We Found a SECRET PLAYROOM in our House !!!

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hey guys before you watch this video make sure you subscribe and give this video a thumbs up [Music] maya out please are we still fidget treating or what sorry sorry i'm just watching this really funny video on tic tac toy shorts [Music] it's sandy you won't believe it i believe it but i want to see what else you have to trade girl what in the world was that i have no idea but it kind of sounds like it's coming from my closet let's go check it out [Music] it's definitely loud in here but i don't think i have anything in this room that makes that noise it's coming from i think it's coming from back here it's a secret door come on maya let's move this out of the way and take a look [Music] um this is kind of creepy addie well i'm gonna investigate [Music] you okay in there addy wow there's a hallway back here maya a hallway are you sure positive and i think i see a door at the end of it come on maya oh i'm not so sure about this addie but i'm coming a loft and a slide and three actual swings hanging from the ceiling check this out maya whoa that's so cool but did you see the slime [Music] how did we not know about this amazing room in our very own house i have no idea that i'm gonna be here all day every day whoa check out these maya there's one for you too you can scoot all over the place on these so cool i'll check those out after i do the monkey bars this climbing wall is legit look at how good i am [Music] this is the best day ever [Music] the girls are just going to love my new rainbow sprinkled cake i'm gonna have to call them downstairs right away alexa make an announcement what's the announcement girls your rainbow sprinkle cake is ready downstairs i'm sure they'll be down in no time [Music] girls your rainbow sprinkle cake is ready downstairs that is totally the noise we heard from your room maya well thanks mr rubber chicken without you we would have never found this epic playroom but think about it maya how did the rubber chicken make that noise well i squeeze it like this [Music] exactly you squeezed it the rubber chicken can't make any noises on its own so but i mean someone was in this room which is in our house someone had to have squeezed that chicken to make that obnoxious noise [Music] who cares we have an epic playroom in our house and all of these bins are filled with toys just for us whoa it's omg pets come on addy you're way overthinking this let's have some fun okay okay i call this one i can't believe the girls didn't come running into the kitchen for cake [Music] addy maya girls where are they [Music] looks like they were just fidget trading but where could they be now [Music] whoa aren't you so dizzy maya not at all okay now check this out maya okay it's like i'm in the circus nice addy i think these swings are my favorite part of the playroom and look there's even a third one for colin yeah you know i was thinking maybe we should keep this room a secret um okay but why well it could be a cool hide away just for you and me you know what that's actually a brilliant idea if dad found out about this he'd probably turn it into a gym or a man cave or something boring like that or worse mom could make it into a gift wrapping room remember she always won one of those so lame so this room is our secret pinky promised that no one will ever find out about this playroom pinky promise addy maya where are they [Music] hi kim it's lucy next door did the girls wander over to your house to play with avery by any chance i can't find them anywhere okay well will you give me a coffee happen to see them thanks this is just so unlike the girls addie maya hey did you see all the magazines over here i got a girls world i can't think about magazines when i haven't explored all these toy bins yet whoa there's fidgets in here i can't believe it no way it's a green super neato oh let me see whoa and it's a big unicorn dimple and check out the giant puppet whoa how many puppets are on that too many to count there's an infinite cube and some pop tubes these are the best and there's two things of monkey noodles so we can each have our own whoa so many there's popular bracelets and a puppet shooting star i have no idea what this is but it's really cool you know i've got kind of a funny feeling about this playroom maya something's just not adding up oh addy you're just overthinking things check out my scentsy bands but i don't think i am maya i bet the people who lived here before i spoke with splayer they just forgot to tell us about it when we moved in yeah but we've lived here three years now and these switches weren't even a thing then in fact puppets have really only been popular for a few months now okay well if someone built this playroom three years ago how did they have poppets and infinity cubes and all this stuff they didn't exist back then i don't know but hey did you see all these needle cats aren't they the best oh and the magazines oh i don't know which one i like best look mai this issue of girls world is from august 2021 that's this month how did this get in here who else knows about the secret playroom in our house who else has been in here these are very interesting questions you pose but girl you gotta stop asking questions and have some fun this place is a dream come true let's do some fidget training you've reached the police department this is officer jason how may i help you yes my two daughters are missing addie is five feet tall she has brown hair and blue eyes maya she's about four feet six inches and she has blonde hair and blue eyes whoa whoa whoa slow down miss how long have they been missing well she's i guess for a couple hours they were up in the room okay now we get calls all the time from moms who think their children are missing when in fact they're just out playing with the neighbors or just exploring the neighborhood well yes i can imagine so but this is different yes i'm sure it is i'll tell you what i'll come by when i'm finished with my paperwork in a couple of hours in a couple of hours that is if they haven't wandered back home by then the best thing you can do is hang tight so if they do come home you could be there for them hang tight i guess i'll canvas the neighborhood myself i can't believe there are unopened private keys in the spin addy i know right who's inside that one let me see oh it's coney oh so adorable she's my favorite you know maya we've been playing in this playroom for a while if we want to keep this place a secret we need to be careful and strategic okay how so well we don't want mom and dad to get suspicious if they can't find us for too long you're so right addy we better get back to the rest of the house we could casually just bump into mom so she's seen us and then we can come right back here sounds like the perfect plan maya come on [Music] mom [Music] where'd she be i have no idea well she's down in the family room how about the kitchen she's not here either but there's cake rainbow sprinkles cake well we looked all over the house and mom's nowhere to be found what do you say we take this cake to the play room with us i love that idea i suppose mom can just be out running some errands or something well there's nothing to do now except for eat cake and play okay but we should come back and look for her a bit later sure thing there's still no sign of them i just can't sit around here and do nothing and just wait for the officer to show up i know i'll at least watch some tic tac toy cousins so i can at least see their cute little faces oh this is a good one we have so much toilet paper here how many rolls did we figure out we had 196. 96 rolls of toilet paper oh they're little faces i miss them so much [Music] there now that my house is done i'm gonna design some vehicles looks great my what do you think of the elephant i'm making so cool can you teach me how to make one of those later sure no problem hey maya where did this come from where did wat come from this boat it was sitting right on this green chair and it wasn't here earlier well how do you know that maybe you just didn't see it because it was sitting right there a few minutes ago maya i think someone was in here when we were looking for mom oh addy i doubt that i'm sure there's a million reasons for how that bow got there okay give me a logical reason for why a bow suddenly appeared in the room well maybe it was invisible before and it's not anymore really or maybe a raccoon was hiding in one of their toy bins and then it brought it in here my those are ridiculous explanations and highly improbable well i don't know adi i don't really care i just want to play of course you i just know someone's been in here though nothing about this place makes any sense whatsoever [Music] oh officer jason i am so relieved that you've arrived okay ma'am are these two daughters of yours still missing uh abby and uh mia uh addy and maya and yes they're still missing where should we start should we send an alert to the news stations should we gather a search party slow down now the first thing i'm gonna have to do is take a look around the house to make sure they're not here well i can assure you that i've already done that i wouldn't have called you if i had it well i'll need to verify that myself oh okay right this way abby mia uh addie and maya i got you good maya well wait for this these are so much fun i'm so glad you finally relaxed and are able to enjoy the playroom now addy me too maya you're right why question a good thing this place really is a dream come true one two three four so miss lacey where was the last time you saw these girls oh uh my name is lucy and the last place i saw them was up in their bedroom i can take you there if you'd like i'd really like to speed this up so we can find my girls [Music] okay well let's go [Music] okay officer the room is right over here but as i said i haven't seen them there in the last four hours oh hi mom oh and hello officer girls where have you been uh right here training just as i suspected but but they weren't here officer tell him we've just been here fidget training all day well i'm gonna get back to the more important work that you've taken me away from miss lacey abby mia goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Tic Tac Toy
Views: 20,616,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tic Tac Toy, Addy and Maya, Addy, Maya, Lucy, Jason, Colin, Secret Playroom, pretend playroom, playroom, kids playroom
Id: xm664wTkWog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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