when I went to um what the [ __ ] is that they gave me they gave me this when I went to the party it's just a fanatic symbol what the [ __ ] so weird it St let me see the symbol stop me show them the symbol stop me [ __ ] 20 come on please no insurance of course they're Che all my life They're laughing we lose it's annoy that's what I'm saying bro got y'all can't do that bro let's go I can't be hyped over a 21 what the [ __ ] and she's even laughing you know what he's doing you see it right this is crazy I'm not getting that I'm not come 10 dude can we just go one hand together bro she just got a 21 on please bro let me go let me go by myself yo all right all right fine go with me F 25,000 let's go oh [Music] my please face down boss please 10 10 oh my God oh my God you scared me and you're laughing no they they get excited off this they love it I'm up 25 let's get let's keep it going good start Ace come on Jack yes know come on bust bust all I'm trolling I'm watch watch she has a nine I'm troll that was weird I'm troll come they're laughing nine 10 I got you see it's karma I mean not Karma it's reverse psychology you don't know what you're saying 20 right here 20 give me that 25 hand [Music] 10 you're [ __ ] weirdo like TR not to smile Che stop oh it's karma oh God oh my God we're doubling no more of this down please please just boss oh God I'm we done come on lock in together 10 10 cheer no more no more of that okay that's bad I'm up a yeah I'm up a whole whole lot of whole lot of money hold let me let me count real quick oh my hold the I just doubled up in like a second it's pretty good no more a little more what about this session 125 130 oh you're right let's go on with this yeah actually I want to do do that thing I want to do that thing with the people real quick take a break and we'll come back can you guys just marker this for me little uh not marker um yeah whose markers are those okay I was like could you guys put my chips in to or no I don't really want his I'm kidding I'm kidding no really I'm kid hold on I'm going to be right back I'm going to go find someone to gamble with real quick I'll be if you can you keep that or no if I'm yeah can you keep the deck or no you can't I back in like 2 minutes all right we're going to find a random person to bless and like Eno matter of fact come here let's do him real quick yo so look I'mma either give you $1,000 right now you get $1,000 chip hold on or $5,000 right here for a chance to win I'm gamble man you want to gamble I'm a fres gambler man I play so for oliv what good let's get money 100% gambling let's go come on let's give you that five no way watch yeah yes [ __ ] yeah I gamble bro oh my God I ain't no [ __ ] you keep the Propet all that prophet's you [ __ ] apprciate it's amazing man happy daden Ross [ __ ] you guys are [ __ ] amazing man we'll be back I'm going find some other people God bless man godess you bro really apprciate it oh my God that was so [ __ ] sick I want to find some other [ __ ] we got to find somebody else I got who said cheer so call him bro yeah get him yes come on let's go come on get him cheer hey come here I got a challenge for you oh yeah you you tell them cheese all right you get $1,000 no it's your bank on now what the [ __ ] my bank $100 or500 no no no no all right you want to do it we'll we'll do we'll do a th000 to five you want $1,000 chip or do a 5k look no no no I'm putting up the money for you you want to do $1,000 I give you $1,000 right now or you have a chance to make make five grand right now let's make five grand I love this [ __ ] I love this [ __ ] come on let make Grand let's do this [ __ ] let's get this money he said he's gambling 5000 all right you keep the profit you ready yeah come on got you boss yo what's up give me one second I got you right now you ready you keep the propit come on come on F it's okay it's up to you you want to hit her St to 17 against the eight but you got a free hit I love that yes yes let's go that's you bro congratulations that's fire bro I I'll come back I'm get some more baby I watch all your videos dog oh my God this shit's getting me hype I got you bro nice yeah yeah I got you I got you hey take a picture me and a and cheer let's get cheer it too Cheer chose you Che watch what happens when you watch me you see you get oh wait wait I'm tripping get give me your phone my phone died man oh [ __ ] got I got it come what you do that 5K about to win some money back I love that I love that I love that I love that set a limit though for real hey I watch you every day I'm a die hard fan love you bro much love I really appreciate that seriously I love your whole game thank you guys so much all right much love watch all your videos dog thank you guys so much I appreciate it all right you see what happens when you watch me come on man is crazy oh God that got me hype back to back 21 see you when you bless you like this is NI yeah all right let's get some more people oh [ __ ] sorry about that thank youen you're the man man got you bro I got you I got you I'm going come right back hold on y all right you doing all right oh yeah good you killing no way let me get oh my God bro you got to understand bro I'm waiting for this moment how are you bro it's a pleasure bro seriously I'm God big will of course Nick it's a great guy bro are you doing good you I'm I'm up a lot are you are you killing it I'm doing a little pumpkin patch over here and [ __ ] I never even seen these chips this is man you're killing it too you g I'm in there I'm I'm doing some cool [ __ ] I'm choosing people and I'm like gambling for them trying to give them like money and [ __ ] trying to get money away right now [ __ ] it's fun yeah I'm live I'm live oh what's up all right y probably be in there a little bit what's up bro how you doing man be careful twist Long Island I yeah I'm already know how it goes oh yeah no I need this send that to me please bro I got you bro nice to wait cheese this is Nicko hey what's up man good to meet you think I've seen you like who the [ __ ] is cheese was like yo cheese cheese cheese I was like do I you guys keep killing it you guys be yeah yeah pop in I love him on God we got to choose more people bro that's a MLG gold who should we choose cheese we got to go to the like lower oh let's go to lower section yeah it's a good idea let's just choose like some elderly people Aiden son they're so weird oh it's about you what's up boss all right what's going on bro you good yeah bro you want to take a picture yeah yeah come on nice to meet you man I got you I got [Music] you no way and that's your other brother right there sweater yeah how you doing pops you all right we're we're going to do it to him I'm going to do it to you next I need you to after we get these pictures I got something for you okay yeah yeah let's get a picture though get the right Ang hell yeah cool all right hey appreciate you love bro seriously appreciate [Music] it fire let let's do [Music] it man W stream bro thank you bro so much I really appreciate that thank you guys what's up bro I'm be honest Pops I was going to have you um gamble some chips but I'm just going to give it to you bro um hey Will it's 5,000 for you bro watch out I got you Pops you're a legend oh lot of boys man you're a legend yeah yeah appreciate you guys much love we got a we got to go find some people though chat got what's up bro yeah yeah I got you yeah I got you I got you you a cool bro apprciate yeah got you let's do it let's do it let's do it we're going to let's start walking over the uh cool man nice to meet you all right let's find some people that are like doing like couple Cent spins you choose the next person we should go with someone who's a little bit older I just chose the last guy I gave the dad um what's going on bro how you guys doing what up bro how you doing man you good good man they're so weird someone said it no black people the [ __ ] are you talk bro no like they always just I can't no but cuz it's just weird all this the exit we got to go over there hey lead the way lead the way kid all right over here hey shut the [ __ ] up what's good bro how you doing bro nice to meet you you're weird no that was weird no God Che are actually weird for that okay youturn her her her yeah that couple both of them come on how do I do this like just yeah excuse me how you guys doing all my name is Aiden what's your name Barbara Barbara yeah nice meet you um I was curious I'm doing a thing right now where uh I'm going to the blackjack table and I'm giving people like a free BET and I chose you guys no I swear no it's the truth I we don't know how to play no I'll play it for you or or I can just give you guys $1,000 right now no right now there you go you know that there you go OG that's you all you why best of Lu just cuz you guys seem like you're some good people we are good people I could tell that's why good people find good people so what's with the camera I told you I'm just doing experiment with people and stuff yeah yeah but uh all good you guys have a blessed night okay all righty hey yeah now I see what chat means god you're weird Jesus you're weird all right the [ __ ] we're good we're good all right bro F that Dad was like tearing up from that $5,000 chip I felt that felt like amazing you give him a 5k chip yeah yeah the the uh the guy with the four Sons super sweet guy chat W dab someone said that's going to go viral like cuz the reaction they're so weird Jes actually what we just looked at oh my God you're weird [Applause] cheeser s just said try a white person go they went kind of lit over there wait I just realiz we're so far from the blackjack table we got stop going all right so let's make a [Music] U-turn bro what are they say they're just funny bro like this chat is actually hilarious let's just get someone to the table and we'll bring him in the High [Music] Roller bro chat stop chat y'all [ __ ] with this segment or no I just I just real I don't have any more 5K chips H I have to go on my own money now well it's all good I mean it is my own I do have one more the lower tables over there you want to get somebody from the table what you want to do yeah cuz the max people aren't going to know what black let's go the black tables you're right cuz we'll just the lower ones oh they're in here yeah yeah oh thank you bro so much sir got you boy it's my guy vital cameraman is the goat [ __ ] light for you Cu uh when you're gambling in that area it's pretty dark so I'll just put this light on bro you're a legend thank you so much bro for real yeah will he's going to roll with us yeah maybe give GT a BJ I will I [Music] will what's the max 3 thou can you guys raise the max here or no can you raise the max to [Music] 5,000 LOL okay right there oh right here right here what do you guys got going on what up I'm a big time bro you think I can get like a quick flip yeah let's do it a little quick video bro hey my man right here let's make some money you want to make some money I'm going to choose you yo come over to this table real quick come here come here come here yeah I got you nice to meet you bro got you yo all right so look I'm going to give you an option okay I can give you $1,000 right now or I give you a chance to make $5,000 I feel like we just got to B on here so you want to gamble yeah we're here bro so we got to gamble you know all right let's get it wait can I do 5,000 here huh 5,000 let's go over there oh we're good thank you [Music] Jody stop it I'm going to do a $5,000 first hand of the deck too bro you ready yeah what's your name ran Brian ran pleasure bro Aiden I hope you you win this seriously you got I need you to win this [ __ ] got to win this you got to win this hold [Applause] on come on bro all right chat come on let's give this $5,000 like why you join Discord or something bro you guys know this is know I know he's your BL but I haven't really P much to be honest to be honest nice to meet you oh God that light's helping that's fire all right let's get this money that's money chat huh it's just so funny huh all right I'm going to give GT hand at the end wait did I really stand up GT in Australia huh I stand him up in Australia I thought B I did too you you didn't meet him so why hey why do you guys not hate on him he's already down two bands St he said here he's HT he's yo he's laughing cut it cut it cut it that's your cut that's mine so grab the black card and put it $5,000 cut yeah it's A5 bro this could change the whole thing put it randomly somewhere like in the middle of the bottom yeah go ahead anywhere anywhere anywhere you want my my pH [Music] my there you go that's good that's good that's good let's get this money you got this I want you to get this I want you to win this you need this money come on all right chat put a w in the chat for him right now give him a 20 easy 20 I'm going feel so bad if he loses in got come on come on baby faces right now SM like cigarettes God what's the hold up you ready boss let's get money come on 20 it is it's okay no no no this is listen listen I'm going to be honest with you this is the most 50/50 [ __ ] ever you want to hit or stay what do you think you should do I mean you have to the 10 Blackjack strategy says but you have to brace the play your game you have to brace the 10 if you want to yeah so it's your decision you tell what do you want to do hit it hit that [ __ ] that's good now stay 17 you have to stay you going to buer 10 yes good [ __ ] call let's go let's go bro if you don't hit that you lose she saved you you hit it I'm with her though I'm with her that's perfect you you just won $5,000 right now you should buy like a bag or something my brother congrat no no no congrats appreciate you I got you to the to the one BR pict let's do it yeah thank you boss yeah nice to meet you I've been watching since 2k2 man you're next if I if I'm going to give you a Q&A all right who the [ __ ] is this right here can I give you chips huh can I give you chips no I don't want chips give it to somebody else just want you drop that give it to somebody in need give it to somebody who's in need give it to somebody who needs it I appreciate you bro I be watching your streams all the time BR thank you brother I really appreciate you you guys have a good time you too you too yo all right Q&A you say you watching me since 2K 20 yeah Chad give me a question ask him I got you right now now look I'm be honest with you right now I'm going ask you a question don't look at the chat here we go okay what does SSB stand for it's all right you you can miss one SB SSB what does it stand [Music] for all right I'll give you it's all right you can redeem yourself you can redeem yourself all all right you say watch since 2K 20 yeah what was my build your build yeah play shot that was one of them I'll give it to you I'll give it to you it was a two-way slashy playmaker I'll give it to you though uh chat last question give me one more question bro name one person who shaved my [Music] head he died it green come on bro want you to get all right what's cheer's address I'm kidding what the [ __ ] kidding that be funny as [ __ ] come on why you get you got to get one bro you got to get one come on bro get one give me get CH give me one more give me one more all right this is easy bro I'm going guide you to this [ __ ] just don't get it wrong bro please I kissed somebody on stream it was the first time I ever reached 100K who was it okay I don't give it to him let's get money wait do you want to do you want to do $1,000 I give it to you or do you want to gamble for five we'll do a th000 okay I I I respect that there you go oh sh hey thank you man got you I love you much love hey thank you yeah I got you damn it's all right so everyone wants to gamble it I'm not going to force them to gamble it all right we got we got to find people yeah a picture with you yeah let's do it wait how old are you like 50 perfect can you take a seat yes all right we're do with her um I just turned 50 so I mean just call me old no you're not old 50 is not old my name is Che you're like it's all oh really yeah this is my son shut the [ __ ] up you believe that [ __ ] hell no no he's not he's not he's not God that cigarette stank is crazy all right are you so look this what we're going to do let's go we can either I'm live right now I am live he live I tell you what if my kids are like hom all right what are we going to do so look we can do a $5,000 hand for a chance you Win $5,000 or or I give you $1,000 right now you walk away with it you don't have to Gam guaranteed let's do it I love that [ __ ] come on let's go baby wi 20 20 come on hold on hold [Music] on come come on come on come on yeah let's go let's go baby let's [ __ ] go hell yeah that's all you n yeah the whole no I don't want it don't give it to me that's you by ,000 happy birthday yeah happy birthday that's awesome all right it's getting hoto chat we're we're we're going to take a break let's go gamble gamble come back huh we're going back to the tables it's getting hot yo huh N I got to lock out my gambling all love all love all love all love he's with me come on a and can I get a picture with both you guys yeah come on go first go ahead let's do it let's go boys nice meet you bro yeah shout out Alex silk he's watching from Montana thank you bro I appreciate it good [ __ ] bro good [ __ ] apprciate app it's your birthday 21 21 21 here's $5 for you yeah let's do it appreciate you have a good one Happ birthday have a good night yeah you too want let's do come my son bro yeah yeah what's your son's name he watching he watching the stream Isaac bro where's the camera Isaac what's good bro with your pops he's cool as [ __ ] hey bro hey hey can I show my brand bro come on look yeah look read it bro someone feels better because you exist I love that [ __ ] Bro doing your thing you too bro much love let's go can you take a picture with my baby let's do it say oh Che say cheese say cheese all right have a good one yeah back to Roller huh roller back to ey roller I ain't going to lie I need to [ __ ] something man I ain't going to lie huh average Aiden fan I can now they're so weird on God right who's who who the [ __ ] is who who yeah we're back chat we're back put a seven in the chat seven seven seven put [Music] sevens give me a seven chat put a seven put 7 put 7 put 7 put s how you doing know what's up boss how are you good it's good hey what's up man how are you man how you doing we owe you oh no you don't owe me [ __ ] keep going all right let's get some more money to give out this is so fun on God it's like hitting giving out money oh so fun giving out money amazing oh wait I don't need this portable I don't need it all right is it the same deck yeah you want to keep yeah yeah of course make sure let's get it all right huh you want one 500 lol5 sweater come on you're weird [ __ ] am I weird for can I get a pumpkins oh really I'm about to just do 10 15K hands weo why put blacks play 500 come on come on please 20 come on sweater let me double this please ah 789 okay 10 of course put a nine please sweater let's go oh my God so keep it in and then uh we're even Ace Ace Ace have a little please stand all bust out bust 10 10 10 here we go new shoe I'm stacking you want to take it that your 500 here Chad don't get don't want us to lose cuz I'm we're I'm giving out money tonight how you doing good brothery nice to meet you bro yeah this is my boy cheer by the way how you doing nice to meet you brother up how you doing oh they want to show I'll give him a show it's like that's like 30k hands just a bunch of Jew in her room that's not even true $10,000 hand 10 come on baby you're good you're good oh God I'm tripping right I can't I hate you oh my god swe what do we do with this just give me five keep is this your five still is that five or four on there 20,000 let's do it let's get money come Ace Lock in for real 89 89 man don't do this to me please come on 10 no oh my God so scary come on ace four four love please we're good come on another BS low l 10 10 yes stack come on let's [Music] go is that mine oh come on please just split just split don't do it call call can I get a water please the glass the glass one 20 20 man what are these hands just stand oh come on what is that LOL come on CH I want to see a D in the [ __ ] chat come on please lock in that is horrible just flip just [Music] flip my [Music] God please come on please four four I'm doubling I'm doubling if it's a low come on come on oh my God I didn't see you [ __ ] $100,000 pot come on please just bust it please please bust it please yes run that back Turbo Ace it's my turn just flip thank you she's B 10 10 running it right now oh my God keep going cheese I like the energy nice he's great you might be on drugs but [ __ ] I don't care 79 let me double LOL of course right LOL no don't have [Music] that 17 nice I hate that I really don't like that when they have to hit the soft 17s that's f it just hurts I don't like that [ __ ] either and they're laughing I hate that [Laughter] I'm on man right shut the [ __ ] up is that your goal cut it yeah I want I want to bless that that guy behind me I want to turn this up a little [Music] bit come on let's get it please come on low low okay no you did not just do that an ace is crazy need this one come on 10 ah cheer that's a tough one bro doubling that you're doing it face down please come [Music] on look look at that hold keep a cards like that if you don't double you win no no either way yeah I'm just trying to think I'm smart but I'm not yeah LOL come on 10 10 we'll take it LOL it's flipped boss please boss give us six 10 Oh I thought it was oh my God Jes very just keep going don't think about it come on Ace can I get a four four so flipped save it somehow don't [ __ ] me oh I hate you 78 lost anyway come on you don't start doing this I know I know I know 10 oh my God you did not just do that to me come on dude D need something double double cheese we all please lock it for me come on actually lock it for him please you're going to win it's okay T [ __ ] that is actually ridiculous I feel for him that is crazy I'm going 30,000 here don't be embarrassed four four oh my God oh my God it's about to get crazy 60,000 BET right here just bust bust yo chant that's for [Laughter] you let's goow I'm gaming what up [Music] um I just busted Kai God damn it I'm here for a while all right bye I got to get that back I ain't going lie I ain't going y please don't make that bet just basically like it's nothing oh my God good [ __ ] but you think I'm all right yeah I need to win this so bad call that it there you go come here bro what are you doing oh my God you see this [ __ ] she's a magician she's a magician it's crazy [ __ ] I can't no I'm losing my mind 300K is crazy I said we go busting people you might have that blue champ Chad we go bless [Music] 1500 away you want to to stay I'll ride with you you want to till I get to it what low till I get to it I want to see if I get they're saying keep playing I want to get one of these Blue [Music] Chips I'm not in that chat I'm I'm up TR I say keep playing should I just keep my bank roll keep going crazy big ass I'm doing [Music] $25 like now that you're out we should chill I'm up 300 [ __ ] Grand 300K all profit I paid on my debt no it's your turn no it's your turn don't fight that bro cuz I'm going to be honest if I lose this it's going really ruin my mood I'm just saying if I loses chat so get some pumpkins for that tripping bro n [ __ ] that give me my give me my [ __ ] right now come oh my God cheer please please pleas let us bless us oh my God what that want to just stand our 16s we're in this together we have 16 together let's just do it 10 yes come on that's what we Stand Together [ __ ] it run it back I don't give a [ __ ] run the [ __ ] back can I do you have it yeah congrats I you just get it uh the blue thing the Blue Chip give her your pennies too give it to her give her to oh my God you got a blue chip tell by myself [ __ ] it come on let's going a little little run huh come on why they doing that to come on face down B out that yeah come on holy [ __ ] go cheer what is going on night tonight's the night oh my God come on [ __ ] are you leaving me no oh I don't want her to leave I love her she's so good oh my God 20 don't PR come to 10 oh my God what's going on Che I love that shaking yeah one more 20 holy [ __ ] stand 10 [ __ ] oh my God I won still what is going on this is a weird run what is going on here brother I'm let's get it run it back to turbo black oh [ __ ] hit her stay hit her you think hit it I think hit dude I don't know what the [ __ ] to do she has 20 I think she has 20 this time she hasn't had in like 30 [Music] years 16 stay I'm not mad I lost either way I'm I'mma play with these let just's keep going four low bust low 10 it's okay I'm not mad I'm up $400,000 tonight I'm not mad at all I swear 20 it's okay I'm not my head at all holy [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah see me rolling that's crazy as [ __ ] we came down here while I was up 100 I just made 300,000 I got a blue chip what the [ __ ] that's a nice stack Chad I'm not going to lie to you guys super Happ thank you guys all for your energy seriously that was amazing to call me yo to said get out I got you I'm getting out of here love you to all right let's go chill in the room for a little bit not all man I'm I'm done for now much love to all you guys what's up bro let's do it now we have to you're a legend let's do it I'm a legend [ __ ] got this right on love you so much I got you man thank you so much you tell jelly roll to do a collab with how my brother yeah ready say jelly roll do the collab with how jelly roll do the collab with how do the collab with how jelly roll get it done thank you want to talk to what's up bro hey what's up bro you stop drinking oh yeah we kicked the cup 202024 we're on Fitness i h that Blackjack you gave me 7500 you made more money no I you you free rolled me and I remember blackj see what do it it's crazy man I got to get a selfie bro all right brother the man love your sh forever bro thank you brother thank you thank you God bless man appreciate it much love bro that [ __ ] was crazy I won't [Music] lie nah chat I'm going to come back and tip the dealers I just got to wait for this [ __ ] to get more calm yo what what they say let go there they said that it's not him playing all right let me let me get your cash I got you I got you give it to me give it to me okay wait wait let's we could um can he can we give him special permission to exchange this I give it to him as a giveaway I'm giving it on behalf of me what is it's his $5,000 chip I'm giving it to him we can give it to him be no problem okay cuz they gave him trouble at the cage yeah okay let's go let's just go I'll go with you come on let's go come on waiter scammed him no way [Music] jeez come [Applause] on bro there's like 50 people following us I swear to God what the [ __ ] is going on the [ __ ] going on bro chat it's like a [ __ ] like zombie like apocalypse what's up bro how you doing come on let's do it sorry my phone got stolen so I already got my camera dog oh [ __ ] I'm sorry where is Che at bro nice to meeting you bro nice to meet you bro thanks for putting on the Hispanic Community oh yeah I got you bro you guys are the best seriously you guys sh me the most love out of everyone how you doing come on let's do it tell me why I your video with J please he's the best I'm going to run that back ASAP you guys are the best appreciate you okay let's take a picture come on what are you doing here though gambling making money oh that's what I'm trying to Mone doesn't stop you know that you have a good one goodbye what's up man up I got you I got you what's good bro you good yeah I'm good man somebody take it from me real quick got you got you cool bro appreciate how it going you too bro where's your pops at where's the guy with that camera yep I got you I got you I see you you want to grab that picture yeah yeah someone can take it from me I'm going to be honest I don't think anyone knows how to work that oh just press the but I will you take will you take the front of it off thank you brother appreciate you guys man sorry about that bro [Music] good thank you man I got you bro hey man next time you're in town you need a videographer I dm' you let me know much love I appreciate you where's Pops at where's your dad at he's right here my bad OG I know you're probably trying to get a out of [Music] yours what's going on man how you doing I love oh my God CH I love I love the spand the community on God yo CH I'm going to get y'all tatted on me if I get a t on my life check get the Mexican uh flag tat on me what's up bro how are you how you doing man I'm trying to watch you for a minute thank you so much bro I really appreciate that that's love nice to meet you nice to meet you man I I'm trying to exchange that for cash yeah I got you thank you bro bro yes um okay well so we already tried to with him it's my money though I gave it to him okay so you want to cash out yeah it's my I'm cashing out I'm cashing out yep can I get the it I don't have it on me I don't have that on me um I'll you yeah yeah yeah please thank you so much I got [Music] you what's up oh yeah R all right yeah where did cheer go we lost like a whole crowd thank you bro give me one second uh-huh what's up boss uh I was getting trouble earlier but we got it we got under control problem yeah we got it thank you no no you're good you guys are cool we're all good we're all good great thank you so much guys appreciate it yep what's up bro hey chat put a three in the chat if you hear me I don't know if I'm after 5,000 perfect I got you bro sorry about that I don't know I get it though cuz they got to make sure they got to make sure it's not like yeah yeah I get it they got to make sure it's they got to like validate that's cool I'm not stepping away till you get that money man I got [Music] you Chad Kai's on the way Kai will be here in like like 15 20 I'm going to do some blessing with Kai too chat sweater what's so funny going to soup Club Nar Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse hey how are you doing Sandy oh you're Heidi no I'm Heidi oh you don't me on camera camera oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I won't have you on camera how have you been Dam he knows you too [ __ ] is been going waiter I can't tip you I can't tip you in here no you can I can't I can tip you all right I'm going get some I'm get 5,000 thank you so much yo do me a favor give me um I got you brother I got you God bless God bless thank you than um yeah no no I'm going bless you bro can can you give me um [ __ ] give me 25,000 cash yeah thanks no way we don't got 25 I 20,000 all right can you give me can you give me 20 and then five back yeah [Music] I I believe you I just I got to do it I know I know the cameras yo whatever I tip it you keep 100% only if you put it in an envelope where's the envelopes I have an envelope give me an envelope in I'm going to give you $10,000 okay okay just give me the uh the envelope and but I'm going to give her the I'm going to give her the other 10 so bring her too give me two envelopes hey I'm going to I'm going to put 10,000 envelope for both of you okay okay all right so just you got if you want to split it with this no no no 10 and 10 20,000 total but I'll make sure you guys get all of it though oh I appreciate you you going to get all of it every every like if you put in an envelope yes Don give me the envelop so let's do it on your switch yeah yeah let me see all this is the chip yeah give me five back 10 10 okay do I have to write your name on it have to write your guys names on it or no I'm pretty sure okay okay I'll put Sandy on yeah give me yep I have a really bad handwriting I'm sorry and then Imron I got you I'm so happy met I'm happy I made you too bro what up all right that's you he wants Chad they can't really react because they a casino the cameras and [ __ ] but they're really really happy she's tearing up and um he's obviously hyped too but you got got to understand they got to keep it very professional they're at a casino you know what I mean bro Chad what do you guys [Music] saying actually you know what Chad I'm going give the other five to him hang hang tight pops cuz I got 25 so I'm going to go fck 10 do me a favor and can you give me five more in cash all right thank you thank you bro I got you bro yo somebody just yelled pudgy somebody yelled out pudgy I got you I got you I believe you thank you guys so 10,000 20,000 25 that's you another five for you thank you thank you br got you God bless God bless got you um I really don't want to lick it lick it bro F you me lick it lick it good luck lick it I just cut my T I [ __ ] hate what the [ __ ] dude no it's actually disgusting oh God I don't want to touch it do you want to envelope too do you want one or you good you're good okay uh oh my God one more no [ __ ] no she wants Li it okay hold on CH I still don't want to touch it on God oh touch the God how do I tell her [ __ ] chat call me gay and [ __ ] whatever they're going to call me gay [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] it's not closing bro [ __ ] [ __ ] you're good it's good right all right Imron that's for you 10 Sandy give it to thank you bro love nice to meet you thank you so much got you got can I get a picture with you okay as a 50-year-old woman my picture was off let's take another one I know right here can you take a picture okay right here right here right here what's camera this one it's a bunch of Mexicans what the [ __ ] what up baby how you doing a coin I'm good bro give it to somebody who need [Music] watch thank you my brother oh it's your brother yeah I got you you look hell familiar oh yeah most that's hey unban most valid right now unb most valid man word I got you bro I KN I recognize you my [ __ ] aen man nice to meet you bro we got to see you get in that ring BR [ __ ] I know I know I got to set this card up I'm behind I got you no I Haven forgot see I forgot though so I could go home and go live unbe most valid yo talk to me I play black jack for the first time and they said hit at 16 and I hit at 16 every time I lost oh yeah amazing oh [ __ ] hold on one second I got you hey God bless you pop thank you so much I got you man I got you I got you I got you bro I got you much love hey much love what's going on baby how you doing you good what happened do all right hey man shout out to J let's go all right boss I'll see you guys later all right pops yeah I got you I got you God bless what's he trying to say yes I'm trying to run it up with you he upstairs oh man I got I got to take a break I'm up too much money right now I'm up too much right now I got to take a break but uh my advice don't you got to feel it bro you got to either hit or stay hit or stay hey bro all right let's go to the room and chill for a little bit chat until Kai gets here Kai's about to be here Chad I'm going have to hand the mic over so fast oh wow it's him right here it's him it's him hey she want take a picture I took one over her she want take a look my girl yeah my Bo hey I like your energy bro know I'm saying hey you gamble yeah we what you play here you play Blackjack yeah Blackjack you want to go with me to the table real quick let's go let's go you know what let's gra let's grab this picture real quick yeah picture picture a family picture [Music] Familia come on let's go run it up oh [ __ ] you ready let's go come on what table should we go to what table should we go to I'm I'm going to do one more all right let's go high limit I'm going win you some money right now sweater high [Music] limit oh chat it's amazing on God chat something about the Hispanic y'all Y energy is just different I don't know what it is bro I really don't somebody got to put me on I don't know what it is oh [ __ ] I thought the Jew was in t let get it just [Music] disappeared excuse me [Applause] man let's get it all right is that blackjack right there it's not all right let's go out here let's go out here let's go out here it could be any table how you doing is someone sitting here yes oh I'm sorry bro no I I just got to do one hand is that okay thank you bro I have a shoe I'm okay okay no it's all good I don't want to interrupt no I don't want to interrupt your shoe take it you sure what's up why is someone going to give you money say it's the best shoe it's not you're getting cooked we go new shoe all right boss take a seat shoe take it I got you I'm about to I'm about to make some money just's Kidd it might are you playing just one hand just one hand literally one hand let's hope I win this okay let's go Baby Woo look what How's your night going night oh man it's going good no it was bad until I met you I love that [ __ ] [ __ ] that my night was bad till I met you too man how you doing come on I had a good night come on I had a good night great night great night I'm up I'm killing him right now I was going to go but I'm just going to do something with my boys what about you are going to go to Super Bowl I don't think so you want to cut it go ahead you want me to cut it all right can you can I get uh can I get uh pumpkins please pumpkin yeah come on let's get [Music] it 25 thank you come on come on me come on black ja how did that work on the hey you said one hand that's all I said hey you said one hand you that was not the right Sho I know and look shoot at 11 so look what I'm going to do right here yo 5,000 for you 25 for you much love God bless I'm done hey I need a picture with myy hey no no [ __ ] the I need my picture I need my picture right here I need my picture come on baby what's his name damn you don't know my name damn that's tough all love bro all love much love seriously yeah hey can I go out with you I'm going home I'm GNA go lay down oh you want to go out go out no no yeah I can't with let me go come on let's go out let's walk out I'm about to go in my room one hand is all needed he that's it hey [ __ ] said one hand one hand we walked in we did our thing we got the [ __ ] up out of here that's what we do who you got tomorrow sh I'm a n fat bro I'm a n f since 8 says 87 all right look I'm going to be honest with you just cuz of you should I bet on the ners tomorrow I don't know my boy but I'm a nan okay if you had to put money up who would you bet on ners should I just bet on the ners damn bro I don't know I don't know who to bet on why are the Chiefs underdogs everything they've done I feel like it's just the Vegas you know how the odds are and [ __ ] exactly I don't know though I don't know I'm not going lie Vegas W everything on the Chiefs exactly and the [ __ ] so the ners are going to win who do you guys got chat I'm not I don't know it's so tough bro CH it's so tough I'm going back to my room though much much love chat we're going to wait for car us to [Music] the what's up bro how you doing you good good are you welcome to my city bro I'm your city nice bro thank you so much yo can can you do a big favor bless my family bro bless bless them please they're like cheer come on give a blast I'm doing everyone like give a money on me what am I what am I going to do you cashed yeah I got no money else I would give you like five racks right now like two jobs 5 you want 500 give him 500 I [ __ ] love you I [ __ ] love you more I love you I love you I love I love you more excuse my yeah come on I love him I'mma come back down you down here I'm going come back down you no no no I'm going come back down for you good my bab someone got to give him some more money all right bro nice to meet you much love where you going to be gambling at tomorrow I don't know yet I ain't going to lie hold on a second [ __ ] do I got on me no way hold on a second bro my Fred you don't got to give me nothing brother you don't got to give he's about to pull up right now for real yeah yo ain't going lie that was some ball [ __ ] you got to give no that was ball [ __ ] no no no seriously got to give me nothing St me up go go go gamble go I don't know I don't know yet I don't know that was BOS though I really really respect that going gamble tomorrow I'll let you know I got you hey I just want to say um I really appreciate you giving back to a lot of people so I just wanted to you know give back to you oh [ __ ] personal gift I don't ever get G what the are you serious bro yeah n you're not serious swear to God bro I I don't know if I can even accept that well that's crazy bro ice out card here are you [ __ ] kidding me swear to God you're not joking no really box card bro thank you bro can I have a hug yeah bro oh [ __ ] bro I really really appreciate that really bro thank you so that means the world I don't really get gifts like that bro seriously thank you what's your name DJ pleasure bro thank you so much man I'll catch you around yeah all right bro yeah I'm going go to my room bro that that let me my water bro what the [ __ ] I don't even know what to yeah yeah yeah bro I don't even I'm just miked up though real quick I don't even know what to say I really don't I don't get gifts bro