Adin Ross & Cuffem Arrested LIVE on Stream..

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chain AO I know C is so stupid [ __ ] cross look at him you driving on the left FL he put his Hazard he got cooked car break down oh my god oh GG's carop oh he's done wait who they going to pull over right or the left cuz they both oh here we go defitely some pulled over oh GG's no they don't yes he does oh no not oh my God cin didn't get pulled over wait they're both getting pulled over I think they are yeah no go make a r and just go wait oh my God if I'm CU I'm out I'm they the Bro CU make a right oh my God he has his gun on his hip too he ain't got to pull his gun bro that's ridiculous you saying tell him to put his hands on the steering wheel cam put your hands on the steering wheel turn it off turn it off why do he have his gun out bro what the that's come on bro you why does he have his gun out what the [ __ ] man you want me to pull over right over here or come on what you want do uh cam put your hands on the wheel on theel on the turn it off just turn it off hey officer they don't have no weapons on them bro right here I I I understand but this car right here I don't know them but this car right here don't they don't have no weapons are you huh are you with them I mean yeah I'm one of the bodyguards all right turn to the right just turn over right here pull over watch out for this car will I see this is crazy bro is so D I've never seen two people get pull over you can hear that car from like 30 miles away yeah the chat was saying it too the chat was like G no the chat was like Cubs being stupid as [ __ ] the chat knew it should we hop out like should I should probably over there huh never pull out his gun that was crazy I mean you never know you don't have yeah Jordan get out and record I probably should though huh [ __ ] it I mean you want to come with me if you stay on the sidewalk you can't do anything it's public property yeah they can't say nothing they literally can't say anything recing I mean i l have no shoes you want to go I can't walk bro I got a seriously [ __ ] just putting big light and Fu his [ __ ] face I've never seen [ __ ] this wait he's cuffing him wait what wait why do he what are you so huh wait why is he getting cuffed F why is he in he's the tank putting in the back of the car what wait the other guy had an ankle monitor too no that's guy the ankle monitor yeah shut the up yeah that guy was actually nice too that's so [ __ ] oh my wait what happened if you get an he supposed to be out on he's probably supposed to be in the crib well he he has well it depends on what time he supposed to be back bro C's legit handcuff now the cop yeah he said they was drag he said drag racing that was drag racing he said because he said because the light turned green and they both but it's green how alarm off what the is going on right now n Jordan is saying chat saying that's definitely drag racing wait how is that drag racing bro tires skirted too if your tires break traction that's like another ticket if your tires break traction and his car MH oh yeah fat white get out of here you're supposed to go to [ __ ] bro oh he's [Music] cough it's so [ __ ] god Jordan someone said cuff got CU wait you did oh they called another cop how you doing bro good huh yeah making sure my buddy's good we're saying you c not going to lie like he's searching in that he's searching the car yeah oh hey F white is there anything in that car I got you got what why is it effing yeah it's black yo got got that back got bro why is it that thing we ask chat are we good or no put a put a three in the chat or some I don't know this guy's watching the Stream bro whose bag is that that bag oh my God he saved him good [ __ ] my [ __ ] good [ __ ] I [ __ ] with him yo hey um listen Ryan I don't know County it is uh Northwest [Music] 8800 Northwest 8800 block yeah well Northwest 36 extension bro there's like six cop cars they calling iny Will D County Police D County M yeah day County day County [ __ ] the cop's lucky I want to go over there what do you say Cony cop what bro it's not even effing like we got good service I don't know why it's keep the camera in the car for one second [Music] oh okay we good there's nothing going on right now leak um we got hopefully hopefully we're good all right I'm going to go over here see what's going on oh we got another cop chat okay okay CH if I had the actual camera now I'd be getting it for y'all where cu's right there though I'm going zoom in on him [ __ ] wait so is it normal to have 20 cops with this I don't know it seems like they're making a big deal out of it they weren't even going that fast I like they were probably going like 60 like 50 maybe was they were going like 80 no I'm not get they slow down I feel bad for that guy now that's actually really [ __ ] up I I'll try to help that kid out some way they were just trying to have fun and [ __ ] did I here yes or not no it's through the phone these cops are approaching fat white car no yeah no yeah our car yeah are they allowed to look at it like that Jordan uhoh wait you should have said yes wait why [Music] [Music] I got well should we tell them that they don't have any weapons in that car told I told but these two cops these new ones huh the new ones right here just so they don't so you get caught with an ankle monitor like like out like what happens like like what if you get arrested I mean it's like being on probation supposed be home yeah it's a house arrest right yeah yeah oh my God I think unless he can go like a couple miles away or something back to jail oh it's a it's a violation of probation it's automatic jail wait what if he has like a c you it's only 10:00 it's only 10:00 like I said free cuff him IRL prison stream shove the camera up C ass [ __ ] de oh my God puam mug shot is about to go viral on Tik Tok that's true though it that is true hey cofin you better look ugly in the mug shot does he have to take off his glasses yeah he's going to go the buug shot Chad does he have to take off his glasses yes oh yeah bro 1 million per got to take off his glasses [ __ ] wait what you good yeah I'm good bro thank you what what what if I go up to the cop I say hey here's 100 bucks yeah guess we're Mexico [ __ ] we got to go baild cuff them out tonight that be that's going to hit though we're going to do it on the screen he's actually going to go to jail just take a real quick selfie bro my boy's getting locked up right now locked up yeah what did he do he didn't do anything it's wrongful y appreciate you my boy all man going all right good Lu all right appreciate it they want us to go over to CU them I don't think that's a good idea who no just the chat the chat mhm I mean are we allowed to go over to C him it's a crime scene I don't think so they're going to be weird as [ __ ] about it Jordan just walk up you even do anything can I I don't think you can bro they get pissed off like with each other I don't know is it like all right can you they ask bro we're giving him his um what he's giving just his personal information I think he's giving him a ticket wait but why would fat white get a ticket for that though or no it's cof's information I think damn you got to ask for c yeah wait why is he asking him for permission who's all in there it's just that white excuse me officers how far away do I have to be from them to film right can I how far away can I be from them is what I'm asking that's not what I was asking off the RO yeah oh he's good okay fat White's good wait why are they searching fat white is someone in the back SN shnaggy in the back oh oh my God Shag in the back no way he just SM no way shag is in there this is insane there's no way that shag Goes to Jail in F way no they would I'm saying if they had it on them like some you know good thing they don't they don't have anything on them so there's no way they they can't get booked where's cheer hell cheer why are you not here you should be here with your friend he's laying in bed eating Takis or some it's my life so it is you think she's on horer life and a construction worker yeah I mean he has to wake up early you good fat white is snaggy good Jordan someone said ask the cop for is eat I guess okay but I will say one thing there is no reason for I like they could pull over you know what I mean like what's the point of like right like we're blocking off this whole so insane traffic like what's the point this whole street F they both just can't turn right huh I can't roll down the window oh I can't see him oh here he is Chad can you guys see him there he is LOL [Music] Dam it bro so there's no way we can just be like close by over there like if I'm on if I'm in the middle of divider it's good what if I take the crosswalk he right there what if he's just trying to walk home yeah you want to cross through their side to go to the crosswalk all right you can't stand in the middle of the road thing shut the up like what I'm just asking CH F there's like dumb white people stupid question like I'm trying to get closer you guys can hear it I know I know but it is kind of [ __ ] because they're in like the middle of like yeah I know and we're just like I me at least I'm trying I know I know we're trying for you guys yeah we are but like bro like BR like you think I want to go over there no entitled white Jordan dude oh they're M they're saying it to me cuz I said what if he's trying to go home go home yeah I'm just going to sit right here in the middle for a bit wait train Rex what did you say they're in public go take his gun Jordan cross the street jat there's no crosswalk right here though train how much would you fill up in uh Jordan's BTC for to cross the street how much just set up the tripod right there [ __ ] dude if I had the camera I know oh if you had the camera we can zo yeah ask him what his badge number is to piss him off FaceTime shag [ __ ] it I don't even see where I can cross I can cross right here but there's no crosswalk over there say you're Paparazzi yeah let me call sh you all right yeah what you all right comi [ __ ] this not comi [ __ ] I know's coming right now fck fuu my godamn you all right let's see how you eat that banana what do you mean how I eat the banana put it in your mouth you e that making it weird bro what what you looking at what are your thoughts of what's going on not Sur bro [ __ ] want to go what oh [ __ ] call the blacks the I know bro that's what I'm saying bro y [ __ ] are messing bro always getting in trouble doing a legal [ __ ] bro you didn't really have to you guys didn't have to go vroom there's no point of that driving [ __ ] wait getting arrested J Jord he's getting arrested right now I went driv [ __ ] [Music] I want to hear oh go they're un cing hey get me out this like an idiot hey I'm riding y te up bro this the r they un if they uncover this a r on God if it was me I was going to jail I would now I went get out this a you want a banana no huh get out the street [ __ ] I can't be on the street get out the street [ __ ] you're not the officer you heard him though the [ __ ] all right I'm listening [ __ ] I'm going to the sidewalk [ __ ] go to the sidewalk [ __ ] he bre dude what no I like the most [ __ ] friend gr that this yeah saging for the cops can me out of this car Wait cuam disappeared yeah that for fre oh my god dude yo yo yo what are you did he run over your foot yo what's going on what the [ __ ] bro what what's going on what is this [ __ ] doing get your car out of the road wait did he run over your toe oh my God are you [ __ ] oh my God you right over your foot yes bro oh my god god dude oh my God that's him right here bro get out the road my bad what the Yeah Yeah what they tell you I got to take my ass to court bro I don't go to court I'm going to prison oh my God got to go to court bro so um y'all pray for me man y post y'all post me all these stor with the broken hearts free C hey drive slow I am I need my bag what's up with the othery I gave him I gave him off fat White's number hey I need my gang I ain't going to lie getting the same thing I'm getting the b in the car oh you got it in the car wait is that guy getting arrested he's good ain't going Li all right I got W bro what's up you bro my friend call me and say that you here I'm like I'm like what the fu are you are you tripping or not look yes it's Adam Ross what's up buddy what's up buddy hey y'all were only going like 60 though [Music] right Li [ __ ] in the BMW was supposed to take it for the team [ __ ] he was supposed to go [ __ ] he all black car he was supposed to go [ __ ] he was supposed to go he would have left every one of them on my mama [ __ ] he would have left all of them all right let's get out of here shagi you all right can I take a picture with you yeah let's do it Bryce Hall have just take a [Music] selfie all right man have a good one thank you yeah c b yeah how many tickets did you [Music] get give it yall how many tickets you got but he probably got a hey you got that [ __ ] how many tickets did you get cover I got like he ran over the bag you got like six can't even he ran it [Music] over my stuff to anybody what are you talking about like my wallet and my uh oh um I think fat white might have it fat white he he gave my wallet in my keys I don't got got [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm not trying to get hit by a car free cuff him the mug shot would have hit though buug shot would have hit wait no way that I'm not giving him his wallet
Channel: Adin Live
Views: 108,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ADIN ROSS LIVE, ADIN LIVE, ADINROSS LIVE, ADIN ROSS, ADINROSS, adin ross, adin ross 2k, adin ig live, adin ig, adinross ig live, adin ross ig live, adin ross ig live today, adin ross ig live full, adin ross full stream, adin ross twitch, adin ross stream, full adin stream, adin full stream, Adin Ross Kick, Adin Ross Kick Stream, Adin Ross Full Kick Stream
Id: CwgCBApo9fY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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