Adin Ross High Stake Gambling with XQC! ($10,000,000)

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oh thank you okay let's get a run going or what you talk to him bro is it better chap is there a wider angle you can go this this is same W oh cool cool how much hand you going for 20 30 I was going to go 25 a pop I'll do 20 I mean matter of fact are you guys do you guys play one hand together oh I'm going to go 20 hand you want to out I don't care we're up anyways do you want to to sit out I don't think I don't want to get table energy I think it's is fine no you guys are going crazy I don't want to fck up your guys Mojo no we just started losing though and then we start at 15 then then add two since we got two more slots it's hold them in ball game or we can do this no no we can do this what's the what's the max uh it's 2525 right for per person for you for you oh just him too or no I'm on how much am I I'm at what am at 10 10 right now you're at 10 okay well technically those are my chips so you're good to play on wait no Felix yeah usually at 30 is it until Felix those are myip until until like deposit kicks in yeah yeah fine that's taken care of no but Felix what I'm saying is technically those are my chips so it's my place so technically we can go 25 25 do you see what I'm saying okay and then so basically it would be my 20 your five but but it on paper your 15 sorry I don't speak wait what did you say basically since since I'm locked on 10 right it would be my 10 your 15 25 total good now yeah okay come on just drunk you two you just want to basically right is is that okay you want to jump in or not just tell me the truth right now what do you want you guys are about to slim what do you want let me go by myself real quick me next do you guys play and then you had to play okay so I'll just put the chips in for him right okay let me just touch it back Max 25 you want to go 25 25 do do it uhhuh uhuh uhuh uh-huh mhm are youing on chat I'm trying to bite that y where'd you get that yeah please thank you s appreciate it my lip C bro yeah it's late you play they know they know go in now yeah just us two hands okay easy 20 thank you oh man it's okay oh don't have it please no no no I don't have it okay thank you hey come on N seven no seven 10 do 20 do 20 come on come on get hot we're good seven seven give him a blackjack in a double just hit oh wow disgusting 16 16 uh H I'll hit it oh my goodness three where oh call come on seven wow she get one just hi y good he's playing on this lot oh you have two hands how much you have Blackjack doesn't matter two black jacks 10 oh my God oh my goodness please 15 21 back to back six wait five four five 14 seven n good Felix angle you want to switch spots no it's not no it's just why is Citrus leaving when he has the he's doing the camera what why oh he's getting yeah but somebody else could have gotten that thing is you can't see the cards from here that's the problem you can't see the C my cards from here you have to pull my yeah Sor is what it is you guys should just how much you took out 50 right yeah 20 17 and you have a uh flip a nine nine nine don't do that 18 fine yes should switch seats to change it they kind of playing right now I like the are you going in oh 20 7 8 n two okay I'll take that easy clap what is that just yeah B low why do you do this to me huh I guess you care bro what it didn't pull pull oh my bad hold on so you owe me how what you owe me 50 and you owe me 50 right I owe 50 yeah okay okay just making sure 10 2 10 Ace why do you do this I don't want to mess your double up bro n 10 it's not even double is it it's just a hit is it no that's an 11 versus 10 you got to double that wait do you want me to hit or stay I'll listen to you I don't want to mess up your double okay so oh or for you um do you want me to do your thing do thing I'm asking you do you want me to hit her step I don't give a I don't give I don't want to take your 10 bro bro bro we we don't know what's going to happen in I'll I'll hit I'll hit I'll hit sorry 10 no 10 10 I'm sorry bro on God 50g is unlucky go for it I'm sorry Felix no night fault yeah thank wait you took out another marker of 90 but how you take out wait wait I don't know so I took my marker for 80 and my 50 your 50 yeah so 13 all right so I'm okay here oh I'm I'm literally even right now okay that's not bad I'm even huh I'll place it okay yeah I'll just give you c words I I'll say I'll say push and pull okay Push Pull push is what push is you putting in pull out 10 please 6 seven please two have a l I'll double oh man five 15 hit these are disgusting 15s all the time I'm used to it no please I took the 10 it's okay oh thank you sa for the other one pull oh sorry good six seven give him a seven I'll double that if you have a low of course you don't you never do thank you put it up a little more said just look at the chat bro cuz they're not liking the angle all right I I I basically even out this shoe not too shabby 20 30 40 50 D 60 70 80 I'm down 45 can they see the dealer too not the dealer so why Citrus move it to where you can see both like this threey you bet parir I mean at this point we could prob the DSLR no I'm betting preira yeah at this point we could prob something the DLR no n it's a good bet I don't care if Drake bets it I'm still betting it should we switch seats we can we can hit the middle ones if they want swi seats uh these two right here yeah that's good Chad is that good yes or no chees you're moved it over there oh you want to split cut cut yeah you can you see his cards oh they're saying yes they're saying yes it's good can I get one pum I'll push for you I could if I could literally just double this up I'll be out and I'll be up $300,000 if I literally win four and in a row I'll get out fours in a row and I'm I'm I'm up 40 let's get four in a roll please you said what okay here have X right there yeah here push this down yeah over here exit in here huh this I mean it's the same thing right can they see now you're not in the camera I'm going be honest it can't fit the dealer just you two huh dude that's never been like that s you have to hold it up bro you can't just let it yeah you have to hold it up you have to hold it up that's how Jordan does it good yeah we're good 20 nice thank you nice okay okay you're good you're good you're good okay you making the call 10 bust we're good okay so I can't count whenever when when it silence okay can we do something um Can can you say it out loud cuz my brain is so slow I can't count 20 10 10 good at least you got it good I know it seems silly but you got to play that hand if he's a 20 wait what happened you got to play that you got to work the chips you got to do that oh I I did pull oh you're saying push him did I do it oh you did it oh I'm sorry I got you I got you I got you we've been doing the first time we made a mistake sry pull I got you I pull uh okay come on 3 four all 28 28 okay come on man this a big hand oh no don't no don't okay double down face down please can I flip it it's okay if I flip it oh I want give me ear like 10 oh man come 23 no why did you do this to me oh my goodness dude it's like it doesn't matter shut up you don't care you don't care no you don't do seven please seven three oh man two tries seven oh 17 hit 15 I need that back to back you another seven one more seven please hit it oh he has to place s yeah as well push you can do oh man 20 right here 10 10 10 good that's 89 got it x p pull oh you money yeah you're going to leave right now um yeah just play for me okay I'll play for you I can play for you yeah yeah these are you come on your mic X yeah give give a mic to like cheer or something yeah stand hit 15 hit is that alline 16 x you want to you want to hit or stay against a 16 against a 10 uh this one time Stan Stan was it was it uh 20 man you want to do 20 or 25 a hand 20 or 25 20 okay four five please man yeah every time ohk a two 19 push garbage [Music] man come on man 20 there you go split just boss boss 10 18 bro can I go on a streak please lit it's man 13 can I get a good hit never seven or here 3 four what is that 11 12 got a hit 18 stand look eight for him eight push okay oh man I good D need that cut my bad I don't know where Dante's at yeah we ran y you guys are playing one hand the entire time yeah it got so bad though you got to Chase and you got to play hard went up to like 17 bro 177,000 each you try to get the blue chip yeah you'll get it you'll get it just be patient [Music] yeah you right I'm drunk Chad I'm drunk as pick a number between 1 through 10 H pick a number between 1 through 10 what um n okay we go to the bottom then okay of course chat saying cringe oh they're saying cringe to you okay cool no they're not they're saying it to you stop trying to put it on me CH who's cringe she's I'm not talking cool 89 Blackjack at least okay at least he got it good didn't work please man yeah a man you getting smoked right now very badly [Music] man hey okay we're good 10 two three three back to back just bo back to back 5 10 10 10 come on 10 10 all right come on I got to win some more Bel again yeah 20s oh man that's flip guys stand all just flip why do you do that 10 7 of course I know your hands are actual piss can I get 20 right here 18 n you can't split I'm not going to split them hit 11 10 heang 13 hit okay seven please that hurts guys 20 every time what are you supposed to do man I got to stop laying out money cuz I I lose track of when I'm actually up m puts me in a pickle man I'm getting I'm getting crued four five my god dude that's yours um yeah I'll do a uh I'll do a marker give me 300,000 okay good I just lost 200k 100 I lost 100 it's a lot Jesus hey do you have a 50 in chips 20 oh N I have 10 or I don't want it I don't want it cuz he owes me 50 and then XS be 50 so it makes no fense you want print it right yeah yeah you could yeah print it print it yeah [Music] Jes right now hell no not right now me [Music] up is it doing decent no I I'm down 100 is this all mine or is this yours this is all you bro you like two blackjacks in a room three oh [Music] yes if I get just get split I mean you could just you could just give me 10 if you want that say my account um by the way have to wait for the deposit to fully kick in before I can have my own limits or not fair enough no problem it's fine yeah a didn't pull pull oh okay got you s no you're good you're good you're good come on please Blackjack me man I need it it's okay I'll take it just flip anything but a 10 man okay that's bro yeah that's great if we had anything else I would have flipped yeah it's okay I got you got uh man bro 12 hit 789 please please okay flip a 10 don't do this please thank you and um put one more on top of the stack to said there's another location go to what to said there's another location you guys got to go to no what does that mean tell to no I'm not doing that I'm gambling the location I know what he's trying to say 14 he wants me to stop gambling I'm not doing it I'm getting my money back don't do this to me n 10 NOP 10 18 oh my n too dang you need a lot more um no I'm not I'm only 25k down but I want more I want a more profit you're Jewish Jews Like Money blackjack right like money nice like a seven no I hate you you're mush even money you're schmuck even money you're literally mush Insurance just just flip no insurance I hate you I don't care you know what can't get mad about that fine four five four four me up four me up I'm standing just stand everything 13 10 17 how was that possible bro bro this anything is the one time you say you with the casino my brain can't keep that's way more fast boy hold on all right bro I hate doing math in my head it's like it's like every hand I win or lose I have to redo the math on everything I hate it count do you do that sometimes yeah something like that no no can I just can I just give it to you the 300,000 back yeah thank you sir I get a count on my f quick as hell like hurry up did you cut last or me I cut last you you go you go you go [Music] yep started good what does that but what does that mean a location he wants me to go eat food instead of gamble but I'm not going to do that I want to be up $100,000 we eat f l right thank you unless they close no they don't close they don't close yeah so they can wait to you're at Coachella doing drugs getting dickk call drk I know he's drunk get off I'll kill you that's literally like what he said you can toss it yeah rip it up toss it out thank you bro let's get it man all let's get it let's get something good going let's get a a good come on y let's make money y you like money all give me a four clearly not I'm I'm just kidding two yeah you BOS 10 10 why Ying why come on Ying that's that's that's p right there push can't pause n 10 10 oh my just 13 against three come on bust low 10 14 my God 22 oh yeah don't do that to me can you guys get a street going sorry yeah let's get it come on Blackjack 20 all 9 low POS oh please okay you got you want to hit right yeah of course yeah four 13 7 seven all right seven 10 10 10 pull pull pull even the shoe let me win four in a row and I'm out right here this is it can I get a two or nine two oh y thank you oh I'm sorry X lock in 7 eight 17 flip nine 10 10 10 seven push you take it push the win oh yeah well dude with this start anything's a win if you don't lose you're good 67 five not again 2 three fair enough um what do you feel like cuz this is easy you got to hit bro yeah of course but goad send it send it yeah hit it don't get mad at me please hold my hand oh my sorry y it's your tip no I'm just kidding k Sorry Sor okay it's fine I'm so sorry fix it's sa next round okay push matter okay you had a hit anyway you're going to lose yeah yeah it doesn't matter two more hands on I'm out oh my God Max here all right listen oh my God what oh M to told you too didn't he I can't I can't leave I can't Ma I have to literally get my money back I'm out oh my God to stop sending little get me sorry we need some good energy this is going to hit it's going to hit come on sorry for me all right give me like a eight or nine have AOW these TW that they need to stop they do eight nice oh my goodness please flip seven 10 thank you push push it I'll see I know what to said and I'm a to one right now I love to but to right now let's gamble let's make some money we got to make some money I love to that's my brother that's my brother listen guys I have a goal in my head right let me explain to everyone right here so everyone knows okay so check this out he owes me 50 he owes me 50 yeah and then I have 50 right here so I'm at currently 250 so now guess what I have to win two hands I'll be at 300 total I'll be so happy I'll be happy camper son I love you we got this you're up right now though I'm up $250,000 but I want to be 300 happy leave me alone okay all right give me like a two or three please oh no there's no shot no insurance every time I get is that a split against as no dude it's not is it it's super always split hey hey bro hey bro hey bro you want to split it yo you send that any day okay let's go nice 13 hit right against the ace 7 eight it's okay just get just flip listen flip a seven six n five 10 you push you push one more hand I'm out promise pull pull pull pull one more hand I'm out okay this it I'm out five I'll double it I don't care I'm sick W 10 please thank you that's a double it's a double right show it to me face down come on I like it face down face down face down face down uhhuh 8 10 10 good the goal you're done what you're done I know you're done 25 to play I'm not trying to be weird do you think you play that 50 back in that blue just so I can put in that little thing to hold my money two three four five he this is why you me $100,000 are they still counting yeah oh yeah problem it's going to take a little bit more time right yeah yeah no problem you almost all right now CH cheer cheer and comi I'll do later but I'm just doing my chunk you know y time to gamble wait before that Aiden let me hold 25 I'm just going to go all in you do it for me oh I get it cuz cuz let me try to win too if not I'll pay 75 all in hold on we got the Cher blue okay so hold on so right now you owe me can I get a blue or two Blues sorry also pull oh pull pull pull let's just do a reset real quick all right chat hold on I got you yeah so um chill out and why is Eddie in the chat what Eddie what do you want bro what Eddie Eddie you need you need to give us a juicer please EDD please just one juicer Eddie if I what' he say he put a heart oh love you too man oh Eddie do you know who this is right here I knew that dick sucker stand here waiting for [Music] him and there goes the C he said yes all right Eddie who is it what's the streamer's name do you know what it is ah all right uh let's see what he says Che oh my God I sped it wait there's the delay though so let's see let's see let's see let's see why would you ask that you know how insane that is oh you said cheer oh okay okay cool I ask how to make sure be Eddie all right all right thank you Eddie all right so look you want one blue you even so what am I I owe you 50 right now try to get me even bro if I go down half a mil I'm going down half a mil just SI just get me even right now bro just do your thing please I don't like that okay I got you you want to just so basically two hands back to back you want to win C you just went hard but you're play I'm playing for you not playing for me okay okay fair enough oh this is going to hit oh God he's um push for [Music] me maybe 10 huh maybe 10K hand 10 or 25s I would do I'm trying to you I would go 25 25 n that's disgusting I him 25 or 10 he said 50 this pie of and P me hold on a second am I money oh no I'm tripping push my bad you want to do 25 then what do you think okay you're down 50,000 yeah you go 25 here mhm you're going to win I'm not even saying if you lose yeah you win this you're down 25 uhh and what do you have in your pocket 20 I have more upstairs but I mean like don't worry about that it might okay trust me when I say this yeah play with this 25 then you only debt to me by 25 and then you would have 20 in your pocket yeah but be smart yeah I don't know what the you're saying he's making up numbers he's counting two wins already for me who's got Lo with are we 20,000 in his pocket are you too clear mean you're clear give you 50 or no what no no I I give him his 50 back right okay so you guys are clear I just owe you 50 and I owe X4 yeah God guys all right so what I'm saying is this yeah with this chip you owe me 75 correct okay so what I'm saying is you win this mhm then you only me 25 yeah yeah and there's 20 in your pocket just do the 25 okay come on man come on bro come on bro I'm not two in a row two in a row five oh my God oh my God brother you you're not sketch I'm not rich like this guy bro this is a lot this is a lot of money to me oh my God Mo know do you want my heart just feel my heart bro please oh my God just go you sure yeah I have to bro I have no option all right face down face down you want to look at it you got to hit hit on that you pick you want to hit feel my heart bro my heart is racing hit hit you have to oh my God my you're good just trust me my heart is racing br oh my God bro oh it's not bad W oh 10 he's no over it's over even baby oh my God how does he do it he needed that so bad let's go bro so happy bro oh my God that's insane call it call my heart please you don't understand that's insane ly 250 300 Andy push me in got you oh my God you done yeah bro got my 50 back I'm good yeah you're even good bro appreciate you oh my dude what a clutch double go to sleep disg he's going to by himself I'm done guys what I'm at $325,000 first day I'm killing him right now thank you guys you can put a little cover over there we're going to have cheer gamble all his money Eddie Eddie said he wants it Eddie said cheese are gamble no he didn't he know not Eddie he literally did bro the I'm not going to just blow it all dude he just wants you to gamble for fun gamble for fun yo Aiden since I'm playing it you want to clear his debt with me he's cleared yeah but you want to clear he he's in De with me and I need chips to play hold on oh you need chips yeah so you can clear his de with me with like uh with with 40 right and then he ow you or or it's fine cuz I just need CH no no no no okay slow it down I so you can take 40 out 40 out 50 take instead of owing me 40 he owes you 40 again here how about this take my 20 okay go all in if I win I pay X off okay fair enough fair enough come on this is huge come on get me out of that please God please God don't pre come you got to double that is that a dou here can we give him a marker all rightone I'm good don't say that I'm good not send me the hell if I lose this hand oh my oh my God what are you saying the hell with me too is getting funky don't worry this run is diabolical today I don't even want you to flip the card I swear we're Gooden you in hold on hold I'm not in who's doubling D my double my D okay so I owe x25 these are both my hands pretty much if he wins this is my hand all no X you owe me 25 now okay just keep track okay there we go so what do you want to do that yet my brain been broke come on BS yes oh my God okay okay holy oh my God all that is mle holy that's insane what the did you check this out that's all that's all X's no no no that that was a call Bets with you so call bet was 25 right s so give me 20 1 2 3 four five that's yours give me a blue please is mine everything is you you pull pull pull pull pull pull yeah yeah pull you heard that X what's up I'm even with yeah can you put in that cover please what did you just do why did you he almost sacrificed me dude what was that about bro let's be honest you're going to end up there anyway listen is I can't not lying cheer go in I guess you're not coming right with Bud 500 I'm not going that's going with X I'm a good kid oh God I'm a good kid before the deposit my limit is at 10 right can I do 10 on twos or not with him so so now I I can play by myself guys no I I can no I'm I'm big boy now I I can split theend oh big boy okay but wait cheese wants to go with you what's up you can go up this three hands okay yeah but I'll just play for two with you so what I was saying was if you could just do one do you want to do two or one hand I like two hands okay play game 10 player cheer right now come on yeah just cheer right now oh 10 10 oh oh I love that these are such nice hands It's Tricky I I mean I could just hit one or what do you think I mean this is a textbook hit but I mean hold on chat's saying tip Ying who wait can I I'm going to be honest I'm not trying to look like as I need the bed I'm going to be real I need I don't you I don't you K you're a multi-millionaire not me all right I'll tell you what Tipp her this five and I'll I'll pay you back on God I'll 100 I need that bro cheer I'll pay you I'll cash app you right now I lose 15K is she going to give me 15K no let me cash app you right now I'll do it right now I promise you I will come on what you do here 16 16 on E what you do I'm cash at you what your cash you hit that right what would you do here I mean it's it's a hit but the feel what's theh it's K right fine Walker why did I memorize it I'm sorry look kayin got the money see let's go through K Walker just anything else but it's double 16 and we're chilling have her cash app cool I mean please was it we mean 12 today man I know with him earlier today it was only TW brother and busting 12 too on 12 yeah 14 seven 20 good eight n eight 10 that's good we'll take it this can you ask kin if she got the money she's sleeping what are these true I don't know these are crazy good four right here five six okay 18 18 St uh St right yeah yeah of course well well cuz look I'm going tell you why cuz you have multiple tries right here 18 on 10 is still hit no it's still hit yeah but but look you have another hand playing like security you know what I mean but that's up to you you know what I'll do stand on this one but hit on this one why not let let's try it see there you go X but I that's still fine amazing you're good SW that my fault K just text me sh in the Stream hey K who's game it's my fiance all right cool oh split oh no you can't bro it's like four in a row this has to stop four are 18 full stand that we're going to war you don't have a 10 you don't have a 10 oh my God that's disgusting okay go for it oh okay better and better nice Double Split all right give give him another four it why not this a splitter right yeah split them up what does the little book thing say yeah you got you got to split four four again six five 14 six seven 14 stay just bust out four 16 14 W baby got a message from this guy I don't he's hit me up all right J wants 55k I'll give him 5K um you know what yo tell Jess it's going to be a 10K it's going to be a 10K hand yeah he hears you bro it's a 10K hand Jesse all Jessie it's 10K hand all right so this is me and and this is Jesse okay go ahead Blackjack [Music] please double there though hit hit on that yeah hit on this seven seven can Jesse we suck I think's coming I I'm I'm going to stand and double yeah I'm going to do that play your game bro and double on that yeah 10 somehow Dam I think he pushed right because he yeah yeah all Jesse we're doing it again CU they overall push wait overall push or win it was a push I think you won 5K right it it was win it was a push push okay yeah rece 100000 is crazy what that hang nail what finger what what it's not my nail a chapstick thank you oh that's a hang nail no no it's not a hanging not hanging yeah yeah yeah why you say why you say like they look at me why are you okay you see I like bro you make it so weird wait where's Mac at yo are you guys W on me or what are you guys wning on me or to go eat let's do like three more and then then we'll go eat uh okay so look here's what we do Chad tell me if it's w x does three more eats come back cheeser and comy Gamble and I'll gamble after you guys here comes together you're five my five this is me and Jessie 350 is that good be I should be done tonight too why am I still no no you have to Eddie wants you [Music] to two hits bro come on six 17 eight 78 56 that's disting it the 20 I can't handle this it can't be it can't be lost one yeah uh lost one he lost 10,000 there right no no he lost 10,000 yeah 10,000 total okay I'll do one more yo yo Jesse you owe me 5K but excuse me can I get one of those coffee uh Moscow drink or what is they called and then can I get a water the glass one the big one thank you can I get expresso Martini too please oh J you're good excuse me can I get a tequila pineapple and a PG Jesse what's a tequila Pine tequila with pineapple juice Jesse you win 2.5k so half you win half of this 2.5k and then let's see it on two h on this 4.5 you're 4.5 plus was that 12 look at this this is who I am the go the blue chip for you right that's 21 wow 21 look at the camera he's him yeah wo you save the hand bro wow him that was kind of crazy actually the you saved the Hand by by staying on that one um where my limits at now should be a little bit better no want just play my I can play your limits yeah but just want to know in general so when I come back later you got to just H up your limits he can up you feels like deal no deal on the yeah he's on the phone deal it's hot in here you guys bump the heater in here or what the sweat you know what let's just keep three hands why not just send it just let's see what [Music] happens split oh my God my God oh my God hold on hold on all right so that's a splitter right yeah of course splitter give me two 15 fair enough stand on that 16 stand on that on this and then double on this BST 10 14 16 yes that's go good all right I'm out X why did somebody from the ca Community say Quantum double I don't know what that means all right you want to go I'm going to deposit back going to eat Max's here and he's going to basically make me eat youve been eating pizza hey didn't know what happened yeah you have you ate four slices today I hate you damn what are you up we all just went crazy you paid your marker too yeah I paid my marker my debt you're up 100 up 100 yeah what the I'm going go to the cage yeah I'm done was that you took 80 when you came over oh yeah I did oh yeah my marker you up 20 no no way more than that okay 1 2 3 4 and then I just do like this and I copy that and then that's my marker right 80 going to find that's all profits oh Jordan that you want me to go on for you oh go with Jordan cheer cheer put a five for me put a five for me come on come on baby can I just get col up so it's easier over there so chees you're in 5500 no I'm in $500 well Jordan touch this hands he know it's going to be good watch it be a blackjack for Jordan yeah C out please Blackjack for Jordan 100 yeah what are you oh you're up 100 plus 100 nice what a good day it's a great session because you paid off all your debt yeah and after that I get the deposit KCK it in and I'll have like 600k later 20K right now and we go big like yeah after that we go big see this is like the pregame I didn't want to go too hard so like yeah come on Jordan let's get M mhm 20 okay F seven Jordan's hand come on I it's okay now I got a chance now put my five come on oh yeah um can I get um color color down for this and just give me U four yellows and All Blacks please all four yellows one pink five blacks okay thank you this is all over that chip too I can't and then sorry tip now and then keep all the blacks for you it's for you yeah your tip yeah and then I'll take the rest can I reach in okay sorry oh your tip it yeah was so I can depit oh my god dude all right don't do that to me man I'm you're good dude how do you have 20 every time a dude relax win my dick got a 20 I'm losing 20 21 you're kidding I got raped nine 10 your back God I got to stop trying to fit in with the big dogs on God like I'm panicking what do you want to do I play one one SL with him oh this is too bad dude oh my God I think oh okay refunds us who please oh my God please I'm begging push please take push win push is a win I'm swe
Channel: Adin Live
Views: 317,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ADIN ROSS LIVE, ADIN LIVE, ADINROSS LIVE, ADIN ROSS, ADINROSS, adin ross, adin ross 2k, adin ig live, adin ig, adinross ig live, adin ross ig live, adin ross ig live today, adin ross ig live full, adin ross full stream, adin ross twitch, adin ross stream, full adin stream, adin full stream, Adin Ross Kick, Adin Ross Kick Stream, Adin Ross Full Kick Stream
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 13sec (2533 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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