Addressing the Seven Mountain Teaching | Paul Keith Davis

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[Music] hello everyone Paul Keith Davis here with a another word for the moment video blog I've got a very important message that I'm willing to share today but before I get into that I just want to take 60 seconds and just say once again how grateful we are to those of you that helped us put these youtubes up free of charge I'm only doing about one meeting a month right now still haven't felt completely released from the Lord to just get full blown out in the you know the travel ministry and all of that so we're doing these vlogs depending upon media to kind of get the message out the best we can just want to say how grateful we are for those of you that helped us do that you share in everything the Lord accomplishes with that said I would like to share what I'm thinking will be a pretty important message as I'm sitting here now I'm thinking I'm probably going to take three of the next blogs to get the message out certainly can I say what I want to say in this one blog I feel like it's very important but I don't want to be misunderstood either someone wanting to take my time and ground things very deeply in the word so that you understand what I'm saying so I'm going to commit to do another one next week and another one the following week very quickly in succession so that you can get all three messages and get a full picture of what it is that I'm wanting to share I'm going to address some things that are being prophesied today I'll just say up front that I'm going to address the seven mountain theology that has been so prevalent right now spent a lot of time reading the word studying asking the Lord about that since I've been doing this series on tasting of the good Word of God and the powers of the age to come and also adding to that the fourth dimension message you know evidence of the unseen realm I've had several of you write to me and ask what is my perspective on that and I feel like I have a sense of obligation to those of you that at least follow my ministry to know what I believe about it more than more importantly what does the word have to say that's really what it boils down to what does the word have to say and very frankly the word has a lot to say about the last days there is a lot of scripture dealing with the days immediately prior to the Lord's return and I've been pondering those and and we're gonna talk about some of that but let me just say this first and foremost I I believe in a triumphant eschatology I believe in the overcomers the victorious ones as anyone that has followed my blogs knows I believe the season that we are entering now will be the greatest hour for the people of God I believe the Scriptures support that so many you know those that know their God will do exploits and you know rise and shine for the glory of the lord has risen upon you and people are gonna come to your mountain to the brightness of your shining Daniel 12 you know those that have insight was shined brightly like the brightness of the expense of heaven Matthew 13 the end of the age is the harvest harvesting the sons of the kingdom which means if there will be on the earth in this season of human history men and women that have fulfilled Romans chapter 8 the fullness of the manifestation of the sons of God Ephesians chapter 4 tells us that on the other side of until there is the unity of the faith and the the true knowledge the true knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and a body of people that live their life to the full measure of the stature of Christ sonship that's a mouthful that is a big deal that's a big revelation the fullness of the stature that belongs to Christ and we might say how can that possibly be and the answer is simple there's power in the blood that's how the full appropriation of the power of the the blood of Christ I've said that often over the last several years so I am believing that this will absolutely be our greatest hour the arising and shining we haven't really not really sing the glory of God I know things have been called to glory but I suspect that we're about to understand something about the glory of God that we've never seen I believe perfect love is coming to the body of Christ I and without any hesitancy to say that this season I don't know how many years it's going to be but I it's going to be the greatest out of the restoration of all things the capstone ministry and all of these things that we that the Bible predicts the Scriptures predict we prophesy them because the word says so that there will be this amazing release of the greater grace the capstone comes with shouts of grace grace just unparalleled grace and favour released upon the people of God that's my belief I hope I have made that clear that's our gray I'm not a dooms doom and gloom prophetic person I believe this will be our finest hour on planet Earth on the other hand I believe the Scriptures tell us out there that in the world those outside of God the world systems the systems of this world will become more and more wicked I'm not saying that because I want that to be true I'm saying that because the Bible says it if we do an honest evaluation of the Bible it is very difficult to make the Scriptures tell us that it's going to get better and better and better out in the world it's gonna get darker and darker and darker but more brilliant in here and there's going to be a contrast there's gonna be a contradiction between the people that know God and those that do not know God then we will bring in the harvest then we will bring out of the world systems a body of people that will come in as the harvest I had this whole revelation back in 2003 I believe it was when I saw the angels that gather and part of that revelation was that we would have a season of releasing people that would bring in a wave of harvest that would be notable so notable that people would think it was the great harvest but the Lord told me in my experience no it is only the Harv sting of the harvesters they are to be gathered and guarded that means we bring them in we train them or raise them up we disciple them that's really the Great Commission go into all nations preaching the gospel making disciples instructed ones in the ways of the kingdom that's a very important phrase I'm gonna come back to that moment instructed in the ways of the kingdom and then when there is great darkness out there famine if you will if you were to compare that to the days of Joseph we are going to open the barn doors and release this company of people on planet Earth and they're going to bring out of this world systems like a huge harvest of souls of every nation tongue tribe and Kingdom that's what the Bible predicts the ways of God you know I mentioned a moment ago you know some of what's been taught on the seven mountains and I'm all for influencing society I'm all for winning people in every sector of life from top to bottom from every dimension wherever you know people may be I'm all for that I believe that's going to happen but I've heard some things taught in recent days that I believe are blatant error I'm just gonna say it outright I believe it's blatant error I believe is contrary to the word I actually heard with my own ears one of the proponents of this theology say that before the Lord returns that sin will be virtually eradicated from planet Earth now I heard that myself so I'm not telling you here say I was in the service well that sounds great any believer in Christ would love to see sin eradicated but when I go to the word I can't see that I can't see that as the conditions that exist in planet Earth before the Lord returns now when the Lord returns Satan is bound and cashed into a pit for a thousand years up until the end the Bible says he's deceiving nations deceiving nations until the Lord Himself comes now I've talked a lot about the kingdom I've talked a lot about the tasting of the good word of God in the powers of the kingdom age and I do believe that we are too reach over into a future revelation of the Lord's Kingdom and bring that model back and release it on earth that will usher us into the Lord's return but that doesn't mean we're gonna eradicate sin as much as we would love to do that the Lord will do that when he returns I hope you understand what I'm saying no one wants to see rampant sin but let's just let me just give you a scripture real quick you know in Jude you know Jude is a pretty powerful little book she talks about the Lord's return prophesying are reiterating the prophecy of Enoch and at the seventh generation prophesied and he saw the Lord returning with many of his thousands with the return of the Lord to do what to execute judgment upon all to convict all the ungodly of their ungodly deeds which they have done in an ungodly way and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against him that's what the scripture says the Lord will do when he returns ungodly is used four times in that one little verse just as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be at the coming of the son of men Matthew Luke chapter 17 they were eating and drinking and marrying they were given in marriage until the day that Noah entered the Ark and the flood came and destroyed them all listen this I'm not trying to be doom and gloom I'm trying to get a prophetic picture of what the Word of God says that we are dealing with in the age to come why is this important because I feel like I believe the Lord has shown us that there is a prophetic image just being portrayed to the people that is unrealistic that is unbiblical let me give you an example back in the days of Jeremiah Jeremiah had this excruciating prophecy he had to give yeah and to go prophesy to the leaders of Israel that it was God's will that they yield to Nebuchadnezzar and go into Babylonian captivity that was a hard word nobody wanted to hear that but that was the plan of God then you have another man I believe his name was Hananiah takes this wooden yoke off of you know Jeremiah shoulders you might put this you says as I'm wearing this yoke so you'll be yoked to Nebuchadnezzar and go back into captivity so he breaks the yoke off breaks it throws it on the ground and says thus saith the Lord you'll not be in Babylonian captivity seventy years you'll be in bout in captivity two years now that was wonderful even jeremiah said praise the Lord maybe you have a revelation I don't have you know he wasn't warning them to be in captivity seventy years I was just the that was the word of the Lord and how nice is know you'll be back in - praise the Lord let's all pray for that that's all believe God we back in two years and you might you might say that they could have been investing their intercessory energy and praying for that prophecy to be fulfilled two years we're coming back jeremiah goes home and the lord appears to him again it says the word of the lord appeared to him the word was not written it was the person of the word appears to jeremiah says now go make a yoke of iron you'll make a yoke of iron and tell them if this yoke can be broken then this word can be broken then it goes on to say and here's the deal Hananiah here's how we're gonna know this word is from the lord because by this time next year you're gonna be dead that's in the bible and of course you know it all came to pass now here's my analogy they heard it would have done no good for all the people of Israel to pray and fast and expend all of this energy in a two-year return when it was never going to happen the word of the Lord was seventy years that's why at the end of 68 years the prophet Daniel recognized the prophecies of Jeremiah and had absolute confidence to pray Daniel 9 and release this intercession to begin to bring the people back into the restoration of the Jewish people to their homeland that's an example of where I believe we are the Bible tells us in Daniel 12 those who have insight will shine brightly that's on in here that's the the people of God those that have the revelation of Jesus Christ and though they will lead the many to righteousness like stars forever and ever but as for you Daniel conceal these words until the end of time this end of time generation says letter later in verse nine the last day generation the revelation is sealed but at the end of time the end of the age there will be a body of people that have insight in Revelation they'll go back and forth I believe that literally means between the the the seen realm and the unseen realm they're gonna shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven go your way Daniel for these words are concealed and sealed up into the end time many will be purified purged and refined but the wicked will act wickedly and none of the wicked will understand but those who have insight will understand back in the 1990s I woke up one morning early 90s maybe 93 92 93 I don't remember the exact year early 90s I woke up and I heard what seemed to me to be an audible voice I know it's a tricky thing when you say you heard the audible voice of God but I heard a voice that wasn't on the inside it wasn't the still small voice it was outside of me and it came booming down on top of me and then the moment I sat up in bed it just came down on me and it said the sons of God must leave their mark on art and literature what came illegally in the days of Noah will come legally by the sons of the kingdom I believe in this age the sons of God the mature quiesce sons of God enough talk that phrase many times the hooyo sons of God that have experienced adoption the placing of those sons in the position of their inheritance will will release revelation an insight on art and literature and inventions and in science and I believe that I what came in the days of Noah illegally what was that that was if you read the Book of Enoch even some references in the Bible you find that that angels fell they left their domain and brought supernatural knowledge to humanity knowledge of implements of war of science of energy of the stars and all these various things and it was it was illegal it was in an unrighteous way and it resulted in great judgment coming on the earth so the flood came and destroyed every living soul on the planet with the exception of Noah and his children but in the last days the mountain of the Lord will be raised up and we will have a new standard a new model let me just I know I've already been going at this in about 15 minutes but let me have a little bit more in this one and I'll continue this in the next block Daniel chapter 2 I believe is indicative of where we are Daniel - as you know is when Nebuchadnezzar has the dream the great statue without taking a lot of time to explain that daniel has the interpretation of the dream Nebuchadnezzar saw four kingdoms the first being the Babylonian Kingdom and if that's time in human history the Babylonians dominated the world and when they did they said in place their culture their educational systems their arts their entertainment everything about their language all that identified them as a society infiltrated the entire known world of the day then Daniel interpreted that that Kingdom would fade away than an inferior kingdom would come we know that was the medo-persian Kingdom which is actually in the interpretation the needs and the Persians then began to dominate the world and they did the same thing they replaced the Babylonian culture with their own culture their own art their entertainment their systems of society their government was set in place and then the same happened with Alexander the Great the Greek Kingdom which replaced the medo-persian Kingdom very point very specific attempts of Alexander the Great to basically spread the Greek culture to the No world of the day involving many aspects of life you might even say the seven mountains and all the different you know areas the culture the educational systems the the form of government that they had and all the entertainment issues and all those things and then of course the last one is the Roman Kingdom now here's something notice Mount understand my Ron Daniels image or the image of Nebuchadnezzar that Daniel Daniel interpreted ran from the time of Nebuchadnezzar all the way to the return of Christ sometimes people say we're waiting for the restored Roman Kingdom there is no the Roman Kingdom never went away according to Daniel's image that influence ran consistently without interruption right up until and we just read the scriptures and tell you what it says right up until the time that the Lord Himself in the days of those kings let me just recap so you have the Greek Kingdom then you have the Roman Kingdom they did the same thing they said in place the ways of the world they said in place the government they said in place the culture the political systems the entertainment systems and all these things those are the ways of the world the systems of the world those are the ways of the world not the ways of God and in that has right now the Roman spirit still exists it is still governing the ways of the world you know what the Bible says about that his sheikah the Bible calls it like it's in the Bible I have to have to preach it Mystery Babylon the great harlot I had an experience or dream I don't know now maybe you're a soul go and there was this celebration you could hear rejoicing and singing and shouting in heaven and I'm like why are they having such a big party in heaven what what has gone on they're singing and shouting in jubilation and jumping around and everybody was so excited and I was literally the scripture I believe this revelation 19 I don't have it here in front of me now but Mystery Babylon had been charged and everyone in heaven rejoice you can read it for yourself it's right there in your Bible so those ways this is what it says in the days of those kings in the days that that system is in place the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed and that Kingdom will not be left for another people it will crush and put to an end all those kingdoms God's not gonna redeem the ways of this world he's going to crush them the Bible says so why we have another way the mountain of the Lord is going to be raised up and the word of the Lord is come out of her my people that's what it says over in Revelation come out of her my people come out of the ways of the world we don't need the ways of the world to win the world there has to be a contradiction to the ways of the world I hope you can understand what I'm saying I literally have heard some things taught on the seven mountains there there may be wonderful aspects of that teaching I believe in influencing culture I hope I've made that clear but but we're not to go out there and take over the ways of that world of that system we're to be an antidote to it there is we are the remedy for those things our messages come out of the ways of the world let me finish my scripture but it's it itself will endure forever in as much as you saw that a stone was cut out of the mountain without hands and that it crushed the iron the bronze the clay the silver and the gold the Great God has made known to the king that what will take place in the future what are the ways of God and I'm gonna finish with this at least in this one block and we'll pick up in a week I want to continue this thought because I know there will be many questions creator of the universe became a man came to earth God became a man a human he came a man a human being but on the inside of him he was gone emanuelle the creator of every human being the creator of every heart so he could have gone out and chosen the elite the greatest military leaders of the day he could have chosen governors and rulers and all these people to be in his cabinet to be in his inner circle his disciples but his ways were to go and find illiterate fisherman he found you know a tax collector and he was followed by many women that were in ill repute they got saved and delivered and the poor and the needy were the ones he didn't live in a palace and he wasn't served by everyone he wherever he was at the end of the day that's where he laid his head he ministered to an entirely different community of people and I think sometimes we forget that I I'm for everyone hearing the gospel I'm for everyone coming out of the ways of the world but I don't think we are necessarily employing the ways of the kingdom right now you might say well you know Paul got saved he was this elite he was the Pharisee of Pharisees the most zealous of his day for the for the Pharisee achill lifestyle he got saved praise the Lord he had an encounter on the road to Damascus you might say well he'll go right back into that mountain and when all the Pharisees know the Lord says you're not going to the Pharisees you're going to the Gentiles I'm gonna do it a different way because I don't want you to rely upon your natural ability I don't want you to rely upon your intellect because Paul said all that he had learned in that previous way of life was like dung he said I'm gonna send you to the Gentiles who have no understanding of your Pharisee OCO background and I want to send an uneducated fisherman Peter over to the juice that's God's ways and my deal is let's follow the leading of the Holy Spirit whatever that is I hope this has brought a little bit of clarity this is going to be the greatest hour for the people of God leave that but I believe the Scriptures tell us out in there it's gonna get dark read 2nd Timothy chapter 3 let me just give you a little portion of that in closing it says realize this now Paul speaking at a time when he had been beaten he had been stoned he they were living and what many people thought thought and correctly so an excruciating ly difficult season of history now one time had a man tell me well Paul had all this supernatural power because he lived in such a difficult day and he needed supernatural power because of the difficulty of his day okay that very same apostle said to Timothy do you think today is bad wait till you see the last days realize this that in the latter days the last days difficult times will come men will be lovers of self lovers of money boastful arrogant revilers disobedient to parents ungrateful unholy unloving irreconcilable gossips without self-control haters of good treacherous reckless conceited lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God this is out of the Bible I'm not making this up avoid such a man as these four among them are those who enter into households and captivate weak women weighed down from sins led on by various impulses always learning and never never able to come to the truth just as Janice and generous opposed Moses so these men will also oppose the truth men deprived of deprived mind rejected in regards to the drug he's describing a season of time that was much different more difficult than his own that's just the Word of God but we are the remedy I believe in the billion celled harvest I did Bob Jones was a friend of mine I have owned taken him sharing the details of his experience when he literally died went to heaven and the Lord told him that he will help raise up leaders that will bring in a billion so so I'm not a doom and gloom person I believe in harvest I believe in this being our greatest hour but also want to believe consistently with the Word of God that we have another system another government another way of doing things that is unlike the world the ways of God the week of a strong you serve to lead you give to have all these different principles of the kingdom and I hope we can begin to understand that so lord I pray that you will give people eyes to see and ears to hear and a heart to understand let's just see the truth I'm all for wonderful positive prophetic words I'm all for that but I want it to be biblical I want to apropriate my faith towards the truth I don't want to pray amiss I don't want to pray and invest myself in a prophetic message that's not biblically sound I want to give myself to the revelation of the kingdom and the revelation of the king yes the king is coming the king will set up his kingdom and we're not going to have the fullness of the kingdom without the king he is going to come our our job is to be an antidote to the ways of the world a contradiction to the ways of the world release that I pray into your people I ask in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ amen amen [Music]
Channel: WhiteDove Ministries with Paul Keith and Amy Davis
Views: 24,222
Rating: 4.8931084 out of 5
Keywords: paul keith davis, whitedove ministries, white dove ministries
Id: R9rQ_H83uqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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