Addons YOU NEED For Phase 2 | Season of Discovery

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what's going on guys and welcome back to another video we're just a few days away from Phase 2 of season of Discovery launching and I think I need to share with you guys some add-ons that you definitely need going into phase 2 these add-ons will make your life easier and simply just enhance your gameplay now some of these are more important than others and I'm going to let you decide on that but without further Ado guys let's Dive In my fire be all right so the first add-on I want to talk to you guys about is an add-on called what's training and basically what this add-on is is if you open up your Spellbook you'll have this tab down here under your runes tab called what can I train and basically this is going to allow you to look at every single spell that you can train all the way up to level 60 and then at the bottom it will also show you spells that are just from talents right so if we go into our Fury tree here bloodthirst is only a spell that we can train if we are specked into Fury and have a talent point in here um so that's why it's under this missing required talents section but other than that it's pretty great because we're going to be leveling up to 40 right and you're going to want to see if it's worth it to head back to town to train your abilities um let's say you hit Level 36 now you know at level 36 you're unlocking Whirlwind on your Warrior so that is definitely worth heading back to town to pick up so I think this is a really nice quality of life at again it's called what's training um I was using this in hardcore and it was really helpful it helps you save time because sometimes it's not worth going back if you're just getting like a new rank of hamstring obviously that's not going to make your leveling a little bit easier um so why would you you know take 20 30 minutes out of your time to head back to a city and then get back to your questing spot so the next add-on I want to talk to you guys about well it's actually two add-ons that I kind of use in conjunction with each other that would be character stats classic and extended character sheet and what these add-ons do is basically give you these little drop downs right here on your character panel like let's say I want to look at just my defensive stats I can click the drop down go to defensive and it will show me that here if I want to look at my range stats I can check that right here if I want to look at my spell stats right here obviously I'm on a warrior so there's nothing really here so I keep mine on base stats like so it shows me strength agility stamina Intel and spirit and then melee uh so that it shows me my attack power my attack speed with both weapons my crit chance my hit chance uh so that's what that does and then EXT ended character sheets you'll have this little button up top here I just leave mine open and when you open your character panel you'll get this extended character sheet right here and this basically gives you a ton of information like you can see your movement speed here this is all updated in real time when you open your character panel it'll give you your attack power your crit chance um your bonus hit chance right here your Miss percentage your Miss percentage on creatures or mobs three plus levels higher than you um your attack speed for your main and your offhand it's basically just a really really detailed version of your character stats like even your spell penetration and things like that would be here all of your spell powers and crit chances would be here as well if I was on like a mage or a warlock so I think these two kind of work really well together that's why I kind of put them in the same spot in this video but yeah character stats classic and extended character sheet the next add-on I want to talk to you guys about is going to be the lfg bulletin board this add-on is absolutely essential for forming groups it makes it so much easier that it's just pointless not to have it um so basically what this add-on is right here see this icon lfg bulletin board by the way I have all my uh mini map add-on buttons stored in this little folder right here which is called it's an add-on in itself and it's called mini map button button so bonus add-on for you there if you want to organize your mini map add-on buttons um so yeah we're going to open up lfg bulletin board here and basically what this add-on does is it scans the lfg chat or the looking for group Channel um and then categorizes it so that you can actually see it and these things will stay up right so if you're your chat's moving really fast and someone says looking for one Warrior for BFD um and you missed it you know you were grabbing a water and you come back if you go to the BFD section here it will stay there okay and if they refresh it and they need something else that'll pop up there as well so this is basically just filtering the chat and posting those here in a nice organized way and then you can even come into the settings of this right here so we're going to go into the lfg bulletin board we're going to go to vanilla filter and you can turn off dungeons that you don't want to see you can turn off tra chat you can turn off miscellaneous um and you can like let's say you're only looking for scarlet Monastery groups you can basically unselect all and then just only select the Scarlet Monastery groups and then if we go back into the lfg bulletin board if we refresh our UI it will only show us Scarlet Monastery none of this other stuff will be here for me right now I'm kind of leaving everything on uh simply because I don't really uh have a reason to turn any any of this off most people aren't looking for all of these but you know once you're level 60 or even once we're level 40 you're going to be seeing all of these dungeons leading all the way up to probably zul for rock maybe even Mardon in some cases uh so you may want to filter some of these out but yeah this add-on is essential and it helps with forming groups it helps you with joining groups uh it just makes it a lot easier the next add-on I want to talk to you guys about is going to be gathermate uh so this is a gathering add-on that helps with mining herbalism even helps you find chests so basically if you go out into the world right let's look at elwin Forest I have it set to only show me chests because I was farming way Lade Supply crates um so I can see every chest spawn on the map but if we go into the actual add-on itself if we go into gathermate and we go into filters herbalism mining treasure you can basically turn any of this on or off it'll show you every Mining Node it will show you every Treasure Chest you can turn off certain treasure chests you can have it show you giant clams uh you can pretty much you know tailor this to exactly what you want it to show you and then you can also have it show you on your mini map as well I have have this function disabled right now because it really does clutter your mini map when you're out there questing it's like so many nodes um but let's say you're a minor and you're looking strictly for iron ore you know come into the filters go to mining you could turn all of this stuff off and then only select like what you want to find right so we want Iron deposits because we're only looking for iron or maybe we want mithil deposits as well and now that will be the only thing showing up on your map so it's really helpful it's really nice and it gives you kind of like a guided path right so like if I was going out and farming waylaid supplies I would basically walk out of Stormwind I'd walk over here check this chest if it's there if I got a supply Crate I'd go backhanded in if it's not there I'd move on I'd go down here hit this chest if it's not there I'd keep walking this little route and it helps you save time and do things a little bit more efficiently especially with knowing that we're going to have whid supplies probably give us another Rune in this next coming phase so we're going to be wanting to farm those or even if like I said you're just a miner or an herbalist and you want to you know be be farming those nodes it'll show you every single node spawn in the area that you are and you can kind of make your own little route and go farming the next one again is a quality of life add-on this is going to be Atlas loot classic a lot of you may already know about this but you'd be really surprised at how many people don't uh so Atlas loot classic will be updated with the new loot probably about a you know 3 to four days after uh we have seen the neran loot in the raid um as you can see here you open it up and we're set to uh vanilla wow we're on Dungeons and raids and we're in the black fathom deeps 10 player raid right here can click through each boss you can check at what they drop you know look at the gear put it in the dressing room see all that kind of stuff it it they're going to update it probably within 3 to four days I would say um and you'll be able to see all the loot in nomer you'll be able to see all the updated loot in the dungeons like Scarlet Monastery because blizzard is revamping a lot of that gear and I'm sure as we see it as it starts dropping for people uh the team at Atlas loot will be updating the add-on so that you can actually click in there and you know take a look at the bosses and see what they drop um right now this this is still showing the old gear it is not updated as of yet but again when Phase 1 came out uh we were kind of I think it was about 5 to seven days actually it took for them to update Atlas loot uh with the correct and new gear but uh yeah very good to have you'll be able to take a look at all of these dungeons they're revamping so much of this gear so it's going to it's going to be a lot different than you remember so it's going to be worth it to have this add-on and basically check what these bosses drop and uh you know see what you're going for in that run another good one here is leatrix Maps now I basically cannot play WoW without leatrix maps and I did back in the day don't get me wrong but I'm so used to it now that it's awesome because basically when you're going to a new zone for the first time like we're going to be doing leveling up to level 40 let's say uh let's go to a zone that I know I haven't been to yet right Eastern plag lands I'm going to click into Eastern plag lands and basically I can see the entire map now if you don't have leatrix Maps this map would just you know be completely covered you wouldn't know where any of this stuff is but with with leatrix maps it kind of you know opens up the whole map you can see everything with this like dark bluish Hue uh let me go to a zone that I have been to so I can show you guys basically what it looks like as it opens up right so these zones that are light and look like a normal map I've been there I've walked this path I have not been to kinos or C rdge Valley as you can see they're like a darker blue um so it lightens up as you discover the areas and starts to look like a regular map but this is a huge quality of life um enhancement for anyone playing especially you know now we're going to be going into Zone like Wetlands maybe aroi Highlands um Hills Brad things like that alterac mountains you know you can actually see where you're going before you've even discovered the zone so to me that's a really nice quality of life feature from this add-on and then last but certainly not least especially on your leveling journey to 40 you're going to want to have auctionator uh so that you're out in the world you're looting items and you're going to want to check if they're worth anything uh before you vendor them to you know pay your repair cost so basically what you can do with auctionator is you can come to an Auctioneer it has the basic functions of like shopping selling buying so let's say I wanted to buy linen cloth right I could just search that in here it's going to show me linen cloth I can click on that item and it's going to show me all of this and let's say that I wanted to buy I don't know 60 linen cloth right I'm just going to do this to show you guys you can click chain bu and basically C keep hitting buy so it'll buy that one stack it'll buy that next one stack now it'll buy this 12 stack it's going to tell me hey the price increased by 55% do you want to continue yes I do I also want to buy that 20 stack there I hit it again so now it's telling me you purchased 34 linen cloths so it makes things uh makes it really easy to buy things fast um another thing that you can do with it is the selling tab is great you can basically click your items from here let's say I wanted to sell one Chrono Boon right I have a stack of four in my inventory I want to sell one stack of one and it's going to scan the auction house and basically give me a nice tiny undercut here to guarantee almost that it sells and then you just hit post so it listed one of my Chrono Boons out of my my stack of four and then one of the most useful features out of this and actually you know what let's sell this ornate spy glass as well these are they've been selling like crazy so let's sell that um another great feature of this is that you can come over to the cancelling Tab and make sure that no one has undercut you you can run an undercut scan which we're going to do right now it's going to scan and say no you haven't been undercut no you haven't been undercut because we just listed those obviously um but if you do want to cancel that from here you can literally just left click on the item and it will cancel that auction so that's a lot easier um and then you can come over to the auctionator tab and click this button here that says full scan and basically what this is going to do is it's going to scan every single auction on the auction house and basically store those prices so that now when you go out in the world right let's say we're out in the world and I just looted this lesser elixir of lesser agility potion as you can see when you're looking at the tool tip the vendor price it's showing me is 35 copper and the auction price is 36 silver Sil so you know that that is worth 36 silver now keep in mind this is not updated live it's only updated when you run that scan so I suggest anytime you're in town or you're going to go AFK run a scan because that'll give you the most accurate and up-to-date prices on items and then you can go back out questing knowing that all the values of these items in your inventory that you're picking up are accurate so that's pretty much it guys I just wanted to show you some of the add-ons that I simply cannot play without them and I figured that you guys really would enjoy them if you didn't know about them already some of you probably already and know about a lot of them but a lot of people don't know about some of these add-ons and they really do make playing the game that much easier and more enjoyable so I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did hit that like button it really does help me out and subscribe to the channel turn on those post notifications so you don't miss the next time we post a video and if you want to hang out with me live I stream on Twitch at hammerd Dan we are going to be live from launch probably all the way through the weekend with a few breaks here and there in between but we're going to be going pretty hard we're going to be live the entire time and it's going to be a lot of fun so so come hang out and if you want to join an awesome Discord Community full of like-minded people who all enjoy geeking out overseason of Discovery and classic wow we will welcome you with open arms link to the Discord in the description as well but anyways guys thank you all so much for watching and listening in I'll see you all in the next [Music] one [Music] oh
Channel: hammerdance
Views: 17,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best addons for classic wow, classic wow best addons, best addons for sod, best addons for season of discovery, season of discovery addons, addons, sod, season of discovery, classic wow, addon, best addons, som 2, world of warcraft, season of mastery 2, world of warcraft classic+, world of warcraft classic, wow classic, wow classic news, sod new featues, sod class changes, season of discovery wow, sod new dungeons, classic +, sod new raids, season of discovery changes
Id: tpFL6mRHC2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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