- [Father] All right, now I think we... - This is an ad for Mattel. Rock-paper-scissors who's gonna cut it? - We cut it. Rock-paper-scissors, ready? - [All] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! (laughing) - No! (screams) She's crazy! - I'm gonna do red and blue. - Wait, what do those make if they mix? - Purple! - Catch. (laughs) - Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom! - Ew! Oh wait, you don't like unicorns. - I do! (laughing) - I know. - Adley delivering to
you, the butter delivery. Oh yeah, blender mum! - This is why you cook with a cookbook, not just with a dad. - Yeah. - Plop! (mumbles) - Okay, this is looking perfect! I can use my mouth! (laughing) I see them cooking! Why are the sticks cooking? (laughing) - Cheers! Bop, bop. Mom's going crazy. (laughs) She's losing her marbles. Mom, are you losing your marbles? - [All] Welcome to, A for Adley! - What are we doing today, sister? - Today we're gonna play an Adley game! - Mm-hmm. - Let's play Unicorn Catch! So this is the new Unicorn Catch. - I love this game. (phone rings) - Wait, we're getting a call from Barbie. - Answer it! - The Dream House is calling? - Hi Barbie? - [Barbie] Hi Adley! - Hi Barbie! - Hi! - Why are you guys calling me? - [Barbie] Have you
checked your front door? - The front door? - Check the front door. - Okay, bye. - Okay, bye. - Bye! - What does she mean the front door? - Have you seen anything? - Let's go see! - Let's go check it! (all panting) - Okay, open, open, open! - [All] Wow! - A cookbook! A cookbook! - [Dad] A cookbook? - Yeah, a cookbook! - "Barbie bakes 50 plus fantastic recipes from Barbie and her friends." Those must be her friends! - I think they wanna cook with us. - Okay, bring them in. - Wait, I wanna carry this one! - Oh, okay. - Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine! - Oh baby, can we cook
one of these for reals? - Yeah! - Let's check out the book. - New plan for the video, we're cooking. - We're bakin'! - We're... - Baking? - Baking , yup, baking? - Baking. - Mm, baking, baking, baking, baking! (mumbles) Look, she has her Barbie legs! What, she has Barbie legs? - Barbie slides! - Alright, should we open these things? - Yeah, they're different daddy! - Maybe they look like
the girls on the box. Look, a unicorn! - A unicorn! - Oh wait! You don't like unicorns. - I do! (laughs) - I know. - I do like unicorn. - What do you like more,
unicorns or Barbies? - Ah, both! - Both? Well you're pretty lucky, 'cause I think you just got both. It's a Barbie wearing a unicorn. Do you think they're good at baking? - [Adley And Dad] I don't know. - I don't know either. Oh, and vlog, Barbie sent
Adley some new shirts. Check it out. - Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle! Uh oh! - What does your shirt say right there? - Chase dreams. - Chase dreams! Are you a dream-chaser? - Yeah, I chase your dreams! (laughs) - All right Adley, if you were gonna chase your dream, what is your number one dream, if you could do anything in the world? - Go to Barbie dream house in real life. - [Mom] Well that was fast. - Really? That's a pretty good dream. - [Mom] How'd you do that?
- I got this one open. - [Mom] I tried that! - She's beautiful! - [Dad] She is! Hey friend! What's up? Oh, I love your dress, we have matching dresses. - We're in plastic though. - Oh yeah, we're wearing plastic, we should probably take this plastic off. - Mm hmm. - "Bake with Barbie and her sisters. Hey friends, if you know Barbie
you know I love to bake." - Ooh, tips! "Stay organized, be prepared, read the recipe first, kitchen safety, ask for help." - "The dream house pantry. Here's all the stuff you might need." Cookies and brownies and bars. Okay let's... Ooh! - I think we maybe want this one. (chomping) - Don't eat the book! (chomping) - No, no, no, no, no,
no, don't eat the book! - Okay, if we don't make these today, let's make them for Valentine's. - That's a good Valentine's one. - [Dad And mom] "Pinwheel
cookie lollipops." - "These two tone cookie pops, are easier than you might think. Stack two layers of dough
in different colors." Okay, you do one layer
of dough in one color, and you're gonna do a layer
of dough in another color. You roll it into a log like this, slice 'em into cookie spirals. - We are on the pink team. We wanna do a pink one! - Okay. - Okay - Okay, we're gonna need butter. Do we have butter? - Check. - Yes. - We need powdered sugar. - [All] Check. - I always put that on my french toast. One teaspoon pure vanilla extract. - Check. - Check. - Okay. One and a half cups of all purpose flour. - Yes. - Check. - And two colors of food coloring. - Check! - Checkaroo! - We got it all! - Alright, this is what we're making. - "Step one, preheat the oven to 350." Okay, let's go preheat the oven. - [Adley] Okay, I'm gonna do the pink one, and you do the blue one! - [Dad] Okay, let's go. - [Mom] Okay, oven is being preheated. - Alright, family, next
you need to make the dough. Did you preheat the oven? - Yes! - I preheated the oven. - Okay, "Now, in a large bowl, mix together the butter,
sugar, and vanilla, on a low speed!" Go, go, go, go, Adley mix, mix, mix! - Oh, we don't have
everything we need yet. - Okay, well let's go get it. (roaring) - First, wash your hands. - Back up. - Let me go. Put me on the floor. - We're gonna cook an Adley! (chuckling) - Soap. - Soapy! - Soap. - Dry, dry, dry! - Butter, sugar, vanilla. - Yeah! Dry, dry, dry! Shake, shake, shake! - Ah, maybe just try a towel? - What's next? - Butter. - Butter! - Butter, we got the butter. - [Dad] We got butter. That way. - [Mom] Here's the sugar. - Adley delivering to you the butter delivery. Okay, plop plop ! Is this side where I can plop it in? - Plop it in. One plop of butter. - Plop, plop, plop, plop! - It's not plopping. - It's going slow. Just shake it. - Shake it. Plop! (laughs) - I'll be the thrower-awayer. - Go grab me the spoon
so I can stir it, dad! (laughs) (drawer shutters) - Alright, what colors of
cookies are we gonna do? - I'm gonna do red and blue. - Wait. What do those make if they mix? - Purple! - Okay, one of them is gonna be purple, another one can be yellow? - Yellow! - Purple and yellow cookies. - And mom, what color
do you want yours to be? - [Mom] Pink! - Pink. - Wait? How do we make pink? Ooh, just a tiny bit of red. Tiny drop of red! - What makes pink, dad? - [Dad] I think red and white make pink. - Red and white make... - Yeah, 'cause pink's kinda like red, but it's just a little
bit lighter and cuter. - Girls, what's the next recipe? - I think you need some vanilla. - Okay. My mom's gonna get that right now. - Oh yeah, blender mom! - (singing) - Okay, what we got? - Blender boom. - Okay, What is next for us? - I think we just need... Okay let's see. Where? Here? - Yup, put it in. - How many cups of powdered sugar, did you use? - Ah, my eyes, I can see! - [Mom] Did you even measure the butter? Or did you just plop it in? - Plop. - Just plop. - [Mom] We need
three-fourths cup of butter. - How do you put that in the cup? Do you know how to put butter in a cup? - No. - [Mom] It tells you on here, silly guys. (chuckles) - [Mom] Okay wait. - This is why you cook with a cookbook, not just with a dad. - [Mom] We need another half of butter. Alright, here's another butter. Okay, this one you're gonna cut, exactly in half, okay? - Look for the half mark, that line. Oh yeah, saw that butter. - Saw, saw, saw, saw! - That's why you're using a butter knife. - A butter knife. - Do you know that's
called a butter knife? (dad grunting) - You ripped it! - Let's not get the paper in there. - Alright, this side. - Plop. - I wanna plop it, I wanna plop! - You plop, I'll put
this back in the fridge. - Don't forget to put the
knife back where it was. Plop, plop! We don't use hands, we plop! - Good plops! Ew, you have butter hands. - Oh I know... (laughs) I can't wait to make my purple! - You're going purple, and we're going pinkish. - Okay, now we need... Barbies, what do we need? - Three-fourths cup of
powdered sugar, please. - Okay. - Okay. - Alright. Adley, do you want this? -
Hey mom, I'm gonna make-- I'm gonna make purple
just like that cook mom. - Ooh yeah! - Ooh! Oh, this is like, my favorite ingredient in the whole world. Have you ever put powdered
sugar on french toast, pancakes, waffles? - Okay, there's one. - It's delicious! - Boom. I put it right on the butter. - How much did they say we needed? - Hmm, flashback to that? - Three-fourths cup of
powdered sugar, please. - Ah, three-fourths. - Two. How many more? - One more. - One more. - If you spill some, I'll eat it. - There you go. (chuckling) - Good plop. - I didn't spill some. - Good plop. - Okay. - Good thing I didn't spill some, 'cause I don't want you to eat it. - But I do wanna eat it! - Don't eat it! - Teaspoon of
vanilla. - I do wanna eat it! - You'll eat it when it's ready. - I'll eat it soon. - Adley? - Plopper, no plopping! - There was nothing in there. - Can't plop air. (chuckling) Some vanilla to plop. - Plop, plop, plop! - Plop, plop, plop! - Smells like vanilla! - [All] Mm hmm. - Vanilla. - Okay, and now we blend. - Does it smell like vanilla ice cream? - Yes! - You love vanilla, huh? When Adley was little, she didn't like ice cream with
like flavors and sprinkles, she just wanted vanilla, no toppings. - Little, or she still eats it that way? - You still eat it like that. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? - Ah, you guys didn't
put these in all the way. - Oops! We're learning, huh? - Yeah. - We're learning. - Who wants to do the honors?
- (Dad and Adley)Me, me, me! - Both of us, both of us, both of us! - Okay, both of you. My blender's actually really fast, so you gotta be careful. (laughs) - Alright, what do I do? Oh, okay. - [Mom] Turn that up just a little. (screams) - Here we go! - [Mom] Good job! Adley,
you wanna help dad? - Yeah! - Get your hand up there. - Blend that butter! (yelling) This is like a video game to you? - That butter looks like crazy hair! Crazy vanilla hair! - Oh, that's looking delicious. - [Mom] Get the sides. Oh yeah! (blender whirling) - Ooh! - Barbie, what's next? - [Adley And Dad] Barbie! - Looks like you mix one
and a half cups of flour, at low speed, got it? - [All] Okay! - Got it, sounds good.
[Adley And Mum] Got it! - You guys wanna scrape down the sides, I'll grab the flour. - Hey ,this is my side, get your own side! - Hey, my side! - This is my side! - Get your own side! - No, this is my side! - My side! - Hey, are you on my side? - No, my side! - Okay, one and a half cups of flour. So, Barbie's tips, "Take a scoop of flour, take the back of the butter knife, and level it out." - Ooh, good job! - Make it flat, other side now. Nice! - Nice! - Now we pour that in. - Plop. - Okay. - That's a funny plop. - That was a good plop. - There's one. - Can I do the knife cutting? - Yep. Nice. - Oh yes. - Okay. - Leave that knife in there, it's gonna sink through, wee! - No ,no, no, no, don't sink the knife! - Plop. - Plop. - One more. - One more? That's a lot of flour. - These are half cups. - Oh. - Plop. - Plop. Okay, let's mix it. You ready to mix it with me? - Okay. - [Mom] Guys, this one might get crazy. All right, this is mom's trick. (blender whirling) - Get the sides? - [Mom] Ah, dad, you're getting Adley. - It's launching everywhere! - Ooh, it looks like popcorn! - Popcorn! - [Mom] It looks delicious. - All right, is that looking good? - [Mom] That looks great. Okay. Barbies, what's next? - What's next? - Ah, Barbie? - All right, so now, take out all the dough. - Put it into one giant ball. - And then split it up into one. - Two balls. - And add color to each of the balls. - Good luck! - Okay, that sounds good! - Got it! - Alright, we're done with
these. - That's the plan. So all this into one big ball, and then we separate it. Ready, set, go! Ooh! Do we just put it on the table? - We're gonna use our hands, mom. - Okay. - We're more hand chefs. - Okay. - Plop! - Plop! - Plop! I'm gonna cook your hand in there, plop! - Don't cook my hand. - Plop! - You're gonna cook it too! Hey, don't get my coloring food in there. - Your coloring food? Cook your hand. (chuckling) - We're not gonna cook my hand. Ooh, I'm getting all covered up! My hand, I'm getting dough all over it. Dough, dough, dough! - Dough ,dough, dough. - Dough, you like these
cookies? - Dough, dough dough! - Okay, now we need to split it into two. - Okay, now we gotta split it into two. - You guys are so weird,
rolled it into a ball. (laughs) - We did. - What are you doing? - She's splitting it into two! - No! - Yes! - That is not
what Barbie's tip says. - Yeah, split it into two. - Yeah! We need to teach mom how to bake. - We need to teach mom how to listen. (laughs) - You guys need to listen. - That's right. - Knife? Whoa! That was crazy! - Like thanks vlog! - Thanks vlog! - Exactly in half. (chuckling) Okay. - One. - And then you two can
take that bowl. - Two. - Oh, we gotta put it in the bowl? - [Mom] Yeah. - Plop. - And then you take the bowl. - And then you're gonna
add your blue and red, to make purple. - Yup, and then you guys need some forks. - Okay. Forks. - Dad, could I have a napkin? - Yes, here's a fork, here's a fork, we need a napkin. - A wet napkin? Wet napkin. (mom laughing) - Mom's going crazy. She's losing her marbles. Mom are you losing your marbles? - [Mom] Yeah, this is really fun. - She's losing her brain! - Yeah! - [Mom] Here's a wet napkin for you. - I think she's having fun. - [Mom] How did this tiara
get over here? - Barbies? - Barbies, did you sneak up on me? - [Mom] Did Adley want to wear it? - No! - So, to make purple, we need... What do we need for purple? - Blue and red. - Blue and red. Okay, I'll do a little bit of red. Boop, boop! Do a little bit of purple or blue. (singing) okay - Okay, now we need some more red. (singing) - All right - Okay Adley, stir that up. Hey, it kind of looks
like the 4th of July. - Yeah. Stir, stir. - This is looking very patriotic. (mom laughing) Let's try a little bit more red, in this patriotic mix. - I wanna try more blue. - No, no more blue, we have too much blue - No more blue. - I'm seeing some purple pieces, look. A bit of purple in there. - Yeah, I'm seeing some purple. - Seeing some purple. No, no no that Where's the lid? (Adley laughing) (dad screaming) Okay. (dad screaming) She's crazy! Remove the color from the Adley. She's color crazy. - Should we put the yellow in here? - No. You're just gonna make the
craziest color in the world. - Mum's making pink, look how pretty that looks. - Ooh, that is pretty! Not as pretty as our purple though. This really is starting to look purple. I like it. - I'm just getting my hands
full with this little piece. Red and purple done! - You wanna put just a
little bit more red in. Ooh, that does look purple, look at that! Good job Adley. - (mumbles) are perfect
for me to do my idea. - Okay, what's your idea? - Grab all of it, use my hands. - That's a really good idea actually. - Here, take a piece. Hey, where's your yellow
you were gonna do? - I forgot. (laughs) - Ooh, I dropped half of my piece. - Look how purple that's looking. - That's gonna look cool guys. - That's gonna look way cool. He shoots, he scores! - Okay, now, I think we should clean up our area. - Okay. - And then we need wax paper, - Okay. to roll this out. Oh, guys, look! Make a snowman? (dad singing) Once there was
a snowman, snowman, snowman! - Okay, are you ready guys? I'm gonna make a basket. - Whoa, goal! she's the winner. - Thanks mum! - Catch. (laughing) - Catch! - [Mum] Dad, that's
gonna fall on the floor. - Catch! - Okay maybe, no more throwing it. - Why do we need (mumbles) wax paper next? - I don't know. I think it's so it doesn't stick. - Lift it up. Now this is where it doesn't stick. Yeah. (dough drops) - Now let's flatten it out. - You might need a little bit on top. - Watch out! (dad gasps) - There's a, turkey! - Turkey! - Gobble, gobble,
gobble! (dad chuckles) - Here you go, hold that. -
Do you know how to use that? Rolling, rolling, rolling. - How thick-- (dad and Adley screaming) - Ah, mom? (laughing) - There you go. Flour is your friend. - Yeah, flour is our friend, wow! - And then you want it a rectangle guys. - Let me make a rectangle. - Oh yeah, looking good. - This looks more purpler than I thought it would be. - I know. This is looking perfect.
- That looks really good. - I just barely got this straight. - Okay, this is looking perfect. - Purpley perfect! - So good! - Okay Barbies, what's next step? - What's next step? - All right, you're gonna wanna put one color, on top of the other color.
- And then roll them up. - And then cut it into like, - [Both] six slices! - Stack them on top of each other? That's a job for me. - You do that job. - You do that. - Careful. - Flip it. - Flip flop. - Oh, yeah. - Oh, that's perfect. - All right, we need this still. - Okay. - Smash them together nicely. - Smash it. - Smash, smash, smash. - I think we should use this a little. (Adley and dad gasping) - Careful. - Mixed up with our pink. Our beautiful... - Our beautiful purple's all pink now. (whining) - Mom, this was all your idea! - Did you mix them? (mum laughing) (dad grunting) - This actually looks pretty cool guys. - Let me see. Oh, that does look cool. Oh, we gotta roll it. Like this. - Mom really wants to
roll it, can mom roll it? - Adley really wants to do it. - So does dad, so does mom. Rock-paper-scissors for rolling. - [Adley and Dad] Rock,
paper, scissors, roll! (mom gasps) - Oh ! - [Adley and Dad] Rock,
paper, scissors, roll! (dad and mom screaming) (Adley laughing) - [Adley and Dad] Rock,
paper, scissors, roll! (all laughing) - It's mum or dad. Rock, paper, scissors, roll! Rock, paper, scissors, roll! Rock, paper, scissors, roll! I'm the roller! - Wait, me and dad again. - Okay. - [Adley and dad] Rock,
paper, scissors, roll! - Oh, I think Adley's the roller now. - What! - Okay, roll it. okay, roll up, roll up, roll up. - I'll lift this up, and you guys roll. - [Adley and Dad] Roll, roll, roll, roll. - It's a sushi roll! All right, now I think we-- - Rock-paper-scissors, who's gonna cut it. - We cut it. Rock-paper-scissors, you ready? [Adley And Dad] Rock,
paper, scissors, shoot! (all laughing) - Let's do it again. - Okay. [Adley And Dad]Rock, paper, scissors, cut! - Tied again? (mom and Adley grunting) [Adley And Dad] Rock,
paper, scissors, cut! - I get to make the cut. - Dad's out. Me and Adley-- (dad mumbling) You lost! - Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! (dad gasping) - Crush her!yes! - Adley gets to cut. Good job, another one. - Right over that line? - Yup, perfect. - Good job, another one. Oh, that's a fat one. You can do a fat one. Oh, it's a fat one that's dad's. - This one's daddy's. - Yeah, another one. - And then last one right in the middle. - Good job. - Yeah! (mumbles) (shouting) - We are doing good! Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah! - Okay, let's see what's next. - Barbies? - Barbies? - All right , next you plop in the popsicle sticks, and then get 'em cooking! - [Adley And Dad] Okay! - Sounds like a plan. Mum, Popsicle sticks? - I got it. - Okay, let's poke 'em in! (dad gasps) - Wow, a purple one. - Whoa! - All right, let's give this a shot. - I'm gonna do this rainbow one here. - The first poke. Perfect. - Oh, that's not an easy poke. - Here, I'll help you out. Ooh, Good job! - You guys are getting a little too close. Your cookies are gonna grow together. - I want mine to grow together mom. (mom laughing) - Here, this is gonna be
a crazy tie-die cookie. Should we do a sandwich one? Can I get a top piece? - This on the-- - Top. - Bottom. - Sandwich cookie. - Sandwich cookie. Will you put the tie-die one on? Good job. - Let's cook. - Those are looking good! All right, last one. - Been working on it for days. - Oh, that's a... A day. (dad and mom laughing) - Put it there. - Okay. - She was working on that one for days. - Now, plop them in the oven. - Plop! Plop! Plop! - Mum careful. - Careful. - Mum, mum! - Walk till you give them here princess. - Thank you! Who forgot their crayon? - Goodbye little cookies! (oven rings) - It's dinged! It's dinged! It's dinged! I'm gonna sit by daddy. - Oh, I'm so excited! - Dad? (Adley and dad shouting) - Oh, those are looking delicious! - Very hot, don't touch. - That's the sandwich one. It looks so good! - I don't know if the ball turned out. - The tie-die one! - Or that's gonna be
extra gooey, my favorite! - This is so cool. I just wanna-- - Ah, no! - I just wanna touch one. I wanna eat one. - No! - Tap! (laughing) - You're like me, you just wanna eat them. - Let's let them cool
for a second. - Whoa! - Let go of me. - I can't, you'll touch 'em. - I won't! - Are you sure? - I'm sure. - Are you pinky prom... You have to pinky promise. (Adley giggling) - I can't pinky promise you! - I knew it, you were gonna eat 'em! Wait, wait, wait! We gotta let them cool. - I can eat them now!
(Adley and dad laughing) - Mom, hurry! This animal is out of control. She just wants to eat her
creation. (Adley screaming) - Maybe put her on the couch for a second. - Okay. Let's do some couch laps. One, two, three, go! (screams) - Plop! - Plop! (screams) - You guys are being too crazy! - Wanna switch dance partners? - Yes. - Now they're gonna dance. (Adley and dad singing) - Barbie's not a good dancer.
(Adley and dad laughing) - Are the cookies ready? We just wanna eat cookies. - Let's see. - Okay. - Oh, they look so good! - These cookies are looking good. - I love the midnight purple. - Midnight purple. - Cheers! - Cheers! Boop! Boop! - [All] Mm! - [Mom And dad] Those are good! - Those are good. - Thank you Barbies! - Thank you Barbies! - Thank you. Thanks for your help. - You guys, tomorrow, let's make another thing in the book. - [mom and dad] Deal! - We'll make one thing
in the book everyday. - When we were flipping
the page to this one, I kinda saw a rainbow cupcake. - A rainbow cupcake? -
Let's make it tomorrow. - Okay. - Ooh, the one with the marshmallows? - Yeah! (dad grunts) - Yes! Deal. - Rainbow cupcake coming soon. - I guess me and mom both saw it. - Yup. - I saw it, it looked good. Do you guys think you
can make it? - Mm hmm. - Thanks for watching. - [All] Bye! - Delicious! - [Dad] And this "Barbie Bakes" cookbook, is available at Amazon.com, we love it! - [Adley] This is an ad for Mattel.