We Changed a 40 Year Old Virgin's Life!

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we have a 40-Year-Old Virgin with us no way his name is stock tip Dave doesn't seem like a game day this scream's like virgin I'm sorry oh that sounds very bad man that didn't sound right Dave what the [Music] [ __ ] Dave why you getting Guys numbers Dave me do you know any jokes what a [ __ ] turn of events all right boys we are back with the amazing video today we have a real life 40-Year-Old Virgin this video is insane before we get into it if you guys love firing on Sports like me you guys got to try out the prize pick app I've tried so many different apps when it comes to firing on Sports and prize picks is by far my favorite personally cuz instead of choosing teams you're choosing individual players so each player has a set projection and you either go more or less than that set projection so if you're smart with sports and you know what players are going to perform on what nights it's a no-brainer you got to try out the prize pick app if you've never tried prize picks out we have a code for first time users code Neel so download the app for your first time plug in this code it's going to get you a 100% deposit bonus so if you put in 100 bucks you're going to get a free 100 bucks match with that code nelk take advantage of that March Madness is starting up and there's also a free Square so when you're doing your picks throw this free Square in and it's just going to multiply your entire picks the free square is Caitlyn Clark it's women's college basketball so boys we got to take advantage of the free Square I guess we're watching women's college basketball this weekend but yeah take advantage of that free Square download the prize pick app use code n take advantage of that code so we're going to go meet The 40-Year-Old Virgin right now steiny actually knows this guy personally for a long time he's in LA right now about to pull up at his crib let's go over to [Music] steiny I have a friend of mine his name's Dave his nickname is stock tip Dave I recorded a podcast video that's literally down the street from here and he's just there nicest guy ever he's he's kind of pathetic I'm not going to lie and he's a 4-year-old virgin I hit up Kyle I was like bro we got to we got to get this done we got to get him laid kind of similar with what we did to chaffy but he's 40 so we're going to check out his place we're in La we're going to check out his place and then we're going to take him to Miami and try and get the job done TPP what going on stock tip Dave biggest Legend what going on how are you guys who's that this is steo all right you want to give us a tour of this place or what absolutely not bad actually yeah that's the first thing I want to say this is the fish tank I've got rocking goldfish yeah this one was brought to me at like a like a Benny H beny H type of meal they brought it and then it fell onto the uh the table when we finished eating dude I don't think any chicks are going to be turned on with goldfish in here not going to lie yeah they're they're they're dwindling right there my picture of Michael Jordan this is what you have by your bed though though I mean memorable experience what's good over here streaming yeah it's my my desktop let's see the search history go to Safari I want to see what's good in there damn bro not even on the Hub how long have you had Theo 2 years two years actually I think this past week yeah girls come up to me all the time they love the dog they really sometimes people say hi to the dog but not say hi to me they'll just keep going [ __ ] I think girls are sleeping on you bro I think you I think you got to come to Miami and we'll get this done for you bro dude before this I didn't get like any ass in now it's [ __ ] a lot bro I swear let's let's [ __ ] do this bro [Music] absolutely how's it going welcome to mying you yeah lack of sleep cuz I was nervous every time I come to Florida he comes with me nice you need his food tonight probably cuz I haven't fed them I don't feed them when I travel cuz I don't want to like have them [ __ ] in the airport it happened to me once and it was very embarrassing and it was not solid it was it was awful it's going to be a fun crazy weekend yeah this week is [ __ ] amazing man I brought enough shorts they just need to buy another pair of [Music] pants awesome Massy shabby I found this on the internet this ISS fantastic but check this out wait wait wait for it not that pretty much it's a walk-in closet oh [ __ ] that's sweet yeah it won't stand up right now to as I'm dropping things I always drop things I lose a key when it's in my [Music] pocket y all right boys so we officially made the move to my Miami it's been [ __ ] insane here I know we haven't uploaded in a few months honestly boys I've been doing this seriously for like 10 years so honestly just needed a few months off man was feeling kind of burnt out last few months I've been really focused on my health and I'm feeling [ __ ] amazing honestly and when you're traveling around doing videos every single month it was nice to just have a few months off to just [ __ ] focus on the health man I'm feeling [ __ ] good you guys see us we've been in the gym but we're back with a banger today you guys have seen our virgin series before we're two for two we've got gambl laid and we've gotten chaffy laid but we're not dealing with a 20-year-old virgin anymore we're dealing with a 40-Year-Old Virgin his name is stock tip Dave you guys saw him already I don't know man this one's going to be a bit of a challenge he seems like a really cool guy we're going to go meet him yeah I don't know it's going to be tough boys s what do you think you think we can get this done I don't think it's going to be as easier or as easy as is out on I don't know I think it's going to be a lot harder than you guys think the guys 40 bro and like I was saying before like there's a difference between a 25-year-old virgin and a 40-Year-Old Virgin like when you're 25 you just you know you might have just not have gotten your chance yet or like there's a few things that have gone wrong when you're 40 and you still haven't [ __ ] then there's some wrong that means there's something else going wrong I I don't think it's necessarily like a problem with you getting a girl back to your room he doesn't really admit fully that he's like a virgin you try to fake his age like say he's like 25 I might be like somewhat illegal I don't want to commit a sex grab in this video but I'll leave that to you if you want gamble still can't pull unless a girl like physically takes his pants off and like starts suck in his horn you know what I mean though or no yeah yeah I know you mean I know you mean we only have one shot at this we have 4 days to prep him and then Saturday nights tonight we're going to 11 where sugar is hosting it's fight week here UFC in Miami so it's the perfect week it's also spring break but he's 40 taking a 40-year-old the spring I don't know we could barely pass there now no no he he do got to get some titties in his face I think all right guys so we're going to go down now and uh we're going to go meet stock dip tape also there's a bunch of valet guys downstairs at the new at the building that we live in now they've been talking about UFC all week long got a couple tickets here we're going to surprise them as well up bro you say what up to CH yeah what was your name Jesus Jesus nice to meet you nice to meet you as well yeah you're not a Cheeto fan are you no man no of course of course not cuz someone from Cheeto Camp said you someone said you place the bet on never that nope you going to the fight hopefully if oh what oh man you boys in for the fight this weekend you watching yeah watching got your ticket for it we got you a ticket too all the boys at the fight right all right good to see you all right G nice to meet you brother we'll see you around bro see you later see you at the after party right absolutely yes sir you ready for today yeah I don't know what's going to happen but yeah nothing crazy what are we going to do today drive around Miami meet some people maybe check out the beach you you excited to be here or no you know you know I am I wanted to get out of La I've been been there for a little bit how are you sir hey how good nice to meet you Bob sh up to Dave hey what's going on how are you how are you you try your LD sure good luck you take care of doggy no I'll take care of the dog dogs love you he oh damn cyber truck this is looky sick you want to open it up you a good driver at least or what yeah I'm I'm a good driver I kind of drive slow maybe I used to break a little bit much I'm in a new car I'm familiar with but feel like I'm driving the a scooter I just bought my dad and this house yeah he just staring everybody's staring yeah gorgeous I want to lick it I want to go back to the future that's the truck what do you think of the car yeah this he like kind of look he look like Jesse a little bit kind of it's a little bit of the vibe right like Jesse's brother yeah yeah Jesse's back yo Jesse's back bro what's up bro holy moly the whole Squad what we doing you sure you can handle that check yeah can we see some Ries just put some dope [ __ ] up all right let's do it I know when you walk in here you just kind of get the itch to I see what's going on dud and the prices are low right now oh here we go at the right price I honestly might buy something for you that's 675 where the [ __ ] did he come from stock tip what what kind of watch do you have right now nothing I have an eyew watch but it's at home what's the most expensive thing you got here uh it's actually this so the last one we sold we sold to Canelo that's good that watch is 1.6 mil let him try one on just see how it feels it's a little bit different than an Apple Watch how much is that one this one is 550,000 damn bro we put like a big boy cub on Tippy real quick let's just see how it [Music] look I feel like it might be a little too much bro you need something just to help you out of I think we might need to get Tippy something yeah dude this is [ __ ] fire broit the most that one's 11,000 no we got you we can do 10 Stock TI I think we got to get it for you go let's go baby I'm still kind of shocked I still don't know if it's like real or not no this is real dude I mean I this wasn't expected at all this like one the most amazing gifts I've ever gotten in my life so like thank you so much let's go yeah big week big week here I'll take one with you T it's already four all right roll boys yo TBT family thank you guys so much best doors in Miami if youever you come here my grinding all my life sacrifice hustle pay the price want a slice got the roll of dice this why all my life been grinding all my life take a video of it it's actually the first owner for real yeah first one in the world stock pull that off stock TI lucky I'm still waiting for mine when you put your deposit down 2014 right take it appreciate clean it up see you thank youing my ear wasn't talking so moaning yeah moaning shit's so stupid but it never gets old Tippy arm on the car like you own it bro Dave tell her tell her you like her dog I like your dog Theo's going to [ __ ] you dude shut up Theo shut it oh my God there's an absolute smoke in the white chair yo ask this girl right now if she could take a photo with you in front of your new truck hey excuse me right now Dave Dave don't with you might get just walk away oh my God bro she just she didn't give a chance she just looked down Dave you should ask these girls if they want to get a photo in the car she's over there to your left do you want a photo in the car yes say only the girls can look inside sir they it no dude what are you doing don't let him sit in there Dave don't let him sit in the [ __ ] truck Dave what the [ __ ] okay hey is it go oh yeah just got it what's his name oh this is Theo yes let's go good [ __ ] let's go wait is this your car yeah tell her you were the one that told Elon to change the name from X to Twitter or Twitter to X I was number third on elon's personal list so I just got it today I was the one who told Elon to change the name from Twitter to X so you did yeah what's your name uh Dave ask her if she wants to see inside do you want to see the inside of it yeah I kind of do it's my hotel Key it's open it's already open so sick yeah it's pretty cool ask her if she'd be down to do Pilates sometime nice any any plans for the no but we should do something you be down to do pilat sometime oh so down all H girls do Pilates obvious okay now get the number oh was nice to meet you oh wait let me get your number I'll text you okay bye bye let's go there you go one for one baby [ __ ] go got one it's getting getting easier you mind if I sit in it you could hold my keys don't let this guy get in the car bro what the [ __ ] Dave ask if his girl wants a photo in there does your girl want a photo in it I think she does it okay yeah abolutely baby just letting guys get in the car Dave tell them all right that's enough say get back in your shitty Tesla all right I got to go soon just say hey one day one day you'll get there buddy go you want take my number down we'll go out man or Instagram I'll take your Instagram which less You Know da why you getting Guys numbers Dave I didn't get a number he didn't get my number and give him my number I would never [ __ ] do that he see no Instagrams either tell him you got this truck so you could nail chicks if he could like kind of piss off no offense oh I could tell I just got this card of nail checks oh congratulations dude that would be genius you're part of they flew me down here yesterday wow stock tips actually pulling this off wait can I actually get your guys number that do you want to give him yours or mine or both let's go stock tip are you supposed to be doing something you guys want to take a photo in the car yeah yeah yeah he's taking her over to the truck stock tip two chicks two chicks let's go stocky that's crazy Deo take them for a spin on the Block Tippy you guys want to go for a ride so I'll just take it around the neighborhood and just drop you back off and then you know do the do the parking again oh that sounds very bad man that didn't sound right dude you're on fire tippy tippy you're on [ __ ] Venus right now buddy we can see your boner from here man come on wait both to sit in the back tell them you're not an Uber driver Tippy no I'm saying oneone of you can sit in the front I'm not like an Uber that's right baby talking my boy we're good no we're good we're good yeah just take him for a ride all right just take him for a ride put Theo in the shotgun be yourself and just take him for a [ __ ] lab the dog gets in the front seat yes absolutely Tippy you dead ass you look like an Uber driver bro you don't look gangster wait where do you live Pittsburgh Pittsburgh oh nice the only thing I know about Pittsburgh is the uh the movie Adventure Land yeah are you guys partying yeah of course we partying I think the the guys are getting into some trouble this week if you want to come course course do you know any jokes well they want to party with us yeah they want toig they're trying to figure out what we were doing and then I I have both their phone numbers and then then they want to come and hang out with us at a you know party or a bar whatever yeah stock tip on be Duty early you gete no not enough time not enough time good [ __ ] dude that was actually you're absolute Beauty if you get roadhead and a cyber truck [ __ ] to send today yo Dave you that for monkey bomb what is that want right now you want monkey bomb I have one monkey bomb yes still want to start today just drop it in you go okay let's go cheers boys w oh wow what do you think weird it was really warm good stuff good stuff how was the monkey bomb babe it was good it a buzz no no buddy Buzz up you know yesterday after the shots I felt it right away I don't know why you ready to meet Dana oh yeah never met him ever before so what's up bro look at this looking good looking good what's up chilling super cool what's up boys this is Dave what's up Dave there just met him all right let's do this let's do it [ __ ] bro St it four SUVs a cop in a cyber truck all right boys so we're with Dana going to hit a few bars do some monkey bombs down for another one Dave oh yeah let's do it right so the Elks are moving [Music] through breum [ __ ] what I thought a [ __ ] said something thought a [ __ ] said something we know is red this we what is your goal for this weekend what what are you trying to accomplish here Miami that's we party have fun people get laid everything get laid is key get laid for sure absolutely all right let's go I I haven't heard him say it yet but that's it now that we're on theage good luck stock you want to go out tonight sure I'm always done for anything it's only Wednesday though you know sometimes you got to do what you got to do stock is [ __ ] Wheeling right now look good the time it's good good guys [ __ ] with him I don't know you know he's good she was talking to me I didn't do anything I I met this guy in my life bro I don't know he's from here or what's good you got her number yeah yeah that's all that matters just set her up later I will I think we go out [ __ ] too many monkey bombs boys no we have to okay so I think what we do tonight let's bring Tippy out it's Wednesday so we're not supposed to be going out we're supposed to be dialed but I mean the goal is to get this guy [ __ ] late he's 40 years old bro like that's kind of ridiculous I'm being selfish you're being selfish my health Wellness is not I got to put that you have honestly speaking bro you you got to focus on [ __ ] Tippy yo this is Kyle's room what's up with all these art books this is a whole setup for like some wholesome chick I'm going to be honest he has the right setup two hockey sticks two he's got Stitch four art books he has the Rubik's Cube and he has a guitar in here this is a setup I know right honestly speaking when you have this a set up okay when you have the regular Rubes Cube and then like multiple of them to go higher like that's kind of too much like honestly speaking you don't damn well he didn't make this B I'm going to be to damn well he didn't make this I'm be honest like why have multiple ruby Cub like just a flex it's like a it's like a step one then step two type yo I got the only thing he does have is a TV my toilet with what your tampon sorry I clogged the wa look let's look at this painting bro it came with a show this on the I'm being honest why have multiple Rubik's Cube Rubik's saw me do the Rubik's Cube in a minute and they sent me okay but like you don't have to this is ridiculous man this is too much right now what is going on bro it it is what it is I'm I'm going to be real can I borrow a tea I feel like you I lost my chocolate watch I'm serious what did you did you have it or no I don't have it okay cuz last I lend it to you was the last date we did I swear I know I actually lost it are you [ __ ] serious I gave it back to you put no no no no don't call insurance Jara has it or Gabe has it I swear to God someone definitely has it okay you have the watch you can put you can put [ __ ] SEL [ __ ] in a satchel pulling and me [ __ ] blacked out in an avatar but we can't put God forbid we put Kyle in a [ __ ] room stitch in the video God forbid we put Kyle's room in here in let me show he in love you know you know he got a little tang tang you know what I mean guy got a [ __ ] stuff doll you know what I mean [Music] like we got a few numbers of some girls that want to come and hang out on Saturday I want to say like three or four phone numbers do you have a heart to heart with Tippy over there or no what's up what's up my guy how you to see you bro we're filming a video right now all right we have a 40-Year-Old Virgin with us no way a real life 40-Year-Old Virgin legit person that could like kind of fire him up yeah let's get it Crack the Code we were hoping in Miami this is way to do it it's all girls of the show yo Tippy cut talking my God we turning up tonight Legend p d bro we're in Miami Life's good spring break right now this all girls with show how many sees of Jersey Shore do you do how many I've done so far oh my goodness probably like I want to say like 16 now what are you wiped up yep 20s to 30s how many girls do you think you've been with oh my goodness do we talk about that or no yeah out then what do you think do you think it's up there man it's up there it's up wait like thousands or hundreds I don't know I'm bad at math Dave what are you trying to achieve here in Miami tell paully well you know trying trying to meet somebody this weekend all you looking for a good time yeah good time like a real good time yeah yeah buddy yeah buddy yeah buddy there we go what do you think's the number one tip to just like getting girls in general you got to be confident you understand so no no girl really wants like a shy guy sting back have to go out and get her and don't be scared because they love that so if you go you see a girl you like go up there and talk to her like it's as easy as that and then the fact that you got these guys with you that's big points right there yeah man good luck man we got your back though cheers boys cheers go stock tip Tipp let's go baby [Music] everybody I you in inant inant everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] have a let's go start you don't start I'll choke you out hey don't ever forget I'm the goat Dave I'll myself I swear God I swear to God like a dungeon in here dude why are you stressed well they didn't get laid bro dude you put no effort your effort in well I couldn't move and we were in there pissed I'm pissed bro this sucks you good I mean I literally said you could that girl couldn't do it I mean you still could honestly now it's like 4:00 a.m. no way you blew it there's always tomorrow no there's not always tomorrow there's always 40 Years bro you didn't blow it but no I'm not down let me wear that roller Qui you feeling anything with the clo D or no I mean I we were texting people in the car cuz there was a couple girls from the day party that I just completely spaced to text that we're not here to make friends bro they're here to and I'm done with it I'm here to 6 a.m. I'm here to bro let's reconvene tomorrow boys I'm I'm upset okay yo dude what are you hugging Gabe who the [ __ ] is that pass out bro he's passed out let's leave dude let's leave don't be the CEO don't be the gym bro and then try and come up in here and come here to the boss it's my room I did not tap I did not tap We [Music] Like Jesse is back up guys he's here let's go how was the smoo you know kiss the girl but then immediately after there someone like kissed into her mouth it was kind of gross or Sor spit into her mouth was kind of gross [ __ ] Banks put that gu on the psyo banks would you ever spit in the girl's mouth no met no we met last night this is chaffie what's good how you doing have gambles andin start been giving you tips um no all right good that's rule number one don't listen to any of their advice I was their first virgin that they got laid I was 22 never had a kiss nothing and they put in a lot of work and I mean a lot of work and it finally happened but we're we're here to support you this is the best group of guys to help you get the job done looking forward to it we did the video of gambl too we had to spend like 8K to get gambles laid we have to flying on a PJ Flex the PJ wow [ __ ] get a massive Mansion Airbnb W lucky I guess our treatment around here you know what oh oh oh I like I you me pajamas this gu PS laid this trip eh you [ __ ] cck you're a cck this guy sucks you you'll laugh at me I was getting anxiety on the way over here so I was trying to do like breathing exercises just to get myself to calm down I do that a lot bro why you get bad anxiety sometimes yeah and especially since I've been out of my comfort zone this week I was just trying to like be even Keel and just not you know poke fun of myself and what where when do you feel like you're in your comfort zone I guess when I'm around people that I know and since I'm meeting a lot of new people and in bunch of new situations it's like I know this is a pry pretty crazy like environment to just get thrown into right you know I'm either really quiet and say nothing or I say too much and you're like shut the [ __ ] up I think a lot of the [ __ ] is probably just in your own head yeah I think yeah I think I I think I self sabotage you like chicks oh I do I just like you've been texting me sending me photos of chicks like yo I got this chick coming I got this chick coming it didn't seem like that much of an issue right like the talking portion oh Wheels why do you think you haven't gotten it done in such a long time you're not gay right no if you are like you saw we have game and [ __ ] like we accept him no no no it's just guess fear of rejection anxiety like cuz half the time I'll see like a good looking girl and be like oh she she's no interested in me She's Out of My League dude La is a hard place to get laid too like they either like you there or not like I feel like there you got to like paint your nails and [ __ ] and like do that type of [ __ ] you know what I mean and I like the girls like that like you got to dress like a goth and [ __ ] like oh yeah yeah know I know quite a quite a few people that like that yeah like a buddy I'm not painting my [ __ ] Nails you know if I know a girl maybe like Madison be or some [ __ ] yeah I'll throw some nail polish on yeah I mean I I don't know who that is I know heard the name but I don't know who she is yeah all right we're going into the weekend it's Friday we're going to warm you up for tomorrow okay we got a couple couple speed dates lined up for you today you're Beauty bro you got this [Music] nice to meet you what's your name Dave Dave hi Dave how are you good good how are you doing today good I'm Victoria what's so what's your rule do you have like a a three date rule four date rule like what's your rule there you go Dave I think it depends on the date like maybe like if you want to go like on a vacation like that's like a first so someone takes you away for the weekend what what is that I'm definitely giving the [ __ ] up for sure how many boyriend you had I've had like two or three boyfriends the last one's one of by the FBI should I be worried no I wasn't involved I didn't even know so I'm not I would never I'm a woman of B do you would you watch BBW porn uh no it was BBW I'm big beautiful women oh okay what's in your search history I don't know thank you so much great job bye can I get a hug hope I get a text back absolutely okay thank youor bye thank you so much bye when she says is there an ass too big there's never an ass too big bro that's a big ass bro yeah I was how are you today good good how are you good that's um what do you like to do for fun uh basketball travel just be spontaneous some kind of random do you ever [ __ ] at a basketball court at a basketball court what the [ __ ] no you want to I mean it would be fun but I haven't mean neither we should try it sometime there also could be cameras and then police would come I love that two tequila shots thank you so much got that the you know the bitter beer face my face was all scrunching was it yeah shot yeah so I can just feel I can make your face scun oh yeah a different way yeah maybe a little bit better that'd be fun yeah right yeah you like my foot oh yeah I just for you oh wow you want to see it sure you can do a little twirl okay you like my boots oh yeah you want to pet me these are awesome they're furry do you like head or do you want to like [ __ ] them back guess kind of both for a 40-Year-Old Virgin what do you think of him I think he's super cute honestly I would love to take his virginity because I just want to sit on that face he has like the cutest little cheeks yo compliment her looks [Music] [Applause] [Music] too are you hi oh she's got a dog da what's your name Dave nice to meet you save this is ginger this is my daughter I you ready to be a step daddy bab oh yeah absolutely so what you do those boots what oh there's a paint the yes it's paint smash my brein oh nice yeah that's pretty cool you want a drink yeah let's take a shot you seem a little nervous what do you do for fun I 10 10 yeah and I work out nice what do you do for a living uh like video editing podcasting uh marketing and sales whatever that means I'll take half okay what' you think it was not 1942 your guess is as good as mine I I'm not a connoisseur I want two long-term husbands two yeah how how are you going to manage that you're a busy guy right you just saw you have like five jobs yeah yeah but how am I going to keep myself busy when you're working you know what the breaking bag is the what you know what a breaking bag is and know says Hermes yeah yeah how many of those have you bought in a lifetime I haven't had a Ser serious enough girlfriend to buy that for oh okay so I'm not I'm not just like looking to give it to everyone I meet I love how D very yeah um Dave's in the bathroom right now so wait where you from by the way I'm from Toronto no no but are you really from Toronto or you just say that I'm really well I'm Brazilian but I was I live in Toronto my whole life cuz you know there are women out there that stay there from Toronto but they're actually from vaugh no got a [ __ ] I'm I'm a North York Ting okay gotcha that's not Toronto that is Toronto close enough it's like a five minute I'm I guess I guess okay but no so first of all what do you do for a living I do I'm a photographer and I do video content mhm okay yeah and then that's really it okay yeah what about you um I breathe oxygen no what do you do for a living I breathe awesome yeah yeah what is the worst like accent that you've heard from a man in Toronto yeah I can't do that so far you're checking out all the boxes like I like your physique I like really skinny guys like you like skinny I like a man that is like malnourished I can feed him rice and beans and extra gravy I mean I love Margarita I love all food but I'm not picky okay yeah tell her about Drake uh it was right after the UFC event and then Drake is about to leave and pull up in his mayback and then he comes up to me he's like yo Nino's back in the mix and then like everyone were you out the mix before like what happened did you guys cut him off tell her about the pick dude he he was suspended why were you suspended for a bit give me a little bit background uh i' rather I'd rather not say it's already out on the internet so you can go do your research I would say you should let it know you should just let me know your side of the story before I Google it cuz if I ask these guys I think they're going to cook you right now that was good I think had a good time it was a pleasure meeting you yeah you too and nice like your step Dy G all right Saturday today is the day let's talk to how you feeling good good a little nervous a little anxious that's fine I feel a little nervous too I mean game day nerves are a real thing right boys oh yeah it's like you're going into game seven right can't choke but hopefully I got enough game to get it sh's probably nervous right now too he's fighting yeah I think we got your fits have been brutal all week that's the one thing so we got to I'm not going to lie to you I've grown to love you this week but your fits are they're brutal so we're going to we got some day fits for you for the club we'll try them on see which one you like and we all like okay cool with that yeah fit number one oh holy sh you're looking like Conor McGregor right now holy [ __ ] I ha I hate it but I don't hate it at the same time cryp I hate it I mean like you sell cocaine in a bowling alley but yeah next that's next I personally like [Applause] [Music] it it's guy F feels like Patty cheack movie if we're going like open concept Vibe I I personally vote the first vit I think like this vit yells I own a yacht though he looks like ludicrous in 2002 eh moving on I mean it's a nice little fit you know next next I kind of like it little I don't know to be honest I don't know gu looks worse than tekashi 69 eham my dad defends criminals next yeah oh basic basic it's basic clean but it works clean it's a great fit I like I like this one for any other day but I think we got to go with I personally vote number one which one do you like so tip I like this one but it's just not it doesn't say that this guy [ __ ] yeah not for today I a knack for getting drinks spilled on me I didn't want to like ruin any of the fancy stuff I think number one one lock tip number one is number one I mean what's the story well he's not confident in it either he's not going to do anything if he's not confident you look like you're ready for bed bro up oh that that's the one that's the one yo I see you [ __ ] I kind of want to wear those shorts though wait we need the happy dad hat too I think yo that's fire how do you feel about it TI f I Like It comfortable it's not too tight it's got enough room it's actually it's a sof Shir yeah what do you think tiny yeah it's fire best it's probably the best we could do all right so we're going with this fit Tippy all right let's do it yeah all right let's crank some hard te's boys he get to hammered yeah got to stay focused on the task yeah stock weirdly seems like more nervous today than he's felt like all week doesn't seem like a game day guys BR Mar let's go fast money fast caruse I live for this [ __ ] [ __ ] my young niggaer man they going to kill for this [ __ ] shaking my head off you just too real for this [ __ ] my first investment was a v i got R sh [ __ ] [ __ ] shaking my head you too real for this [ __ ] my first was I got my boy alex hem greatest Wing man on the internet we are here with Dave The 40-Year-Old Virgin who's the hottest girl at Strawberry Moon tonight I guess we'll find out all right well you pick him out let's go whoever you want to kiss Dave whoever you want whoever you you want my friend Dave said you're the hottest girl on the whole in Miami how do you feel about that that's self flattering yeah you don't give a kiss right now though I a boyfriend you have a boyfriend boyfriend D you're a boyfriend you got to pick single [ __ ] he was literally tell me you're the most attracted girl in Miami Dave you said that didn't you he was know if you give him a kiss I will give him a kiss do it do it get get into it yeah hey open it up baby open the gun open the gun dve is out here I B all the H you put in work today or no I got a couple phone numbers I'm trying to remember wait you brought two [ __ ] back that were in you though yeah there [ __ ] am my room yeah yeah bro this is your moment on my b he let me he let me do that too yo can I really ask you an honest question I'm going to be very vulgar here what is it do you have a micro deck or no no no no I don't think it's that like what is it like what is it I don't know I guess I'm just worried I'm not good but he gives a [ __ ] why do you think that I've been ripped into my whole life because of how short I am I I think it's me being made fun of my height is the reason why cuz I'm just like oh they tall when you got a guy like steiny in this world and how short he is and he's Wheeling don't worry man you got Ito all done tonight going to be [ __ ] all right boys strategy tonight we just got a lot of pucks on net let's [ __ ] dump and Chase get in the corners let's do a little cycle boys let's [ __ ] dig deep get a couple [ __ ] PPS Go pass it to [ __ ] 34 clappers all day [ __ ] 70 let's go Long Bar Mexico tonight go [Applause] baby her ass fatter than fat and she got good throat sit that cat on my lap I give it good Strokes I might have to fly out to MOS so maybe to Japan so I can hit her like a me she knows what the [ __ ] is I don't got to Dum it down T like Rihanna [ __ ] singing like it's running town I love she's a free I promise if I could have [ __ ] her seven days a week face from the mid East as from the West Indies sucking the soul up out of my body rest in peace head got me wob she know I got cameras she said we sh I she [Music] got good night guys easy Tippy see you later she wants to meet take her to meet yeah [Music] how the did that just happened bro um she said she wanted to go meet his dog well dude we got to see if he Fu he's going to I I think he well actually she was grabbing his thigh she was like rubbing his hair hot well I feel like we got to wait and see if okay so we'll give him 30 minutes that mean she was clearly down I'm down a few minutes later he smiling there's Tipp [Music] smiling Tippy just text me he said he got the job done holy sh what a turn of offense go smash let's go she like the dogs really yeah wait what happened she came in the room and what see the dog and then you know watch a little TV let one thing land to another what you started making it it went well it went well it's crazy she's walked right in the restaurant so she recognized you guys yeah you bu damn let's Go's probably fired up yeah's probably fired up bro fired he was in there the whole time right yeah he he was in the other room Leo good for good boy pH hey you look happy does it feel like a weight's been lifted off your shoulders like I lighter definitely more confident now drop a thumbs up on the video pumped to be back I know it's been a while since we uploaded like I said kind of just needed to take a little breather boys couple months off we're focusing on our health and stuff but we obviously love love love making these videos for you guys this week was oh yeah dude we had such a good time like this just felt like a classic like nek video it was so fun to film we had fun off camera the whole time I feel like we became became boys right yeah wait would you be down to come be in some more videos or no of course comment if you guys want us to bring stock tip in some more videos and [ __ ] yeah run it up drop a like thank you guys so much for watching seriously appreciate you guys a lot it's so cool how this is like our actual job and we get to just try to like make funny videos for you guys so loveing life man very grateful see you guys soon I'm B ass let her pick up whatever she want C gu take whatever want she piss me off she still get whatever she want talking [Music] about hit it in the sh made her tell me what you want like I'm singing M I made her tell me what you want wow
Channel: NELK
Views: 5,122,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prank, pranks, nelk, nelkfilmz, nelkfilms, Nelk, NELK boys, Nelk films, Nelk Filmz, stevewilldoit, salim the dream, prank videos, funny pranks, best pranks, nelk clips, full send, full send clips, nelk golf, nelk boys prank, nelk twitch, nelk podcast, Kyle, Kyle from nelk, full send shorts, fullsend, salim, steve will do it, podcast, full send podcast, Miami, Pauly d, russ, new nelk videos
Id: PK7bPyd64bE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 43sec (2623 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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