Adding Normal and Bump Maps in Blender 2.80

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hello and welcome to another blender tutorial by Luis art my name is Iman you look awful and today I'll be showing you guys how you can set up your bump and number map inside blender 2.8 so let's just jump in and stead so if you don't have any idea what in the mama look looks like this is an example of that so there are different software or different methods you can use to achieve nice maps like this and so this is called a normal map and then we also have I'll just open it here so we also have a displacement map or a bump map in some instance so this is what it looks like in this tutorial I will not be showing you guys how you can create this map but I'll be showing guys how you can set it up the right way and make sure it shows the way you want it to show okay so let's just jump into our look Deb Deb mode this is an asset I'm working on for this project so for this clove so what we want to do is create a new material and let's go into the out menu the shader editor and let's add our texture and let's select the appropriate textures okay so we have the normal map here so importantly you want to set it to non color in some instance you would get it in the srgb but you want to make sure is set to non color so when when you're whenever you're dealing with maps that displaces mesh so I'm talking about normal map I'm talking about bump map I'm talking about displacement mouth you want to always set it to non color so this is always important you should be at that in mind so I would duplicate this texture and also add in the displacement map so you can see it changes it to the srgb so you want to switch it back to non color okay so now we have our displacement and our bump map sorry our normal map in the same and what want to do is you can either press the shift a or I'm adding it no way you could also add it true here so the vector you want to add the normal map okay and now we'll just connect the normal map color into the color so you're from there you're good so you can just also include the UV map in case you have multiple UV maps so you want to include the appropriate one and then we are all set so the next is to also add the bump Valley found the bomb value and we can just this bomb color we'll set it to the height and the normal to the normal then we can connect this to this so in some instance if you don't have the displacement or bump and you just have the number you can actually just connect the Sonoma mob straits here and it also works okay so let's check how everything is looking okay so you can say it's quite the effect is quite a lot I'm just bring this down you can see the effect is quite a lot so we need to reduce it this brings us the parameter here so you could either reduce the strenght but I don't like to reduce the strength I like to leave the strength at 1 but I like to play with the distance since I created the normal map and the displacement map in ZBrush most times the scaling of the geometry may be wrong when it comes to blender so you can play with the scaling with a distance here so I have tried point zero five usually works so as you can see just setting that to point zero five gives me a better result so you should this is can be called the scaling so and so you should play with that to get a more decent result so as you can see it's looking well and let's say you want to I like an extra bump map you can duplicate this bump okay and connect this bomb to the normals and let's just add a procedural texture and that was gonna be let's just dis wave texture let's preview how it looks okay so we can just add this factor to the height and let's see what we have okay so as you can see it's looking good we could increase the strength or reduce it and you should know you could also increase this to a higher number and yeah so that's it guys thank you guys for watching this tutorial if you enjoyed this video don't forget to hit the like button and stay tuned I have something planned since blender at some point interesting new released and most people are not really familiar with the interface I have a plan to release it a very long video showing a process of create a pizza it's gonna be an Hawaiian pizza so you guys she states on I just this is just a place for that sale I can upload that videos so thank you guys for watching this tutorial bye bye for now see you next time
Channel: Luwizart
Views: 210,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adding Normal and Bump Maps in Blender 2.80, Adding Normal in Blender, Adding Bump map in Blender, Adding Displacement in BLender, Texturing in blender, Shading in BLender, BLender node editor, Blender 2.80 tutorial, BLender 2.80, Cg tutorial, Bump Maps in Blender 2.80, Normal and Bump Maps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 22sec (322 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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