Transfer HIGH POLY details to LOW POLY object in Blender

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can you tell which one of these rocks is low poly model today we'll learn how to turn your high poly model with all the fancy details into a low poly model but to keep all the details there so let's do it remember the previous episode where you learned how to create this really cool rock or stone out of a cube or any other mesh that you like well that's cool but if you go to edit you can see that this is really dance mesh really high poly mesh and if you go right here and turn on statistics you can see that we have around 210 around 30 000 faces it's enormous number and if we make a copy of this rock and make some really cool scene we'll have millions of faces and blender can Hiccup from get Frozen Etc and you will be stressful and maybe blender will break eventually Etc so we need to lower the mountain polygons but to maintain the same details that we have right here so how to do that really simple first of all I want to rename this to rock underscore High like this is high amount of polygon and then shift d to make a copy press escape to leave it at the exactly same position this is really important they need to overlap and I will rename this to rock low obviously and now let's turn this from high amount of polygons to low so there are several ways how you can do it I will show you two we can add decimate modifier and lower the ratio here so for example 0.002 let's see press enter and we will go to 915 faces this is decent and we can work with this amazing so that's one way how you can do it another way is to go right here and go to remesh and we can remesh using voxels and the higher number here the lower amount of faces we'll have so we'll go for example 0.2 let's see and this will bring up yeah we need to press box so rematch obviously and this will bring us to 638 faces and this is decent this is what we can work with and from 230 000 faces all the way to 638 amazing so this is a huge difference now in order to transfer all these details to this low poly version first we need to unwrap this unwrapping means that uh imagine that you have a really cool Cube cardboard box and you need to open it completely unwrap it and then you can play some really cool nice shiny paper and some textures whatever on that wrapped unwrapped part you can wrap it back and you have really nice like a gift box something like that so we need to unwrap this this rock in order to based some maps and some textures back on so this is really simple you can go to UV editing here and just press a to select all and currently this is empty we can go into UV here or just press U on a keyboard and we can use Smart UV project for this project this is really enough I will go with margins a little bit higher so that I don't have overlapping and this is like we use the scissors and cut out the certain parts of the Rock and just place it flat on the surface so this is it and now that we have that we can go back to the layout remember you need to have low poly version unwrapped High poly you don't need to worry about so now let's go to let's play the screen here okay and here I will go from 3D viewport to shading editor and to hide this menu and create new material for this rock perfect now what we need we need two nodes shift a and we need image texture okay one node there and shift a and we need normal map node because we will bake a normal map we will use all the details from the high poly version and bake it to a normal map and apply it to low poly version and then we will have three details that means that we will render this for free in manner of calculation Etc it's it's basically having a fake details there that will look real so you'll see so normal to normal and color to color okay perfect now go here and create a new map I will name it Rock underscore normal okay and I will go here and select both of these and just multiply by four because I want to go for from 1K to 4K resolution the higher resolution you have the more details you can make and that's cool and we can leave everything as it is press OK and switch color space for Sr from srgb to non-color that's important so you want to have non-color here perfect and now we can add optional modifier if you want for some examples this is really useful here it's not too much but I want to show you that you can try that shrink wrap modifier to wrap vertices from low poly around High poly version but because they are pretty much the same it will not have any difference but let's show the high poly version go to the shrink wrap and just select the target Rock High that's it you're done you can apply it if you want and that's it you're completely done now we want to go to the render tab here go from EV to Cycles this is important and you can go with CPU or GPU whatever if you have a nice GPU card you can do that and basically we can have here for the render 128 samples it doesn't need to have too much samples because we are now just rendering geometry but we want to go to the bake here because we want to bake normals and from bake type from combined we want to switch to normals that's it leave this as it is bake from multi-resolution there is another way how you can do exactly the same thing bake from multi-resolution but I will show different ways so let's go selected to active and now we need to select this one and control and select low version so select High version high poly Version Control and select low poly version this is really important in order for this to work and we can set the cage cage is basically let me show really quickly here if you select the low poly version make a copy shift d and just let's try this and just make it big enough to cover the high poly version so this is the cage inside that cage it will be big the maps will be big so this is useful sometimes but because we have this only only the rock we can skip this and instead of that I made so many copies and instead of that I can go with Extrusion so 0.5 meters same like Kate making Extrusion so this is it and before we bake this I want to go to the high poly version and right click or W and shade smooth also to low poly version shade smooth in order to make maps better so if we don't do the shade smooth the maps will have this crazy geometry so Shades mode is important and make sure that here the normals the outer smooth is not checked you don't want that because you will have all these things so not checked on both versions so see not checked perfect and then remember select the high Version Control and click to select the low poly version go here to the big everything is set Extrusion is set select detective set and just click bake and now as you can see right here the blender is start baking this and in a matter of few moments or minutes depends of your specs of computer and of course the resolution of the normal Maverick that you set we will have normal mountbake I will pause this for a moment and come back soon and the map is baked and in order to see it we can go for example to a shading Tab and here we have a image viewer node and we can go right here and choose a rock underscore normal and this is how our normal map looks perfect it's already applied so we can hide the Rock High and this is it this is our low poly version with all the details and in order to see this better I can just change the materials so let's make it darker for example let's reduce the roughness a little bit and maybe add a metallic adjust to see the details better see this is amazing and if you go to the render here everything is dark side will go with some hdrr hdri map so this looks amazing and in order to compare it with high poly version see so let's let's change the material here add I want to add the same material but I need to make a copy and I need to delete this because this doesn't need to have all these things so let's move it let's go to the top view and move it show this one move it here so we have one beside other and can you tell the difference which one is High poly which one is low poly let me just hide this background so this is nice and if we go back to the layout let me show the trick you can still see this as a low poly with width if I hide this with 638 faces but if you go to the shading here you will see the first lotion and if you go to the render here you will see everything so as you can see low Poly vs High poly but with transfer details so basically if I just rotate like this can you say which is which I have no idea they look amazing both of them so this is it another version to do it with the multi-resolution is again really similar if you want I can share really quickly now okay if you insist I will show really quickly so basically it's the same I will make a copy of this and uh and and and go right here and this is how it looks so we went to this part and instead of so we have we have the map this is Rock underscore normal number two so we created a new map everything is cool non-color mode so everything is exactly the same like previous way but now we need to go to multi-resolution tab here add and not modifiers and add a multi-resolution here and then add the shrink wrap modifier you need to do that this in this order and choose here the Rock High perfect and this is not good because you can see the rock high is not in the position so make sure to unalign it I will bring it back to where it was so now I can hide it and go back to this one choose the Rock High perfect and just with the multi-resolution you can subdivide it until you think it's cool so I can go with four or maybe five levels yeah five is better and now this looks like like the original high resolution version but instead of level of Youth board 5 we'll press zero and we want to apply a shrink wrap so shrink wrap apply that's it we only want to have a multi-res modifier here with these settings and go right here go back to bake and instead of Select it to active go and set big to multi-res make sure that this image texture is selected if not selected and just click bake and this time we don't need to select any of these together this can be like that and wait for a few moments in order to this normal map be baked and I will show the result okay so let's go here to the shading and this is it we have really nice result if we disconnect this we'll have not so good result but back with this we will have all the details back also to the render tab here again all the details are here and this is exactly what we want if we want to compare it with this one again it's the same so maybe here is a little bit better visible so this is high poly this is low poly and now what you can do is to go to the modifiers here and just apply this multi-res you don't need it anymore and this is it and you can see we have 638 faces we can just make a copy of this as many as we want for our scene we can make some really cool scene I'm just randomly making this but our viewport will not freeze because we have we have just 6030 380 faces this is really low amount of faces for this and basically we have all the details and if we made this amount of copies for from the high poly version we'll have millions of faces and it will be totally different story but this is really really cool and really really handy to know and in a lot of situations you can save your day by transferring data details practically from high quality low poly version with normal maps and make game ready models like that great guys let me know down there in the comments what do you think about these episodes and just practice and enjoy making things in blender see you in my next one episode bye bye
Channel: 3Dnot2D
Views: 280,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: High poly to low poly, Blender 3d, Blender, Blender tutorial, Blender tutorial for beginners, texture baking in blender, blender bake, making normal maps in blender, baking normal map in blender, high poly to low poly blender, how to bake normal maps in blender to a low poly, how to, how to bake normal maps in blender, Game ready assets in blender, how to make game ready assets in blender, 3Dnot2D, 3D not 2D, Nemanja Sekulic
Id: l8xrSgyfEHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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