Barbie Sports Day πŸ… Adley and Coach Mom dream big in soccer, tumbling, and swimming pretend play!

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the dogs are kicking it oh chelsea's kicking his dogs are kicking them back which back and forth they're both doing good chelsea kicks it the dogs kick it it's back to jumping [Applause] [Music] one two [Applause] [Music] yeah that's how it works doggies oh that's just pet out there she gets the gold medal and the coach grabs the trophy [Music] in there has been waiting for these for a long [Music] time [Applause] uh what are you girls doing we got a gymnastics barbie a new barbie and we got some we got chelsea hershey she's the judge and these ones are on the team the dogs and then we got um girls we got punches um girls punchy girl um and we got a soccer girl and um [Music] girls has anyone checked the mail today have we checked the door for a package let's go check oh baby what if today's the day it finally showed up we've been waiting for these barbies forever and ever and ever what if today's the day they came there's a package what if that's them let's open it let's bring it in i'm opening it really i hope it's them oh i see something it might be done oh oh my gosh that one's huge [Music] oh yeah is that the soccer one yeah hurry we got cody to film a video should we film a video okay let me call nick adley has been waiting for these for a long time [Music] the barbies finally came hey barbie's king the barbie's game yeah what oh my gosh we got theresa gymnastics [Music] here [Music] [Music] so the barbie's finally showed up and adley's super excited i think we're gonna hang out and eat lunch and get ready and stuff and then let's film a barbie video she's stoked okay okay we'll hit you in a little bit oh that one's so fun there's a little hole in it we're gonna open these yeah should we get them opened up for the video [Music] [Applause] welcome to barbie sports day i'm your announcer dad let me introduce you to our contestants today welcome to the show a for adly our first tournament of the day is going to be barbie gymnast balance beam plus other fun stuff and coach mom will be helping barbie take it away folks and this is the gymnast she just has a squat spread her clothes on right now barbie you can get ready for your event want to take off your sweat okay okay oh they're taking off the sweats that means practice is over and they're going to start doing the big moves which suit would you like to wear your purple one or your blue one oh this is a hard decision um this one i'm wearing okay lucky lucky suits hey before we start looks like barbie's out there stretching she's gonna be doing some seriously crazy tricks i think she's already done a handstand she's looking good folks look at those wrists bending in action great work barbie all right barbie this is it are you ready yep i'm feeling warm i am warm always warm okay i'm ready to do the balance thing she's up on the balance beam let's see what coach has been working on i forgot i want to do my special trick let's see it barbie oh a cartwheel handstand she made it all the way around the trough goes wild barbie barbie yes 10 out of 10 from the judges i'm ready we're ready the crowd's ready everyone's silent she dives off lands in the headstand springs up one hander lander oh wow she's getting her ready in preparation for her next move the crowd doesn't know what's coming next probably your leg is backwards i know okay that's my trick whoa this is her famous backwards leg trick only certain barbies are this flexible and this is one of them oh she nails it oh my gosh let me just check my clipboard here that might get her to the top go bars coach is looking good the crowd's going wild this could get her to the top she has one more big trick let's see are you ready for phase two i'm ready let's get our secret weapon out i love my secret weapon who's ready for this she does a flip another flip is just a double flip okay good practice barbie now get on that beam and show them what you got she's back on the beam and she's got her special trick up her sleeve [Music] she's still flipping yeah how is she doing this she calls this the helicopter and i can see why she looks just like a helicopter and ready whoa 10 out of 10 the judges give her a 10 out of 10. it's looking like she could get the gold here okay i'm ready for my next trip okay here we go phase three is the hula phase three is the hula hoops do you got this yep i got it okay here you go let's see what she's got up her sleeve oh man the coach seems confident let's see if this has paid off let's see okay barbie you got this you've practiced and practiced whoa the double head flip and she lands inside the hoops well done now get a snack break and then i'll show you my final princess trick okay barbie what do you think they're getting a snack for me granola or banana coach called a timeout okay looks like barbie's eating a banana for energy that is a smart coach to give her barbie energy oh and water she's staying hydrated and now i don't need the hula and now i'm gonna do my special trick on to the batons you got this girl if you know this event we could win it all on the line today is a gold medal and the gold trophy let's see if barbie takes it home we're on to the final event let's see what barbie's got for us here we go barbie you are drinking a sweat you're working so hard out there girl this is the last one i wonder what they've been working on you got this i know what to do and i and i know my trick i've been practicing all by myself with my cousin and she's been taught him his trick all day yes fun fact her coach is actually her cousin you guys she's going for the baton handstand she flips off she's still flipping i hope she lands it she laughs good job barbie i got one more trick are you everyone ready you got this barbie if you land it you get the gold it's a handstand one legs up she kicks over flips she's in the air what is gonna happen she lands in the split the crowd goes wild let's see what the judges have to say about them way to go barbie all right the judges have spoken it looks like she gets the gold medal and the coach grabs the trophy for all the hard work good well done girls and there you have it adly and barbie and coach and mom take the gymnast event here at barbie sports day on to the next event we're going to the soccer field see you there welcome to the soccer field today we have an intense matchup you're gonna be watching chelsea welcome to the soccer field versus the doggies who will win this soccer matchup let's find out they're warming up looks like chelsea's stretching the dogs are playing out on the field the dogs are already warming up they scored a goal chelsea are you ready to get playing can i tell you something oh you're supposed to score a michael and an ice core and you're our girl yeah that's how it works doggies all right chelsea's been practicing your kick can you show us a good kick oh she's looking good this is gonna be an intense matchup folks you can't just cheer for me you have to work hard you have to get it try and get in my goal that's true you dog's got to try and score on your marks get set play ball it's a close match the dogs are kicking it oh chelsea's kicking it the dogs are kicking it back oh it's back and forth they're both doing good chelsea kicks it the dogs kick it it's back chelsea scores the first goal of the match that's one to zero folks let's move the counter chelsea is now at one it's the first person to three wins the soccer match all right and play ball oh the dogs are all over the place it's 2v1 oh oh oh the dogs scored all right dogs you get a point it's one to one it's a tie game are you players ready i'm ready boom play ball chelsea with a quick goal she's up to two if she gets one more goal she wins this let's take a quick halftime break the dogs grab their dog bowl they're getting this i'm gonna grab some snacks oh chelsea's grabbing some orange juice oh and some water she's staying hydrated the dogs are eating their bones puppy would you like some water oh chelsea's sharing some water with the dogs what a good sport more oranges oh the dogs are studying the playbook chelsea stole the playbook she's studying the best plays oh yeah that's my idea i should kick the ball over there and then they'll go back in to my score and then i'll kick it back there oh that sounds like she's got a plan sounds like she's got a plan all right it comes down to this it's one to two play ball oh out of bounds it's a corner kick you have to kick it from this corner yeah corner kick oh oh oh oh the dogs almost scored chelsea blocks out of bounds throw it back in play ball number [Applause] that's three points let's get this girl her gold medal congratulations chelsea i'll give it to the dog oh that's so nice chelsea i need a good friend cause they're cause they're my dogs they're my pets oh it turns out the dogs are chelsea's pets and they're all friends on to the next event we're taking you guys to the swimming hole for some diving see you there welcome to the swimming pool where barbie her coach and her dog are going to show you what it takes to get a gold medal take it away okay let's take my flip flops off okay i'll take those her flip flops are off it looks like she's done with warm-ups i'll push the button for you whoa good job eight out of ten dog by the way oh yeah by the doggy wait barbie have you done your stretches yet oh yeah okay make sure you do stretches we don't want to pull anything all right coach is having barbie stretch she's getting her stretches in oh god puppy what puppy it seems like they're having a little bit of fun before their dives okay barbie you ready do you want your goggles [Music] barbie's putting on our goggles i think we're gonna see an important dive coming up soon all right barbie you got this we've been working on this for so long quick interview with barbie hi barbie this is the announcer can i do a quick interview okay just real quick uh barbie what is the name of this trick you've been working on uh it's called triple limp flip the triple limp flip yes well best of luck get out there and have fun well there it is she dives in oh yeah look at those legs kicking wow those legs really do kick underwater good job barbie hang out flip over do your backstroke whoa her legs are kicking she slammed one lap she's going back for another lap now push off oh she's swimming back look at those legs kicking in the water go barbie go you did it coach looks like she's proud of her i got the next pic silly dog i got the next perfect thing okay let me wipe your face okay so you can see clear those goggles on the goggles looks like she's going down another jump here we go watch this one she jumps and she dives in [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all her hard work and practice is paying off right now she performs incredible moves you [Applause] wow barbie barbie really quick can i get an interview yes okay how did you teach your dog to do these cool swimming tricks i found a dog that was a very good teacher and that was that was my teacher's dog that's your teacher's dog the dog just squirted the announcer what is this the dog and the dog that she has trained my dog this woman be like me wow you heard it here first folks this dog is incredible let's see what they've got for us okay ready [Applause] all right barbara you ready for the final trick okay i got the volleyball ready all set up okay what are they doing it looks like the coach has a volleyball barbie's getting on the diving board let's go she jumps off hits the ball does a flip she's still flipping lands in the water perfect dive the judges look happy she jumps up does another dive flip she's kind of flipping she's slipping oh she gets her coach a high five in there okay i am ready to get my and then a 10 another 10. what does this mean what's interesting and one it looks like she took the gold medal ladies and gentlemen barbie has done it she's gotten the gold medal in swimming thank you yes i did it thank you thank you i can't download my coaching dog that means we're headed over to the gymnast event with the trampoline and a few more gymnastic tricks see you there welcome to the final gold medal this is the floor gymnastic event where participants will take the floor to have some fun over to you theresa natalie hey teresa the first event is trampoline do you remember what we practiced yep i do okay looks like she's going for the trampoline first here we go teresa she jumps onto her hands the first thing is a handstand on the trampoline oh she jumps does a flip from the handstand and lands back in a handstand jumps and does more flips jumps and bounces on the trampoline again more flips and she lands it perfectly that was an incredible joke let's get out our secret weapon you're gonna need this using your secret weapon here we go guys this is a real bouncy trampoline even these are just barbies this is just a real trampoline wait can i get an interview about that teresa how's that trampoline super bounty you have to try it one day wow it is super bouncy good luck out there do you have anything you want to say to all your fans uh no thank you wow no comment you're gonna wait till after you win you can do anything you put your mind to oh can i get that quote coach you can do anything you put your mind to that is a great coach moment you heard it here first folks all right teresa's up all right here we go round two for the trampoline she flips onto the trampoline lens she's doing some bounces big bounce more flips i gotta do my last okay the twisty flip around one more twisty trippy flippy she nails crowd goes wild theresa does amazing she lands in a one-handed two-handed spread leg landing cartwheel in the air high fives from the coach let's see what the judges have to say about that eight ten what nine lincoln nine point five and ten on to the next event next here you go okay let me move the trampoline out of your way trampolines moving she got a great score on the trampoline let's see what she does with this ball i'm gonna take my whole hair twist the ball is twisting around the hair it's rolling off her back over her shoulder just like we practiced and i'm ready all right all right soon okay mark i'll push it rolls up her hands around her hands under the hand around her legs falling through her legs she kicks it up in the air yes perfect form she flips the ball again again this is wild and then oh that head this is really hard but teresa's been training with her coach and i think she can do it flips up oops one two three i'll kick it she kicks it up perfectly done catches it back on her feet yes how does she do this and it ends on her head welcome theresa how did you learn those tricks i don't know from a teacher teacher how did you teach her those tricks a lot to practice practice does make perfect all right what's the next event oh tell us my teacher was taught by another teacher so that's how teachers get taught by teachers yeah that's true it's just a line of teachers teaching teachers i'm going to the ribbon this is an important event good luck teresa oh that's teresa's pet out there it looks like pet is cheering her on teresa's got ribbon in hand let's see what she does next we go a backflip with the ribbon she's waving it around while she's flipping this is looking good the crowd is loving this well done theresa and she sticks the randy and another flip bend in the split and she lands in the [Applause] the judges are giving her a 10 a 9.5 a 10 and another 10. good job teresa well done theresa the final event i'm ready i i know what this hula loop is for yes i am gonna flip it it gonna ring me [Music] [Music] [Music] that was a good spinner upside down well whoa she launches it in the crowd her fans go wild whoa teresa she does a couple more flips here comes the landing she lands in the splits okay let's see those final judges you have to ten it's a perfect 10. they give her the gold medal oh my goodness that's it teresa has won the gold medal on barbie sports day well done teresa do you have anything you want to say to all your fans thank you i've been working so hard for my teacher and thank you for this wonderful medal well you deserve it and you deserve it too teacher well done do you have anything you want to say we have practice and practice and practice so it is worth everything is there anything else you guys would like to say i would like to say something thanks for watching bye to the vlog is that okay judge yep go ahead and end the show thanks for watching bye bye thanks for watching bye [Music] well there you have it parents these barbie sports stalls and playsets are available at walmart target and amazon thanks for watching bye this is
Channel: A for Adley - Learning & Fun
Views: 37,173,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adley, shonduras, best day ever, a for adley, babrie sports, niko, baby bear, backyard, swimming, water toys, family fun, pretend play, new toy, toy, unboxing, routine, morning routine, night routine, adleys birthday, locked, treasure chest, hidden, mystery, safe, whats inside, whats inside family, swimming pool in house, indoor swimming pool, barbie toys, dolphin magic, travel barbie, barbie dream house
Id: lqY5_GDOKRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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