my birthday tomorrow! - This is that birthday girl again? How was your birthday? - I said it's tomorrow, not today. - It's tomorrow. Right? Is there anything I can do for you? - I need party games, 'cause I have zero party games! - Ooh, what about like a, a athlete jump pad, and you can do cartwheels on it and gymnastics and like, or throw it in the water. - Yeah! That sounds so good. - Okay. I'll get it delivered and I'll get it delivered before tonight this time. - Make sure it's not at night time. - Sorry about that. Okay. I'm working on it right now. Actually, I think I just found one. Yep. I'll bring it over. Bye. - Bye. - Guys. We got another order. How do I. Get this. - So I'll bring the extra cupcakes tonight. And we got all the sweets. This for the party bags and stuff? - Yes. - Okay. Deary, you need to- - Can you pay for this now. - [Mom] Ah, yes. Please pay for this. - Oh, I'd better go to my house. Oh, sorry, sir. Are you okay? - What? - Oh, hi. I was just looking for you. I have your delivery here. Look, an A for Adley jump pad. - [Mom] No way! - So I think our party table's gonna be right here. - So we'll just- Ah! - Is that it? - Do you mind grabbing the other half for me. - Oh, yeah, I normally just deliver, I don't grab the things I deliver. - Can you go this way a little? - This way? - No other way. - Oh, like up? - No. - Oh, sorry. What way? - This way? - That way? - But like, walk there. - You dropped your side. - This is why I just deliver. - Maybe what if we move this table here? Like. - Yeah. - Okay. - Why is there a table? Right? Ow! Oh, my knee. Are you serious right now? - Wait, leave everything, stop. - Can I just get back to my deliveries please? - It's a slide! - A slide! That's awesome. I did not know they did that. - Slidey. - [Shaun] There's lots of cool things you can do with these. - Alright, bye tell me if you need any more deliveries. - Wow, that was really fast. Thanks for coming. - Yep. - Yep, always a speedy delivery with dad's super good service. - Okay, bye. - What else do we need to do? - I feel like, we need a better place for this jump pad. - [Mom] Okay. That's a good idea. - Okay. Lift the table, please. - Okay. - And then put it like the table over there. Kind of. - It's getting pretty late. I better close up my shop. - Wait, you forgot to pay for my food. - I'm paying for your food? - I mean you forgot to pay for it. - Wait I'm paying for your food. - No, I mean like, I mean like you forgot to buy my food for me. - Why am I buying your food? - No, like check it out. - Oh, you're gonna buy your food. - Yes. - Oh, okay. Come over here. - But you're gonna buy it. Oh my gosh. What does she mean? Wait, I forgot my money. - Thank you. (till pings) (singing) - Okay we're all set. And then I will bring these to your party. When is it again? - Tomorrow. - Oh. Is that what you're supposed to do on there? - Yeah, boink, boink, boink, boink, boink. - That looks really fun. - Yep. - Okay. I can't wait. Have a nice night. - Okay, see ya. I don't like receipts. - Whoa! No. (crashing) Pick everything up. - Oh, Adley, you forgot your phone. - Oh, just put it in my basket. - What happened? - I had a little accident. - Oh shoot. Well, can I help you? - Yeah. - Let me carry these. - Here, help me. - Ooh, I like your house. What? Is this the party pack. - Yep. Where he delivered it in the middle of the night. - Banners, plates, napkins, cups, balloons. Okay. I need some help. Help. - This is awesome! - I have to make a big ginormous cake for the party. - Oh, I'm bringing cupcakes, remember? - But I need a cake. - Cupcakes. Remember? - A cake! - I need to go make the cupcakes. You make your cake and I'll see you at what time tomorrow? - Oh, right in the morning. - Okay. I'll meet you there. Have a good night. - Okay. Oh my gosh, a popsicle... (mumbling with mouth full) (toys mashing) There we go. Okay. Tomorrow, I think it will be ready. Okay, goodnight Frog. (lullaby music) (rooster crowing) (snoring) (record scratching) - What, what? Break-in! Wait, it's my birthday today. (rhythmic singing) Oh, Uni? How'd you get out through your window. You stay right here on guard. Okay. Let's get all this stuff and start taking it out. (singing) - Good morning, Adley, happy birthday! Look I got all the cupcakes. - Okay. - Should this be enough? - Yes. That's good. - We just need to start, start setting up. Can you just start by blowing up that one? - Oh, uh, yeah. - Wait, actually, put the table on. - Oh table cloth. Oh yeah. Start with the table. - Oh, yeah and can you put this in your mouth and blow it up while you're doing it? - Oh this looks good. - Yeah. - I like it. - Aah! - Oops. Okay. What else did we get in that pack? Ooh, plates. - Okay. So put the small plate on the A for Adley, and the big plate on the sun. Okay? - Like this? Yeah. (balloon deflating) - Have you ever done balloon magic before? - Mm mm. - Oh, it's really cool. So you just grab all the balloons and then you say 1, 2, 3, and you throw 'em at the Vlog, and they blow up themselves. - Okay. 1, 2, 3! - Magic! I told you. Much easier than blowing them up yourself. - Okay, got them balloons. Hey, you're gonna let them blow away. - Sorry. - You need something to tie them together. - Should we tie 'em to the table legs? - Yeah, let's do it. - Okay. Okay which one of these do you want on the table? - Orange. Right here. - Oh, okay. - Right here. - Right, and I brought tape just in case we need tape. - Perfect. - Wow, that's perfect. Come here. Purple balloon. - So who's all coming to your party. - So I have lots of people invited, but a couple of people are gonna be here a little too early. 'Cause I, they hanged up right when I was about to tell them the time. And then I'll put one, right across, like right here. And then, make a big float. Ta daa! - Adley, where do you want your banner at? - Oh. - Should we just do it on your house? - You go on that side. - Okay. - I'll get Adley side. Oh, we need to do it the other way. It's kind a problem 'cause I need to be on this side. So we gotta switch. I think just lift it up a little higher right there. - Ooh I like that. - Perfect. - Happy Birthday. - Well, it's got like a pirates versus fairy theme. - Yep. That's what I'm doing for my birthday. - So cool. - Okay. And now I just need to start filling the party bags. - Oh yeah. Party bags. - Oh wait, Adley. Is that what you're gonna wear to the party? You've worn it like two days in a row. - I was gonna wear it. But you think it like that. Oh no! - Oh, I think we need to call and deliver you a cool party dress. - Okay. 9, 9, 8, 7. (phone ringing) - Yeah. Hello? - [Adley] Hello? Can I order just a nice rainbow party dress? - Yeah. Let me see. Wait, did you say rainbow party dress? - Yeah. - I have just the thing. I just barely stocked these. Would you be like a size five? - No! - Sorry. Size seven? - Yes. - Oh, okay, I can deliver this right now. Are you home? - [Adley] Yep. - Okay. - Bye. - Bye. - Hey boss. I gotta delivery. I'm gonna take the cart out. - Party bags are done. - Okay, so, let's- - Just set them up here? - Just set them, like, right here. - Perfect. (knocking) - Oh, oh, oh right here. Setting up the party. - Oh, hi. What do you think about this? - Yes, it's perfect. - Okay. - It says "A for Adley". Oh wow. This is your part- Whoa! Happy birthday. Oh, look, at that cute little pirate boy. This is so cool. - Do you like it? - Yes. Wait, why is there an ostrich in your house? (ostrich squawking) - Hey! Come back here! - Nothing. Ah it just look so fun. Your friends are gonna have a blast. - Would you like to be invited to my birthday party? - Are you serious right now? - Yes. - Yes! - What time is it at? - Oh, right in the morning. But like right now. - Let me go finish all my work and then I'll be back. - Bye. - Bye. - Okay. I'm gonna go get changed - You better go get ready at your house. - Okay I will I'll go get ready. - Bring the cupcakes. - Okay bye! - I'm coming! - Oh so beautiful - Limbo. - I love this dress. - I'm doing limbo. - And you can even do the limbo in it. Okay come down here and spin. Let me see you spin. Whoa! (sparkling) That's a good twirl! - Everything looks set up, the mat looks good. And it's ready. - Yep, we are ready for the guests to arrive. - Yep, the guests will be here any minute now. (doorbell ringing) - They're here! [All Together] Happy birthday! - Here's all our plates and cups. And then we've got our cupcakes over here. And we've got our party treat bags. And then we have this giant A for Adley mat to bounce on. - Woohoo! Let's jump over that. - Dance party! Adley are you thinking what I'm thinking? What? Dance party! - Dance party woop woop! - Wait! We're missing someone! - What? - The mailman! - Oh, he said he was coming! (crashing in background) - I hope I'm not late? Party time! We're having a dance party! Should we have some cake now? - Cake now! - Grab a cupcake and then choose somewhere to sit. Cupcake, Vloggy? - [Mom] Don't eat without singing. - I wasn't gonna eat it. (singing Happy Birthday) - Happy birthday! - Happy birthday! Can we eat our cupcakes now? Yes! - [Mom] Eat our cupcakes - I'm gonna have chocolate. This frosting is really good. - Yeah. - Did you just lick all the frosting off? (phone ringing) - Sorry. My work phone. Hello? Her surprise is set up? In the warehouse? Yes. Okay. I'll let 'em know. Bye. - Huh? - Nothing. Just eat your cupcakes, nothing. Me and all the people at the delivery place kind of set up a birthday surprise for you. - I know what he was telling you, he, he saying there was the dance party. - Do you guys want to come over to the delivery warehouse later and see the surprise we set up? - Yeah! - Okay, deal. I'm gonna go check on it. I'm just gonna bring this cupcake with me. And maybe a drink. - [Mom] Do you need any help? - Nope. We're good. I'll tell you when the surprise is ready. Bye, have a good party! - [Friend] That happened to me, Adley. - Maybe get out of your work clothes? - [Shaun] Never! - I've got a balloon finger, I've got a balloon finger! Like I hope I can balloon finger. - I love when he says "Never"! - Never! - Never! - Let's have a dance party! Everyone try not to get hit by the blue balloon. - [Mom] Everybody a balloon and shake 'em. - Yeah! Shake it, shake it. - [Mom] Oh we've got treat bags! - Guys! - [Mom] Here, everybody. Party bags. Oh, oh you're back. Is everything set up? - Yeah. I'm out of energy there. I just. - There's energy in there. - Chocolate. - I just spent forever setting up a special surprise in our warehouse for all of you kids to enjoy for Adley's birthday. Follow me. - [Mom] Yes! We're coming we're so excited! - The warehouse is right here. (kids screaming) - Have fun! Oh yeah. Oh yeah. - [Mom] This is awesome! - Alright guys. Watch this trick. Ready? 1, 2, 3. - Watch out, Nicko! - Yeah you're supposed to jump over me. - Jump over you? Okay. Whoa! That was great. Who dares jump over me? [All] I will! - This is, scary. I did not sign up for this. - You have to jump over me. - Shaun! Jump over me and Adley! - And me! - Do you think I could do that? I'll flip roll over you guys. (girls screaming) I think I've got this. Boink! Whoa! - [Mom] What? - I did it! - Watch this! - Watch this! Whoever you are in there, watch this! - Hey, gimme that hat. Hey, gimme my hat! Whoa, that was cool. Hey, gimme that hat. (kids screaming and laughing) - 1, 2, 3, go! - Jump on the beanbag! - Okay I have an idea! What if we tie a balloon to each arm and leg, and you do a Cartwheel. Let do it. Okay last balloon. Last one. Here we go. - [Shaun] Oh a balloon cartwheel, this is gonna be cool! - Okay, here I go! One, two... Rocky watch out, scoot, scoot. 1, 2, 3, go! - [Shaun] Whoa! That was awesome! (phone ringing) Hello? Oh, hi boss. Yeah. I'm at a birthday party. One huge delivery? How big? That big? Okay, yeah, no, I'll come help. Okay bye. Sorry guys I gotta go to work. I have one more huge delivery. See ya, have fun. You guys can play in the warehouse as long as you want. Happy birthday. Adley! - I've got a game, guys! - [Mom] Oh let's hear it, Nicko. - Well, we only touch yellow. - Floor is lava! Only touch yellow. Where have we got to get to? - You gotta get all the way to the top of the bean bag. - [Adley] Oh, that's easy I'm already there. - Adley's out. - [Mom] Nicko! Careful. - So, I love this game. You've gotta tie the string to your ankle and then connect all the balloons together and then whatever balloon it does, the other persons get to have a dare for you, whoever, and like tie to the ankle, and then we'll balloon our balloons together, like in a big big circle, like they're doing right now. But we'll all be separate. Mom, you'll be the picker and you grab one balloon, and then you'll pull it out. And whoever lost their balloon has to do a dare on all. And, and then all the other persons have to think of a dare and then they all agree to a dare. And then I ask and then, so that person has to do it. - Okay. - Okay. - Stomp, stomp, stomp! - Everyone, get your balloons in the circle together. Mommy. Now pick up a balloon. Any of these balloons, okay? Yeah mommy. Mom, get this. This who is the balloon I want, whose is this? Oh, I got an Adley! That means all the people have to think of a dare and then- - Oo! What should Adley do for a dare. - We should make her do a cartwheel. What if she does a handstand and then do a cartwheel? - Yes. A handstand, roll, cartwheel on the bean bag. - Yeah. - Okay. We got the dare. - So you're gonna do a handstand and then you're gonna go down and roll. Stand up, do a cartwheel, jump on the bean bag. - Okay. - [Mom] Can you do this? - Yes. - [Mom] Okay. Woo! Handstand roll, now the cartwheel. - Handstand and cartwheel and right on top of the bean bag. (friends cheering) - [Mom] Yeah, Adley! - Oh, look at that one. - [Mom] Oh yeah. - Oh he's back! - Uh, hi. - [Mom] Oh hi, you're back! - So it turns out that really big delivery I did was actually for you. (screaming) Yeah. It was a surprise from, it's from all your friends at Spacestation Labs. - I love those guys! - Uh, so. - Is that for all of us? - Yes, it's for all of you. So I set up the delivery out there. Let's go. - Okay. - Presenting your birthday surprise. (Adley screaming) Let's go play! (kids screaming and cheering) - I'll race you! - Okay. - Wait, wait, wait, are you team pirate or team fairy? - Team fairy. - On your mark. Get set. Go! - [Mom] Go, go, go! - Who's pirate, who's fairy? - I'm fairy. - I'm pirate. - Nick, move! - On your mark! Get set. Go! - Nick, you're blocking my way! (panting) - Next up in the league, it's Claire versus Adley. They're neck and neck, Adley comes down first. Barely. It's a photo finish. Congratulations, team pirate. - Okay. Vloggy, I dare you to race daddy. - Me? - Yeah. - Versus Vlog? Are you team pirate or fairy? Pirate? Ugh, I'll be team fairy. Let's go. - On your mark, get set, go! - Alright. Nicko! Get the Vlog! Alright, I'm gonna be winning. - No! - I got beat by a vlog? Don't ever watch this video again. (panting) - Now, I'm gonna race mom! - [Mom] Wait, you're already starting! - On your marks, get set, go! - Woo! - You got so beat! - Barely! - You're the champion of this whole- - Okay, mom and dad, this is the most important race of them all whoever loses has to do the chores for the other person and whoever once gets to relax all day. - Oo, I get to relax! - What? - Can you pull some fairy pranks on him again? - Oh yeah, fairy pranks on him. - No, guys, Is that a dragon? - What? No, stop! - Ah I was gonna win! - We have an official start. - Okay. - On your marks, get set, go! - Dun, dun, duuun! - The winner's dad! - No chore- where's mom? - I was not prepared for this! My fairy wing got stuck. - Okay, we have a special race, it's Vlog 1 and Vlog 2. Get set, go! - Hey, hey! Interference! No! - Vlog 1! - Not fair! - [Shaun] Oh, sorry Vlog! - Cheated! - Thanks for watching, bye! - Watching, bye! (kids screaming) - Get us out of here! Now we do it again!
Channel: A for Adley - Learning & Fun
Views: 26,595,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adley, shonduras, valentines day, how to brew potions, hyper potions, party games, kids games, new game, pumpkin, a for adley, adley videos, best day ever, challenge, surprise, baby brother, routine, niko, adley learns, kids party games, backyard, update, present, animals, costume, dress up, pretend play, dont get caught, adley song, mystery box, vampire, mailman, new neighborhood, play pretend, delivery dad, adley's house, birthday, adleys birthday, party pack, party, a for adley merch
Id: m_QehNKj-Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 8sec (2048 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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