Smashing My Way To Freedom In Dysmantle #1

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hey Gamers it's grind this game here with a new game for the channel dismantle where we're uh we're in a survival bunker and we're about to escape and see what the world is like the crown station everyone will be provided a safe Transit as soon as possible and we're on some kind of Island and we're gonna try to get off the island we must just to survive just to exist when our society started to collapse I was prepared my underground shelter was filled with food and supplies nice but that was years ago nothing's left now time to get outside no idea go around but I can't stay here all I know is that there's supposed to be an evacuation site to the east I need to get there I need to escape this wretched Island indeed okay we're out of the uh shelter do we have a beard huh hard to say okay the point of this game is to smash things that's it you smash things okay I can't smash that I can't smash that thing oh we can smash the barbecue yeah you smash things and then you collect pieces and you upgrade your equipment I wonder if I can see my equipment yet not yet it kind of unfolds you this is a bit of a tutorial okay we're supposed to light these fires these fires are your little save points in the game I did play the game a little bit just to get the hang of it restore materials in these boxes by the fire okay yeah strike objects good experience breaking things and it seems really boring to begin with and really slow uh but it kind of unfolds as you get upgrades things get easier and better we have a new Quest we need to find two scrap metal five scrap wood [Music] and there are enemies out there okay so there's a bunch of stuff here we can't break yet but in the future when we do some upgrades maybe we'll be able to and behind here are some bushes and stuff you can rotate the camera with the middle Mouse button can we get this little rock and over with this no not yet there are zombies as well they don't really explain where the zombies came from but there's zombies out there okay we found what we needed upgrade the crossbow or crowbar I'm not crossbar I wish I had a crossbow crowbar at the camp store the materials first and then camping kind of Saves the Game it also lets you get into your mature okay so here's my inventory I don't know much uh we got defense here uh let's upgrade our gear we're gonna upgrade that crowbar we're gonna get some more crit chance and Power Attack we got lots of Mouse holding in this game I I'm not a big fan of holding the mouse button to do stuff but what are you gonna do dad just doing it I guess uh yeah we already know that okay with an upgraded crowbar we can now hit these barrels [Music] middle Mouse button uh lets you rotate like I said my middle Mouse button doesn't work so well so I won't be rotating much but if we can get it to work uh uh there we go uh yeah you kind of look around we'll be we'll have to do that for certain views yeah my mouse I you think I'd buy a new mouse by now but I'm cheap what can I say okay can we get this done yeah we get through here now completed okay they're now the way is now open experience we're getting up to level two here pretty soon okay certain things we can't quite bash it and that's out of bounds these chairs didn't get though and I see something out there oh let's just get everything going on here first of all working evacuation transports are outbound please keep calm and wait for the maintenance okay this is an automated recording sent from k23 the crown station okay little uh radio things that seems like there's quite a few of those well we can cook okay we need to find some cooking recipes let's see what else we can bash in here lots of leaves my bags are full okay we gotta go back to the camp here now shift to Sprint let's dump all this stuff in here hopefully we get more inventory slots I think we do once we upgrade our backpack let's get in here let's see what we got here okay we can't do that yet there's some stuff back here I can't really see I guess we have to rotate oh come on game oh there's a door here actually some kind of cloth it's fabric okay yeah it's telling us how to rotate the camera thank you Game very useful now this toilet I think we get Ceramics later on there is a map I don't know I can't see it it's it's gonna unlock later you can also drop stuff if you have like too many leaves you can drop those all right so the F key I think is there something in this medicine cabinet okay we can't get that yet maybe let's go drop what we have here I'm gonna rotate the camera back to this way so we can kind of stay oriented here okay can we run away while we're storing that yeah okay let's get out outside of the little starting Shack here okay here we go first kind of mushroom head look at those guys that's right out of uh The Last of Us I think is that thing now we can hold the mouse button to do like a big attack combat's not too bad in this game I don't think what's this going to say here hold down yet press uh to toggle the target okay I definitely need to do some upgrading here Western gate Eastern Gate now it said I think that the escape with East but we're just gonna try to explore the map here see what we can find okay we got some cloth there okay kick it can't get the garbage cans yet but we'll get those in a bit once we upgrade plastic we're getting full here we're going to want to upgrade our inventory pretty soon here what was that bad guy in there let's get him oh he can oh there's like a little we can sneak kind of bash them over there let's do them oh we don't have that much health so we're gonna be really careful with these guys or they will take us out we need to find some cooking ingredients that's no good what about these uh oh get some Ceramics that's good but we're full up thank you there are other fireplaces out here let's just try to find one of those um let's say hold that bash get that plastic it's a resource okay there's a fire right here good perfect see if you're drop our materials first and then oh there's a guy over there I'm gonna Camp so we can save and then also let's see if we can upgrade things here backpack oh yeah we can definitely upgrade that go in here bashing things keep exploring they can't do the fence yet plastic what about this net nope don't think so there's a big long fence here lots of wood if we need it or we can't do that one yet anyway bash everything now apparently you can build stuff later on you can build bases I think I read that somewhere so oh we got level two I wonder what that's gonna unlock you have leveled up return to the campfire okay let's investigate the Dog House hello new invention cooking pot and throwing knives there's another guy in here let's uh not alert him we'll try to get in here and Bash them come here you oops ain't the wrong thing big smack okay let's go level up first because that might unlock stuff uh tomato soup cooking recipe delicious steaming soup okay we need some tomatoes for that we'll get those eventually now every time you save at the campfire the enemies respawn so that's kind of not great but uh let's invent okay here we go here's the tech tree of the game uh what do we got here we got cooking pot uh I think we already have that oh do we have this though jeans and Jersey outfit damage block very nice what do we got here okay painless death okay that's one way to do it let's go for can we get the cooking pot no we need lots of Ceramics for that track the ingredients on that one or throwing knives can we do this one uh let's attract the ingredients for that too we just need some more plastic and some more fabric okay we have new goals let's keep going here let's keep going get some more stuff or you see he respond okay ah pretty predictable uh strikes or whatever okay we took a little bit of damage there we don't have much damage so we gotta be careful tomatoes we'll be cooking before you know it here stuff under these now eventually I think you can knock these walls down like everything can become destructible as long as you can level up enough because that sink is too much for us same with the toilet I think okay we'll keep searching here okay I already searched this no fabric nice now if all it was was bashing things probably get old pretty fast but um I think because you're always upgrading your gear and stuff keeps it kind of fresh let's keep looking around here uh let me check over here yet I don't think so oh yeah we did and that guy respawned okay there's two of them in here if I remember correctly here comes the other one oh we hit the coffee cup by mistake we're almost took a hit there oh I died okay if you die it's not the end of the world I think you just drop your inventory um everything did that guy respawn I think he might have there's a corpse around here somewhere probably hopefully we don't drive this time got to be a little bit more careful because we only got like two hit points take that okay that one that went a little bit better let's search that was my corpse okay so I don't think you lose anything permanently but if you die twice I think then you're hoop because I think your first corpse disappears so don't die twice in a row I think it's the name of the game now like I said I've only tried this out really briefly so I don't know what's coming up save that recording purposes let me know what you think of the game so far uh don't forget to hit that thumbs up if you think this is good kind of gives me an idea if you guys want me to continue with the series or whether we should move on to another game some of these games I keep playing them anyway keep it a few guys all right uh and sometimes they're recorded sometimes I don't okay let's set out here are we full up you know well that gave us some pretty good clocks those are pretty good it was uh clothes on so we're gonna hear a little toy can we get on this thing no now funny enough you can't bash trees which is really strange oh where's that guy here big Dash come here okay so now I missed that fabric oh I'm full let's go drop some stuff off here where was that over here uh where did this come from basic okay we're gonna find a map at the link Tower upgrade your backpack level up okay we'll accept that all right new Quest [Applause] find a map at the link Tower okay we'll have to find that or we can make some tomato soup now I think we should probably do that after we uh scooch around here a little bit look at this stuff we're kind of exploring over here what's this for the memory of the Native inhabitants of the island original artifacts discovered in 1917. [Music] what was the sign here Pizza eat it yeah okay what do we got in here the graveyard this could be bad oh we need lock picking for this okay I guess we're not going in there yet let's head to the east here what's this say oh we already know that power strike okay maybe we'll go left here actually oh there's two guys there two guys can we oh they saw me run away oh smarts luckily we didn't take any damage there but there's another one here oh he seems to see you right away oh there's three ouch to him not me there is music in this game I'm not sure why it's not playing can't hit that yet oh we can get this one though okay that guy's alerted but [Music] I think he's trapped behind the gate uh oh there's a bunch of them there okay I don't want to go in there just yet because that would be painful and I don't think they can I don't think there's a way to open the gate yet okay we're kind of hemmed in here let's go see let's search this car it's metal okay we'll take it I guess we'll go east can this mailbox now but not the fence yet yeah we need a little upgrade yet for that let's go try cooking some soup because soup sounds yummy my keyboard is Extremely Loud uh let's go this way don't worry that I think even though it's stored we can use it even though it's not in our inventory hey where'd you come from that we killed you already I almost took a hit okay let's try some cooking here need a cooking pot Okay cooking pot let's go craft [Applause] fortunately you can't craft without everything respawning inventing craft yeah let's uh let's make this cooking pot don't know what these do we have enough no we need some more plastic for the old throwing knives what about this uh they're already tracking that yeah we definitely want to get that upgrade to the backpack um sleep another Quest invent link Tower toolkit and install deadly transmission then we got two quests on the go here go to the exclamation site east of your shelter okay find a map we got a new linked to our toolkit I want to make this tomato soup though I don't know why I'm all about the tomato soup but let's get this guy we alerted him thank you looks like you can Power Attack Furniture as well or maybe not only if there's an enemy nearby might as well bash this stuff really I don't know let's respawn no I don't think so I don't like the stuff respawns just to monsters okay let's try cooking here we got a pot let's put the tomatoes in cooking Heat oh yeah let's see Maxi points plus five okay we'll uh we'll try that out let's uh where is the soup uh or did it make it and eat it I think it oh yeah I think it made it and we ate it so that's giving us more hit points okay we're gonna go east of our shelter here after we put some stuff away yeah let's go east here we need more plastic so that's good let's get this guy we'll sneak up behind him Ash oh it's two double Bash plastic more fabric dismantler we destroyed 100 objects experience is good take it okay let's be careful here I have a feeling there's gonna be stuff around here I might be able to scan the area using the link Tower let's see what this is all about old activate oh that guy saw me okay Tower [Music] okay we got the map revealed here acquired map for the something area and nearby Link Towers okay good good good uh or we can open some gates from here I'm not gonna open the gates just yet invent link Tower toolkit install okay we'll have to do that uh go to the evacuation site East okay beginning of a long journey okay we got the basics in place okay we need some more upgrades to our crowbar but we could upgrade the backpack now so that would be a good thing to do let's go do that after we kill this guy here I sneak up on them It's gotta hurt okay maybe we'll get some more supplies before we head back here because we're gonna need him maybe we can open the thing I think we have to craft some stuff before we open the thing here yeah what do we got here was that Ceramics yeah coffee cups are good coffee's even better hopefully we can craft coffee I think every game needs coffee how about this Lumber no we need better crowbar this dresser's fair game though this reminds me of project Zomboy just a tiny tiny little bit just with the isometric view okay we gotta go put some stuff our way we got a bag of blood there's a craftable okay let's go upgrade the backpack does it put this stuff automatically when I can't Maybe I think it does okay we can check we can choose some skills here we'll get pack rat more hit points uh X or I want more XP so I can get more stuff faster it's often a good way to go but I don't know if it will be or not a baseball cap what's this going to do this uh throwable damage versus monsters plus ten percent damage block we'll eventually want that um throwing uh you know what we have to go in here first backpack okay in crowbar we need a lot of scrap wood and then we can do another crowbar but Wood's pretty easy to get I think custom got here my cooking pot we got that I think we already got that maybe we don't I thought we had it already I thought I already cooked something up um throwing knives fabric what does a bag of blood do Max plus five hit points okay I kind of want to make all this stuff now does this stay forever or once we die I wonder if we lose that okay let's get back out there go to the X evacuation to Eastern I wonder if that's the last oh that's escape the island that's like the final thing you went down fast that was our upgraded crowbar no we haven't done that yet I'm gonna see what happens if we I don't think we can do it but let's just try here open Eastgate oh the gate is sealed nearby oh there's a boss there okay there is a boss let's go see if we can find him I don't know if we're ready for him yet should probably get some more stuff here like throwing knives before we take them on okay let's go get this guy down she goes oh oh geez acid throwing guy oh any dodges okay the enemies are getting harder uh thank you okay I think I'm in trouble here oh not very good at dodging here oh I'm a big hit oh I'm gonna die here luckily we got him okay oh that was close I better go heal press space to dodge oh we got a kind of a Dodge that's good that could have come in handy oh yeah we got new moves I better go sleep and cure myself I think I lost my health upgrade maybe the baseball cap would be in order here let's uh see what we got here let's get inside oh we need a lock pick what do we got in there though radio and stuff thank you throwing knives a range weapon would definitely be helpful all that stuff can we get these things here no not yet oh there's a campfire here very handy what do we got here getting stronger invent a cooking pot okay we'll try to do all that let's get this fire started yeah I think maybe we should camp heal up here and let's craft this baseball cap or we can't yet we need one more fabric because uh that's going to give us more good stuff we need some fabric oh there's a bad guy there okay he's gonna come get us in a second we'll let him find us Smash It All oh okay where is he always right there okay let's uh gosh okay he's out of there we got our fabric and I got something out of that I don't know what I hit on the stove something foreign [Music] scrap Electronics yeah I read the reviews of this game and it said kind of it is kind of a little bit monotonous in the beginning but then as it unfolds it gets better mode so we'll see see what it's like longer term I think we definitely need a better uh crowbar but let's see here uh we already have this right pretty sure we're wearing that already uh the baseball cap let's try this nice and what else we got throwing knives can we do that one we need more fabric we just used up some fabric okay fair enough we'll just keep collecting some materials oh it's one of those badass guys okay oh oh I shouldn't just Facebook oh that hurt a lot oh can we do this without dying maybe not oh so bad a dodgy okay okay oh he's gonna hit oh man barely hanging on here okay like I said it's fairly predictable but I'm just not great okay jeez I gotta heal up I got a camp even though he's gonna respawn we want to uh try fight better this time maybe we can sneak up on here nope no such luck try to power hit him he hits hard foreign [Music] can we get kind of two hits in before he hits okay that one's slightly better but not really what if we heal up over time automatically I don't think we do I don't think there's any regeneration there okay what do we need here bag of blood I wonder if that's a permanent thing or a reusable thing let's try to make that next we just need one little piece of plastic and yet I'm not getting any of that what's this cement we can't do that yet what about these tires no no luck there I can barely uh take on the second level guys there I think the boss might do some serious damage okay there's some plastic let's go try to make the bag of blood bag of blood where were you down here okay oh we need more plant matter okay let's get some plant matter that's everywhere okay stop monster spawning I didn't realize that once we hook up that Tower I think we'll be able to stop the respawns oh there's something behind me okay we can make a bag of blood now let's do that bag of blood coming up or is that up down here is this a revisable one a fresh reserve for blood it's a trinket okay is it in my inventory now let's check your inventory yeah we got trinkets down here oh okay good good special item I wonder what that's probably oh what's this uh this is the suicide pill standard uh guess we'll equip that if we get stuck I guess it's good for that okay let's see what's to the east here we'll see if I haven't fully explored this area yet we should probably make some more stuff before we uh lock pick needed for all that okay there's two guys in there yeah we haven't searched down here yet someone sees me here's me oh yeah sorry bashed his head in with a Louisville Slugger looks like there might be a back door here I don't actually need a key Maybe okay that guy's alerted oh no we need we need a block pick and I haven't seen that show up yet we might need level four for that foreign get some leaves in case we have to go to the bathroom since there's no toilet paper in the end of days not the uh not the poison ivy though no poison oak no poison ivy okay where are we going here this looks like the the wall impassable wall oh come and get me I dare you where's he going oh I see you can't get through there big hit and you're out of there cloth see if they stop respawning you lose your you lose your uh infinite resources because I don't think that I don't think these respawn so maybe that's not the best idea even though it's telling us to do it but it might be nice to keep it respawning for a while you get everything you need and okay the backpack needs to look like leather we want throwing knives though so we just need some plastic and we'll be good there we've been up this way this is the locked room okay there's a guy over here those two Geez Louise wind up oh yeah these guys aren't too bad it's the acid guys that are scary pick I don't think I've been over here yet so corner of the world oh he heard me [Music] get him in the open all right go to there okay we need four more plastic see one right here we got other stuff over here we definitely need the plaster plastic handful up here we gotta go drop some stuff in the campfire oh no not that guy jeez see if we can Corner kill him here don't get too far away or he throws his ass oh man he wound up on got me good that time oh boy he's brutal okay we survived uh we need to go back to the campfire and uh can we we still need more plastic hmm maybe we're not gonna oh I didn't think I see me let's save our help is low anything else we can make here link Tower tool kit oh basic lock pick what is it saying here experience level 12 required geez steep steep requirements okay oh boy that guy looks different is he different he's got blue arms at least because it's night time I wonder if it gets worse at night time okay let's go find this boss see what he's all about I'm like I'm Gonna Get Enough plastic before oh and here we are he's a big boy he's a mushroom head big boy okay let's be careful here I will probably die give him a big smack okay he doesn't like that big hits only hurt because he's a big boy he's not too bad not so smart full of mushrooms okay I'm gonna get backed up into this stuff here oh I gotta be careful here it's gonna barf okay come here and oh there's gonna be ads what's he doing but that wore him down speaking back this way I think I wore him out when he puked up all that stuff this isn't bad he's pretty predictable and he dropped an egg a blue egg what's happening what's happening I should head to that link Tower to open the gate okay invent link Tower toolkit uh install a deadly transition I don't think I have that yet so I don't think this is gonna work no um okay uh evacuation set east of your shelter I think we've done that if there's something back here I haven't seen yet hidden back here when I first played through I think I found some kind of well there's a guy there I think I found some kind of uh basketball court I should try to find that oh there's a lot of guys here it's on this one okay renewable cloth that's what we like uh I just got here two guys hmm three guys four guys oh boy this could get bad can we hit multiple at once uh I don't know laughs yeah that was better than I thought it would be let's go this way like I said I think it's a basketball court around here somewhere let's alert them come and get me oh careful what you wish for I haven't really look at the map oh yeah we haven't looked at that at all here let's take a look so we're kind of here I think the boss was back here some luck picking required here but we're not going to get that anytime soon okay we haven't been here at all there's the basketball court yeah I knew there was one go check out the basketball court see if we can get some more plastic get those knives going actually we have enough for knives now and we leveled up sweet my knowledge of this world is expanding okay we've got some new inventions shovels flashlights sleeping bag okay in here is there a door here hidden in there okay I have to go in a different way oh I wonder if more of these guys come out at night okay we're getting pretty full here I better go put all this stuff over character okay we are full of cloth we'll have to come back for that uh I guess we'll go this way oh there's two of those guys we'll just kind of just ignore them oh there's a basketball court okay okay let's go do a deposit here afternoon oh let's do it foreign definitely need to drop some stuff now I could drop the leaves so I can get the coffee cup and let's drop this one plastic we can get the cloth for now I think there's some more cloth down here actually it's way down there we'll get it later let's see if what we got all this stuff get another level up we gotta gather start Gathering mushrooms bird eggs and other useful resources okay more damage choose between four skills instead of oh yes please that sounds better okay um got some new inventions here what's the sleeping bag take plant matter I feel like sleeping would be useful okay congrats temporary well-rested bonus okay I think I want to get that let's track all these things here link to our toolkit we can't do that yet we'll try that next episode the shovel hidden things uh we can build that right away lots of metal wood and plastic I want to save my plastic though throwing knives let's build those beautiful limited uses okay replenished at the campfire okay we'll have to try those out anything else here let's um inventory okay oh I might actually wrap it up here in the next episode we'll try to get into the next section here so there's a lot of map to explore well maybe not that much I don't know if this is the whole limited thing and that was that was pretty big so yeah it might be a pretty big global map um we haven't been in the Tomb yet but we can't get in there yet locked door uh even though we're supposed to go East I think to get out I think I'll probably go west just to explore more and level up here I don't think we've been in here yet there's something there's just some Quest here owl oh getting stronger these measures will suffice for now okay yeah we'll check out the rest of this map next time but I want to keep this one under 50 minutes so hope you guys enjoyed it if you did hit that thumbs up don't forget to subscribe and we'll see you in the next one I'll continue on with this one we'll do another episode for sure see what else there is and keep exploring that map thanks for watching we'll see you all next time bye
Channel: Grind This Game
Views: 4,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grindthisgame, grind this game, dysmantle, dysmantle steam, dysmantle ep 1, dysmantle start, dysmantle combat, dysmantle tips
Id: 7wJsdx_c6nI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 1sec (2941 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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