Addressing the Drama

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usually when I upload a video I have a good idea of how it's going to be received whether people liked it or didn't like it and when I uploaded my last video I knew a few of you would be upset because I basically duped you into watching an ad for my next event however I thought [ __ ] it dude it's my channel the events for charity I should promote it so I uploaded It Anyway however what I didn't anticipate was a [ __ ] ton of people who were mad at me over on and it's not for that reason at all it's for something completely different and we're here talking about drama once again this time I'm in the drama so I can explain exactly what went down uh there was like a trending Twitter page called the problems with the lwigs speedrunning event and the event if you haven't heard of it is called Fast 50 it is a speedrunning charity Marathon event that is 50 hours long trying to raise money for no kid hungry and wings for life we do like an event for no kid hungry every year uh and and thankful to a lot of your support we are one of the larger donors to no kid hungry I'm very proud of that fact uh proud to also now start working with wings for life I think it'll be a [ __ ] killer event and this was the graphic that I attacked along with the trailer that showed some of the creators who are going to be involved you know people like Point Crow moist critical alfat people you might recogniz as as speedrunning or speedrunning adjacent creators you might notice something that is missing from this graphic however people that aren't white or dudes there's a lot of white guys all right and I got a bit of heat for that online how did lwig manage to put together 19 white guys and one Asian guy shout out Liam for a speedrunning event not one headlining woman uh and then there's uh even more tweets and and by the way I should say this right now I have tried to blur out as best I can everybody's name and identity I never want people to go for bat for me don't don't don't defend me man all right all you should do is watch the thing that I put out if you like it hell yeah if you don't that's okay stop watching me but never feel the need to defend me I'm okay I can defend myself I'm adult man in this world and and and and I don't want anyone getting in battles on my behalf uh anyway this tweet read why wait why is there not a single woman in lwi speedrun thing ain't no way uh and then GTM uh posted rightfully that that uh that well here is just an example of of one woman who is participating in it and then they said that's good to hear I'm happy that she will have that kind of opportunity to represent women in speedrunning it does feel last minute as a way to cover up the negligence but still up to see and then Laura uh thankfully confirmed uh no he actually contacted me way before the initial trailer dropped I just thought he didn't want me uh no definitely wanted Laura Laura is a great speedrunner so so you know I'm not trying to sit here and tokenize and be like yeah I got this uh [ __ ] woman and this black dude and also this uh uh Asian guy like that's that that's cringe I don't need to tokenize the people who are going to my event it is not all white dudes okay there are a lot of white guys that is fair but that's just because I asked people who I knew personally who are like speedrunning craters and a lot of them happened to be white and I wasn't going through like like I'm a [ __ ] admissions board saying sorry man we hit our white quota we can't allow you point Crow all right man it's just not going to work out for you I didn't do that uh but but safe to say there are many more people than just white dudes attending uh and a lot of people were also upset that they weren't included in the graphic and they were relegated to and more and the simple reason for that is because I'm still working on getting everybody in the schedule and in the event I will be honest I was a bit of a size queen so I put a lot of the larger creators there because that'd be a bigger poll but I also know a lot of these people so I was able to reach out to them as opposed to people I didn't know who I had to reach out to get contact information with and it was harder to confirm them as opposed to like Charlie who very cool for me I can just message on Discord so I hope that makes sense but that's why the graphic didn't include people who aren't white dudes uh and honestly a bit of an error on my end for not just recognizing that uh the Optics of it at least anyway uh the next thing people were mad about uh for the event was the fact that the video was called gdq's in big trouble someone posted Ludwig advertises his new speedrun event by calling a different speedrun event bad now I didn't call the speedrun event bad I thought this title was much more tongue and cheek in my mind I I didn't read it as gdq is in big trouble because they're going to [ __ ] I read it as that because like oh I'm I'm entering the scene gdq step aside but that's not how it actually was in the video if you actually watch the video I was quite complimentary of gdq in fact this is what I said about him and gdq by the way is still a thing it's bigger than ever it's amazing they raised like over $45 million in their career they every event raises like 2 and a half million uh they have thousands and thousands of people showing up live hundreds and hundreds of different competitors but I kind of missed when it was like small and all I said is like I missed when it was smaller and I wanted to make something that felt like what I felt in my heart when I watched gdq way back in the day not to say it's bad to be big gdq is amazing I could not do what they do literally just couldn't get that many people in a room and and and raise that amount of money uh but I feel like I can do something that would raise a lot of money for charity and would be fun to watch and in fact I also said this and by the way I just do want to clarify I know the title is a little clickbait I'm not trying to compete or take out gdq I mean [ __ ] I'm still going to watch sgdq when it happens uh later this summer but I I literally said I'd watch it and I understand the title clickbait but you know it's also part of the game of being a YouTuber so anyway not [ __ ] on gdq they should exist we should coexist I'm not competing with gdq I couldn't even compete with gdq we are totally separate things now there was even more concern doesn't end that lwig speedrunning event came out about how I thought it would he's not a speedrunner so he's not invested in growing the hobby he had an idea for something he thought he could make money and grow his brand off of and that's it the call for runners was engagement Bay now this this one kind of pissed me off cuz I'm not even making money on the event the event is currently poised to lose $80,000 and that's just based off how much we've sold the event for the revenue minus the cost of goods how much it cost to like fly everybody out there and set up the whole production for it and that's fine h honestly a first event losing money is pretty normal it happened for chess boxing it happened for my live event usually the second one the third one the fourth one if it works out great we'll start making money which is also cool but ultimately for this one I don't care too much if it breaks even every year that's cool because the goal is to raise money for charity not to make a lot of money and if the idea is that I'm somehow trying to use the speedr Running Scene for clout then I went to the wrong [ __ ] Community brother like let's be real with ourselves a speedr running Community is not exactly the one that you go to for that right I I would start uh going to and then uh uh picking people's food off their tray that's where the clout is nowadays I would get Andrew Tate on the stream but that that is not at all it I just think speed running is really cool and I wanted to make something that I thought was cool plain and simple more concerns if you're wondering why speedrunners are upset with lwig think of it this way company posts an ad for a new IT job tons of qualified it people I apply but it doesn't matter the ad is just for appearance because that job is always going to the boss's son also diversity now this one is because I tweeted out about this event or vaguely about this event about a month ago I said I got a crazy idea for event uh if there are any Speeders who want to be a part of it hit me up right that was the Tweet uh and I actually had a [ __ ] ton of replies from this uh and then people are assuming uh that I actually didn't invite any people from this I just invited all of my friends which frankly just isn't true like in the video itself I did say this I never said this was like a spe speedrunner event for just speedrunners like gdq I said I thought to myself well [ __ ] I got a kick-ass team here at offbrand I'm friends with a lot of amazing speedrun creators what if I make my own charity speedrunning Marathon event the goal was always to create a charity speedrunning Marathon event with my Creator speedrunning friends like that that was the goal but I also wanted to include a ton of dope speedrunners and from this tweet I got a bunch of dope speedr Runners like this is not an exhaustive list but this is 10 people I thought of off the top who I discovered just from this tweet outrageous Josh visuals uh Laura Tevin uh all these people came from that tweet right like like the other people sure I I did reach out to them beforehand you know like a a point Crow or a Doug duug but I don't think that means that I didn't follow through you know not 100% of the event is people from that tweet uh but but it's pretty close to like you know 5050 6040 it's I invited a great amount of people who are going to show off their their speedrunning talents from that uh and and it's it been a little bit of a bummer because I've been trying to Hype up this event but the drama surrounding it is getting way more attention than like the actual cool [ __ ] involved like just today this was announced we are doing another $10,000 speedrun challenge here in collaboration with Ludwig's speedrunning event lwig has put together a beautiful charity speedrunning event that'll last from May 31st to June 2nd and our little speedrun Bounty challenge actually has its own little showcase for our previous games as well is this new one that I'm introducing today ours is actually starting ahead of the event so that way Runners can have time to get familiar with it and master it find new tech and just become the [ __ ] speedrun god of another crabs treasure that's the game baby I figured let's do it for one of my favorite games of the year another and not as many people are talking about the fact that we have a cool t ,000 Bounty for another crabs treasure that is led by Charlie for the fast 50 event as are talking about the fact that I'm like sexist or are using speedrunners for cloud or only invited fake speedrunners because they're speedrunning creators that's [ __ ] pissing me off man it's annoying I'm just all I want to do is make something that I think is cool I think speedrunning is cool I watch a lot of speedrunning content and also raise money for charity that's it that is the whole thing that I want to do and I'm not saying people cannot criticism but the one criticism that I saw that I [ __ ] hate is that people are calling certain speedrunners like fake speedrunners maybe just because they have like a following or a YouTube channel or something but like that to me is too cringe like why why why draw the line there and I I felt like a lot of people were almost gatekeeping the speedrunning scene uh and there was even one Twitter user who who said something to the effect of this is not a speedrunning event uh and that person I'm going to try to leave them unnamed here uh but I replied to them I was like bro the gatekeeping is crazy skull emoji uh and then and then you know that that blew up that post got very big they took down their Twitter account for a while and I've talked to them offline uh and and if you are one of the people who harassed them shame on you you're cringe as [ __ ] please don't do that ever again ever um but ultimately like that is something that has bothered me that is why I replied to it and I don't think that was their stance after talking to them further but the fact that like someone counts as a speedrunner uh someone else doesn't like like what judges it do you have to have a good enough time like what makes you an official speedrunner to me it's if you if you have passion for the scene if you care about like speedr running as a concept and if you support like other speedrunners and try speedr running that's it like that that's that's the barrier to entry in my mind that should be the barrier of entry in my mind and the sad part of all of this is It's Made this weird division with people who maybe watch me uh or who maybe agree with my thoughts on this and then the speedrunning community as if we us two are at odds well the whole point of this is that I was trying to do something with the speedrunning community you know with other speedrunners for a greater cause of raising money for Char I don't I don't want to be at [ __ ] odds with the speedrunning community that's not the goal if I left this and did this event doing that it would be a huge [ __ ] failure in my eyes and I've had a lot of people give me advice like this this is probably one of the worst communities to be in if you don't have your own little in group it's filled with the LST self-centered narcissistic children and adults who act like children we see that with a lwi event now and it's basically saying hey lwig get the [ __ ] out of the speedrunning community it sucks and it's quote retweeting someone saying it rocks and I couldn't agree less this is what I posted I'll just read a bit of it here but but I really think that's wrong like ultimately the speed Community is incredibly inclusive but it also makes it somewhat hostile because it is so inclusive and they're worried about maybe letting someone in that that could ruin what is special and I think a lot of this gets lost in the Twitter translation it seems like people are way more antagonistic way more hostile uh in in treating this with like zero tact to respect as we would have if we were like talking in person and I know that I didn't do the best with the launch of this like it would have been much better if I launched this with the entire group of people who are participating but I'll be honest I failed here because I was a bit slow I'm the only person doing Outreach with creators and I am also not the fastest messenger because I do spend sometimes 7 hours of my day shooting 3 basketball shots so I miss messages sometimes I'm still working on part of the schedule and I will have it out early next week and I know that is a fault of mine but I just assumed that based off my track record and the events i' i' done in the past that I I would have like the the good grace and and like that little bit of charitability that oh yeah lwig probably isn't just going to do an event full of dudes and only his friends and and not invite any of the people he tweeted out in and replied to it like I assumed I would have that good grace and maybe I was wrong to think that but either way this is not turning me off from the event if anything it makes me more excited to prove to everybody that we can make a kickass event both for the people attending it and then the people online and the speedrunning community at large I am not trying to take over anything I need to say this again I'm not trying to be a a rival with anyone I'm just trying to be the guy that I am making something that I think is cool with the resources that I have both monetarily and like you know the friends the contacts the connections because it is not as possible for a nether speedrunning charity event to get like the creators involved as it is for me in the same way that I can't get all the world's best runners in a room together plus 3,000 people you know we all have our our strengths and our weaknesses so anyway that was the big [ __ ] drama uh I tried to touch on basically every single point that I saw I hope I addressed them all correctly uh if you guys are still here please please do uh if you want check out the fast 50 merch it does kind of look like the word fat cell now that I look at it but I think the merch is really [ __ ] fire it's my K truck it's a little NASCAR parody shirt and then also we still have half the tickets remaining if you're in the Los Angeles area and you want to come hang out with me in person come hang out man I I would love to hang out with you it'd be a lot of fun and VIP is going to be involved uh in some pretty fun ways so so that's it man that's the whole drama thank you all for watching I I hope you do check out the event May 31st if you guys want to win $10,000 start speedr running another crabs uh or another Soul crab another crabs Adventure I forgot what it's called I'm tired I'm out man see you later goodbye
Channel: Mogul Mail
Views: 1,290,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ahgren, stream, weekly slap, jschlatt, story time, twitch, live, mogul, mail
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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