Adin Ross X Jake Paul Full Stream!

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Eddie you know what it is you're like a big promoter so youo it brother Ryan Ryan Ryan hold on a second no disrespect to Dean or Adam or anyone else that's a speaker can we all mute up cuz Ryan Mr Jake Paul is here Adam Dean will continue this later Ryan please mute everyone Jake Ryan I don't know how to mute everybody okay um we go we're good is it tell Aiden tell him the request no he's here with me in person y what's up I'm here I'm right here I don't know what the combo has been going on but well uh it's been interesting who said that what the heck n actually who said that for real which British said that what yo idria suck my you I'll spit on your dads you I don't give a yo suck my you you're not gonna talk to my man's like that edus suck my you I said it and I mean it on God you're a Jake Paul will knock you the out I got you bro you got me to I don't you know who that is I don't know who he is yeah I don't know who that is Jak don't even mind the r was Ryan that told you that yeah put that put that kid on mute I'm here talk to Ryan yeah y exactly shut PRI bro get him out of here bro who is this guy whose mans is this why is he speak can we M him come on it's always the British people always doing the most I swear to God Am I Wrong chat you show up as well oh Adis I'm not even trying to fight with oh I figured it out I m I m I figured it out Jake M oh because you're the host I I figured out how to mute him I don't even know who Idris ver ver what does it say does who the is I don't know Chad one of you guys know who the that is I don't know who that is all right anyways Ryan and Ryan I I saw you you know you you were speaking on something and I wanted to include Jake in the way I know you guys were want to talk have you guys spoke before here here here let me clarify things everybody thinks like I was actually trying to beat for Dr me and Jake have a great relationship I literally told him God loves you Jesus loves you and I literally told him I was going to start to be like bro like let's do a fight bro it would break pay-per-view records literally this was all just me just trying to get a a super fight going with with Jake and I think that I did it you know I respectfully told him beforehand and um I don't know why he took it like it was serious oh I never I never took anything serious I I I'm on the same Pages d I think it'd be crazy for for us to fight but I also have a ton of mutual respect and and love for you and being friends before any of this boxing or or social media but we can also like make it fun and and have a blasting and and make a big fight pop off I'm not against any of that and and the one thing it does come down to though is I think you can think you can beat me and I don't and I don't know if you're prepared for me to be the one to beat you so that's where that's where it got like okay like cuz even when you were texting me you were like but bro like don't worry I won't I won't hurt you though bro and I was like all right but like I feel the same way like I I'll we don't need to worry about that and if we're going to fight let's fight yeah no 100 I already told you I'm going to your weight class I'll gain the weight and uh I mean bro you're facing Mike Tyson like that's be real like don't even even like you can't even try to even say what I'm saying is is out a line cuz bro you're literally Fighting by Tyson dog like what the like bro I'm actually worried for you bro no cap I am is that fair and honestly I'm I'm worried for you with Devon like oh my God bro Deon has pillow hands you know that not not at 140 oh bro literally he dropped reg just and didn't do bro you have a better Killer Instinct and stronger than bro the am I worried about Deon bro I mean but at the at the end of the day regardless of power that's not his best attribute necessarily he has you just said he had power at 140 I still think he does yeah I'm not but I'm not saying that's his best asset his best asset is his technique and skills play pay the bills in this and he's got the the best jab probably in boxing right now so it's like when I out jab him and I out beat him what are you gonna say I just want to know what what would be your first statement when I knock him out just I just want to know I would be like I I would just be like well I I was wrong but I'm not afraid to I'm not afraid to be wrong and and can we age I'm not afraid to be wrong knock I just what me either but I just I just want to know what what tweet can you put out right when I knock him out what will you say can we agree to something I'll I'll I'll tweet and and I'll agree on what I will tweet if I lose okay I I would retweet I would tweet like resp I was wrong no it got to be something better oh something you want some like funny like some crazy just like let's get creative with it all right all right all right uh Ryan Garcia I'll all yeah he can beat my ass in everyone else's ass let's not with him no more if you say that I'm cool okay and and I'll put you as my profile picture but but then you have to do the same if you lose to Devon you have to say Jake like Jake I was wrong you're you're my profile picture now okay all right I agree bro I'll do it for sure okay well we we can agree on that but but bro are you are you training cuz it seems like there's all this crazy going on in your life like are you training and focused bro I'll send you some clips of me sparring and training and um you tell me how I'm looking that's all I say okay I I just thought it I just thought it was weird how you still were like agreeing to drink on like Wednesdays and Sundays leading up to the fight with some I used to do it all the time bro and nothing ever happened to me literally the the times I didn't drink is the times that like wasn't my favorite fights but that's just me bro I like to break like conspiracy theories or not conspiracy theories but like people's perception on how to be a fighter and you know back in the day they used to take shots of the key like hop in the ring and knock out like me I just don't listen to nobody bro I'm like I got to learn from myself bro and then like I practice it when I'm training like I'll take a drink and then I fight and I'm like yo nothing happened who the is lying to me now like they say you can't have sex before a fight bro I the day before my fight with fona and then knocked them out Cod who's creating these lies dog this is like some funny bro I guess like to each their own I know Jon Jones would get drunk a week before uh but yeah it it from the outside perspective it just looks like it's not being like taken seriously I think people are actually worried about the fight not even happening yeah I know people are worried bro and they're doing everything in their power to stop it like trying to do a mental evaluation I'm say okay I'll do it if if Devon does it if he takes time off his Camp to do a mental evation sure I'll do it another thing what is your premises for my mental evaluation I've heard other people say crazier and my Tyson has said have said the most crazy when it comes to boxing and whatever he said I'll eat your children literally where it's his mental evaluation you know what I mean so um at the end of the day bro um if they don't provide any real premises on why I should get a mental evaluation I'm not going to do it yeah I I just think like some of the you're saying is like so bizarre and outlandish that it that it looks like from an outside perspective that especially when you're like saying you're doing smoking and drinking not smoking anymore that I'm not doing I'm not smoking weed anymore all right so what's your prediction then for Haney um I'm gonna let the Lord's will be done not mine but you'll see what happens um well I was gon I was G to ask you something bro I just literally forgot what I was going to ask you yeah you think Mike you think Mike will beat me bro honestly I don't really doubt you too much because I know you have the mentality as I do bro and I know that you're you've tapped into something that I know what you're tapping into so it's like hard for me to go against you um I just think Mike is like a whole different animal bro I've met him in person as you have and the dude is built different you know what I mean like yeah he's strong he's strong like just shaking his hand when we just filmed this I've never felt a hand stronger than that before like and I don't know if he wasn't like squeezing he wasn't like trying to squeeze it was like real it was just like real and I was like oh I mean it's mych bro I'm gonna give you props bro you're different for this bro like I've never even imagined something like this bro so bro like respect if if this is like really going down and like you're not like it's not pre-planned I'm not saying it is bro I'm just saying like if it's not and it's a real fight bro like I'm going to pray for you bro this is like bro you're nuts yeah yeah that that's what everyone like even my dad was like yo what this is going to be the hardest my mom the first time I told her she's like are you going to get knocked out I'm like what the i i there is a part of me that is like a little bit more scared than than any of my other opponent just cuz I know that the power is the last thing to go yep and he still has that muscle memory when he starts bopping around and throwing those big Hooks and uppercuts can be scary yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean bro like I said bro I I I understand your determination you'll figure out the game plan and bro like I just I pray you be okay I pray that Mike's okay and that's it bro hey CeCe can you get me a portable charger all right hey are you with Derek James in Texas is that where you're at yeah yeah bro I've been here bro I've been training since my last fight bro I never stopped all right well ah look Ryan I just wanted you to you know talk to Jake I I want to see where you guys bounc me and Jake has always had the best relation that's good that's good I want that I I with both of you guys seriously heavy and uh you guys are too me and Jake never had bad vibes bro me and him literally went to Vegas and we turned it all the way up remember that yeah that that was some wild remember I remember I had your back and I was going to beat up Zane for you yeah yeah yeah he was going off on he was going off because that that the One Direction kid was like trying to press us and why bro all we did was ask him if he wanted to party with us that's literally all we had he freaked out he said like shut the up like he was calling us like peasants and oh hell no what the and Ryan was like I'm beat your ass bro he literally demean all of us and I was like bro I'm gonna beat the out of you but at the time at the time like Ryan and I kind of looked like The Crazy Ones but then it like obviously came out that that he's crazy and like beats up all type of people and oh so he's a sick one yeah bro I was like open the door remember we I was screaming at his door yeah and then alleg allegedly allegedly he's doing this stuff behind the scenes but allegedly allegedly truth always comes till what done of the dark always finds a way to shine hey he I'm your worst nightmare bro I'm your worst nightmare bro listen it's judg for you disrespect such a fat piece of bro he's been Hey listen suck your mom Hey fat Len a suck your fat mom listen to me carefully suck your fat mom I'm here you remember the last time I saw you we can't just kick him I think you guys are adding in in here just to kind of get shock value and but that kid's a fat sack of and a KSI dick sucker who makes no money sucking his dick it's crazy um he literally does it for free I can't believe let let these people get their like 10 seconds of Fame you know yeah to me to me it's fun I I don't know to me no but when you when you when you ride so hard like that like for free it's kind of actually like scary cuz it's like they really like I don't know it's really weird to me like people like that wait wait guys guys can we bring up this guy named Andrew capacet Jay can you get him Andrew he requested yeah I got you CH who do I ride for I with you I do ride for you though no I I with you in your chat Aiden's always been a real one bro and I I'm just so proud of you for your journey and like how big you've come and just overcome so many challenges but then also like launching kick and now being a business Mogul people don't realize like how smart you are and how how hard you work doing this every day is like is not easy so I've always loved you and I've always seen how authentic you are as a human being bro and I told you how genuine you are and you're a real one bro and that's one thing I respect about Jake he's not afraid of no brand to drop him or none of that I need BR risk I need the shirt hold on uh Aiden or Ryan what's the guy app that you want you want to andet does he have a green profile we'll talk ler a few more minutes I here you anything like a drink or anything you're all right you okay I'm good I'm going step out actually I just want to get The Walking part okay bro I got to go pee so bad again oh you got wait you got a Celsius yeah oh yeah I'm having a Celsius can you get me one too heyo I'll take celsi over Prime any day I'm sorry j Celsius is tasty bro this is my favorite CSUS is better than is dope bro everybody drinks Celsius over and they don't even give me a deal give me fact I don't have a deal either I'm telling you salela is better than Prime bro at the end of the day bro your brother should have been supporting you I don't care I'm your brother no I don't even want to make it like a comparison thing I think I think like everyone tries yeah everyone no everyone just tries to like compare those two Brands and just like bro like business is business bro like I want my brother to succeed I want to succeed that's good yeah of course of course Hey Hey Jake I'm sorry bro but I'm taking down Prime I'm sorry bro well it's going to be hard to do it's for the B it's the biggest brand probably in the P yeah that's not the hardest thing I've done in my life well I'm staying out of this one I I don't want no I don't want no smoke with uh with my brother hey uh Ryan I got to take a piss break P let's go pee together I got well not like that but Ryan you pee I pee okay wait by the way Ryan I'm trying to find his I can't I can't I'm PE no I just I got off the space because I want to go over some with you and I don't have to for that long cuz I know you have to go to dinner with your your girl yes um guys I'm not taking a Coke break I'm going to go pee you got you be a streamer for once alone you're going to be alone in his room I have quick two minute break I have to I have to take over the stream you talk to the chat you talk to them okay what's good like how how is everyone feeling like I I think this is my my favorite my favorite stream is when Aiden comes on does anyone have any questions where's everyone from I could maybe just uh talk to y'all straight up people are going crazy in here Virginia we have some any Ohioans any Ohioans in the chat I feel like being a streamer is probably one of the hardest things and hardest jobs in the world the sit here and like be entertaining for this whole entire time and just talk to screen this is why I tell Aiden talk Dutch I could say leafia sh coffe but yeah I'm learning Dutch cuz my girlfriend is is uh is Dutch I feel like Aiden's about to like come back in here with like some crazy I feel like that's what's about to happen I feel like I'm getting set up or something that's what it feels like um all right let's see send me a bet play for the fight yeah if y'all are if y'all are betting download better play better picks the best fantasy sports app set your lineup we just launched MMA so go get involved in the AC we got Jake PA I got scared as sorry sorry sorry sorry I didn't mean to startle you I got I was like he's going to come back in with some I'm just hyp bro you're here I'm so happy F bro it's hard to be a streamer it you got to get used to it you know I built I built some this I've been do it for years I me you know that so but bro I mean I'm so happy you're here bro and dude like hey what are they saying Coke break they think I do cocaine they think I really do Coke they they really clean I can tell from your energy your that's like yeah bro I'm I'm just a hype excited person Let me refresh it's a little bit delayed but Izzy just gifted some subs appreciate you Izzy that's uh Israel out ofia he gifted some subs oh Izzy's in the chat I think so he just GI some subs Izzy thank you so much shout out shout out Izzy bro I hope you're doing well you know yeah bro such a good guy yeah he's cool he's really cool I'm just kidding it's not that's not the real Izzy that was um somebody in my staff named so you lied I did lie um hey uh to you're watching can can you send Randy or C yourself to fix the speaker I think my girlfriend's watching too down there oh you wait how long have you guys been together for it's almost a year now yeah where you where'd you meet her at uh I dm'd her I found her Instagram and I was like this girl is amazing how'd you find her and I was like this is going to be my wife how'd you find her just like I don't know like scrolling like explore page type I don't know yeah damn and I was like this girl is gonna be my wife bro I respect that bro you're you're go after it you're on that loyal husband I I really respect it um what about you you got a girl you you're going like in and out like didn't didn't your chat c catch yeah bro the last girl I was with yes bro yes she like posted a picture in the in the glasses or like something you could see it in a reflection that she was with this guy no that is not what happened uh just some dumb happened but it's all good you know it's whatever bro it's in the past you know yeah bro it's tough out there these days it's really hard right it's tough like these people these girls are ruthless so what do you do what do I do am I you I think you're probably going after the wrong type of girl got it got it what's wrong with it dude it's just red you got to make it you told me to come you got to make you got to make a oh by the way this is um Jake this is Citrus nice to meet you I'm six so oh I was like why are you wearing a mask I was like got hired around here um he makes me work my life away when on no guys and again he doesn't do sweat shop okay no no you don't wait what happened what do you have to do every day rad he just I wiped his ass before no you has not never done that Jake I would never make my employees B my ass stop who would do that why would of course he wouldn't he didn't do that why would he do that yeah why would I do that that's like inefficient like yo bro come in the stall okay I I have made him D some weird before um like what like bring me a fork and he has to like run like a like right there yeah I'll agree that's kind of up no no bro really no bro my my chef like bring me the silverware the water everything oh good you got to make this turn uh not red I think might have to just press button there's no way there's no way I just called you all the way up here just to press a button what button I don't know cuz I got to react to some with him we got to talk on some I'm so happy you're here bro oh my God I love Jake bro like bro you are honestly I told you guys bro he's so authentic and real just the off off camera we had conversations on you keep the same energy on and off camera thank you bro the last time I saw you was at the Drake show yeah the Drake show we saw show for like four seconds I know wait there's buttons right here I don't want to it up oh it's on no way I just called both of you up here for a button wait let's see hold on hold let me see let me see yeah it's probably the hold on one second boys so that so we can hear ourselves weird oh yeah I guess there's still okay we're good this thank you Brothers All right we are going to react to a few things I don't have you for a long time I know I don't even though I would love for you to live with me and us to be I'll pull up more though like warehous is right there right here better Warehouse is like two come work out in my ring too if you ever want I know you have your own and bro cameras don't have to be on you just say Aiden can I work out today I you're training for your fight yeah which by the way what everyone's talking about a lot of haters in this my brother is fighting Mike Tyson I'm putting $250,000 on you to beat Mike Tyson I'm doing this and Mike the greatest fighter of all time people underestimate this they're like oh Jake's uh doing this thank you so much for the 50 get subs oh Jake oh why don't you f someone your own age brother all of you guys right now if you got offered to be your first time Netflix live getting paid millions of dollars and to fight the greatest boxer Mike Tyson you are all saying yes and I swear you're all saying yes so this is some real legendary historic and he is fighting Mike Tyson how do you feel about that bro I can't believe it it's like surreal to me like even when you say that sentence I'm still like trying to process and comprehend it when we faced off for the first time I like just afterward I started laughing I just like stepped away and I just was like bro what the is going on on on my screen remember when you were like on my screen it looks you I was like on my screen That's Mike Tyson standing so crazy bro that is Mike Tyson bro it's all of it surreal and like I'm just blessed it's like him and Muhammad Ali are the two most famous box they're the greatest it's like it's such an honor to be stepping in the ring so who do you so what is your prediction for the fight I think I'm going to stop him I think I'm too fast do you think you're going to knock him out I don't know I don't know like I think it could be a TKO is more likely okay so it's a stoppage early stoppage okay and um but but I think people are underestimating my speed I think that'll be the main difference yes you are quicker obviously you're a lot younger you're faster you're more athletic for sure but hey I told him the same thing off you know off camera it's Mike Ty yeah I got to DOD punches come on bro you know what I mean especially the body shots he's going to be ripping he's going to be ripping the body shots I want I want to pull something I saw him wait I saw him training that's what that's what kind of scared me is like body sh when I saw his recent training where's it at on his Instagram um if you just like Mike Tyson training now Jake let's see that one this is it yeah all right let's watch it I think you got him you got him one two one yeah he's he's a dog though and he still got the movement oh my God never mind oh my uh how's he still doing that at 60 I think once you've done something your whole life it's like muscle memory got it it's like natural within you but that but that's pretty scary like when I saw this I was like okay so this is like old but nah when was this that's the speed though that's like three years ago no I know no yeah bro you got this I'm not goingon to lie guys listen it is Mike Tyson he still got it he's shown the world he still got it yeah you know what I'm saying and okay so I'm I'm a gambl I'm a sports better and what do you think the odds are going to be do you know like I think Michael probably be likeus 200 okay so he's favored yeah I think so but are the are there odds like already out I don't know should we Google it wait Jake odds are on stake right now he's a 1.46 x Mike is a 2.6 so you're favored that's wild what the that's crazy Jake is a heavy favorite wow that made me think too the fights at heavyweight which is hilarious like I'm gonna have to gain weight wait so how what do you wear right now like 207 207 and what do you what do you have to probably need to gain like 15 lbs cuz he's going to be like 235 wow and so I have to I should probably be like 220 but I just don't know if I can actually gain that weight I'm going to need I'm going to an Italian rush like I'm starting to try to eat more but that's good you got to put you got to eat more cheese and carbs right be a heavyweight you got to start eating more bro it's just going to be funny as if he if I look pudgy guys it's cuz I'm moving up the heavyweight okay bear with me I'm not going going to be like leaned out for this just drink water so you don't gain face weight yeah that's true yeah I feel like my face is definitely going to like slowly be fatter of course they say pudgy Aiden I lost the pudginess yeah we're going opposite you're getting skinnier and I'm going to I'm going to you know what I could just give you some lean it'll just what you want a little two we lean lean binge you'll be good yo it makes you gain weight yes bro I gained like 20 lbs in like like a month do you want to eat more it makes you eat more and it makes you just cough Zer it's it's fattening it makes you it makes you swollen it makes everything big so you you have some no but I know where to get it I don't want that you know where to get it from Jasper bro is he really like he's actually was the plug um like no but I think he knows where to get it yeah yeah yeah I mean how is it what is it like being drunk It's like a okay okay so when I got my wisdom te taken out I got I was put on um a a a narco Nar what are they call ntic Nar Norco narcotic oh my God they call me a Fed for snitching oh my God shut the up I didn't mean to snitch oh my God it's not really my lean plug okay it was a joke yes but they put you on something it's just like a they put you on something that's like a numbing so just feel numb you just feel a body high but it's bad bro it's really bad for you lean drugs we're on this weight Journey this fitness health is weth yes be sober train every day and focus on that train twice a day that sometimes sometimes when like I had just transitioned in a boxing like I would get so anxious at night cuz when I I used to drink a lot but when I was in LA and so I would get so anxious at night and so instead of like going towards a drink I just trained and that's why like boxing saved my life it's like cuz I would go to the gym and put that nervous anxious energy somewhere and it saved me chat you know it's amazing and again I told you guys obviously the fitness saved me in a way and I love it bro I wanted to ask I mean what do you guys do when you guys are stressed out I mean hopefully you guys don't do any hardcore drugs you know it's never the answer they probably watch you really yeah no way let me see one person say you're probably you're probably you're probably come you're probably saving they're just saying jerk off oh jerk off oh wow oh they're saying you let's go they're saying you right I saw a couple of you yeah yeah that's good what do you guys jerk off to me or you mean me that's they're like oh my God I bet you someone probably has like a sick has probably has jerked off to my stream yeah honestly you think so guaranteed like when I was doing like the hot tub streams or like to me probably to you really yeah oh they're saying my ex's name that's insane all right um guys prism I told you to to pull up some clips and stuff for me to react to with Jake um because we don't have for that long you know um I went out this podcast earlier which you guys will see when is where's it being uploaded to by the way YouTube right yeah we're going to drop the pod on Thursday sweet we had we have lots of bangers in there we had a great we had a great conversation I'll bring a couple of the stuff that we spoke about chat and you guys will hear on the podcast we'll go more in details with it so you guys got to check it out but guys bro like dude I the first thing I want to talk about is you know well I did you see do you even want to react to this I mean he was on impulsive and he said something about yeah let's let's let's see what what's up with this so he's he's 57 m tyon is 57 years old like yes in his prime this would have been crazy but now it's like this is just sad I told Jake that I said I said this is you what did Jake say um I don't know if he's going to try to knock him out unless Mike tries to knock him out oh can I just say one thing and I said this on your podcast bro I'm just gonna be honest with you I said this I I've only had good interactions with Logan but it does not I don't feel like Logan is your brother on the internet and I said and I said that and I'm not trying to stir up I swear to God not but bro like I don't know that but but again KS when when he gets around KSI that's when it yeah the one like switches cuz ksi's energy towards me is negative and that I think pulls him in that direction but you want to know the difference between Mike Tyson and KSI what is that Mike Tyson will actually fight me so who's a now like that's the difference like oh Mike's this Mike's 57 but Mike signed the contract you KSI true oh you could say whatever you want but you're fat running around doing sidan YouTube videos and I'm changing the sport of boxing the biggest fight of the 21st century Netflix what could anybody possibly say while you're making FIFA reaction videos bro I'm sorry but we're just not the same and you're 30 years old like say what you want but you also said a year ago that Mike Tyson would beat you and that you wouldn't take the fight because of that so make up your mind you just are uh cowardly that like is so insecure that when someone else is doing something good that you have to try and rip them down bro hold on yes what did you just say no repeat what you just said the last part literally whenever you're trying to do something whenever someone is trying to do something good against KSI is competition they he wants to bring them down yes bro I've been hosting these boxing events I know you saw it we talked about this under yeah dude I've been hosting these boxing events I I got served and then when I went to UFC 299 I somebody came up to me and literally said um what kind of fights you're hosting Aiden Ross I was like H he's like we've been getting complaints he's like um when is your next fight March 16th he's like no you're not figure out how to get sanctioned and then like hand me his card he snitched I got snitched on That's So wild brother it's a space when everyone can eat it's an Internet space we could all eat why are we going at it like that bro why everyone can help each other grow grow as a whole that's why that's why the even though KSI sucks it's like we've built up this narrative so big that when we do fight if he ever wants to sign the contract it'll be like revolutionary so it's like why why is he trying to strip people down and sue people when you could have Dean come fight for you and it grows his brand and it grows Misfit and it grows Misfits and then it's like a big thing but when people are operating out of a space of jealousy and insecurity they don't think like that are you ready for what I'm about to say yeah there's a Misfits event on the 23rd it's going to be hosted on Kick guess what I'm doing I'm hosting my box event the 23rd and we're going to see what does better and Jake I would love for you to be a part of it even if it's just a quick dial in or something I would love for you Peak viewers just to say something I will dial in for yeah 100% no don't with Aiden like people want to with with you because you're nice and you have a good heart and that's like same with these rappers and they just like think that this is like some game that they can all play but like I don't know I'm not I'm I have your back and all these people thank there's room for everyone to eat so it's like me and Jake were talking chat um like 10 years ago I feel like we would have all like my community would have been clowning you I told you that like but bro the man you become the Creator you become you've evolved into bro it's like how can anyone not respect you if you see what you went through how you evolve as a Creator you're not this cringy little kid anymore you're this bro you're creating business you're getting you're doing it all literally on your own bro no and and everyone should be able to go through that journey and that changing process but you have to like put in the work I took took me years of boxing and looking at myself in in the mirror and self-reflection and spiritual ceremonies tow iOS meditation breath work working with Suzie every single day on phone calls for hours like learning about myself my emotions and wanting to step into becoming a better man I'm not perfect I'm nowhere near perfect and I still have a long way to go and I still want to continue to strive and get better but I think if people see my like journey and transformation it's it it's amazing bro literally they should they should feel the that they could do that too and it's a big credit to boxing and it's a big credit to like spirituality and and my relationship with with God and the gods love that Jake that's amazing that's amazing uh what other what else do we have to rect there's a little bit left this clip another 30 seconds so what it's like would you say it's more of like a dance just like Showmanship of or or so I think it's going to start like that even in the buildup but if something happens where they rub each other the wrong way or like a punch is thrown that actually lands on one of them like who knows it's Mike Tyson anything can happen like jakay could literally walk out without an ear I mean and the thing is you know what I'm saying like bro he's chewed people's body parts he's the only boxer in the world to be able to to stake that claim yo I've chewed someone's body part off in the ring Lorena bobit Style with my teeth was pretty much it yeah dude like Mike Tyson is coming to kill dude he's not going to around Chad that guy only has one speed that's like trying to train a pitbull that that's been traumatized and lived in a cage its whole life to like not bite other dog oh now I'm going to train the Pitbull like no he's come he's going to come he's going to come to kill and I'm I'm prepared for that Chad you putting your money on you know Logan I mean sorry Jake is favor for this so who who you guys putting your your money on in this fight I I'm I told you I'm I'm I'm putting it all on you bro I'm excited I'm about to go to the fight we about to get this money what is this right here this clip right here oh this was mentioned on your podcast Logan said he was offered to fight Mike Tyson and he declined yeah which is which is also not true oh so Logan was not offered to fight Mike Tyson no oh cuz we're the ones that brought the deal to Mike Tyson gotcha so I don't know why he would say that like me and most valuable promotions and my partner nikisa struck a deal with Netflix and then went to other fighters to try to get them involved and it started with like Tommy Fury he wanted more money there wasn't more money yeah so we and then we went to Mike Tyson and after like months of talking got him to be down to fight and so Mike Tyson wasn't offering people deals so I don't know what he's talking about so why so why did Logan say that then you think it's just cuz like you said he's around KSI or do you think he I don't know I really don't know but we we were the ones offering people the deal to fight fight so Mike Tyson wouldn't have been in the market offering Logan to fight gotcha gotcha so I I don't know what I don't know what it is okay okay um all right what anything else you guys want me to you said talk about the fight being on Netflix oh yeah no bro this is the biggest ever chat and and again W promo because what I'm G be honest chat how are y'all going to watch this fight you all better spam Netflix do not do it illegally okay bro if they don't have a Netflix account they're just cheap skates if you guys don't have a Netflix account in 2024 that's bad yeah like what are you watching then lit I only watch Netflix and Hulu so I mean like you know what I mean but yeah that's what makes this fight so massive is the 700 million homes that is that how many is that how many Netflix Subs there are yeah wow insane so like how many live viewers you guys are you guys aiming for for this fight the the record was uh 23 million with the super or a playoff game on peacock they did it before so in the US they put a peacock NFL game playoff game and it had 23 million live viewers yeah so that's kind of like the record to beat but I think we'll I think globally we'll probably hit like close the goal would probably be like 100 million live what is your guys predictions I think you guys are going to get yeah I think anywhere from 50 to 100 million I think you guys will easily get that that's a good range yeah it's a great range I mean dude everyone has a Netflix account and I mean it's going to homepage I'm assuming right on in the center right yeah you can't miss it and we are working on an undercard that's also fire like we want we also are like get trying to get fire fire fights for the undercard so we're trying to get some big names um you know I mean it's up to you and Netflix bro but I would love to partner and do the undercard on brander promotions I just a thought I would love to just maybe you know we have until July and it's around the same time some crazy Fighters I think I could build a card for you guys we partner up I think it would go crazy they're saying no um and they're saying that Jake's good he's good off that little bro Chad it's just a thought bro I thought I'd asked damn I was like I I think we could maybe get like your best matchup on there all right we'll see no no stress it's your bro I I just thought I'd ask you know I'm just we have there there is like a lot of demand oh there is like people people are hitting me and nikisa up like crazy to try to get on the card yeah so like we're having to say no to a lot of people but there are some interesting names that are in the conversation D I just can't believe this is so it's wild it's wild damn that's when I was that's when we first face off and I just started laughing so how was Mike feeling about all this like I mean I haven't really I haven't really seen him speak about any of this but like how is he feeling about doing this fight like what's he no he's excited and he's already like in training camp right now in Vegas he's taking it serious yeah like he's already training like I'm I'm taking a little bit of break cuz I did just four fights in the past year so I'm taking like a week and a half two weeks off um right now but he's already in training camp in Vegas so he's not around how long have you known about this fight like happening or like how long have you guys been trying to make it happen it was basically a done deal like about a month ago wow that's great bro so yeah but we've been trying to make it happen like because I feel like you just fought Diaz I feel like and you just fought somebody before and like you just fought like a bunch of people like yeah man it's crazy you keep fighting bro like that's one thing I will say you're consistent Chad yall going to call me a dick sucker and a Glazer I don't give a I'm dick sucking Jake Paul I don't care I like him he's low to me I don't give a I can ask him do something with me I don't care I'm a dick sucker I don't give a I don't care I don't care bro he's the only mainstream person in my space that I could actually call and he'll answer the phone I don't give a I don't care well I appreciate that I called you right away when that KSI was happening when I got served and you answer right away bro no questions you answer like a didn't talk to me you Dro I don't know what you were doing just walk right out of the training I don't know what you're doing bro you walk out for me I appreciate that bro no we need more real people in this world and I always got your back like I said I guess love bro like I don't know like wipe my lips no um if there's anything else you guys want to react to I'll put some TPS on for a bit TPS TTS Texas speech so they can basically speak to us through the speaker oh we should we should listen to one of them yeah let's do it let me uh hold on let me uh let me go full screen on this real quick see some TTS let me see where's the TTS so just going to come through like yep yep wait what the live calling what the bro bro what the bro no we got memed bro no that's actually crazy wait you actually did that no when is that AI I think so wait Aiden Ross is officially C J Jake Paul's dude what the who actually when did you I wasn't even sitting like that bro I didn't even exactly you didn't even go like this is edited bro bro who edited this bro I'm not going to lie that's what the we got turned into a meme dude what the all right donate the TTS for a dollar to speak to us chat we're going to that's actually insane bro see this is why like live streaming is crazy cuz he just gets instant in oh by the way they're going to use this forever but it's great no literally anytime you say anything this is number one reply I if I when I go on I'm telling you in July when you fight Mike and I'm gonna be like guys Mike I mean Jake's Gonna Knock Mike Tyson out they're going to clip it drama alert they're going to post it this give me the replies I promise I but this didn't even happen did it no I didn't suck your dick no like wait what no that I wasn't saying that I I knew you didn't but but uh you didn't even lean over like this I don't even think I did either honestly I I don't know what the happened I really don't um make let's make TTS pop up right here right now let me see uh let me put the chat over here make this smaller TTS there we go cool D pesk tipped $1 Jake Paul how does it feel to rep Puerto Rico man it is an honor like one of the best moments in recent memory is when the whole crowd was chanting elgo like it warmed my heart it means the fighting rooster that's the they called you that that's the nickname that they gave me and and like I've never had a crowd show love like that so thank you Puerto Rico I love you guys and it's an honor I love that Island damn bro wpr man I want to come out there some sometime pull up can I stay your crib yeah thank you bro it's big I saw the video it's a VI bro sick it's my favorite place $1 what's your meal prep to get fit they were asking me that um so pretty much uh chicken chicken all right yeah just do intermittent fasting like don't eat only eat from 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and you can eat a lot but if you're doing that you're going to lose a lot of weight but mostly protein and less less carbs mostly keto V is this LeBron yeah facts Alexa tipped $1 compare sizes please his is bigger by 3 and half Ines because his build is better and his genetics are better but so you already know yeah you're you're about an 8 and a half n inch dick um no I know for trust me and I'm about like a six and a half seven almost seven he knows that's why y y'all yeah I'm going to be honest they already made the meme about us bro it's down it's already downhill I know bro it's up um so when's the next one come on cuz it's feeling a little a is yeah why it was really awkward bro I was like bro CHR really um can you make it come through please what the is going on bro this clip is insane what clip bro what were you doing I wasn't doing anything bro what were you you doing BR I didn't even mean to do that oh you're bro you this over oh my god well what were you doing down there oh oh the phone oh you were talking to the phone yes I was pressing that guy for you and you're laughing muting the guy and I was guys guys guys I didn't really suck his dick as you guys know there's no I don't have to you know what I'm saying talk about that y already knew that I didn't do that with Jake and I would never do that we're not gay bro and yeah all right you can keep the donation coming that's was awkward yeah thank you the truth George tipped $5 Jake be honest are your brother and you still close to each other seems like a weird family bond no disrespect LeBron yeah I I think uh bro come on pris El prisbell I'm curious about that one no yeah bro I love I love him with all my heart and like it's honestly tough the dynamic we have and so there are like ups and downs and sometimes disagreement ments but at the end of the day we're always brothers and we're always going to come back and and have have each other's back and like um just the I think the dynamic with him and KSI and stuff is like what makes it weird because he kind of has to like be on both sides I don't know I yeah I I get that too and we that's why CH I said this today I said yo if if KSI and Jake would ever fight first of all Jake would win I just want to make that very clear um Jake would win yes and I said it to KSI on Discord so nobody be a dick sucker and say oh you're just switching up now I said it to J ki's face um but if you guys were to a fight I think Logan would take your side I think I think Logan would be ringside with you and walk out with you you know for sure no 100% And and like I said I love him and man at the end of the day that's we we started in this together so yeah nothing nothing will come between us that's good Sammy tipped $3 love from Germany that's cool love you too bro hell yeah bro shout shout out to uh all the Germans apparently they the German people stare at people a lot what do you what what do you mean the stare or what that's like a new Tik Tok trend is like the German stare really is someone saying Aiden's aborted child tipped $1 Hey Dad I would like to thank you for bailing me out from a lifetime of being Jewish the what do you bro what that first of all what is wrong with you bro what is wrong with you also guys he has Brands I mean it doesn't matter he doesn't care I'm just a PR I'm just a bystander are you PR trained uh I guess I don't know you don't give like people can't take a joke I guess nowadays and wait Jake I have a question do most Fighters cuz I saw someone oh I'm wait for this to go through oh do most Fighters especially after after ask this for you because you're fighting Mike Tyson heit really hard I don't want you to get CT in this bro like is CT Real yeah yeah you do have you do have to be very very careful but there's like things that you can do to just like be safe around it like red light beds and oxygen machine stuff like that and ketones brings more glucose to the brain and mushrooms actually creates neurogenesis and so does iasa and Toad so like I actively do these things to protect my brain have you ever had an incident where CTE might have grown in in your in your brain uh I don't think that's how it works though it's like like well what happens is the the parts of your brain like slowly die off and so and it's due to a lack of oxygen but also the trauma and dehydration so you have to just drink water yeah yeah but also electrolytes sodium is the big one so um and then oxygen after sparring always but but I haven't felt any different like I've only gotten smar smarter more knowledgeable sharper um so you know I'm I'm I'm feeling good and I wouldn't I wouldn't take a risk just cuz I don't need to box so if I I did start to feel like unhealthy and I've never been knocked out in Sp I've never been knocked down so I think that's another big part of it is like my neck no pause is is uh I can take a I can take punches which that's something that I don't know genetics or something like that yeah I'm uh I'mma say it right here bro yo chat let me just put a disclaimer if you guys are boxing sparring Etc just drink a lot of water hydrate be safe man protect your brain ketones if you can take ketones after sparring it because it brings the more glucose to to the to the brain um yeah and just be be be be smart about it you know and and I think a lot of people make the mistake of like sparring with people that are like trying to prove a point okay gotta versus like if you have the right sparring partners that you trust yeah where it's like you know you're going hard and you're going to hit the out of each other yeah but like you're not trying to it's not like a real fight gotcha I think a lot of people make that mistake you could put the next TTS in by the way what time do I have you till what time it's not it's not it's like 9 right now men's e tipped $1 can you bend over and twerk on Jake for us 10 minutes I wanted you to hit me with that body thing oh you want to go do it now I mean they can bring it up I brought my glove you want to hit me in the stomach I don't want you to hurt your hand no no no I could I could like wrap it really fast yeah but like what if you get hurt because you know I'm tight now bro like I'm not fat anymore it's not P I would it herur I would I would you up really like how hard do you want me to go like I want me to start off with five and then 10 and then 20 and then 30 I think I think 30 would be my cut off 30% yeah citus can you bring up the body thingy please yes like oh you're wearing a body pad yeah should I not k e p a the body if the body pads on what Jake's thoughts about the sneo versus Strickland fight I'm actually curious what you think about that sneo versus stricklin you saw that Spar what was your thoughts on that I think a lot of things but I think it's weird that sea like tries to be macho man and like you you guys saw I sparred sneo on your stream that's the difference of like me working with him and being nice but still like throwing some punches to let them know this is what it would be like but not trying to like prove a point and beat up someone like got like that that's what I don't get about it and then Sean me calling Shawn out to spar and then him being like no I can't Spar you because the UFC will sue me but you just sparred sneo so why couldn't you Spar me gotcha gotcha gotcha no money exchange so it's like all these guys duck ducking me Patty pimpl duck me none of these guys in the fighting World a lot of people don't $1 that's what's we about have you met Jake future yet he wants to be a boxer just like you I haven't I'm not sure who that is that's my boy Jake yeah keep grinding Jake you'll get there one day wait what Todd called me hold on what did he say oh he said do it in the ring he wants I think he be right in the ring cuz I think every the camera's already ready and okay I mean chat we'll go down there in a few we'll do like a few more minutes of this um yeah I would have my team I don't even have my phone your phone I would just have have them get the glove ready but it's right they already had it they said yeah they have everything downstairs okay oh you want add Jake I mean Jake we could talk on Discord for a second I'll introduce you to Jake uh I'll show you Jake one second here he's a really good kid bro he's been me for years and so he's been for years with me for years I was like uh one second here he's a he's a fighter yeah well he's he wants to be a fighter my boy Jake Jakey my boy Jake man put your camera on man hey do he fight for you nah he's a really good kid my boy Jake man hey what up bro how are you he's a big fan of you too bro thank you bro nice to meet you I I did do you the USC in the WWE I watch you oh yeah bro thank you I app I appreciate I appreciate the support are you going to watch uh me versus Mike Tyson yeah who you got winning Jake him or Mike don't lie don't lie be honest a f come on Jake be honest Jake be Jake Hey Jake I'll smack the out of you you better tell me who the you think's going to win bro thank you the CH for Jake hey with with our name we can't lose bro I'm going to represent for all the Jakes the world so it's it's easy money don't even trip about it Hey Jake um me and you should be the undercard I'll you under his card if you want to fight is [Music] easy so you knock me out J you he would you up he would you're really bad the I got better I lost weight I could put you in the Cho man I will Hey Jake I'll tell you what though all that I want to suck your dick yo was that was that weird wait that was a joke it was obviously a troll all right it's very weird now okay all right J we I made it really weird on God oh my God I thought it'd be funny I'm sorry hey make sure you guys buy brand risk I Dro clothes okay let's change the topic uh he is fighting on Netflix July 20 July July what go Ju July 20th July 20th okay I will be there Arlington Texas Dallas Cowboy stadium pull Jake you want to come we can go together you want to come yeah pull up I mean can I can I help him get tickets we get tickets yeah let's go we got you I'll get you set up I'll get you guys set up thank you bro thank you thank you thank you yeah Jake my bad for telling you I want to suck your dick I don't I promise I'll never suck your dick bro you that yeah I'm sorry that was very weird he's yeah he's he's on that weird that was a little weird that was a little weird and then yeah we we already got turned into a meme so yeah oh yeah that was weird uh um Jake I'm about to go downstairs with Jake and he's about to punch me um do you have do you want anything else you want to say like good luck for the fight or anything like that yeah have a thank you man I really appreciate it thank you for the support and uh I'll get you all tickets so you guys can come that's lovech sh out of this all right Jake I'm go downstairs right now all right all right all right let's go down there all right chat so look we're going to go downstairs we on put a three in the chat if you can hear me put a three put a three you hoop no not I I just can't play other sports without like okay I'll be like getting too amped up and then get injured oh yeah I'm really cold at basketball whenever you're yeah yeah yeah whenever you're don't with do next fight we'll play like actual one-onone if you're down you're really nice I'm very good I I beat everyone a one-onone every single Creator you can think of I beat I beat Kai I beat speed let me see you shoot I don't know I got you I don't know if no I'm not bullsh you can look it up I got footage I'm known for to be a sharpshooter check this it's my first shot I might miss it I might miss it a lot of pressure like 30 people looking at me I missed it yeah no no but you got a shot yeah you could tell right yeah you can shoot you can shoot I'm might make this one right here you have a there it is oh that's in and now that is really count though that's the rim hey am I P am i p punching you in the in the liver yeah but not that hard that's cash I feel like I can make come on Aiden there's like 50 people looking at you not with one hand buddy I don't think so no what oh I missed that one oh all right yeah this let's just get right in the punch bro I don't know what's going [Music] on all right yeah yeah I need to put that on I'm going take a shot by uh Jake all right oh it's this R he hits hard doesn't he oh he's got a heavy back we're going to the ring two what take two hits yeah yeah I know I'm CH what what percent should I ask for what percent should I ask very nice Alex gave me 30% I don't know if down without you said what he did he ate one really bad really that nah Pat on or off I like on all right whatever whatever you want let's do on for 50% off not 50 no he's a professional bro you got a guard it's going to hurt this isn't going to hurt that bad what percent is that are you playing basketball we're going to the ring my girl my girl did you make it she made it before both of us you made a three first one really a three-pointer or a layup I don't know where did you shoot from like a free throw oh a free throw oh okay I'm going to have some NBA babies though really yeah wait how tall are you 61 what yeah we're the same height we're the same height 6 foot and so yeah your your kids are going to be like 68 yeah 100% wow her brother's like 68 or something is he play in the NBA no that's crazy that's tall feels maybe a little tighter actually that's good that's good doesn't slip off get in the ring all right all right what are you going to name your kids they want to know can't see oh you know them though have some names cool Aiden oh thank you yeah yeah yeah yeah we got some names but we can't divulge that information yes sir uh so how I'm just going to roll on in here I got it so how do you get in he said how so how do you get in CH bro I don't is can I just put this like that I think it's good yeah t can you hear Jake talk hello test test test I think this is on wrong you made it again yeah see do do it on do it do it for is she actually taller than me you're 6t for real yeah yeah she's a she's a she's a world champion speed skater oh you're a skater oh nice wait film her taking a shot I want to see if you can do it on camera you got this babe oh see yeah that was she she'll make the next one she'll make it when the camera is not on you look beautiful though thank you and and free throw and it's there you go see let's go that's more than me I'm scared on God oh my God all right let's start off at 10% just give me 10 all right just one punch right here wait wait come where it's not tight it's all right nah it's not you'll be all right I'll be good all right I'll start slow just are you going to move no it's cool what percent is that be honest that's like 5% shut the up that's like 10% why am I moving with it it's Ricochet yeah yeah yeah but I don't know what percent that's like 15 okay give me a 25 all right Jake all right give me a 30 so can we move like the increments hard to like what do you want to go to 40 50% I'll do 50 you want to go 50 am I okay you're doing fine talk to me no no it hurts though it's I feel a little bit of like a a sore when you I'll be good when when the punch comes you breathe out bre out okay so it's like can you count me down 3 two one sorry I'm sorry I'm no you're doing great you're doing great all right three two one oh ah it's like a pinch bro that was 50 yeah you're doing good you're doing good I'm done you're doing good you're done I think you can take it off and do at least 30% can you yeah if I do I'll let him do 100% on me if you take it off no 20% none 80% you let's do it deal all right you go first I will I'll do I'll take a 20% no hell no CH decide the chat is going to say that I I don't deal with peer pressure anymore chat decide chat name what do you want 50% they want 100% from me if I'm doing take 50 you're a champ no I don't I don't get in the ring it's going to hurt and then you just eat it do you want do you want do you want 80% whatever the you going to do you do it but I want to see him get hit all right so him first give me give me a 10% first with none okay okay I just don't want to hit you yeah bro okay this is 10% yeah I'm good I'm good I'm good yeah that's it yeah I'm done I can't breathe Jake bro you should have seen I just nailed little pump that was not bad at all bro oh bro I cuz pump wanted 100% And I nailed it what percent was that actually I was like I did low key that was 15 yeah I know I went a little harder than 10 yeah I'm a little swollen right now it's all right it could have been it was you're good you're good don't don't come closer on your knees BR yeah that was crazy yeah you got to get away bro we already got me yeah we got me all right go so you got 80 all right stand right here stand right here all right I'm going to go like all right ready three two one see he ate it God good that's how a man eats it though that's supposed to eat it you eat it to come here no do it remember that one time to remember that one time to kick you out that Discord get his ass hey hey the ring I come on 10% I took 15 no he's good take a 10 yeah yeah where did you get pumped bro he was down he was on the floor for like 5 minutes I went 100% on him he asked for 100% And that's your laugh too right he started are you are you are you Southpaw no yeah this is my weekend oh so you're stronger here yeah oh yeah I just did the left hand for you yeah I'm good off that chat I'm good off that at least hey Chad at least I got in the ring right no you you sacked up that that was than bro respect thank you Chad W the chat for me respect couldn't breathe on God real respect man there's like 30 cameras in my face bro um I can't you guys call me no matter what Jake remember still miked up don't say anything crazy I was just telling her I love her oh you're good yeah all right chat I know I'm about to head out to don't say where yeah I'm going to go to thenen I'm I'm going home my boy always love shout out to Jake chat W Jake we'll be doing a lot more yeah uh we'll definitely try to get one more in before his fight for sure one something in definitely we'll do it you you come to PR Puerto Rico yeah and I can say I can stream at your house yeah let's go shut up 100% you can drive my Ferrari if you want and stuff we should do a full PR stream that would actually be fire whatever you want to do Chad do you guys want to see a full PR stream let me know right now yes or no uh yo do we have any brand rist we can give them I need that I'm going get you some brand rist bro s your ass brand R for uh Jake what size 2x we don't have any I mean honestly 2x is cool right right yeah I don't know how big he is what do he wear oh thank you bro Jake you like blue and orange I got you two I'll get you a full kit when it's uh when it's I got you brother appreciate you thank you for having me love you bro love you guys W Jake man see you guys CH we're going to go back up there ja love bro love you budy St all right CH I'm going to go upstairs s this uh you're good to end what oh you M I'm going to go upstairs I'm go upstairs
Channel: Adin Live
Views: 311,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ADIN ROSS LIVE, ADIN LIVE, ADINROSS LIVE, ADIN ROSS, ADINROSS, adin ross, adin ross 2k, adin ig live, adin ig, adinross ig live, adin ross ig live, adin ross ig live today, adin ross ig live full, adin ross full stream, adin ross twitch, adin ross stream, full adin stream, adin full stream, Adin Ross Kick, Adin Ross Kick Stream, Adin Ross Full Kick Stream
Id: 57n3KhHaGH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 59sec (3899 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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