A Prophetic Message: Thresh the Mountains and Pulverize Them

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[Music] you hello everyone welcome to another word for the moment video blog I just want to share a prophetic message with you that's come very clearly over the last really the last week or so something that I've been very encouraged about we are seeing the evidence of this shift that has been prophesied into this new season we're beginning to see greater Authority being given in prayer and in proclamations and dealing with the opposition's of the enemy we're getting great reports from people like yourself that it watched the blog's that have been influenced that have seen breakthrough we've got numerous emails from you that there has been shifts and changes in churches and individual lives and just share that with you as an encouragement to press in right now because this is a season of breakthrough this is a season to overcome what maybe has held us hostage or even resisted us in the prior season is being broken off now which kind of leaves me to what I want to share today in this message on January the 12th of this year 2020 Amy and I were asked to speak at a church in Bend Oregon and we had a very specific message that we felt like the Lord had given us for the church and on the morning of the meeting on the morning of January 12th when the Lord normally speaks to me in the morning the Lord spoke and said there was a layer of resistance and when I got to the meeting that morning I could actually see it spiritually there was like a thin veil that had been released against the meeting by words proclamations of the enemy opposition had released curses to be very specific against the meeting and not all of them were just witchcraft in the occult some of them were from Christians that should have known better but the Lord spoke to me that morning and he told me saying you're going to have to deal with this before you can share them if you're going to share we get to the service that morning and when I sat down in the sanctuary I could see it I could see this layer of resistance this layer of opposition and the Lord spoke clearly said don't even attempt to release the word I've given you for the congregation and for the region until you break through this layer of opposition and they I heard a scripture as clear as anything and began with the passage that I was very familiar with but then I went into the following verses and it dealt directly with the very issues that we were contending with that morning years ago back in 2015 right in the middle of some of my darkest hours I got a wonderful text from a friend Larry Randolph who's been a friend for a number of years and he just sent a word of encouragement I just say Larry's name because I just want him and other people to know what a great guy he is and how he wrote to me and just said you know what the Lord loves you the Lord's got this the Lord's you know you're in his hand and he's going to bless you and he gave me a scripture Isaiah 41:10 do not fear for I am with you that's a mouthful right there do not fear for I am with you that's the word of the Lord to you right now do not fear for I am with you do not look anxiously about for I am your God and I will help you and I will save you and I will uphold you with my righteous right hand that's where it began that's a good word right there the Almighty God the Living God the Lord Jesus Christ the creator of the universe personally is speaking to us right now I've got this I've got you don't fear don't be anxious don't be nervous don't let the enemy intimidate you because I your God will help you and comfort you and I'm in quoting this passage out of some 86 that is very similar where we David probably turn to me Lord and be gracious to me that's my prayer as we move into this word turn to me Lord and be gracious to me grant your strength grant your my grant your power to your servant and help your son show me signs for good and that word literally means expressions of favor show us Lord that's my prayer right now I feel some anointing on that show us signs for good expressions of your favor that those who hate us will see it and be ashamed for the Lord my God has helped me and comforted me so as I was sitting there before I ever even got up to take the microphone before Amy and I even got up to share what we had to share the Lord began to speak to me from Isaiah 41 I'm gonna read the passage and you'll see exactly how this was applied I already quoted Isaiah 41:10 verse 11 behold all those who are angered at you will be shamed and Dishonored those who contend with you will be as nothing and will perish you will seek those who quarrel with you but you will not find them those who war with you will be as nothing and non-existent for I am the Lord your God oh don't you feel the power of that I am the Lord your God who upholds your right hand who says to you do not fear I will help you and it goes on to say that our our Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel and this is this is the one this is the one I want to emphasize in this blog today verse 15 it says behold I will make you a new threshing sledge with doubled edges and you will Thresh the mountains and pulverize them and make the hills like chafe it says in the New King James I will make you a new threshing sledge with sharp teeth and you will pulverize the mountains and Thresh the hills and make them like chafe notice he says I will make you the prophetic word I have for you today this was an experience that I had on January the 12th and then I had again a week later the very following Sunday sitting in the very same sanctuary it fell upon me again where the Lord says tell the remnant of my people I am making them a new threshing sledge with sharp teeth and they will Thresh the mountains of opposition they will Thresh the lies of the enemy they will Thresh the mountains of religion and tradition they will Thresh the mountain of the Antichrist spirit they will Thresh the mountains of tradition and resistance and all the things that have held back the people of God from doing what they've been called to do I will Thresh those things and I'm gonna use you to do it that's what he said I want to make you a new sharp threshing sledge with sharp teeth you know make the hills like shafe and so that morning when Amy and I got up that was the very first thing we did but what was important about that was the Lord said I can't just do it I have to engage the people so before we even began to share our prophetic word I began to share this passage with the congregation and fortunately they were a mature group of people there they plugged right in they immediately mobilized I could sense their activation and so I when I began to recite this scripture scripture the people did it with me and the resistance broke this layer this veil of darkness that had been released against the service by curses by words by opposition things that have been spoken specifically against that meeting just when just a handful of people in the audience and us began to release this word it vanished it dissipated it went away immediately broke right through just a matter of fifteen minutes of sharing the word and issuing this proclamation and agreeing with God and recognizing he's making you and I a threshing sledge with sharp teeth to pulverize this opposition it broke in the Spirit of the Lord came the presents came we had wonderful reports of people that were blessed and how the Lord released a prophetic were and the passengers a friend of mine obviously Bobby hobby and he was so blessed because the Lord showed up to release them in this region into the purpose for which they were born and so I was back again the following week and I was sitting there and the Spirit of the Lord fell on me during worship again he said prophesy this was not a one-time thing as my point the Lord made it clear this was not just a one-time word to deal with the service on January the 12th it is a word to you for this season it is a word for the remnant of God's people that have been prepared that have been through opposition's that have been through the furnace and all these things there's a remnant of people that are prepared and the word I have for you is the Lord is making you a sharp threshing sledge a new threshing sledge was sharpteeth says in the new American Standard with double edges to Thresh the mountains and so this week I've been declaring that I want you to begin to declare it I want you to begin to agree with God God's going to begin to push against this resistance you've had in your family pastors I'm telling you I the Lord is tired of this veil of opposition that the enemy has released against your church the Lord is tired of services being hindered because there is this this realm of darkness that is trying to be released and pastors are finding some times the heavens feel like brass I'm giving you the word of the Lord if you just agree with God on this Scripture or one like it he'll begin to break through that opposition you're going to find an anointing and an authority to break through it and my word is don't even attempt to do what you were called it don't even attempt to do what you feel like you're supposed to do in the service until you've broken through that veil if it is there and many of you are writing to us and telling us that you're seeing these veils of opposition but their lies their lies of the devil their lives of the enemy and the Lord is making you a thought a sharp new threshing sledge so here's how I have done it this last you know weaker suit I have turned in a I've made it personal I say behold all of those who are angered at me will be shamed in this honor this is what I hope you will agree with to those who contend with me will be as nothing in Paris we know that we contend with not with flesh and blood but with spiritual darkness but sometimes that darkness uses people and we have to break the words of the people so those who contend with us will be as nothing I will seek those who quarrel with me but I will not find them those who war with me will be as nothing and non-existent for the Lord my god opposing my right hand that's why I've made it personal who says to me do not fear because I'm going to help you I'm gonna hold you by the hand and watch over you I go right when I do my Proclamation I go right into Isaiah 42 verses 6 through 9 I will hold you by the hand and watch over you and I will appoint you as a covenant to the people and the light to the nations and you will open the eyes of the people bring the people out of prisons and dungeons for I am the Lord your God and I will not give my glory to another nor my praise to graven images behold the former things have come to pass now I declare new things and before they spring forth I proclaim them to you even now as I'm saying this I feel Canada we've had some things going on this week with the nation of Canada I'm telling you Canada you Canadians the Lord is about to break through for you I feel that so strongly sitting here I had no intention when I sat down in this chair to mention Canada but I feel it on me right now I know we all need it we need it in America but I'm telling you specifically right now Canada this veil of darkness this realm of deception is going to be broken off a rim that I've hit your people there's going to be a release there's going to be a birthing there's going to be a manifestation of the Spirit and the Lord is giving the leadership of Canada and those that join shoulders with those leaders in Canada he's going to give them authority and their words are going to be anointed with spirit and with life and it will break through these realms of darkness where they have had some measure of success in times past there will be no place for that realm of darkness these curses will be broken over over regions and over churches and so I just want to prophesy that to America but also to Canada I'm feeling it so strongly for Canada Lord Jesus bless those Canadian friends I have so many people that love us from Canada I love Canada Auburn all across the entire nation of Canada bless those Canadians Lord release your anointing on them in unprecedented ways give the leadership of your people authority to begin to deal with these realms of darkness make these Canadians Lord a new threshing sledge with sharp teeth that they can pulverize the mountains of opposition the mountains of deception the mountains of tradition the mountains of apathy and lethargy I feel that coming very clearly the mountains of apathy and lethargy broken off the Canadian Church so that she can become this bright shining beacon of light that draws people to the Lord Jesus Christ our Messiah listen it's all about the Lord Jesus receiving the glory that he deserves it's all about the Lord receiving the full measure of his reward the purchase of his blood I love what it says in Revelation chapter five and verse nine worthy is the lamb worthy is the lamb to receive glory and honor says and other parts and that worthy is the lamb because he purchased from God with his own blood men of every nation tongue tribe and Kingdom and he has made them to be priests and kings to our God kings with authority Kings that are under the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ the Messiah who delegates to his people the authority to break through these realms of darkness so lord I am praying that you would make us that for Sledge I know I've said it many times deliberately I want you to know you're a weapon in the hand of the Lord that is the truth Zechariah 9 I believe it is talks about we're a were a warrior's sword in the hand of the Lord and He will stir up the sons of Zion against the sons of Greece and he will appear over them and he'll march in the storm winds Lord March among your people now we have a banner of victory we have a banner that this new season is not going to be like the old season I pray that you will do everything that you have prophesied in anything that tries to stand in the opposition will be pulverized anything that stands in the opposition of the prophetic message for this generation will be pulverized by the Spirit of the Living God grant that I pray Lord anoint us we need the anointing God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power and he went about doing good I'm asking you anoint us with the Holy Spirit and with power that we can go about doing good healing all that are oppressed of the devil why because God is with us God I sort of that's the word here I am with you I'll hold you by the hand I don't watch over you and I will help you that's the word of the Lord release that to your people Lord I ask in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ [Music] amen [Music]
Channel: WhiteDove Ministries with Paul Keith and Amy Davis
Views: 32,877
Rating: 4.9295154 out of 5
Id: iOEBEcuwDPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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