Adin Ross Introduces Dillon Danis To Andrew Tate

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foreign cat as him no oh I can't really hear you how do I do this you got to turn your volume turn your volume up on your phone oh no you did the speaker button I think maybe uh okay here you know yeah yo yo yo kind of hard to hear you make sure I put headphones airpods might work yeah all right hold on a second let me get headphones I didn't realize I already have my phone why do you guys have the same tattoo so wait what's yours should I should I get it then it should do you have any tattoos well it's Haram right Andrew to get tats yeah um true wait but Andrew in in uh in Islam in the Muslim culture is in the religion is if you had tattoos Andrew if Andrew if you have tattoos prior to conversion right like it's it's okay right yeah it's reversion yes and I'm not an Islamic scholar I'm still learning along with everybody else and I'm very careful about talking about the religion because I believe it's a beautiful religion I have a lot of respect for it and I don't want to ever get anything wrong but when you revert all of your sins are forgiven gotcha so yes yeah Dylan what's good all right this is not really working what the is he wearing oh there you go okay yeah we're good well I have no shirt on take your shirt off okay Andrew do you see me and him trained or not uh I saw you I saw him on the ground frying I was trying to man him up but it's pretty tough to be honest does he even try and fight back or does he just like squirm like a little girl shut up now he just squirms like a little girl dude yeah you know you did you're out of my weight class actually we might be the same way to be honest I think why are you putting your shirt back on you don't know because you make this one secure act like a bathroom break I'm gonna go pee all right you guys go ahead and catch up be back so once a fight Dylan chat let me know I don't know what to do it's just recorded every day bro that's what they do that's what the this always been the primary weapon of the Matrix law fair they just attack you with lawsuits and they try and drain you financially and try and distract you it's endless I think Logan doesn't want me to 12 I think that's where I'm at right now I think he doesn't want to fight me I think he's just trying to get me to get to pull out somehow so then he looks like the hero you know I don't know I was because this is all going through him you know and even if I win the case right I still have to pay over four hundred thousand dollars and just attorney fees lawyer fees so it's like it's just when I'm promoting a fight this is the biggest fight he's ever done and or event he's ever done and I made the whole event like it's just man well you did make the event interesting I'll give you that I I have to be uh you certainly made it interesting I have to do something come on I mean we're not going to talk about me and him boxing we're both not boxers like we have to have to be something else and you chose an interesting topic I'm trying to stay neutral because I'm in the middle of the judicial process I can say that you've made it interesting let's put it out no I mean I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna say I'll be honest but one thing I'll tell you this would have never worked if it wasn't Logan if it wasn't a scuff bag and if it wasn't true what was being like his all the stuff I put out about his girl was real everything is real and that's the only reason it works and I never said anything about her I never put like you're a and this or that I just put pictures up there and I just let the people decide so that's how it went and like I think it would only work against Logan like if I was talking about this Emporia or something like that or someone else I don't think it would have worked as like you know the same way so that's my opinion on it so he's making all the money off this and now he's trying to sue me so like him then what do you think Aiden I'm saying are you so if you're being sued up the ass um are you guys still gonna fight it's we're supposed to yeah but like what's the point in this like I'm getting another lawsuit another lawsuit every single day I have to go to the gym I got guys waiting at the gym trying to serve me papers I can't go to the gym now they talk to my apartment and I'm trying to get swatted all the time like it's up walkers we've all been swatted me Andrea and you now so you know welcome to the club I guess so yeah it's just bro it's just with uh the training but you know he's an easy fight so I don't really don't mind I can't wait yeah it's it's law fair it's endless and you make I mean I like to consider myself an arbitrator of truth I like to consider myself a pretty fair guy what you just said is pretty fair you're you're presenting information without comment and you're allowing people to come to their own conclusions and the only reason I'm getting more upset now I heard I'm going at her is because she's sued with me and she sued me over trying to live saying I smacked I hacked through snapchat so I was in 14 on an iPad I'm like what the hell you I don't know who the hell you were in 2014. like it's all stories so they made me look like a bad guy that hacked her stuff never had anybody's stuff those pictures are all easily found online you know like I could prove that everything was online already so even though Chad still have to pay my eternity fees and my lawyer fees this keeps going for two three years so like it's just you know I'd rather give that money to people or to the people that he scammed in that stuff yeah that's how lawfare Works they attack you endlessly and uh I mean Logan and I have had our disagreements in the past that's that's certain but um he was Entertainer you know I thought he would have understood the promotion side to this you know so I guess not I guess you can't handle it he's egotistical he can't handle when he gets the fire put back on him and he can't control the narrative he just sues so just like Chris I mean uh yo Dylan later this week or next week would you be down to do uh what I do with Fury and KSI would you and Logan be down to come into Discord together on my stream yeah I don't know I made sure I don't mind doing that stuff with them it's just he's kind of he talks over you he yells he has this whole WWE thing that's just like really annoying to talk to but I mean I don't mind and when you whenever you make a good point he'll just be like he'll go to the next thing and then he'll just like try to start yelling again and try to not let you prove a point he's just really like you know he doesn't know how to have it this special do you think he's happy with his relationship I think now or no I don't think so I think I think I think he didn't know a lot of things that uh I know and I know a lot of things that I don't put out there how many guys that she's done like it's some crazy that she's a crazy girl like I I don't know I mean I'm he might be happy but I don't know I think he's he's going to get divorced he's gonna get half his money taken in a couple years Jesus but I mean yeah yeah I'm not here to personally attack anybody but I do think they're in my personal experience I'll speak for my own personal experience in my personal experience women who have been with lots of guys they struggle to stay dedicated to a guy yeah especially the girl that has been with over celebrities wise probably they're 20 30 celebrity men and then regular guys probably over 100 and maybe more that I know of that I haven't put out there and like guys that I like there's guys there that said you like just like club guys that have dated her for like months online taking her to wedding um and like multiple groups you know she grew up in New York city so she was just like that kind of normal social age girl that dated every single Club got stuff like that he was actually presented so it's a the way he was presented to her is from a club guy he's a promoter and basically like you know when you go out and you guys probably have done this like you know you go out with a promoter they want to bring you chicks and they they do that kind of thing just to like look good so he was actually brought her by a club promoter and then he had to marry her that's that's how they got together that's the story there's a reason why men value Innocents in women I think the Innocence makes it's very attractive to us instinctually and I think there's a bunch of reasons for it but also one of the reasons for it is because we understand that psychological damage affects everybody and breakups are psychologically damaging and as a man you're supposed to have scars and you're supposed to go through difficult things and have trials and tribulations and be a damaged person to be a good man the best men have had hard lives but I don't think the best women have had hard lives I think a woman who's been through a bunch of trauma usually ends up struggling to some degree and she doesn't manage to dedicate herself fully to the next relationship and I mean I'm not here to wish any harm on anyone like I said either I've been a very interesting situation but yeah of course yeah and I don't I don't wish I don't wish to divorce and I don't wish all the bad things like that that doesn't bother to me I was just putting facts out there you know what I mean I mean I don't really give two shits about the kid's life I hope he goes on and whatever you know it does what he has to do but you know it's a fight at the end of the day we're promoting a fight and yeah all jobs are basically off I mean yeah that's how fights will promote right especially what it's two guys I mean one guy I never boxed and the second guy I never won a fight so what are we going to talk about our left and right hooks like no one wants to hear about that when's the fight or whatever we've been talked about you know what I mean so I had to make interesting so there's a reason that he picked me I made trouble I made drama and I did it I'm making him a ton of money and as for the future and what it holds for him I guess it's his decision I guess he feels like he knows right away that other people don't know her but we can only talk from our personal experiences and I think that men as a whole all across the planet all men value or all men respect women who are extremely exclusive or have extreme what is a lot of sorry starting up what is a lot of what is considered for a girl a lot of bodies or a lot of what would you guys consider a lot of what would you say then first I think it depends on the age is that a good okay okay so like I would say my age so you're going at her age if you're going to marry a 31 people okay so I would I was 30 years old nowadays and just if I'm 30 years old and I'm not specifically low I'm not gonna you know personally attack Logan or anything like that or Nina yeah I'm just saying if I was 30 years old and I'm going for another 30 year old Andrew these girls lie all the time out their bodies you never know you can't tell so uh let's be honest if you go to a club and you a girl on the first night do you really think you're the you're the special one that you exactly so you know they're doing it all the time what's the average girl would you guys hey I'm not gonna disagree with you there because I know what you're saying they do lie but I also think you can tell I think that is easy it's easy to get like diluted and it's easy to get LED down the Garden Path which is an English extension uh expression it's easy to get led by a girl and she can lie to you and you can fall for the tricks but I do think that part of you knows you're being lied to and you just like to believe in the delusion I think you can tell for some reason I don't know why I've always been able to tell I could just tell I have a spider senses I'm just like Andrew Andrew can you tell by the way she acts how she treats herself how to waste your behavior is or do you tell by like if in the bedroom if she like knows what she's doing extra extra well like how do you really tell that like what's the way I could think it can be a combination of things but you know what's actually most what can be most scary I think it's a trap a lot of men fall for is that sometimes the coolest chicks are the ones who have been done so much that they almost seem like oh they're really cool and down to earth and they're really funny and they're nothing really bothers them and they're relaxed at it but I think that's almost like part of them has died I'll be honest if you meet a girl and you're a second or third man she's gonna be a bit crazy over you she's gonna be obsessive over you and I agree she's gonna be him you know if you get these girls who are super cool when I meet a girl and she's super like down to earth super cool and she's like yeah whatever yeah no problem they can be the funnest ones to hang around with but you know secretly like ah nah she's she's a little bit too cool in my personal experience and the people I know around me Etc I think there's definitely a link you can probably pull up a study on this somewhere I think that the less sexual partners a person's had the more likely they are to stay loyal to their husband I think that's pretty well studied okay fair enough but what is a lot of bodies nowadays I think when you were 30 bro also also through like if we're out with Miami right I mean obviously this might be out of her up for you but like if I'm out and I'm in Miami and that girl approaches me and okay yeah I probably would do it that night or we're talking about marriage you know it's a totally different thing fair enough I agree there's a difference between a hoe and a queen I agree with you guys fully on that like I'm not mad at 11 at 12 o'clock and she comes around and like you know she knows what's up she knows what she's doing yeah yeah of course and I'm not saying that's a bad thing listen no I know yeah so yeah but yeah what you're saying is different okay so can you guys tell me what should your what's the average body count not the average but yeah what's the average body count for a girl that's 20 and 30. what I can do is I give you a personal experience if I were like all right so here's here's how I approach lifer I think how a lot of men approach life I can't talk about myself right now because I'm my legal situation but let's talk about how men approach life I think there's a lot of men out there who understand there's a difference between fun girls and good girls yes and I don't think that it's a problem if you don't get too confused I think if you get the two confused and you take a fun party girl and get convinced she's a good girl I think you get wrecked that's your problem also if you treat a good girl like a party girl you can also get wrecked because you'll lose to good girl so you have to be very perspicacious understand what you're dealing with if I was to marry a chick I would never marry a woman who had been with more than five guys Andrew can you can you come here with a chick party with a chick whatever Andrew can you can you can you convert a party girl from degeneracy to like a queen or is that possible like whether it's religion or like can you convert a party girl to a queen well why would you I think you could if you have a strong enough frame and you're a high value enough man but why would you want to do that that's true because they yeah it's like they already have the Tendencies and and like it's like yeah yeah it's true the only other thing too is like do you think this girl would marry Logan if she wasn't if he wasn't Logan Paul they have all this money and all this stuff do you think that he'll still be with them you know what I mean yeah well yeah I mean we weren't talking about that every single thing you know what I mean like you probably wouldn't yeah okay but like okay so like if you were from Regular Joe Schmo and he still looks like Logan Paul it wouldn't be a marriage okay my generation I just feel like it's cooked bro I don't know and you're like the Western world's hard G it's kind of white it's hard yeah it's hard it's I think now bro like Andrew I'm gonna be honest like it's like cool now for girls to like listen like this yes like that type of music like yeah them my booty pink my booty hole ground Brown like it's cool like rap about like guys and playing them and like them and like stealing from I don't know it's like it's like a flex for girls to like yeah girl be on your hot girl she had period sis like it's cool like guys and then like like playing and it's like girls rap about it they like want to be like them and I don't know and that's it that's fun so like my that's why you look at Miami right some of the most beautiful women in the world are in Miami and Miami's amazing to party you can party in Miami and have a bunch of fun with girls but you're not gonna find a wife in Miami it's impossible it's not happening Andrew you might be able to find a girl outside of Miami like that doesn't that's not from Miami like like in Florida specifically like you could find someone outside the city so it depends what you're looking for so me personally and I talk from personal experience if I marry a woman I want to be I want to make sure that what we have is extremely exclusive I want to make sure that I get to show her the world I want to be her gateway to the world I want to be the first person who puts her in a Supercar the first person who puts on a nice jet the first person who takes care of her I'll be the first person to show her things I want her to have done everything with some other dude first right why would I want that that's so hard to find out too in Miami Every Girl's on a yacht Every Girl's on there they're all getting buzzed the next night they were with another guy right and they want to be there Dylan Dylan they want to be in the section they want to drink that 42. you want to be next to the signs they want to be you know they just want to be in the Limelight bro that's why Andrew we were talking earlier it's not cool anymore to be evolving that shape bro it's like corny cringe to me now like it's just it's true but but wives do exist they're hard to find but we're not talking about I mean we're talking about Logan but we're not talking about someone who's dating we're talking about somebody who's dedicated this entire life and his fortune and his for and his future too and that's a that's a big risk if they've had that much history I mean I don't know I personally wouldn't do it I I have my life very few yeah 31 years old he has over 100 bodies that's tough and she's dated every single celebrity like by the way you guys think Miami's bad La is twice as worse Andrew twice a year L.A New York or Miami I mean all the same Dylan I don't even know how you live in New York anymore man it's so bad out there I was asking the NPCs around Central Park Washington Park about genders and and and these things and they they these people are brainwashed it's really bad it's super up man you got to get out of there I'm telling you New York is horrible foreign they're happy then I'm happy they're happy but like teaching on kids and I don't I don't believe them yeah let's be honest let's let's cut the right we're living in a world now we're me saying that female innocence is respected is enough for me to get demonized and them to put me in jail and attack me with the full attempt they'll put me through lawfare you're going through lawfare now dillian they put me with law fear criminal for saying that women's innocence is respected but we know all men intrinsically know that female innocence has always been respected promiscuous females have never been respected since the dawn of human time in any culture and any religion in any country even the West only 50 years ago promiscui was massively frowned upon I think that every single holy text it doesn't matter what religion you are speaks the same thing about how important it is to avoid female promiscuity and there's a special bond between a man and a woman when she hasn't been with a bunch of other men there's a special bond that is tangible and you can feel it and you can see it and I know it's hard in the western world today but if I if I get married I mean the white dress is supposed to be virgin G you know like and okay virgin's a bit extreme perhaps yeah a lot of the a lot of women as well I think a big problem that a lot of men make they want to marry women or women want to get married and the man is confused because he thinks she likes him but she doesn't want to be a wife she wants to get married she wants to Instagram she wants to flex she wants to Hawaii the lifestyle yeah she wants some attention she wants all of that she doesn't want to dedicate herself to her man and be an actual wife and in my experience it's another thing that I find quite interesting sometimes the girls who have done the most heinous things with the worst histories are the ones who are the most obsessed with marriage because they want to wipe the Slate clean and they want to pretend that there's something they're not and they want it all to be forgotten so they're the ones that pushed for the marriage the hardest no Marry Me Marry Me Marry Me Marry Me and they'll hold off on sex and pretend to be a good girl and all this garbage I want the I want the wedding because they're trying to prove something to themselves because they feel inside themselves they've done some bad they shouldn't have done but they can't change answer they are who they are at the end of the day they're just trying to hide it but they're always stupid she's 31 so she's getting out of that Prime of going out doing all that you know everybody's gonna find the newest 19 20 year old and bring them on their Yachts not the 31 year olds there's a reason she's looking for marriage but Candace no one's put it in a good way where she was saying how women think when they're younger it's cool to go party and do all this and take pictures of all the celebrities I every athlete but then when they realize that every guy basically he's just gonna go for the younger girl and you're getting older and the guys don't want to marry that you know so she she put it like perfectly and and like she's a woman and she like you know she has great values and stuff like that and she explained it perfectly but uh yeah no exactly yeah and Candice is an amazing woman I know her very well and I know her husband very well as well they're amazing people but that's the reason Society is so broken because we're living through a history now we're living through a version of reality this is the first time in human history where women could be so openly promiscuous none of us know how to handle it women don't know how to handle it might be for me so that they're like okay we're not like I'm 20 years old I can put my only fans that make 500k a year but then when they get older like holy now I gotta deal with all this repercussions of me putting all my my body out there but that's I don't know I'm not a woman okay because men don't know how to handle it we don't know how to find wives and women don't know how to handle it I don't think women can deal with the psychological trauma of being with a bunch of men and nearly as well as they pretend they do they can pretend they they don't mind Dark Knight they regret along the things they've done and it's the first time we're in history now where women are living out these lives and they're being encouraged by The Matrix and nobody either male or female truly knows how to handle this unique scenario we're in the happiest women I know the happiest women I know I've been with very few men or one man or two men in their entire life the happiest women I know happily married happy so I don't know I mean perhaps I'm a terrible person perhaps I'm this big evil massage just like they say I am but I think that a woman is happier when she keeps itself you have the balls to say whatever man wants to say but doesn't want to say because they don't want girls to switch on them because like ever since I started coming out with this every other girl unfollowed me every you know it's like so it's hard I think you just say What Men actually want to say but don't want to say you know what I mean well yeah we respect we respect innocence against that encourages us to protect and provide we respect that innocence in a woman I certainly do um yeah I've done like fresh and fit and blah blah and the girls are like oh yeah but I'm great I want you to be innocent and pure a weight of a pure horror I don't give a about how much practice you've had on dick I don't want to hear that with all this it's just like you know we're just promoting but I guess she can't handle it like I said I've had my disagreements I've had my disagreements with Logan I've had whatever he hated me and he was fully Matrix and I got canceled and blah I don't I don't know but yeah I agree with you there when it comes to fight promotion all gloves are off like I don't think there should be lawsuits involved you should be able to say whatever it takes to uh get views and I think you've done a fantastic job and you're right he owes you a favor to a degree because you've certainly brought attention to the fight you that can't be denied that's true and uh he's very egotistical from what I heard I don't know him personally but I heard that whoever is around him but they don't agree with what he does it like he agrees on he kicks him out of their group and makes them sign ndas where they can't talk about things and so he's just an egotistical like Maniac if you can't handle that I'll make it a narrative that he can't control so he's trying to shut me up you know kind of like what you're going through but like you know what I mean it's up yeah I mean the interesting thing isn't even in the fight so much now the interesting thing is across the next five to ten years if they stay together or not right because if they make it work then nothing matters but if they don't make it work Dylan someone had told me um they said like Dylan won the fight if if Logan and his wife don't make it like that I mean it's like I just man I I look Dylan I'm gonna be honest though bro like I just want to see you too just get wait when is it October what is it 14. like four weeks yeah like less than yeah almost four Rica like you made you made it you mean we should be fighting MMA with all this talk if it was MMA you would win 100 I told you I for the bot he guaranteed me a rematch in MMA but we'll see if he you know he's not a man of his word but you know okay I want to say something I know America is the most failed nation in the world but there are a lot of women in the world especially and especially in America as well there's a lot of women who understand exactly what we're saying and understand that their purity is an asset and it should be protected at all costs there are a lot of women who actually very much understand for me to be respected I need to make sure that I'm not promiscuous and I think even women intrinsically understand this if you see a woman insult another woman what do they call them they call them a it's a person that's true that's true everyone's like you're mad they're the ones that are already done it that are in New York City that were 23 and 24 and all the guys had cocaine at six in the morning and they were doing it their whole lives and now they get older and they stop and then all of a sudden they're like okay what do I do I can't go against this because like everybody already knows they've done it so then they're like oh these guys they're misogynists and this whole thing is like I'm not misogynist I love girls I said this I love slots like it's I don't I don't know it just it's a weird dynamic how I got into this whole thing because I'm not like the big massaging the sky but misogyny is another weapon is another word they've weaponized and they just throw it around like everybody have an opinion and it's not misogynistic to have a standard for me to wake up and say I want a wife who's been exclusive or has been very hard to access that doesn't make me a bad person for the same reason a woman's allowed to say I want a man who can buy me lunch it's just a standard and we're allowed to have standards they've attacked masculinity to such a point now where if you have any kind of standard as an individual they're going to call you a misogynist you're not allowed to hold women accountable for anything their own actions what they've done their past their history no you're not allowed to have an opinion on it or they're going to call you misogynistic which is obviously insane and that's that's what they're going to do so that's obvious obvious weapon they're gonna attack me he's like you bang this many girls this and that and I'm like I don't know what they're saying I'm like are you really going down this route right now like you're trying to say I'm like I don't know what he was trying to say he was like I'm a male and like how when a guy does it it's so cool but when a girl does it it's not cool and I was like okay I don't know what point you're trying to prove but he's just like I don't know he's just like trying to put in his whole head and he's trying to save himself and he you know he can't handle it he can't handle him he's not a fighter and I never you know I realized that before I thought he was an Entertainer and I thought that I could you know have a dance partner that's for selling a fight and we both do have bad blood well he's not a fighter he can't handle like all this like you know WWE so that's why he's trying to look for a way out now I think he's not a good fighter he's a single singular shell fighter he's gonna gas out he's not just there already he's EPO I don't know what he's on he's all something he's gonna guess out and I'm gonna beat the out of him so I'm gonna beat the shadow of him and then I'm gonna beat the case and then I'm going to visit the best comeback ever and then we reimagine MMA and then I strangle him unconscious in 20 seconds yeah I've I've had four professional MMA fights they're on YouTube somewhere I'll put it I'll retweet one primarily so I'll put them up no I was never much of a Grappler bro I just tried to punch and kick people and I I could I could sprawl and you know like get up and I could do the basics I knew I knew a few things but I was never much of a Grappler but I'll retweet them actually now you just remember when you talk to you did you train him or maybe is it good or bad why are you saying F hello oh yeah like I'm the height of my career so I was fighting maybe 10 11 years ago and even MMA wasn't what it is now 10 or 11 years ago or 12 13 years ago it was different so where were you turning I was okay one fighter and I trained in London in a gym called storm but I needed to pay the bills bro and fighting doesn't pay that much if I got offered ten thousand bucks I mean they fight bro I took it I'll Just Fall the fight was fight okay so it's funny because I'm like a Jake Paul I'm like a striker thanks was that the first time you ever grappled someone with you yeah that was the first time ever yeah so what do you think so like boxing and then grappling what do you think is better MMA 100 is way better than boxing I'm talking about just in general just like isn't it crazy you can control someone on the ground like but yeah and then they if you buy I think I think the better sport to master is MMA 100 I'm not trying to go at you either I know you're a kickboxer so I know bro it's it's it's it's but I mean is it kickboxing a form of MMA though MMA is everything mma's everything yeah yeah everything yeah so like grappling would be like a jiu jitsu so MMA Jiu Jitsu kickboxing Muay Thai everything makes if I want any any martial art I gotcha I think it's actually this whole situation is very interesting because it's it's a it's an interesting social commentary where you're being demonized for highlighting whatever and obviously he has to defend his fiance you're promoting a fight and I think that I think that a lot of men whether they're admitted or not or whether they're too cowardly to admit it I think if you were to ask the average man do you want a woman who's been with a lot of guys I think the average man would say absolutely not I think it's very important for men to actually know that the woman they have has had a very exclusive sexual history because it's very difficult to feel special otherwise and they'll they'll say that's down to insecurity they'll attack our Securities but it's not about that it's not to do with them security I think it's just innate and it's evolutionary and we've always been that way I think societies have always been built that way and there's a lot of good girls out there that know that very well like I I I certainly wouldn't I certainly if I met a woman and she was perfect in every way but she had a a large sexual history there's zero percent chance I would marry her that's that's I'll make that very clear so how would you say like okay like me Nate and all right like okay I know Aiden you've been like you know some porn stars of me and I I bang girls like that too now who's in the wrong here like he's like we'd like that stuff but like we don't want to marry that so it's like we're I don't know how to explain it it's like you know you know what I'm talking about yeah it's like it's like who's in the wrong you know no men are absolutely not really hypocritical there's no doubt about it like we love the whole idea of that degeneracy when it suits us but then when we get a woman we really care about the nut there's nothing we find more repulsive that's yeah it's very interesting we're completely hypocritical as as a species and as as a sex that's no doubt about that yeah we love going to the club and seeing a girl with you know a big ass or something like that and she's flirting with you but then it's like okay like obviously I'm not going to marry her but yeah I'll probably do it for the night but you know it's hard for me to only have one girlfriend because it's hard for me to commit to someone why did you guys break up you don't want me asking you and your girlfriend it became like a principle because we were we were a long distance and it felt like I was like checking in every day and like she was made calling out and trying again by calling me five times a day making sure I wasn't doing anything and like you know it was just it became like having an extra I don't know how to explain it it was like having a principle I hate being I hate being like monitored I don't know I just didn't like it I hate it I hate it and and I found out at the end she was probably cheating on me too so whatever but then you know what like it maybe I'm maybe I'm lucky right but I good women do exist bro I trust me I don't wanna I just feel very very good women who are truly gorgeous and they they have extremely limited sexual history extreme are they are they like are they popular on social media or they're just normal girls probably normal well I I think that everybody is is comfortable you know what I mean you know yeah you know I know there's some that are there's some that are I guess semi popular not crazy popular but we're all we're all a product of our environment and the problem is with the Western world is that it's degenerate and it promotes degeneracy on purpose but there are many other places in the world or many other countries where it's not as degenerate and it's not promoted so heavily I mean I'll say here now like I a lot of people have worked out by now I have a bunch of children I have a bunch of daughters and I'm gonna make it very clear to them for when they're old enough that you know they have to be very exclusive and very careful with who they sleep with and who they end up with I love the idea of my daughters being with their second or third guy they're ever within their entire life and marrying that person and having a family and I think that's the most beautiful thing a woman can do and I think the psychological damage that comes with lots of relationships because whether you want it to be damaged or not it's going to be damaged there's no light without dark every single breakup does a degree of damage I think women just don't have the stamina to keep falling in love properly again and again and again I think after a few times it just kind of dies I just had a son too and it's like when you get them on social media what do you get them on all this stuff because like nowadays it's just so toxic and I don't know it's a tough It's supposed to be a parent too nowadays to be honest there's one answer my friend Islam God God fixes all of this when you have a religious family and a religious set up and the whole family worships and pays attention to the teachings of a holy book that a lot of problems are instantly solved that's why we need God it's amazing how easily things can be solved when you have a woman who fears God and a man who fears God and they both they believe in the same religion and they're raising a religious family you'd be amazed what can be fixed the problem with the West is that there's no God anymore nothing matters in the way that's true nothing matters right well it's no big deal it's no big deal and people don't realize that it is actually a big deal it compounds over time and it damages people's psyche there's nothing more beautiful than a man and a woman falling in love once a woman's been damaged to the point where she can't love a man properly that's actually a very terrible thing and I and like I said it's personal experience but I don't think women who have had a bunch of experiences can truly pair bond not the same and I'm gonna get attacked for this endlessly but this just what I believe it's my experience of life it's true it's not even being attacked that's that's true what do you do now you know how are you looking for a girl what do you do saying to myself or I have a lot of work on I want to be the best person myself before I go out there and find the one I don't really think it's hoes and and you know what I'm saying that shit's not worth anything anymore it's not fun it's corny to me because when you're very lucky that you found that out at a young age I mean because you're younger than me like party lifestyle drinking of and yeah dude I've been in the gym I should have been sleeping early like but I did fall into that but if I could get to it because especially when you come from like Andrew understands there's a kickboxer like because I would make no money we're not you know we don't get that much girls in this and that then all of a sudden when you get low popularity and you go out everything's free and there's a bunch of girls who fall into that lifestyle and then you realize like now that I'm older I realized like what the was I doing I should have been you know sleeping early like you know going back to the gym but I did fall into that lifestyle for a little bit but you're young and you're I'm happy that you figured that out that all this doesn't mean nothing thank you bro you know you should be working on your career I think I think going to a club uh drinking soulless horse it's just like what's the point what's the point of doing that I'm not gonna find love at a club come on bro you know what I mean we all know why girls are in the club we all know why guys are in the club right they've made a drink get up and so I don't really really want to do that anymore I'd rather stream I'd rather do something that actually brings me something out of it you know it's it's super easy bro to go do that it's just super easy to to fall down that degenerate path and I really prefer to start yeah so that's what I told you more grappling I said no more lean you can't be doing that bro it's not good for you I agree I agree bro I um I haven't done it in a while so yeah I'm happy for you that's good thank you I'm actually I haven't drank in a while either I really want to stop the last time I drink was on my stream I don't even want to drink but I don't want to put anything into my body my dad was alcoholic and everything so it was just going down a bad pass so I cut it up it's good at detox bro just to have your body only have good things in it our bodies are Temple you know so I'm learning bro you know how it is we have a couple of drinks and then all of a sudden it's like okay where are we going tonight you know then all of a sudden it just turns into you know a spiraling you know yeah and then the next day you feel like then you train like and what does that do it makes your mind shitty it makes your motivation if you you lose discipline you lose track on things you start to treat people like because it kind of brings out the worst in you this is the best I ever heard you talk you when I when I when I say when I hear Andrew speak some real no it's awesome I like that you have somebody you have so many kids that live up to you bro you got you know that's good message they try to they try to they try to cancel Andrew by deleting they deleted one of my most viral tick tocks of me and Andrew his face is banned on Tick Tock we always see Tick Tock we all see Andrew Andrew on our Tick Tock feeds we don't see them anymore so when I hear Andrew speak I'll be honest in the beginning when I saw Andrew something because it would come up on my Tick Tock I would see some of the other stuff and like I was like oh I don't know this guy I think I might have called him up to MMA or something but then I actually started to listen to him talking like watching his full-length videos and I I'd actually respect them a lot of what he says in his message and stuff oh I can admit to you know maybe choking the gun on you a little bit early Andrew that's that's life friend that happens that's life happens but yeah I think a lot of people are with you are like that too like they see some clips or something they're like oh who's this guy in them but if you actually study and look at the stuff or the message that you're putting across a young man I think it's actually great you know being Jim I'll be in the club we'll be training doing this and and you know make something for yourself I think it's actually three good job is what I want to teach myself yeah personal Excellence is the only answer and the personal Excellence is the answer also to even the thing we were just discussing if you become your excellent man because I I do think in a healthy relationship I think that to a degree the woman mirrors her man and if you're a good moral man of good moral standing and you have a good frame and she respects you then she's going to usually bend to your values and that's not forced that's just she has respect for you as a man and you act a certain way and she acts a certain way and it fixes a lot of the problems there's always different pressure sources right if if you're not a particularly moral man or you're not particularly brilliant Manner and she doesn't look up to you and respect you and her friends are trying to convince her to do bad things she's going to go and do bad things but if she looks at you and goes no I trust this man with my life I trust this man to guide me and teach me then I'm gonna he doesn't he doesn't act that way I'm not going to act that way and in my experience I've been fine like I've never I've I've been very fortunate in in relationships I have fantastic relationships now I've always had good relationships and good women do exist but when you get them you just have to identify the good ones and and treat them like good ones and make it you know worth their while also and I don't think the world's completely broken but certainly places like America are are the tip of the spear in regards to degeneracy it's difficult man it's not easy especially for so many reasons the legal system and the way everything's set up and it's I don't know the West is scary to me it's just easy to get wrecked a girl though because if a girl has nothing going on for her and she's a hot 10 out of 10 girl and then it's like some guy's like hey come here I'll pay for this I'll do this I'll do this it's like sometimes it's hard to even blame them I have no Talent or something and they're like they're just really hot and then they all of a sudden they're doing everything they could do in this whole world it's hard to blame I mean it's hard to blame them but you know it points you in the ass later on when you want to find a like you know because like I I don't know it I don't want to like become the moral ground of you know girls or anything like that I never try to get into this but it is hard for girls I gotta I I gotta say I don't know it is hard well do you difficults right it's Uncharted Territory we're in it's certainly interesting times I'm I'm glad I've settled down now because I've got my uh I've got my 10 wives and I've settled down I'm done I don't talk to any new girls so it is what it is do you do you do you guys do it I was having a combo my boy we were talking I set up isn't that hard I pull it off bro I'm talking to you I I got a system it's all right I get it done dude one girl is hard enough you got 10 Jesus Christ I do all right I was having a combo with my boy and we were talking about the the future of the United States I genuinely believe one day there's gonna be a transgender in an office you guys think calling call me crazy now but the world's getting so crazy telling you bro he's the the left is not the left anymore there it's it's just it's gone down the track of meant straight mental disorder and it's grooming of children they're gonna assume you think the transit as a president is like a bad way a bad thing in what way like it's it's promoting it's it's in a way it's it's um it's kind of making um how do I say this bro without it's just what you're saying that person is older and they were like okay I really feel like I'm a girl like who cares like they're happy you know but if it's a kid and they're pushing on a kid so I guess you're saying like because it shows a bad thing just the kids bro leave the kids out in the agendas you disagree with what I'm saying I I just want kids I don't disagree with you what you're saying but I'm saying but like if someone's like 30 something like who the cares if he's a girl or a guy I give no you know what I mean like they would put they would put the in office just because they're trying to oh okay yeah that's what I'm trying to say like they would like you see you see the the athletes of the year you saw I was Budweiser they're just they're kind of just like the target the kids clothing like they're just really trying to push it through your face yeah like you know so I don't know man I I I I I don't I don't know I believe that God we need the the thing is this we need some objective reality on the planet there has to be something that is solid lines okay if everything becomes subjective and if nothing is a firm line then it's very difficult to base a society or a rule set on how people should act or interact so we've now destroyed basically every hard line that used to exist under the name of freedom and liberalism and that's all fine but that's one of the most basic lines like man and woman like if you make everything subjective then how is anything supposed to work there has to be one plus one equals two and that's how it works to a degree so everything is under attack and I don't think that everything being under attack is for our own good I I know what you're saying billion about people's happiness I completely get that but also if you're going to destroy all objects active reality if you're going to allow people to wake up and say the sky is green then how do you even have a functioning Society anymore at the Baseline of society is always going to be family and there's always going to be children that's what makes societies function and even if you want to look at it from a very boring geopolitical standpoint you want to look at it and extrapolate out across geopolitics most of the western world we don't even reproduce enough to sustain our population levels the reason we have to have this Mass immigrations because we don't have enough children to even have a population so you have countries where populations are expanding and exploding like in Asia and India and Africa there are exploding populations then in Europe every single country is declining we don't have enough children to even create people that's crazy you add in it adds in because it's a bunch of different arguments but if you add in just a purely boring argument of medical Sciences keeping people alive longer we need a youth a Workforce who's going to pay taxes to keep these people on their pensions there's not enough people being born why are they not born because men aren't men women aren't and people don't get married no one has kids what is a man what is a woman women don't act like wives men don't act like husbands so it's like Society at every level is broken and how do you fix it you only fix it when you come along with some law some rules and say no this is supposed to go this way up until very recently it was pretty widely accepted that a man was supposed to be with a woman and we were supposed to have children and now that's considered extremist if I say I want a beautiful woman to have children with I'm considered an extremist I'm considered a bad person which is insane because that's how we all got here I started heard here that's why I'm here it's crazy now I uh objective reality and it's more dangerous when you're saying it to Children which don't understand what objective reality is yeah their minds are sponges very few Jews they believe in the tooth fairy in Santa Claus I you know like I said the left now the liberal the Democrats now that it's all about um um spreading false uh agendas on the youth and uh converting their minds it's kind of like a they're literally spreading mental disorder I I believe that God made your you for who you are I believe that God put us on Earth for a reason I believe that um you know I'm traditional bro men can't get pregnant Dylan I know how you feel about that but men can't get pregnant I'm letting you speak God put us on here for a reason like your parents they made you you don't understand by reproduction and stuff which which makes the problem that you go last thing I'm gonna say is this I just can't like let me ask you a question I go change my gender now but can I go change my skin can I can I God baby God made me who I am can I go can I go be black can I become black no right I can't trans race so like all I meant was all I meant is that if someone's happy that makes me happy of a 30 year old I mean but the thing is is like yeah I get what you're saying yeah and I would go probably a certain different way if I had a daughter that was in the bathroom and some guy that would say that he's a girl and he's like you know obviously nah it comes into the bathroom like I don't know how I can handle that yeah I'm saying like if someone is happy then it doesn't bother me it's just like if I have a gay friend he's gay I'm not gonna I don't know like you know what I mean that's what I'm saying but I get where you guys are coming from too obviously God I just think God God made God made his children the way they are and they should be a proud they should be um they should take it they should take they should take it and go with it right like you're you're here's the question here's the question if women have always been The Gatekeepers to the sexual Marketplace Men We Chase whatever let's say men Chase whatever they can get and women say yes or no women are the ones who have the final say and they give the yes or the no they're The Gatekeepers right imagine tomorrow tomorrow every single woman woke up and said I won't have sex before marriage no I'm not advocating that that's extreme but I'm I'm going to an extreme to prove a point imagine every woman did that and every man had to act well enough and good enough to get a woman to marry him to get sexual access imagine how society would change would men still be jackasses or would men up their game would men be more loyal more diligent men be better men definitely it would make them better men for sure it's just like if you a girl on the first night you're not the pointy effort but if a girl makes you way a month you're pulling in you know like dates or dinner flowers and doing the whole thing so it's like yeah but yeah 100 men were up their game and he was learned to love a girl better the first night you know what I mean you're like okay well this girl definitely done this for a thousand guys but like when you see a girl a good girl sorry exactly so if women are The Gatekeepers to the sexual Marketplace and to a degree the higher their standards are the better men will be as a whole and then the relationships are more likely to last and the children are less likely to be from a broken home and a lot of the crime will be fixed and the single parents will be fixed and the need for government handouts to be fixed and it's amazing how many things can extrapolate from such a simple thing as women waking up and saying no I deserve a man who really takes care of me and actually loves me before I give him access to my body you can fix all of society with that basis too so it's it's interesting where we talk about female promiscuity and we say oh it's no big deal and girls do this girls do that but actually extrapolates out across all of society and there's a massive price to pay which we're now learning because this is new Uncharted Territory and we're now learning it I talk about Europe exclusively I can't uh name the stats on America I'm not sure but you're Europe exclusively we're not even reproducing and having children because people don't want to get married and women ain't worth sticking with and it's all just a big mess well if you if your country can't even repopulate itself then what do you even have you don't even have a country anymore so then you have to import people from the other side of the world which is fine diversity is great but then you're losing your own country by extension now so it's it's it's kind of crazy it's it's it's super interesting what's happening in the world today there's so many countries and it's not it's not just the West actually I think Japan and China have the same problem four I don't think anymore that was before yeah but yeah it's super interesting so there's and I don't have a solution to any of it I'm just sitting here making I'm just making comments I'm just observing the situation but I do think it is with uh with the whole fight thing now I've become like part of this whole thing everybody's coming to me for I'm like I'm just I'm going to fight here but yeah like everybody's coming to me and they're like you're making you're changing the world not every girl is scared to post pictures with guys is what you did to the low gifts like you're scared of it like you're gonna be like a case study and all this stuff I'm like that's but yeah it's crazy because they're gonna come at you for that but that's just that's just externalizing their own personal decisions and a lot of people do that they don't want to take any accountability but I don't know maybe I'm getting old and boring but when I see if I meet a young woman and she's young and she wants to only be with me and she's talked about family pretty early and her primary goal is to have children I find that beautiful I think it's a beautiful thing how old were you when you had your first kid because I'm I just turned 30. I just had my first one so I'm like a little bit you know it's like new territory it's kind of scary yeah I feel like I still have the same mindset as the young kid so now I'm trying to you know mature and you know be a good man for my my son you know because I still have that in new words like I'm crazy sometimes you know but uh yeah I I was just asking there's nothing now there's nothing more beautiful than children and I was around your age as well and I think it's one of the most beautiful Journeys any man can go down to and you also learn a lot about the gender roles when the kid arrives I think that women have fantastic superpowers when it comes to children they have a patience unbelievable yeah it's unbelievable girls are Savages now if you guys and you got your next children one of you guys should name your son Hayden that'd be kind of cool probably not but yeah anyway no I think I think you could be self-fade I think you just need like you you need to train more man you need to I don't know how to explain him you're very smart and you're so talented bro if you start training I feel like you you'd be a animal because you put your mind to something I think you can do it one thing I always say like I'll you know I look back at some of the things we talk about money really is an amplifier bro and I think I got like I'm not saying that it's bad that I got rich so early in my life but I I think like no and Andrew people are going to be like oh what the boohoo but you gotta you understand what I'm saying like it's really an amplifier right so when you have so much money and you don't know what to do with it it really is an amplifier I'm naturally a lazy person and not disciplined right so it really amplifies the out of that and so it's been I'm not gonna see her and cop out an excuse but like you know what's that cool it was a boxer said it's hard to get up in the in the morning and on silk sheets and get punched in the face every day you know it's definitely not easy but then it makes you tougher because you're doing it plus you have the money you know what I mean so basically mentally strong you know so when you have no one in the morning you're gonna go wake you up and run on 5am when you're worse I don't know how much you're worth but it just makes you actually tougher yeah if you look at it that way then maybe you know you have a gift that other people don't have because there's a lot of Rich lazy people out there that'll never work you know do other things other people want to do you know sometimes when I'm working out I look out the window and I see people at the pool jerking all day they'll never understand what hard like well obviously they understand hard work but you know like training and doing dedicating your life to something and you know doing a bunch of hard things that's why I don't believe in inheritance I believe that like I know that I don't believe in it because I know a lot of people that their fathers are very rich and they grow up really good it's very rare though you know like like um there's many celebrities that have children and their children are super up because they're growing up they here it's easy here have this have that have this have that right throughout their whole life so it's it's super easy to your child early and their their brain is like a sponge so I kind of believe that like every single child I mean you guys are a father so I don't I'm not a father so I don't really know but you know is it is it hard for you guys I mean I feel like you guys if you guys understand that you really can't just give your child everything and you can't really them I mean you guys probably like I said you guys are problems I'm not a father so I can't really speak on that but mine's only like a couple weeks till it's a little bit hard to tell but like I'm just gonna make sure he's you know happy and I I wouldn't spoil him but I definitely would if you want to go get a Jujitsu membership you know I'll pay for it you know or in the right in the right Avenues I think giving money to him would be the right thing you know because like when my mom got me a membership back from the before when I was 15 then I got initi membership I fell in love with it right uh I don't know maybe putting him towards the right path of you know things that are good for him maybe yeah I don't know I never thought about it because mine's only a couple weeks old but it's hard not to spoil you could because you want to give them everything you didn't have right you know so that that's something I got to figure out as a man too you know right right 100 percent yeah we were interesting life paths ahead of us interesting Journeys well to see how the world Works see how it changes but fighting fixes a lot of problems because you you can't I mean it doesn't matter how rich a kid is there's been some famous boxers who were Rich there's been a couple of them but you know fighting has to be earned it always has to be earned and uh you have a son that's fantastic and as long as he's in the gym he's going to learn that Daddy's Money can't save him but he's getting his ass kicked so he either has to train and win or not train and lose yeah that's what I do with my little brother whenever he comes over and make sure he trains he doesn't know what he's doing but I'm like you have to be there if you come over my house you have to come Spar you have to train and then he it makes him a better person because he realizes like okay like this is different you know so I I definitely he has a lot of kids yes or no the one because too it's like if you force on the train they don't like it it's hard to kind of like see how much you want to push them towards it you know what I mean so that's another thing that I have to think about I look forward to coming over to the US when I can really and I look forward to doing these podcasts yeah with all these Miami chicks etc etc but often when I do these podcasts I used get through to them towards the end they usually end up agreeing with most of the things I say I think it's just about delivering it in a way that make them understand it and uh the world is an interesting place but there's good people there's bad people there's extremes on both sides but all in all I think it'll work out Andrew Andrew my name is trying to be weird but um you could stay with me if you if you uh decide to come to Miami should I stay with you Aiden yeah no I promise you do whatever you want I'll even get out of my room if you want to have bring your crew over I'll sleep on the couch I don't care we'll see but um look fellas no it just looks like it looks like you're in like one of those like I don't know like rooms it's like small it's not I don't watch sports it's not the best and biggest I should really upgrade we'll see if Andrew if and you're serious about coming maybe I'll rent an Airbnb on the water and we'll get a crazy multi-million dollar crib easy we'll Spar every day we wake up get a shaft the chef Cooks food we hit a yacht you know just on some like real like we can even lift weights on the y'all we'll figure it out would be fun that's that's a real life right there working out training all day in the sun that's just fun and making money you know what that's that's actually truthfully all there is to life you know it's funny I was on house arrest for five months right and this last two months I've been off house arrest and on the five months I was on house arrest I was living with my coach and five or six old gym friends and we'd wake up we'd train all day we'd eat right we'd chill in the night we'd sit around talking and then I got off house arrest and I I haven't changed my routine at all that's all life is that's the best the best life can be having some guys around you you've known for a long time who you trust train hard laugh joke that's more fun than parties and anyway I'm still on house arrest even though I'm free I don't even leave my house I just want to train and chill and work and look after the people I love and that's that's what life's all about so I look forward to uh that scenario Aiden I look forward to you showing us your bench press record and showing us how strong you really are putting us all in our place I got you I got you bro hey I'll tell you what I really do got you this time action's gonna speak loud Awards so we'll see all right all right okay I'm good though so who are you guys picking up probably very low Andrew go ahead you know what you know what you're being honest listener one thing about me I can take criticism I'm not like Logan so you get that you can say how you feel I think the pressure is unloading yeah and uh you will know better than me how well he deals with pressure but it feels like to me the pressure's on him he has uh a lot to try and rectify so um if you think he doesn't handle pressure then that's going to be bad for him we'll see we'll see I did this on purpose you know Roberto Duran the Sugar Ray Leonard but he blew a kiss at his wife and Sugar Ray Leonard came out like a brawler and then lost over bird Durant so I don't do what I'm doing it's very tactical you know people don't realize that they don't know the fight game bro and you know what I can talk like I was fighting in my Prime long like a bit before the internet captured a lot of the things I said luckily because I said some that would have gone wrong no bro 35 36 or so you know you're still in your Prime well I can still do it yeah but uh I retired when I was 30. but um I can still do it but I'm saying that like the things you've done to promote this fight aren't even one percent of the that happens most the time at fights and things and I'm dealing with lawsuits it's but whatever I mean so who do you have to think if you have to say you can say oh I haven't seen Dylan I haven't seen I haven't seen it if you train properly I don't I don't know I I think I think psychologically the pressure's on Logan I'll say that psychologically the pressure's on him to perform um Aiden's only a person in Logan but then I saw you someone asked you on a bus and you said Logan was gonna win no no I said if it's boxing it's hard to say it's favorite of the Logan's gonna win if this was MMA to him the window because he's never won a fight I'm saying if this was Adam you'll walk in the park for you you know what I'm saying it'd be a walk in the park but I I I I just it's boxing you're not you're not a boxer but I I you're strong you know what I'm saying um you know you know how to hit right so what was this head you were doing you're banging your head into something what the was that as big as in the sauna like uh Mike Perry number like they're doing they're hitting their fists and like hardening their fists I was just hardering my forehead okay does it actually work probably not but I got a hard head man I'm I'm very hard to knock out so he's gonna find out all right well we'll see and we'll see we'll see you gotta pick one pick one um you know what because I'm a sports Gambler I'm I'm gonna bet on you because I want to win more money [Music] thank you it's all good I I appreciate it I'm awesome must love done this is awesome nice to meet you Andrew finally good talking to you man bye-bye
Channel: Adin Live
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Keywords: ADIN ROSS LIVE, ADIN LIVE, ADINROSS LIVE, ADIN ROSS, ADINROSS, adin ross, adin ross 2k, adin ig live, adin ig, adinross ig live, adin ross ig live, adin ross ig live today, adin ross ig live full, adin ross full stream, adin ross twitch, adin ross stream, full adin stream, adin full stream
Id: SheOw8UQnoo
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Length: 59min 54sec (3594 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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