When the YouTube Comments Are Actually Good

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I got a haircut but I'm still pissed off you know why cuz I hop on twitter.com this morning and I see this insane video clip and I thought that's absurd that with an absurd amount of piss what what is this movie what is this where is this dance battle from I've never seen this film before so as a normal human I scroll down to the comment section to take a look and I see young Donald Trump rocking the dance moves and then I scroll and I see this iconic dance from Step Up and then I see 1983 Michael Jackson performance and a bunch of [ __ ] man because Elon Musk ruined his website and now only blue checks will be promoted to the top of replies and blue checks only care about getting more Impressions so they can get a little more skrilla I think half of these accounts are botted anyway so I hopped over another social media site Instagram and I saw that the the Celtics beat the the Warriors by 50 points I was like wow so I scroll through the comments here and it's just a bunch of dumb Steph's wife must be cheating again Steph over Steph still got a ring still got a ring up and it's just a bunch of random ass comments with like two likes on it that I don't know why the hell I'm reading they just feel randomly promoted to me doesn't even feel like a goddamn conversation all right then I go over to Reddit I go to Reddit and I see my ass on Reddit and in a banana costume on Mi IRL I can only dream of being this cool and immediately I go to the cuz I'm like what is the discourse here and I have to deal with [ __ ] Reddit discourse which is what's cool about it it's quite appealing LOL going down a slippery slope I use bananas to pleasure myself that was a weird comment by a weird person and and then I and then I and I come home I come back home here to YouTube where I get to talk to you guys and I posted a YouTube short and so I clicked on on the comments because it was about how I finally was able to hit one of my goals of benching 225 PBS and and the comments are a dude look at this impressive your videos are always high quality why is your coochie on fire what would be a perfect night at a modern circus show comment sections are [ __ ] man they're [ __ ] they're ruined they are horrible horrible comment sections I hate them they make me upset but today we had a bright spot because I believe comment sections might have been saved by hamburger yum yum because I think for the first time in recorded YouTube history the commenter was not only right but saved a YouTuber of course if you know what I'm talking about I have to introduce you to the Horizon a Minecraft Youtuber whose General stick is going on unfair payto win Minecraft servers sometimes set up by creators or just people trying to scam kids out of money and making the lives of the server hosts a little bit worse and so he just tries to craft it or crash it like like he did here I have to do is turn on the auto clicker here we go this is crazy by the way uh him shaking the cursor back and forth after just a minute chat began noticing the leg is creating lag server wide and ended up taking down the server for like about four hours which which crazy and it's a very popular video has 5 million views one other thing you should know about the Horizon is that uh he does not upload a lot uh like Michael Reeves doesn't upload a lot uh and you know I don't blame the guy he's still in school it's pretty hard to juggle school and also being YouTuber and then also doing projects that are big enough that it's 50-minute videos because you know it takes a lot of work to to figure out how to crash server whatever whatever whatever okay you get the idea and one of his devout fans hamburger young yum 7491 says Horizon why are you edging us when will it come out Lobster I'm tired good night and the Horizon to his credit very good at responding to his viewers says when I figure out acidbase titration never probably in a few weeks maybe when I can wrap it up in spring break and then hamburger yum yum drops a bomb I mean an absolute bomb that describes what acidbase titration is okay take your time of course let me offer some assistance though I know this extremely well I've did acid based tiation in the past and I got to know how it works in all it's really simple and I'll explain it to you and explain he did I've read through all of this I've been out of school for 10 goddamn years we are not done yet here is the second part of it and this guy goes so [ __ ] in depth that I think even I kind of understand what acidbase uh TR titration is okay and and just to prove it I'm going to try to distill it right now acidbase titration is basically trying to figure out how uh acidic or basic something is and the way you do that is you take a solution uh that you trying to figure out how acidic or basic it is 0 to 6 is acid 8 to 14 is basic seven is neutral and then you take something you know how acidic or basic it is the the titrate if you will so you have the analyte the thing you're analyzing the titrate and then you add a bit of the titrate to the analyte and you keep adding it and adding it and adding it until it changes color I don't really [ __ ] know why it changes color but at some point it changes color and how much liquid you had to put in is kind of how you figure out how how acidic or basic B it is I think I think that's the idea and then you have this little formula Cal V * C / mix minus V okay I yeah I'm a little bit tapped out but I read it all and I was like damn and and for a second I was like maybe this just [ __ ] maybe this is just a a little chat GPT because that's what everybody's doing now days right but it's not because look at this sentence right here all right uh basicity of a solution on a scale of 0 to 14 0 to 6 Is acidity seven is neutral 8 to 14 is alkalinity or basicity I know LOL it seems odd because you would think acidity would be higher up in the scale but no LOL By the way a Bas is an alkaline which have a o at the end I agree I would have thought acidity was higher but but but no but no it's not that way for for some reason uh so anyway that that that's it and then he wraps it up and he says does this all make sense Horizon I really tried to explain it thoroughly and easy reread it a bit I hope you can now make the video faster he did literally all of that just so his favorite YouTube video would make a YouTube video faster and we have the good ending cuz the Horizon saw this message said oh my God I now feel the urge to furiously make out with you thank you lamu exactly that smiley face I don't know what that meant I just really like science and all I hope it makes sense focus on school and your personal life first of course what what a [ __ ] what a sweet what an amazing commenter hamburger yum yum 7491 single-handedly saving comments on this internet making me feel a little better okay and I'm going to end this video with one more thing click up I just found out you can read comments on YouTube TV and you highlight this block you got click the little block thing enter and then when you do you can read the description and read comments and then even in the comments you can you can read like replies to comments I never knew this maybe this is me proving I'm a boomer I'm going to end the video before a minutes so there's no mid rolls but I thought that was cute anyway have a good day see you later goodbye let's fix the comment section on YouTube [ __ ] fix the comments fix the comments Neil I'm getting upset man I'm gonna use your personal cell I'm gonna whip it out I want to do this but I'm getting mad
Channel: Mogul Mail
Views: 757,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ahgren, stream, weekly slap, jschlatt, story time, twitch, live, mogul, mail
Id: 2FRF1tBukws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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