Huge Faze Drama

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do not be alarmed but I did run out of Pomade so I look like I have a 2011 Justin Bieber haircut but I think it might work because the 2010s are kind of having a moment there's a lot of nostalgia there it's been 14 years since 2010 and I don't think I'm the only one that thinks this cuz somebody else is trying to tap into the 2010's Nostalgia is FaZe Clan they kind of dominated that era of gaming FAS up baby and it seems like they're making a comeback or at least attempting to make a comeback they tweeted this out to the tune of 20 million impressions control out Delete and it's it's kind of that Nostalgia task manager uh type of vibe uh and they got and they got look at that FaZe keep member in a bunch of members names and then some cryptic messages we'll get into what that means in just a moment but first it's been a while since we talked about faas a year in fact and the last time we talked about them was usually revolving around some bad decisions they made or they horribly horribly performing stock which is only performing worse actually not even performing at all cuz it got delisted if you don't know FaZe got bought out for like the 100th time this time by games Square the company that owned complexity they sold complexity back to the former own owner Jason Lake and then bought fazeclan for 15.75 million and that is a far cry from the valuation it had a few years ago at the start of covid which I think they're valued at like almost 250 million maybe more they're not we're not there anymore in fact they lost $50 million in 22 and now they are worth like a third less than a third of what they lost so so yeah they're they're not doing great uh but around the same time that uh games Square bought them FaZe Banks tweeted out on the main account I got the passwords back which led people to believe that FaZe Banks one of the ogs one of the founders of fazeclan was in control of faas which is what people ultimately wanted because it felt like it was owned by this corporation which was making poor decisions and lot of people who are fans of faas wanted it to feel like it was owned by actual phas members makes sense especially with a content-driven org like phas and one of the first actions that was done was keeping a bunch of members but also if you look for just a couple of frames on this video cutting a bunch of members FaZe SL cutor member Agony Blaze booya cbass a bunch of members and we don't have to look through this we can just see it here these are all of the members they cut and they're only keeping these guys they basically cut over half their roster uh which is a pretty big deal cuz that half of the roster is numbers four through 10 of their biggest streamers they've lost over half their hours watched just from those cuts alone so that's pretty big uh but it's all part of a broader goal now we're going to focus on a couple of the bigger cuts that people are talking about the first one FaZe Rain who is another one of the founders of FaZe there's like five or seven or something there's a lot FaZe Rain left FaZe he's one of the only ogs to have left FaZe and it was on his own behalf it's not cuz he got cut he chose not to resign and he said hey I left FaZe but contrary to popular belief 51% of FaZe is still corporately owned so although FaZe Banks tweeted out got the password he doesn't actually own the company and again if you don't know anything about business simple as if you own 51% or more a majority you get to make all the calls right that that makes a lot of sense and he's saying I can't get burned I don't want to be in bed with a corporation that owns 51% in this case games Square uh so I I I I like FaZe I will not be a member of FaZe as long as they're corporately owned uh which which is bringing some concerns however Banks doesn't seem to have the same tune he's almost talking as if he does have the control so maybe he has a better relationship with the people who are corporately owning it or has some plan to eventually own the majority I don't know the other cut that has been made a making a lot of noise is when they cut FaZe member Kaylee uh and and this was a crazy cut because it happened when she was live on stream yeah I'm being serious I got kicked one of the only members that can pull millions of Impressions a week pop streamer for war zone and she's honestly right I mean she was the fourth biggest member of phze uh she like if we're speaking candid is about the only woman I can think of who makes sense on FaZe right like it's not an org that you really think would be inclusive for women but Kaylee fit in really well and she was a DieHard phase member for the past like almost three years that she had been on the orc I'm aware of it and I'm not even like a guy who watched FaZe growing up or now CU I'm a 28-year old [ __ ] man and I watch Northern lion play ballat trop so it seemed like a surprise to me and she handled it really well she tweeted out uh after finding out live on stream hey I'm grateful for the opportunity I'll never forget when I got the phone call to join FaZe the friends I made along the way thank you and wishing them the best here's to a new beginning which is classy but uh not all of the OG founders of FaZe felt the same because FaZe Adapt for whatever reason tweeted out didn't get a dime from them in response to Kaye saying that hey I didn't get you know a dime from FaZe I was in it from Passion and then he said join the [ __ ] club where's the girl from stranger things which which like I don't I don't know why I feel like you could just be like hey thanks for being a member but Banks handled it a little better said today sucks I promise the only reason you let go is cuz a genuine relationship couldn't have been formed uh and he goes on to basically say that he is trying to make sure that everyone in phase is someone that is like a you know ride or die friend and you fell into this corbo bucket and got hired at a time where it wasn't about the friends but about the corporation own it you know I'm kind of paraphrasing but you get the idea uh and to really explain what's going on here at its core FaZe Banks is running the operation and and maybe he doesn't own you know the majority share but he does seem to be making the calls the calls that he's making is trying to bring FaZe back to what it was 10 years ago which is basically kind of like a Content house uh an org full of people who are friends who all play games together and there's like a A vibe and an energy that you catch watching it uh and don't just take my word for it that's what you know he also kind of talked about on this podcast with Bradley Mar if it's about not recreating because you never recreate what happened but if it's about getting back to the core value of it then wouldn't it be about keeping video game creators well for sure I mean and the people we're cutting all kinds of people I we're cutting we're we're cutting the roster down significantly we had something like 140 employees this time last year I think we have 30 right now I want to cut that down even further to like 10 I firmly believe that as long as the brand is taken care of as long as the people who are a part of the brand you know that roster of 10 people are all on the same page have the same Focus have the same vision and are incentivized the right way like the corny like us paying members to put faas in their name and having that be the relationship like that doesn't work it's now I think he's probably right on that last part I don't think it does work for an Esports org to Simply pay someone transactionally and then have a deliverable where you are now like a phase or be it 100 thieves or or any or uh person you have to be more involved with the or you have to actually care about it outside of it is just a paycheck um but he's made some pretty Brash moves I mean like he said he has fired 110 people not all influencers some behind the scenes people but that is a big change and he wants to narrow it down to 10 which means maybe there are more cuts to come and the goal is eventually to go back to the New York house and if you know nothing about FaZe you need to know this was basically the Golden Era it was a house that they owned in New York where they all hung out made Vlogs together played Call of Duty uh and and had many many viral moment yo no [ __ ] way no problem and there are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of videos look at this playlist these are all videos from this New York house uh and in every phase fan hearkens back to these times and it seems like this is what banks wants to go back to or at least the core of it is a group of friends who will game together who are all trying to lift faas together and be greater than the sum of their parts which makes sense to me on the surface but does raise some questions about some different actions that FaZe has taken recently because after cutting those 17 or so people who were considered corpo or not you know the right five they instantly started reigning people or I should say signing new people starting with Max the signing was announced yesterday right what is the point and and this is just a four-minute announcement video we won't watch the whole thing but you get the idea he was signed on to be a part of phase you can't do that here we could just use this fat bag of bread I brought with his fat bag of bread that he brought you get the idea that's not the only one though they signed someone else today silky season was also signed uh he is a new member of FaZe uh and FaZe Banks tweeted out 204 implying that there are two more people who are going to be signed and I found this tweet randomly all right this is a little bit of a journalism hat take it for what you will I am not saying this is true I do not have any Insider information but this did come out before the uh the silky signing was announced and it said the next signings are also going to be Jason the ween and Lacy which basically means they're about to sign four like just chatting streamers for people who are like pretty funny who I don't think are like very closely associated with FaZe but maybe it's Banks spotting some talent and he wants to rise with that Talent together and and and two Banks discredit if this is going to happen if he's going to pull this off and he is going to make phase big again all right uh it is going to happen because I think of one of his skills which is Talent acquisition all right and I don't say this lightly I actually do believe Banks has a good eye of picking up uh you know new talent in the streaming scene and and adding them to the squad so I think that can work now the two things that I do worry about are one phases troubled reputation uh you know know they're they they do want to go back to 2016 but you can't like ignore the past 10 years they' [ __ ] up a lot of [ __ ] along the way it's going to be hard to build trust back there and then two his seemingly obsession with crypto now I don't [ __ ] uh get involved with crypto to me crypto is mostly a Battlegrounds for scams uh and trying to Swindle people into pumping and dumping that's that's most of the value I've seen or nfts that I think are ugly but he is a big believer in it and it feels like there are some signs that he might try to have some sort of web 3 involving with with uh FaZe I don't know how the [ __ ] it'll work we'll see I think that's that's one risk that's another concern uh but maybe a positive sign is all the faas news is getting clicks it's getting eyeballs there were four videos made about the phase cuts and and uh and keeps and they're all are are like trending number three trending number 12 trending number 35 trending number 46 trending now of course it's drama drama Trends people click on videos about drama we'll see if the views sustain and create like an actual hardcore fan base uh but but that's where we are right now face Banks making the calls uh game square is the majority owner for now uh two more signings are expected to come possibly the people that were leaked in that tweet and maybe in a year from now they're in a better spot at least their stock can't go any lower anyway thank you for watching we'll see I'll keep you updated in a video probably here from now goodbye see you later goodbye now goodbye see you later goodbye
Channel: Mogul Mail
Views: 888,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ahgren, stream, weekly slap, jschlatt, story time, twitch, live, mogul, mail
Id: 8FpFGApxq4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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