80 please 0 who ow me 50 though where where's Mo at he's about to come out does he have his 50 ready uh he just got smoked actually he got some of it back Aiden Aiden uh front me like uh like 50 just for now while the money gets counted or whatever so 50 for now yeah for now okay 100 total so chat no no I'm not 100 100 front total yet chat I have a mark in for 50 remember oh my bad were you sitting here good I'm done playing you're good good you sure yeah yeah what how'd it go down 110 you put the flash on the sorry can I pum I think flash you're doing this wrong they're not liking this you got to fix it all right you guys want me to win or lose and don't don't lie is there a b in there you have a l CR here or something [ __ ] oh thank you okay let's get a run going or what you talk to him bro is it better is there a wider angle you can go same oh cool cool how much hand you going for 20 30 I was going to go 25 a pop I'll do 20 I mean matter of fact are you guys do you guys play one hand together oh I'm going to go 20 hand do you want us to sit out I don't care we're up anyways do you want us to sit out I don't think I don't want to get table energy I think it's is fine n you guys are going crazy I don't want to [ __ ] up your guys Mojo no we just started losing though and then we start at 15 then then add two since we got two more slots it's hold them in ball game or we can do this no no do this what's the what's the max uh it's 2525 right for per person for you for you oh just him too or no I'm on how much am I am at am at 10 10 right now you're at 10 okay well technically those are my chips so you're good play wait no Felix yeah usually at 30 is it until Felix those are my until until like deposit kick in yeah yeah fine that's taken care of no but Felix what I'm saying is technically those are my chips so it's my place so technically we can go 25 25 do you see what I'm saying okay and then so basically it would be my 20 your five but but it on paper you're 15 sorry I don't speak wait what did you say basically since since I'm since I'm locked on 10 right it would be my 10 your 15 25 total yeah okay come on just drunk you two you just want basically right is is that okay you want to jump in or not just tell me the truth right now what do you want you guys are about to slam what do you want let me go by myself real quick me do you guys play and then you have to play okay so I'll just put the chips in for him right okay let me just touch it back Max 25 you want to go 25 25 do do it uhuh uhuh uhuh uh-huh mhm why youing on chat cuz I'm trying to bite that y y where' you get that yeah please thank you s appreciate it my lip C bro yeah it's late you play they know they know go in now yeah just us two hands okay easy 20 thank you oh man it's okay oh don't have it please no no no I don't have it okay thank you Hy come on N seven no s 10 do2 do2 come on come on good hot we're good seven seven give a blackjack in a double just hit oh wow [ __ ] disgusting 16 16 uh H I'll hit it oh my goodness three where callit come on wow she's going get one hi good he's playing on this LP oh you have two hands how much you have Blackjack doesn't matter two blackjacks 10 oh my God oh my goodness please 15 back to back six wait four four five seven n hey good [ __ ] fix [ __ ] angle you want to switch spots no it's not no it's just why is Citrus leaving when he has the when he's doing the camera why oh he's getting yeah but somebody else could have gotten that thing is you can't see the cards from here that's the problem you can't see the C my cards you have to pull that [ __ ] yeah so what it is you guys just how much you you took out 50 from me right yeah 20 17 and you have a uh f a nine nine nine don't do that should switch seats you to change they kind of playing right now though sh I like the SE are you going in oh 20 789 two okay I'll take that easy clap what is that just yeah B low why do you do this to me huh I guess you care bro what say and then pull pull oh my bad hold on so you owe me how what you owe me 50 and you owe me 50 right I ow 50 okay okay just making sure 2 10 Ace why do you do this I don't want to mess your double up bro n 11 on 10 is not even double is it it's just a hit is it no that's an 11 versus 10 you got to double that wait do you want me to hit or stay I'll listen to you I don't want to mess up your double okay so oh or for you um do you want me to do your thing do your thing I'm asking you do you want me to hit her St I don't give a f i don't give a I don't want to take your 10 bro bro bro we we don't know what's going to happen in I'll hit I'll hit I'll hit I'll hit [ __ ] sorry 10 no 10 10 I'm sorry bro on God 50g is unlucky go for it I'm sorry Felix no night fault yeah thank wait you took out another marker of 90 80 but how you take out wait wait I don't know so I took my marker for 80 and my your 50 yeah so 13 all right so I'm okay here oh I'm I'm literally even right now okay that's not bad I'm even huh I'll place it okay yeah I'll just give you Cod words I I'll say I'll say push and pull okay Push Pull push is what push is you putting in and 10 please seven please two have a I'll double oh man five 15 hit these are disgusting 15s all the time rough I'm used to it no please I took the 10 it's okay oh thank you save for the other one pull oh sorry good six seven give him a seven I'll double that if you have a low of course you don't you never do thank you put it up a little more s just look at the chat bro cuz they're not liking the angle all right I I I basically evened out this shoe not too shabby 30 40 50 D 60 70 80 [ __ ] I'm down 45 can they see the dealer too not the dealer so why Citrus move it to where you can see both like this three hereen you miss I mean at this point we could prob hold the DSLR no I'm betting PR yeah at this point we could the DLR no n it's a good bet I don't care if Drake bets it I'm still betting it should we switch seats we can we can hit the middle ones if they want uh these two right here that's good Chad is that good yes or no chees you're moved it over there oh you want to split C cut yeah you can you see his card oh they're saying yes they're saying yes it's good can I get one pum I'll push for you I could if I could literally just double this up I'll be out then I'll be up $300,000 if I literally win four and in a row I'll get out Four's in a row and I'm I'm I'm up 40 let's get four in a row please you said what okay here have X right there yeah here push this down yeah over here exit in here huh this I mean it's the same thing right can they see now you're not in the camera I'm going be honest it can't fit the dealer just you two huh dude that's never been like that s you have to hold it up bro you can't just let it yeah you have to hold it up you have to hold it up that's how Jordan does it yeah we're good 20 nice thank you nice okay okay you're good you good you're good okay you're making the 10 bust we're good okay so I can't count whenever when when it's silence okay can can we do something um Can can you say it out loud cuz my brain is so slow I can't count 20 10 10 good at least you got it good I know it seems silly but you got to play that hand if he's in 20 oh wait what happened you got to play that you got to work the chips you got to do the oh I I did pull oh you're saying push him did I do it oh you did it oh I'm sorry I got you I got you I got you we've been doing that the first time we pull I got y pull uh okay come on 3 four all right 28 2 okay come on man this a big hand oh no don't okay double down face down please can I flip it it's okay if I flip it oh I want to that was give me I would have like no 10 oh man come 23 no why do you do this to me oh my goodness dude it's like it doesn't matter shut up you don't care you don't care you don't do seven please seven three oh man two tries seven oh 17 hit 15 I need that back to back you seven one more seven please hit it oh he has the place s yeah perfect as well push you do oh no man 20 right here 10 10 10 good that's 89 8 n there you go got it x p pull oh you get money yeah you're going to leave right now um yeah just play for me okay I'll play for you I can play for you yeah yeah these are you come on your mic X yeah give give a mic to like Che or something yeah stand hit 15 hit is that all 16 x you want to you want to hit or stay against a 16 against a 10 uh this one time Stan Stan was was it uh 20 man you want to do 20 or 25 a hand 20 or 25 20s okay four five please man yeah every time oh yeah Ace two 19 push garbage man come on man 20 there you go split just boss boss 10 18 bro can I go on a streak please literally it's man 13 can I get a good hit never seven or here 3 four what is that 12 got a hit 18 stand eight for him eight push okay oh man I good a d need this that cut my bad I don't know where Dante's at yeah we ran up y you guys are playing one hand the entire time yeah it got so bad though you got to Chase and you got to play hard you went up to like 17 bro 177,000 each you try to get the blue chip yeah you'll get it you'll get it just be patient [Music] yeah you right I'm drunk Chad I'm drunk as pick a number between 1 through 10 pick a number between 1 through 10 um n okay we go to the bottom then okay of course chat saying cringe oh they're saying cringe to you okay cool no they're not they're saying it to you I'm trying to put it on me CH who's cring she's I'm not talking cool 89 Blackjack at least okay at least he got it good can work please man yeah a man you're getting smoked right now very badly [Music] man okay we're good 10 2 three three back to back just bo back to back 5 10 10 10 come on 10 10 10 all right [ __ ] come on I got to win some more Bel again yeah 20s oh man that's flip guys stand all just flip 25 why do you do that 10 that of course I know your hands are actual piss can I get 20 right here 18 now you can't split I'm not going to split them hit 11 10 bang 13 hit okay seven please that hurts guys 20 every time what are you supposed to do man I got to stop laying out money cuz I I lose track of when I'm actually up puts me in a pickle man I'm getting I'm getting cruised my god dude that's yours um yeah I'll do a uh I'll do a marker give me 300,000 okay good I just lost 200k I lost 100 still a lot Jesus hey do you have a 50 in chips 20 all right I have 10 or I don't want it I don't want it cuz he owes me 50 and then XS me 50 so it makes no fense you want to print it right yeah yeah you could yeah print it print it yeah Jesus let get food right now hell no not right now up huh is it doing decent no I I'm down 100 is this all mine or is this yours this is all you bro you like two blackjacks in a room three oh yes [Music] dude if I can just get a split though I mean you could just you could just give me 10 if you want um by the way do I have wait for the deposit to fully kick in before I can have my own limits or not fair enough no problem it's fine yeah Aiden pull pull oh okay got you s you're good you're good you're good come on please Blackjack me man I need it it's okay I'll take it just flip anything but a 10 man okay that's bro yeah that's great if we had anything else I would have flipped yeah it's okay I got you got four 15 man bro 12 hit 789 please please okay flip a 10 don't do this please thank you and um put one more on top of the stack to said there's another location go to what to said there's another location you guys got to go to no what does that mean t no I'm not doing that I'm gambling the location all I know what he's trying to say 14 he wants me to stop G I'm not doing it I'm getting my money back don't do this to me n 10 n 10 18 oh my freaking n to dang you need a lot more um no I'm not I'm only 25k down I'm I want more I want a more profit you're Jewish Jews Like Money blackjack right like money nice like a seven I hate you you're mush even money you're schmuck even money you're literally mush just just flip no insurance I hate you I don't care you know what I can't get mad about that four five four four me up four me up I'm standing uh just stand everything 13 10 17 how was that possible bro bro this [ __ ] anything is the time you say you [ __ ] with the casino St sh bad boy hold on all right I hate doing math in my head it's like it's like every hand I win or lose I have to redo the math on everything I hate it count them do you do that sometimes yeah something like that no no can I just can I just give it to you the 300,000 back yeah thank you sir I get a count on my fingers quick did you cut last or me I cut last sure you you go you go you go yep started good what do but what does that mean a location he wants me to go eat food instead of gamble but I'm not going to do that I want to be up $100,000 we eat for lit right thank you unless they close no they don't close they don't close yeah so they can wait to you're at Coachella doing drugs getting up a dickk call drunk I know he's drunk kill you that's literally like what he said M you can toss it yeah rip it up toss it out thank you bro let's get it man all right let's get it let's get something good going let's get a a good come on y let's make money y you like money all right give me a four clearly not I'm just K I'm just kidding it's a two yeah you're boss 10 10 why Ying why come on Ying that's that's that's bet Trail right there push you can't pause nine 10 10 oh my just 13 against three come on bust low 10 14 oh my God 22 oh yeah don't do that to me can you guys get a street going sorry yeah let's get it come on Blackjack 20 all nine low oh please okay you got to you want to hit right yeah of course yeah four three all right seven 10 10 10 pull pull pull even the shoe the moment win four in a row and I'm out right here this is it can I get a two or nine two 20 oh y thank you oh I'm sorry X lock in 78 7 flip nine 10 10 10 seven push you take it push the win oh yeah well dude if this start anything's a win if you don't lose you're good 67 five not again 2 three fair enough um what do you feel like cuz this is easy you got to hit bro yeah of course but goad s it send it yeah H it don't get mad at me please hold my hand oh my sorry y it's your tip no I'm just kidding k sorry okay it's fine I'm so sorry Felix if sa next round okay a push do matter okay you had a hit anyway you were going to lose yeah yeah it doesn't matter two more hands on I'm out oh my God Max here all right listen oh my God what oh M told to told you too didn't he I can't I can't leave I can't Ma I have to literally get my money back I'm out oh my God stop sending get me sorry we need some good energy this is going to hit it's going to hit come on sorry for me all right give me like an eight or nine have a low these 12 that they need to stop they do nice oh my goodness please seven 10 thank you push push it I'll see I know what to said and I'm going tell everyone right now I love to but to right now let's gamble let's make some money we got to make some money I love to that's my brother that's my brother listen guys I have a goal in my head right let me explain to everyone right here so everyone knows okay so check this out he me 50 he owes me 50 yeah and then I have 50 right here so I'm at currently 250 so now guess what I have to win two hands I'll be at 300 total I'll be so happy I'll be happy camper H I love you we got this you're up right now though I'm up $250,000 but I want to be 300 happy leave me alone okay all right give me like a two or three please oh no there's no shots me that no insurance every time I get oh hell no I like is is that a split against Ace no dude it's not is it it's super always split a hey hey bro hey bro hey bro you want to split it yo you send that any day okay let's go nice 13 hit right against the ace 7 eight it's okay just get just flip listen flip a seven six n five 15 you push you push one more hand I him out promise pull pull pull pull one more hand I'm out okay this is it I'm out five I'll double it I don't care I'm sick no 10 please thank you that's a double it's a double right show it to me face down come on I like it face down face down face down uhhuh 8 10 10 10 [ __ ] [ __ ] the goal you're done what you're done I know you're done [ __ ] 25 I'm not trying to be weird do you think you put that 50 back in that blue just so I can put in that little thing to hold my money two three four five hey do this is why you almost me $100,000 you do are they still counting in front yeah oh yeah no problem it's going to take a little bit more time right yeah yeah no problem all right now cheer cheer and comi I'll do later but I'm just doing my chunk you know to gamble wait before that Aiden let me hold 25 I'm just going to go all in you do it for me oh I get it cuz cuz let me try to win too if not I'll pay hold on the CH okay so hold on so right now you owe me can I get a blue or two Blues sorry also pull oh pull pull pull let's just do a reset real quick pull reset all right chat hold on I got you yeah so um chill why is Eddie in the chat what Eddie what do you want bro what Eddie Eddie you need you need to give us a juice shrimp pleas Eddie please just one juicer Eddie if I what' he say he put a heart oh love you too man oh Eddie do you know who this is right here I knew that dick suck St here waiting [Music] for and there goes the cat he said yes all right Eddie who is it what's the streamer's name do you know who it is all right uh let's see what he says Jes oh my God I fed it wait there's the delay though so let's see oh let's see let's see let's see why would you ask that you know how insane that is oh you said cheer oh okay okay cool I I just had to make sure I'll be Eddie all right all right thank you Eddie all right so look you want one blue you even so what am I I owe you 50 right now you ow try to get me even bro if I go down half a mil I'm going to down half a mil just he SI just get me even right now bro just do your thing please I I don't like that okay I'm not either I got you you want to just so basically two hands back to back you want to win C you just went hard but you're play I'm playing for you not playing for me okay okay fair enough oh this going to hit oh God he's do um push for [Music] me maybe 10 huh maybe 10K hand eight and 10 or 25s I would do I'm not trying to you I would go 25 25 nah [Music] that's disgusting I him 25 or 10 he said 50 this piece of [ __ ] and P me hold on a second am I money oh no I'm tripping push my bad you want to do 25 then what do you think okay you're down 50,000 yeah you go 25 here mhm you're going to win I'm not even saying if you lose yeah you win this you're down 25 uhh and what do you have in your pocket 20 I have more upstairs but I mean like don't worry about that it might okay trust me when I say this yeah play with this 25 then you only inbt to me by 25 and then you would have 20 in your pocket yeah but be smart yeah I don't know what the you're saying he's making up numbers he's counting two wins already for me who's got loans with who what I'm saying 20,000 are you too clear me you're clear give you 50 or no what no no I I give him his 50 back right okay so you guys are clear I just owe you 50 and I owe x40 yeah [Music] God guys all right so what I'm saying is this yeah with this chip you owe me 75 correct okay so what I'm saying is you win this mhm then you only me 25 yeah and there's 20 in your pocket just do the 25 okay come on man I love the balls come on bro come on bro I'm not two in a row two in a row you're okay five oh my God oh my God [Applause] brother you're not sketch I'm not rich like this guy bro this is a lot this is a lot of money to me oh my God MO do you want feel my heart just feel my heart bro please oh my God just go you sure yeah I have to bro I have no options all right face down face down do you want to look at it you got to hit on you can pick you want to hit Jes feel my heart bro my heart is racing hit [ __ ] you have to oh my God you're good just trust me my heart is racing oh my God bro oh it's not bad oh 10 he's done over it's over even baby oh my God how does he do it he needed that so bad let's go bro so happy bro oh my God that's insane call it call my heart please you don't understand that's insane never felt 250 300 push me in got you oh my God you done yeah bro got my 50 back I'm good yeah you're even good [ __ ] bro appreciate you oh my dude what a clutch double go to sleep disg he going by himself I'm done guys what I'm at $325,000 first day I'm killing him right now thank you guys you can put a little cover over that going have cheeser gamble all his money Eddie Eddie said he wants it Eddie said cheer gamble no he didn't he didn't know chat everyone at Eddie he literally did bro the [ __ ] am I going to just blow it all dude he just wants you to gamble for fun for fun yo Aiden on since I'm playing you want to clear his de with me he's cleared yeah but want to clear he's in with me and I need chips to play hold on oh you need chips yeah so you can clear his de with me with like uh with with 40 right and then he owes you or or it's fine cuz I just need chips no no no okay slow it down I so you can take 40 outs 40 out 50 out take instead of owing me 40 he owes you 40 again here how about this take my 20 okay go all in if I win I pay X off okay fair enough fair enough come on this is huge come on get me out of De please God please God don't pre come you got to double that is that a dou here can we give him a marker all rightone I'm good don't say that I'm good send me to hell if I lose this hand oh my oh my God what are you saying the hell with me too is getting funky wor this run is diabolical today I don't even want you to flip the card I swear we're Gooden you in hold on hold on I'm not in who's doubling you D my double my D okay so I owe x25 these are both my hands pretty much if he wins this is my hand all no X you owe me 25 now okay just keep track okay there we go so what do you want to do not yet my brain been broke come on BS 10 God yes oh my God okay okay holy oh my God all that is M holy [ __ ] that's insane what the [ __ ] did you check this out and and that's all that's all X's no no no that that was a call bit with you so call bet was 25 right s so give me 20 1 2 3 4 five that's yours give me a blue please everything is mine everything is you you pull pull pull pull pull pull yeah yeah pull you heard that x what that I'm even with you put in that cover please what did you just do why did you he almost sacrificed me dude what was that about bro let's be honest you're going to end up there anyway I a lie this this I can't not lying cheer go in I guess you're not coming right with everybody I'm in 500 I'm not going that's going X I'm a good kid oh God I'm a good kid before the deposit my limit is at 10 right can I do 10 on twos or not him so so now I I can play by myself no guys I no no I I can no I'm I'm big boy now I I can split nend oh big boy okay but wait cheese wants to go with you what's up you can go up to three okay yeah but I'll just play for with you so what I was saying was if you could just do one you want to two or one hand I like two hands two hand player cheer right now come on yeah just [ __ ] cheer right now oh 10 10 oh oh I love that these are such nice hands It's Tricky I I mean I could just hit one or what do you think I mean this is a textbook hit but I mean hold on chat saying tipy whoa wait can I I'm going be honest I'm not trying to look like [ __ ] I need the bad I'm going to be real now don't you K now don't you K you're the multi really not me all right I'll tell you what Tipper this five and I'll I'll pay you back on God no I'll TI 100 I need that bro cheer I'll pay you I'll cash app you right now I I lose 15K is she going to give me 15K no let me cash app you right now I'll do it right now I promise you I will come on what you do here 16 16 on E what you do I'm cash at you what your cash you hit that right what would you do here I it's it's a hit but I'm saying what the feel today here what's the cash it's K right fine Walker why did I memorize it I'm sorry know look kayin got the money see let go through K Walker just anything else but it's double 16 and we're chilling have our cash app I mean oh please was it with me and TW today man I know with him earlier today it was only 12 damn brother and busting TW too on 12 yeah 14 seven 20 good8 n eight 10 good take it nice can you ask kin if she got the money she's sleeping what are these G I don't know bro these are crazy good four right here five six okay 18 18 uh stand right yeah yeah of course well well cuz look I'm going to tell you why cuz you have multiple tries right here 18 on 10 is it still hit know it's still hit yeah but but look you have another hand you're playing like security you know what I mean but that's up to you you know what I'll do stand on this one but hit on this one why not just try it see there you go X I still F amaz good so my fault oh K just text me sh in the Stream hey K who's K it's my fiance all right cool oh split oh no you can't bro it's like four in a row this has to stop four are 18 full stand that we're going to war you don't have a 10 you don't have a 10 oh my God that's disgusting okay for oh okay better and better nice Double Split all right give give him another four why not this a splitter right yeah split them up what do little book thing say you got you got to split four four again five 14 St six seven 14 stay just bust out four 16 14 W good [ __ ] baby got a message from this guy I don't want he's hit me up all right Jessie wants 5K and I'll give him 5K um you know what yo tell Jess it's going to be a 10K it's going to be a 10K hand yeah he hears you bro it's a 10K hand Jessie all Jesse it's 10K hand all right so this is me and and this is Jesse okay go ahead Blackjack please okay double there though hit hit on that yeah hit on this seven seven can Jesse we suck think coming I I'm I'm going to stand and double yeah I'm do that play your game bro and double on that yeah 10 somehow damn I think he pushed right because he yeah yeah all right Jesse we're doing again CU overall push wait overall push or win it was a push I think you won 5K right it was it was win it was a push push okay oh yeah here's your receip with 100,000 hang is crazy what the Hang nail what finger what what that's not my nail a chapstick thank you oh that's a hang nail no no it's not a hanging not hanging yeah yeah yeah why you say why you say it like didn't look at me why are you okay you see I like bro you make it so weird wait where's Mac at yo are you guys waiting on me or what are you guys waiting on me or to go eat let's do like three more and then then we'll go eat uh okay so look here's what we do Chad and tell me if it's w x does three more eats comeback cheeser and comy Gamble and I'll gamble after you guys all here comes together five my five this is me and Jessie 350 is that good I should be done tonight too why am I still no no you have to Eddie wants you to two hits bro come on six seven 8 78 56 that's disgusting it came me into 20 I can't handle this it can't be it can't be last one yeah uh last one he lost 10,000 there right no no he lost 10,000 yeah 10,000 total okay I'll do one more yo yo Jesse you owe me 5K but excuse me can I get one of those coffee uh moscal drink or what is they called Martin and then can I get a water the glass one the big one thank you can I get espresso Martini too please oh Jess you're good excuse me can I get a tequila pineapple and a p Jesse what's a tequila P tequila with pineapple juice Jesse got tequil you win 2.5k so half you win half of this 25k and then let's see it on two on this 4.5 you got 4.5 plus was that 12 you're look at this this is who I am the go the blue chip for you right 21 wow look at the he's [Music] him you Sav the hand broow that was kind of crazy actually what the [ __ ] you saved the Hand by by staying on that one um where are my limits at now should be a little bit better no just play my I can play your limits yeah but want to know in general so when I come back later you got to just H up your limits he can up you feels like d know deal on the phone yeah he's on the phone it's hot in here you guys bump the heater in here or what the sweat you know what let's just keep doing three hands why not just send it just let's see what happens [Music] split oh my God oh my God oh my God okay hold on hold on all right so that's a splitter right yeah of course give me two 15 fair enough stand on that 16 stand on that this and then double on this BST 10 13 14 16 yes that's [ __ ] go good all right I'm out X why did somebody from the ca Community say Quantum double I don't know what that means all right you want to go I'm going to deposit back you want to eat Max's here and he's going to basically make me e go to the you've been eating pizza hey K didn't know what happened yeah you have you ate four slices today I hate you 15 15 damn what are you up we all just went crazy you paid your marker too yeah I paid my marker my debt you're up 100 up 100 yeah what the [ __ ] I'm going go to the cage yeah I'm was that you took 80 when you came over oh yeah I did oh yeah yeah put my marker then [ __ ] so you up 20 no no way more than that okay 1 2 3 4 and then I just do like this and I copy that and then that's my marker right 80 we're going to find and that's all profits oh Jordan that you want me to go on for you oh go with Jordan cheer cheer put a five for me put a five for me come on come on baby oh can I just get color up so it's easier over there so chees you're in 55500 no I'm in $500 well Jordan touch his hands he know it's going to be good watch it be a blackjack for Jordan yeah cut out please Blackjack for Jordan 100 yeah what are you oh you're up 100 plus nice what a good day it's a great session because you paid off all your debt yeah and after that I get the deposit KCK it in and I I'll have like 600k later 20K right now and we go big like after that we go big see this is like the pre gamee too hard so like yeah come on Jordan let's get money mhm 20 okay FBA s Jordan's hand come on it's okay oh now I got a chance now put my five oh yeah um can I get um color color down for this and just give me U four yellows and All Blacks please all four yellows one pink five blacks okay thank you this is all over that chip too I can't and then sorry tip now and then keep all the blacks for you it's for you yeah your tip yeah and then I'll take the rest can I reach in okay sorry oh you're tipping yeah I was I tip so I can depit chasing [ __ ] oh my god dude don't do that to me man I'm you're good dude how do you have 20 every time that's a win dude relax win my dick got a 20 I'm losing [ __ ] win 20 21 you're kidding I got raped nine 10 you're back I got to stop trying to fit in with the big dogs on God like I'm panicking what do you want to do I don't play one SL with him [ __ ] oh this dude oh my God I think oh okay Aiden refunds us L please oh my God please I'm begging push please I take that win push a win I'm sweating balls Ace 10 come on man you got to stayes I 10 cheese that's that's got a double that oh never mind don't nice of course you have a 20 I'm about to say some crazy on God I can't but I can't I don't care I don't give a prime it's some rap bro absolutely rap you laughing bro I'm not how I laughing no I'm talking about I'm just kidding though this is thank you so much I appreci it's actually not funny I'm going to give you a a tip when I when I break change please dude why do only to broke people I can't God can't bro no no don't tell me to stop now no I don't care are your drink here that drink thank you I'm so sick to my stomach wow I didn't even know how much I've actually been betting right you have the 10 you have the 10 you mean I have the I lost about to say dude oh you're weird I was dead serious uh Mac so I drank earlier I'm going be honest with you bro but it's worn off should I drink this or no should we just work out or what do you want to do should drink that water okay I got you yeah yeah yeah I'm going to save the drinking for you havec you're right Mac I got you this is good I don't care if it sounds boring Mac's trying to me lock in love you Mac on God I've been really like misbehaving it's bad it's been naughty [ __ ] that here Jordan slam this for me all right I got you it didn't even taste like Li bro I drunk all mine already you get like six then it start h no I ain't going to take another one like that I just did that all way to the 20 there you go you're back nice I watch all right- I got to slam one more and I'm going chill just do 1 th000 right here I F this one right here trust go 1 th000 right here trust it's a one bro come on cheese what I tell you Che I'll do anything I'm GL you got it I'm GL you got ah [ __ ] I would say it I don't think you're going to get another low got it seven 10 love you you said to say oh my God Chee I told you you have my card still you have my card 1 more 500 I'm at my do 1,000 you felt it wait your gut come on bro trust your gut always 20 it's why okay hold on it's good watch out for your drink bro don't spill it that would only happen to like a broke person on God I don't give a I swear to God that would only happen broke person I don't want to talk right now you down y I think please man I love you come on oh my God I'm fighting GG what chat please 78 10 10 just push please push 10 okay are you even I don't even know just one more and I think I'm going to chill please four please four have a low nine we'll take it I'm begging I'm bagging I'm ping you on my knees just go 10 go 1 th here yeah just the rest of the oh never mind Fu it thank god oh my god well thank God you did that I feel six there you go wish she in a rush dude let me put my yeah if you would went two right there [Music] Chinese please okay cheese come on please Ying pleaseing I love you one more and you're out wait wait wait wait hold I'm with you I feel N I actually feel I feel five the three [ __ ] you man K's going to go in with me wait can I can I get some purple what's up bro before we go eat I'm have to drop this off okay go to you're going to be your room what do five I'm serious I don't have any money that well I can get you out of that no hell no that big ass here I'd rather you get it from Ki then because coni has pum pumpkins otherwi I have to break my shape I'm about to get right nowe sit down do you have another pumpkin for Prime you can borrow right now yeah let see do you have a pumpk in your bag yeah so give it the prime cuz he wants to go one five you're going to go all in not all in don't go all in play Slow how you going to pay me through through whatever bro you know I got it it's so stressful you guys all slam one hand together don't you going in Jordan no I'm going go to this side no no they're going to go one hand though I think you're going all in one hand oh my God Prime bro Prime wait wait put it right here where we going middle middle if you're doing this I'm going to do a band oh you guys are all going together I'm going to do 1500 with oh my God I'm locking you going I'm not letting you go alone Brother come on oh my God oh my God oh my God okay come on my friend swear I chill please low 5050 wait cheer wait hold on wait what do you mean wait it's 13 versus three okay all right stand stand stand stand it stand it stand it 10 please let's go yes you 5K Prim you want to be done you're five I'm get that [ __ ] his five back and then I'm um you got your five now I'm um you going again I'm split it up I'm going split it up and then I'm going get slow that's yours it's not mine no that's mine yeah it is no it's not that's that's dick riding and I'm split dick riding can I split mine you got yeah I lost it good [ __ ] Prime Tom can I hold five you're so sick you're so sick you can still hear me ID just give me your ID what you about to do check it I'll give it in 5 minutes though he just made you talking about your FL card yeah go come on I'm shaking this wait do you only have cash cuz you give me chips I'm so happy that I 10 right it now this I can try to come up with now all right come on come on please Blackjack two three please I'm not I'm not I'm not 10 10 please pleas there's a there's an orange in there no 10 come on I'm backing how is that possible whose orange was that oh that was his oh okay you 10 you want change yeah clear you want purple chip right what are you in right now I don't know 500 I got to chill bro I'm so drunk yeah I'll stay here got what got what you put 200 in there or two fives okay I got five please 89 please I need to slow low low low you got double guys double up Prime put two put two like put two stack two on top of Che you missed what face down please bro who cares about a god like come on bro sorry 17 be that I'm so [ __ ] hurt dude I'm sorry it's one off that's crazy what's going on man oh my gosh bro 89 eighty double another can we get one double you got to do it you got to do it bro it's an 11 one face down please you want me to look at the card yeah honestly yeah you want me to look at it [ __ ] pleasee I won't troll I swear to God [ __ ] guys that's the third time he's done that today where's your spirit at coni the third time cuz you be scared so how I do this you won how much did you put in I put in put so look you get four back I got you so you put two in no she PA out yeah you I think you guys all got paid out the same right and then you get one and Prime gets two stacks oh you get two stacks oh [ __ ] just St a new stack I want to do it oh 500 new deck we can take [ __ ] how I haven't been counting 1 two three x do you want to sit I'll stand I got to go okay you're wait oh you're waiting for the thing okay no I'm just waiting for you to come back so that I can go upstairs with them go alone you know do you want BJ to take you upstairs oh we can go at 3:00 and when we get the elevator we can come back what we can go me elev what we can go meet him and Y to the elevator yeah just have BJ walk you upstairs yeah yeah I'm walked you up is it bad I love voice how you talk is it bad if that shows on stream like uh kind I'm at 16 I you will you put it I'm at like 14 500 all right do 500 come on Prim you put 1,000 right yeah we got to get that blue coin bro I got to get that blue coin bro I took that shot to the Head BR I took that shot I took it in one goat you good I'm feeling good cak white for real I cut what he say why do you want to know what did he say say it you can't say it out loud cuz it's probably so bad no it's not bad it I'm just talking to him I like Kodak white he's a good dude smell prime prime cut it you sure it's beginner's luck you've never gambled that red rock I oh you have you why you shaking shaking so bad just give it right there go right there boom how long you been live for how long we live for chat it's got to be like 2 hours right 3 hours 3 hours cuz P I'm probably going to cut at like the 4 Hour Mark 5 hour maybe all right come on come on to be fair chat 20 please finally 20 no both please don't have beautiful go go I take five come you get five what you mean [ __ ] what are you doing l y short ass stream l 10 10 oh oh it's a hot shoe I ain't going to lie M 10 come on it actually might be a hot shoe cuz chat uh come on are you good seven and I'm like distracted what is that Ace 17 10 plus let's go hot shoot why do I kind of want to go in now did a w cut mhm very good cut so far especially if we win this 10 low we going to hit that n we're getting a n we're getting a five six wow we just won a lot yeah play it slow now I'm low key just they had too so that was the only way you can do it 20 oh my God what the [ __ ] wait yeah7 that eight would have had 21 but who hits that you're good I put a b in I'm doing 900 I'm putting I'm putting a band in there I put it B 900 come on all right come on six six oh my gosh [ __ ] three AOW Jesus Christ I'm a bum you're not a bum you're good son listen what I'm listening to ironic two what's going on man she going to get bro please have a l 10 that's a course Jake Jake future wants to call in [Music] shut there's actually no way you just BJ 16 hit again four 18 stay slow seriously my what's actually going on 4 20 she got bro what's going on I'm doing a th [ __ ] bro wow bro 20 please come on let just come on thank God about to save bro we all did 1,000 yeah tweet about to back 1,0000 come on yep wi back 20 20 please have a oh my God you should it's okay you're going to win your next one bro it's not okay bro you're going to win your next one how much you [Applause] [Music] th000 20 this [ __ ] is trolling bro how am I I'm not going talking stop please I'm not going to talk stop please come on bro LZ come on bro wait is that right yeah yeah I put a you put a band in you got a band back your band's in there your thousand's in there you got to take sh keep it if you want to now you take it back come on 20 there you go good call Con please come on man low please 10 oh my God oh come on I back oh this is crazy um couple more like one more and then we chill two more and we chill actually [ __ ] AR my cash 9 please 89 please eight seven wow bro she had a low too please set six good last hand right here give him a six right here love you good I put two band in [ __ ] you did yeah I put two bands in all right so me and Cony get a band right and then I get my band back how you get the rest is yours you got you prime what are you up um this you have like seven I think 1 two 3 four you're up five What You Up 3 four five six I'm at 16 a what's the view count marked cards LOL I do one more I'm even bro and Dorothy are [ __ ] my what excuse me play Go 500 what you just whisper schmuck I was reading the chat y got to chill out on awesome and on God I'm at getting too comfortable lately bro I'm at 16 oh God like I'm so drunk this is insane like I could actually ruin my life right now bro what who I'll do it for you I want to get to 20 bro me too you got to stop vaping I can stop at least smoke cigarettes it's better for your my body ISE no no wait Mac wait it's not true no tell bro I'm work bro when I move to Miami I'm done with everything you're going to work out ma yeah I'm going drink a little bit but I'm done with everything when I move you I'm be big as hell Mac we got a lock in bro I guess you actually got to lock in you live 45 minutes away from us now yeah [ __ ] say the exact minutes I guess they don't know here we go you moved anyway you moved to a new spot tell them that too right [ __ ] oh my God I'm not that's not why are you laughing at that hand no cheer he's laughing at your hand that's bad I don't even care you're good trust me SS funny for that not put mine in you put yours in I put put in I Mac I'm going to drink another water bro come on 10 let's go I got that magic touch please don't have it I got that magic touch 20K right here Che 20K right here oh that feels so good one1 come on man hold up can I put up I want to B okay wait all right we're doing your band come on Prime call on you six dude Prime I must be on dick if this hit right here and you better suck it too I'mma suck the black off it on 10 you're right I know but I don't care n holding my sucking dick and [ __ ] this is serious here cop that's what I'm saying bro say no [ __ ] Discord literally you're in real life okay how much you put th000 I'm drunk I don't care put wait wait hold on I'm put 5 I I only put 500 I only put 500 I only put like I hear that name in a big hand fod come on how much is that put a b00 each put 500 no you put 500 7 750 profit for you kak white said rent free I can't you know how to do all I get I get I can't count you got, 1500 okay and then our initial I put 1,000 Ki put 1,000 you put I put 500 that's it so that's cheer drink that bro all right that's a th what is this more bro come on it's a little ass drink slam it I'm TR pretend Kay's about to pass if you don't I don't know [ __ ] put you're the one saying like we're literally in person got we got a th dude I'm [ __ ] this y right here y put th right there right Dam what the [ __ ] is this then wait count that bro make sure God man go ahead wait how much did you put in I don't know of course you don't you got a face tattoo me BR I'm kidding oh my god do it drink that drink that drink that oh my God bro you dropping the coins and [ __ ] n n ain't no coins [ __ ] what the what are they hey guys I don't want to get banned from this place okay yeah I might have to go up in that y put y put Dam I put all where the did my money go I put money in there you put 2,000 you put, right yeah all right put a th000 that's that's 1,000 2,000 that's 2,000 so this mine what the am I doing that's sorry I'm drunk I'm so drunk this is bad my okay yeah so I'll just put a th then I'll put this on we all have a th my God like this just hit me like meth I'm bugging I swear I'm bugging low low of course you going stand right what is going on I don't know bro I think I'm on drug every no drink the rest of this you all right so chill bro 2,000 put 2,000 go BR 2000 black boy th000 five four please out aone you got to get out of my ear Prime what did I do thousand thousand hey we're po all I got is this I want to do like 2,000 now bro I'm okay I'm doing 2,000 bro two please what the pleas [ __ ] are you serious all right I'm doing two now the [ __ ] funny I'm in a lot I only put come sell that to him too 20 let's go [ __ ] I only put 500 2,000 each oh my God 3K profit so 5,000 we just WN in total I only put 500 I only put 500 so you get 12250 back that's all you right there hey you're weird [ __ ] I don't know what was me here so you get you put 500 so you get this is all yours that's all you right there and then me and coni Cony you get two here oh good luck okay you get four let me get my four two 4 1 two 5 1 2 5 oh my God we needed that dude all right CH I just want to show them right now this is why we love Red Rock it's the best casino to best hotel best casino great staff great people great energy make sure when you guys come to Vegas come to Red Rock seriously bro there's nowhere else I'll ever go how much is that how much you put in it's just facts chat how much you put in they don't pay me anything bro of course said that they don't they think they pay you guys don't pay anything bro it's okay we're doubling no I I put everything in I don't care we're doubling I can't double you can't double wait how much did you put in I put the rest the next so how much you two black and purple and green wait you just had 5K sh I lost [ __ ] I lost it I think cheer took your trips I don't know I don't know how much how much is that to Bro Sab so how much you bet five 27 uh safety you put those blacks in you better wait you put how I put in did you put the blacks in yeah I did I did all that in the greens yeah and a 500 okay so you got 750 wait just how much you two put in mik are dying [ __ ] it I'm going to be honest to St we'll figure how much you put y'all both put 500 I put the rest in I put the rest in I put the rest in y'all put 5 you two put 500 y'all put th000 together that can't be right I think we did 1,000 each 2000 you bet 750 right I put all my oh my God Dam what did y'all put in I don't remember don't don't try to tell you my money [ __ ] no we're not I don't remember oh my God hold on we have to figure this out wait no for real what somebody clip it hold on hold on guys it's all live how much hold on guys they put hey y'all put in five I put the rest in yeah you put 1250 you put 1250 put 1750 no they put you put 1750 or 1250 and we put what 500 he doesn't I have just try to be more quiet and respectful that's all I asked don't scream no no you're good you're good just try to no I know I know it's okay we're getting money stay you to scream be happy just don't cuz I don't want you to get kicked out you know who else got 10 25 Boom come on Char you I want you Jordan oh thank you bro it's okay you're good you're a sick [ __ ] that's all I got to say you're actually like a I thought I was sick you're a sick [ __ ] you can scream when you win just don't scream at him here you take I don't want them to kick you off because can I get can I get another one of them drink I take what do I get what do I get y'all and then we keep our th in right what do I get this is your Prim okay I think that's all you that's it oh you P them back got back that can't be right that's not right at all that's not right bro how much did you bet I bet a lot how do you not know what you bet how do you literally not know you bet you you you two put you put guys guys guys guys the chat is going to tell us the right how much your Prime bet how much me Prime put 1250 they put a purple okay you prime put 1250 so Prime gets 3500 back yeah I put more than y'all wait was it a blackjack so I won 25 bucks I didn't have a blackjack I if you want put 1250 supposed to get like Chad did Prime does prime put 17 missing a lot hold on hold on hold on Chad put 1,750 or 1250 it's not that hard this is they only put in 500 I put the rest in like what did you already get your Mar they're all saying he put 1750 right all bro did we already take our money yeah 1750 she's saying okay yeah so you got 35 you get 35 back so she's the the pit is saying I mean the pit said that she's she's watching we give we took two so we give five each we bet bro this we bet 00 no you get $3500 okay so you get 3500 we put one back yeah we put one back yeah you get $3,500 back but you're putting your bet back in so you get 7 no no no I ain't putting all that back in okay so then take your whole bet take your whole 3500 yes take 3500 no he takes 3500 right here so what the hell that's not 3500 he gets 3500 back I'm so confused 1500 right there give three one two three what is that how did I only win 20 bucks 3500 that's he gets that back guys she the pit it doesn't lie that's you two you put your hands okay yeah BR just go as like the same amount as we go cuz that's confusing I don't want to jip you though Prime does that Prime does that seem right to you count your [ __ ] tell me I don't care no that's right he got 3500 yeah please all right let's all keep track from that one how much how many for 100 that was crazy four those are $25 so a quarter so 100 that's 100 right that's 100 so 25 * 4y like 17 now how much I put in now so I won't [ __ ] yall up five want just tell me what you put in five I got 18 Che okay okay I'm at 17 low come on you stand right most drunk I've been in a minute oh push is a win guys push is a win but if it happened you you get mad mhm 3 four that's a double Jes let's do it it is I'll look at the card for you guys too okay please don't troll you keep actually don't troll I swear to God I won't I won't my life I won't troll I believe you I actually believe you this time I won't oh my God don't troll me I won't you I'm not looking I'm looking at your face 11 though oh y 21 off the head we got the worst car possible ever bro it's [ __ ] ridiculous my [ __ ] so I only put two three seven it's okay I'm doing 1,000 okay come on 1,000 do 1,000 come on Prime come on 1 th oh push push is a win dude on a hand on a on a hand like that it is I agree actually on like that it is a win on a 17 it's a win bro four please please have a oh my this got to be a joke this is joke why are we doing 1 th now we got to do ,000 again after this 500 please it's my last hand 10 we're getting good hands I'm going to be honest this oh like what the [ __ ] it's okay it's okay you got thisit 43 stand 25 oh I hate my life that's 25 that's annoying okay I'm actually actually okay I got you I got I'm not ging no more you lost like four in a row there's no way you lose another one I'm telling you you're going to win this one I promise don't say that out loud it's a 50/50 six 10 that's annoying dude sorry I you lost five in a row I would assume you would have won that have to poop we want to play for you yeah match com's bet whatever comi does please how much you want do really uh I'm cool touching his chips is that okay okay all right oh my gosh bro are these yours are cheesers those are Cheers those right there are cheesers that's cool how much you want to do uh I mean what is he down I need to know what he's down he's up we're all up all the CHS are profit yeah we're up okay what did you guys start the session at 15K though right I think so okay so what right now he's at um 12.5 he's only down 2.5 I would just do $500 hands play slow all right come on going a little streak of heater [Music] um Chad I'm not going to go in from bro that's weird come go in with me come on 500 500 come on please sexy please sexy 15 hit I thought that was a six oh my gosh come on we're good bro she wins anyway we stand yeah 20 six times she wins we lose got to push you got to double this one bro you got to double it oh my go here how should we do can you can you give me give me give me purples hold on hold on come me oh wait no I'm I'm tripping put your yeah yeah please 10 10 nice let's go let's go wow you get uh two get two sacks yeah no leave that in there right yeah and then one one one one one one yeah yeah cuz a double two 10 12 you got to give me a a man I think you're even right now you want to take it back go ahead wait coni I put a th in yeah thousand in yeah yeah you're going to win this one bro seven eight eight four okay you have two tries bro my ass burns 21 there it is you don't double that bro you don't double a four against an eight bro are you in no told you guys toop it though again did you wipe your butt yeah bro I got to wipe my ass bro 10 that's your double you want to look at the card I won't troll please I'll get I'll I'll get happy please have a low I'll get happy for 10 yes let's go oh my God baby I ain't going to lie this thing don't work in that back wash my hands what the I'm just kidding 1 th000 again yeah we're hot come on come on8 nine got a hit if we get this it's done it's okay push just push right here push up push up press press you got to press get your money back bro this is the funnest thing ever crap but now it's not F you stand bus what do you mean six wow okay all y got me addicted bro holy chees or one more one more though please no you told me no cheese no no how much B cheese that five a b you want to do a five you going to go all in thank you cheese prob me get bad bro for real I play Slow sure bro like I don't said Thank you play Slow yeah I'm going play Slow yeah give him give him some uh yellows wait oh that's Prime five it's my 5000 yeah you put 500 in BR Prime crazy oh you 5,000 come on 10 see it's a it's a hard hand to work with it's 50/50 guys I'm not in this I'm hitting it I know you are but 10 10 either way you win it's great I'm sorry I just can't let you like come on oh that's mean l cheer dude you you own five racks you wouldn't let me go in I know you wouldn't so I'm a good friend you play leave that there already gave you one leave your hands in Prime you want to go in again with your you all did a band each one we def find it me and Define it you guys want five already TR okay okay okay here you call me I seven please I would split I swear to God I'm down maybe it's cuz I'm drunk but I swear to God I'm down okay I'll explain why it's not a bad split cuz a seven double hell no Che I don't think she has 20 that's why I don't think she has a 20 you have it's not a bad split can I can I tell you why we splitting I'm going tell you why I'm going tell you why it's not a bad split listen you put 500 right mm so you didn't bet a Crazy Hand like 1,000 you're up money too you compressor you split that that's the only reason why cuz I'm out money what I'm saying you're out breath you you might as well play and just split hit bro just hit play your game play your game their money in yeah true it's their money too watch it be a seven I'll PE that's good it's good it's good it's good nice I knew she didn't have 20 though y [ __ ] man we got a say win each all right can I get that thank you allar stop being weird bro put you want to keep your back I'm that's mine this is yours I got more money let me let me can I get this to the little thingies purples them this is too yall put 1 th000 again though uh 400 yeah let's play Slow yeah I would lower back down both of you all you I'm literally even back to 15 you somebody didn't put one did I somebody didn't put I put one I'll put one me and put one 20 10 go crazy please Cherry Cherry don't have it Cherry Cherry huh how much are we at I don't know I'm at we got count I put you hold your like actually don't let me GOP it you got to yeah turn it nine N9 eight you got a double I'll get a 10 n you no no you don't you don't oh my gosh so sexy man go that ass don't let me let's go don't let you touch these tonight don't this profit I'm not going to let you touch it all right give give us the money I don't know what to give uh so th 1, 1,00 I got 500 right here just stay th it's a big hand bro you win five in a row it's $5,000 win five ERS a row double is insane money come on please I said just when I said double that [ __ ] Bro 1,00 y face down please you want to look at it yes 10 SC yes look at that oh my God you guys are pred right now you want to count yeah Y is fine should we count I'm mid wait I have I have your $10,000 go ahead you got to get it so 2,000 each we just cheer what what about this 200 CH how are you guys feeling I'll put another five hey y' I put another 500 in here is that cool how much 15 yeah you that's yours so you got 1,500 up if you do that are you sure yeah yeah yeah I mean you got I'm letting know I'm let so you're 15 yeah yeah four low low you got to hit you got to hit it got to hit that's a 50 seven 10 you win I really hate that Ace I don't like it bro hold on can we count yeah hold I'm going count I think you're I think you're at like 177,000 16.5 so play with 1.5 yep play with 1,000 right now I count too slow for this [ __ ] I'm putting 3,000 in 3,000 yeah how much you 3,000 push it push press press press I hate playing with you oh my go come on bro SC Mone oh oh my God I haven't got to sleep I feel drained like please please 20 don't hold on it's looking good good [ __ ] you talking about [ __ ] go yeah yeah so yeah money don't make no money in total that give me energy I might have to go in toal what is your what are you at right now I'm give this back Sor wait I put that's our initial oh my God I got to go got goo I put three okay I got you yeah yeah yeah I gave you a 10 back by the way did we so what I get so we those those two purple are his cuz he put in three and you put in two I put in three things so this purple yeah that purple and that purple his all right cuz you both put in 2,000 put should I go I can take our initial got you two all right CH yeah wait how come I only have one Jordan he put in cuz I put two no no no one yellow for him yeah that's what it is bro it's looking really good right now I'm seven bands right now th yeah and you paid that back yeah I paid that back I just want to count real quick see how much I got bro Seven band no no no no don't do that don't do that please don't do that actually I I play with y to get with me or no get to that this is five this is 9 14 1K off the 25 my bro Drake how much you how much you I'm one off and you're two off 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I'm at 18 so you're two off and I'm one off where are you at 19 you at 19 I thought you ater took $1,000 from Prime but I think he gave it back Chad I excuse me man I took $1,000 PR I don't know I I'm really not counting I'm just playing I you know I had one wait I don't think he did chat cuz I think he slid a you slid it I think he slid it bro when I took my initial 1K it was only guys he did but I saw chees or slide prime a chip I don't what I don't know he slide you you slid him the yellow I saw it right here I wouldn't lie about it I don't know I don't care I just want to win oh my God okay what are you guys at 20 15 hold on I fin I'm 19 no no you didn't no I don't think you did bro I'm a 19 19 hold on a second hold on hold on chat does he a th000 yes or no listen I did a 2K hand and remember when I took off my chips there's only one yellow left you slid him a yellow too I saw him you do it he gave me a yellow because I had he played a yellow and two purple that's what yeah I did I play three I play oh you're good he's good three yell because they gave you two purple on top yeah you're right you're right two two yellows you're good right7 I don't give a [ __ ] I just want to play I don't have money in the hand that's your money oh that's your thousand no he going in what y doing I'm going in again we I win this I'm at 20 so I'm good bro I don't I don't I'm not saying you took nothing from me bro I didn't say you took nothing of me bro a lie my hands my cousin been King but go ahead con what cut oh [ __ ] I never bro I come on a [ __ ] I know but bro if you get a blue right here cheer I got to go for a 400 I got to I feel I have to just wait later though bro wait till later you are up disgusting man I'd rather gamble on stream than off stream true but still you're up insane I feel so much later it's 9:00 p.m. I'm so used to Miami time I'm so tired we haven't G to sleep this crazy I've slept we slept 4 hours I've slept 3 hours in the last two days on God all right lock in lock in cap we grind the hard as [ __ ] lock lock lock lock in y he that one you got want to look at it right yeah look at just look at it 10 boom doesn't matter I'm at 21 look at these doubles 21 I think I'm 21 I'm about to catch up to y'all real I'm getting 2000 you get a chip right it first I don't want to F bro you 2000 each hey Danny thanks for the five give that I appreciate you bro about 2,000 each there's 3,000 here so 1,000 each right 2,000 well the B two so 6,000 2,000 each you both have 6 toal I'm so confused okay I got what you're saying so he gets I got I got it I got you so that's 15 so he gets this to he gets this too I get this too got you got you got I'm going I'm going back in oh my God she I'm right there again come I'm right [Music] there well how much I put in this is insane 20 10 seven make this The Best Day Ever 10 you say four no I was saying four right here oh man y I'm might do two I'm going to do 1,000 I'm not going to over not in my budget how much you put in 1,000 you got two everyone else is in 1,000 three three gr money there the time right here stand that come on bust 10 10 10 10 where's the 10 at that's crazy that's insane bro I never I'm like a 2019 were you here on the six car 21 that happened earlier or no or seven car seven cards is it seven card and 21 me and yes you put 300 2,000 3 y don't got to come in with me oh my God 22 he had 20 Che 2 two 3 4 2 35 that's nuts you got double how much is that how much you did three right bro you you can dou for L yeah you want you want double you double for Less want me to double You dou dou For Less just I would double the same bro I can cover double if you want but I'm telling you take it 10 all right let me look I'll look at e for you guys I got you don't close your eyes it's bad guys I'm sorry bro I should just oh my gosh don't do it like that okay I'm sorry I should have dou for Less everything off that D for l i don't want to go back in hey Mac what you eating bro bro eting the ma oh D I should have I don't want to go back in bro I'm scared cuz then I'm going in my pocket it's not overing this come on bro I should just dou last you're good are you I that was my whole thing bro I just lost eight bands four four have a you want to come on bust bust please [Music] Cherry this is just do do a th000 don't go to don't press just stay 1,000 bro you can come back like that, 1500 Ki actually can I go ahead okay put a 500 in Two Can you buzz please six nine [ __ ] I'm about to slice a finger off bro this is [ __ ] ridiculous, 1500 again don't do this man don't do this it started so good I should bro you was seven bro eight eight dang 20 at least come on right here at least right 10 oh that's scary you almost holy [ __ ] either way you win man I want to go back you get a th000 you keep yours in and then I get go back in I would re don't push just re it each a th000 wi you guys should stay the same bet bro I know it's fine okay SI 10 sick good [ __ ] cheesy I want to go back I com why did you bet less you just bet more I should bet more yeah I'm stop burning it back bro come on this could actually change [ __ ] yeah I I would say up it please man Black Jack could be the best feeling in the world two three oh my gosh you want me to look at it no no okay what the well it's good you didn't double and it was a hidden Blackjack true that's still hurt come on that was go 2,000 you lost 1500 bro come on get the money get the money 26 please 10 10 I'm sorry guys on God back I wish you showed the back 2000 what you doing 2000 I don't even want to look at this [ __ ] oh God I don't want to look like I actually look what did you put in I literally can't look 2 three s seven I'm about to get soing mad bro cursing you guys j00 what you me a curse bro dead ass a curse oh my God bro look how sloppy you guys made this G I just lost 10 bands in three B no I lost 20 b actually cuz I I I would double that you got to double it bro bro you cannot double a nine against a six bro yellow we put, 1500 right come you bet 2,000 here we did 1500 right 2000 20 how much you do 200 so n you two and two Ki health is wealth bro who cares about do you want me to look at it no no I don't like when you look at it bro you be trolling too it's not even on you 10 10 please 10 no 10 oh my gosh what thear I'm scared was just lagging are we're good chat put five in the chat we're good she what what are you putting what are you putting what are you putting he lost all that money he put two out of five you putting 2,000 in I did 2,000 can I say the F4 not that not that one no bro I don't want to get you banned from this last hand for good luck I to just flip a nine guys him a curse bro yeah you actually are I'm not I'll be back we go to roul all right good luck wow oh my God yeah I'm done bro that was that was a hair Rush what you now 8,000 [ __ ] yeah but I don't like how much I bro I miss I literally bro you double 11 against a 10 that's what you're supposed to do bro you have to double 11 I don't know take it back in yellow comi what do you have right there bro like 6,000 bro and you have 8,000 he was up 20 do we do a 3K no bro play slow it's a new shoe you don't want to play like that do you want me to just shut up I'm going just shut up do a three do a three C bro I don't want to thank you yeah the chat tell me Shut up I got you you're good bro I don't care why are you smoking Brey leave me alone that's all you have yeah I don't know what the Vibes like I don't know how [ __ ] it this is good we've been betting the same amount I know let's keep it going I don't know how's your Vibes at 85 you're at more than you yeah well I was down pretty a good you know I was down good chunk more than in general Jack over there and over here and I went back up you know yeah it's good down and go up it's a good feeling that's good yeah that's good it's good you rub one out they're saying figure it out all right 2,000 to go 5,000 oh God that's I'm about to do it BR that's I'm about to do it bro did you pay com that 5K back I do whatever you do right now I literally do whatever you do whatever you do I do I don't care do what you want I do it do they hear me through this or that let me see you ready we're doing a don't do that why is he saying that you want to do okay I not here I swear I won't even say I is [ __ ] no no no do what you guys feel cuz you're going to feel like if it's not the resolution right now we're about to do 10 hand just do it bro [ __ ] it come on I give come on cheese 10K hand let's go you want me to do it and I ow you I'll give you 10 right now I give you right now 10K hand chat's all spaming do it I I I got I got right there chat is all spamming do it how much you put in five and five you Ain got no more chat do it you got more I'm going to go somebody I'm put come on come on all right chat yeah 5050 I swear we just want either way they win that right now yes love you ki wait how Rush don't get back in you're going to how I'll let you know what you 10 13 oh my God I love you w chat too God chat bro you good broo you know what you should do we all slightly up or even I think we should all get some food and come back all all right [ __ ] watch this black jack watch this Blackjack on your downfall now lucky come on okay damn really you play on the downfall don't do that no insance damn yo X don't walk away don't just walk away oh oh NOA what just happened oh no I'm at 10.5 one more oh my God who was right we should have got out all right you want my advice do a 2K hand no you're good no no no it all right put your TR press coach you got wait did you want to put your extra one in wait did I put one in I put it in for you do you want to do that I'm I only have these tens I'm not going to break them you want me to take your one out I put I just took one from right there no leave it leave it leave it my 500 no pleas love oh my God nice wow I'm done that is beyond up I'm sorry I made you go in next how was at 21 I lost so much money yo [Music] Bel I go in one time N Chill for I want to go in with you hey sash thanks for the sub bro I appreciate it I didn't want go in can I get five I'll s to you right now Che can I get five I'll send to you right now you sure bro I don't give a bro live once what do you are right now 10 10 and 10 are you guys wanted to go five and five listen if you guys do this right five and five you win we go eat like act said yeah this place isn't a cemetery anymore you know why cuz [ __ ] Jesus has risen that was Easter here I come I'm just a guy with a loud mouth and a lot of beers and I got a lot sensitivity we're some God that's your uncle that's great he's alol and he's gambling it's great I love it okay just let me let me knowmy turn you should have Timmy PK to the table Timmy should cheer go in 5K right here yeah on top of it you can't I locked up do it listen to Timmy you want content yeah he's content is nice nice what month are you born what month were you born oh it's a Leaping Leo Leo oh my God oh my God chear you have to you can't let Timmy downar it's Timmy I got my arms leave Jer five and five put the back up put you got about 21,000 this is my Duo whatever he does hey he look put five I put five [ __ ] it all right I'll put three on top I'll put on top is this I'm in my gosh [ __ ] this is the guy he's the greatest what we doing Mane listen to me bro five and five we win get out and go eat go eat 200 2005 5,000 200 oh my God down that down n do me down can I do me can I do me I got to put it on I got to put it on black can I do five Che where' you get that from I I'm asking going ones he stealing your chip is he allow to steal I'm ask I'm ask you can I do no you no no 5,000 have to 5,000,000 wait what do you me what's going on bro okay holy top are you nervous human that's me that's me wait wait wait they print money every day come on huh hey we leaving we leaving after this come on y you're going to win and get out I can't look God this the hand of the Night On Jesus I can't look bro come on Cher this is going to come back get this [ __ ] over yeah yeah this for you that was for you T Max on the side that was for you tip this is for her give it to her tip for for TI this tip please Sherry please Sherry nuts Cherry come on come on y we leave after this come on Cherry come on Cherry got can't have it got make it two hands no make it two can I can I put it in I want to wait what happened but this is all for my credit though they I gave the that's I understand the credit everyone put a bunch of chips in just take your Chips and those are my chips that my credit line yeah okay do that just take your F it's a sign bro just this is moner I hate it I hate it don't say that Tim I I hate it already no one 17 we're already he took my hey guys give me this camera right now what look at me if we win this we're getting the in the Japanese culture you make a GI mistake we good you commit you take a samur I swear you go you want it again he's all in Savage right now you don't want to take a break go eat I feel you we can walk out dude my dick's not going to do any favors for anybody bro Timmy what the I'm trying to get can I do one and get of this no cuz they're saying the chips [Music] right leaving B like leaving come back over behind come back basically when it's calm cuz there's too many people they don't know what Chip is going in or not I don't know why p what do you want you want five and five okay so what I can do keep that right now I I can play with my chips they saying you can't put your chips in ask the chat if the audio is better is the audio good chat me five okay I can do that I can do that I give do five no just saying it's bad I just went off this cuz they were saying the other one his ass can we see if this will work is it delayed or what I'll take uh I'll take a blue out I can't hear the audio so you can't hear this like I don't have headphones it's good now they're saying I think no it's fine it's good okay so can I get a pumpkin [Music] please I think I'm actually have a heart attack chill bro come on you're going to get your right back I understand bro I understand it's not over that D come on what's up Nick Nick have you met cheer before Chad there's too many people in here Nick mer oh myce you I know that was him he ni I know my bues ni come here real quick I want my boy Prim he loves you bro they think I they think I ha in Call of Duty they think you do what they think I hack Call of Duty whyz I'm cuz I'm black yeah but this is my do for the where you and Tim yeah Timmy ain't going to pull up to that bro what yeah he he he said he's not ready okay so we chees are an aen we're ass right Tim's the only friend I have that's ass so I don't have nobody else oh hell no play oh so AC ni you okay how much $10,000 I'm in okay you serious in wait another 10 wait 10 10 okay get a I put I got 10 BR what real quick we win what you get we gete I get Mo I don't know about that okay 2v2 and we do another one later f keep me in it though [ __ ] go all right hey y'all playing hey I'm following them hey y'all playing slow or y'all want to go I got I got to go for you guys you got to give me the chance all right here what you want to do big or slow bro go in $10,000 each we're out if you win you're up $110,000 you lose you're down $10,000 what are you sure I fin got to sit out for this I do I'm saying for this one I a Max oh my God oh please good luck guys start off good stand good so good 13 15 I have I [Music] have what be black all right hold don't grab the chip BR cuz I have sorted uh give me the uh and is it cool I SLA that or do you want to do later my God I'll take it off right now I bro I'm so mad I'll be back later thank you guys uh you know whaty that just blew me bro that just blew me oh my God all right let's go eat wow I I you should have pick me instead of M Che yeah where's other mic at I got it you scared me f mik man buy a new onea I think I ordered a steak and a mash potatoes okay put that there thank you man okay now now is actual real oh sorry I'm cut I take those when you get a chance huh yeah got dit my cheer uh can I have a water bottle please last one Jason uh do you guys have uh Samsung charg me can I get a water but it's like a USBC it's the same charger audio is bad at me my audio no I think that audio Yeah I don't know why it does Aiden you want to me now or later you're a curse bro you are a curse I don't even know sh got I got you got you you're going to let him are you sure I can do it I was trolling fine I can do it I can do it for real all right do it then I'm going just unplug sit 50 I he's been good for you been good for yeah I'm vouching man let the vouch go through yellow how you guys playing though how many hands you guys do I two two hands right uh I might just do two two on 10 wait I mean che's not here yet next going I'm on I'm on 1011 right now right you want the all Pumpkin all Pumpkin yeah just full send yeah only said where is ginger well just ban him ban him slban only well just time out for 5 minutes that just stay out let me an X slam slam and then you cheese going Andes I don't even know where cheese are went all right let's hope I don't have to withdraw more but these should be fine come on let's get [Applause] it what's up hey wait you're going 10 10 10 you you want me do that I thought you're going one hand no play your play your [ __ ] I'm sorry bro I'm tring I okay go ahead he's not playing 10 please that's insane double right dou yeah you send it full send all 710 literally just 10 10 26 right 17 2 boom boom call that [ __ ] great double by the way thank you R the back turbo I can wi like four in a row I'll get out lowkey just three more in a row eight three three three that's nuts we got to hit everything yeah full hit okay give him six send on that it's okay I need that over here just duplicate [ __ ] you know you know what you know what stand this one time just one one time see what happens it's okay's right behind oh thank you so much man where does it plug into under thank you bro [Music] send it again uh what happen a buug again no I'll stay I'll stay yeah h on that my 12 and 13 by the way are cursed it's it's like so bad I lost anyway where did C just go find cheese oh okay okay okay [Music] six please all right 10 10 10 10 sh good [ __ ] three blj and like [ __ ] that's insane 18 dead I mean you come here you say good or bad and I lose come on bro oh wow that is wild yeah I'm going to let you guys go too I just want to [ __ ] chasing it I'm no please okay [Music] watch 10 10 okay hold on I win with a Ace 2 3 45 Ace 2 3 4 5 of course bro oh wow stand you got to double that right yeah double that um this a stand 10 what is this what's what's under 10 it's a 10 okay no problem over am I going get hit with the it's not too bad stand [Applause] four four oh what is this [Music] thank [Music] you my my Go I mean I'm start fck bro the next vice president I'm just $50,000 me yeah you're good 25 three chill we locking in right now I'll be later all right I just want to lock in my [ __ ] lock us dou two it's horrible bro oh my God okay see a going to war we're going to war S no wow 21 is crazy I'm going to pretend like doesn't happen let just keep going nice nice not bad this is the beginning of the run but like yeah it is I feel this is hand number one yeah stand stand right pH four stand for stand no nice 10 down a lot down a lot for real let's go number two let you already PA me my bad I got an ace on that are you serious come on here okay yes 56 56 and everything wait hold on is that 15 17 17 oh stay stand hits uh 15 15 have have a seven or eight seven one sec just wait a second I'm going try and fix this mic again $50,000 I win this I'm even right you I don't even remember we're about to make a mill no where we keep going all right all right keep going Ace Ace 10 20 bro okay nice I win this 100 I think or 50 I don't remember cuz you're 50 just boss boss boss this a million this a million dollar one right here it so we keep pushing just just just keep s until we get some push back just love how Felix I want Felix C 238 238 I like that have a have a that is non nice split more more time no no that's I don't know what noow it's AOW It's s face down please on this 20 20 hit on that 10 10 okay okay we're good want to keep going nothing it's just keep going look at that chees so you owe oh my God that's 200,000 oh my God Jesus High 450 with his CHS I'm going get the 500 out I'm done G you're right if I go in I or 5 can you than you bro I [ __ ] it's okay I think it's just a lot of people no it's this thing I I think it's cuz it got wet earlier oh we smoke the drink on it yeah hold on one second that's Citrus [Music] Citrus there's more mics upstairs ,000 there's more mics upstairs if you guys are going to stay live for a while this is literally The Finisher right here come on one hand good 210 nice don't pre come on me please oh hold on and you pre came all my I'm to you did by the hand off on that hit on this hit on that nice St on that seven [Applause] s they're inside the IRL backpack you just give me two Blues yeah who trying to have this [ __ ] right for y stop for real you need make text to Butler I'm 500 Grand can I get those two for now I just want to like see something real Qui 5 huh I know am I'm done I want you to now stop yeah my Clos If I deposit all I have I can have are youing or not go crazy bro you're not going in I'm I'm catching out I'm I'm see how UFC goes though yo bro what really is he here ohu a little bit that's so uninspiring on this [Music] one more sa one more one more can I cover these real quick I think get right now it's hot like your energy is so good loud oh my God sorry [ __ ] audio is tweaking fat it's like a crowd when you're like Chad it's a crowd when you're on a win streak in 2K I'm weird you guys or not that's not true Sean which one are you in okay I'm going you're doubling abolutely I have to n on five is dou water on this and dou on that 10 what's that 21 oh my God God not even a bad just agressive that is something nice hit on the 15 nice here uh hit on that Max 1 1 16 St I'm not come on 9 10 [ __ ] I like that 10 boom boom what a stand another water please yeah I'm not going to drink I'm work out later 20 right here 20 here 20 12 15 Here Comes stand on this okay stand hit on that okay don't do that hurt so bad l l you want me to read it out like her number I got you why are they SP 387 okay we take that okay dou that though on that on that the this that six three time right now three time right now 10 man what's up BR how are you bro you good you know That's My Boy Prime right there I knowe we had beef but we love each other okay my bad this is my boy Che it's got understand bro you went from being that Tik Tok [ __ ] to being like a cool ass [ __ ] yeah like you're actually like the Tik Tok actually respect I swear to [Music] God I I'm live got Chase got to chase take a breather come back sitting here watching it holy you have a [ __ ] dirty double by the way you have another double too double down baby let's go down bu just bu fa enough let keep going the office all right 104 double right here double double that's a double bro 98 is not double is it j n on Eight Is Just AIT nor hit right is that you put a th down you put too much down luck want to look at it want me to be don't you dare up the face weird you coffee's like literally like might like people Mar I'm Mar still here it was 100K out staff members all right cheer oh that's your marking yeah I'm just getting rid of it that's all profit yeah stack Plus 15 you're 45 no I'm sorry 30 okay um 7 three do you say name Sherry or cherry cherry what is it fruit Cherry soft on the or dou okay so e more for me just say l you want to see the [Music] I want to get rid of this put it down please I'm done what did I tell you when I got here today take back I'll I'll hold your seat you sure yes Mo you want to sit okay I need like a minute Mo BJ can you go with xpc follow him to the cage X he's going with you the mic m the m those mics aren't even on what are the new ones let me see sis you brought the wrong one wait hold on a second s s you brought the wrong M you we need the transmitter one the one with the screen killing him man doing great are you going in or no yall play one hand come on bro you got this [ __ ] per what you at that's my up br dude oh my God who who cut this a low back you're good you're good now up now up a 10 seven man that's two a seven 20 seven you're good you're good I would go bandies right now press boy stop being weird right I have a chain bro is all righty you already in the yes pretty good I just did my UFC back to hit bro what you want me to cut uh Yin right give me a number 1 through 10 eight they say the same number every time I can oh sorry all right push garbage bro oh are you serious they had 14 every three that's big is the is the mic through here right now it's not working because this one keeps disconnecting that's why we need the other one okay 18 dude come on now that's I'm chilling do I need to text to no I'm chilling to you're watching do your drugs leave the [ __ ] alone I'm done [Music] Ace nice I was going to take stand I got to shut the [ __ ] up press yeah no no I mean like press like be aggressive and leave it yeah it is oh my God face down please oh my God it if she doesn't she's busting come on all right 10 I need to look at it I don't even need two 26 oh okay um all right okay Jerry Jerry am I good to enter you want yeah am I good to join okay let's get it going ready boys come on let's go baby all right let's go 10 9 going to open up the hand for you guys not double you got to double that dou on that send it and then even oh I didn't see all right good I'm not even mad about that I'd rather you stay near 15 rest I 250 okay you have 250 a c 2 nice terrible I mean i f s again holy [ __ ] here comes double that's what what was that n on eight that's a double right a hit hit oh wow n don't about it no that'se 10 at least 10 holy shito all these hands are so favorable for me too like I'm like way ahead what's give bro oh this is not inspiring 10 so stupid [Music] [Music] bro it's so loud in here I think I'm good is it good oh yeah guys just wait a sec I'm going try and uh fix the mics [Music] AOW it's I'm a little exra fix you want 15 right 150 I'm not going to say just know it's a new shoe okay it goes either way get pumpkin for like ,000 thank you thank you Brad this one go I think we're good chat thank you Jordan they're saying it's a lot better time thank you Jordan all right I'm done that's me right there I'm done am I loud who's louder no no no no no no we're good we're good I the mic's good [Music] you want me to cut for you guys or you want Felix to do it I think she have ACC to it too yo cheer whatever happens we keep up the pace if you want to stand out one one hand just you know just keep it keep the cars it's like a concert in here bro is Travis stop performing like like bro chat why are yall put dots that was a good joke dude what the whatever 69 it ain't over okay six okay Ace here please where am I at 11 10 give me 10 please thank you hit on that hit on that whatever okay and then on 1 absolutely not that's so stupid 21 is nuts well again way ahead across the board and I still get losses on that's crazy just go 20 20 542 okay not too bad yeah is is that double or hit hit you know hit that bro hit 12 hit whatever um stand stand good no you made you made bread yeah yeah hey do you have any drugs on you the chat wanted me to ask drugs no drugs I around no drugs LOL he has ADD okay 533 okay whatever stand stand Standing uh no what is that is that a hit 77 what 77 Kaa I would either double or yeah but what does the Bible say though the book the book I think the book book the book I think says to hit that you don't double a three you stand on that that's double yo double send it all right yeah I take those I do take those you guys are doing good right again way ahead losses that's insane BR I just want one round where I'm ahead and I don't get complete all right 10 10 six that's okay bro 12 you can work it's not full 10 10 you're back needed that okay an actual W all right keep it going keep that pressure you're close 9 21 okay okay all right okay then I'm getting I'm getting bit into this double on that split on this let's go oh my god let's go stand on that stand on that full 10 no s no way oh my God it gets too scary man 10 how much is that um like down yeah down 1020 K on that whatever bro bro these I'm always ahead always ahead and I'm getting [ __ ] what the lol 20 20 double 13 [ __ ] no that's pain you don't have it you do not have it you do not have it you do not have it you're good you're good you're okay you're okay you're you're you're doing great on this hit on that and then hit on this stop 15 19 all right you win this wi win win L yeah n but you made you made 10 I think 10K yeah got to get the ball rolling how do I wouldn't lower if you're wait what I'm sorry I'm not trying to get in your head but oh then yeah play play how you play I'll throw it down thank you don't wor I'll pay back I swear chat can y'all hear me through my mic yes or no what cigarette yeah somebody lit a cigarette over here are you allowed to smoke cigarettes in here oh you know what I like 101010 it doesn't drain that fast it it's not too dangerous yeah you're doing 30,000 a pop well yeah yeah but it doesn't you don't get smoked like crazy too fast are you up yeah I'm up but this is like this is pretty soft you should be up a lot more you got [ __ ] on bro like 15 hands overall I mean honestly 10 10 10 is not bad you're going 30 hip hop you can control it chances are you're probably going to end up only losing one if you lose you know right now I'm about like 5K above I think you guys won that true right there that was great yeah up 25 let's go let's pick up some win here brother do you want to join the Discord yeah what the [ __ ] 710 7104 oh okay kick me out of there too bro y these 12 stay that's a joke basically the uh they say cuz you're muted in Discord cuz you're not talking they're saying unmute Brad unmute they want you to talk being here whatever and then Bing over here stop here and then Bing hit it stop I mean we were not getting out of that let's be honest hey you do 1,000 hand then if you're right there to 20 you could even go, 1500 you have another 500 chip slide it sh it's all right it's a double right here watch cheer Here Comes what I say I said it a dou great great ah hit just hit don't double that cuz you have right there yeah so so this just a hit that's going to be a a hit fantastic and that's going to be a double and then I need a she don't got 20 so one double just [ __ ] one what is he up or down uh X he's up hold on CRA said uh oh my god when I gave the mic to Jordan to walk past he went down and grabb my left a without asking whatever yeah you got a nice a keep going wait you so you touch Citrus well no I just had to check it out had to see like you know bro what he working with okay all right I ain't going lie I don't even care you can do whatever you want with him that is not these TW I'm about to jump yeah he that's perfect nice 10 10 hey chat can we can we can we let Ry back in the community chat okay good who's doing it I don't get it they're saying we good yeah of course of course he saying that who's deciding that [ __ ] it's just like a council meeting double that and double that oh okay ni oh that's a double let's goab why are you touching my th that's just a hit Right Touch Bradley touch his arm it's good luck just hit that's what I thought too Jason says no I just 10 no need nice is that good for me nice he okay we done doing that we're done doing that you're up right now okay good keep going good good table 10 10 great hit be aggressive wow it's okay it's okay now press right here no press press go go, 1500 just a hiccup keep going come on guys follow back in line this a one it's a two right here 2 38 2 3 two you're not asking for too much two I got four okay has a seven okay not too bad five that's disgusting actually I hate this oh I hate that man none of this is good except for thisn good hit dude hit on this wow um that's going to be a hit on that my 12 is going to be a 10 is whatever oh wow stand stand full send 10 what a hit cheese all right told you to Red last round keep going Jason you pleas could you please provide an update on the uh the deposit at the front I just dropped like T at the front keep pressing oh [ __ ] over here you killing it right now keep going X you got aot how close you to a blue chip it's coming 5,000 more all right cool yo you want to I got it you up 200k no no I Dr I dropped rest on my my cash cash what are you up up uh this is bro x i g stop being weird 75 uh roll roll up 5K but bro I went up and down like 80 100 100K like oh man this is right now these 12 I swear to God I'm going to lose my I hate twelves and sevens it's like the worst hit I I swear the the TW are crazy today never it's the busiest pack I've seen 12 right 12 okay then what happens you know what stand this one stand I'm not doing it hit on this one good stand just stand bro stand whatever every time every time I get 12 by go send King 10 nice nice That's doubles I'm not trying to be weird but I think she stand on this one hit on that nah she don't got 20 she got a nine 13 20 full SN she has a nine or an eight [ __ ] yo I I'm I'm I'm about this close to snap I'm not even down any money right now and I'm still going to snap cuz these I'm so ahead on these pleas bro one time oh my god dude all right whatever it's not even that bad full stand don't do that low 10 that's bro where you at 15 take that your ready I don't know where you want what's up bro how are you how are you going to eat and do all this stuff I'm I'm I'm chilling uh can I possibly eat at the table where we at eight my man 10 four oh do uh is is that is that doubler double on that that's a double for sure I got take care you double double please just boss boss b boom which one do I sign my bad bro that one you're on uh uh who who's keeping the tips tonight you guys sharing it yeah me and miss you guys okay I'm going tip uh 2,000 okay massive massive come you write the total uh I got it you got it 836 they know who I am yeah yeah okay cool I got brother I'll see you a bit okay thank you appreciate it so much h210 h210 h210 yo 10 on seven is standard hit right come on please hit on that am I cool to eat that right here is that on tableit doubling I'm doubling if Rich says it we're [ __ ] doing it oh sweet you can take the bread too just a hit what is that oh my God okay 8 n it's a 10 Cherry it's a 10 right yo my bad bro can I eat on the table or shite you over there I don't you sure I don't want to [ __ ] up your guys Mojo where where's the Sun at knife in the that's great thank you boss I'll take the snapin watch out oh sorry not table can can I get a beer one beer please uh I'm uh here uh can put back on my table I'll you later I'll you later I'll you later it's okay I'll you later all you later it's okay uh all right I'll go I'll go I'll go over there here you go no stay here stay here going I I are you guys ruin the energy what is this I'm sorry bro I'm sorry the 10 hit actually be quick hits take my seat okay whatever hit nine hit oh my goodness hit are 18 hits hit hit I can't do this anymore oh my God 1K come on low key yeah 1K 1 oh no thank you don't already doing it oh can I just get it one beer please um well can I be you guys like a Corona please thank you very much you want to cut it or I cut it you cut it this time but I just Juiced like 17 CS like [Music] whatever right there bro up the chat so I can the chat this sh is actually crazy I didn't take you for the degenerate good we're doing good very good honestly I'll do I'll do sex [ __ ] R like a pokeb a210 I'm happy it's the kid table no no okay P stle we win this she's busting don't do that 10 10 boom boom okay he yo is that a full win full T win easy yes sir all send it what up CH unmute primer oh sorry I come on two black jacks right here okay close low low up um I'm staying off on is it they just full stand right yeah full stand I'm unmuted dude trust nope 10 please 10 that hurt yeah it's fine oh wow do two or stick with one stick with one still good still good whatever love you guys four 10 Sana okay okay okay yo we're chilling czy what's that this just a hit right 15 10 please boss 22 21 is crazy hello I number I hate that me too this is it this is scary come on All 4 31 Noe yes we need bail we need a bail out we need a bail out bail out ba we need a bail out two again it's a 10 under day right not bad DUI I'm at 15 so we win this that's a break even I think yeah Break Even crazy we're good we're good we're winning this right here Ace 10 right now 83 come on 56 disgusting this is not right just a 10 this is not cool I hate it I hate it so much me look at me look hit oh wow hit hit hit Jesus these things are disgusting that's tough stop somehow seven seven 10 10 10 let's go we need that one more two and then 1K again yo you guys doing good no decent yeah good yeah see that's what I'm I'm decent let's get a let's get a good run hands give us a nine a four six and a 10 please low please low absolutely absolutely absolutely please 10 rich that hurts so bad Mr rich and I that hurs 10 on eight double s oh my God mats 16 on eight uh hits 15 whatever oh I needed that right here am I going to regret it double on that yeah 15 what I want to do with 2K again 15 2K again absolutely nuts 15 I kind of deserve it to be honest I didn't feel that 16 at all you lost yeah bad 16 it happens did you just get here today yeah are you gambling good see you brother I feel like we're friends St how's it going man doing good I know I know I know I just see I know it's amazing how things going going good you happy good then forever forever is it too early I'm good the way he cuts it is so far the way he cuts it is so far to come on man please Ace 10 I'm happy with the 20 20 is all across please all right 10 10 two 20 20 20 two please low hey okay what okay stand stand give him one double one Double Bs 10 10 no oh 14 18 10 bro X your doubles are [ __ ] everybody's doubles are there's nothing to say I've won one double in my last I think like I think or something we lost we lost every double bro how you guys doing you guys doing all right doing good right now yeah 16 good let's catch a good wind here do it's okay she's a low possible split absolutely not can I get one good hit on the 12 of course not he hey hey hey cheer cheeser me and you we'll just hit on this welcome welcome sir hello I bust every 12 H what the welcome back welcome back cheer seven 10 that isy how is wow that's [ __ ] that's crazy bro two and then we got a one win this we go to one I disagree dude I think we win this we go that's the problem what you guys do we win this we go against when you're on a street exactly repeat 10 10 Ace oh my God you got to give him an [Music] ace [ __ ] yeah come on 19 19 is great stand stand and then hit on this okay 10 10 10 wo finally final dude the light and Tel just a little bit of light here please all right full mental reset this is this is hand number one all right give us doubles four four please please it six on there never like darn it 10 10 each it's so disgusting six it's so disgusting give yo dude I don't you okay I don't blame you for not doubling bro I'm I'm going just I'm I'm hitting that sorry I'm hitting that I don't blame you thank he hey God damn it so flit man that's crazy all right well can we get my god dude like come on got back at like 15 yeah 20 right here a 10 please give us one good hand one okay there you go you take it yeah nice the amount of doubles they're giving you is insane I swear she it's like teasing you bro stand just send down double here and then hit on this somehow BST uh I have to Hits come on by one is crazy bro a I might save myself I might save myself though bro X these doubles are actually disgusting actually disgusting man a pumpkin on that just do double pumpkin send it he's like 150 in double uh Brad did you steal a chip oh no no I know okay all right they're just saying they spamming it that's crazy why they always accusing you 68 10 you're like an older teaser i a a lot more Jack no nah you don't got it of course you do that smile just went off my face so fast I want to drop now Jesus Christ bro can we just get something you saw what I did when I 3K 3K come on bro I just got drain like 13k in like 3 minutes that's disgusting oh it's a new shoe though all right so you want to go two2 why are we stuck we're dead ass stuck no it's not sounds like 1 15 with our bat we win this we're at oh my God yo you know what's kind of cool by the time the beer gets here it's going to be like rum V it's aging thank you thank you let's get it it's fine let's just see what happens cuz I already ordered it y I'm so drunk man you're drunk a two three all right please can we just get something right here hold on she's a low guys stress oh my God the easiest five I've ever seen five 1 stand oh wow who would have thought I'm glad you took off a uh can you give me another 100 please come on boys you need this one all right this is the one need this so bad come ony that's insane by the way that's actually insane this is disgusting bro bro this this is like this is demonic diabolic Lana I it doesn't matter change got come on guys got bring it back crazy y oh my God we need this so bad so bad all right let's see it I'm down 56 a double it's a double okay just get 872 please low I'll I'll do it on God I'll do it this is just please brother please this is getting older oh that's hurt 5 five hit 18 18 stand hit on this WOW hit on that that was going to go whatever at least two take my chances two bro we got to do two don't do it 10 have it look at this did you B well I can't count because there's so many cars that my brain just stopped functioning three comedy three bro we got to Bro oh my God here we go all right four8 six disgusting hit on that hits wow hits hits wow a 13 wow a hits off Cony Cony I don't know I I I sto you push that that's that's 20 21 like like I had to get a 21 on a on a on a run like that just to [ __ ] scrape a w my God that's a dou dude I get no dou nice Jesus oh GG no insurance even money even money even money you got to take money yeah on yo yo yo then pull 10K out and you do it then whatever dude I'm the one playing now [ __ ] I'm just kidding man every 12 is a but if you're going to get black might as capitalize she's been killing us okay she's got a gun somewhere this has been crazy EV do I I can throw in you yeah let's see what 12 here uh throw it in you want to do this all in 14 what is this how much is this s each s each not too bad what's your name Yi so bad that's your hand right yeah yeah yeah have please don't oh Jesus Christ nope nah send it going so disgusting we had 19 she had [ __ ] this is the final boss back to back she's crushing right now czy wow my autograph no problem hopefully no more autographs yeah I can do both black out and jump off this balcony I can't oh my God too drunk bro I got you want to drink I'm good bro thank you though what can we get a what we get yeah yo did you guys get fried man we're all fried just drink your cup just drink it yo mo mo $1,000 for a [Music] beer I'll get you all right thank you st n I'm let Che and call Chase they want to go back in oh can I can I get a uh blue chip when you get a chance what I'm not no I'm I promised myself and you want to do 10,000 each 5,000 each don't do one hand it's the stupidest thing you do the front kick in 10 each don't do that don't do 10 each yeah and we'll put we'll bet 5K each what so look 10K each so we both owe you 10 we're going to bet 5K each okay so you guys ow both owe me $10,000 are you playing cuz I'll take I'll take one off no no no no no put that back in there please aen you want to keep it what happened what's up bro I just kind of want to wait till the night and then I'll loan you after if that's okay okay cuz bro I go crazy bro in with it you're going all in are you sure you want to do that oh my God have scary dude oh my God why aren't you happy I'm out you have [ __ ] that's x what do you mean this is my money this that's X yeah yeah yeah yo if you want me to get out huh if you want me if you want me to get one seat off I'm I'm no you're good you're good you're good wow I'll do a blue when you get a chance please do you understand that's your guys's biggest mistake right the way how I came up it's either you're gambling you got to go crazy and get out that's what I that's what I just did I'm not for the rest of the night so when you're doing 500 500 500 you're going like three win streaks it's pointless oh thank you um yeah than thank you I'm just saying if you're going to try to what's your goal we're no matter what the way the way I got to 500k from 200k is you guys want to do an all end do it oh man I want to see that that's all that's profit right now X got your beer I got this um still R2 man that's exactly what I wanted so you win this you got $20,000 each stop stop bro it's a low stop that uh what's that eight on six is that double or just a hit hit you got to hit that bro yeah yeah you got to hit it stand stand stand I would double that X that's a doubler yeah that's a soft 17 against a six 10 that's what I'm talking about that's what you have to do get out how it's done drop I'm do 5 get your get your Blue Chip and then just stop how close you to your blue that's your goal my goal is 500 I'm done so okay so do a 5k hand or if you want to do ,000 hands now do it you play you're going to lose that's just the way it is bro then you're done if we get it if we win this you're done you're out come on 5K 5K we're out my get it and it's your goal you're done okay all right Blue Chip spam Blues in the chat 10 10 I make a little double right here hold on you what the [ __ ] you got to double that bro you have to put your five in this is it you're going to be up more than a blue you to look at it you want to look at it the closer got it no I can't it's too much you want me to look at it I need over here I will suck oh my God it's okay cuz guess what guess what that is under there oh my God it could have been literally oh my go that is that's just disgusting bro that's gross you got fight back come on all right eight 8 10 okay okay oh not bad nice got hit bro [ __ ] bro just full stand right full stand full stand no you cannot 10 yeah baby all right I felt bad on God yeah that was that was that was so I felt bad bro that was it wasn't a bad double though it's 11 ver that was fantastic on the nine it was a great yeah like I feel bad that should have been a 10 bro all right two okay okay not too bad that's not a double cheer be smart Okay uh uh please don't be mad at me that's a two yeah yeah yeah it's a splitter on on two all right so we're going to do stand on this we're going to do hit on that 15 15 going be split those threes right yeah we split them up stand eight man that's this is not right dude it's just disgusting bro like why are you getting 10 on threes I think you're at 9,000 each what was that minus 10K no bad just 10 all around bless my boys 10 10 10 oh okay it's a double right there all right come on Che give him a four five no don't okay there you go the be hyped cuz that's not a 10 over there I'm trying to lock have you go energy it's contagious bro hit on this that's that's okay guys she doesn't have a 10 she doesn't have a 10 bro come on you guys got this bro get bro good where you at right now 14 13 what do you at okay what is your goal so [ __ ] slam it bro you just won two in a row why were you not slamming one $2,000 someone trying to tell you bro um I'm I'm going to P this I'm going to P one back can I tell you something right now if you went 5 you would have been out you call me stupid but it's the way I came up 500 Grand I did and 100 right so I have an outstanding 100 on my last and I'm paying it back yo we are coming back brother y'all got this for real we're pedaling we're pedaling they saying I'm being B INF just do what you want to do okay yo tomorrow I'm going to hit the nastiest parlay like 400x on a 20K I'm cing 40 mil on that one UFC card I don't give a legendary did you already place your bats nah I got spread cheat I'm making mine tonight with Leo he's good he help me good he locked in paage for me is he in the chat right now I'm going Charles Olivera and uh Pereira and I'm going what's the girl chat uh her first I mean her first I'm sorry UFC yeah yeah yeah I'm locking with her and then Zang too what about that's oh it's a good fight right which one okay so you know do you know what makes me nervous the nervous part now is Dana $300,000 that that up so everyone's going to try to go for Knockouts yeah all 64 it's a double it's a double man so uninspiring don't dou with that it's an 18 against a two she's going to bust bro okay so what do you do 50/50 but I have to hit it hit it on this one be 10 oh that's good he might have saved that that 12 stand stand okay 10 10 10 I mean either way you guys won hey no no look we at tomorrow yall going gble tomorrow you got you go tomorrow I feel him we going yo I'm almost back holy got this wait wait just wait that fine BR why you asking me play your game are do you know how I am I don't stop until this hits $500,000 you have a goal in your mind I'm not touching this forer night you are so when this gone and everyone leaves the room you're going to be down like 6:00 a.m. go for this right now stop it and close it out I'm being real with you bro you're going to gamble by yourself and lose that's why I'm theolog [ __ ] I'm talking about I told you to slam it bro it's okay just listen to me bro you would have you would have been out 2 you get paid out what is that 2 how much did you say to put 25 I told you to put like five each [Music] Chad the only reason why I'm telling them to do this is cuz they're going to come back by themselves and get [ __ ] all right ready be stand you have 8 10 yeah 8 10 send it 10 thank you now say d easy sorry sorry up bro I'm literally back in all right what are you at bro it's for you by the way for you for you okay 2.5 go 2.5 go 2500 and you guys are done yes with your 500 in cheese what and now you guys are done get four I got a dream 8 10 s I'm sorry but you have to not too bad nice you got to do you got to do whatever whatever he has to bro I mean bro all here comes ready hold on a second actually are you sure you have aaser [ __ ] [ __ ] hold on wait wait wait wait please just listen all right all right all right all right bro it's a 10 chees IQ the Montage Music hit that hit that fantastic stand and then double I will show you how great I am you go send it six 10 whatever please do it do it send it let us just get it please pleas please push push all it's okay push is a win guys oh my go you only got to win $2500 hand put it in right now and win it good [ __ ] Bro i r i I can't this this come up is INS I know I know it's nuts you're that's crazy 7 10 three not too bad six fantastic is the hit right the hit yeah hit on that fantastic uh sit on this and sit on that see what happens five 15 six 16 1 I want to make sure we you got the blue bro you got the blue good [ __ ] bro I'm bro I'm like 10K up now I was down to 160 look you have a th000 right here that's look 1 2 3 4 5 that's 10 15 holy I can't I cannot believe I'm doing this right here you're off 2.5 go one more marker 150k BR it back look comi $1,000 right Jason I told you no more signatur I told you put your there you go and then it's the blue oh my God man I don't give a flying Dante you're not here get my phone fuing blackj I know okay fantastic great don't dou don't double it stand no nope whatever don't care Dante I love you but come on bro get down here dude L keep it going now give it us did you lose or push I didn't see lost win we win this we're good just give it to us bro all right I want a two or three and I want to tell you something oh my God nice whatever no good it's just hit on yeah hit I still double I still yeah I would double but it's been doing so bad I'm not going to change becauseit bro whatever hit on this 15 15 hit on that five stand stand on this and hit on that give me a nine hit on this whatever it doesn't matter can we still win on this please gets two chances but doesn't matter come on 16 x x 22 hit that hit that [ __ ] did it boom boom Oh my God you have it right is this the Blue Chip here you go dude don't do it like that I like this bro that yeah thank you so much no problem yeah bro it's 1,000 left over that's 25 right there you go that's your left over bro you hey give her I'd give her like a little chip oh my God we did oh [ __ ] boy are you yeah up up all this now I paid my marker 150 and 100 you're up like uh 60 70 80 uh I'm up yeah I'm up 80 from being down 250 wow is that [ __ ] insane so dis you crazy blp right there I don't want to break it's okay where's your 500's at that he have but no you're good well Tipper you ask your chips I just this is my last one I'm lock in for you okay yeah after I'm catching out cuz it's been two c of us swinging thank you so much Let's Get It One D on the way out we're chilling taking long some Che that's how bad it is now I got you after this after this right here I got you another session now you know what I mean when you're going to gamble then you open it that's my issue I have a really bad problem where if I take out of that I'm going to want to chase that I know I know what's up man what up Timmy where you good thank you we're up a lot we're killing right now Uncle Tim you going crazy I do but I I'm gonna I'm going to work out in like an hour gotcha 55 I'm don't what the God don't I don't want to hear excuses mik holy wait what can I can I put over here I'll be G in a minute there's the one kid cringe I like bro who said that bro I don't care I'm calling you out I'm Banning you like who did it cheers empty wallet why is that your name hey what's eat that right now oh God okay Cherry listen y popped off so you have a big shoes to fill there's no way at $3,100 I don't care I don't believe it why is pornh Hub my recommended all right 2500 yo how's e doing right now I I'm comfortable with this I'm happy I'm up pretty good aming I'm going to bed text me okay you do it because I'm only one and it's Jimmy your shoe he does it I'm up yeah I'm see tomorrow early and you're going to UFC obviously too right my goal is I'm down yeah we're working out I'm down my trainer's here too I have your number rugs rugs your phone's broken yeah no insurance but dude let's go tomorrow what nope no this is number okay cool I got you all right bro I'm not doing it yeah I'm out yeah you're done why even right nope Pro it he said I'm a curse 30 oh yeah can I getor on that yeah I'll you guys can I leave this here tomorrow one BL please okay yo tomorrow's the day though tomorrow tomorrow is the day yeah nice what day tomorrow is the day we go crazy oh no I'm slamming insane bets tomorrow yeah tomorrow tomorrow is like the absolute debauchery chat was fun hanging out with you guys all right take the mic bro I'll see you tomorrow okay yeah I'm going I can hang out how long you guys stre for I'm I'm going go to my room and chill fore CH come on good good night please nice I need that bro bring bring some DS I got you n I'm going to go chill a little bit are you guys in the same room okay yes come on I need that come I I feel stay I knew he didn't have a 19 sorry she oh my God Cherry my bad oh my God set you up for 20 y f it please no that's crazy got Blackjack that's nuts another 12 Seven 8 n up bro yo talk to me can take the mic off for minute the mic off real quick for like 10 seconds hey cheese or coffee come on you think I have to Hey DJ what double I think I should just hit it bro honestly I ain't going to lie come on 10 monkey wow 15 six disgusting it's so disgusting dude it was over anyway I I didn't double wow wait so what how much what are you done 105 oh my God