Adeptus Astartes // Space Marines | Warhammer 40,000

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Only in Death Does Duty End

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/GeneralBurzio 📅︎︎ Nov 30 2021 đź—«︎ replies

For the emperor!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/2020PeterHK 📅︎︎ Dec 01 2021 đź—«︎ replies
In the grim darkness of the far future, the Age of the Imperium is over. Across the universe, a death knell has sounded for the Time of Ending has begun. On countless worlds, billions perish in carnage and slaughter to the laughter of thirsting gods. Ancient evils awaken in the forgotten depths, assailing themselves against what few foundations of humanity remain. Everywhere in which the light of the Imperium now fades, a multitude of horrors gather, awaiting the time when the last bastions are broken and the great massacre of mankind can begin. Few remember there was once a time, slowly forgotten with each passing day, when the God Emperor walked among humanity together with his sons. A brief moment when all the terrors of the galaxy might have been cast aside and a new golden age willed into existence from the darkness of the old. Reason and compassion might have prevailed over superstition and tyranny, but the triumphs of the Emperor and the Great Crusade he led are gone, never to return. Yet even in his deathless state, the Emperor continues his eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the demon infested miasma of the warp, guided by the psychic manifestation of the Emperor’s light. For every step taken on a world claimed by the Imperium, the enemies of mankind face the massed guns of the Imperial Guard, the holy fires of the Ecclesiarchy, or the eldritch machines of Mars. Armies all, that fight and die in the Emperor’s name. Yet on some battlefields, those most critical to the Imperiums’ survival, grotesque xenos empires and traitors in service to the ruinous powers, face annihilation by nothing less than the Emperor’s will made manifest. They are his Angels of Death, descending from crackling skies announced by terrible thunder. They are his finest warriors, molded like clay in the furnace of war. They are of iron will and steely muscle. In great armor clad and with the mightiest guns armed. They are untouched by disease and sickness. They are the bulwark against the Terror. They are the defenders of humanity. They are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, and they shall know, no fear. Amongst the myriad of institutions that make war in the Emperor’s name, the Astartes are counted among the most elite and battle hardened. They make use of weapons, tanks, aircraft and artillery, often more advanced, but not entirely dissimilar to those common within Imperial armies. Instead, their true strength lies in their soldiery. Every Space Marine has been genetically enhanced through the lost arts of gene-craft to become something more than human. They are stronger, faster and more resilient, capable of martial feats that would be impossible otherwise. Together these warriors are organized into chapters, 1000 of which are said to currently exist, though the true number is impossible to verify. A Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes is an entirely independent and self-sufficient army. Each is a highly mobile, flexible force expected to excel on any kind of battlefield against any kind of enemy. A Chapter encompasses a primary fighting element, consisting of the Astartes themselves, and an auxiliary element; administrative personnel, logisticians, and the fleet of warships and transports that keep the Chapter mobile and operating at peak efficiency. These latter supportive elements might include some Astartes who have been assigned to non-combative roles, but are otherwise overwhelmingly staffed by Chapter Serfs. These are unmodified humans who for any number of reasons have become indentured servants of the Chapter. Every aspect of a Chapter’s organization, function and fighting ability, is expected to adhere to the Codex Astartes, the foundational work concerning Space Marine doctrine. The Codex requires a Chapter be split into 10 companies of 100 marines. The 2nd through 5th companies are referred to as the Battle Companies, and constitute the majority of the Chapter’s fighting strength. Each is led by a Captain with two subordinate Lieutenants, and includes a Chaplain responsible for the company’s spiritual welfare. Additionally, an Astartes within every Battle Company will be appointed the title of Champion, expected to protect the Captain with his life, while another will be named Ancient and granted the honor of bearing the company standard. The remainder of the Company’s marines are divided into 10 squads. Six forming the main battleline, two providing close support and two providing fire support. An array of transport vehicles is maintained by individual battle companies, ensuring its entire strength can be rapidly moved across the battlefield when required. In addition to their battlefield role, the Captain of each company is granted a number of titles and duties, traditionally associated with the company he leads. These might be purely ceremonial, or critical to the continued operation of the Chapter. The Captain of the 2nd Company is the Master of the Watch, the 3rd Company Captain is the Master of the Arsenal, the 4th Company Captain is the Master of the Fleet and the 5th Company Captain is the Master of the Marches. Chapter Companies six through nine are designated Companies of Reserve. When a Battle Company suffers losses in battle, it is from these formations that their replacements will be drawn. Unlike the mixed squad compositions of the Battle Companies, the 6th and 7th each maintain ten standard battleline squads. The 8th and 9th consist solely of close support and fire support respectively. Squads from the Reserve Companies will often be assigned to serve alongside the Battle Companies, while in larger campaigns an entire Reserve company might fight as a whole. Impromptu task forces at various levels of strength are repeatedly created from component elements of the reserve companies depending on the requirements and unique characteristics of the battlefield. Leadership of the Reserve Companies is largely identical to that of the Battle Companies, with each including a Captain, Lieutenants, Chaplain, and Ancient. Like their counterparts, these Captains are each assigned additional roles and duties. The Captains of the 6th through 9th companies are the Master of the Rites, the Chief Victualler, the Lord Executioner, and the Master of Relics. Their duties are mainly centered around Chapter logistics and the codification of its traditions and customs. The 10th Company is unique within the Chapter in that its members have yet to be fully transformed into Astartes. Known as the Scout Company, the 10th is a formation in which raw aspirants learn the methods of war utilized by the Chapter and gain vital experience. It is in many ways one of the final means by which a potential Astartes is trained, under the intense pressure only a real battlefield can provide. Once a Scout has proven themselves here, they will undergo the final stages of their transformation and be assigned to one of the other Companies. The 1st Company of an Astartes Chapter is its most elite military unit. Its warriors have mastered every battlefield role after decades of service within the Scout, Reserve and Battle companies. They are the exemplars of the Chapter’s strength, with each of its members having performed some legendary deed of bravery or genius. The 1st Company is rarely deployed as a whole, with the entire formation only fighting together during the most dire of circumstances. Instead, individual squads from this Company are attached to other Space Marine strike forces, acting as mentors and examples to their fellow Marines. These veteran squads are less constrained by rigid doctrine, allowed at their discretion to deploy with weapons and armor best suited towards close combat or ranged engagements. In most cases, access to the Chapter’s Terminator Armor, a rare and ancient form of protection, will be granted to the 1st Company alone. Existing outside of the company structure are a number of varied, smaller units and institutions. The Armory is responsible for maintenance of the Chapter’s vehicles and warsuits. It is staffed mainly by Chapter Serfs, mindless, robotic Servitors, specialist Astartes known as Techmarines and commanded by the Master of the Forge. The Librarius is a repository of information, home to the Chapter’s most sacred artifacts, trophies and texts. It is tended by the Librarians, powerful psykers who now bend the warp itself to the benefit of their Chapter and brothers. It is overseen by the chapter’s Chief Librarian. The Chaplaincy tests and inspires the loyalty of their brothers, performing rituals and ceremonies as dictated by the Master of Sanctity or his immediate subordinate, the Reclusiarch. The Apothecarion manages the health of the chapter, but the highest duty of its Chief Apothecary is the preservation of the Chapter’s gene-seed, the only means through which new Astartes might be created. The Armory, Librarius, Reclusiam and Apothecarion might temporarily or permanently assign members of their ranks to companies or squads, providing field repairs, psychic powers, fanatical zeal, or medical care respectively. Above every other institution, is Chapter Command; officers and specialists who form the headquarters staff. They are led by the Chapter Master, the supreme authority from which all overs derive. These individuals are paragons of warfare and logistics, capable of directing strategy and immediately reacting to every threat and opportunity that presents itself. The arrival of a Chapter Master can be enough to turn an imminent defeat into a great victory so complete is their understanding and ability. Within the greater Imperium, Chapter Masters possess enormous personal authority. In addition to the complete command they wield over their Chapter, Masters can requisition entire star systems or assume control over most other Imperial military units. Above all, it is by their order alone that their Chapter is deployed. To conduct warfare anywhere in the galaxy, the Codex Astartes allows for each chapter to possess its own fleet. Many chapters, typically the oldest and most established, make use of Battle Barges, specialized battleships uniquely suited towards boarding actions. These are often the largest vessels utilized by a Chapter and are the flagship of their fleet. Strike-cruisers and frigates make up much of the remainder of the fleet. While they are all powerful warships in their own right, ultimately their first responsibility is to bear the Chapter into war, and therefore are most often used in line-breaking, blockade-running and planetary assaults. In rare instances, a Chapter might operate from their fleet alone, constantly roving across the galaxy. These cases notwithstanding, most operate a permanent headquarters located on a homeworld. This planet, moon, or even asteroid, exists under the authority of the Chapter alone, and is the primary site in which training, recruitment, and rearming occurs. In some instances, the homeworld is just one among many planets that a Chapter controls. As the Imperium continues to fracture, a growing number of worlds have ceded their authority over to Space Marine Chapters, providing recruits and serfs in exchange for protection. The independent, flexible nature of the Space Marines is anticipated within the Codex Astartes. Small deviations are acceptable within a Chapter’s practices and organization to accommodate local traditions and culture. It is not uncommon for a Chapter’s ranks and titles to incorporate or have been replaced by those used on their homeworld. Sometimes these variances extend to the role of the Chapter Master, or the autonomy permitted to their Captains. Many Chapters have come to excel in a particular aspect of war and outfit their Companies to reflect that. Through such nuances, it is possible that two Codex Compliant Chapters might appear entirely different from one another in their customs and nomenclature. Some Chapters however have diverged so thoroughly from the Codex Astartes that their organization and capabilities are now entirely unique. These Non-Codex-Compliant Chapters might be the result of an intentional deviation, or have occurred naturally over the millenia without any explicit motive. Often these aberrations are overlooked, although the reputation of the Chapter might suffer as a result. In some extreme circumstances, a Chapter that has wildly departed from the structure of the Codex might be labeled heretical and marked for destruction. Therefore, Non-Codex Compliant Chapters have at times attempted to conceal their true nature. The Codex Astartes has attempted to standardize the Chapters, but their variances are inherent to their biology. Every Space Marine is created using the gene-seed of their respective Primarch, 20 immortal, superhuman generals and statesmen, themselves crafted by the Emperor of Man during the earliest days of the Imperium. Through the surgical integration of 19 additional organs, a normal adolescent human male is turned into the transhuman Astartes, but the process also imbues them with certain qualities and aspects of their respective Primarch. Their physical appearance might be altered, or they might become predisposed towards specific feelings, thoughts and methods. Since the creation of the Primarchs, the Imperium has lost the ability to create new geneseed and must instead cultivate what already exists. Therefore, each Chapter must carefully preserve their respective geneseed, often harvesting organs from their fallen brothers. In many cases, Chapters are no longer able to replicate all 19 organs and must perform the transformation without them, leading to missing or lessened abilities. Additionally, the geneseed has begun to deteriorate over the millennia, and mutations can occur during the replication process. Individual Astartes, and sometimes entire chapters can be afflicted by these mutations. Some of which have been known to be so severe, that none have survived them. In other instances, mutations might be merely superficial, or actually lead to beneficial and desired abnormalities. The creation of a new Space Marine chapter occurs by the edict of the High Lords of Terra and is part of a larger grouping known as a Founding. There is no defined interval between foundins, several may occur in a decade and then a millenium before the next. But each is a massive undertaking, requiring the resources of many hundreds of worlds, most notably Mars which plays an essential role in creating the gene-seed samples from which these new Chapters will be based. Foundings can be particularly noteworthy or infamous, and often demonstrate the rampant deficiencies within Imperial records. It is common for Chapters derived from the gene seed of the same Primarch to feel a sense of kinship for one another. Those created during the First Founding, by the hand of the Emperor himself are usually considered the first among equals. Others might actively distance themselves from their brother chapters, while others still might have lost all records from which Primarch they were created. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to construct an accurate history of the Space Marines, beyond the most foundational of events. The Astartes were originally organized under 20 legions, each many times the size of a modern chapter, and used to pacify Terra as part of the Unification Wars. Among their first duties was the destruction of their immediate predecessors, the Thunder Warriors, who had begun to suffer a catastrophic biological failure. These Legions then spearheaded the Great Crusade, slowly bringing the Emperor back into contact with the Primarchs who had been scattered across the galaxy by the machinations of the ruinous powers. Once united, the Primarchs led their legions in the re-conquest of the galaxy, bringing hundreds of thousands of star systems under Imperial control. By the end of the Great Crusade, two of the legions had been expunged from Imperial records along with their respective Primarchs. The circumstances of their erasure have never been disclosed, but might have been a warning of the tragedy to come that would tear the Imperium apart. During the Horus heresy, a full half of the remaining legions fell into the thrall of Chaos, igniting a 9 year war that would devastate the galaxy and result in the interment of the Emperor upon the Golden Throne. While the Imperium narrowly emerged victorious over the traitor legions, the conflict made apparent the inherent danger of placing so many Astartes under the command of a single soul. To prevent another civil war of such scope, Roboute Guilliman, Primarch of the Ultramarines penned the Codex Astartes. Its most lasting and resented decree was that the legions be divided and reorganized into smaller, 1000 marine Chapters. Eventually the other surviving loyalist primarchs agreed. Their nine legions; the Dark Angels under Lion El’Jonson, the White Scars under Jaghatai Khan, the Space Wolves under Leman Russ, the Imperial Fists under Rogal Dorn, the Salamanders under Vulkan, the Raven Guard under Corvus Corax, the Blood Angels and Iron Hands under the fallen Primarchs Sanguinius and Ferrus Manus respectively, together with Gulliman’s own Ultramarines, all were broken down into smaller brotherhoods. . One by one the Primarch’s disappeared into legend, but their Chapters endured throughout the bloody age of the Imperium. Their number waxed and waned across the millennia. Terrible wars left many on the verge of destruction and others were annihilated outright. Successive foundings swelled their ranks again, but also brought new mutations and peculiarities. Only now, in an era feared as the Time of Ending, have the Adeptus Astartes undergone a bold new evolution. In the days following the Horus Heresy, at the direction of Roboute Gulliman, the Priesthood of Mars set to work improving on the Emperor’s original designs. For 1000 years they toiled, and now with Gulliman revived from his stasis and leading the Imperium as its new regent, the efforts of Mars have finally borne fruit. The Primaris Astartes are a new breed of Space Marine, capable of greater feats than any that came before. The Ultima Founding has deployed dozens of new Chapters of such warriors across the galaxy, and every preceding Chapter has been reinforced with Primaris Marines. Most critically, methods have been devised so that every Astartes might undergo the transformation to become Primaris themselves. Not all have survived, but the enhanced capabilities of those that do, have justified the inherent risk. Their introduction has brought the first substantial revisions to the Codex Astartes itself, transforming the methods by which the Space Marines make war. The Primaris Astartes were forged for use in Mankind’s darkest hour, an hour that has now finally arrived. But however greatly they differ from the Firstborn Astartes that once set forth across the galaxy during the Great Crusade, their purpose remains unchanged. They are pure of heart and strong of body. Untainted by doubt and unsullied by self-aggrandisement. They are bright stars on the firmament of battle. Angels of Death whos shining wings bring swift annihilation to the enemies of Man. So it shall be for a thousand times for a thousand years, unto the very end of eternity and the extinction of mortal flesh.
Channel: The Templin Institute
Views: 166,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Templin, Institute, space marines, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, 40k lore, adeptus astartes, dark angels, warhammer lore, blood angels, warhammer 40k lore, space marine, space marine legions, space marine lore, adeptus astartes explained, adeptus astartes chapters, adeptus astartes lore, games workshop, horus heresy, adeptus astartes tribute, space marines warhammer 40k, space marines marching, space marines faction, faction breakdown, 40k, primaris space marines
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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