The First Blender 4.0 Exterior Archviz MASTERCLASS! | Guide

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[Music] hello everybody so I am purple today because I have new lights and I wanted to try them out I have a new camera too so hopefully I'm very clear and today we're going to do a master class it is going to be an exterior tutorial we've only had a few people ask me to do this because as you know if you follow follow imesh we have a lot of interior tutorials and they all do incredibly well and we incredibly well received uh so it's really good to finally do a proper exterior tutorial for you we have done an exterior tutorial before but it is just a cabin in the middle of middle of nowhere and the cabin is already built and it's not really useful for any kind of commercial project so this time we're going to go straight from the floor plans all the way up to a building the scenery the lighting final post-processing until we have a finished piece now you might be wondering why I've put this off for so long and that is because if you're going to do an interior generally there's going to be four walls a floor maybe a balcony or some Garden in the background um but generally is going to be the same the only thing that's going to change is going to be the interior design style but when it comes to an exterior render that is vast it could be anything you could have a skyrise building skyscrapers apartment buildings to a little prefab house to to a house in the countryside a house in the city house on a street it depending on where it is is going to require different skills so I never really knew where to start I just I just put it off and put it off because I just thought well I don't know where to start I don't know what is the right way to start but just doing one and just starting is the best way to start so I am starting so I decided to choose this kind of style and this is a very popular style right now and I thought that could be a great step into starting the exterior tutorials cuz this will be great for a portfolio piece and there's a lot of Concepts that you'll need for a lot of exterior renders which will be covered in this one there will of course be other concepts for other styles of exterior renders and I'm hoping that this one if it's well received I can then do other types of exteriors going forwards but this one I'm super excited for I think the final render is going to look great and I think that you'll be very happy with it I'm going to cover everything from going from floor plans to modeling this building to adding the environment the background the sky clouds and the lighting to postprocessing and the final presentation so there's going to be a lot covered inside this one tutorial and just like my previous Master Class it's going to be two about two 3 hours I imagine it's going to be quite long but for what we're doing is quite short so there will be Concepts which I might Breeze over and there might be ways in which I approach something which you might approach differently but I don't have time to go over every individual way of approaching a certain way of doing things so if I model the building which might be quite unique to a lot of people if you don't like that way I unfortunately don't have enough time to approach it in a different way in the same tutorial so if this video is well received I might actually make this into a full course where it's much longer I can go over every Concept in each module and it just depends if you guys if that's what you guys want but just by that nature I'll expect you to have some basic knowledge in blender I will have my my screencast Keys available so you will be able to see what I am pressing and I will try to explain what I'm doing and why I'm doing it so you can take those Concepts going forwards so what do we need to complete this render so I'll be using blender 4.0 for this this isn't the official final release version just yet I think the latest one is 3.6 but I will be using 4.0 because that will be released in a few months and I want to Future proof this project so if people in a few months pick up this project it'll it'll make more sense to them because the bus and layouts might be a bit different such as the principal Shader is getting a full rework so things might be different so I'm going to use 4.0 for this but do expect that my version because it's not the final release version there might be a few tweaks here and there so buttons might in a slightly different place to where you're expecting them to be so just bear that in mind but in general 4.0 I think is a great place to start because it's it's having such a big rework all over the board so your renders will look more realistic and everything will just look much better so I'm going to use 4.0 the other thing I'll be using is Photoshop now you I believe you can do this in Affinity photo and that one is much cheaper than Photoshop I think it has most of the tools but I am a Photoshop lover I've used Photoshop forever so I will be using Photoshop if you want to use Photoshop I'm sure that there's a free trial you can get or you can just PCH purchase it just for one month which I think if you just get Photoshop it's not too too bad if you just do it uh just to learn some Basics uh it could be worth doing I'll be using that to finish off the project if you're not doing post- production to your renders you're missing out hugely so please get some form of postprocessing the next tool is going to be Imes now we are Imes and we are an architectural visualization library and we have almost approaching 2,000 assets now so we'll be using just that for this project exterior renders usually require quite a lot of assets so you might need a lot of exterior packs such as quickel and mega scans but everything that we need will be available on Imes and right now we have a sale 50% off and we only do a 50% off once a year and that is actually for Black Friday so you'll be able to get almost 2,000 assets for $75 which is actually insane you can't really get better value for that we get so many people telling us that we are the best Library Online uh our quality is incredible we've managed to get so many people into Arvis and they now make money through Arvis check out our Discord there's many people who use Imes um and they have so many clients and they're posting all their projects it's just amazing to see so I if you're looking to get into arvz this is now the time to do it um if you were to buy each individual asset separately like any other Marketplace for about $5 to $7 each this will cost you about $122,000 so you can get that for now for $75 so I hope you can see the value in this we try to release 30 new assets per month so and we've done that for the last 4 years so if you sign up now and you stay subscribed by the end of the year you'll have an additional 360 assets is that right an additional 360 assets by the end and every time we try to release more and more and more stuff so we releas recently released an incredible floor generator which is one of the first available for blender and it's incredibly well received as well it's just one of the best floor generators available so happy with it we were so happy when geometry nodes allowed us to do this because this is something which we wanted to do and we didn't want to use it make another add-on for it so this is now built into blender which is incredible release we release some fences we're releasing uh decorative sets everything to help you in your Aris projects uh is what we strive to do to generally to make you money so I think that $75 is probably one of the best investments you'll make all year okay so let's just jump straight in okay so what we have here is going to be the floor plan so we have the the top floor the bottom floor we have the front we have the right we have the left and we have the rear so I going to give you this file and it's going to come with all the flaw um available just like this I've already laid them out when you import the file originally uh it's probably going to be a DWG from the customer and you'll need to convert that there's tons of online converters which will convert it to a dxf then you just need to go to edit preferences and enable a dxf and then you can import the dxfs and usually when they import they're just going to be all flat just like this uh all laid out um flat but what you can do is separate each part uh join all the pieces together and then lay them directly over each other so let's say you have this one over here and you want it to by this corner to be directly overlaid over here turn on snapping with shift Tab and make sure you have active selected go into edit mode select deselect then select the one you want and then you can just move that over directly so now you know that it's going to be directly overlaid over this floor um but I already had that in place so I'm going put that back cuz then once that's in place you want to make sure that it's also then on the correct plane so that's what I've got here so I have laid these all out ready for you um so what we're going to do now is start making the floors now with this is going to be this is the actual PDF and this has a bit more information which blender can't show so these checkered lines show that that is going to be the wall on top and the the black lines are going to be the floor that that we're working on and there's a few bits of other information which is going to be super helpful so we're going to be flicking between the two um to make sure that we've got all the information that we need okay and then the next part we're going to discuss is I'm going to model this in quite a particular way which I find to work best it means it I find it a lot easier to break it down in my head how you're going to model all these intricate bit bits and pieces cuz if you think if you model this bit that goes up then it goes left where would the window go so I'm going to break this out into four separate parts so what we have here is the bottom floor as one part we have this section which is going to be the second part we have this floor which going to be the third part and then the top which is going to be the fourth part so I'm going to lay out each part separately and then we're going to find a way to join them together and then we're going to import the indoor areas and work from there this workflow is a little bit different to what other people do but I really find it quite intuitive once you get the hang of it and I find it easier to to scale to bigger and bigger bigger buildings if you find you would prefer to model this in another way then feel free you have the floor plans so go ahead and just make the floor plan how you prefer but I do recommend giving my way a shot because you might find you actually quite like this right so the first thing I'm going to do is hide the top one and then we're going to work on the bottom floor so the first thing you want to do is go to edit preferences and make sure you have extra objects enabled just take them on and make sure you save preferences and then what I'm going to do is just go into edit mode for this one shift s cursor selected and then just do shift a mesh add single vert add single vert make sure you press one to make sure that you have vertex mode selected and then what we're going to do is just press e and extrude so we get to this point and there are multiple lines here and we don't really know where the wall is going to end so if I go over to here we can try to look at this one to see if it makes more sense and this is that actual edge here and we can see that this bit is actually a dotted line so that's referring to the the the wall above so we only need to care about this gray line which goes across here goes down into the window goes along this window this window and then we get to this door section which again goes up so all this other information we can ignore so what we're going to do is go across here just press e just follow this along and go to here this window I'm actually going to ignore this whole thing because we don't need this window here there's also a mistake from the architect where the thing are not quite aligned so when you're when you're snapping it make sure you snap to the right area but I didn't like that window in general so I'm going to just leave that out um and then what I'm going to do for each for each window and each door section I'm just adding a Vertex so that we that will be useful later actually need to add another one here let's just drop one there okay and one on the outside of the doors and then I'm just going to go across to here and one there's window here and then we get to another section we don't really know what's going on here so let's just check the PDF okay so this is actually a dotted line so that's referring to the wall above and that goes all the way across so we just need to care about going across this window and down and then out so let's do that let's just snap to here now there's a tiny tiny ledge here of 05 M I'm just going to bring this up a little bit further so it's a little bit easier to see where the window should start cuz I don't think that should be there U I'm just going to extrude that out add another Point here Point here and again here this could easily get snapped to the wrong part so just be aware of that this is quite common with Architects not always do the lines quite align so just be sure that it's always snapping to the right place okay now what we have here is this will be covered with wall paneling um and I don't quite like this area here the architect added it but I don't quite like this section so I'm just going to ignore it but so but I'm just going to bring this out a little bit further I do want there to be a little inser cuz then the wall paneling can go in here but I'm just going to go straight to the window just ignore this bit but you can add it in if you really want to and there we go we have the first floor so what I'm going to do is go to the front view select everything and just bring it down to the this part which is probably going to be the bit that goes underground a little bit press e to extrude that on the Zed axis and then that looks good and then I want to extrude that up and if you look at the top left corner it says 3 m and we can check if that's correct over here and we can see here that this is 3 m High here and that is correct so that is going to be the first section the next section is going to be this part so what I'm going to do is just duplicate that and then separate it so this SE section because this is going to be the bit that overhangs that will be referring to the actual dotted line sections here so what we need to do is edit that section so that it fits into this part so let's start over here uh that was the first bit which we saw let's just delete all these vertices and we know that this goes to here cuz this is now a dotted line dotted line goes right along to the end so let's just bring that up here and then just bring this all the way across to here let's delete all these ones and there we go we now have that section which goes across like that and we need to fix this bit two which also goes just straight across here so we don't need any of these vertices and then we could just bring this across like this okay and then that is basically done so what I'm going to do now is actually just scale that s z0 to scale that in the Zed axis snap that to the top and then we need to extrude that on the Zed AIS by8 we can check that here this says that that part is specifically 8 so that is that part done the next part is going to be the second floor so if we unhide and go to this part and then we're going to go into local mode and we can just do the same for this one so let's just have a look at the the plan and we have we need to follow this gray bit that goes all the way along and these parts this white part is going to be referring to the bit that's just below uh so we've already created this part so we can ignore that but there might need to be a bit of an inser later if we're going to see it the same for this part we can just ignore that for now we just want to go right across here inser just follow this whole part along so let's add another vertex put that here and then let go to the windows just get the edge of the windows this will make a bit more sense later once I do that right so this is the part which can be ignored cuz that's this piece let's just go straight down to the window and straight to this window and go to this Edge is that SN to the right part yes and then we want to go across here cuz this is this part and go straight down by the windows so let's go across here straight across down to here and to here and then we are oops then we are done so we have this part done now let's if we go out of here and we can go to the front view and we can then see how high this should be so let's just ezed that and it says 2.21 but I think that's actually me to be just 2.2 2.2 2 2.2 M High I think there might be some slight snapping issue there so let's just do that and we can check that here that says that this is going to be 2.2 so that's going from this top ledge to this top ledge which is 2. two and then what we left with is just the top part so let's duplicate that again separate that grab that part and then what we want to do is have a look at at where this needs to go now the only part that's going to overhang on this section is going to be this top part cuz this part is because this part is okay so now we have this top section what we need to do is just check this and we can see that the only cutout in this top section is going to be here here on the back wall it's going to be totally flat totally flat and from here it's totally flat except for this cutout and this piece so everything here is going to be fine except for up until about here so I'm going to delete all of these vertices and then work from here so if I now extrude this out and extrude and then connect these two we then have that section so let's again e z and8 cuz this one is also 8 high and then we can just press F and then we have that face that's filled in actually I'm not going to fill that in just now so we can see inside it while we work on the next sections so you may be thinking that these are not connected and they are not and how can we unwrap this and we don't actually need to connect them if we don't want to we can join them but we don't necessarily need to connect them so the vertices are perfectly overlapping each other which means that even if we had a bevel or anything like like this let's just um do a shift n to make sure that the normals facing the right way we can add any bevel and it will always work perfectly and you won't be able to see that these bits are not connected but you might be thinking that how do you unwrap something like this then well I've done a lot of aravis in 3D Studio Max and in 3D Studio Max which is kind of the industry standard for aravis well maybe not anymore they have a thing called UV box unwrap and that means that you can project a box onto any object in and it will wrap perfectly which is obviously great for Arc viz so I've created another I've created a material here which has a box unwrap which I'll go into a little bit more detail later but we basically have an image texture set to box and then we have it generated so if I go to render preview we can see that it aligns perfectly so if I move this out of the way it's just trying to create a box around the whole object but because these vertices are are perfectly aligned you'll never be able to see that the UVS are not correct so the texture will flow perfectly over the object and you'll never know that these pieces are not connected so for now I'm just going to leave them disconnected I'm not going to join them together because it's not necessary we will also create lots of Eng gons during during this method but this won't be used any in any game engines and in general the object won't be twisted or turned so end gon are not very bad end gon are actually not bad at all in certain use cases hard surface modelers for example they often have Eng gon but it's just a common common misconception that you always need to have quads but that's just not true so we'll be using Eng gon for this project okay so let's move on let's work on the next sections so the next section I'm going to work on is going to be filling in these spaces here so this is going to be the floor this is going to be the ceiling and this is also going to be a ceiling and there's going to be one over here as well so to do that I'm going to work with these Center parts and and to do that what I'm going to do is Select select uh let's go into let's actually just separate these out okay I'm going to select this vertex press e and extrude and then just follow this Edge along it's be hard to see what's going on here okay then I'm going to select all of these edges here oops and deselect these ones and then press F now we have a floor so I'm going to do the same thing here let's just extrude this along here and this will all make sense a little bit later once and it will all just somehow magically all work together so let's just select again select these edges sometimes Edge select just doesn't [Music] work okay there we go and then just deselect these and select this one as well [Music] and fill that in so now we have a ceiling we have a floor and let's do the same thing for over here let's just select these ones F and then do the same thing for this one so I'm just going to um extrude this [Music] along [Music] and fill that in okay there we go I'm just going to do merge by distance just in case I missed any and there we go so actually we can just fill this in while we're here and then we have everything done but I will delete this floor cuz I will want to see inside I think okay great so now we need to work on the interiors and then cut out the windows right then so to make the interior floor I'm just going to select this piece and going to local View and then what I can do is I'm not sure what this media pause play is saying uh so what I'm going to do is actually just add another vertex mesh add vertex go press one and just snap that to here then I'm going to follow the whole interior let's just go to the edge of these doors like this and press F and then just duplicate this piece and then just go around as well we're going to go around all the windows and doors again just snap into the edge of these windows and then to the edges here make sure we leaving a Vertex at the edge of each window and at the edge of each door okay and go all the way around like so okay there's some some double points here again so let's just actually we need to bring that into this one just be careful with the snapping I'm going to ignore this window cuz I don't want to have the window in the final piece uh okay that was a creative decision by the architect which I thought looked nice but then once I finished the actual render you can see straight through the house which I didn't quite like so anyway let's let's keep doing these [Music] rooms okay and then the final one [Music] oh and one more room so let's just uh duplicate that and bring over here [Music] okay there we go so now we need to figure out how high this room is so if we check out this floor plan what we can see here is that the interior is going to be so I believe it's to this line here so I think that's to uh 3.05 M so that'll go from the base floor to this dotted line here which I believe is the ceiling so I'm going to do e z 3.05 M and then we have the interior wall okay now what I'm going to do is add the doors and the windows and then we can merge that into the exterior section okay so let's add a loop cut here we don't actually have a section with these floor plans and a section is where it cuts through straight through the building so you can see where all the doors and windows how high they should be and it's very helpful but we haven't been supplied that by the architect so I'm just going to guess but we won't see the interior anyway so it's not doesn't matter so much as long as it looks about right but that is information that you should ask your architect that is information you should ask your architect if uh if you are missing that information so what I'm doing here is selecting both two doors and then I'm going to do bridge face and then we have the door we're going to do the same for all of the [Music] doors okay there we go and now now what I'm going to do is cut out the windows so let's go top view actually let's uh go bring back this floor plan so we can see what's going on okay so what we have here is a window and we should probably find out how high the window is so if I go to the elevation we can see that this window which is this one sorry I already I've already looked at this plans quite a lot so I know which Windows which but this is this side of the building and it's this one and it starts at 0.5 M off the off the ground so let's just add a loop here actually to keep this clean I'm just going to add a cut across here cuz like I said we're going to going to have Eng gons do s z0 gz and then gz .5 right and then this part is going to be 2.45 M tall so let's use this Loop gz 2.45 and then we have that to be honest we could have done the same for the doors with the cuts but never mind we got that oops so let's select this window and press e to extrude it this long all right now let's do the same for these windows let's extrude these out I'm actually going to bring in this one as well so that I can see when it's overlapping cuz that's quite important just going to hide just going to select these right so now we have the interior section we have the exterior section and the floor plan but what I what I need to happen is that it needs to overlap like this because that will help us a little bit later with making the cuts so let's like this one and just check that we this is going to be overlapping like that right this one is going to be this section and that needs to extrude to here is that right that is right and then this one needs to also extrude to here that should also be overlapping perfect now I know there's a window here as well but this window is a little bit different and that is this one which is 1.35 M off the ground so I I actually forgot to do the loop Cuts here so let's add a couple loops and okay and then let's just do a quick cut across here s s z0 oopsie s z0 and then we want that to be 1.35 gz 1.35 g z and that needs to be 1.65 G said 1.65 okay and then I need to extrude that out and I'm just going to extrude that to here right then that's looking very beautiful and glitchy so that's just what we want now we have the front door which is this one so that will also extrude to here and then we have this side window which actually I need another loop cut let's just move this one up this will actually be also to the height of here so let's just do that and then we can actually need another loop here because the end of the window actually stops here so I forgot to add a loop let's just do the loop here then we can extrude this one out there we go and then we can do the same for this one needs to be extruded out and that is also nice and glitchy okay great so now we have the windows so we can just delete these actually let's keep these let's keep these selected for now and then we go into the exterior and let's delete them together so we need to actually move this one up because then we can work on each face together then we know what's going on this actually this is actually a missing piece so let's just e z cuz this is a very specific window let's just bring that up like that okay okay and then let's select them both again then let's select these faces okay there's another window hole so I was going to do this with Bine and it should work but blenders for some reason I always struggle with it just never seems to work how I want it to okay so that's that [Music] one all right oh this one actually needs to have this actually should stop here as well so let's just delete that face like that there we go and we got some we got some funky faes going on here but it doesn't matter because we won't see it and Eng gons and all this stuff doesn't matter and this is going to be this part let's just bring this [Music] up and if you don't like these edges you can actually just select everything and press X and click limited dissolve then it will remove all these unnecessary faces that look quite ugly but I'm just going to leave them in for now because we might need some of these Loops later to make it a bit easier to cut out some windows so that's looking great you might think this looks like very strange and wrong um but it's actually right because if we come out and then just press this we can see that because we've already added this top level it fits perfectly to here and then we go then it goes up to make these to make these inside sections so we're actually going to fill in these top bits and then we can see if there's any bits we need to fix so let's just uh go into this mode just select all these top faces and so this should be 5 cm higher than the rest okay so that's good and we can see that yeah this this wall maybe needs to come up just a little bit like this to make the edge of this window and this one too okay so that looks good we now have Windows on every side and that's looking great I'm just going to add the floor now and this is quite a fun to do it's quite satisfying there we go we have floor right and we can actually walk around the house if we want to so if we do press shift F or I think I've assigned that myself uh view navigation walk navigation you can press shift F and press Tab and you can actually walk around so we're going to each room see how things look very lovely very lovely and then go around to oops fell out the room okay so that's fine now I'm going work on the flooor [Music] above okay so it's the same process so what I'm going to do here is just add a mesh oops a add mesh add single V and just going to snap that to here and then I'm just going to do the same thing go to each window go around each room go to the edge of each door and go like this so this I imagine should have been a window but it's actually just going to be these panelings here uh so there's only one small window in this whole bedroom which might be a bit sad but never mind so let's just uh do this [Music] oh okie dokie oh that's uh funny there's a something to snap to here okay and I'm going to go down to this one this one and and connect right now I just need to do the same thing for the next few rooms extrude extrude extrude extrude extrude and this is going to be the start of this door which is going to be quite small Edge probably don't even need that cuz actually I'm just going to go to here because this is this whole section is going to be filled in by the window okay and these stairs I'm going to ignore as well cuz I'm not going to add the stairs in this one we're not going to see the inside and I don't really have time to go over that in this tutorial so let's just leave that blank if you wanted to add it then feel free and probably actually can do a tutorial for that let's just go around round [Music] round okay oh that needs to go there and then there is this inside section which I think is meant to be where some light will come in from the roof above so imagine the top part of the roof will have a hole and then that's when this window will be able to look out to that hole we won't see that in any of the renders so I'm just going to leave that [Music] out so this is going to be a step actually um but I'm just going to uh just make sure I leave a Vertex there so there's something to use if we need to but I'm just going to go around and I probably won't add the step okay again we don't have the section that cuts through the plans so we can't see how big the step is I don't think there's any information uh but we'll have a look in a second okay we have all the walls created so let's find out how high this should be so if I actually select if I actually if I go to here let's have a look so I believe so the architect has told me that these lines refer to the top of the floor the top of the ground floor and the bottom of the top floor so this is where the flooring is for this floor but the problem is is that this is the balcony so oh iag so I imagine that the balcony will be inset down here yeah so the balcony will be like will start about here and then go up to the edge of the balcony which might which will be this section so this step might be like 15 CM then this might then this might be another 15 cm so that'll be 30 in total but this I think I'm just going to I think I'm just going to move this down to like this level and then just make this completely flat there'll be about there will be a railing anyway but that is a question to ask the architect and you'll have a section that goes through usually so you better check that but just for this tutorial I'm just going to go just going to go from about here so if I select what I've just created which will be this uh which will be this section I'm going to go to the front view and I'm just going to bring that down gz minus .15 minus so that's 15 cm down but then I can see that there is actually this this floor is actually 2.8 M tall until it hits the ceiling so if we do e EZ 2.8 we can put that here and then I think that should be fine and then that will be then there is actually a step here which will be which we can add if we need to but I think that but I think that's fine so that is going to be the interior I've actually forgot to do this wall this ceiling so let's just go into here and just extrude these out [Music] fill that in okay so now we have uh this interior wall so let's grab this one and the outside wall and then we can just try to add the doors and then add the windows and then cut them out just like we did in the bottom one oh I need should probably should probably grab the floor [Music] plan [Music] okay so like before the floor the the doors are probably going to be about 2 m up so let's do gz2 and then we can then do the same for actually do the same for all of [Music] them let's just do uh sz0 to make sure they're on the same level and then and then we can do the same thing gz2 and then we can merge these Bridge faces and we can do shift R to copy the action okay so we have all the doors done so now what we want to do is the window holes so let's go top view and let's have a look here so my understanding is that these windows will be on on the exact top level of so where we where we've done that cut where this section is8 M tall the windows will stop just here so I believe that is the same case here yes so all these windows on the top level will stop just at the top level here so I'm going to add some Loop cuts to all of these we probably can just do these sing Single Cuts like I did before but um I found this might be a little bit quicker just for this tutorial let's bring it down so it's exactly in level with this and then we can start do some cuts for the [Music] windows I also need to probably do the lower levels but [Music] we which we can do here so that will also start right at the bottom so we can just snap that to the bottom here right so let's just do some Extrusion extruding and just do these for these ones and we'll cut those out in a second let's do this one these windows here sorry I have already done this a couple of times so I do know where all the windows are but you just want to you just want to double check against it against the floor plans to make sure that you are doing the right bits okay now we have the windows so I'm going to select this one I believe that is the window and I want to just uh extrude that out okay and the same for this one as well oh I need to do actually add a loop cut here to make sure that this is going to be extruding out there we go and there's not any Windows here so now we can start doing some cutting so let's select both of them at the same time delete the face delete these two faces and same here and we can do the same here oky dokie and a couple more we go there is actually a window here but you won't even see that one that was right in the back of the building so I'm just going to leave that to oh I actually did cut it never mind so let's uh let's just see how this is looking and we have all these outdoor sections so let's just see if that all aligns nicely which it should do there we go so we have this section so this room goes up cuz it actually the room stops a little bit higher actually because that one is 2.8 and I actually made this a little bit higher than it should be because I actually went down by 1.5 I went down by 0.15 instead of this much so that's actually made that a bit taller but that doesn't matter let's just keep that as it is um okay so now I'm just going to quickly fill in these top roof sections and also give it a floor okay and as this is okay there's a little bit of Gap here so let's just I just found that there's these vertices are not actually aligned so let's just scale these on the Zero Z exis and then snap those there okay great so this is now looking pretty good we have the interior for all the walls and and all the windows are now cut out so now what I'm going to do is actually if I join everything together I can then add a bevel to everything so let's just make these one object and then turn on the bevel now we might not see anything cuz there are might be some bits which blender is going to be creating the Eng gon with a very strange triangle so that's pretty easy to fix we can just go to a turn off clamp overlap and we're going to turn it right down anyway so 01 for example or 01 and that's looking good if you did want to smooth The Edge you can do Shad shade Auto smooth and then you can just make sure good shading and turn on hard and normals right now that's looking great so there might be some very small sections which might have some uh actually we might need to check the face orientation okay so let's just select everything do shift n and that's actually these ones need to be the other way around cuz they are Interiors so let's just do alt n flip and there we go so this is now looking great so the artifacts from the bevel are now fixed there might be some very small errors where we're doing a clamp overlap but in general that looks great and like I said we can do render preview with this material and it's all just working great we're not having any problems with uh any weird unwrapping we've not even unwrapped the whole object and yet it's working perfectly fine right so now we need to work on the Windows ah there is one piece which we need to actually do first and that is going to be adding this floor so what I'm going to do is going to add a new [Music] vert and then I'm going to work my way around here [Music] [Music] is [Music] okay then then for this next piece which is going to be like uh this whole section which okay I just realized that this whole piece is going to be all connected so let's just do this and I imagine okay and then let's add a cutout for the pool so I imagine this will be the cutout actual part and then the outer bit is going to be the frame okay and let's select everything uh let's actually let's just uh I'm just going to extrude this Center piece out I think there is actually there is actually I think there is actually a way to make that already cut out correctly but I'm just going to type in boen intersect that there we go okay so now let's add in the windows so what I'm going to do is I'm going to use ones from imesh you can use any Windows you like they also don't need to be as complicated cuz they going be quite far away from the wind quite far away from the camera anyway but for the ease for ease I'm just going to use pre-made ones so I'm going to go to architectural and I'm going to go to uh windows [Music] shoot and I believe that these these windows are actually two pieces so one piece two piece select select this one and then add that in now these are going to be too small so let's just make these bigger select all these top vertices and just drag this up to the top just so just so it overlaps a little bit okay and then let's rotate them and they're also going to be slightly too thick so let's just figure out where these can go so let's put these on this so there's a little lip here which I imagine be the start of the room let's put that there bring this over a little bit okay and then we can extrude this out so if you look on the bottom of this window there are actually some Bol uh some Wheels some Runners which if you really want to spend the time to add them all back in you can but I'm not going to bother let's just bring this over so these windows need to be um exactly the same widths so what I'm going to do [Music] is just bring this one over to this one something like here then I'm going to select both of them and then what I'm going to do is go over to here and just see where let's just hide this one and then if I go to where this is here that should be halfway this one I'm just bring over a little bit more all right let's unhide that then I can move this window open to open it a little bit whichever one you want maybe this one okay then let's copy this and move that to this [Music] window so I think these windows in general are too thick cuz they're overlapping here so let's just select let's just select these windows here and I'm going to go select do shift right click to bring the cursor here then I'm going to scale them in the Y AIS so that they don't completely overlap this bit all right let's do the same for this one now the customer should actually send you which Windows they actually want and then it should be a lot more precise but we won't really see it from this distance so it doesn't really matter let's bring this over here let's bring this frame in all these wheel Runner things are going to be left behind but never [Music] mind you could probably remove them actually uh let's just put that here let's just delete these okay and then I want to do select these windows and do the same again let's bring this over to let's see if we can see where it should be like here and then hide this and bring this one over again you can open one of these windows if you want to let's just bring this like here then we need some the same windows for the ones above so let's select this one and shift [Music] d okay let's bring these [Music] over [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] okay what we what we also have are some single single windows so what we can do is duplicate this this window and just add a single window if you wanted to or or you can just add uh one of these windows here CU there's one up here which is actually having a door as well which swings open so that's the exact same thing we have here so I'm going to add that in here and then see how that goes so let's drop this in okay this is again going to be on a little step let's just bring this up to like here R zus 90 and it's the wrong way cuz the door should be on the other side do doors usually open in Woods when they outside I don't know let's just bring this across uh actually that's object mirror object mirror and Y and then the door will be going in the right place but this door opens inwards and this would actually be a detail which a customer would like to be correct um so just be sure that you ask which way they go but it doesn't matter here let's just bring this across and bring this one up and then let's make sure that the door is in the right place so this is the door and this would swing open like that but this is the wrong way so it'll open this way if you really wanted to you can flip it around the other way uh but I I'm not going to do that for now because they don't have time right then let's bring this here okay now what I have is uh some single Windows like I mentioned earlier so I'm just going to duplicate this piece and I'm going to use this piece and then I'm going to add mirror and I'm going to uh just BCT that on the x-axis flip it and then bring that over like this then we have a single window so I'm going to apply that across like this and then I'm just going to fix these bits okay I'm going to Shifty that across I think that each window should generally be about the same size but these ones are not never mind let's bring this across now as you know this part should have a cutout where the roof goes down a little bit but you're not going to see it anyway and if this is if this is going to be a door going out to here it would be nice if this maybe had a balcony anyway but there isn't one um in the elevation so I'm just going to ignore that for now I'm going to copy this one bring that sound so the these window styles are actually different they are not going to be the same so like for example this has a plastic bit this B doesn't so if you are actually going to see these bits just make sure that everything is just the same but I already had this one ready so let's just keep using this one and it's going to be much taller right we have window oh one more left two more left three more more left all righty and then there's one last one over here so let's just duplicate this [Music] one there's actually some windows across here but I'm just going to leave them off for now because you're not going to see them and I don't really have time which is also something you should also prioritize what are you doing what is the customer asked for and do you have time for that are there some shortcuts you can take so let's just bring this in does that look okay from the inside yes right okay so we have a building uh let's add uh the doors I'm actually just going to add a couple of doors which we will see cuz we won't see them all let's go to doors and let's add this one in let's just drop this over the [Music] top and look at that they're almost perfect size let's just drop this in over here so there's a slight overlap make them a little bit taller okay we have a door Tada right so what I want to do now I think that is probably the only door I'll see maybe you'll see one of these ones up here so let's just bring this over here oh this door is not the same width as the door downstairs which is strange but never mind let's bring this across are they the same he okay let's duplicate this one bring that over there so what you want to do actually here is make sure the doors are going to be opening the right way uh which in this case this one is this one is not but doesn't matter we're not going to see it right then oh there's also going to be a door I think here which we will [Music] see oh I think it was actually me that I didn't do the doors the same width cuz I changed my tactic halfway through so I apologize to the architect for complaining right then what we have here is doors stuff and everything okay so the next thing we are going to work on is now we have the windows floors the building itself um I'm going to work I'm going to create the ground and then what we're going to do is try to work on the lighting so I'm just quickly select this whole section let's just see if this is whole if this is all connected okay this is all connected actually so I'm just going to press shift d o shift d p and then select that and press uh right click convert to mesh select everything and press F and there we go we have the ground so what I did was just use the plans cuz that the detail was already there and now what I want to do is cut out uh this this pool area and the building area from that so so let's just select everything here and go into local mode okay so first thing I'm going to do is I'm just going to duplicate this piece cuz then I'm going to use that to boan so I'm just going to remove uh some some edges just we're going to get round to those in a second and then I'm going to go right around the building and and then we use that to make the cutter so it's going to go right around the building remember this is the ground floor section so if you look here I'm going around this floor but I will uh make sure it's all on the same plane in a second [Music] uhhuh and then s dead zero make sure that's on the same plane and then F and then I'm going to just bring that extrude that down then I'm going to join it to this piece and then do click on this one crl L F3 boan there we go so now we have a nice cut out and we have this section as well so this is going to be for the decking this is going to be for the grass and we have nice cutouts for all of them uh for this for this ground it might actually be best that it does have quads cuz this will be warped a little bit so let's just what I'm going to use here is a an add-on which I have and that is called quad remesh if you don't have this all you need to do is just do some Cuts like this and make sure that it's going to be quads um because that's the that's the easiest way to do it but what I'm going to do is just uh use this one cuz it's a little bit easier and it works really well so remesh actually let Set this to 500 remesh it there we go that's done so we have a perfect mesh uh but making quads for this is not too difficult so I'm not going to go into that in this tutorial but do check out this remas if you want to because it's incredibly good so we have this ground floor and yeah so now we're going to work on the lighting so the lighting is obviously one of the most important parts and I'm going to use a tool built into blender which people don't necessarily know to use but it's super important when working for clients and that is going to be using the Sun positioner so if you go to edit preferences and type in Sun Sun position you can press just safe preferences and then if you go to the world tab if you scroll down and go to Sun position what you can do is you can tell it exactly the coordinates for the building you're doing it for so let's say you have a building and the customer has it facing a certain direction like North is uh the front of the building and usually the Sun goes around and you you can see it on the south of the building so if it's a south facing room for well at least half of the planet uh we'll be getting Sunshine throughout the day but if it's a North facing room it wouldn't be so good now if you do the render and there's a sun going straight through the north then they might ask some questions like where does that sun come from that's not really how it works so what we can do here is what we can do is just type in anything and coordinates so type in the city that you're in and what we're want to do is just copy this and then we're going to paste them into here so now we have the exact coordinates of London so if I was to add I'm just going to add the Sun for now I'm going to use the let's just choose a sun right and then if we use a sun object select here we can see that the sun is pointing this direction and if as we go through the day so if I change the time it changes the position and orientation of the Sun so it's exactly correct now what I want to do is do uh I want to display North add so once we added North here if the floor plans for example have a direction for the north so North might be another way you can turn it so North is the correct direction to match your project now this is people I've never seen anyone talk about this and I just can't stress how important this is this is so freaking important that the sun is going to be physically accurate and correct right but what we have now in blender is a thing called the nishita sky texture so what I'm going to do is go to the world tab I'm going to go to world I have lots of nonsense here so let's just delete everything and you actually let's just create let's just create a new new world and what I'm going to add is a sky texture I'm going to plug that into here then what we can do is we can choose the sky texture so now if I go to render preview we can see where the sun is let's just do turn that to 0.1 see where the sun is the sun's over here and we can then change the time of day so as this as it goes to like down here it's going to be sun setting because it's like 6:00 p.m. and it's uh an October but if we were to change the month so for example it's um April May June the sun's going to still be quite High because it's in the in 400 p.m. and the sun will probably set about 8:00 or so and that's true about 8:00 the sun has now set so does this make sense why how and how important this is so that's what we'll be using for this uh project um it's not actually super important for this one because it this doesn't actually exist but whoever owns this very lovely house in London um with a with a nice self facing pool as a very lucky person uh but uh let's just work from here so now we have the Sun what I'm going to do is try to find let's just let's just uh let's just change this a little bit okay okay so what I'm going to add now is a camera and I'm going to set the focal length to I'm going to leave the focal length to 50 and then let's just bring this out here I'm going to go into the camera and I'm just going to then oh turn off snapping and then try to find an angle which I like now the aspect ratio or the image size for this project I'm going to uh oh the other way around uh 1920 by 1080 and then I'm going to fly around to try to find a position which I like so I think something like this is good what I have also done now is I've added a shift so this was at zero U but I want the building to take up more to be in the middle of the space so I can shift it up like this and shifting is very important you also want to make sure is that the camera is always 90° you want these edges that go straight down here to be straight they need to be straight if if it's like this is a slightly different camera angle and it just doesn't look quite right it looks very unprofessional if you do any Google searches of any buildings online exterior renders 99.9% of them are going to have straight angles even photographers are going to fix it to be straight in postprocessing so it's very important that we have straight lines so 90° if the count if it's too low then shift it into the right position so that's what we're going to have [Music] here okay so now let's try to find a time of day which we like now as this isn't going to be a project for an actual customer so it doesn't matter 100% what time of day it is I might just actually tweak this myself to be something a little bit different um so I'm just going to disconnect that for now cuz I think something like this will be better we can find this time of day if we wanted to because it will happen at some point but just for quick and ease I'm going to set it to like this but remember that this exists is all I'm trying to say just so it's everything is 100% correct and you might think that it's actually pretty incredible which it is so now we have a time of day which I like it's going to be slight evening so the Shadows are going to be nice and long one thing that I always try to make sure I do is that I try to have one of the faces in sun and the other face in in darkness so that's going to create some contrast so this face is going to be in Shadow whereas this face is going to be lit up now I find this to be one of the things which I find a lot of people don't do for example they might they might make the sun go like this so everything's lit up and it just looks very boring whereas this looks this looks a lot more dramatic also sometimes the sun might be behind behind the building which for this case can work but we're missing half the building we can't see half it's in Shadow so that doesn't work either uh you might put the the sun directly behind which is a different kind of shot it can be artistic but to show off the building I find in most cases can be late afternoon you got nice Long Shadows the main face is lit up and the the secondary faces are not okay so that's kind of all I'm going to talk about for the Sun but I might just tweak a few of these settings because maybe I want a little bit less so this is how blue it is so I might just tweak that a little [Music] bit if you don't want strong Shadows you can turn this up and the shadows will get um smaller but I think maybe something. 1.5 might be quite nice a little bit softer Shadows let's just play with this I think let's turn the sun down a little bit and then turn everything up just a little bit more cuz you can change the intensity because it goes into a background node that's kind of the overall brightness and then this one makes the sun brightness independent so the sun is zero you just get an environmental light so let's put like that I think that's good I think we are making some progress so now I think I'm going to start start adding trees and environment so I can get an idea of how that's going to feel and then we can start doing the finishing touching finishing touches like the interior section and everything like that so let's move on to the trees and environment okay so what we're going to work on now is the trees and environment and we should then start seeing how that's all going to play together with the lighting now in my imaginary scene it's going to be in Woodlands which is also one of the reasons why I wasn't sure how to do this tutorial if it should be building in situ meaning in an a real environment which is going to be a lot of the cases or if I should just make it up and add trees and I think that could also be quite good to learn how to deal with a lot of trees because they are quite taxing on the computer so what I'm going to do is just play with that for now another tutorial I think I'll sa for the insitu adding the actual object to a real environment so it looks like it's part of the real environment so what I'm going to do now is just go to imesh and add some trees so I am going to go to plants and trees and then we have a plethora of various trees actually first what I'm going to do I'm not going to do that I'm actually going to add the I'm going to add the fencing so the fencing will actually stop us from seeing some some of the environment so that's going to be quite useful to know where to place the trees so I'm just going to find a modern one like this and I'm going to pend that in this is a new product from imesh which we released last month a couple of months ago actually and we found that it's just uh such an incredibly quick way to add fencing to your scene and I think you will appreciate this as well so let's just turn off the bevel actually let's turn off completely cuz we're not going to need that for the final render let's just do shade flat as well because it's going to be quite far from the render camera anyway right so these parts these are always going to be hidden from camera cuz they're not going to see them anyway let's just bring this down and then this is the part we're going to work with now underneath there will be a curve so let's just let's actually select this piece and turn on a bounding box for viewport to speed things up then let's find that curve there we go and then I'm going to go to edit mode and then I'm just going to bring the curve over so it fits nicely into the ground so we can say this is the end of the property that's where the building is going to start and we can bring that over well actually it looks like there's a fence here so we could just put this here and then we know that's where a fence should be but we won't see that I think I'm just going to cover that with some hedges for now I think I would like to do a second part of this tutorial where I do a render from the other side which I might do if you guys are interested cuz I think that could be quite a cool render what I've got in my head anyway so let's bring this over here like this we just need to bring it like that okay now once that's in place we can then turn off uh this one because we're not going to move it anymore which is the slow thing because it is there quite a lot of geometry on this particular fence so it could be quite slow so I'm just going to leave that there for now and I'm also going to turn off that North position thing okay now I can start adding in some trees so if I go to n and plants and let's add in some trees I think one of these was the ones I went for now all of these trees come with a second low poly tree you have a look at it so this one is the low poly version and that is to go with the plug-in called lfy now if you have lfy you can you'll know what to do with this but we're not going to need it specifically for this project so I'm just going to turn that off and we just work with here it's not 100% necessary I have a 3070 with 8 GB of RAM vram and it seems to work pretty fine so this is quite a Tall Tree what I'm going to try to do is create a little bit of a frame here and I'm feeling like it will be nice if trees are going off in off into the distance so they're catching parts of the Sun and then I'm going to add some various trees into the background too just try to find an angle which might look quite [Music] nice okay like that then I'm going to add another tree I think maybe this one here okay I think something like that's fine um and now what I want to do is start adding a lot more trees and this is going to be where it can start getting quite taxi on the computer but not if you do it this way well this way is it makes a lot easier but it still eventually will run out of vram anyway but if I just do shift a and add a collection instance let's search for this tree which is in oh let's let's move this one into a collection which I just [Music] made let's move that to a new collection called imsh tree 2 okay so that's in the collection now so if I was do shift a collection instance and then do tree I missan tree 2 we can see that there's no tree because that's offset from uh the center so for this tree let's do shift s cursor to select it and we want to make sure that the collection is let's go to collections is offset from cursor so now the collection starts here so now we can scale it from this point so now we can basically add as many as we like and generally blender will keep up and render these without any problem it does start getting a bit slow eventually but for the amount of trees we need for this particular project isn't so bad so what I'm going to do is just bring these over here and then just start populating them I'm going to just rotate the same tree you can scale it as well just bring them in and what I'm trying to do is just try to create some sort of meadow here now as the trees go back you can actually bring them down so you can bring them down like this you will never be able to see that so if I just do a few more around here to fill in the background you won't be able to see that that tree is actually sinking into the ground it just looks like it's part of the background there's Hedges there's trees there's all sorts going on you won't be able to quite make out what's going on [Music] there okay there we go so in this preview you can start to see that it's just looking like a bunch of trees in the background you can't actually see that they're sinking into the ground and I do see a lot of people they just go further and further and further and further back and it just looks like you they're really struggling to fill in the background and it's just very easy to do you just move the trees down so it looks like a bush now I'm just going to I'm just going to keep adding more trees here and I'm just going to see what I end up with okay sorry my camera has just died and it's struggling to recharge so I'm just going to go without camera for now so what I have here I've added in some trees which I think look quite nice um around the scene so what I've what I've also added is this node setup here which I'm going to explain now so I've gone into the leaves material I made sure that every tree has the exact same material for the leaves cuz then it's easier to adjust what I've done here is then added an object info if I go down to this one here you can see that each each tree then has a different uh set of colors now I plug that into a noise texture set that to 4D and then if I go like here we can then adjust the W value and then that basically randomizes the seed so if you think that this tree should be more green and the the order of them is just not quite right you can then adjust this so it's more randomized I then plug that into a multiply and add which which I then plug into Hue so what that does is it multiplies this value by a certain value and then adds a certain value to it cuz at 0.5 that is basically the Hue exactly the same if I was to reduce that to. 3 Let's just say multiply this by zero and plug that in here we're saying basically that this value this value here is.3 because whatever is being coming in here is being multiplied by zero which is zero and then we're adding 3 on top so I set that to 0.5 we're going to be getting the exact same value we would from here if this was 0.5 so if plug that back into here nothing will change so what I'm doing here is I'm basically multiplying this by a small value and the higher value I go the more crazy the Hue gets so I can set this to something like this but if I want the trees to be more green I can then lower this value so then I'm basically going closer and closer to uh zero value on here so if I just plug that in like this I could just turn this down CU I think a slightly Greener version is quite nice but I think my original value was uh nicer so let's do that so now if I change the seed we can see all of them changing slightly very slightly um and I think that this value I had was quite nice and then where how I plugged it in so originally the output that was plugging into the base color was this this one all I did was add another Hue saturation value node and I plug that into here and then plug this node that I created into here and then replace that like so so what you could do is just add a hue saturate plug it in so it's separated and then plug this into the Hue and then I just did the same thing for plugging that into the translucent cu the translucent also has a value uh a color value so if I'm breezing over this too quick then please let me know and I'll just explain it a bit further in the comments but all I'm doing is adding a a set of nodes just before the base color just before the base color is going to be hug saturation value and we're going to use this to drive that so that is just my little tweak to this node setup plug that in here and now we have some nice variants to the trees just going to move that over here like so so I think that might look a bit nicer break this up a little bit now what I've also added are are a couple of planes so let's see if we can see this here and I've just brought that in just to make the outs just to make the background even more darker so it's going to cut off like here still looks like there's a lot of trees there but you just can't quite see why you can't see that far into the forest and it looks like it just goes further and further into the trees I've just set the color to be a black now one of the most important trees that you can add to an AR project I believe are the ones that go into the reflections I see so many renders where let's just let's just select all of these trees and so we just have an N Sky texture if we hide these all that's going to be left is the sky the the windows are boring there's nothing in the windows it just looks like white from the sky so what I try to do was Place some trees just high enough that you can see them in the reflection now it might take a little bit of play to try to figure out where they should go exactly when you're looking at the reflection but just play around a little bit until until you get the right place now I did the same thing for here wanted a little bit of trees here now that I believe makes the trees look so much more interesting but we can but now the next thing I quite like in these renders is going to be a really strong reflection in the GL in the glass so I'm going to go to the my um view layer and just make sure that I have enabled um glossy direct and glossy indirect cuz we will use some of those later to really make the windows pop so I think that's enough for the trees um as you can see here the viewport performance is getting a little bit slow so I don't think we actually can see a lot of these trees oh we can actually see some of these but I'm just going to um hide a lot of them maybe add these into a secondary trees folder collection move to new collection trees background and then I'm just going to go to the view layer and I'm just going to hide those to make the viewport a little bit better and all the trees that we can see are the going one are going to be the ones which are going to be most important to the viewport so that's looking good the next thing I want to do is add the grass so if I add so I select the plane so for the grass I'm going to go to uh plants and these are also imish Lawns I'm going to find one which I like I really like this mode lawn look so I'm going to add this one I'm just going to pen that in let's just bring this over here what I'm going to do is firstly this is going to be quite slow so I'm going to turn this off for now I'm also going to turn the grass density to something like 250 and that should be fine maybe viewport as box for now and then I'm going to join this one to this one control J so now I'm now I can turn off this and now what we can see if I turn this on there's going to be an explosion of grass might take a little bit of a minute and now we can see see we have some grass in the scene now in some of our later grasses we do actually have a um camera culling setup now I'm going to show you how to add that to a geomet node setup because it's so incredibly useful um and it's very very simple so I'm just going to grab this one here and I pen that in then I'm going to go to Geometry nodes and just find the make sure I've got that one selected okay then what I'm going to find is the camera culling setup and the delete geometry and this switch so I'm just going to do contrl + C for that one and then I'm going to go to the original one and I'm just going to do crl V so this is everything that we'll need to do camera calling so the original geometry will come in and plug into the delete geometry and this will be deleted if it's being C by the camera so we can preview that by plugging that into this one and turning that on now we need to make sure that we select the right camera so this camera is called uh camera of course so let's just choose camera and there we go we can see what's being called by the camera and it's that easy we also have a switch so we can turn that on and off so if I plug if I put this like here and plug this one into here so this is saying the original geometry node setup which is the final final Final node before it goes into the group output is going to go into switch if this switch is disabled then it's going to be continuing oops then it's going to continue to the group output and it's not going to be affected if the switch is true then it instead it will go through this and be deleted now this is super super super super super helpful because as you can imagine how much geometry is being removed and how much faster your viewport will be simply by using this setup so it's just the three nodes which you can get from any of our later ones we really should go back and update our old ones um but these are there and it's super easy to use and I guarantee that you might need to use this for any setup you create with geometry nodes in the future anyway so let's go into camera preview let's just make sure that the field of view is the same as what we have right now okay and then what I can do is is what I want to play with is this is this setup here so I want to turn off viewport as box so we can actually see the actual grass okay then I'm just going to preview okay and now what we can see is very Lush Lush grass we can't quite see the stripes so what I'm going to do here is just try to increase the size uh I'm just going to I think going lower increases the size so let's do 0.25 and see if we can see that okay we can start start to see the stripes appearing but we might need some more density but as you can see this is quite slow on the performance so I so what I usually do is just get it to the right value then just turn it off for the viewport so I'm going to set that to like 500 okay I'm also going to reduce the subdivision for this ground cuz I've already added quite a lot of faces cuz this subdivision is basically used for the displacement so I think that's a bit too much so okay so I was really struggling to figure out what was happening there because every time I was increasing the displacement the object was flying downwards and going upwards based on the displacement which wasn't happening in the previous version of blender so what I found is that there has been a change into geometry nodes so we might need to fix that so as you can see when I have this enabled it's actually going lower than than it should be and I I remember fixing that so uh if you go to Geometry nodes if you turn off if you go right to the very beginning you find this node and just turn that off and then we can see that if no matter how much we add it's always going to be based on basically zero so let's just let's just put something like here right so that works better now let's just bring this up maybe a little bit more and let's just turn this down slightly something like this now this piece will actually be uh thicker anyway so it doesn't matter if we'll be able to see through it and then right so so now we have the grass I've just turned it down the viewport performance um but let's just do another preview and see how that looks okay it's looking quite nice I think that this can do with uh some more displacement so let's add some more displacement here cuz I think that that kind of makes the ground look a lot more natural okay that's not enough let's do1 see how that [Music] looks okay that's maybe a little bit too much but you can already see that it adds quite a cool effect to the grass [Music] 05 and that might be enough let's actually go 075 halfway between the [Music] two there we go that's I think great so This Grass looks quite Lively looks maybe like it's just been cut badly but one thing I do want to change is these is these uh trees I think they're cutting too much shade into here so let's just let's just remove those let's off the grass for the viewport for now in some of our later ones we do actually have a point Cloud preview which makes it so much faster it's just this is just an old one that we need to update okay so let's grab these trees and let's move these back ever so slightly is it these ones it's not that one ah it's these ones here so let's just grab [Music] these and move these back like this okay so that's better so now we should be able to see a lot more of the lush green grass okay cool now if I turn on the trees background we should be to see that we're starting to get close to a finished product so the things which are missing now are going to be the furniture the interior stuff the um swimming pool and then some more bushes and trees around the building and then we're pretty much there I think the hardest part is always going to be the modeling the actual building itself one that's done once that's done you have a lot more artistic flare on the rest of the stuff so um yeah let's move on to that for the next step let's work on the Interior Furniture all right so let's start the decoration which I think is one of the more fun parts of this I think the modeling is rewarding once it's done but I personally like the more artistic side of things um so let's actually just hide the floor plans for now and then let's get going so I'm actually going to move these other trees to another another layer because they're slowing down my scene let's just uh all of these and do move into new collection and call them trees for ground and let's hide that okay so this is a little bit faster okay so what we're going to do now is I'm going to add start adding some flooring now this whole area I'm going to just make decking so what I'm going to do is add in some imish floors so these are wood floors which we have available for imesh and I think well I don't just think we've been told by a lot of people that these are one of the best floor systems available for blender and we would like to agree so uh I'll show you how these works we have 1K 2K 4K 1K is actually probably more than enough enough for this project because each plank has its own texture so if we go to here each plank that's a 1K texture on its own and you'll only be viewing it from over here so you'll never see that it's not a 1K so if I go to render preview as well it will look perfectly fine from like this distance it looks great unless you're going to go this close you probably need a 4K but from any other distance it's going to be fine so let's just tweak this a little bit let's just add some grout more grout here so we can actually see the individual planks um just going to turn the bevel off for viewport and then I'm going to add some more height to it something like that so we can imagine that's decking I can maybe change the length to maybe 2 m and this to 0.25 M so they are nice planks and usually decking also has um the row offset to be like zero so let's set that to zero or we can also do .5 oops sorry 50% which is also quite nice I think that'll be fine um this actual standard panels has its own parameter just for that cuz the other two um do not need it so these are the other values we can add if you want to know how the floor system works so it's like any immediate wood floor you could ever need just like that so we're going to go back to this floor plane which we have and we're going to attach this one to this one contrl J and then I'm just going to remove this one oops and there we go we have the decking so I'm going to rotate that by 90° and there we go we have perfect decking if I do render preview that will automatically already look great um this might be a little bit too crazy for a texture for some wood decking but I think that will probably be fine for this render so let's just come up here I might tweak that a little bit later so now what I want to do is also make the interior floors have a similar thing so let's just uh let's just select this building then I'm going to select these floors [Music] um and let's actually do this one so what I'm doing is selecting one floor and doing shift G and clicking co- planer then that allows me to select the whole floor then I'm just going to separate it separate and then we have these two floor planes I'm just going to separate this one so we have two then I'm going to look for another wood floor which I like and I quite like uh one of these like this one again I'm just going to add 1K cuz it's not necessary and I'm attach that to this one control J then go into edit mode and delete this one for the interior floor I'm just going to turn off the bevel completely because it can just be a um like a laminate floor for example and sorry let's add that into this one like this I messed that up a little bit sorry so I'm just joining the floor to the actual jump which no setup going to turn off the bevel completely cuz that's quite slow and then I can just delete this [Music] one now you might need to quickly update it by turning off and on again then that should tell it that it there will be geometra nodes on it okay I'm just going to set that to 2.5 M by 2.5 M oh sorry [Music] .25 all right now if we do render preview we should be a to see how that looks and there we go we have all the individual planks which looks pretty good and then what I'm going to do is set do the same again so I'm going to duplicate this I'm going to app join this one to this one then I'm going to delete this bottom one okay let's select this one again and just turn it off and on again to give it a nudge just to tell it that there should be something there there we go and I believe that the pattern should be going this way if it's a wood floor um I think that is how it should go against the window uh but maybe I'm wrong but I think to me this will look better if the wood planks going that way anyway not like we'll see it anyway but we'll just leave that like it is right the next thing I want to do is add a kitchen again with IM mesh like I said we have basically everything you'll need to do any projects like this especially interior projects um I'm just going to add a kitchen let's just find any kitchens uh full kitchens and we just I'm just going to add this one for example and add that in here right let's just bring this up I'm just going to do a really quick and dirty job here but you really should try to make this work a bit better than I am just going to bring that over here okay and then these bits we won't see so I'm just going to delete delete these this is hanging outside the building so I'm just going to bring these across like this and please do this uh more appropriately for your project let's just bring this this is a lamp so let's bring this over here for this lamp I'm going to go to lamp settings use nodes color I'm going to change that to black body I'm going to set that to 3,800 Kelvin that will be like a warmer light which is going be quite nice okay so now we should be able to see from the camera view that there's a bit of a kitchen going on there we won't be to see very much but that is going to be that next thing you want to do is add a sofa so seatings sofas we just have a few I'm actually just going to quickly go to my preferences panel and [Music] change thumbnail scale to like six I think okay and then just choose a a sofa [Music] so I think this one is good it just needs to be a really really basic sofa just so you can get the idea that there is a sofa there it should already be on the floor y okay then in the front I'm just going to add some tables and chairs so let's go to tables and dining tables and we're going to select perhaps I'm going to choose this one for now just cuz it's already dressed it's like a table ready to go with all the chairs okay just checking it's actually on the floor move that here for the back wall because if I go to Rend a pre camera view there's going to be a big empty space here so I'm just going to add something to the wall here I'm going to go to decorations and Frames I'm just going to add this one boom there we go let's go to camera view and just see if that's big enough something like that is great and then what I also want to do is add a lamp I hope that you can see the power of imish now cuz uh this is one of my most favorite parts of the whole project of course you should probably spend a bit more time doing this but I've already done this so I do actually know the ones I want to add in I'm going to add in this lamp and just bring this down like this and then I'm going to rotate this cuz it looks better when it's like that again this lamp that comes with it this lamp I'm going to set that to be use nodes color black body a lot of our newer lamps we do actually set this already but this is some for old things and I'm going to change that to be a value like 20 now while I'm at this point so their light might be on inside the building because it's going to be going into evening and if you so there there's an argument where visualizations exterior visualizations shouldn't have interior lights on if the sun's up but how many people turn the light on during the day especially coming into the evening when the sun is still up it still happens and I think sometimes it can add a really nice effect it can be a really nice orange light coming from the building maybe a nice purplish sunsetted light coming from the outside so we'll just leave that on we'll see how that looks maybe I'll change that but I think some light can add some life to it you don't want it to be super super bright where uh the interior is brighter than the sun but I think to some level it does work quite nice so um and then up here into these bedrooms I'm going to add a bed bedrooms bedrooms beds and then I'm going to select I think this one I said 90 and just bring that across I don't know if we'll quite see that okay we'll see the edge of it which is nice so alt D that alt D is very very important because it keeps the geometry um and it doesn't duplicate the whole geometry so especially for something as high poly as this using alt D we have a video about that on imsh about your it's called I think you're duplicating wrong uh it's very very important so alt D bring that down here and bring this in right then I think that's enough for the interior stuff that we will see so if I come out view the camera you can just click this button and we can see here I think that's enough now the one thing I think adds one of the most important interior objects to your scene is going to be curtains and go to curtains and I'm going to choose this one from imish local mode we don't need any of this stuff we're not going to see the interior of the wind of the building anyway I'm just going to even delete one side of it so we just have one side and then I'm going to place them into the window so I'm just going to bring this up and scale it down and rotate it and then bring it up against the window and then scale it in so scaling curtains and fabric items is very easy for it to look natural a lot of other a lot of other objects in blender when you scale them they look stretched but in curtains you can usually get away with it quite well so let's scale this in a little bit I'm going to do alt D again and bring this over here something like this and I'm going to do alt d bring it across to this one I'm going to stretch this one out a little bit more so it looks like a slightly different one maybe bring it slightly closer to the window and I'm going to do altd again and scale it in this time scale it on the y axis so it's a bit [Music] different okay now I'm going to do the same thing again downstairs so I think we just need like a couple of curtains let's just oh I did shift d alt D that and bring that in [Music] here if you were going to see the interior of course you should actually add some curtain rails but we don't see them so we're not going to and let's do alt D across and bring that over here and ALT D and we could actually add a blowing curtain here because the window is actually open so let's just bring that over here something like this okay and the final curtain is going to be this one over here again this could be a blowing curtain if you really wanted it to be of course you can add more curtains for more variation if you really wanted to uh but actually there's some a couple more I might want to add up here I just really think curtains are super super super important so let's just keep adding them in and bring this up okay where will we see this let's scale on the y axis okay let's here quite tool one so let's do that and let's just alt D and bring that in here and altd and bring that over just so it's smidge showing up here right so we have curtains and it have all sorts of other decorations I'm not sure about this one now because it is in the way of the window uh but CU if the door is open then they probably need to walk through there H that' be fine right so let's do a preview okay that's great I'm just going to turn on the trees foreground because I want to see the Shadows that is casting cuz that will help us to see into the building a little bit more and hopefully show off some more curtain okay so I think these curtains need to be maybe a little bit lower to the ground and this one as well so they're just touching the ground and okay I think that's fine right the next thing I want to do is add some railings to the top um so I'm going to go to imish uh geometry nodes and select the glass railing here append and then I'm going to just select this let's just move these pieces out the way we won't see them anyway you should just put into put them into a collection that you won't see but just for this tutorial because it's quite quick we're just going to move that out the way right let's select this curve let bring this up bring this in and bring this across like that [Music] let's let's bring this out a little bit something like this okay let's delete this one and we're going to add this one over here right so now we have a railing um it might you might want to add one here the if you actually wanted to add the floor piece here but I think having it just white is quite nice and now what I want to add is this wood paneling which again we have a piece um I think that one is in architectural decorative there it is and that is simply just wood slats so let's bring this up oh let's sorry grab the grab the curve there we [Music] go soorry let's just select the original object and turn off any bevel the SC seems to be going quite [Music] slow okay and let's go into edit mode and bring this [Music] across and delete this one actually let's bring this one across to here cuz that's where this window is then I'm just going to do contrl L actually this one shift d bring that across and then I'm just going to bring that to here bring this one across and then bring that down just so it's below the window okay and I'm going to select this one as well and I'm just going to bring them in a little bit more like that okay so that looks like some wood paneling next thing I'm going to do is just do the same thing duplicate this bring this up [Music] upstairs shift d bring this up shift d is okay for geometry nodes cuz it's always using collection instances and instan objects so you never have any problem with too much geometry which is great okay there we go so now if we go to preview it's amazing how fast it goes together when you got all the assets that you need okay that's looking great it's everything starting to be filled out so we do need some stuff on the and some stuff on the balcony on the top and then we can work on the materials and then work on the pool and then we're pretty much there so let's keep going okay so I'm going to just add some exterior objects this is quite a big patio this is quite a big area outside so it might be a bit too big for certain things so let's just see how this is looking from this angle it doesn't look so big so that's okay let's add this umbrella then I'm going to add a couple of deck chairs now I'm for all of these objects actually I'm just going to make sure to turn off any any subdivision modifier oh these are old ones I think these ones have been cleaned up a little bit but let's just make sure we don't have any subdivision modifiers on these cuz we don't need them we're at this distance from the from the camera these are already this one I can turn off we could probably also turn off the bevels here because we don't need them either let's just make sure we do just do shade Auto smooth and do the same here cuz we it's so far from the camera you won't see it if you're going to do some close-ups then feel free right let's just rotate these into [Music] place okay let's view from the camera view to get make sure the nice positions okay okay now I think I'm going to add a coffee table just a nice wooden one to go with our wooden aesthetic that we've got going on a little [Music] bit I'm going to turn off the subdivision for this one too and then what we can add here is just some drinks so I'm just going to go to here and go to dining or food and drink yeah I add just a bottle of wine here right nice they like to drink cuz they brought two bottles of wine so if you're in doubt bring two and then over here what I'm going to add is let's just move this one out the way cuz we don't want to see it it's also going to be hidden from camera automatically anyway but what I'm want to add is some outdoor seating and outdoor eating area so let's go to chairs find a chair which can be used outdoors I think this one is quite a nice outdoor chair so outdoor chairs usually have a lot of wires and strings because they don't go moldy if they get if the padded areas were outside okay so we add in this chair and then I'm going to add in a table so we can put the table the chairs to the table so let's go back to tables and select dining tables and I think I'm just going to go for a simple one this one will do actually I think we have one which maybe more suited to exteriors this one here okay let's add that in rotate it 90° and then I'm just going to select this one alt D alt D oopsy rotate it 180° and then again alt D rotate that 90° so I always like adding like a table and chairs if possible to the outside it just adds life to the exteriors you want to try to imagine the kind of life that someone is going to be living here so it's always quite important to add this stuff now what you can also do I think there might be too many legs going on here this is just getting way too complicated so let's remove these and then what I'm going to do is just maybe rotate these ever so [Music] slightly uh so they're not completely even okay then that looks a bit that looks a bit less busy which is nice all righty then so the next thing is uh some life up here now this is a balcony as well so we can add some things as well so I'm going to add a dining chair now this this level I think actually needs some more work but we're not going to see it in this particular render so I'm going to leave it but you might need to cut out this floor and add some tiling but for this I'm just going to leave it as it is so I'm going to go to seating lounge chairs and I think we have one which is quite nice outside this one here it's like a nice outdoor bucket chair if we go to camera view just bring that maybe closer to the window is that like that oh sorry I need to bring this up a little bit [Music] okay and ALT D that and then rotate that as well so it looks like a nice little seating area up there what I'm going to add now is some plants to the upside area because I also like you know balconies imagine what you're going to have up there some people are going to grow some plants you want to have a little bit of a life up there you can sit up there have a drink and you've just woken up it's the morning you want to have some nice time out there so I'm going to go to Plants and see if there are any uh nice potted plants we can quickly add let's just actually let's just go to all [Music] plants now we might actually be able to add some of these plants you might not actually see that they're not in a pot but I'll just have a quick look here first all right I'm just going to add one of these and see how that looks if we see the pot we do actually see the pot okay so let's just add that one in I'm going to add in another one here at this one also just going to make sure we have all the subdivision modifiers just turned off cuz we we're really not going to see it from this distance okay we can scale it down a little bit all right so that's like that and then what I'm going to add is also maybe some bathroom decor s if we have some towels okay so I'm going to add a towel to the outside of this swimming pool cuz that's always going to be nice to have I'm just going to add a couple so let's go into here let's select I want the white one maybe and then maybe I can just select these ones delete them so just a couple and again we could probably get away with turning off the subdivision modifier maybe something like that I think that was fine actually actually let's have a look in the camera preview how that looks uh I think I might actually add I think I might actually add it over here cuz it's a bit more empty space so let's just drop that over here maybe I can add another element over here just to show that someone is probably going to go swimming there what I could add I could add a duffel bag perhaps that might show someone's just arrived maybe they're just going to get all their all their bath their swimming stuff out I think that's nice actually okay I think that I think we're going to go for that I think that looks quite nice someone's just going to go for a little swim over here they got all the stuff prepared and now I'm going to add the swimming pool and see how that goes so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to use this shape let's just go into local view here to speed the viewport up and I'm going to select these edges do shift d enter p and then to separate that and then grab this grab this Edge delete geometry nodes then we have have the pool thing like this now I'm going to scale this up I do think there is a way to scale this uniformly so each Edge gets scaled outwards the same distance but I can't remember what the shortcut is so I'm just going to do this for now just eyeball it like that and then I'm just going to bring this up and then extrude that down so this will be the pool let's maybe bring this down a little bit like here then I'm going to inser it and then oh maybe not that much press I to inser and then extrude this down so that will be the pool I'm then going to do shift d and duplicate that bring that on the Zed axis up to something like here just close to the rim press P to separate so this is going to be the water so what I'm going to do here is just try to make some squares then do w subdivide a few times okay we can then add a subdivision modifier and set that to simple so it's just going to subdivide that shape like quite nicely then what I'm going to do is go and add a displace and set this to new then we're going to do is just press U and unwrap that so it gives us more um ways to work with it if we want to so I'm going to set the displays to UV coordinates then click here to click change the texture and change the texture to clouds so now we can see the clouds now either you can change the scale here or you can go into the UV editor and scale it here uh but it's a bit harder to see what you're doing here but it will get smaller so let's just do it here something like this and we can change the scale down just something like this shade smooth and we have some water now for the Shader I am going to be using the imesh of course the imesh uh Advanced Glass Shader uh this one here import material and then I'm just going to go to Shader editor and if we just go into render preview we can see that it's just a clear glass I'm actually going to give it some [Music] Shadow oh I think that the normal might be facing the wrong way because it looks like glass looks like metal so let's select both of these and do shift n there we go so this should look like this should look like uh water now now okay for this Shader I'm just going to remove that just so it's white for now I will be adding a plast material to it later but this will be working for now let's just turn this up but we want to give this a blue hue now for pools generally the deeper it is the darker it gets so what I'm I'm going to be using the absorption amount here so if I set that something like 50 or sorry five and then change this to a more blue color and then the deeper it goes the darker it gets so we can show show that by adding some steps so what I'm going to do is just select this Edge do shift d and I'm just going to really really quick and dirty just extrude that out and then s these two edges [Music] oopsie please make these steps maybe a little bit straighter if you get the time and actually I think that will be fine but I'm hoping this will show the absorption effect let's scale that out a little bit just nice big steps now if we going to render preview you see that the Step at the top has less blue and the step as it goes down becomes more blue I don't think we'll see it from this particular angle unfortunately maybe a tiny tiny bit there maybe if we turn off the displacement we might see something maybe a little bit but that's just good to know that if you're adding a pool you can do something like this you can also add some core sticks if you wanted to so to add some core sticks for your pool which is also very very lovely what I'm going to do is select the pool go to object properties go to shading go to co sticks and say cast Shadow cor sticks click on the pool itself and say receive Shadow cor sticks then click on the world go to environment go to the world tab sorry click on settings and then click Shadow Co sticks so now this has gone completely black because I don't think it works with absorption for some reason so if I turn that off you should be able to start seeing some cor [Music] sticks we can see some up here might need to turn the shadow up to full amount I'm going to change the displacement strength to a bit lower value maybe that will help show off them more show show them off a bit better cuz I think they're getting scattered too far okay so that's working really nice so it's just a few buttons and we can get some really nice cor sticks in the in the pool so that is using the actual sun to cast the cor sticks because we did that in the world tab now if I want to change the cor sticks a little bit we can go to the the world Tab and if we change the sun size the cor sticks will change slightly so if I set that to 10 the cor sticks might be too small too faint to see but if we set it to a really really small value the cor sticks are going to be almost pin perfect which will be which is also very unrealistic so I'm just going to set that back to the value it was 1.5 and I think that's fine but for this render I'm actually going to turn it off because we're not going to see anything anyway so let's just turn these back off but it's just nice for you to know I guess uh let's turn that off as well okay now on this pool I'm just going to add another bit of decoration and I'm just going to do decorations and I think it's under toys one of the most favorite items on imesh and that is our floating Flamingo because it always looks great put it a bit in the water like this that might be too much but let's just see how that look looks move that out to the side that might actually be the decoration we needed for that side maybe we don't even need the duffel bag let's just let's just bring that down for a sec okay and then let's do a render preview see how that looks make sure to save it and then I'm going to just turn on the grass as well so we can get a full idea of the preview all right so this is looking pretty nice I think what need now is some plants to go along here and here maybe add some Hedges to go against the fence I might also add something to be a nice reflection here and here because we also have trees here and this just looks a bit odd kind of looks like you can't really tell what you're looking at here so that would be quite nice um I think this grass is looking incredibly lovely looks like you can just jump in it and wiggle around and I might also change some of these colors because this is getting this is blending in too much you can't really tell um what's going on here and this just looks a bit Bland so I'm probably going to update these and I'm also going to add some clouds so I'm probably going to add some clouds now and then come back to the plants and stuff a little bit later I think that will be more of a finishing touches section so let's add some clouds okay so clouds are very very very far away from the camera so that's exactly what we're going to do so first we need to make sure that our clip start for our world is very very far away so this is a clip so the viewing is visible so let's set this to something like 100,000 and let's also set that for the camera so let's turn on here let's change that the clip end to be something like okay that's 100,000 already Okay so let's set that to 100,000 and then I'm going to add a big giant box so let's actually turn this off first I'm going to add a a mesh Cube and then let go local view I'm going to set that about 3,000 m in the air I'm going to set this to be about 50,000 m in each D Direction and maybe about 2,000 me oopsie 2,000 m in size like this um I'm going to change the viewing I'm going to add some clip some more like this so 1 M clip start okay and this is going to be our Sky let's move this up just a little bit more this is going to be our clouds and we need to give it a special Shader so first of all what I'm going to do is actually set this to visibility visibil viewport visibility to bounds so that it's not always visible and I'm going to go to object make a new material and call this clouds it's going to be very very quick and easy okay so what I'm going to do is add a volume volume sorry SC oh my gosh volume scatter node plug that into volume I'm going to set the density to something like 06 I actually saw this on another tutorial I'll try to link it in the description um so that you can visit that guy's tutorial it's a very very quick tutorial and I'm incredibly amazed at how quick it actually is so that's going to add some density but we want to break that up a little bit to tell it where Cloud should be and where Cloud should not be so this is looking a little bit like clouds already so let's add a color amp actually let's add a noise texture set that to 4D and set the W to something like 100 I think these are fine this is maybe the details to like 25 and the roughness to I know only. 66 and I think that is fine I'm going to set push that into the color ramp and set that to constant and then we're going to cut this off like this so we can start to see that there are Cloud shapes forming then I'm going to do contrl T to add a mapping and I'm going to set that to texture and I'm going to set the scale to 25,000 okay and then I'm going to set that to object so now if we go to here push that into the color and let's see how that looks oops unplug that make sure to apply the scale and then what we can do is just try to bring this down you start to see clouds starting to appear now that looks pretty natural so what I'm going to do it's pretty amazing how natural that immediately looks so let's just go to view camera and just tweak this a little bit just to see how we feel so I'm actually going to go back to the main scene going to select the main building and this so we can see how that looks against each other and try to preview this try to get some some nice clouds if we Shuffle this we get a brand new seed basically and we can just play with that until we get some clouds I quite like if it's mostly blue sky with a few clouds like that these are this is a lovely cloud that's almost like a classic Cloud that you can imagine and it's just that's just 1.1.6 let's just copy that just in case and then let's just keep playing would be something it would be nice if something was like that but maybe a bit bigger so let's see if I can actually bring that a bit closer maybe this [Music] one okay and bring that maybe this way all right I think that looks nice it's pretty amazing cuz it's actually really fast rendering as well because the density is so low so I think that's great um and also if you set this to a sunset of course you better see the clouds and it would look like a real Sunset um but these clouds I just can't once I saw this tutorial and saw how easy it was to make clouds I just thought holy moo uh nishita Sky texture with these clouds is never going to be the same again so that's amazing let's go back to the main render clouds are done let's Now work on the plants right so let's add in a plane and we're going to make a we're going to add some plants and we're going to be using geometry nodes so the this is going to be a very quick introduction to Geometry nodes don't fear but it's a very quick and easy way to add plants to your seam so what I'm going to do is just go to here let's just oh I've set the clipping to be quite high so let's just lower this a little bit so this is going to be where I want the plants to be and I'm just going to go to vertex mode so we can see these and basically what I'm going to tell it is wherever there's a Vertex I want there to be a plant so let's just bring this over and I want this to be quite an organized plant patch so let's just bring that let's do that okay next is that we need some plants so let's just do shift C let's put everything in the center cuz it's a bit easier bit far away from anything now and then I'm just going to add in some plants so if I go to imish Plants exterior of course we have a bunch of plants so I'm going to add this [Music] one and then I'm going to add this one I'm just going to make sure that they're all about the same height because that will look quite nice for this scene as well so select all these and apply the scale and then what I'm going to do is move all of these to outdoor bushes collection right with that done let's go back to our original plane and and then I'm going to go to Geometry nodes and select new and then what we're going to do here is add a few things so what I want to do is make a Make an instance of one of those plants on each vertex so to do that what I'm want to what I'm going to do is add a search mesh mesh to points so on each point there will be a mesh instances oops instances on point then what I'm going to do is Select outdoor bushes drop that in here that is the collection which I created I'm going to drop that into instances so now is create now is adding all of the instances onto each point which is not what we want let's click separate children and click pick instance but this is now going to randomize it between each of them or it's actually going to create a cycle I think it goes uh yellow this bush blue yellow this bush blue yeah it's a sequence so we can random ize this so what we do is add a a search random value we're going to set this to an integer we're going to set this to zero and 0 1 2 3 4 so [Music] four there we go so now this is going to be randomized between all of them we can change the seed if we don't like it pretty sure that's all of them let's try [Music] five all right so now let's go into the camera view we're getting some nice bushes plugged in here and the great Beauty thing with this is that it's they're all going to be instances which means you can add a million of these and blender is only going to need to calculate one and then so it doesn't add to the vram so that is a beauty with this and it's just super super easy to do it so let's just select all these faces bring these all together and now we can have some really nice plants look how easy that was now there is another method that you can do you can randomize it a little bit so if you want to randomize it all you need to do is add a points distribute points on faces and you can set this to mesh and then plug that into here so now this is going to randomize on the faces you can set this to poison disc and set the minimum distance to be about the size of the actual object which is probably about 50 cm so they're not overlapping and if you go into edit mode and scale this out you get more and more and more and more so but I quite liked it to be ordered so I will just stick to what I had before and that's this but I think I will add some more to this Edge oopsie all right I think that looks great but I can see that they are not being randomized enough so what I'm going to do now is actually randomize the scale random value again and set this minimum plug this into here and set the minimum to 75 and the max to be one then for the rotation I'm going to we only want to randomize The Zed rotation so what I'm going to do is add a a search random random value again but set that to a vector so this is correct but we want the V this value this is going to be in radians this is in degrees so what I've typed in here is 360° in radians and that's 3.28 so let's just copy this number and plug that into here so now that will be now that will random each one by up to 360° but I want to also turn off these to be zero so now it's only going to randomize them on the Zed axis we can also tilt them a little bit if you wanted to but that's not 100% necessary let's see how that looks all right let's bring that right over to this Edge then I'm going to duplicate this and bring this over here okay then I'm going to go top view and I'm just going to move this over here and something like this I'm going to go to edit mode and delete Del these ones so we immediately have plants which is fantastic I think I might have to scale these out a little bit more and I might scale them up a little bit as well maximum scale like this so they a bit bigger [Music] and okay now it looks like they kind of go around the corner and same for [Music] here great that's plant and that is a quick introduction to Geometry nodes right so what we're going to do now is add the hedges just kind a quick hedge uh maybe want a low hedge maybe this one that's a bit messy and let's just select this one I'm going to go to the top view let's just delete this this one oh we also have this we can probably delete again all right let's bring this over here and we go to render View and bring this over here like that these [Music] ones let's just select these and move this out the way cuz these are the actual ones which are being used to be distributed okay and do we see that fence at the end yes so let's just duplicate that bring that over here again these are available on imesh uh we have maybe more exteror stuff than I realized right fantastic right I think that's looking pretty tasty we have these we have got trees and we have this I'm just trying to think what else there is to do ah the edging on the building itself so to do that I'm just going to select these edges and create some curves so let's select these edges and this one here and then this one as well I'm going to do shift d and separate that and then I'm going to select these and go into local mode I'm going to select X and delete only the face then I'm going to convert this to a curve now I'm going to create a custom profile for this um which will be the edging so let's just add a mesh Cube scale that in apply the scale rotate and then I'm just going to make a simple shape like this [Music] oops delete these edges right so we have a custom profile shape and that that now that is going to be sent around the curve which we just created but to do that we need to convert that to a curve as well let's just move it over here so it's probably going to be inside the building so we won't see it and we could probably move that to another layer but uh I'll do that another time so click on the curve go to Geometry click on object and select that object we can see that it's actually backwards this profile is being put into this curve so let's just go into this object and rotate this 180° nice so I'm going to go and add a modifier bevel make this bit smaller okay you can do shade shade Auto smooth as well and set this shading to hard and normals and then if I come out of here we can see how big it is so that's a bit too big so I'm going to go into edit mode select all and do alt s to scale it down I can see it's actually clipping through the building a little bit so what I'm going to do is find the original [Music] profile and go into edit mode and move that on the x axis there we go so now we have a nice Edge on the building this one is wrong so I'm going to do alt T sorry contrl T so I select this one do contrl T and rotate that 180° and then that one is then facing the correct direction too now for this one I want to give it a metal material U so I'm going to go to IM mesh I'm going to go to metals and find one which I like I think this oxidized metal is a nice one what I'm going to do is for this material I'm going to select I'm going to change the image texture type to be box bit like I how I mentioned before so let's just go into [Music] preview and set this to set this to box and set this to [Music] generated okay let's go into camera view so we can see how this is looking okay and if we set the same for these ones as well set this to box set this one to box it's just a very quick way to unwrap and we can keep it as a curve okay and then if we go preview okay so I think this is way too dirty so if I just attach this and see how that looks I think that already looks a bit better but it's still a bit too dirty so I'm going to add a mix Shader sorry a mix a mix color and I'm going to mix that in with this one so the more I go to the right the more it's going to be this one solid color the more I go to the left the more it's going to be this texture so I want this to be about in the middle so I want a little bit of this color but I want this to be whiter cuz the whiter it is the rougher it gets cuz this is roughness so a value of one is 100% rough a value of zero is 100% gloss so if this is is 100% white that's rough and that's gloss so I'm going to set that to White value and I think that looks all right I might actually just make the material color just a little bit darker in general okay fantastic so let's come out of here I'm going to set that uh viewport display under the material to be black just so we can see what's going on here and then I'm also going to change this window color this window plastic also to be like a black color uh don't go 100% black cuz there's nothing in real life that's 100% black unless it's vanta black even then that's 99.99% black so that's done let's do the same for these windows which have a slightly different color base color to be blackish and again just so we can see if those have been updated okay and all right that is looking pretty tasty that's looking pretty good I think we're approaching the Finish um I'm just going to add now the material to the wall we might tweak these colors a little bit but in general that's looking pretty nice that's not even with the trees on there and I can't believe that these are procedural clouds I think that's coming across incredibly nice so I'm going to work on this exterior material and let's see what we get actually first of all let's just make these this chair make the fabric just a more white color make fabric canvas let's just increase this to five is that lighter now okay that's already lighter that might be too bright there might be emitting light at that point but I think having them lighter definitely helps I think that this table maybe should also be like a desaturated color let's try three and then increase the value to maybe one I think that will make it a bit easier to see here right then and then let's add the wall material right so let's let's add the plaster and like I said we're going to be using the Box unwrap method for this so let's just call this plaster actually we have a plaster from imesh which I'm going to use this is the most versatile material and I use it all the time so let's just go plaster it's available it's for free on imish as well actually so let's do 4K import that material and let's see how that looks so this is a indoor material and it's about 1.5 to 2 m in size depending on how big you want the bumps but it should work perfect Ely fine for this so let's go to box unwrap for this box and box set this to generated and then let's preview this now you might be thinking that the edges will have a different texture they won't align but this texture is so subtle I don't think you'll really be able to see it so all right so let's change this to maybe 75 to maybe make these bumps a little bit bigger so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to add some ambient occlusion to give it some Edge wear so let's say uh ambient occlusion and I'm going to add a texture um I'm going to try to add this texture to the description so you can all download this one I'm going to plug that in I think this is actually for a leather it's a leather mask let's plug that into the distance and do con and preview this node set this to box and set that to generated as well [Music] all right so we have some Edge wear going on here so the white areas we don't want and where there's black areas we do want so we can blend that in with our base color by using a mix mix color and I'm going to apply this one with a multiply so if I set is to multiply and then plug this one into here we'll be able to see that the edges then get [Music] colored just like this now this whole building has this material so it does mean the inside is going to get this too but we really won't be able to see it from the outside but if you're going to do this project for real please give the inside a different material which isn't going to be dirty so this should add some nice Edge wear here but there's one last thing I will add to this building see something like that it's quite nice but the one thing I will add now is just like some drips so it looks like there's a bit dirt going down the side of the building and this is another texture I think this is available from CCO textures but I will put a link to that in the description and I'll also plug this one in here and preview that and instead of doing this to the ambient occlusion I'm just going to do this to the whole building set that to [Music] box and I'm actually just going to give it his own this own node so I can increase the scale okay and then I'm going to blend that in again I'm going to use a multiply so let's just do shift d and then I'm going to multiply this color in oops multiply this color into here so let's preview how this looks we can actually increase the edge wear as well let's just push this up a little bit more and we can push this one up as well so this is going to be way too much so let's plug this in something like this then I'm going to do color ramp oh if you do shift s it keeps the S I think that's a bug that needs to be fixed in 3 4.0 color color ramp plug that in and I think we can probably switch might have to switch these around so where it's going to be black it's going to be white and where it's white it's black okay we start to see streaks starting to appear let's see how this looks on the main material all right this is a really really dirty boy so let's see how this looks in the main render okay this looks like is a really really old building so that's far too much for me if you're going to work for a client please don't add this much dirt because usually they want you to make a new building and new buildings are clean so just add a just add a simage to break up the evenness a little bit something like this where it looks like a real building that might still be too much for some clients but let's leave that there you can't even see it on the front because it's so bright all right so that is what I'm going to do for the main material so that's going to be the plaster and then oh let's turn this off for now and I'm going to give this one the same material this is a that I did that with the copy attributes node so if you go to add-ons copy attributes you can then do select two objects to crl L or contrl C and you can copy all sorts of information let's see how this looks does this have the nice material it does I think this might okay that was looking stretch so I've changed that to be object and now that looks a lot better now for these wood panels I do want a lighter color I'm just going to add a lighter wood to it one that's a bit more interesting perhaps this one but this one does have a randomized UV on it so I'm just going to select these two and contr + C and then I'm going to import material and for this one do the same thing so just select this plug that in instead of this one and then plug this into color then that's going to randomize the color slightly a little bit as well so let's see how that looks okay that's too much so let's just add a hue saturation and oh wow and pull that down a little bit okay okay so I've just added another tree reflection here and I think that's probably fine I think I would actually like to add more light to the interior because this is looking a little bit too dark but I think I might actually start doing a render first and then try to increase the Shadows of the Interior manually uh rather than going through the trouble of adding lights because there might be enough light in there already to to push later on okay so I found it was actually this tree casting some much Shadow into it the one which I created the reflection so what I'm going to do is just leave that where it was but I'm just going to turn off the shadow for that particular tree [Music] so it's not casting any Shadows so we can see in the reflection uh but then we can keep the brightness here okay so that's that's nice okay so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to probably set the render to about 250 samples and see how that comes out I'm also going to set the render size to 200% now if you don't have this panel these these figures can be found here so that's 200% here actually for the purpose of this tutorial I'm just going to hide this because some people don't have it right so I'm going to turn make sure D noise is turned off here I'm going to leave it to these values for the samples for light light Puffs I don't think it's necessary for this I think that really helpful if there are really small lights but let's leave that on for now and for light paths I've got these all set to 32 I think that's quite overball but if you watch my tutorials I quite like setting it quite high so there's maximum amount of bounce as possible unless the render time is ridiculous then I will just turn those down a little bit but most of the time is fine clamp in is set to zero because I don't want it to clamp any light and these are all turned on and for I'm going to turn on simplify actually because that will help with the render especially we're really approaching the vram limit so let's turn all subdivision to maximum of zero for both viewport and render and we'll see how that looks cuz we're far enough from the objects I don't think we'll be able to see if something doesn't have subdivision enabled if we do then we can adjust it but I'm going to set max some texture size to be 2K I think that would also be perfectly fine that will help a lot with the vram all right so for film I'm just going to leave that at 1.5 I think that is fine and then I'm going to go down to color management and this is what I'm going to change it this is available in 4.0 I'm going to switch that to agx and I'm going to set this to I believe I will try Punchy so you should all be always be using ax because that has a much better way of dealing with brightness and colors so that's quite dark so let's bring up the exposure a little bit okay I think that is already actually looking a lot better um I'm just going to try to experiment with a few of these okay I what I think is I'm going to set this to base contrast I'm going to set that to 0.5 I think this already looks really nice and very natural so I'm going to leave that as it is and then I think that is the last setting I'm going to change render settings then I'm going to make sure sure it renders out as a [Music] tiff and 16 bits all right and then for render for the render passes what we're going to do is set is where maybe want to turn on [Music] mist and then we're going to go to um object index let's turn on object index and material index I'm going to make a few masks that we will [Music] use and then glossy indirect uh this one and let's set transmission direct and cuz we can use that to make the glass Pop Let's actually turn on both because we might need the other one and we can actually use the crypto mat object I think you might use that one actually instead of the masks and as have as we have enabled Mist what I'm going to do is go to the world Tab and I'm just going to search mist and we can set the distances so we want the Mist to cover this whole distance so let's press T and let's just measure just click and drag from here to see how big this is this is about 114 m so let's just let's just uh set this to maybe something like 150 M okay cuz that should ENC Compass everything and the start fall off let's set this to 1 M and then we can try to blend that in if we want to into the final render I'm actually going to turn off I'm going to turn off indexes because I'll be using the crypto mat instead so right what we're going to do I think we're ready for a render and we can see how this looks so let's file save and then render all right so this is the Finish render and I think this is looking pretty fantastic actually um there is some dirt maybe this dirt could do with being a bit smaller but I think for now it looks okay it's actually that probably needs a tweak actually that's quite looks like a low resolution image um this dirt looks pretty cool this looks quite natural on the side here um these plants look natural same for the trees these clouds just perfect I can't believe that's how they've turned out what I have done is I've saved out all these passes I've just plugged them all into Doo node and exported them in the other tutorial I have done the other master class for the interior I've used a file output node oh a file output node so when the render finishes it automatically saves everything out um but I didn't do it this time so I've just manually gone through and saved them all out I've then also used a crypto mat to specifically choose which objects I want and I've created a mask fit each and they look like this so we have a mask for the glass this is the final render which I think looks very cool um we have a glass this one and we have one for the grass so what I also forgot to do was when I save out a mask I need to make sure that the view transform is set to standard otherwise if it's set to filmic or agx the whites won't be white so if you look at this one the whites are white but in this one they're kind of a gray but for a mask it needs to be black or white so make sure when you are exporting as a mask make sure you export as a standard view transform so I've created various masks I have some gloss directs gloss indirect masks I have the M Mist pass and I have various other masks and things going on so let's move these over into Photoshop okay so I already have done some changes and I will talk you through them in a second but what I've just done here is just drop this first image in and then I right click it and did a convert to Smart object from there you can then add a filter and then add a camera raw filter in in Affinity photo there is a similar tool to that but I can't remember what it's called um but once you add that you can then go into here and you can adjust various settings now these are the settings which I ended up with and I'm going to talk you through them now because I just kind of went through it and tweaking tweaking so it's a lot easier for me to go through it and explain what I've done okay so what I first started was with was the curves and I just created this curve so I I pushed this up just a little bit just to make the Shadows a bit brighter and then I brought this up as well to follow it so there's not too much differences here if you bring this too far down it's like the opposite of contrast I've also brought this level up ever so slightly and that basically makes the black Misty which gives it a film look but I just did that and ever so slightly smidge and here is where I brought in a little bit more contrast again so bring this back to normal this adds a little bit more contrast and a little bit more fine control over the specific areas I think if you're going to use one you only need to use one you don't need use don't need to use both but I do find it a bit easier to work like that anyway for the basic settings I brought the I made it a little bit colder because it was a little bit too warm I felt like but I only brought it down by minus two and in general I increase the brightness and reduce the highlights after I increase the brightness and this is generally I didn't do too much here just try to bring a bit more contrast into certain areas then what I did was decrease the the Vibrance so Vibrance doesn't mean that it's going to be totally black and white when it's zero it kind of changes the tones ever so slightly it kind of reduces the dynamic range of the color is that right but I kind of like bringing that down a little bit and then bringing the saturation up a little bit but I should brought that down I think that might look better so it flattens the color then increases is the brightness the saturation of them but this is what I ended up with I think that actually look a bit better okay we can adjust that a little bit later anyway then I got onto detail of course I wanted to add some sharpening so I added some sharpening here you can only see that slightly in these edges but a little bit sharpening is also very nice let's just come back to color mixer in a second and go to effects I've added some film grain which gives it a nice natural photography graphy look and then I added some vignette to the edges here so if I hide this we can see the edges go a bit darker so it focuses the image a little bit into the middle I always think that always helps Focus the image then I got on to calibration so this is where I'm not too sure how to explain it um there are there's this very good tutorial online on how to use calibration and if you haven't used it please please please check that out because you're can immediately change the whole look of feel of your image it doesn't it doesn't necessarily change it kind of like switches all the colors around um I don't really know what the technical term is for it but I just played with this until I found something I quite liked and I actually think that that looked a bit nicer I feel like you could play with this all day and it immediately changed the whole look and feel of your image doing this makes a crazy orange teal look which you see in a lot of movies um so that's how they get that and I just kind of play with this until I found something I liked but maybe maybe something like that is fine so that's kind of that and then I went to the color mixer after doing that and try to tweak these colors ever so slightly even more so I can then choose the specific colors I want to tweak in certain ways so if the calibration brought one yellow too far green I can then bring that back again so we can do something like this [Music] okay that's basically it that I did for the color for this one this basically you can just work straight the way down and just tweak it tweak it tweak it ever so slightly don't go too crazy just tweak tweak tweak tweak a little bit a little bit and just see if you can get a look that you like I like sometimes going straight to calibration and seeing if it immediately makes a type of theme which I never even thought was possible with the render and if it if it pushes me in a Direction which I wasn't expecting there are also tons of presets available for the camera raw filter online uh so do check out some of those just do a quick Google search and there's tons of freebies and they can always give you the first look into what you could expect so let's click okay for that okay then the next thing I did was add the Mist so if you look here we added mist and the Mist is beautiful so if I hold down alt and click on the I I can see just what that mist does so that's set to 87 so I've push that up like this and then above that I have a levels as well so this levels basically let's just bring that up here sorry properties so what levels does is I can tweak how strong the the Mist is in the front compared to the back so if I leave that like this and then turn this on if I bring this down we can see that the Mist comes closer and closer to the camera if I push it further this way it makes the Mist appear like it's further in the distance which is which is a lot like how it happens in real life you might see the trees in the distance have a slight Haze maybe it's been a very warm day and there's lots of pollen in the air so that's always a very natural look so you can bring in as much as you like uh but something like this is quite nice just an ever so slight touch right then so after all the calibration and everything I felt like the sky was too dark so I made a mask for the sky using the crypto mat I think I basically just selected everything and then what was left was going to be the sky I don't know if it's possible to select the sky um because what I was meant to have done was probably save out another pass for the alpha but that didn't happen so anyway I ended up with a mask for the sky so let's have a look at this that's how it looked and I added that in so if you wanted to add a mask to a certain adjustment layer so let's let's do that together now so let's say that this is the mask that I want I'm going to go into this and press hold down control and click here and do contrl + C then I've copied that then if I add a adjustment layer let's say levels if I hold down alt and click in into the mask and do control +v we have then pasted that mask into here but this is the wrong way round so let's do control I to flip that and we can see where I did a very bad job of making the mask so I just kind of painted in with pressing B and just painted in where the black bit should be and what was left should have been the sky so that's how I made that mask so if I just delete that and delete that and if I paste that in we can see that I think I just ever so slightly brought up I think I made the sky a bit I think something like this is nice then I think I made the sky a bit more saturated so we're losing some information here and I don't think I like this color so let's just select the Reds and bring that down okay so I think that just adds a bit more Dynamic stuff bit more color to the sky I had I also did a mask for this for the grass I think I adjusted the Hue here um but I think I might actually just leave that off cuz I think that looks a bit more natural let's delete that okay so I also added another Hue saturation and that was for this wood so let's do that one together so I go to adjustment layer add did a hue saturation I clicked on this button and then I clicked and dragged on the yellows oh it actually shows as red so if I bring that right down we can make it black and white if I bring this down just a little bit we can make that like this it's ever so slight but I think that it's a bit better all right I think that looks right so if I hold down so if I hold down alt and click here we can see the original and the new one I think that maybe it's looking a little bit too Moody after everything that I've done so let's just see if I can bring that back just at a hug saturation and just see if I can push up the Vibrance or saturation a little bit let's try let's try Vibrance [Music] instead so I do find the Vibrance just to be a bit softer in how it works I think that's good let's try move a little bit more [Music] saturation okay I think maybe maybe as it's going to be a bit more evening shot maybe a bit more warmth could be nice let's see how that looks maybe that is better bit more warmth I think that looks good I think I feel like at this point I probably need to walk away and come back to it uh but I've been working quite a lot of hours on this and I I kind of want it to be finished but if I was you take a step away come back to it and see what you feel like and see if you think that maybe it's just way too saturated maybe it's not I'm probably going to look at this tomorrow morning actually and probably change something but I don't know if I'll include that in the in the recording if I do change it I will add the final image tomorrow but I think for now that's probably fine for me I think the final look is very cool I love how the background is be brighter um I love the the look and the details okay now one thing I one thing I also want to do is I want to make the pool have a bit more color so I'm going to add in this mask which I created I'm going to press W and just click on this going to turn on contiguous and select this just this one and that's going to be for the pool now I'm going to add a solid color and that will be for the pool and then that has with the mask slected already that's created that mask for me so I'm going to change that to be like a blue maybe like this one but bit more like this then I'm going to change that to be a color and bring that right down we just want to add a little bit of blue to the pool maybe I can also make change the levels of the pool so let's just so if I want to copy this mask all I'm going to do is hold down alt click and drag that into here then it then it will create the mask for this one as well so if I can make this whole pool darker or lighter but I think darker could be quite nice I think that fits much better let's try to bring in more Blues perhaps uh maybe make this a bit less saturated let's try to find a blue that maybe fits quite nice okay so that was before and this is after I think that's much better as a bit more Dynamic Color to the pool I'm not sure I think adding some color is better I'm not sure if the blues are working but maybe we can make a bit brighter perhaps no I think dark is better okay so I think that pool is looking good I think I'm going to try to make the glass pop so we've we already have a glass mask selected and we have and we have like a glass Reflections thing going on here so I'm going to select this mask hold down alt uh sorry hold on control click and do contrl c to select the mask I'm going to click on this uh pass click on the mask hold hold down alt click into this mask and do contrl + V right so now we have a mask for this one so what we can do is just see if there's a mask that looks quite nice I think screen could be good but we just need a a little little bit just to make the glass show have a bit more Reflections in [Music] it I think that looks good maybe having them darker is probably better I think in this case I think I'm going to leave this off I think having it darker is probably a bit nicer okay so I'm going to leave this here for now and come back to it tomorrow and see if it's the finished product which I was hoping for um maybe tomorrow after some fresh eyes I want to tweak it but this is what I recommend you do as well just save it how you think that you think it looks good come back to it tomorrow fresh eyes I guarantee there's going to be something that you'll want to tweak or you look at it and think oh my God because I know this one for me I feel like it has some two strong colors going on or something but I just can't see it so I'm going to go away and come back to it tomorrow okay so I've come back to it the next day and I think that I'm probably going to leave it here I'm not going to edit it anymore I do think that if it's requested I know I said this before and I never did it but if it is but if it is requested by people I'm going to do a part two and I think I'm going to cover the Photoshop side more um but I'm also going to do a different lighting setup so I want to try a evening light because that's also very very common for exterior shots and I think this shot would look very very nice as an evening shot so that could be a part two I can do the evening shot and then do Photoshop in a lot more detail I think I just started being very conscious that this is going to be a very very very long tutorial um so I was kind of rushing it towards the end so if that is what something if that's what you guys would like then please let me know and don't forget there is a sale at imesh so if you want to follow along to this tutorial uh completely then please check out imash 50% off so it's only $75 for over two almost 2,000 assets which is ridiculous I do think think that it really is an investment I use imesh for my own work uh as as well as a bunch of people from a Discord and and we've now had a million downloads we've had a million individual downloads of all the products so that's all of our customers downloading downloading the entire library and it's now cross a million downloads which is ridiculous so you're being good company and I'm sure that you'll be able to find your place in the AR industry okay so thank you very much for watching I really hope that you've enjoyed this long tutorial if anybody makes it towards the end then please do share your renders on Instagram with # Imes and I'll be sure to share those to our Channel and yeah thank you very much for watching I really appreciate it and have a good day and check out imesh um and have a good day have a good week have a good month whenever it is
Channel: iMeshh
Views: 63,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: e-Ql-bMa9So
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 34sec (10054 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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