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I don't know if I'm on board the whole AI hype train like I understand fundamentally it's going to change the world I just don't know if personally I'm going to be somebody who uses AI tools every single day in fact the only AI tool that I really use on a weekly basis is AI text to speech where a viewer can donate me a message and it's read out loud by a famous character uses AI to make whatever message sound like that famous person I'll just play you an example this is the one that I receive the most SpongeBob oh oh oh oh oh SpongeBob you get the idea and that certainly isn't legal like I don't own the IP and I'm positive if Nickelodeon heard that SpongeBob having a huge orgasm for $10 that goes to that goes to my mods but technically goes to to like me my company they wouldn't be cool with that but there's no real recourse for it right now there's no legislation there's no checks and balances for AI but they are coming and they are coming fast because there are big problems brewing for open AI now one of the biggest ones is a a well them stealing from me if you don't know open AI basically needs to feed chat GPT a lot of text a lot of text and they've taken every godamn web website every godamn thread every tweet every book you can take and they ran out of English text they're like they they damn ran out of it so what do they turn to they turn to transcribed videos because there's a lot of footage there's a lot of videos on the internet if you transcribe it you get a lot of text and they transcribed YouTube videos and then fed that to create chat GPT 4 which is their best in brightest chat GPT yet or whatever and that is illegal all right I still own the copyright of my videos even if I upload them onto YouTube they cannot be used by another independent site to to make their program better or whatever but there's no legislation at the moment because AI is innovating faster than law does the same thing happened with with Vapes it it happens periodically throughout history internet whatever you want to uh draw the comparison to uh but it's not just that that that's the problem uh it's also directly taking the likeness and I think we're going to find an answer out on whether or not I can use sponsor's voice because of the most recent AI uh controversy uh and this all started a week ago when open AI announced GPT 40 all right and this is basically a a uh text to speech or or a a voice activated AI assistant and it's really really good I I mean in this demo they showed two different AI assistants talking to each other uh here's an example of this uh AI Voice Assistant teaching this kid how to do his math homework now looking at the triangle which side do you think is the hypotenuse uh [Music] um the hypot I'm not totally sure I think I think it might be this one but I really am not sure this side AC you're close actually side AC is called the adjacent side to the angle Alpha and that's like really impressive not just the fact that it understands what the kid is saying and providing correct information I think it's B to a I'm pretty sure but also just the way the AI assistant speaks like supernaturally fluidly like a real human here's some more examples this is the feature that I think is the coolest it can do real live translation all you need is your phone and this GPT 40 feature you throw it on the table and you can speak with someone in a different language and it'll translate everything for you hey how's it been going have you been up to anything interesting recently um hey I've been good just a bit busy here preparing for an event next week not only is that incredibly fast it also is just incredibly fluid native all right that that can turn a conversation that might be robotic currently if you were to try to translate with like Google Translate to a fullon conversation about like politics religion War whatever you wanted with someone that you literally do not speak the same language with now there is one thing that people have noticed with GPT 40 which is that it kind of sounds like it wants to [ __ ] you I mean I I don't know another way to phrase it the voice just kind of sounds like sexually it is attracted to you and it is trying to make a move I'll just play this clip well in a few minutes I'm going to be interviewing at open AI have you heard of them open AI huh sounds Vaguely Familiar kidding of course that's incredible Rocky what kind of interview well it's for a software engineering role but I just need to know do I look presentable professional well Rocky you definitely have the I've been coding all night look down which could actually work in your favor now this is one of the five open AI GPT 40 voices it's called sky but it is definitely their most popular and the one that they use in the demo that was seen like millions and millions of times around the world and is reminding a lot of people of a movie that came out a little over a decade ago called her this is obviously like the walking Phoenix movie where he has this AI assistant very similar and the AI assistant is uh who he eventually falls in love with hi hi I'm Samantha good morning Theodore good morning you have a meeting in 5 minutes you want to try getting out of bed you're too funny okay and it's that similar kind of flirty conversation and it's voiced by Scarlett Johansson so when this whole announcement came out with GPT 40 Scarlett Johansson dropped a statan and said she was shocked and angered when she heard open ai's chat GPT voice sounded like her and open AI uh fired back and they said hey we heard the concerns about Sky we're going to pause the use of the sky voice while we address them uh and a lot of people were like dude what the hell all right if it wasn't even Scarlett Johansson uh as the voice actor and you just used another voice actress that kind of sounds like her what's the big deal uh and in it open AI also says hey we believe that AI voices should not deliberately mimic a celebrity's distinctive voice Sky's voice is not an imitation of Scarlet Johansson but belongs to a different professional actress using her own natural speaking voice so they didn't even use they're saying like footage of Scar Joe in movies they just used someone who like maybe sounds like her coincidentally I don't know it's almost assuredly not coincidental though how do I know that because Sam ultman the CEO of open AI tweeted out the day of their announcement of gp40 her the title the movie with Walkin Phoenix and Scarlet Johansson which is just a huge fumble just don't tweet that out maybe you get away with this maybe a little highway robbery he [ __ ] up he tweets out her but then Scarlet Johansson also drops a statement where she said she was offered by Sam ultman in September to be the voice for gp4 to be the AI assistant voice like the movie her they clearly watch the movie her at Open AI they're like hey man this is [ __ ] perfect this is exactly what we want we want to make this come to life let's get the girl from the movie but for personal reason she was like nah I don't want to do it I don't want I maybe it makes her feel weird I don't know I think it's fair she says no and then they decided to pursue a voice that sounds eerily similar to the point where a lot of Scar's friends were like hey is that you and she had to be like no it's not me you know and to be fair does kind of sound like her uh and then two days before they dropped the uh the the chat GPT 4 o demo uh they asked her again and before she could reply they just launched it they launched the sky voice uh and the fact that they pause the sky voice to me makes it feel like yeah there's probably some internal memos okay if we were uh able to subpoena I bet we would see a few slack messages saying hey let's get someone who sounds like scarjo and scarjo I think we'll find an answer not only to is open AI allowed to use a voice that sounds similar to scarjo but am I allowed to play a text of speech of SpongeBob coming his little damn head off for $10 that goes to my moderator that am I allowed to do that is that allowed because scarjo gets answers baby she won a lawsuit against Disney man that's like that's the Millennia of lawsuits you beat Disney you can beat anyone so I think we're going to find out an answer very very soon there's a lot more lawsuits and a lot more answers and a lot more regulation that need to be figured out with AI uh and I'm sure in the next year we will have maybe just some insight on how far we get but until then SpongeBob will be playing on every single Le one of my piss breaks it's just not it's not my decision it's my chat decisions it it's how it goes thank you very much for watching subscribe all right see you later goodbye goodbye it's my new stream room by the way I hope you like it all right subscribe guys see you laterbye
Channel: Mogul Mail
Views: 656,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ahgren, stream, weekly slap, jschlatt, story time, twitch, live, mogul, mail
Id: csSNqaFMcdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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